choco-chip-cookie · 6 years
BabyDaddy!Cal Pt.17
I’m sooo incredibly sorryyy. I’m really getting these out as fast as I possibly can okay? I promise I am. Thank you all for the notes and feedback and I hope these last few chapters have still been keeping your attention. As always I need 100 notes before I post the next part (most likely on the weekends) and feedback is always appreciated. I hope you cuties enjoy.
**WARNINGS**: None at all.
Parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty{END}
You had always thought that when your water broke all hell would break loose and you'd feel excruciating pain. You thought that you'd go into a panic and all of your friends would be screaming and freaking the hell out along with you.
That was the exact opposite of what was happening at the moment. You were in your apartment alone, calmly taking things out of grocery bags and placing them in their new place when you felt liquid trickle down your leg. Your first initial thought was "Oh fuck, I pissed myself.", then you went to change your clothes and clean up your mess while shrugging it off with,"I'm pregnant, shit happens." So, you went about your day as normal.
It was about two to three hours later when you felt the first cramp, grunting in discomfort and rubbed your stomach for a few moments until it went away. Then it came within the next ten minutes, then the next, and the next. Within that hour, you remembered your due date was only two weeks from now and started laughing at how idiotic you are.
Your water broke and you were having contractions.
You were finally going into labor.
You oddly took your time to gather your belongings and load what you needed in the car to take yourself to the hospital. You even made sure to clean up your mess of hot wings and soda in the living room. It was only when you were halfway there did you call Connor to inform him.
"Hey, babe." He greeted cheerfully.
"Hey, I'm uh-my water broke."
"Your what?"
You stifled laughter as you repeated yourself."My water broke." When you received nothing but silence you realized that he was lost."Your goddaughter is on the way, Connor."
"Holy fuck! Where are you?!" He was yelling and you laughed when you heard something fall in the background."When did this happen?!"
"About two or three hours ago? I'm on my way to the hospital now."
"Two or three- what the fuck, Y/N?! Why are you just now going to the hospital?!"
"Calm down, Connor." You laugh as you hear him yelling at Felix to grab his keys."Call everybody for me." Then you hung up.
Ten hours.
It took ten long, hard hours of blood, sweat, and tears to bring your baby girl into the world. After they had cleaned her up and ran few test, the nurses rolled the baby back into the room and allowed your friends inside of the room as well. They were all crowded around you and staring in awe as you held the bundle of joy.
"Oh my God, she's so cute!" Connor squealed and you laughed lightly. "What's her name, Y/N? You haven't told us!"
Grinning down at your newborn child you stated softly,"I uh...I've got two separate names since we don't know who's the father."
No one spoke for a few moments after that. It had seemed they all forgot about the mishap the second they laid eyes on the baby. Joy walked over and moved the blanket away from her face so that she could see the child's features better.
"She kind of looks like Calum..."She trailed, hoping that this was her grandchild, but she didn't want that spark of hope to lead her son on and have him crushed."Then again she looks like more like you than either of them."
"That is true." Ashton agreed.
"We'll just have to see when the results come back." Connor shrugged."In the meantime, let me steal her for a few minutes."
While everyone passed your daughter around, you couldn't help but notice Calum standing off in the corner to himself. He was watching everyone have a joyous time holding the new addition, but couldn't find the strength within himself to join in. Calum waited eight and a half long months for your daughter, and he knew that the minute he held her in his arms he'd never want to let her go. He didn't want to feel as if she was his kid only for the results to say otherwise. Calum just absolutely couldn't do that. So when Mali-Koa walked over holding the baby close to her chest and asked him if he wanted to hold it, Calum refused with a shake of his head.
"Come on, Cal. You won't hurt her."
"Take the baby."
Calum would be hesitant, but he'd take a hold of her. As he examined her face, he couldn't help but let his emotions overwhelm him. A sob left his mouth and it caused the smiles to melt off of everyone's faces as they watched the interaction.
"She's so beautiful." He laughs a bit."We don't even know if she's mine...I want you to be mine more than anything." He runs his thumbs across the soft skin of her cheeks. "Mali, can you...I can't do this."
Mali sighs as he transfers the baby into her arms and then turns to leave the room.
"Calum!" His mother called him, but his father held her shoulder to stop her, telling her to let him be.
"Connor, come on." You laugh."Let her sleep."
"She's so cute."
"She's getting fussy because she's tired."
"Everyone's fussy when they're tired."
"Babe put her down."Felix laughs as Conner groans, standing to place your daughter in the bassinet the hospital provided. "So...did they take the DNA test?"
"Yeah."You nod."Said it would take a few days. I should know by the time they let me out of the hospital."
"Are you nervous?"
"Nervous is an understatement." You laugh."Plus, I'm hella nervous about being at home with her on my own. I'm actually a mother now, I have to take care of my mini-me until she's eighteen."
"You know if you need help, you've got us, right?"
"Of course."
"And Y/N?"
"I think you should get back with Calum if she's his."
"What?! You're the one who-"
Connor just sighs with a shake of his head, telling you to let him explain why before you freak out."I say this because he actually looks like he's genuinely guilty and upset about what happened. The kid started crying because she might not be his, Y/N. If he didn't truly care do you think he would have cried? Do you think he would even be here if he didn't care about you?"
You didn't reply, just stared at the tiny human sleeping in the bassinet.
"I'm not saying just forgive and forget. I'm saying forgive and try to work it out. You don't have to do it right away or anything, you can whenever you're ready to trust him again, but give him another chance. And this is coming from the guy who doesn't even like him all that much."
You'd just nod your head once Connor's finish talking, giving him a small smile when he presses a kiss to your forehead before leaving you in the hospital room alone with your daughter and your thoughts.
Ashton had to admit, Calum looked pretty pathetic sitting on his couch with puffy red cheeks and an almost empty bottle of Whatever he had in his cabinet resting in his hands.
Ashton had told him that he would come and sit with him for drinks so he had someone to talk to. Calum always had a bad habit of bottling up his feelings because he didn't want to be a burden. By the time Ashton had arrived an hour or two ago,  Calum had already begun drinking without him.
"Cal, that's enough for tonight don't ya think?"
"Nope." He laughs."I haven't passed out yet."
"That's your goal?"
"Yep." He pops the "p" and then goes to take another swig.
"How'd you feel about yesterday?"
"Uh...happy, definitely overjoyed about her finally having the baby." He nods as he looks at the ceiling."But all I can think about is the baby being Luke's. She's gonna have his last name instead of mine and Luke's gonna do everything that I want to do. "
"Just have a little hope, Hood." Ashton shrugs."I'm sure she's yours. You've slept with her more times than anyone could count. How could it not be?"
"It only takes one time to get someone pregnant."
"....you'll be fine. The baby is yours, I know it is."
"And if it's not?"
Ashton just looks at Calum because he didn't know what response to give. If it wasn't his, he'd have installed false hope into Calum only to have him crushed when the results say otherwise. After another ten minutes of sitting in silence, the only sound being the slushing Of the bottle's contents when Calum brought it up to his lips, Ashton decided it was time for him to leave. He bid Calum a goodnight and told him to get some rest before closing the door and leaving the Māori all alone.
The moment you heard your phone ring, you scrambled to find it before your daughter woke up. You had just fed and put her to sleep, so if she were to wake up you'd probably burst into tears.
"Hello?" You answered groggily, your throat dry from not speaking in such a long period of time.
It was quiet on his end for a while, nothing other than his breathing and the faint sound of the tv coming through.
"Did you need something?"
"Uh...honestly, I'm drunk as hell." Calum laughs a bit."I just need someone to talk to....which is crazy because I want to talk about you to you and that's a bit weird."
"What do you want, Calum?" You sigh, running your fingers through your hair. "Because if you're just gonna ramble, I'm hanging up. I need to try and sleep while I can before-"
"No! No! I understand, you gave birth yesterday and you're probably beyond tired, it's fine. I just...I want you to know I miss you a lot. "He pauses for a moment before continuing."And that I love you more than anything. I haven't told you that in a while, but I was thinking about you. I have been since yesterday, well technically the day before yesterday since it's one in the morning and-"
"Okay, I'm sorry. That's all, I promise. I love you, goodnight." Before you could hang up Calum was shouting,"Oh! Y/N, wait!"
"Call me when you get the results, okay?"
"Promise you'll be the first to know."
"Okay, I love you. Bye."
Then he hangs up.
"Hey, Y/N. How've you been?" your doctor grins as she holds a clipboard and papers in your hand.
"I'm good. Tired, but good."
"Being a new mother will do that to you." She laughs,"Any questions concerning the baby or your own health?"
"No, ma'am."
"Okay, then. You'll be released tomorrow unless you're not feeling well enough to leave. I also have your DNA test results for your daughter".
"Oh my God."
"I hope you're satisfied with the results. If you need anything buzz for one of the nurses, Okay?"
You're left alone with the folded white paper with the results that'll either mend or break your heart. Biting your lip harshly, you look over at your sleeping baby girl before unfolding the paper, your heart pounding through your chest.
Your eyes scanned the paper as you read the information, trying to understand what you were reading and your heart skipped a beat when finally saw the results.
Probability of Paternity: 99.99999%
124 notes · View notes
lukeysgirl · 7 years
*currrently dying because I can't post the rest of BabyDaddy Cal*
*also currently dying bc college is a bitch, I can't write, and there's a party tonight****
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choco-chip-cookie · 6 years
BabyDaddy!Cal Pt.16
First I want to apologize for how late this is. I’ve been drowning in AP homework. I literally work from the time I get out of school until I go to sleep at like eleven or twelve. I didn’t do much editing with this either, so sorry for that. Anyway! Thank you all for the lovely feedback, it is always appreciated. Also, remember I update every 100 notes (It may be late due to school, sorry). I hope you lovebugs enjoy :)
Another thing: This chapter and the four following are gonna be looonng!
**WARNINGS**: None besides cursing 
Parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty{END}
"Michael don't break her crib." You scolded as you watched him try to fit something together but having it fall apart."It wasn't cheap at all."
"I'm not gonna break it, Y/N, I'm a handyman."
"Oh my God." You laughed as you exited the room.
You had called the guys over to help you finish setting up your daughters room. The walls had already been painted a pretty lavender, so all that was left was to put the furniture together or move it into place.
"Y/N, uh...Where do you want the chair..?" Calum questioned you quietly, his gaze flickering between you and his feet.
"Put it in the corner next to the crib." You answered and then left him in the hallway with nothing more.
When you originally called Ashton, you told him to gather up everyone but Calum. He doesn't know how to listen very well apparently. He swore that Calum had to come along because if he was the father, he could always " have that memory of putting his daughter's nursery together ". You thought that was just a bullshit excuse for not wanting to hurt his best friend by going over to his ex as well as his babymama's house and putting the nursery together without him.
"Luke, help me out." You'd sit beside the kid who had to take a "mental break" after spending over an hour putting a small dresser together only to find out it was backward.
"What's up?"
"Baby names."
You could tell that he was uncomfortable at the thought of naming your daughter and rolled your eyes."What're you so nervous for?"
"I feel bad..."
"Because Calum's supposed to do this with you, not me."
"Well Calum wasn't supposed to cheat on me, but he did. So, what's your point?"
Luke sighed but listened to your suggestions nonetheless. You had two separate lists of names that you had jotted down one restless night- names that sounded good with Luke's last name and names that sounded better with Calum's. Luke suggested a few that were ridiculous, but he had you laughing and you hadn't genuinely done that in a while.
"Lukelyn is definitely a no go." You turned down the name with your nose scrunched up."Why would I name my kid after you."
"Because I'm pretty fucking amazing, duh."
"Eh," you shrugged your shoulders and gave him a teasing smile, "you're aight."
Eventually, the two of you had picked the best names - which you'd have to confirm through Connor later- and had started talking about what you had missed out on while you were away for four weeks. You were doubled over in laughter after hearing the crazy thing the boys had done and Luke reacted the same to what you had told him about how your family reacted when they realized you were pregnant. You couldn't help but admire Luke as he talked, examine every inch of his face and for some unknown reason, feeling attracted to him. He looked nearly completely different than he did since you first met him, he had gotten more toned and grew his hair out, got a nice beard going as well.
Your eyes kept falling towards his lips and suddenly, you had the desire to feel them against yours. You knew it was just your heart yearning to feel loved again, your body wanting to be touched or kissed in an intimate way again. You were positive that you didn't even remotely like Luke in a romantic way, but he was there. The blonde was always there for you when you needed him the most and was always there to make you laugh when you were feeling like the world was caving in on you. That made him more attractive in your eyes, yet you still were certain that your feelings weren't real. How you ended up leaning in towards Luke you didn't know.
He was still talking with a smile on his face, but it slowly faded when he noticed your seemingly dazed state, confusion setting in when you began to lean forward. It wasn't until your noses had brushed did he realize what you were doing and by the time he went to pull away it was too late. Luke didn't know what it was about you that had him in a trance anytime you kissed him. The last time he told himself,"No! Don't kiss her! Stop it!", and he did this time as well, but never actually stopped. He never thought about kissing you or doing anything with you that would make you more than friends until it actually happened and he'd always regret it afterward. It was always an "in the moment" thing, and never anything more.
Luke had tugged you closer to him while your hand went running through his hair, heads turning ever so often as your tongues tangled with each other. It wasn't until you both heard the loud clang of something hitting the floor did you pull away. That's when the guilt on Luke's part started to sink in because once he again he betrayed his best friend.
"Calum..." Luke stood up quickly as tried to redeem himself but Calum just shook his head, hurt and disappointment clouding in his eyes.
The Maori would just turn around and enter the nursery, dropping onto his knees on the floor to continue building the changing table. He sniffed quietly as a few tears dropped, his hand flying up to wipe them quickly. Luke would groan and go try to fix things, but Calum wasn't having it, not this time.
"Mate, listen, it's not-"
"It's not what it looks like?"  Calum would laugh bitterly. "Please enlighten me then."
"I don't know why...I don't even know how we ended up kissing, Cal, but-"
"Please fucking tell me we're not talking about Y/N." Ashton would sigh and shake his head when Luke gave him a guilty look."Seriously, Luke?!"
"She kissed me!"
"You didn't seem to be complaining since you were shoving your tongue down her throat."
"It's not...fuck." Luke would groan and run his fingers through his hair."I don't like her, Calum."
"Yet you've slept with her, you're making out with her while we're building my daughters nursery, and you possibly got her pregnant...so what I pray to be my kid might not even be mine!"
Luke didn't know what to. The bitter tone Calum's voice reflected made him nervous. The kid stopped talking to him for nearly a month after the first time, there was no telling what would happen this time around. All because Luke had no way to reign himself back once you've kissed him because he doesn't know how to keep his hands off of you sometimes.
"You're a shitty friend, you know that? " Calum would turn around with furrowed brows and red, teary eyes. "I'm at what I feel like is one of the lowest points of my life and you're making out with my ex, the love of my fucking life."Calum stands up and glares at Luke."No matter how many times you've reassured me that you don't like her and wouldn't take her from me, you always contradict it."
"Fuck you, Luke."
The Maori would bump his shoulder as he exited the room, his gaze lingering on your slumped figure on the couch. You looked up from your hands at the sound of your name leaving his lips and his voice cracked as he said,"If your goal is to make me miserable, you've succeeded."
"Here I am in all of my miserable glory." He'd laugh bitterly and throw his hands up into the air exasperatedly. "If you really want to be with Luke, go right ahead! It doesn't matter how I feel, right?"
Then he leaves and once again takes your heart with him.
"Connor?!" You yell as you bang on the door of his and Felix's apartment. You're in tears as you continue using your fist to hit against the cold wood, hoping they'd come to the door because you really needed someone at the moment."Felix!"
After another five minutes of banging on their door like a madwoman, Felix swung the door open with a confused stare on his face. "Y/N?"
"I know you idiots fucking heard me." You say angrily as you wipe tears from your face.
"We were in the shower...." he trails as a small smile makes its way to his face, but disappears just as fast as it had come.
"You nasty fuckers." You laugh a bit and walk past him as he lets you in.
"Any particular reason you're outside of our door being a crazy pregnant woman at two in the morning."
"I'm such a fuckup," you say, plopping down on the side of Connor whilst Felix takes a place on the other side of you.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?"
"Everything!" You cry, the tears start up again- mainly due to your hormones, otherwise, you'd just be pissed- and push your curly locks away from your face.
"I fucked around and made out with Luke and Calum caught us so now he's more hurt than he was before. Luke said he hasn't spoken to him since it happened last week."
Connor and Felix just shake their head when it comes to Luke at this point. How you always ended up making out or doing whatever happens with Luke really puzzled them, especially because you two always say you have no type of feelings towards each other whatsoever. Then again, Connor puts most of the blame on Luke. He's always "there for you" when need be, always your shoulder to cry on. He always thought that was a little fishy because how does it keep happening over and over again? You'd think he'd try to stop you and remember Calums his best friend, remember that you're just vulnerable and don't know what you're doing at the moment. Connor would have all reason to believe that maybe Luke secretly had a thing for you, but due to you being with- well when you were with him, there wasn't any time for him to make a move.
"On top of that I honestly want nothing to do with Calum, but I miss him so damn much, Felix." You continue to cry."I love him and I want to let him go, but my hearts stuck on him. I don't want to be like the rest of those stupid girls, I'm not like the rest of them! Running back to the guy that cheated and disrespected and humiliated them because they love the guy."
"Well, Y/N...if the urge is that strong maybe you should forgive him and take him back." Felix shrugs while Connor wipes away your tears."Though I  get what you're saying, I honestly do."
"Sometimes couples go through things like this for a reason." Conner continues on with what Felix was trying to tell you."It's either to show you that you really don't need him or to show you how strong your love is for him."
"I just want to go home." You continue on".It was a mistake coming back, I want to go home."
At this point, your two best friends could tell how miserable you truly were. You were crying into Connor's chest, the lilac-haired beauty shushing you and rubbing your back. They hated this. Almost two years ago you used to be the girl that rarely cried, you were always smiling - unless you were extremely pissed, but that's beside the point. Sometimes the couple even came to the point where they believed they despised  Calum for coming into your life, that's when everything went downhill.
"Maybe you should go." Connor recommends and Felix looks at his lover as if he had three heads."If you're truly that miserable, Y/N, go home."
"Connor, she can't just-"
"We can't think about how much we'd miss her or how much everyone else would try and get her to stay, Felix. You know that I of all people don't want her to leave but look at her, babe. All she's done throughout this pregnancy is stress and cry. If going home is what'll be better for her, then she needs to find the next plane ticket back.”
You'd try. God, how hard did you try to catch the next flight home. Before you could even start packing you had begun to have these random stomach pains. At first, they were faint, but as the day progressed, so did the amount of pain. You'd go into the hospital the next morning just to check up on nugget and make sure she was fine. That's when you got the devastating news.
"What do you mean I can't take a flight to Georgia."
"What I mean is your body is under way too much stress, Ms. Y/L/N. Your due date is just weeks from now and these pains are more than likely just stress related like they've always been. You could possibly go into labor on that flight or even-"
"After I have the baby how long do I have to wait?"
"Do you really want to take a newborn baby on a twenty-two-hour flight?"
"I...fuck."You curse under your breath.
You were stuck here with a kid and didn't even know who her father was, let alone completely understand what exactly you were going to do. You were having second thoughts on not having Calum in your life, you're pretty sure you're not one hundred percent ready to be a mother, and you were terrified of bringing your baby girl into the mess of a life you have. You were absolutely fucked, completely and utterly fucked.
The worst part of all was that you'd realize that you had to face these problems much sooner than you planned.
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choco-chip-cookie · 6 years
BabyDaddy!Cal Pt. 15
A/N: I’m back bitchhheessss!!! I’m assuming that you all missed me and my fanfic ( at least that’s what my inbox says) but I’m back and I’m ready to give you the last 5 chapters of this drama filled fanfic. Sorry for the terribly LONG wait. Hopefully this is still gonna be as poppin as it was before. I hope you cutie pies enjoy💕
As it used to be I update when the chapters get to at least 100 notes, so if you want more you know what to do. Also, feedback is very much appreciated.
**WARNINGS**: None besides foul language, but that’s expected I’m sure.
Parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty{END}
Four weeks.
Four long, nerve wrecking, agonizing weeks since Calum or anyone else had seen you. They were all oh so curious about your whereabouts, not knowing if you were safe or out on the street somewhere. Calum’s been texting you nearly every hour of every day and yet he still hasn't gotten a reply. Not even an angry text telling him to leave you alone.
To say he was miserable was an understatement. He missed you more than he thought was possibly capable, and he missed nugget just as much. He missed cuddling you two at night, those cute talks he gave your unborn child, the soothing bubble baths where you talked about nothing, dancing around with you while you cooked in the kitchen, even arguing with you. Calum missed everything about you from the curls that adorned your head to the way you yelled at him when he forgot to load the dishwasher.
In the midst of thinking about what a screw up he was, Calum nearly had a heart attack as heard his front door open and lightly hit the wall. He stood up quickly, walking around the couch to inspect who the hell was walking into his house unannounced before his breath hitched when you came into view, struggling to pull your suitcase behind you.
You didn't even speak a word as you pushed your luggage to the side and closed the door behind you, letting out a tired sigh. Calum would rush over and nearly knock you over from hugging you as close as he possibly could with your bump in the way, his eyes tearing up from the overall joy and sadness that hit him like a wave.
"I missed you so fucking much."
"Let me go, Calum."
"I'm sorry." He sniffs."I'm so sorry, don't leave again. I won't-"
"Calum, I just got off of a 20 hour flight. I really need a nap, so please get off of me."
Calum quickly lets you go and wipes the few tears that had rolled down his cheeks. He'd grab your things and follow you into the bedroom that's felt empty for weeks.
"Where were you? It's been a month and your due date is almost here and-"
"Went back to Georgia to see my family. Told them about everything that went down and my mom convinced me to come back."
"You weren't going to-"
"No." You confirm his question."I didn't see the point in coming back. I could've raised nugget on my own with the help of family every now and then back home."
"I'm sorry, Y/N." He looks down at his feet for a moment then back into your eyes."God, I can't stress how sorry I am."
"Yeah, I bet you are."
"I am!"
"Calum I put up with too much of your shit for a "I'm sorry" to be enough anymore."
"I know, but-"
"Look, we'll talk later okay? Right now I wanna shower and take a long nap."
So he'd leave you be for the next few hours.
Calum was sure to text everyone, letting them know that you were finally back and that you had went back to America to be with your family all this time. He didn't know what to do with himself from the excitement bubbling in the pit of his stomach. You were still pissed with him, yes, but you came back. You could've easily went and stayed in a hotel or with one of your friends, but you came back to him. Your mom convinced you to stay and raise nugget with him and he couldn't explain the happiness he got from that.
When you awoke, the smell of food flooded your nostrils and you were quick to get up, Nugget doing somersaults at the smell as well. Walking into the kitchen you saw Calum stirring at a pan with his phone in his hand and a tutorial from YouTube being played.
"Hey!" He grins."I figured you'd be hungry so I'm attempting to make stir fry. "It smells pretty good, so I think I'm doing it right."
You'd just shake your head with a slight smile and walk away to pack until the food was ready. Almost an hour later Calum had cooked stir fry, rolls, and even pulled out ice cream for dessert. It was awfully quiet as you two ate at the table, the only sound being the clanking from your forks touching your plates. Calum glance over at you every now and then to see if you were looking at him or at least making some indication that you wanted to talk, but you never did. So the nervous boy took it upon himself to strike up conversation.
"Can we talk?"
"There's nothing to talk about."
"We have to talk about us."
"There is no us, Calum. I told you that I was done with that. "
"That's all there is to it." You laugh a bit."Do you want me to be honest with you?"
Calum simply nods his head so you continue.
"I'm deadass done this time. Im done with all of this drama that comes along with being in a relationship with you, I'm done with your disrespectful ways, and I'm done this constant stress." You groan the last part, pushing your curls away from your face."I don't think I can forgive you for cheating on me, Cal. Out of everything that we've been through, that was my breaking point. You broke me. Out of the obstacles and arguments we've been through together, that was the one that finally broke me."
Calum hasn't even got a clue of what to say to you to try and justify himself, to try and show you how sorry he really was. You had truly given up on him, he could see it in your eyes. They way you used to look at him with this glint of happiness was gone. Your body language wasn't even the same around him. You were tense and stern rather than goofy and relaxed. Calum knew he really did lose you, you were done.
"I...I don't know what else to say besides I'm sorry." Calum nibbles at his lip and sits his fork down because he no longer had an appetite."I fucked up so bad and I hurt you and I'm so fucking sorry."
"Is that sorry going to the fix the fact that you fucked another bitch?" You laugh."Every time I look at you I just see her! You lied to me for fucking weeks, had been missing my ass because you were so guilty. You even gave her the satisfaction of humiliating me in front of everyone!"
"I know! I can't forgive myself for cheating on you. I've been fucking miserable, Y/N.”
"All that time I was wondering why you wouldn't have sex with me and it was ‘cause you were out fucking someone else!"
"I wasn't!" Calum cried out."It was just once and I was beyond drunk and she took advantage of me!"
"Oh please! Even if you weren't continuously having sex with her, you were running to her like she was your knight in shining fucking armor when we had an argument! How dare you go to another bitch instead of talking things out with me!"
"I'm s-"
"If you say that you're sorry one more damn time, so help me God."
So Calum just sat quietly, staring down at his plate as the room got awfully quiet again. He had frustrated tears clouding his eyes and he felt hopeless at this point. He didn't know what to do, let alone what to say. The love of his life, the mother of his child was so pissed at him that he was a lost for words.
You continued to eat however, angrily stabbing at your plate with your fork. God, boys were stupid. Incredibly dumb. Possibly the biggest idiots on earth. How could he cheat on you and think that continuously apologizing was enough? After all you've been put through from when he was just your sugardaddy to now as his baby mama he believe that a half assed apology was all you needed.
"So, What about the baby...?" He questions and you pause at stabbing at a piece of broccoli for a moment as you thought out how you were going to word your plans.
"I've got that figured out." You finally say and bring the broccoli up to your lips.
"Can you run that by me?"
"I won't be living with you for too long, it's just until I find another apartment. Maybe I can find the one in the same complex or something." You shrug."But if the baby’s yours then we co-parent. You can come see her or take her whenever you want. I want her to have a father in her life, want her to have everything that I didn't growing up. I won't keep you from seeing nugget, I'm not that type of girl."
"And us...?"
"I want nothing to do with you other than discussing our daughter."
Of course you didn't. Why would you still want to deal with him after all of this bullshit? Calum was beyond devastated, so at this point he'd given up on everything. That last glimmer of hope he had when you walked through this door earlier that afternoon had completely diminished.
"Okay." Was all he could reply with. There wasn't a point in begging anymore, you didn't care.
"If it's Luke's then I'll just have to move in with him or do the co-parenting thing. Whichever he sees fit. Then I won't have to talk to you at all."
"I thought...you always told me that even if it was Luke's you'd still raise her with me." He feels a dull pain in his chest at the thought of Luke having everything that he's always wanted with you. A true family. "Obviously that went out the drain the moment yo side bitch appeared at the baby shower."
"You can't just raise her with Luke!"
"I will if I have to." You'd shrug." I'm not letting you bring me down anymore, I deserve better. I can do better."
"You can't raise her with Luke! "
"I will if I have to."you shrugged."I'm not letting you bring me down anymore. I'm done with this, I deserve better."
You watched as Calum allowed a few tears from his cheeks to drop onto the table before he stood abruptly and went into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him. You usually would have felt guilty or upset at yourself  for making him cry, but this time you honestly almost felt joy. He deserved this. He deserved to hurt just like you've been hurt so many times because of him because of every word or wrong action he'd done within the last year and a half that you've known him. It was time for him to be on that end of the relationship. It was, after all, his fault that it ended this way, and you were going to make sure that he knew it.
It had been only a week and a half since you've returned to live with Calum and he was already losing his mind. After you earlier expressed how you wanted nothing to do with him besides if it concerned your daughter and how you were willing to raise your child with Luke, it only hurt to see you. You were nearly always in the apartment at this point with being so close to your due date and your presence was always clearly known just how it was before everything went to shit. You either were singing, cooking, cleaning, or yelling comments at the tv as you watched your favorite shows.
You noticed how Calum would always try to avoid being in the same spot as you. If you were sitting on the couch, he'd be in the bedroom. If you were in the kitchen cooking or cleaning, he's in the living room trying to stay preoccupied. The only time you'd be in the same room together was when you'd be eating dinner watching a movie in the living room or sitting at the table. It was strange since you were so used to having Calum cling to you or hovering over you whenever you were. It was especially weird because you hardly even spoke to each other unless it was relevant questions or plans for nugget.
You were there, yet he wasn't able to touch you like he used to. He wasn't able to have conversations and kiss you or cuddle you like he wanted. That's how he came to the decision that he couldn't live like this with you. It was torture. He'd take a seat next to you as you were watching Bob's Burgers and would clear his throat to grab your attention.
"What do you need?"
"Can we talk...again?"
"I can't do this anymore."
You'd roll your eyes and use the remote pause your show and turn to look at him. The stress of what was going on was taking a tole on him, you could tell. Anyone could tell.
"I'm leaving."
"Like...as in I'm moving out and you can keep the apartment." He starts to tug at his lip with his teeth."I'll pay for the bills and rent, it's no problem. I just want to know that you're somewhere safe."
You didn't know how to reply to him because you were too prideful enough to say thank you, so you simply nodded your head. Once you had found out that he had cheated, Calum brought a whole 'nother side of you out. You didn't care about anything or anyone's feelings any longer and you were more prideful than before. You didn't want to admit that you needed help any longer, you didn't care that his feelings were hurt. The only thing that you cared for was your baby girl and her well being.
"I'm moving back in with Ashton."he'd tell you.
"That's cool."
"Yeah..." Calum would gnaw on his body lip and stare at you for a few seconds before standing and announcing that he was going to go pack.
While he was gathering his thighs to move in with Ashton all he could think about was that he didn't even know if you loved him anymore, and that killed him more than anything.
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choco-chip-cookie · 7 years
BabyDaddy!Cal Pt. 14
A/N: Yall.....this chapter is wild lmaoo. That's all I can tell you, plus there's A LOT of dialogue so sorry, but not sorry. Today marks my second day of school and due to being an AP/honors student I literally already have hmwk and stuff, but I’ll try to get the next chapter out at least by this weekend. As always get this to 100 notes and PLEASE send feedback because I need to know your reactions to this cause y'all funny asf. I hope you love bugs enjoy💕
Also, this takes places a few weeks later since a lot of you get confused with the timing. They've already moved into their new apartment and she's almost eight months pregnant now.
**WARNINGS**: Sooooo much profanity
Parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty{END}
"Joy, this is so good." You practically moaned as you stuffed your mouth full of alfredo.
"I'm glad you like it, but slow down, Y/N." she laughed, placing a kind hand onto your shoulder.
With you being seven and a half months pregnant, Joy and Mali thought it was the perfect time to have a baby shower. The two of them had took the time to cater everything themselves and everyone else pitched in on multiple gifts that would later come in handy. Some of your other friends had also passed by to congratulate both you and Calum as well as leave a gift for you. David had even said he'd help Calum and the boys out in getting the nursery together for your baby girl.
"Y/N, if you choke and die I'm going to kill you." Calum joked as he sat in front of you, leaning his head on your knees.
"I'm sorry, but it's amazing. Have you had any?"
"I have."
He looked up to watch you amusingly as you closed your eyes, relishing in the taste of the creamy sauce. Calum couldn't help but to stare at you in awe. He thought that you looked beautiful at that moment, sitting in your white dress with your natural curly fro falling onto your shoulders and your melanin skin practically glowing gold. You paid no mind to his staring due to being so focused on the plate in front of you and he couldn't help but to fall in love with you more. With a slight chuckle, he leaned closer to wipe the corner of your mouth with his finger, sticking the digit in his to clean it afterwards.
"Thank you." You laughed, leaning in to place your lips on his.
"I love you a lot, yanno?" He grinned at you."
"I know."
"I don't think you do." He shook his head."Words can't explain how much I love you."
"Boy, you betta stop." You warned with a teasing smile."Don't make me jump you right here."
"I'm all for it." Calum laughed and sat back in his seat with open arms.
Your moment was soon interrupted when Ashton came over to you both with a nervous expression on his face as he said,"Calum, someone's outside for you."
"I'll be right back, Y/N." The Māori promised and jogged off somewhere in the house.
"Ashton." You spoke and stopped the older boy in his tracks.
The blonde slowly turned around and just like he had been doing for the last few weeks, he avoided your gaze. Ashton hadn’t spoken to you or even so much glanced your way in the last few weeks and you thought it was beyond strange since you two were usually so close.
"Why won't you talk to me? Or even look at me?"
"No reason."
"I gotta go." He walked away quickly leaving you to sigh.
After you had finished your meal you began to mingle with your friends once again and you even played a few baby shower games. Surprisingly Felix and Luke were winning the majority of them and that strange occurrence made it all that much more enjoyable. It wasn't until you noticed that Calum was still missing did things start going downhill. Once you checked all around the house you remembered that he had a guest so you peeked out of the curtains to see if he was still there. To your dismay he was, but he wasn't alone.
"Oh hell nah!" You laughed as you flung the door open, storming towards your boyfriend and his ex."You gotta be fuckin' kidding me, Calum! At our baby shower?!"
"Y/N, I don't know why she's here okay?! She just showed up!"
"How did she even know we were here?" You questioned and crossed your arms.
"Ah, you're the girlfriend? Nice to meet you, Y/N, I've heard a lot about you." Nia smirked and held out her hand and laughed when you smacked it away.
"Bitch, I might be pregnant, but I'll still beat yo ass."
At this point in time everyone had slowly emerged outside of the house or were watching from the doorway. Who would've thought that of all things that could happen on this day, Nia would show up and ruin the baby shower. Nia of all people.
"Whatever." Nia rolled her eyes and continued her conversation that was interrupted."Now, you promised me that we would go to that event today and-"
"Nia that was before- You know why!" He shouted and you furrowed your eyebrows together.
"You told me you stopped talking to her, Calum!"
"Babe, I did!"
"Did you really?" Nia laughed and Calum shot her a look."Don't be mad at me because your girlfriend's dumb."
You let out a loud laugh, looking at Connor who rapidly shook his head no. He knew you were three seconds from grabbing the girl by her throat, and he refused to let you fight while carrying Nugget. It just wasn't going to happen.
"Oh, its you two again." Nia glared at Connor and they seemed panicked as you gave hem a curious look."Be glad I didn't call the cops."
"What?" You questioned them and they looked down at the ground. "When the hell did you meet her?"
"Nia, can you please just go?" Calum plead.
"No, Calum, I can't. I'm tired of playing this little game with you, okay? You can't just come see me and vent about your little girlfriend and use me only to go back to her and expect me to forget okay? You promised me today and I had been looking forward to it, but you blew me off for your whore of a girlfriend's baby shower! You don't even know if it's yours!"
"This bitch got me fucked up." You laughed and took off your earrings, tossing them to the side along with your sandals."You got so much shit to say, hoe, run up."
Connor and Felix came over to grab each of your arms to keep you from getting any closer to Nia then you were. Nia backed away with a smirk and continued to argue with Calum as if you weren't a threat to her, not knowing that you'd give her the ass whooping of a lifetime.
"Y/N, calm down!"
"Nah, fuck all that! She came over here like she wasn't gon' get her ass whooped! I don't give a fuck if I'm pregnant, bitch, I'll throw hands regardless!"
The others watched the drama happen with wide eyes and dropped jaws. No one was as shocked as Calum's family, however ,due to the fact that they had known nothing about how you reacted when you were angry nor that Calum was seeing Nia. His dad knew of course, but he didn't fully understand the extent of the situation.
"Y/N, stop!" Connor cried out as you jerked away and ran up on her, thanking God that Calum caught you before you reached Nia.
"She's fucking crazy." Nia laughed as she crossed her arms and eyed you in disgust.
"Yeah, come a lil closer and I'll show you crazy. Keep playin' with me and imma beat yo ass. That's on my mama, hoe." You laughed."Fuckin' 'round with my boyfriend and shit and have the nerve to call me a hoe."
"You clearly don't know how much Calum doesn't care for you." Nia giggled and you wanted her neck more than ever at this point.
"Nia, please-" Calum felt near tears as he knew this was it. She was going to tell you. He knew everything was over the minute he'd done what he did. He should've told you himself weeks ago.
"You want to know where your boyfriend had been all that time? He was with me in my bed." She outed and Joy felt disappointment flood her body, her hand coming to rest over her heart.
The upset mother gave Calum a disappointed look before turning around and disappearing into her home, her husband soon following. His friends of course had already known that Calum had cheated due to either finding out themselves or being told. Mali soon realized that the others knew as she looked around and saw everyone looking down at the ground or either staring at Jodie with their eyes full of sympathy. You broke away from Calum and looked up at him with the look he had been trying to avoid for weeks: sorrow and hatred.
"Yeah, that's right. Calum's been coming over to my condo and he gave me the best orgasm of my life, and you want to know what's insane? He keeps saying how much he loves you and regrets it. Absurd right?" She laughed at the dumbfound expression on your face. "Who's the dumb bitch no-"
You didn't even allow Nia to finish her sentence before you'd punched her in the nose with all of your strength. You watched as she leaned over with blood leaking from her nose, looking up at you as if you were crazy.
"You've got five seconds to leave before I beat yo ass. I'm really about to snap on you." You tried to steady your breathing.
This couldn't be happening to you right now. Calum couldn't have been cheating on you, there's no way. Then again, all of the signs were there. The distance, the kissing up to you and showering you with gifts, the late texts and missed phone calls at night. He felt guilty, that's why he had been acting that way.
"Y/N, baby-" the boys as well as Mali gasped as you punched Calum as well. You didn't stop at one either, you couldn't stop. Your hands kept flying towards him, not caring whether you hit his face or his chest, as long as you were punching him.
"Y/N!" Connor grabbed your arms when you went to hit your lover again.
"Fuck! I deserved that."Calum held his cheek and massaged it.
They'd never seen you at this level of angry. You were so infuriated to the point where you were calm. Your face held no emotion and you had a couple of tears slip down your cheeks as you stared at Calum with nothing but hatred in your eyes. You began to walk in the opposite direction and Calum's eyes welded up with tears as he quickly followed behind you.
"I'm sorry, okay? I-I don't know why- I was so drunk and-and-" The Māori stumbled over his words, whimpering when you pushed his hand away as he tried to stop you." It only happened once, I swear. I've regretted ever since it happened, princess, I'm sorry."
"Go fuck yourself." Connor narrowed his eye at Calum."How dare you treat her like this? She gives her all for you and all you do is bitch about everything and then have the nerve to go cheat on her! Then every single time you come crawling back crying with apologies to be together again after you've ruined what you two had for the umpteenth time!" He shouted and Calum couldn't help but to cry. "Not this time, Calum! I refuse to let you keep hurting her and Nugget!"
Calum knew he fucked up big time, especially since you were so quiet. You always had so much to say, especially when angry, and Calum would kill to hear your accentuated southern accent as you yelled at him in rage. You only stared the boy in his brown orbs while Connor held you into his side. You didn't speak a word, you didn't even sob. You were just silent.
"God, I pray the baby is Luke's so she doesn't have to deal with your sorry ass anymore. You're a piece of shit." Connor finished his rant and you finally broke away from your best friend.
You went through the house and gathered all of your personal belongings, ignoring Joy and David's pleas for you to sit and talk to them. Your friends all watched as you climbed into your Jeep and started it up, rolling the window down as Connor jogged over to the car.
"Don't do anything stupid, okay?" He sighed out and  you simply nodded your head."Promise?"
"Promise." Your usually loud and confident voice came out as a whisper.
You reached around your neck to unhook the necklace Calum had gave you and tossed it outside of the window, not even watching to see where it landed.
"Y/N, please!" Calum cried out for you, but you simply blocked him out by rolling up the windows.
Then you drove away, not knowing where you were going or would end up
It had been exactly two weeks, three days, and seven hours since the last time anyone heard from you. After everything that went down at Joy's house you just disappeared and to say that your friends were worried was an understatement. You hadn't responded to anyone's texts or calls and  even the fans noticed that you were gone since you were always on social media, so your absence was missed.
Calum wasn't handling your disappearance well, fearing that you may have been hurt or even done something that would hurt yourself. All of his friends hated him, your friends hated him, even his own family wouldn't talk to him. He just sat in his new apartment all alone praying that you'd come back to him, praying that you'd forgive him, but  he knew it wouldn't happen. You were done. That was the last straw. After everything he'd put you through during this pregnancy and even back when he was just your sugar daddy, you finally called it quits for good. He knew that this was it and he hated himself for it. As Calum sat in his bed moping he began to think of how he felt after waking up next to Nia.
"Oh God..."Calum groaned from the pounding in his head. When he sat up and examined what he realized was Nia's bedroom, events from the night before began flashing through his mind and he prayed that it was just a dream.
As Nia walked into her room naked and gave Calum a flirty wink, regret and guilt began to drown him and he moved quickly to get dressed.
"What's the point of being in a hurry now?" She chuckled.
"This can't be happening. This didn't happen."
"Oh, but it did," she ran her fingers down his now covered chest,"and you loved every single second."
"I was drunk! You took advantage of me!"
With a roll of her eyes, she plopped onto her bed and said,"Whatever. You knew what was going on and let me do it."
"No, I-I....fuck! " he shouted."Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"
Nia only laughed at his distress and although Calum never wanted to lift a hand to a girl, he really wanted to hit her. She was enjoying this, this is what she wanted to happen all along and he was too stupid to know. Ignoring her advances meant nothing when he was drunk, he knew it was wrong and let it happen anyway. He could've stopped her.
"We- I can't see you anymore."
"Why, because you slept with me? You could have me anytime you like, Cal, she doesn't have to know."
"No, Nia! I fucking love my girlfriend and-"
"If you loved her you wouldn't have fucked me."
She smirked when she saw his face fall and he didn't say another word as he tugged his clothes back on before scurrying out of the house.
Calum had got into his car and sped off quickly before anyone had noticed him, blinking away tears ever so often. Eventually the Māori pulled over to the side of the road due to his emotions overwhelming him, leaning his head on the steering wheel to cry.
The boy couldn't help but to wonder how people live with themselves after cheating on their partner. Calum physically felt pain in his chest after he realized what he had done and it ate away at him until it was finally brought to light. Now it was eating away at him that you've left him for good.
So, here he was lying on the couch of his apartment crying silently and hoping that maybe you'd give him another chance.
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choco-chip-cookie · 7 years
BabyDaddy!Cal Pt.12
A/N: Hi. Imma admit truthfully, the only reason this was really late was because I was being lazy lmaoo, but school starts next week and I've been busy with preparing for that as well. Sorry about my lack of enthusiasm for this chapter. I have nothing more to say, but you know 100 notes and feedback for the next chapter and I promise it'll come on time. I hope y'all kind and patient kiddos enjoy💕
**WARNINGS**: None
Parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen,fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty{END}
The sound of a buzzer going off reverted around your apartment and you let out a loud sigh, turning to look at Calum who was sound asleep next to you. When you heard the buzzer again you decided to be polite and allow the person in, not wanting to leave them standing in the heat. You didn't even question who it was as you pressed the white button by your door to allow them up and soon they were knocking on your door.
Once you opened it, you were shocked to see three people who you could only assume was Calum's family dude to the resemblance. Calum had never taken you to meet his parents even though they stayed close, no more than fifteen minutes away. The most you'd known of them were the tattoos on his body and the pictures in his phone.
"Are you, Y/N?"
"We're Calum's parents." His mother, Joy, grinned and brung you in for a hug."It's so nice to meet you!"
"Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Hood. Come in."
The three of them walked in with smiles as they examined your luckily cleaned apartment. You told them to take a seat and Joy laughed when she nearly sat on her son who was taking up half of the couch.
"This boy is always sleeping."
"He's been taking care of me lately, so I'm not sure if he's been getting much sleep." You sigh.
You knew that he had been having trouble sleeping lately, thinking it had something to do with him caring for you during nearly most of the day. It was really due to the fact that his conscious wouldn't allow him to sleep, always thinking of what was going to happen once you found out he cheated before he could even attempt to sleep. It didn't help that Nia had began texting his phone once again, but he was too scared to block her because she just might come forwards to you.
"Calum! Hey, baby bro!" Mali would yell as she tapped his face multiple times and he'd groan loudly."Wake your ass up."
"Language, Mali." David, his father, would scold.
"Mali?" Calum's voice would come out raspy as he looked up at her in confusion. He looked around for to see his parents, but couldn't find you. "What are you guys doing here? Where's Y/N?"
"I'm over here."
Calum would sit up to see you awkwardly standing behind the couch and would make grabby hands to signal you over to him. Once you'd taken a place on the couch, he placed his head into your lap and chuckle lightly when the side of his head touched your bump.
"How'd you know I was here?"
"You still share your location with me." Mali cheesed.
"Could you three stop smiling like that." Calum would laugh."You're making her uncomfortable, I can feel it."
"We're just so excited to finally meet her!" Joy grinned."We don't know much about you, but when we found out you were pregnant we just knew we had to properly bring you into the family."
"Yeah...." You'd trail. How would you tell his family that it might not be his kid the first time you meet them? They'd hate you before even getting to know you.
For a while you were kindly interrogated. To say they wanted to know everything about you was an understatement and the only thing helping you keep your shit together was Calum's head in your lap and his hand rubbing your bump. His family were probably the friendliest people you've ever met, although his dad was a bit more reserved. Mali and Joy were already planning a girl's day and weren't taking no for an answer, so now here you were getting dressed to head out to God knows where.
"Can you bring back food?" Calum would whine since he had to be left out.
"I don't know when we'll be back." Joy answered.
"But I'm hungry."he whined.
"There's leftovers from last night." You would speak as you entered the room in a dress and a pair of white converse. Jeans or even shorts weren't really for you at this point of the pregnancy , maternal or not, so you had been wearing dresses and Calum's shirt since you hit six months.
"I don't want that."
"Then order something, quit whining."
"Gimmie a kiss."
Joy watched with a grin as you rolled your eyes and went to kiss the sleepy boy, her heart warming as she just saw how much Calum truly loved you.
"I love you."
"I love you too, Cal."
"Be safe."
"I promise."
"No spicy food."
"....uh." You would laugh lightly. The doctor had told you to keep your spicy food to a minimum, but being a girl from the south made that tough. Calum only allows spicy food once a week if that and sadly you had already had some the other day.
Calum would then turn to his mother and sister and say,"No spicy food."
"We'll take care of her, Calum, don't worry." Mali would laugh.
He would give a kiss to Nugget and then smack your butt playfully as you walked away rolling your eyes at his cheekiness.
It would be awkwardly quiet as Calum and his father stared at each other, the only sound in the room being the dishwasher running. The two hadn't seen each other in a while despite living in the same town.  With all the drama going on with the two of you continuously breaking up, the baby possibly not being his, and Nia, Calum didn't really want to see them. He didn't want them to know about how fucked up his life was at the moment, but he knew his Dad would somehow help him out.
"So, what-"
"Dad, can I confess something to you?" Calum would interrupt."It's eating away at me and I don't know what the hell to do.
His father looked at him strangely before slowly nodding his head. "Oh...Kay?"
"Okay for starters the baby might not be mine."
"She didn't- we weren't together for a while and she ended up sleeping with Luke but then we got back together afterwards and she found out she was pregnant so that's that." He would rush out.
"Calum that's...what if it isn't yours?"
"I've decided to stay with her if it isn't. That's still my kid, I don't care if Luke's the father. "
"I'm staying with her." Calum nods as if it was final and his father leaned further into the recliner while massaging his temples."The second thing is I cheated on her."
"I know! Fuck, I know." Calum groans out. "I was drunk and my friend took advantage of me and she knew that I had a girlfriend because I always confided in her when we had problems so-"
"Who was it?"
"I told you that girl was trouble, Cal." David would shoot him a disappointed look."Of all the ways you could've broken her heart you went with cheating on your pregnant girlfriend. What the hell were you thinking?!"
"I don't know! I wasn't thinking and I didn't want it to happen, but it did and I don't know what to do."
David would be just as stressed as his son with this matter. No wonder he hadn't been visiting them as often, he had too much on his plate. A kid that possibly isn't his and hiding the fact that he cheated on his girlfriend was most likely tiring and knowing his son like he did, he knew that Calum was ashamed.
"You have to tell her."
"I want to, Dad, but I can't."
"Calum, its best if you do."
"She's going to leave me! I know she will." Calum began to tear up. This was killing him.
"If you don't tell her she'll leave for sure, son. You have a better chance at keeping her if she finds out from you...honesty is key."
"I...have you ever cheated on mom?"
"Of course not." His dad would laugh."I love your mother with every fiber of my being, I wouldn't dare."
David stood to take a seat next to his son and pull Calum into a hug. Calum couldn't help but to cry on his shoulder as his thoughts began to eat away at him once again. He was positive that you were going to leave him and either raise the baby alone or with Luke. You'd never talk to him again. You'd never let him see the kid. The kid probably isn't his to begin with. Plus he clearly didn't love you like the thought because he cheated on you. He hurt you and lost your trust and defied your loyalty in the worst way possible. How is that love? How could he even say he loved you when he's laid in bed with another woman while with you? That's what was killing him the most. All he could do was cry and pray that when he eventually told you, you'd stay like his father had thought you would.
"Oh my God! I'm so excited!" Connor would be practically bouncing off of the walls with excitement and Felix would laugh and pull him close to his chest.
"Stop being over dramatic."
"Over dramatic? We're about to find out the gender of our godchild!"
"And you're being over dramatic."
"I'm going to tell my god kid that you weren't excited about this."
All of your friends as well as Calum's family were currently in your apartment with big grins on their faces, waiting for Calum to cut the cake that would reveal if you were having a boy or a girl. You honestly could've found out weeks ago, but you had to postpone due to the amount of stress you had been under.
"What do you want it to be, Cal?" Joy would ask and he'd already be grinning before he answered her.
"If we don't have a girl I'm going to cry."
"I want a boy." You'd laugh."We definitely don't need two of me."
"Yeah we do."
"I just really want a piece of cake." Michael would interrupt and everyone's laugh would echo around the room.
"Cut the cake before Michael gets frustrated." You would tell him.
Calum's heart would nearly be pounding out of his chest as he slid the knife into the cake, his hands visibly shaking. Time seemed to slow down while he carefully cut a slice, the only thing on his mind being "Please be a girl. Please be a girl. Please be a girl." repeating in his head over and over again. The second he pulled the slice back and saw that the inside was pink he squealed. Calum literally squealed. That caused everyone to let out loud laughs as he tossed the knife onto the table and ran over to hug you.
"It's a girl! We're having a girl! Oh my fucking God!" He was shouting while spinning you around.
"Calum, calm down." You laughed loudly, hanging on tightly by his neck.
"We're having a baby girl!"
"I know, baby, I know." You couldn't stop laughing at the child like grin on Calum's face, his eyes gleaming with joy.
It was at that moment with Calum's hand on your bump and everyone around you cheering that you realized maybe everything would be okay after all.
"Calum." You'd whisper his name into the darkness and waited a few moments for him to reply.
"Hmmm?" He'd hum in response.
"Nugget's kicking." You would announce.
A smile would form on your face as Calum's hand soon found your belly and you'd feel him smile against the skin in the crook of your neck. You felt happy in this moment, content with life. You were lying in bed with no worries as your boyfriend felt your soon to be born kid kicking his hand. How much better could life get?
"She's definitely playing soccer."
"I want her to do gymnastics."
"She can do both." He'd compromise.
You two would fall silent before Calum timidly asked you,"Babe...do you want to move in with me? "
"Cal, you're in my apartment." You would snort."If anything you'd move in with me."
"Yeah I know, but...it's a bit small in here. You can't keep the baby in your room forever, yanno?"
You wouldn't say anything and Calum would continue to spew out his fantasies of the two of you officially living together.
"I want to buy a bigger apartment for you. A three bedroom condo in the middle of Sydney. The baby could have her own room and we'd have a guest room for when the guys wanted to stay over. It'd have a big kitchen since you love to cook and a nice sized living area for us to lounge in. Then when the band finally settles we can buy a big house with a picket white fence and a huge backyard. Possibly give Nugget some brothers or sisters and get a couple of dogs."
"A couple?"
"Like four..."
"Calum," You laugh,"We're not having four dogs."
"Okay two dogs and four kids?" He would compromise.
"Jesus...I hope that's including Nugget."
"It wasn't, but sure." He laughs loudly."I want that big family life. Four kids and two dogs running around all throughout the day."
"You really want to be with me that long?"
"Of course." Calum would place a kiss to your neck. "I love you more than anything. I just want you to be happy."
After a short moment of thinking to yourself you'd sigh and allow your hand to run your manicured fingers through Calum's thick curls."Id love to move in with you, babe."
"We could start house hunting whenever you like."
"I love you, Hood. "You grin and press a kiss to his forehead.
"To the moon and back?"
"To the moon and back."
161 notes · View notes
choco-chip-cookie · 7 years
BabyDaddy!Cal Pt.13
A/N: Helloooo. Writing this chapter was a breeze, plus I wrote the next chapter ages ago so the quicker you get this to 100, the sooner you can get it. Chapter 14 is wild, it's a whole lot of drama that goes down(what a lot of you have been waiting for). Anyway, as always get to 100 notes and feedback is welcome. I hope you cuties enjoy💕
This is kinda long, but I know y'all don't mind.
**WARNINGS**: Smut since its highly requested lol
Parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve,thirteen,fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty{END}
"Mom is throwing you a baby shower."
"Yeah, she's really excited." Calum would laugh, remembering how his mother had been excitedly rambling nonstop about hosting a baby shower in her home.
"Your mom's so sweet, I love her. "
"She's loves you more than me. I don't know why, you're pretty awful."
You'd smack your lips as you said,"Whatever."
"Do I take this left?"
"Yeah. It's gonna be the complex on the right."
With being seven months pregnant, Calum had decided that now would be the best time for you to go apartment hunting. You had been searching for nearly two weeks and although you were satisfied with nearly every complex Calum always had something that he didn't deem "perfect" enough for you. The view wasn't pretty enough, the rooms were too small, there wasn't enough kitchen space, the downstairs gym wasn't big enough. Out of all seven of the complexes, none of them were just right for the three of you.
"Please just try to like this one." You begged as you latched yourself onto his arm."I'm tired of looking."
"It has to be perfect for you."
"Calum, I thought the other seven were perfect."
"Not perfect enough." You both then smile at the lady sitting in the lobby with a briefcase by her side."Ms.Kennedy?"
"Yes, are you the Hoods?"
"That's us."
"Very nice to meet you and congratulations." The brunette would smile as she shook both of your hands."If you would follow me, I'll show you to the apartment."
The older woman made small talk with you as you rode the elevator and walked down a long hall to get to the halfway furnished apartment Calum had looked at online. It held the common necessities in the living room such as a couch, coffee table, and tv stand and the kitchen already had the stove and refrigerator as well. You couldn't wait to decorate it, though, it was one of your secret passions. Once you had made it inside she sat down to explain some of the main qualities of the apartment, as well as the rules and regulations of the complex.
"I'll let you look around for a bit while I run to the lobby for a minute."
After looking around separately for a moment you had fell in love. The rooms were spacious, the bathroom was huge as well as the kitchen and living area. You even had a walk in closet in one of the room, which of course would be the master bedroom.
"Calum!" You called as you came around the corner with a huge grin on your face that caused Calum to smile along with you.
"If we don't get this apartment, I ain't moving out of my old one."
"It's perfect." You tried to help him see how great the apartment was, pulling yourself as close as you could without smushing your bump.It's everything that we want...at least everything that I want. "
Calum would sigh and then pull you towards the large window, allowing you to see the view. It didn't look like much during the day, but you knew the moment nightfall came and all of the bright lights would turn on, it would be gorgeous.
"Visualize it at night." You lean on the glass."It'd be beautiful."
Calum wouldn't reply to you and just go to explore the spacious apartment himself a bit more. Soon the realtor would return and that's when you would request to see the downstairs gym. That way you could possibly get Calum to seal the deal. Surprisingly it was rather large and held most of Calum's favorite equipment. There were some people already working out and they sent you all polite smiles.
"The gym is open twenty four hours, although the pool is only open from nine to eleven." Ms. Kennedy would inform as she led you towards the other room across the hallway that held an indoor pool and jacuzzi.
"The other apartments didn't even have a pool." You'd nudge Calum. "Are pets allowed?"
"As long as it's nothing exotic then yes."
"Babe?" You'd look up at him with hopeful eyes.
Calum would chew his lip as he stared at the ground deep in thought. You said that you loved it and it was everything that you wanted, so that's all that mattered right? If you wanted to live here and raise your first kid with him here, then he'd make it happen.
"Okay?" You practically squealed and Calum laughed loudly as you jumped up and down, throwing your arms around his neck.
"We'll take it." Calum would inform the older woman and she smiled, leading you back to the room.
After the realtor explained a few more things to you and Calum, he read the lease before signing it and soon she was handing you both keys to your apartment, the mailbox, and your own little storage area in the basement. Calum could only laugh as you began to squeal in excitement the minute the lady left you two alone in your new apartment. Before you left your new home you made sure to take a few pictures to upload to Instagram and let everyone know that you two were officially moving into a new place.
"You've been smiling since I signed the lease." Calum would laugh.
"I'm fucking excited! We're officially living together and the apartment is so perfect!"
"Stop yelling, you might scare Nugget."
"Shut up." You rolled your eyes playfully."When are we moving in?"
"How soon can you give up your apartment?"
"I've notified John, so I think all I have to do is sign a few things and pay my last rent bill. Oh my God, we just bought an apartment!"
"I know!"
"Connor and Felix are gonna freak out!" You laugh loudly as you decided to text your best friends the news in the group chat you created ages ago. "I can hear Connor whining about me being too far away already."
Eventually you and Calum had decided to stop at Red Lobster since you had been craving seafood nearly the whole day. Sadly your joyous mood would be destroyed due to a girl getting a bit too friendly with your boyfriend. At first you ignored the waitress deciding that her overly nice attitude was simply just her personality and you didn't want to be the overdramatic girlfriend. Then you couldn't help but to notice that that niceness was only directed towards Calum who of course didn't pay it any mind. He had been unintentionally flirting with her as well, but it still pissed you off.
"If she keeps flirting with you, I might snap." You warned without looking away from your menu and the Maori looked up with his eyes widened.
"She's flirting with you and if she continues I'm going to have to cause a scene." You smiled.
As if on cue the Hispanic teen would come back and show off her pearly whites. "Do you need a refill?
"No, thanks, I'm good." Calum declined and you chuckled lowly to yourself when she ignored your nearly empty cup and left to return to the kitchen.
"Excuse me, sweetheart!" You'd call for her and Calum would face palm as soon as the word "sweetheart" left your lips. Anytime you said that, he knew an attitude was definitely present.
"Yes?" The girl would fake a smile and you'd raise an eyebrow.
"I love how you've ignored my empty cup."
"I'm sorry, I didn't notice."
"Yeah, that's because you're too busy ogling and flirting with my man." You spat, but the smile never left your face."Since you want to be so helpful at our table, could you go and refill my cup? I had sweet tea."
Calum would be trying to stifle his laughter as the girl seemed to be shocked that you had confronted her. With a roll of her eyes, she grabbed the cup and quickly made her way towards the back.
"You're so over dramatic."
"Don't make me beat ya ass in this restaurant, boy." You told him as you continued to look through the menu, your main focus now being on exactly what you wanted to order ."You're sitting over there flirting with her like I wasn't gonna say anything."
"I wasn't-"
"Say you weren't. I dare you."
"Here's your sweet tea." The waitress placed your cup down roughly, causing some of the liquid to spill onto the table. You decided to let that slide when Calum shot you a look and told her that you were ready to order.
Once you got your food it was as if all of your problems could be fixed with lobster, shrimps, and biscuits. Calum had just assumed that your overly jealous attitude had also sprouted from you being hungry since you were never one to cause a scene over that. You were more of the wait and cause a scene at home if you had gotten jealous during some part of the day, and he was thankful for that.
"Is it that good?"
"You have no idea." You tried to speak with your mouth full, but it came out muffled. You continued to chew and swallowed before you spoke again."It's like being back at home again, because we came here quite often. Surprisingly Australia's seafood isn't as good as the south, but then again no one could top us."
"You've got to take me there one day."
"I promise. “You’d nod your head and pick at the shrimps on your plate.”My folks are going to stuff you until you're ready to pop, I swear." You laugh."I don't know what it is about southerners that decide they have to cook a feast whenever someone comes over."
"If it's like your cooking then I'm down."
"It's ten times better, I swear."
You two continued to converse about the big differences food wise between your hometown and Sydney until the waitress had returned. She sent a flirty smile to Calum as she sat down the bill fold so that he could pay for your meals. It was taking everything in you to not snap on her, but when she had returned a second time, slipping a piece of paper into Calum's hand you lost it.
"What is that?" You glared as she walked away from the table and Calum began to laugh as he opened the small slip of paper in his hand. "What the hell is so funny?"
"She gave me her number."
"That disrespectful bitch." You gasp and Calum couldn't help but to laugh even harder at your reaction. That laughter soon subsided when you snatched the paper out of his hand and marched towards the lobby to speak to the hostess there. Calum was frantically grabbing the drinks you had ordered to go to hurry as well as your purse, and followed after you before you had done something insane. He couldn’t help but to sigh in relief when he saw you were just speaking to someone.
You had politely asked for the waitress by her name and waited until the girl in the lobby had went to go get her. Calum's groaned when she had came from the kitchen and tried to get you to leave.
"You know, you're bold as fuck for giving my boyfriend your number right in front of me." You laugh as you throw the small piece of paper at her chest. You then pulled her closer to you by her apron and glared her in the eyes.
"Babe come on, let her go." Calum sat down the drinks and tried to tug you away." We're in public."
"I'm tired of everybody tryin' me like I'm not gonna pop off." You laughed."You better hope I don't see you outside of the restaurant because you'll catch a fade."
"Y/N." Calum tugged you a bit harder and you let her go.
"When I see you it's on sight!" You threatened as you exited the building.
The whole ride home was silent and tension filled. You were still pissed that the waitress had the audacity to flirt with him the whole time, but you were even more pissed that Calum was making it seem as if you were overreacting. As soon as you entered your apartment, you made a beeline for your bedroom. You were hoping that Calum would just give you the space to cool off and possibly take a nap, but of course he wouldn't allow you to.
"Babe, you're overreacting." Calum would laugh lightly as he watched you angrily strip out of your clothes from the doorway.
"She was fucking flirting with you the whole time!"
"I know, but-"
"You were enjoying it!"
"What?! No!"
"Smiling all up in that bitch face and shit. I started to drag both of y'all across that damn floor."
"Y/N, please. It isn't that ser-"
"Yes it is! It does get that deep for me because everywhere we go there's always somebody flirting with you! So, stop acting like I'm just trippin' when I have every right to be!"
Calum sighed loudly and pinched the bridge of his nose and asked,"Well, what do you want me to do, babe?"
"Nothing, I'mma just start punching these hoes in their throats."
Calum stared at you in disbelief for a moment before laughing and pulling you into his chest for a hug and mumbling out how much he "loved your crazy ass". You couldn't help but to laugh at yourself as well, knowing that you were being a bit ridiculous but not wanting to admit it.
"I don't want to bail you and Nugget out of jail."
"I ain't gon' go to jail."
"Don't punch anybody in their throat."
"If these girls keep trying me I'll have to." You giggled as he pecked your lips.
Those pecks soon turned into kisses and those kisses turned into a makeout. Before you knew it, both you and Calum had completely shed your clothes and made your way into your bedroom and collapsed on the bed.
"It's been so long since I've had you." You moaned as Calum's hands roamed your body.
You were completely into it, only focusing on how you felt in the moment. Calum however had a inner battle going on in his brain. He knew he wanted you. Hell, he hadn't had you in so long to the point where he was actually craving you, but of course that little voice in his head was reminding him of how he betrayed you, of how he slept with Nia. As you kissed down his body, nipping his hipbone in your way down, he tried to clear his mind. He tried to push every thought away except the thought of how bad he needed you right now in this moment.
"I missed how you tasted." You smirked before swirling your tongue around his tip and suckling.
Soon you took him down as far he could go and he let out a loud groan, his hand coming to push your curls away from your face. You only sucked him off for a bit before you had crawled up his body and straddled his bare torso.
"How do you want me, baby?" You questioned, leaving hickeys down his chest. "Do you want me from behind?"
"Fuck, yes."
You kissed his lips before climbing off of him and turning to get on all fours. You couldn't arch your back like you used to, but you still bent as low as you could with Nugget being in the way. Calum wasted no time in sliding in you, but you could tell that he was holding himself back. His strokes were slow and careful rather than rough and quick like usual. Now don't get me wrong, you thought it still felt good, but you knew Calum could do better.
"Go deeper, Cal. I need to feel all of you. "
"But Nugget-"
"Nugget will be fine, I promise." You looked over your shoulder and sent him an encouraging smile.
"Y/N, what if I poke her or something?"
"You're not going to poke her." You laughed loudly."Seriously, Calum? Oh my God."
"Stop laughing at me." Calum whined."You know how rough I can get and I don't want to hurt her."
You rolled your eyes in annoyance and pushed your own hips back until Calum had filled you to the hilt. He let out a loud groan as your walls squeezed around him, causing him to have to lean his head onto your shoulder and brace himself.
"Shit, did you get tighter?"
"You haven't fucked me since God knows when."
"Just imagine when I come back from a tour, oh my God." His hips started to move at a slow pace, but his tip kept hitting your g-spot so the pace didn't matter as much.
Soon he let your wetness envelop him and he couldn't help but to pick up the pace, slamming into your furthest wall and causing your toes to curl. You were pretty sure your neighbors could hear your loud moans and cries of pleasure, but you couldn't help it. Calum felt too good to stay quiet and he knew that.
"Fuck, babe, are you gonna cum for me?" He smacked your ass and you gasped loudly."I can feel you clenching."
"Y-Yes." You moaned."Pull my hair."
Calum obliged as he wrapped his large hand into your hair to form a makeshift ponytail and yanked your head back.
"You look so pretty like this."Calum would laugh lightly."Fuck, I missed this."
With a few more hard strokes you were coming undone around him and your walls had him in a vice grip. You began to bounce your ass against him and eventually Calum had came as well, his cock throbbing inside of you.  You two panted loudly as Calum pulled out and stood the bed to get a warm towel. He cleaned himself first and then you, tossing the small towel into the hamper and crawling behind you to cuddle. The two of you stayed like that for a while in a comforting silence, Calum’s fingers drawing shapes and letters onto your hip.
"See, I told you she'd be fine. She's still sleeping."You mumbled out and Calum would roll his eyes, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
"Shut up."
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choco-chip-cookie · 7 years
BabyDaddy!Cal Pt.11
A/N: Helllooooo :) Ya girl has fully recovered from her food poisoning and whipped this up for you. Now, honestly it’s a bit shorter than the rest, but mainly because it’s a filler chapter. There’s A LOT of drama to come and those chapters will most definitely be longer, plus I wanted to get this out quick for making you all wait so long. So, you know 100 notes and feedback would be lovely. I hope yall love bugs enjoy💕
**WARNINGS**: None
Parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen,fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty{END}
“Calum!” You giggled loudly as Calum placed kisses all over your face, trying to fight him off the best you could.
You loved moments like these where Calum would be playful and loving instead of the asshole he had recently grown into. After you had left the hospital Calum had been by your side constantly. He hadn’t allowed you out of bed in the past few days and even followed you to the bathroom if you needed to pee or shower. You wouldn’t be out of his sight for anymore than a few minutes before he’d come and cuddle up beside you. He even cooked and cleaned around the house for you without being asked to, and you usually could never get him to do either one.
“Get off!”
“No, I like giving you kisses.”
“Do you?”
“Well, do you mind giving me kisses else where?” You’d smirk and Calum would pause at your words and would shiver as your hands trailed down his back.
“I uh…”
“Come on, babe, we haven’t done anything in a while. I need you.”
Calum didn’t know what to do. As you kissed his neck all he could think about what happened between him and Nia and how he had betrayed you. He didn’t want to have sex with you anymore. He didn’t want to touch you like that, especially not after he’d touched someone else like that. Not after he had been intimate with someone other than his girlfriend.
“I’m not really in the mood, Y/N.”
“Please, Cal. I haven’t had you since the promo tour. I’m horny.”
“Yeah, but-”
“Can I at least get some head if you’re not in the mood? I need at least that.”
“Y/N, I don’t think I want to…”
“What?!” You shouted with wide eyes.“You don’t want to eat me out?! That’s a first, oh my God!”
“Yeah."He’d laugh nervously."Are you hungry? I can run and get McDonald’s.”
“I’m hungry for something other than food, but since I apparently can’t have that then I want nuggets.”
“I’m sorry, princess. I’ll make it up to you.” He lied before he bolted out of the room.
You sighed and stared up at the ceiling, rubbing your six month belly out of habit. Another failed attempt at getting sex or any other sexual favor from Calum. You knew something was definitely wrong. When did that boy ever turn down sex? His sex drive was higher than anyone you know.
“What the hell is up with you, Cal?” You left the question floating in the air and hoped that you’d soon find the answer.
“Cal, why are you being weird?” Ashton questioned and he knew something was up the minute Calum began to chew on his lip and deny his accusations.
“I’m not-”
“You are and Y/N told me to ask why. She specifically told me that you won’t have sex with her.” He laughed lightly.“ Now, what’s wrong?”
“Calum, you’re tearing up.” Ashton sighed as he noticed Calum’s eyes beginning to glaze over with tears. Whatever was going on with him had to be major.“Cal-”
“I cheated.” He blurted and Ashton’s mouth gaped open and closed multiple times as he tried to find the right words. “I fucking..I fucking cheated on her and I can’t touch her like that anymore. I already hate myself more than you can possibly imagine, so you don’t have to give me shit about it.”
“I…you…Calum what the fuck? Are you fucking serious?!”
“Nia took advantage of me!” Calum shouted as more tears poured down his cheeks.“I was drunk as hell, but I knew what what was going on! I kept trying to get her to stop but she started- I just..it felt good and I gave in.” He hiccuped.“I regret it so much.”
“Why can’t you just stop doing stupid things for more than a few days? Why is it always something with you two?” Ashton spoke more to himself. “Y/N’s going to kill you.”
“Please don’t tell her.” Calum looked up from his hands.“Ashton, you can’t tell her!”
“Calum, this is something serious okay? She’s my friend, I can’t just not tell her!”
“I’ll tell her eventually,just don’t fucking tell her!” He cried. “I can’t lose her, especially not like this. She’ll hate me and I can’t handle that.”
The blonde boy could see that his younger friend was truly sorry for what he did. He could see that he had been beating himself up about it, which would explain his sulking around his apartment. The problem was, would you be able to see it?
“Can you not?” Felix would laugh as Connor squeezed his butt playfully.
“Your butt is so nice, babe. The gym really pays off.”
“Stop fondling me in this mall.” Felix chuckled as he pushed away Connor’s hand and pulled him into his side.
The two walked around the mall like that for a few hours, the only time they’d part being when they had to try something on. Connor had suggested stopping in the food court and Felix noticed that he kept eyeing a specific black haired girl sitting and chatting with a blonde.
“Why does she look so familiar?”
“I don’t know.” Felix shrugged as he paid for the Mandarin Express plates they had gotten. “Stop staring Connor.”
“I’m trying to figure out who she is.” Connor grabbed their drinks and continued to stare at the stranger.
“She’s probably nobody. Are we eating here or-”
“That’s that bitch Calum’s cheating on Y/N with!” He whisper shouted and slapped his boyfriends shoulder multiple times.“Y/N looks so much better.”
“Calum’s not cheating on her, and stop being so loud.”
“He is, neither of you want to believe it.”
“I’m going to talk to her.”
Felix’s eyes widened as his boyfriends pulled up the sleeves on his hoodie and made a beeline for Nia’s table. He couldn’t stop him due to the fact that he was holding their plates of food, so he followed closely behind trying to keep him from saying anything to her. To Felix’s dismay, Connor pulled out a chair and took a seat at their table, giving Nia the biggest fake smile he could muster up. Felix just knew that the lilac haired boy would cause trouble.
“Hello.” Connor greeted and the two girls gave him a weird look.
“Hi…Are you a fan?”
“Oh yeah, big fan.” He lied and held out his hand to shake hers, which she hesitantly shook.“I’m Connor, the best friend of Calum’s girlfriend.”
Felix almost laughed as he watched the girl’s face fall at his words.
“Yeah, oh is right. Now, why are you talking to him?”
“He’s my friend.”
“Oh, right. Your "friend”.“ He held up air quotations as he said ‘friend’."Lets cut the to chase. Are you fucking him?”
Nia laughed at this question and Connor had to remind himself that although he was gay, this was a girl and he was still a boy.“Why is this any of your business?”
"Look here, bitch.” Connor glared and Felix pinched the bridge of his nose. Why must he always be so hostile?“Y/N is my best friend. Due to her being my best friend, her business is my business. So, if you’re sleeping with her idiot of a boyfriend you need to let me know right now before I call people to beat your ass.”
“Please don’t call anyone, babe.” Felix sighed, knowing that he was serious. “Answer him, please.”
With a slight laugh Nia looked at her friend who only shook her head and continued to tap away at her phone, not wanting to be apart of it.
“If you must know, sweetie,” she smirked at him,“I fucked him a couple of nights ago.”
Felix’s eyes would widen in shock as Connor leaped across the table and yanked Nia by her hair, causing multiple people to look over.
“You think it’s funny?!”
“You’re fucking crazy!”
“Connor, let her go!”
With Felix grabbing at Connor he eventually let go and picked up his bags and stormed off towards the entrance of the mall. Felix looked at Nia with disgust and gathered the food before following behind his boyfriend. He met Connor in the car and didn’t know what to say as the boy bounced his leg at an alarming rate. They sat in silence for a few minutes before Felix decided to try and calm him down.
“I fucking told you he was cheating on her! I fucking told you!”
“I know, okay, just fuck. That wasn’t the right way to handle that!”
“Does it look like I care, Felix? I would’ve beat her ass if she wasn’t a girl!”
“I’m glad you didn’t, because I seriously don’t want to bail you out of jail.”
“We have to tell her.”
“No! Oh, God, no!”
Connor would look at Felix in shock as he shouted,“What the hell do you mean 'no’? She’s our best friend!”
“Fuck, I know, but this will destroy her! She’s been to the hospital because of stress twice now and the doctor told her that a third time could possibly be a miscarriage! How would we even tell her that he’s cheating on her anyway?!”
“Felix, I can’t just pretend I don’t know that Calum’s cheating on her!” Connor would cry.“I’m going to feel shitty!”
“Babe,” Felix sighed out, understanding his point on the matter,“I just want her to be happy for once. Ever since Y/N got pregnant she’s been almost miserable and-”
“I know.” Connor would interrupt and run his fingers through his hair.“We’re officially shitty best friends and she’ll disown us.”
“No she won’t.”
“She won’t, but she’ll be really upset with us.”
“She’ll find out soon enough though, right? It not like it’ll be a long time before she knows..?”
The two boys stared at the car in front of them in deep thought, not having a clue on what to do in this situation. If they told you then there’s a risk you would lose the baby and wallow in your misery and hatred for Calum. If they didn’t you’d be happy and possibly eventually find out which would have the same effect from the first option. Either way you were fucked and they had no idea on how to fix you before you were broken.
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choco-chip-cookie · 7 years
BabyDaddy!Cal Pt.1
A/N: AHHHHHHHH, I told y'all I’d be back for a sequel. I’m hoping this sequel gets just as much attention as the first series did, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed. If you’ve read the first series, then you already know that I’m all about drama and that’s exactly what this series is gonna be. Anyway, this is the first chapter and you all should look forward for many to come. If you’ve read the first series you know that I need 100 notes and feedback for the next chapter. Enjoy my lil nuggets💕
Oh and most of this chapter is in italics because they’re flashbacks.
**WARNING**: Nothing besides profanity, but I’m sure you knew that
**Previous Series: SugarDaddy!Cal **(Read this first)
Parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty{END}
The moment you found out you were pregnant you knew that shit was about to hit the fan.You weren’t just the average twenty year old, barely financially stable college student. No. You were also the girlfriend of a famous rockstar who is in a world famous band. Plus, you also happened to sleep with his best friend and bandmate before finding out you were pregnant, therefore have no clue who’s baby it is. On top of that you were being watched, loved, and even hated by millions of people daily. Oh, and how could you forget that you were helping your best friends plan their wedding as well? Life couldn’t be any better right?
So, here you are in your living room trying to ignore your overwhelming emotions by catching up on Supernatural and eating for two while your boyfriend is out somewhere angrily driving around on the streets. Oh, and what led him to doing that was catastrophic.
Let’s start from the very beginning, shall we? Only three weeks after you first found out about the new life growing inside of you.
“Wait….so, you’re pregnant?”
“And you have no idea who’s baby it is?”
“Well fuck.” Ashton said with a starstruck expression, sliding his hands over his face and leaning back in his seat.
You had decided to tell the most mature member of the band about your mishap, figuring that he would be the only who  could help you at the moment. Connor and Felix had only been telling you to tell Calum, as well as been caught up in planning their dream wedding. It didn’t help that finals were approaching as well, so the three of you were drowning in essays and classes. You had texted Ashton to let him know that you needed to meet up ASAP,  so here you were in the furthest corner of Starbucks conversing.
“Yeah, ain’t this some shit?” You sighed, pushing a few coily strands from you face.
“Have you told Calum?”
“Of course not, Ash.”
Ashton groaned and ran his fingers through his newly bleached locks, chewing his lip nervously.“How many months along are you?”
“Uh…I was a month and a week when I found out sooo…” You thought out the time in your head.“two months.”
“Are you gonna keep it?” Ashton knew that he was asking a lot of questions, but he couldn’t help it. This was going to go horribly wrong no matter what happened and you both knew that.
“The hell you mean? Of course Imma keep it.”
“Okay, okay, I’m just making sure.” The boy held his hands up in defense.“Well, how the hell are we going to hide this if you won’t tell him.”
“That’s why I called you. I most likely won’t be able to hide it when three months hits. I just look like I’ve gained some weight at the moment.” You demonstrated by turning to the side and showing him the slight pudge.
“Yep, definitely have to tell him soon.” He confirmed.“Uh, wow. Thanks for putting this weight on me.”
“Aww, you’re welcome.” You smiled and the older boy rolled his eyes.“I’m glad I don’t have to stress alone.”
After that day, Ashton had been the one helping you out. He’d be with you for the few doctor appointments you’ve had, when you had cravings that you couldn’t or didn’t feel like getting yourself, and most of all helping you hide your secret. You thought all was well, but Calum on the other hand was on edge. He didn’t know what he was so on edge about, however, but he was. You had suddenly began to invest all of your time into Ashton, hardly paying the Māori boy any attention. Calum was lucky to even get a peck or a text back from you nowadays. He didn’t know what was happening, all he did know was that he had only gotten you for barely even three months and he felt as if he was already losing you. That feeling is what led him to drinking on Michael couch at one in the morning.
“I don’t know, man. She’s just been so distant lately.” Calum sighed out as he took a sip of his beer.“Its nerve wrecking.”
“Why, though? It’s just Ashton.” Michael shrugged his shoulders.
“Yeah, and I used to think "It’s just Luke” until she had sex with him.“ Calum laughed coldly and Michael understood his point, but couldn’t help but to put up and argument.
"Yeah, but they were both drunk and grieving from relationship problems. She thought you were with that obsessive chick and that you moved on. Besides, Ashton definitely wouldn’t do that to you, mate.”
There was a long silence as they watched the people pass a soccer ball to each other on the large flat screen hung on Michael wall. After the blonde took the final few sips of his beer, he sat it onto the coffee table and decided to voice his opinion on the matter.
“You know what I think?”
“I’m not sure I want to know.” Calum joked.“What’s runnin’ through that thick skull of yours, mate?”
“I think Y/N’s pregnant.”
Calum coughed and spluttered as he choked on the alcoholic beverage, not expecting those words to fall from his friend’s lips.
“I mean, think about it. She’s been distant, hanging out a lot with the most mature friend she’s probably got, and you two have tons of sex.”
“We do no-”
“I swear you’re reincarnations of rabbits, Cal.” Michael joked with seriousness and the Calum laughed.“ No, but seriously. You said she’s been sick and moodier, plus it looks like she’s gained some weight.”
“I don’t think she has.”
“How do you see her naked nearly twenty four hours a day and not notice she’s gained weight? What’s wrong with you?”
Calum rolled his eyes as Michael opened his laptop to pull-up recent photos on your Instagram. He scrolled down a few weeks ago and opened the picture in a new tab and then clicked the latest one you had uploaded. Once he put the pictures side by side, Calum immediately noticed the difference. It wasn’t completely noticeable, but once Michael had drawn attention to it it was very apparent to him.
“Do you see?”
“Oh my God.”
“I’m not saying it’s a hundred percent, but it’s something.” Michael shrugged his shoulders and got more comfortable on his couch.
Moments like these reminded Calum why he kept telling himself that Michael wasn’t as dumb as he like to tease him about. He might have been a doofus ninety percent of the time, but he had his genius moments. Calum had decided to text you right then and there to question you, praying that you’d reply.
~ Cal: Babe, I have a serious question •• 10 min later •• ~ Y/N: ..okay?? ~ So uh, me and Mike were talking about how you’ve been sick recently right? ~ Right ~ Then he pointed out that you’ve been gaining some weight lately and uh.. ~ Damn….Ik I’ve been eating more and gaining a lil weight, but you ain’t gotta draw attention to it ~ No no no, don’t take offense I’m sorry ~ Lowkey just hurt my feelins, lmaoo ~ My bf just told me I’m getting too fat ~ No, Y/N, babe that’s no what I meant I swear ~ You still look amazing, I promise it’s just…me and Michael were thinking that maybe you’re pregnant? ~ ….Tf? ~ I mean we do have a lot of sex and Ik you’re on the pill, but it’s a possibility ~ Cal I just had my period ~ I’m not pregnant, just eating good ~ Well okay…I love you ~ I love you too, you ass
Although Calum felt relieved and could enjoy the rest of his night, your nerves were sky high as you frantically texted Ashton that the boys were on to you. About thirty minutes later Ashton hadn’t calmed your nerves, but only made them worse as he told you that you were going to tell both Calum and Luke about your pregnancy. Now that leads us to what caused Calum to roam the streets in the wee hours of the morning.
You were all gathered in Michael backyard as you ate takeout on the freshly cut grass. Even Connor and Felix had came around for the small get together. The two lovers had become pretty close with the guys as well, mainly being party buddies - specifically Connor. You were enjoying stuffing your face as you sat between Calum’s legs until Ashton reminded you of what you were actually here to do.
“Well, curly top has an announcement to make.”
“That’s why we’re really here, Y/N. Don’t act surprised.”
“Suck my dick.” You rolled your eyes as you crawled away from Calum and the blonde snorted.
“Cal does that enough for us all.”
“What’s the announcement, babe?” Calum questioned as you distanced yourself further and further away from him, not wanting to be directly beside him when you gave out the news.
By now both Conor and Felix had realized what you were going to be announcing since they were the first to know. The two guys also realized that Ashton must’ve known as well, which was why you spent so much time with him while they were absent. You were wringing your hands together nervously as your mentally prepared yourself for what could possibly happen once the words leave your lips.
“So, I uh…I’m sure you’ve noticed I’ve been spending a lot of time with Ashton lately, Calum and-”
“You’re not cheating on me right?” He interrupted and you frantically shook your head no, allowing him to let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“Of course not, he’s just been helping me out with a problem.”
“What’s the-”
“If you let me finish, you’ll find out.” You sassed and he nodded his head, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks when his friends stifled their laughter.
Taking a deep breath you continued,“I went to the doctor and found out that uh…I’m pregnant. Two and a half months pregnant at the moment.” You smiled nervously.
Calum’s eyes widened in shock as he let what you said soak into his brain before he shot up and pulled you to his chest, spinning you around swiftly. Michael was shouting about him knowing it proudly while Luke laughed and congratulated his friend.
“Holy shit, I’m gonna be a dad? This is fucking crazy!” Calum grinned, pulling back to see your expression. You just knew that he was going to be heartbroken in the next few moments, and clearly that expression was noticeable. “What’s wrong, babe?”
“I uh…I-I don’t know if it’s yours.” You spoke quietly and saw him furrow his eyes brows in confusion.
“W-What do you mean you don’t know if it’s mine?” Calum’s eyes studied your face trying to see if it was some joke, but knowing it wasn’t when he saw the tears of fear in your eyes.“Wait, you’re serious?”
“Cal, I’m sorry.”
He pulled away from you with an angered expression, his mind all over the place from the news.“Who elses could it be? Who else did you sleep with?”
Just at that moment everyone’s eyes turned to Luke and it dawned on both him and Calum that he was the other person. That you were possibly carrying his child. You all watched as the youngest band member’s eyes slowly widened at the realization, his world pausing for a few seconds.
“No. No, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Calum shook his head.“Hell no! You can’t possibly be- oh my God.”
Calum could feel his heart clenching at the thought. You just might be possibly carrying Luke’s baby. His girlfriend just may be pregnant with his best friends baby. Calum could only see red as he was suddenly charging at Luke and within seconds had him on the ground, repeatedly punching him. Luke, however, put up a good fight although he knew he sort of deserved this. Ashton roughly pulled Calum away whilst Michael had taken care of Luke, yelling at the both of them to calm down. Michael was getting through to Luke, but Calum was livid.
“How dare you take away the only person I truly love in life? Why would you fuck up something this big for me?!”
“It’s not like I did it on fucking purpose!” Luke argued back.
“Guys, we don’t even know who the baby’s father is yet.” Connor joined in trying to get them to calm down as well.“Most likely it’s Calum’s anyway, they’ve had sex who knows how many times.”
“Yeah, but it only takes that one time to get pregnant.” Michael pointed out and Connor shrugged and took a sip of his drink.
While everyone was arguing, you had took a seat in the grass to try to calm your nerves. This was too much for you at the moment and you had suddenly felt dizzy due to the amount of stress your body was in. You looked up when you felt a tap on your shoulder, smiling kindly as Felix handed you a bottled water.
“Could you all just kind of…calm down? This stress isn’t good for, Y/N.” Felix spoke up and everyone quieted down.
Calum broke free from Ashton’s strong grip and walked towards you. Honestly, you were quite scared as to what he would say to you, praying to God that he wasn’t going to leave you.
He simply held out his hand and said,“Give me my keys.”
“Where are you going?”
“Just give me my fucking keys, Y/N!”
The tone of his voice made you jump and you frantically went to pull the keys out of your pocket. Never have you ever actually listened to someone, let alone been afraid of someone when they used that tone on you. Then again, you’ve never heard Calum’s voice sound so cold and free of emotion.
“Where are you going?”
“Fuck you.” Was what he answered with as he stormed around the side of the house and disappeared into the darkness. You all could hear the sound of his car starting up and speeding away as you stood in an awkward silence.
So, again here you were watching tv and feeding yourself tortilla chips and salsa to somewhat make you feel better. Your night had been probably the worst you’ve had in a while, so when there was a loud knock at your door, you didn’t know who to expect. Standing to your feet you slowly walked towards the door, thinking about how the person even got buzzed in. When you opened it, you were surprised to see the boy who had been missing for hours on end.
“We need to talk.”
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choco-chip-cookie · 7 years
BabyDaddy!Cal Pt.10
A/N: Sorry that this took so long you guys, but I deadass rewrote and deleted this three times. So, this is the fourth and final draft and I’m pretty satisfied with it. Yall finna hate me with this ending though, plus I mapped out what I want to happen all the way to chapter 20 ;). Well, you know 100 notes and feedback please. I hope you cutie pies enjoy
**WARNINGS**: Mentions of sexual acts
Parts: one,two, , three, four, five, six,seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen,fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty{END}
"Y/N," Ashton began as he sighed through the phone,"Don't freak out, but-"
"I know, fuck, I know." She interrupted. "I fucked up."
"No, it's okay. They were bound to find out anyway and-"
"But I've could've prolonged it!" You shouted."I wasn't thinking when I left the house last night and-"
"Y/N, calm down. It's okay." He reassured,"Just get some rest."
Once he hung up the phone you let out a loud groan as tossed yours to the side, mentally beating yourself up about what you had caused. Because of your carelessness, the whole world now knew that you were pregnant.
You were walking through the isles of Wal-Mart, trying to find the pickles that you so dearly craved. You just knew that Nugget would hate them whenever he or she was older due to you eating them so much.
"Oh my God." You heard someone whisper but ignored it due to your last encounter with the fans. Now you just wanted to get out of the store as quickly as possible.
Once you had found the pickles you walked as fast as you could to find the ice cream that you had ran out of as well.
"Excuse me, Y/N!" Two girls were jogging to catch up with you."Please, can we have a picture?"
"No, I'm sorry."
"We're not going to tell anyone that you're here, I promise." She kept up with your fast pace and you let out a loud sigh stopping and turning around to see two girls who seemed to be around the age of 12.
"Just one quick picture."
"Thank you so much."
As you posed with one girl and her hand wrapped around your sweater clad body she gasped as she felt your belly against her hand. After the picture was taken she whispered something to her friend who gave her a weird look.
"No she's not." The girl whispered as you walked away from them."She's not pregnant, Megan. Calm down."
"Yes she is! I felt it."
You were practically jogging to the self checkout line at this point, not wanting them to question you or attempt to feel your stomach once again. You thought that you were safe walking to your car, you didn't even notice the one pap following you. So, you didn't realize that taking off your jacket before you climbed into your car would be one of the worst mistakes of your life.
You and Connor were sitting side by side in his kitchen, quietly munching on the Taco Bell he had bought for you both. After seeing that your and Calum's name were both trending on twitter with the pictures of your six month old belly nearly popping out of a tank top. Neither of you had said a word for nearly fifteen minutes, but Connor decided to break the ice.
"So....at least you don't have to try to hide it anymore. You can wear what you please." Connor tried to cheer you up and you shook your head.
"Connor, don't. "
"They were going to find out soon, Y/N. I'm surprised you kept it a secret for this long."
"I know but...Fuck, I'd rather them find out when I know for sure it's Calum's. What if it is Luke's? Then everyone is going to think I'mma hoe and that'll confirm all of the cheating rumors that aren't even true."
"You gotta point there." Connor shrugged and you suddenly no longer felt hungry.
"My life is a mess."
"Not it's not, Y/N."
"Connor it is and you know it." You began to tear up. God, you were so emotional these last few weeks."I'm still in college, I'm pregnant, I don't know who my baby daddy  is and they're in the same band! The world just found out I'm pregnant and it's going to raise hell if it comes out and it's not Calum's! Hell, I don't even know if he'll be here when the baby comes!" You ranted as you sobbed.
"Please, calm down." Connor attempted to hold you comfortingly and you smacked his hands away.
"Don't tell me to calm down! I'm sick of all you guys pitying me and acting like I'm an emotional wreck every time Calum leaves!"
"What? We don't-"
"Yes you do! Ever since I got pregnant and Calum leaves you act like I'm some weak bitch who can't hold her own! Well, newsflash, Connor I'm not! I'm not worried about being with Calum, I'm worried about my fucking child growing up without a father! I'm worried about how much I'll struggle trying to care for my child on my own and work a job as well! I'm worried that I might have to explain to my little boy or girl why their uncle is their actual father and who they thought was their dad wasn't!"
"Y/N, please." Connor was tearing up at the sight of you nearly hyperventilating before him. This was new. Sure, he's seen you cry and has watched you rant more times that he could count, but he's never seen this. He's never seen you so hurt and scared and distraught.
"I'm worried about being the stereotypical black girl who got pregnant before she should've and has to struggle all her life because she couldn't keep her legs closed! Won't ever have a man because no one my age wants to have a girl with a kid! All because I fucked Luke and because Calum's a dick and, and-"
Then you just collapsed to the ground, bawling your eyes out as Connor rushed over to hug you close to his chest with tears pouring down his own face.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. Everything's going to be okay." He reassured."You won't have to struggle, you've got me and Felix. Forever and always."
"I need to go to the hospital." You cried harder."I'm getting those pains again, but stronger. Fuck!"
"Belly pains? Oh, God, okay." Connor panicked as he rushed for his keys and grabbed his phone. "Lets go, Y/N. You're okay, you're okay."
"What the hell happened?" Was the first thing that left Calum's mouth as he and the boys rushed into your hospital room, crowding around the bed. Not too soon after you and Connor arrived at the hospital, he had called Calum to let him know of what was going on.
"I'm fine."
"She had a minor panic attack, nothing too serious." Connor answered with a sigh."She was complaining about stomach pains so I brought her here."
"Panic attack over what?"
You shrugged your shoulders and fiddled with your thumbs nervously."I was thinking too much and I just got overwhelmed is all."
"Y/N, you can't keep doing this. It isn't healthy for the baby." Calum scolded.
"Don't you think I know that." She snapped back."If it wasn't for yo stupid ass I wouldn't have panicked."
"Oh, so it's my fault?"
"Yeah! Maybe if you were by my side supporting me and making sure that I'm alright and taken care of I wouldn't be worried about what'll happen in the future. I would know everything would be fine. I wouldn't worry so much about raising a kid on my own!"
"You can't just blame it all on me, Y/N!"
"Guys, seriously?" Ashton rolled his eyes in annoyance as the two of you argued. That's all you seemed to be doing now and days.
"This is what I'm talking about!"you shouted. "All we do is fucking argue and you wonder why my stress levels are always so high."
"Shut up, Calum." You interrupted him and pointed towards your door."Just leave like you always do."
He stood and glared at you for a solid second before he stormed his way out of the room, bumping Felix's shoulder on the way out.
"The hell is his problem?" Felix rolled his eyes."How are you, sis?"
"I'm fine. The doctor wants to keep me here overnight to make sure everything is okay, but after that I can go home."
After explaining to your friend the reasoning behind your attack as well as your concerns for what the future held, you were proud to say that your worries melted away. Each one of them helped you understand that everything would be just fine and that you, Cal, and the baby would be one happy family. Even though you doubted you and Calum would make it that long, it felt good to believe it for a while.
Hours and hours went by and soon everyone had left the room. Calum had only returned once you were sleeping and admired you in your almost innocent state. The frown on your face had melted into a thin line and your brows were no longer furrowed. It wasn't often Calum got to see you this peaceful anymore.
While Calum sat in the chair beside your bed, all he could feel was an ache in his chest. Not only did he have to deal with the media and management, but he had to keep you from stressing as well. On top of that he had to deal with his guilty conscious.
"Then she, she does this thing where she pretends that I've made her mad just to get kisses." Calum slurred and he took another swig of beer."It's so cute, but an actually mad Y/N isn't cute. That's terrifying, but I pretend it isn't."
"Oh, really?" Nia rolled her eyes as Calum continued to drunkenly gush about everything that he loved about you. After weeks of this, she was finding it quite boring.
"Yeah. Now that she's pregnant she's got this glow on her skin. I mean...she glowed at first because she has really nice chocolate skin and it literally glows gold. I think it's some makeup she uses but, it's really pretty and-"
"Hey, Calum." Nia got his attention with a smile as she took his beer bottle from him."Shut up."
"Well, you don't have to be ru-"he was interrupted by Nia's lips being placed on his and immediately pushed her away with wide eyes. "Nia!"
"I have a girlfriend! You can't just-"
"So?" She laughed as she began to slowly undress. Calum watched her, astonished by what was happening. Although he was drunk, he knew that this was very wrong, especially with you still on his mind. "She doesn't have to know." She spoke seductively while popping the button on his jeans.
"Yeah, but if she finds out she'll literally kill us both." He tried to stand up from the bed, but Nia pushed him back down. Due to his awful coordination at the moment, he was struggling to stand up right or even walk away fast enough to get away.
"Relax, baby." Nia now had her hand down Calum's jeans and pulled him free of his constraints, pumping her hand on him.
"Nia,s-stop. Y/N will-" He groaned as her warm mouth wrapped around him. Calum was trying to fight it so bad, alarms going off in his head reminding him of you and his baby and all of the other reasons why this was so horribly wrong.
"Don't talk about her, Cal." Nia smirked as she realized that she had Calum exactly where she wanted him.
He watched with glossy eyes as she slid off the remains of her undergarments and climbed into his lap, grinding down on him. She then removed his shirt, trailing kisses from his chest up to his neck.
"Just let me make you feel good."
No matter how hard he tried, he fell for it. He still fell for it. Calum fucked up big time, bigger than he ever had before, and he knew that you wouldn't forgive him for it. He knew it would be the end of what you had for good.
"I'm sorry." Calum whispered to your sleeping figure, wiping the stray tears from his cheeks."I'm so sorry."
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choco-chip-cookie · 7 years
BabyDaddy!Cal Pt.9
A/N: Once again I'm not completely satisfied with this chapter, but my two best friends are. It's like I know I could do better but I've already rewritten this twice so...I really hope it's good. As always I need 100 notes and feedback is welcome (please tell me if you liked it or not) and I hope you cupcakes enjoy💕
**WARNINGS**: None
Parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen,fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty{END}
@Y/T/N You and Cal are still together right?
Does @Y/T/N know Calum is with Nia?
@Y/T/N Uh oh, Calum and Nia are together again.
@Y/T/N is gonna kill him
Every fan that mentioned your twitter name lead you to the same two pictures that you had accidentally stumbled across thirty minutes ago. You hadn't had twitter long, but you realized that if you wanted to keep tabs on your boyfriend and the boys that it was the easiest way to do so. Sadly, you were able to find out too much such as that your boyfriend had went out with some Nia girl that you were completely unaware about. Letting out an aggravated sigh, you exited the app to call Calum on facetime. It didn't take long for him to answer with a grin.
"Hi, Y/N!"
"Who the hell is Nia and why were you with her?" You cut straight to the chase. Calum knew you didn't mind him having girl friends, but he also knew that you hated when you weren't aware of him going out with the said friends.
"You heard what I said. You didn't tell me that you were going out with a friend and I know all of your girl friends. So, who is she? Why are the fans causing a scene about her?"
"I-I don't know..." He trailed off.
You could hear Ashton whisper to him faintly in the background,"Don't lie to her,Cal, that's only going to cause problems."
"Nia is uh...she's my ex."Calum chewed on his bottom lip nervously, already knowing that you were about to give him an earful."Well, she's more of a ex fling rather than my ex girlfriend so-"
"You went on a date with your ex fuck buddy?"You spoke slowly as you tried to wrap your head around the fact that your boyfriend thought this was okay.
"Calum..."You trailed with a small chuckle,"You can't be this stupid, you just can't be."
"You went on a fucking date with your ex fuck buddy?! Are you fucking serious, Calum? What in the hell made you think this was okay, huh?"
"I don't know."He shrugged his shoulders."She was in town and wanted to hang out, so-"
"Do you still like her?"
"What?! No!"
"Do you still want to fuck her?!"
"Y/N, no! Of course not, it's just you!"
Taking a few deep breaths to try and calm yourself down, you squeezed the stress ball that the doctor had recommended for you to carry with you. It worked for the most part, but it always took a while before you began to feel remotely calm.
"It was completely platonic, Y/N, I promise. We just talked and ate lunch, that's all. Just calm down and-"
"Don't tell me to calm down!" You shouted and Calum winced."Don't bring yo' stupid ass to my apartment later either."
You then hung up the phone and tossed it to the side, rubbing your temples as you tried to get over the fact that your boyfriend was an idiot. .
After you had found out about Nia Calum became distant. Although he still came around as often as he usually did, he wasn't completely there. Instead of laughing full heartedly he'd chuckle lightly. Instead of complimenting you, he said nothing. Although he did tell you that he loved you, it didn't feel like you meant it. You hadn't seen his smile reach his eyes in weeks. You didn't want to ask him about it because you simply knew Calum would brush it off as if nothing was wrong the same way you would've.
You didn't mean to start an argument. It was a single comment that you hadn't even meant to let slip out.
"Calum do you want to go out to eat?"
"Nah, I don't feel like it."
"The only thing you feel like doing now is having sex." You mumbled to yourself as you walked off into the kitchen and he furrowed his eyebrows.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"No, what's that supposed to mean, Y/N?"
With a sigh you answered,"You've been distant lately but you're always down to fuck whenever. When's the last time we've even had a real conversation?"
"I don't know."
"Whatever, I shouldn't have even asked."
And from then a shouting match started. At this point you weren't even that aware of what you were arguing about anymore. After a long time of arguing, you were interrupted by someone knocking on your door. Ignoring Calum talking at you, you went to answer the door and sighed when you saw Connor on the other end.
"Could you two like...quiet down?"
"I'm sorry."
"Always complaining about me going out and I haven't even done anything wrong." Calum mumbled and you spun around to reply back.
"It's not the fact that you're going out it's who you're going out with. Why are you spending so much time with this girl, Calum? She's your fucking ex!"
"Should I-"
"No, Connor you can stay." You interrupted and allowed him into the house.
"I've only seen her twice for the love of God! You act like I'm just seeing her everyday!"
"It's not like I would know! You won't fucking talk to me."  
By this time Connor and entered the house and closed the door behind him so that the people outside wouldn't hear you two arguing. He wasn’t sure on what to do, so he simply stayed put with his back against the door.
"Like why are you suddenly so close? You just brush it off every time I ask about her."
"Because she isn't fucking important! You don't see me down your fucking throat about Luke anymore and you fucked him!"
"That's irrelevant." You laughed loudly."You complained every chance you got and-"
"No it's not irrelevant, Y/N. It will never be irrelevant, especially since you might be having his baby! God, David was right about you."
"And what’s that exactly?"You scoffed.
"You're fucking crazy." Calum yelled."It was bad enough that you were my sugar baby, but then you cause all types of problems with my career and to top if all off you get pregnant and I don't even know if it's mine!"
Connor could tell that this argument was going bad real fast. He just knew that Calum would say something that he'd regret dearly. "Calum, you might want to calm down."
"And you! You're always baiting her head up with lies and feeding into her craziness and make her do stupid things! Being with you is stressful as hell, Y/N I just need a release!"
"So what, you're cheating on me then?" You questioned and crossed your arms across your chest. Tears had begun to blur your vision, but you refused to let them fall.
"No, but I swear sometimes you make me want to. I just need to get away from you sometimes, Y/N.  You're too much. This whole situation is too damn much. "
Connor looked at Calum in disbelief. He couldn't believe some of the things that were coming from his mouth and he really couldn't believe that he meant all of it. Sensing that you were going to break in a few minutes, Connor went and opened the door, glaring at Calum as he said," I think you need to leave."
"This has nothing to do with you."
"Get out, Calum, you ain’t shit." You laughed lightly, although you found nothing amusing."On my mama you ain’t shit."
Then you left the two boys standing there, going into your bedroom and locking the door behind you to cry silently to yourself.
For the past few days, all Calum could think about was how much of an asshole he truly was. Times and times again he would say the first thing that's on his mind and hurt your feelings rather than pausing to think before he spoke. The boy believed that so many of his problems would just vanish if he'd thought before he actually spoke or acted out.
He was pulled out of his thoughts by the girl who the argument was all about in the first place, making him feel like an even bigger idiot. Yeah, he knew Nia was up to no good, but the fact that he wasn't seemed like enough for him. Calum understood the reasoning of your jealously, but he just wished you'd trust him.
"What's wrong today, handsome?" The black haired beauty questioned as her hand trailed up and down his arm.
Nia would flirt with Calum heavily, not even caring that he didn't agree with her advances. She knew about you, but couldn't find it in herself to care much. He couldn't be happy if he was coming to her all the time right? Calum only helped prove that theory when he complained about your relationship problems or about how stressed he was.
"Y/N found out I've been seeing you a few weeks ago and we had this argument today. Long story short, I'm an asshole." He sighed out, running his hands through his dark curls.
"You're not an asshole." Nia disagreed."If anything, she is. Putting you through all of this stress." She pouted and continued to stroke his arm."You're always so tense."
"Yeah, I guess." Calum shrugged and took a swig of his beer.
"Want to talk about the fight?"
He allowed Nia to shift behind his body on the leather couch and massage his shoulders, letting out a content sigh as she worked on the knots as he told her about your recent argument. It was acts such as this that had Calum running back to Nia every other day. She had always been so easy to talk to and that was what caused them to form a great friendship, plus she gave great massages. Calum suddenly halted in his story as Nia's lips came into contact with the skin on his neck. She knew that was his hotspot and so did you.
"What are you doing?"
"Giving you a massage." She grinned mischievously as her hands slid down the front of his body.
"Nia, you know I have a girlfriend! A pregnant one at that!"
"Oh, whatever." She scoffed as she stood to make her way around his body and sit herself on the couch beside him."You don't even know if it's your baby and you two can't stay together for more than two weeks. I'm not worried about her."
"Well I am!" He argued."I love her. It doesn't matter what we go through, she's still my girlfriend."
With a roll of her eyes, Nia placed her hand on Calum's crotch and began to rub him teasingly through his gym shorts. The Māori gulped loudly as she stared him deeply in his eyes, smiling to herself as she felt him grow against her palm.
"Still love her?"
"Of course."he bit his lip.  He wouldn't cheat on her, he refused to be that guy.
"Are you sure?" Nia laughed and pressed harder and Calum's eyes fluttered closed briefly. "I can take care of you better than she can, Cal. No stress, no drama, just happiness and good sex."
"N-no." He stuttered and slowly removed her hand before he stood up."I have to go."
"See you whenever." Nia watched him with amused eyes as he rushed out her condo, knowing that she had many more attempts at having him once again.
"He said what?" Michael furrowed his eyebrows as you told him about the events of what went on a few days ago."God, he's a dick."
"Tell me about it." You rolled your eyes leaning back on the cushions of Michael couch. "It's like the further along I get, the more problems that occur. One minute he's all lovey dovey, then the next he's being an ass. I don't get him."
"No one does." Michael chuckled."You should get on home, Y/N, it's getting late."
"I'm not a child, Mike." You rolled your eyes playfully, but stood to leave nonetheless. "See you whenever."
Michael stood to walk you to the door and watched to make sure that you got into your car safely."Bye." He waved as you drove off, pulling his phone from his pocket to dial his best friend friend.
Around thirty minutes later there was a knock on his door and he went to open it, his eyes falling into narrow slits.
"What did I do?" The Māori furrowed his eyebrows as he walked into the house.
"Why the hell are you seeing Nia again?"
"Fucking answer me!"
"We've just been catching up, Mike. We don't do anything more than talk and drink a couple of beers." He sighed as he plopped onto his couch and Michael looked at him as if he was dumb.
"You don't seriously think I believe that, do you?"
"I swear." Calum held up his hands."I wouldn't cheat on her."
With a scoff Michael said,"I find that hard to believe. You're an ass."
Michael then began to rant on and on to Calum about how inconsiderate and how much of a dick he is. He even got to listing every single thing he did wrong since Calum clearly couldn't see it for himself. Calum felt pretty shitty throughout all of this, feeling ten times worse than he previously did from your argument.
"If you keep this up, mate, she's going to leave you for good." Michael concluded and finally sat next to him on the couch.
"No she won't, the baby-"
"It could be Luke's and she'll run right into his arms." Michael knew that you wouldn't most likely get in a relationship with Luke, but he needed something to remind Calum what would happen if he kept screwing up. "And even if it's yours, do you think she'd stay after everything you put her through?"
Calum laughed lightly and said,"She's going to want me around for the baby, Mike."
"Key word: around." The blonde pointed out."Of course she won't keep you from your kid, but she'll definitely raise it alone. She's a strong willed black woman, Calum, do you seriously think that she needs you as much as you let on?"
Just those few words were enough to cause Calum to doubt himself and his beliefs. He knew what Michael had said was true. You'd raise his daughter or son on your own with no problem or even complaints if that meant that you could be happy with yourself. Hell, if you were to leave the only reason you'd probably communicate with him was for the kid. Michael shook his head as Calum stared at the wall deep in thought and stood to grab himself a beer from the fridge.
"You're a lost cause, Cal." He sighed.
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choco-chip-cookie · 7 years
BabyDaddy!Cal Pt.8
A/N: I want to apologize and say that I got a little carried away with the smut in this chapter. I feel slightly dirty lmaooo. Honestly, this was just going to be a quick filler chapter and although I was satisfied with it, it was really short. So, I called myself trying to spice it up and now most of the chapter is smut. You know the drill of 100 notes and feedback is surely welcome. With that being said I hope you enjoy this fluff and this smut, beautifuls💕
P.S: Drama coming reeaal soon...y'all know I live for making yall emotions go everywhere. Also I’m sorry for any grammar errors, I had to type upload this real quick before I left where the wifi was.
**WARNINGS**: Smut
Parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen,fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty{END}
As you stepped into your apartment all you could think was,"Home sweet home",especially when you plopped down onto your comfortable couch. Calum laughed as you sighed in content whilst he went to place your bags into your room. After what happened in Florida yesterday, the boy hadn't left your side and refused to continue the tour while you "needed to be cared for" as he liked to put it. With much arguing with Amy and with David over the phone, they finally agree that Calum could be excused from the last week of the promotional tour. When he returned you were already shedding clothes, desperate to be free from the tight constraints.
"I can't get it off." You whined as you attempted to tug your bra off of your body.
"You didn't unhook all of the hooks, babe." He snorted,going to unlatch the last few books and plopping down beside you. When you made grabby hands at his shirt, he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What?"
"My shirt? Y/N, seriously?" Calum raised an eyebrow and when you didn't let go of the black material he sighed, tugging it over his head and handing it to you.
Once you were comfortable and got the shirt to hang around you loosely, you cuddled into his side and handed him the remote. The Māori went to Netflix and decided that he was going to let you watch a few episodes of Grey's Anatomy before you dozed off into sleep.
When you awoke many hours later - jet lag had really affected you - you were in your bed and you could hear Calum mumbling. As you peeked your eyes open, you smiled slightly at the sight of Calum's cheek resting against your bump as he stroke it softly with his large hand. Only when you focused on what he was saying did you realize that he was talking to Nugget, your heart fluttering at the sight. You were going to interrupt, but you decided to play as if you were sleep to hear what all he would say.
"I finally saw you for the first time yesterday." The boy grinned."I understand why we call you Nugget... and you're so little!" He laughed lightly to himself."I can't wait for you to come, 'cause I'm going to spoil you rotten. I'll sing you to sleep and I'll hold you whenever you cry and I'll even sit up with you all night when you can't sleep. I'll definitely take off from the band a little bit, just to spend time with you. I'm making sure that your first word is Daddy...Y/N would get so mad, I already know it. "
It took everything in your power to keep a grin from appearing on your face and give away your cover. Calum was too cute for you to handle.
"We should be done with the album by the time you're born, so I'm going to be around all the time, I promise. I wouldn't dream of leaving you and Y/N alone." It was quiet for a few moments until Calum continued speaking. "I really hope you're mine, Nugget. I've been thinking a lot lately and once I saw you on that screen yesterday, I knew that this was it. You're everything I hoped for and so is your mommy, but...you might not be mine. I don't think I could live with that if you weren't. I'm getting my hopes up for no reason, honestly, but I pray to God you're mine."
Calum sniffed slightly and you wanted nothing more than to pull him into your chest and allow him to cry his frustrations out.
"But I've realized that Y/N's mine and no one else's. She doesn't want anyone but me and I still don't understand why, but I love her for loving me. I really believe I want to spend the rest of my life with her. So, even if you're not mine I'll still be your daddy, Nugget. I'll love you and treat you as if you were my own."
When Calum placed a kiss to your bump, you took that as a cue to wake up. Your eyes fluttered open and you send Calum a small smile as you stretched.
"Hey, there."
"Whatcha doin'?" You questioned and he shrugged his shoulders, reaching his hand up to scratch his head.
"I was uh...I was talking to Nugget."
"Ahh...what were you talking about?"
"Nothing." He said quickly, changing the subject."Are you hungry? I can order pizza."
You scoffed,"Calum, I'm four months pregnant. Is that even a question?"
With a slight laugh Calum stood up to go into the living room and dialed the number to Pizza Hut that was on a refrigerator magnet. You soon joined the boy in the kitchen, wrapping your arms around him from the back and trailing them up and down his bare stomach. You were pressing innocent kisses to his back while he ordered two boxes of your favorite pizza, squirming slightly when you allowed your hands to trail to the waistband of his pants and play with the string there. By now your hormones had kicked in and you slid your hands into his sweats and cupped him through his Calvin Klein boxers briefs. He turned to look over his shoulder and shoot you a playful glare whilst you smiled up at him innocently.
"Yes, delivery please. Okay...yeah, thanks." He hung up the phone and tugged you around to his front where he could see you properly. "What are you doing in my pants?"
"Nothin'." You sing-songed as you tilted your head back to look at him."I just wanted to cop a feel."
"It's big...and thick." You grinned and Calum bit his lip to try to hide his smile."And it's really warm in there."
"Is that so?" Calum leaned down to press an open mouth kiss to the fading hickey on your neck.
"Mhmm." You nodded and giggled from his hot breath tickling the spot."But...I think I need to feel it again. You know...with me being a nurse major and all, I could inspect it for you."
"Oh really?" Calum went along with your game, twirling one of your box braids around his finger as he always did." Think there might be something wrong with me?"
"Definitely." You nodded.
Calum allowed you to lead him onto your couch and laid back on the cushions. You climbed in between his legs and got as comfortable as you could, taking your time to pull him from his restraints. Calum leaned down to capture your lips with his in a lust filled kiss, nibbling your bottom lip. You stroked his cock slowly while you made out with him to get him hard before you actually took him in your mouth.
"Please do something." He begged once he was hard enough and you wasted no time with taking him in your mouth.
Sucking just the head to tease him, you flicked your tongue across the slit and then circled it underneath the ridge which caused him to moan. You were taking him as far as you could while pumping what wouldn't fit. You didn't want to prolong this blowjob anymore than you could, just wanting to feel the satisfaction of making your boy cum, so you sucked hard and kept a quick pace. Calum was in pure bliss, his head thrown back on the armrest and his eyes squeezed closed. His hand had gripped quite a few of your braids and was slightly pushing you down to take more of him in your mouth. When you pulled up to take a breather and leaving your mouth on the tip of him, Calum had understood what you were telling him as you gripped his hips.
"You want me to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours? Is that what you want?"
Once you nodded your head and opened your mouth to allow him in again, Calum didn't waste any time. He started off with a slow, steady pace and progressively bucked his hips up quicker. His hand still had a handful of your braids, so he was pushing your head down and causing you to take him down your throat. You gagged and your eyes watered, but you loved it and you knew Calum loved it too.
"Fuck, oh fuck!" He groaned out, his hips stuttering a bit as his realms crept up on him. You released Calum with a pop, your head snapping towards the door when you heard someone knocking.
"Just a minute!" You shouted and pumped Calum quicker."Come on, baby. Cum for me."
"Shit." He moaned and stared at you intently."Take me all the way one more time." He requested and you did just that, holding him there for a few extra seconds and allowing him to feel you throats pulse around him
That was all it took for Calum to cum, his warm seed coating you tongue and sliding down your throat. You swallowed all of him, going back to clean up what you missed and grinned at him as if you had completed some mission. He placed a kiss to you lips, pulling away quickly when the person knocked once again.
"One second!" Calum fixed himself and hopped up to answer the door.
Once he opened the door to see the pizza guy, he furrowed his eyebrows and turned to check the time on the clock. The two of you weren't even aware of how much time had went by due to your activities.
"I'm coming, mate, hold on!" Calum called to him.
"You already did." You teased and Calum laughed from the kitchen.
As Calum passed by you again with his wallet he smirked at you and said,"You're next." You could feel your core become hot.
When Calum returned to the living room with the two boxes of pizza, he snorted when he noticed that you were now only clad in your pink lace panties. Plopping down beside you, he flipped one box open and picked up a slice.
"No,"You stopped him when he was about to resume where you left off on Netflix."Let's talk."
"About what?"
"I dunno..."you shrugged your shoulders."Our future or somethin'."
"Oh...okay." He agreed with a nod.
The two of you sat in silence as you waited for the other to speak. You nibbled on your pizza, occasionally picking a topping from the slice to eat it separately. Calum figured that you weren't going to speak first, so he sat his food down to imitate the conversation.
"I've made a decision." He began."I want you back, I want to try us."
"Are you sure? 'Cause-"
"I know, I know. I can't leave again for my own selfish reasons and I have to be there for you and Nugget no matter what. I'm aware of that and that's all I want."
You sat quietly as you thought it over. You were almost positive something would go down and you'd just break up again, but that's how you've always been. You and Calum had been on and off since you met and you knew it would only continue. One more shot wouldn't hurt, right?
"Really?" He grinned."I can say you're mine again?"
"I've always been yours." You rolled your eyes playfully."It's just the title."
"Come here." He laughed and you moved the pizza boxes aside to crawl closer to him on the couch.
When you were within arms reach, Calum pulled you in by your neck to kiss you passionately. He tasted of pizza and the sprite he occasionally sipped on. Your hands went around his neck to play with the curls that now adorned his head and you giggled when his squeezed at your waist.
"How long has it been since I've tasted you, princess?" Calum questioned, his lips trailing down your jaw.
"Too fucking long." You practically moaned.
He slightly pushed your body back onto the couch and lifted his shirt above your belly bump. The Māori trailed kisses from your collarbone on down, marking your soft, brown skin every now and then. Tugging your panties down your legs, you couldn't help but to giggle as he nipped at your thick thighs and disappeared beneath your bump.
"So perfect." He whispered more to himself as he trailed his finger up and down your moistened slit. He hasn't eaten you out in a while, so this was exciting for him.
Calum kitten licked at you just to be a tease before he gave you one strong stripe up your core, circling his tongue around your clit and sucking it into his mouth. A satisfied moan left your lips and you closed your eyes to allow yourself to only focus on the feeling of his lips on you. Calum always gave you his all in sex and eating you out was no exception. He was very experienced and his plump lips as well as skilled tongue made the task of pleasuring you that much simpler. You squirmed when he slowly slid his middle finger into you, another digit soon following.
"Feel good?" He asked as he continued to flick his tongue against your clit and pump his fingers at a steady pace.
Calum felt you clench around his fingers and smirked against you. You were going to cum soon. He sped up his pace and sucked at your clit feverishly, wanting to see your body shake and hear you moan out his name.
"Fuck, Calum." You whined when you felt a fire start to grow in your lower belly."Don't stop."
"Come on, princess. Cum for me, Y/N."
"Oh my...Shit!" You cried as your orgasm hit you, your body convulsing as Calum continued to pleasure you. "Calum! Fuck, I can't! Stop!"
You were too sensitive, but Calum ignored you pleas for him to stop until your orgasm doubled up on you. Finally detaching his lips from your heat, he slid up your body and held your shaking limbs.
"You good?" He smiled, his lips and chin glistening from his previous act.
"You tried to take my soul." You joked and he laughed along with you, wiping your juices away with the back of his hand.
"I'm glad we're officially back together." He signed, resting his head on your shoulder." It feels good to say I'm taken again...hopefully things can go back to the way they were."
"Yeah." You sighed,biting your bottom lip."We just have to try harder."
It was quiet for a few moments before Calum spoke again.
"Just so you know...." he trailed off,"Im hard again."
It was then you felt his growing boner against your thigh, a mischievous  grin appearing on your face."Well, maybe we should handle it."
And as your lips connected once again, you both knew you were going to have a long night.
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choco-chip-cookie · 7 years
BabyDaddy!Cal Pt.7
 A/N: Helloooo! I think I’m officially over my writer's block because this chapter was a breeze to write. I have nothing to say this time, but thank you all for the kind feedback, I really appreciate it. As you know by now 100 notes for the next chapter and feedback is always welcome. I hope you enjoy, cupcakes
**WARNINGS**: Nothing but excessive cussing
Parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen,fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty{END}
You were walking down the street, casually eating an ice cream cone and enjoying the bliss of being on your own. You haven't been out by yourself since you arrived on this tour and since you were in the beautiful state that was Florida, you felt relieved that this was the one time they were all asleep. You were already prepared for the hell the four boys would raise when they woke up, turning your phone up at the maximum volume in case they called or texted. You had entered a small boutique, knowing for a fact that you couldn't fit anything in the store at this point, but you were thinking more of Connor and Felix. They both had been telling you to bring them something back from every city you went to, so you had bought them both shirts from every city. Every now and then you'd find something a little more masculine for Felix, but it usually came down to a shirt. As you were flicking through the tie dye material for Connor, you were approached by a few fans with huge grins on their faces.
"Oh my God, you're Calum Hood's girlfriend right?"
"I am." You nodded and the four of them squealed. Two of them were typing frantically on their phones while the other two followed you around the store to hold a conversation with you.
"What's he like as a boyfriend? I bet it's everything I'd dream to be."
"I guess it is. He's only human, though, so we still have our problems like all relationships." You answered and she nodded.
The shorter blonde and her taller red headed friend had asked you dozens of questions within the last ten minutes and you couldn't even understand how they kept shooting them out. Soon they asked for a picture with you and left you on your own again, finally feeling as if you could breath.
After you had paid for the two shirts and were about to head back to the hotel, you noticed a large crowd behind you. You figured it was simply the tourist or just multiple people all going to the same place but was sadly mistaken. The minute they all began to squeal and crowd around you, you knew it was finally happening. You were getting mobbed.
"Hi, okay, hello." You smiled politely at the fans who were now hugging you or speaking too quickly for you to even understand them.
You were trying to mask the panic that was slowly overtaking you as your hand slid to your baby bump, silently praying to God that you both would make it out unharmed. As you slowly tried to move away you quickly realized that you were trapped in the middle of a sea of teenage girls. They weren't letting up either, no matter how many times you said excuse me. Some girls could tell that you were becoming frustrated and would part for you, but then you would be stuck once again by the never ending wall of girls. It had to be around ten minutes of being stuck when your attitude finally climbed its way out.
"Excuse me, I've been asking nicely for the past ten minutes, but you all seriously need to back the fuck up."
No one paid you any mind as they steady talked about the band and you felt tears spring to your eyes. You refused to go into panic, you haven't had an attack since you were in middle school and you hated them. You remained calm for both your and the baby's sake.
"Y'all seriously need to get the hell out of my way!" You shouted and suddenly you were being knocked over, a shooting pain shooting through your wrist.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Think, Y/N, think. You're hurt, you're on the ground. Shit, you're on the ground! Get up! Nugget might be hurt! Get the hell up!
Despite your conscious shouting at you, you froze up. The fact that Nugget might be hurt was the only thing going through your head. Tears flooded your eyes as you searched in your purse for your phone calling the first person you could think of.
After having a long night out, the last thing Calum wanted to do was answer his phone. The third time around he finally answered with a groggy,"Hello?"
"Calum! I-I need you, I don't know what to do!" You were crying hysterically on the other end. Calum shot up, his eyes widened as he searched around the hotel room for you.
"When the hell did you leave?! Where are you?"
"I don't- I- Oh my God, I don't know." You cried harder."I was shopping and the fans..it's so many I don't know what to do."
"Y/N, just calm down! Tell me what's around you." Calum was struggling to put on his sweats with one hand, his heart racing at the thought of you and nugget getting hurt.
"There's nothing but girls, Calum! They pushed me and I fell and-"
"You fell?!" He yelled, waking Michael who gave him a glare."Y/N oh my God...Why were you- you need to tell me where you are!"
"I was at a boutique." You sniffed as you looked at the bags in your hands."Courtney's Place."
"I'm coming, okay, just stay on the phone and don't panic. "
"I'm already panicking for fucks sake!" You shouted back through the phone.
Without Calum noticing, Michael had gotten himself dressed the second he heard that you fell. The two of them ran out of the hotel room and took the SUV, frantically trying to find you before anything else could happen to you.
The minute you felt a shooting pain in your stomach you thought it was over. This was it, Nugget was gone. At the simple thought your were beyond inconsolable at the point, your breathing was sporadic and your chest began to tighten.
"Are you okay?" A few fans question as she tried to help you up, but you swatted their hands away. The last thing you wanted any of them to do was to touch you.
The few girls gave each other knowing looks and formed a small circle around you. The last thing they wanted was for you to be trampled while on the ground. It seemed as if you were on the ground with your head tucked between your legs the best you could forever. You were trying to focus on your breathing more than anything, you refused to put Nugget in any more danger than she had to be. When you heard Calum's voice yelling at the crowd, it was probably the most gratifying moment you've had in a while.
"Move the hell out of the way!" He shouted at his fans, pushing and shoving his way through. He loved his fans to death, but they were the least of his concerns. "Y/N?! Baby?!"
"She's over here!" The girls who had formed a circle around you shouted and soon Calum was right in front of you, lifting you into his arms and trying to walk away as fast as he could.
"Calum can you take a pic-"
"I swear to God if you all don't move!" He threatened." What the hell is wrong with you?! You clearly see she's having a damn panic attack and you're asking for fucking pictures?" He was shouting and the group had quieted down, not used to seeing their idol in such an angered state.
"Calum." Michael had collected your belongings and placed a comforting hand onto his shoulder."Lets just get her out of here."
"Fucking unbelievable." Calum rolled his eyes.
And for the first time since you were mobbed, the fans finally parted a way for you to get out.
It took you a while, but on your way back to the hotel Calum had finally got you to regulate your breathing. He had tears collected in his eyes from seeing his girl, his Y/N, so distressed. He had never seen you like this, had never seen you crying this hard over anything. So when you were screaming in the car about how you couldn't breathe and how Nugget was hurt, he couldn't help but to cry with you. No one had spoken a word when you entered the hotel. The entire team were sitting in Calum's and Michael's shared suite, already been caught up on the matter from twitter. There were many videos of you being attacked from start to finish and multiple of Calum coming in to save the day and blowing up at the inconsiderate fans. None of that mattered to Calum, though. All he cared about was your and Nugget's safety, which is why he was so livid.
"How could you have been so fucking careless, Y/N?! We told you multiple times not to go out alone! We tell you this all the time! Why didn't you listen?!"
"I-I go out all the time at home and-"
"But his isn't home! This isn't where everyone knows you and will help you in situations like this! This isn't where fans will simply wave at you and let you carry on home!" The Māori was flushed red and his voice strained as he yelled. He doesn't think he's been this furious in a while."Hell, if it wasn't for the fans all over twitter, I may haven't even found you!"
"I know,” You whispered,” I ain't think it through."
"No, you didn’t think it through! You put yourself and Nugget in danger over some damn shirts you could've waited to get while we were awake! You could've taken a crew member for fucks sake!"
"I'm sorry." You sniffed, wiping your eyes with the backs of your hand.
"Don't ever pull this shit again,Y/N, or I swear I'll-"
The second he saw you wince and your hand landed on your stomach all of the anger left his body. His face softened and he rushed to you, squatting to look you in the eye.
"What's wrong? Is she hurt?"
"It fucking hurts." You whined, tears flooding your eyes." I wanna go home, take me home". You cried out.
"Y/N-" Amy began, but you cut her off.
"No! I don't want to do this anymore, take me home!"
With a sigh, she pushed her dark hair away from her eyes and said,"We'll get you the next flight out. Taj, can you find a doctor that we can take her to right quick before her flight?"
With a nod from Taj the whole team moved out of the room, just leaving the five of you alone. Calum sighed and stood to pace around the room, punching the wall as he let out a series of curses.
"Calm down, Cal." Luke tried.
"Calm down? How the hell are you so calm right now?! That might be your kid you know?!"
"I know and trust me, I'm screaming on the inside, but me panicking isn't going to help either of you." He sighed."Just take a breather, mate."
Calum decided to listen to his friend, going to take a seat beside you and allow you to lean into his side. As the three boys watched Calum press a kiss to your forehead while you cried in his chest, they decided to leave the two of you alone.
"Can you tell me what happened?" The doctor asked as she ushered the two of you into the room, starting up the ultrasound machine.
"She was out and got mobbed my fans and I think she fell?" Calum questioned as he turned to you.
"Yeah I uh...I fell and I think I sprained my wrist too, but I keep getting these sharp pains in my stomach."you teared up.
"Don't worry, sugar, you're gonna be fine." The lady who reminded you of your aunt smiled."Just lay back, this is going to be cold."
With a nod you leaned back on the chair and lifted your shirt over your bump, shivering when she spread the jelly around your belly. You gripped Calum's hand tightly as your anxiety levels spiked, smiling when he lifted your fingers to his lips. You all stared at the screen intently as the doctor checked to see if there was any abnormalities.
"Is that her?" Calum felt tears gather in his eyes as he looked at Nugget for the first time.
"Well... I don't know if it's a her, but there she is." The doctor smiled."You're about four months now, so give the baby two to three more weeks and we'll be able to tell."
"Oh my God." Calum laughed joyously, wiping the tears."She really does look like a chicken nugget."
"She does." You laughed with him.
"She's got your head." He teased and you pinched him.
"Shut up, my head isn't big." You rolled your eyes playfully.
"Alright, everything seems to be okay. The pains probably just came from elevated levels of stress, so I recommend you to be on bed rest for the next week."
"Would a flight be too risky? I'm gonna go back home soon and-"
"Perfectly fine." She nodded her head."Just when you get home don't be too active, okay? I'll get someone in to look at your wrist if you just wait here."She paused before giving the two of you a genuine smile."You two are going to make amazing parents."
Calum smiled at the nurse as he said,"Thank you."
Later as you were getting your wrist checked out, the doctor handed Calum the pictures from your ultrasound and gave him a few kind words of encouragement. And as he stared down at the picture of the life growing inside of you with a large grin spread across his cheeks, he prayed for nothing more than for the baby to be his.
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choco-chip-cookie · 7 years
BabyDaddy!Cal Pt.6
A/N: I'm really struggling putting these chapters out and I feel bad for it, but I want y'all to know I'm doing the best I can. Surprisingly, I typed this up a bit fast and it turned out well in my opinion, so I’m guessing the writers block is diminishing. Y'all know to get this to 100 notes and feedback is very much appreciated (especially rn). Hope you nuggets enjoy💕
**WARNINGS**: Smut because it’s highly requested and  to makeup for my struggles in the last chapter
Parts: one, two, three, four, five, six,seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty{END}
"So, now that I've told you the latest drama, how's tour been?" Connor smiled through the screen of your phone while cuddled up into Felix's chest. You hadn't spoken to your boys since you'd left for the tour two weeks ago and missed them dearly."You and nugget okay?"
"It's great and we're fine."you reassured as you munched on some pickles. It's crazy how often you crave the salty snack. "It's fun as hell traveling the world."
"I bet. You've seen more places than both of us ever will." Felix chuckled."What about you and Calum? How many times have you beat him?"
"Like three." Calum hopped into your conversation as he plopped down beside you, placing his head into your lap the best he could while your belly poked his head." I deserved it, though."
"Do you guys want pizza? There's a place like a block from here, we can walk and get it?" Ashton suggested and you all agreed.
It wasn't until you five left the bus did Luke question,"I hope they're okay with us disappearing for like two hours since we leave in three."
"Your tits are growing." Connor blurted out and you laughed loudly, holding the phone at another angle to hide away your aching breast.
"Shut the fuck up." You rolls your eyes playfully."My breast are so sore it's ridiculous."
"Get Calum to help you out." Felix joked and you and the boys laughed.
"I mean-"
"No." You interrupted before Calum could reply with some perverted response. "I'll FaceTime you guys tomorrow, aight?"
"Okay." The two boys showed their pearly whites."Bye, Y/N, we love you."
"Love you too." You three blew kisses at the screen before ending the call.
"Your friendship with them is admirable." Ashton commented and you snorted."No, seriously."
"Those two put me under so much stress it's crazy." You laughed lightly."Have you guys had this pizza before or are we just being adventurous?"You questioned the four.
Ashton shrugged his shoulders in response,"Adventurous, I guess. We're starving and this will probably be the only time we can eat out somewhere since we're on the bus for the next two days."
"Well shit."
You felt Calum slip his hands into yours and lace them together, the two of you looking down simultaneously and smiling at the gesture. Luke smiled fondly at the sight of his two friends, swiftly pulling his phone out to record the two for his Instagram story.
"Hey, lovebirds." He called to catch their attention."Say hi."
"Dammit, Luke!" You shouted with a laugh, hiding your face in Calum's side." I look rough."
"You look beautiful as always." Calum complemented and you cheesed up at him, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
God, did you love this boy.
You were relaxing in the tub, your eyes closed as the water kept you warm. You heard the quiet beep from the door, letting you know that the boys were back and not long after the door slammed shut Calum's voice sounded throughout the spacious hotel room.
"Y/N!" Calum shouted and you let him know where you were in the hotel. Seconds later Calum appeared in the doorway and a smile appeared on his face when he saw you sat in the Jacuzzi tub, bubbles covering your body with a few on your chin as well.
"Hi." He laughed as he took you in, his heart warming at the sight. All he could think was: "Damn, I love her."
"Are you gonna join me?" You grinned cheekily and he shook his head no, taking a seat on the floor and leaning on the edge of the tub.
"Nah, 'M just gonna sit with you for a bit. We have to start getting ready for the party in a while." He informed, poking his fingers in the bubbles.
The two of you sat in silence, the only sound being the jacuzzi tub keeping you warm. You watched Calum intently as he seemed to be in a daze, a small smile making an appearance on your face when you realized his hand slowly making its way to your baby bump. Once you felt his hand connect with your warm belly, you couldn't help but to let out a content sigh.
"Does she kick you?" He questioned and you shook your head.
"Nugget probably won't start kicking until five or six months."
"Oh." Was all he replied with."Well, if she kicks a lot then she's going to be a football player. No doubt about it."
"You must want a girl?" You questioned and he nodded his head.
Calum hadn't really spoke much about what he wished the gender of the baby to be, nor had he even spoke on what he would do if the baby was his. So, when he finally voiced his opinion on the matter, it never failed to make your heart flutter.
"Yeah, I want to have a little princess to spoil."
This caused you to pout as you mumbled out,"I thought I was your princess?"
"You are," he reassured,"but if you have a girl then you'll just have to become my queen."
You couldn't contain the child like grin that appeared on your face as you leaped closer to him and pressed your lips to his. Calum laughed at the fact that he was now soaked due to the water being sloshed over the edge of the tub. He allowed you to press kisses all over his face and wet the top half of his shirt from your wet breast being pressed against him. When you finally detached from him, Calum decided to playfully reach out a squeeze your breast and the two of you smiled at each other cheekily.
"I love you so much." You breathed and he kissed you once more.
"I love you too."
"Okay, I want you to enjoy yourselves tonight." Amy was giving you all a short pep talk before you exited the SUV as she always did."No arguing, no fights, no attitudes." She listed, eyeing you and Calum, letting you know she was mainly directing it towards you."That's all I ask of you besides the interview, and if they start back on the cheating rumors just avoid the question entirely, okay? Don't feed into anything they say unless it has something to do with your fans or the music. Got it?"
"Got it." You all reassured and she nodded her head one last time.
"Okay, lets go."
As the lot of you entered the building, you stopped Amy to whisper into her ear,"Hey, do you mind keeping the door unlocked just in case I need to get away for a bit?"
"Yeah, no problem." She nodded, pressing the button to unlock the doors and then tucked the keys into her purse.
At first you followed the guys around, being introduced to and greeting a multitude of people you didn't know. Surprisingly you had found a flowy dress that didn't give away your bump, but there was the occasional woman - most of the time being an older one - who definitely knew you were pregnant and congratulated you. Eventually you had gotten bored following behind them and went off to do your own thing, which meant exploring the large building it was held in. You at first thought it was a club, but the further you walked in the building, the more you realized it was most likely a hotel due to the gym, pool, and multiple rooms. After deciding that you wanted to put your feet in the water and struggling to get off your retched heels, you were startled by a voice.
"Need help?"
Turning around to see where the voice came from, you saw a guy dressed in a blue dress shirt and slacks. He slowly made his way over to you and sat beside you, looking into your eyes for confirmation before he actually touched you. Once you nodded your head the stranger carefully unstrapped your heels and gently placed your feet onto the cool tile floors.
"I uh.. yeah. Is it that noticeable?"
"No, not really. My wife is pregnant, I can see that same pregnancy glow on you." You could easily hear that he was a native from the city you were currently in."Plus your feet seem to be starting to swell."
"Pregnancy isn't fun." You laughed lightly, turning to place your feet into the cool chlorine water.
"Yeah, I'd assume so." He laughed along with you."It's worth it in the end."
The two of you talked for what seemed like hours. You'd found out that the guy's name was Nicholas and he was way older than you being in his late twenties. He'd told you how he owned the building you were currently in and that his wife was currently pregnant with twins which would make three kids in total. Nicholas had even traded with you some tips for a few problems you had as well as for some that may come up later in your pregnancy. Just as he was telling you about how he and his best friend saved up and got this hotel built before he owned multiple hotels, your phone began to ring loudly.
"Sorry, it's my boyfri-babydaddy." You laughed as you corrected yourself, answering and holding the phone up to your ear."Hello? Of course I haven't left the party, I went exploring...Yes, I’m fine...Okay, yeah, I'm coming. Bye."
"Well, your babydaddy calls." Both you and Nicholas laughed at the way the word sounded due to his accent.
He helped you strap your shoes back on and walked with you to join the party once again. The moment you saw Calum's eyebrows furrow from seeing you and some unknown man emerge from the halls laughing together, you knew you were in for it and now dreaded being by his side again. You bid your goodbyes to Nicholas, smiling as he pressed a kiss to your cheek and handed you his business card in case you ever needed help with anything. You stalked slowly to Calum who was now standing against the wall with his arms crossed and a frown prominent.
"What the hell was that?"
"Oh, stop your pouting." You rolled your eyes."Nothing happened between us, he's too old for me anyway."
"Why's the back of your dress wet?"
"We were sitting at a pool." You shrugged your shoulders and he eyed you with a raised eyebrow and you wrapped your arms around his waist."I promise to you I wasn't doing anything with that married man."
At the sound of married, Calum seemed to ease up a bit. You laughed lightly and shook your head, pressing a kiss to his lips. As you pulled away, Calum couldn't help but to pull you back in and connect your lips once more. It had been too long since the last time he could properly make out with you and for some reason he thought this was the perfect time. Deepening the kiss, he wrapped his arms around your waist while yours went to play with the hair on the back of his neck. When he detached his lips from yours to place kisses down your jaw and his hands had now trailed to grip your left cheek, you knew that the two of you had to get out of the crowded room.
"Amy left the car unlocked."You hinted and he grinned widely, taking your hand in his and dragging you out the backdoor.
Luke laughed as he saw the both of you rushing out of building, catching the attention of the other guys who laughed as well. The two of you just could never keep your hands to yourselves. You had now reached the SUV and Calum opened the door so that you could climb in before he did. You quickly removed your panties and climbed into Calum's lap the minute he sat down. Your lips attached once more as you made out sloppily, your teeth clashing and noses bumping every few moments. Calum let out a groan as you swiveled your hips against him, his hands squeezing your butt to bring you closer to him.
"Why are you always getting me hard in public?" He breathed out a laugh while his hands tugged the straps of your dress down your shoulders, leaning in to take the brown bud on your exposed breasts into his mouth.
"I dunno, it's a God given talent." You joked.
You struggled putting your hands between the both of you due to your belly and soon you pulled away from Calum with a huff. Calum grinned at you, amused at the situation while he watched you slide away so that he could unbuckle his belt and pull himself free from his jeans.
"Nugget's making everything complicated." You whined.
"I see." He kissed you again."You gonna ride me, baby?"
Calum practically moaned as he dipped his fingers underneath your dress to feel how wet you were for him, then he proceeded to stroke his cock using your wetness as a lubricant. He ran his cock up and down your slick folds a few times and growled when you sunk yourself down on him. It took you a few moments to adjust since you didn't initiate in foreplay and because you hadn't had him in quite some time, but eventually you began to slowly rock your hips against him and building a steady pace. Calum's hands were clenched tightly around your waist as he watched you ride him with your head thrown back in pleasure, his name leaving your lips in a moan.
"You feel me, baby? You feel me deep inside of you?"
"Fuck, yes." You whined, bouncing a little harder.
Calum pressed open mouth kisses to the swell of your breast, sucking purple hickeys onto the skin. His hand had wrapped around to rub circles onto your clit and that action is what brought you to your first orgasm as you moaned his name loudly.
"Flip over for me, princess. Get on all fours."
Moving as quickly as you could, you allowed Calum to come behind you and sink into you to the hilt. Your hands were pressed against the fogged up window and you prayed that no one could see the two of you. Calum was pounding into you relentlessly, low growls and the occasional moan leaving escaping his lips and leaving you wanting him to the cum even more. You began to bounce your ass onto him, the two of you laughing lightly as Calum smacked it to watch it jiggle even more.
"Fuck, you feel so good."
"You gonna cum for me, Calum? Hmm? Cum inside of me?"
"Shit...yes, baby." He groaned as he pumped in and out of you as fast as he could.
"Fuck! That's it,Cal, right there!" You moaned loudly.
Your second orgasm was quickly approaching and you were trying to hold back so that you and Calum could reach your high together. You knew Calum was close when his grip on your waist tightened and his already fast pace seemed to quicken. Moments later you felt his cock twitch inside of you before his hips jerked and stiffened just at the same time you finally came.
"Holy fuck...shit." Calum moaned as he thrust slowly to ride out the both of your highs, leaning over to rest his forehead against your damp back." That was amazing."
"We can take car sex off of our list." You reminded him of the long list the two of you made jokingly of places you wanted to have sex.
Laughing to himself, he pulled out of you a sigh leaving his lips as he saw the mess that was now on his pants. When you turned around to see for yourself, you stifled your laughter at the mishap.
"Oh my- what the hell happened?"
"You happened, Ms.Rivers." You let out a loud laugh at the name, nearly falling over from the intensity of it. "I can't go back in there with wet pants, Y/N. Stop laughing." Calum had to admit the situation was funny, but it was still troubling.
"We'll just have to call it a night. Say we got tired or somethin'." You wiped away the tears."That's hilarious."
"It isn't." He rolled his eyes playfully as he pulled out his phone to call and uber.
You pulled the straps of your dress back onto your shoulders, located your discarded panties and slid them up your legs, then leaned over to fix Calum up while he spoke with the driver. Luckily it was only five minutes before the driver pulled up and you were on your way to the hotel. The two of you laughed the whole elevator ride to the room, making fun of each other and how badly the predicament would've been if Calum had no choice but to return to the party. You both showered quickly and slid on pajamas, looking over to smile at the other across the room like the two lovebirds you were.
Elbowing Calum to catch his attention, you smirked before saying,"I got that wet wet." and bursting into a fit of giggles when he pushed you away from him.
"You're unbelievable." The Māori laughed as he climbed into the bed, leaving the covers pulled back until you climbed underneath.
Snuggling into his chest you whispered,"You love me, though."
"I do." He replied and placed a loving kiss to your forehead.
The two of you laid in a comforting silence, listening to the calming breaths of the other and playing with the others fingers until you both felt into a deep sleep.
Sighing loudly as he entered the dark room, Michael had began to shed his clothes on his way to the bathroom to take a quick shower. While searching for a clean pair of boxers and clothes that he would sleep in, the blonde jumped at the sound of ruffling above him. Rapidly standing upright, Michael let out a slight chuckle when he realized that it was only you and Calum cuddled together and sleeping. Going to retrieve his phone from the nightstand he sat it on upon arrival, he snapped a picture of you both and continued to post it onto twitter. Once he'd tagged the two of you and smiled when multiple fans had already began to retweet and comment on the picture, he locked his phone and went to take a shower while you both laid in each other's arms completely oblivious to the world.
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choco-chip-cookie · 7 years
BabyDaddy!Cal Pt.5
A/N: Honestly...I don't really like this chapter all that much but two of my friends loved it. So, sorry if it's shitty, but I really tried my best.  This was honestly a filler chapter, but I’m gonna try to make sure the next chapter is waay better than this. As you know 100 notes and feedback for the next chapter and I hope you enjoy, hun💕
**WARNINGS**: None, but I got you in 6 & 7 ;)
Parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen,fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty{END}
"Where's Y/N?"
"Luke took her sight seeing."
The minute Michael told Calum that, he knew that he was going to have a bad day. Calum had brought you on this tour with them to keep you closer to him and to somewhat fix what was happening between the two of you. Ever since you two had that talk a few night ago, things had been going well. It was as if you had a better understanding of each other and knew what and what not to expect. You hadn't left his side until today and of course it had to be because of Luke. Both Michael and Ashton immediately picked up on Calum's sudden mood change and knew that he was going to be grumpy for the remainder of the day.
You on the other hand thought that sight seeing was the best way to start your day. Luke had taken you all over Florence and had you laughing throughout the entire trip. You had seen the Florence Cathedral, visited the Galleria dell'Accademia, and you even got to try gelato for the first time. It was around twelve in the afternoon when you two finally returned to the hotel, entering the room laughing.
"I understand the hype with the ice cream." You admitted."That's fuckin' amazing."
"I told you that and you swore it wouldn't be."
"I wonder if that lady knew who you were."
Luke had somehow managed to step on some lady's skirt, sending her tumbling to the ground and he went along with her from trying to keep her from falling. You were bent over from laughing too hard while he stumbled over an apology with red cheeks and her family stared at the two trying to figure out what had happened.
"Shut up." The blonde pushed you slightly.
"Seems like you two had fun." Calum spoke bitterly and the room was suddenly filled with tension.
You of course caught on to his tone of voice and due to your natural attitude and heightened emotions, you definitely wouldn't let it slide."We did, actually, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't fucking ruin it with your unnecessary attitude."
The other three boy's mouths formed small "O" shapes at your quick attitude change, knowing that an argument was most likely about to take place. The two of you had attitudes and never ending comebacks so there was no telling what would happen. They had seen you argue plenty of times before, but it was never pleasant.
"My attitude wouldn't be necessary if you didn't go out with Luke."
"Man, bruh." You drug out the word man and tossed your head back onto your shoulders."Don't you think this shit is getting old? I'm tired of telling you that we're just friends and that he's hanging around more to do what you didn't want to do."
"You don't have to keep throwing that in my face, Y/N, I thought we moved passed that."
"Clearly we haven't since you're pissed that I went somewhere with Luke!"
"Of course I'm pissed! He's the reason we're broken up and fighting all of the time!"
As Ashton saw Luke look down at the ground and chew on his lip to attempt to mask his guilt, he thought now would be a good time to stop the two of you before you both began to say things you’d regret later, but it seemed as if it was too late.
"Guys, come on. We have an interview in like twenty minutes can we not-"
"If Calum would've just shut the hell up we wouldn't be doing this right now."
"If you would've just kept your legs closed then we wouldn't be arguing over Luke!" Calum shot back and it was as if you could hear a pen drop in the room.
The second Calum saw the tears in your eyes he regretted what he said. He took it too far and knew that you were going to raise hell for it.
"Y/N, I-"
"Nah, bruh. Fuck you and allat other shit." You practically growled at him."Every time I try to give you another chance you remind me why we're not together."
"I'm sorry, I didn't-"
"Yes you did." You laughed bitterly, walking out of their room to go and sulk in your suite and ignoring Amy's questions.
When the door slammed behind you all three of the guys turned to glare at Calum who's face showed nothing but guilt.
"Well, nice going Calum. You pissed her off and made her cry within five minutes."
"I didn't mean that."
"You did and we all know it." Luke shook his head."Look, mate, I know what happened was fucked up and I know how bad it hurts that she's potentially having my kid. You can't hold that against her forever, Calum."
"Yeah, what if it is yours? Then you put her through so much shit to the point where she wants nothing to do with you all for nothing." Michael added."Fucking idiot."
Just then Amy walked in with a confused expression, pointing behind her as she said,"Any particular reason Y/N just walked into our room crying?"
"It's complicated." Calum dismissed it and she shrugged.
"Okay then...You boys ready for the interview?"
Throughout the whole interview anyone in the room could tell that Calum wasn't present. He was too busy thinking of Y/N crying alone in her hotel suite alone because of him. Because he always had to yell out words without thinking first. Because he couldn't stop being so damn insecure about himself. He knew and understood that she and Luke were just friends, he knew that there was nothing going on between them. Yet, he couldn't help but to get jealous every time they spent time together. Luke was everyone's type, the typical "hot guy". Blonde, pretty blue eyes, tall, a smile to die for, and he could sing. Why wouldn't you leave him for Luke? The words you'd told him over and over again were resonating in his head and he didn't even hear the interviewer direct a question towards him.
"Calum." Ashton caught his attention, poking him in the arm."She asked you something."
"Oh, I'm sorry. What were you saying?"
"I asked how have you and Y/N been."
At this question Calum tensed up."We've been great, she's lovely."
"We haven't seen much of you two lately, everyone was wondering if you were still together." The strawberry blonde continued to press on the matter and the boys tried to derail from the question. This was definitely the wrong time to be asking this question.
"Uh, yeah, we're just going through a little rough patch, but it's nothing we can't handle."
"Ah, " She gave him a devilish smile,"would that be because of Luke?"
"I uh, what? No." Calum laughed nervously, pinching at the material of his black skinny jeans. The boy was trying to keep his cool, but the interviewer kept adding to the flame she started.
"I mean, a lot of people have been speculating that she's either cheating on you with Luke or that you two broke up and she moved on to him." She then turned to Luke who was nibbling on his lip nervously, eyeing Calum as he knew he would burst any moment. "You've been spending a lot of time with her recently. Any particular reason as to why?"
"Uh, no. Me and Y/N have been really good friends since she and Calum first met. We just like each other's company."
"So, what about this picture of the two of you kissing."
All four of the boys' eyes widened at the words that left her lips. The crew that had tagged along were pissed since the interviewer were asking a series of questions without checking it through with them. Calum could feel his blood boil as he looked at the blonde boy sitting beside him.
"You fucking kissed her?"
"But this picture-" the lady showed them the picture proof, but was interrupted by Michael rudely telling her to shut up.
"I knew you liked her, I just- Fuck!" Calum yelled and knocked his chair over along with a few other things.
"Calum! Calm down!" Amy shouted then turned to the man in charge and shouting."You better edit all of that out or I swear to God a lawsuit will be on your hands." She pointed in his face and told the boys to follow her.
The ride back to the hotel was quiet and tension filled. That's how a lot of the time spent together between the boys had been recently. No one spoke a word as Calum practically had steam blowing from his ears and they all walked straight passed the paps and few fans standing outside of their hotel. This baby situation was slowly becoming too much for them to contain and they didn’t know how long they had before it got out to the public.
"I'm going to let you deal with this crap by yourselves." Amy scolded."This better be resolved before the party in two days or we’re all going to have to listen to another one of David’s lectures." She warned and stormed out of the room.
"Luke, seriously?" Ashton sighed, running his finger through his hair. This wasn't even his mess and he was just as stressed as Luke and Calum was.
"Yeah, man. I thought you said you didn't like her?" Michael added.
"I don't!" Luke threw his hands in the air in exasperation."I don't know where that came from, but we didn't kiss."
"Yeah, cause a picture is-"
"Come on, Calum. You know they photo shop shit." Luke tried to prove his innocence."I don't remember what exactly we did that day, but I swear we didn't kiss. There's nothing going on between us."
Calum was slowly pacing the room, his hands placed on top of his head as he blew out air. Whenever he decides to finally let go of the crazy theory of you two liking each other, something always popped up and told him otherwise.
"I'm taking a walk." He announced and pat his pockets to check and see if he had his phone and wallet."I’ll be back whenever.”
Calum ignored the calls of his friend as he left the hotel suite, slamming the door behind him.
"Amy have you seen, Y/N?" Ashton checked into the room and she nodded her head, pointing to the bathroom where the faint sound of the shower could be heard. "Can you tell her to come to me room when she's done?"
Ashton had sat in his bed and scrolled through twitter for almost twenty minutes before there was a soft knock at his door. Locking his phone and tossing it to the side, he jogged to the door to allow you into his room.
"Hey here, bud." You greeted as you plopped onto what you believed was Ashton's bed.
The older boy took a seat beside you, smiling as he eyed your visible baby bump that showed through the white tank top you wore.
"Your belly button is starting to popping out." He chuckled and your hand went to sit on your belly.
"I can barely fit my pants anymore, let alone my shirts." You giggled."What did you need?"
He took a deep breath before asking,"Did you kiss Luke?"
"Huh?" You furrowed your eyebrows."No?"
He then proceeded to tell you about what went down during the interview and how pissed Calum currently was. You couldn’t help but to immediately worry when you found out that the Māori boy you loved so dearly had been out roaming the streets of Florence alone for hours on end and how no one has heard from him.
"Have you called him?"
"He won't answer."
"Ashton!" You shouted as you stood abruptly."We have to go-"
"Y/N, Calum can handle himself okay? If he needed help he'd call."
"You can't do much anymore anyway, you're pregnant." He chuckled."But I promise if he doesn't come back before eleven, I'll go look for him."
"Aight." You agreed."Goodnight, Ashton."
"Goodnight, Y/N."
Hours later both you and Amy were awoken to the sound of someone banging on your door. Amy grumbled as she checked the clock and saw that it was nearly one in the morning. You tried to return to your slumber until you heard Calum's raspy voice arguing quietly with Amy.
"I just want to sleep with, Y/N."
"Dammit, Calum go to your own room." She demanded and you sighed, standing to your feet. You knew that he wasn't going to leave, you never could get him to.
Collecting your phone and charger, you rubbed your eyes as you approached the two."Amy, I'll just go with him." You touched her shoulder and let her know that she could return to her bed.
Calum grinned sleepily at you and laced his fingers with yours as he drug you back to his and Michael's shared room. Once he used the key card to unlock the door, the two of you entered quietly to not disturb Michael's slumber  and climbed into his bed.
"Why are you always so complicated?" You questioned as he got settled in behind you, pulling you close to his chest.
"I couldn't sleep, so I wanted to cuddle ."
"You're impossible." You chuckled quietly as he placed small kisses to your shoulders.
"Y/N," he started,"I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't-"
"Calum just let it go." You sighed out and he stopped his apologies. "It's okay."
You lifted his hand up to your lips, pressing them against his knuckles before returning them to their original spot. Hearing the reassurance from you, Calum pressed one last kiss to your shoulder and drifted off to sleep. You on the other hand had those words he spat at you earlier echoing throughout your mind, wishing that you were as unaffected by it as you gave off.
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choco-chip-cookie · 7 years
BabyDaddy!Cal Pt. 4
A/N: I had wrote this before I even finished Pt.3 so it's been ready to post lmao. I'm finally giving you all the much requested smut so I hope y'all are satisfied for now. Imma start on 5 so, the quicker this gets to 100 notes with feedback the quicker it comes. Hope y'all love bugs enjoy💕
I know I could of ended it better but I couldn't think of a good way, sorry.
OH and I’m just starting a diet today and boiiii...let’s see how long I can last lmaoo.
**WARNING**: Smut (blowjob to be specific)
Parts: one, two, three, four, five, six,seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen,fourteen, fifteen,sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty{END}
"It's about damn time you got a new hairstyle."
"Well, excuse me for embracing my natural curls, Connor." You snorted as the blonde rolled his eyes at you." I can't believe you're seriously dying your hair."
"I can't believe I let you pick the color." Connor laughed."If I walk out of here looking crazy, Y/N, I'm going to kill you."
"Deadass?" You challenged and he gave you the eye.
"Deadass."he attempted to copy your accent and both you and your hairstylist laughed.
The complications of finding a black hairstylist in a salon that doesn't overcharge in Australia was complicated. Usually you paid no more than eighty dollars for someone like your cousin, your friend's aunt, or even someone's mother to do your hair in the comforts of their home. You had been coming to your stylist, Kim, every since you've moved here and she had never let you down. She understood the struggle of African American hair and you didn't trust anyone else to come near your head.
"Girl, you might just walk out of here half done. All this damn hair in your head." Kim teased as she finished another single braid and you rolled your eyes.
"I ain’t gettin' out of this chair until you finish, Kim. Don't play."
"I'm just messin' with you, Y/N, I've got you."
You, Kim, and Connor had a conversation going for a while about the countries you've always wanted to travel and things you wanted to do before you die. After another hour Connor was done with his hair and squealing in the mirror at the lilac hair you'd given him.
"Holy shit, Y/N!"
"It's cute." You laughed."You like it?"
"I love it. Oh my God!" He played around with his hair in the mirror, hugging the stylist who had fixed him up." Felix is going to freak."
"He might kill me."
"I won't let him go too far." Connor joked as he paid the brunette and she called for someone else to take his spot."God, you haven't had box braids in so long that I almost forgot how long it takes. I'm starving, you want anything for nugget?"
"Who's nugget?" Kim snorted and you lifted the large shirt to show your baby bump, laughing loudly as she squealed."I know you lyin'!"
"Nope. I have a baby on the way."
"Oh my God, congratulations, sweetheart." She hugged you with a grin."How many months are you?"
"Just three."
"Wow, that's crazy."
After consulting with Connor on what you were in the mood for, he left and you and Kim continued to talk about the new life growing inside of you. First you explained on how you came up with the name nugget for your bump because the last time you saw the baby it was shaped like a chicken nugget. Then you explained to her the horrid baby daddy drama you were in the middle of. After another six hours you were finally done and your head was beyond sore. You knew you were going to struggle sleeping tonight, but once you looked into the mirror and saw the neatly done boxed braids hanging just above your butt, you got over it.
"I'm fine as hell." You gassed yourself up as you took pictures in the passenger seat of Connor's car.
"Yeah, and you're going to be dead as hell when Felix sees my head." Connor rebutted and you laughed loudly."Play nice with Calum on this tour please, ma'am."
"No promises."
"Y/N."he said in a warning tone and you smacked your lips.
Calum walked into your apartment at six in the morning, reminding himself to scold you for leaving your door locked overnight. He noticed your bags sitting beside the door and decided it would be best if he took it down to the black SUV waiting with the other boys in it as well. As he packed your suitcase and smaller bags into the trunk, he let the boys know that it might be a minute before you actually got out of bed.
The second time he entered your home, he went straight for your room and nearly choked on his own spit at the sight of your naked body. The small amount of light that was shining in made you look ravishing and it took everything in Calum to not crawl onto the bed and wake you up with head. He knew that was crossing boundaries, but when it was just out in display he couldn't help himself. The poor boy took a few deep breaths and walked over towards you, also having to ignore how perky your nipples were. God, you were going to be the death of him.
"Y/N, baby, wakeup." Calum rocked you slightly until you began to stir."Princess."
"Go the hell away." You whined and he laughed quietly.
"Our flight is in an hour and thirty, babe. You've got twenty minutes to get presentable."
"Mmmm...I'm just gonna go naked." You joked and hummed when Calum had lightly began to massage your bottom.
"As much as I would love that, you can't. And we can't miss this flight, so get up."
He waited until you stood from the bed in all of your naked glory and stretched, his mouth practically watering at the sight, and you knew it. You smirked at him before stalking into your bathroom to wash up. Not too long later you had brushed your teeth, washed your face, and refreshed the pineapple style on top of your head.
"Can I kiss you, Y/N?" Calum asked once you came back and you contemplated it for a few moments.
"I really want to bend you over your bed, but kissing seems more like the appropriate thing to do."he admitted."Plus we don't have time for a quicky."
"Shut up and come here."
Calum practically ran towards you before he smashed his lips against yours, one hand tugging you closer to his body while the other went down to grab a bare cheek. The kiss was innocent enough, you'd like to think. Well, at least as innocent as the two of you could get.
"I have to get dressed." You giggled against his lips and he sighed out, pressing a few more pecks to your lips and letting you free.
"I'll be in the car, thickness." Calum smirked and smacked your ass as he walked out, leaving you laughing loudly at the new nickname.
The boys were beyond annoyed as they walked through the airport with a few paps following behind them as the sun barely peeked over the horizon. You on the other hand were nearly walking with your eyes closed as you held onto Calum's arm, allowing him to lead the way. This was not the normal for you. All of your classes were after at least nine, so you being up before then was abnormal.
"Babe, be careful." He chuckled as you tripped over your feet, his arm going to wrap around your waist to keep you steady.
"Rough night, Y/N?" A pap questioned you and you laughed lightly.
"Just got my hair done, couldn't sleep."
"Ahh, that's what's under the hair net?"
Calum was honestly shocked that you were holding a conversation with this man. You were friendly most of the time, but it was weird to see you conversing at seven in the morning with a guy you don't know pointing a camera in your face.
"It's not a hairnet, it's a bonnet, and I didn't even know I had it on." You made a mental note to take it off once you made it onto the plane.
"So, how's the relationship been going? We haven't seen much of you two recently and-"
"Not to be rude or anything, but it's the ass crack of dawn okay? Can you back up?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry."
"Thanks." You smiled kindly and continued to walk and ignoring them.
After your bags had been checked and you had been led to the correct isle, you boarded the plane. Originally you were sat by Michael, but he had switched with Calum before you could even get yourself situated. You were already sleeping before the plane took off and when you awoke again, you were halfway there according to Calum.
"What's under the bonnet?" Calum question you and you sighed, reaching up to tug the black bonnet off of your head and allowing the braids to fall free. Calum's eyes widened at the sight of your hair, not expecting such a drastic change.
"It's cute ain't it?" You grinned and couldn't help but to laugh at his astonished expression.
"Wow." He breathed out as he reach over to tug on a braid, twisting it between his fingers."Its...I love it."
"I sholl can't tell."you joked.
"I'm just...this is different." He continued to play with the braids, running his finger along the gold jewelry you have enclosed around a few of them."How the hell are they so long?"
"It's braid hair added in."
"That's a lot of hair, Y/N." he laughed."How long did this take?"
"Uhh...about six to seven hours."
"What the hell?!" He whisper yelled and you laughed loudly, covering your mouth to quiet down.
You could tell Calum hadn't ever messed around or even had a black girlfriend. He reacted this way to a lot of the things you did that were normal to you. Your slang, your hair, even down to the soul food you cooked on the regular. The boy nearly ate a whole pot of gumbo when you made it for him while he had a cold, and don't even get me started on how much fried corn and barbecue chicken he could eat. When it came to your hair he got so curious that he sat in the bathroom to watch you wash and then style your hair. He found everything about you fascinating and you absolutely loved it.
"Calm down, Calum that's normal."
"You sat in a chair for seven hours to get your hair did? That's not normal."
You two conversed on your hair and you explained the process to him. Eventually you ended up bringing up a YouTube video so that he could understand even more, leaning over in his lap a bit to be able to show him better. It was hard for Calum to focus on the video when you were that close to his crotch. He hadn't hand your lips around him in what seemed like forever and all he could do was imagine it. How you looked up at him with such innocent eyes even though you had your lips wrapped around his cock. How you would occasionally smile up at him with a line of spit connecting you to him. How your eyes watered when you gagged around him. He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard you giggle and looked down to see you already staring up at him.
"Whatcha thinking 'bout?" You grinned mischievously and he furrowed his eyebrows."I'm assuming something you don't want to share out loud."
"I uh...uh..."
"Grey sweats weren't such a good idea, sweetheart." You teased, pressing a kiss to the bulge and laughing when his breath hitched. "I could help you though...'M not sure I want to."
"Don't tease me, for the love of God." He complained as you rubbed him through the soft cotton material.
"Pull the blanket over me."
That mischievous glint in your eyes would forever get Calum excited, both sexual and innocently. He and everyone else knew you were up to no good the minute you flashed your pearly grin and your eyes gleamed full of mischief. Calum reached over to tug the soft blanket you'd brought from home over you, looking around to see if anyone was paying the two of you any mind. Most people were sleeping whilst others either had headphones in watching movies or listening to music. He let out a relieved sigh when you pulled him free from his tight boxer briefs and giving him a kiss right on the head.
"You're so hard." You whispered."I wish I could feel you inside of me."
Before he could even respond you had already taken him in your mouth, being sure to pace yourself so that you wouldn't gag or draw attention to yourself. You couldn't see Calum's face but you were pretty sure that his cheeks were flushed and his plump bottom lip was sucked into his mouth to keep himself quiet. Calum had always been vocal when it came to being intimate with you, so being in a social setting while doing so was was beyond entertaining to you. You continued to suck him off, having one of your hands join in on the action to jerk what you couldn't fit.
"Shit." He mumbled out, his hips going up the slightest bit.
Calum bit his lip harshly, nearly drawing blood when you began to deep throat him. He wanted to so badly look under the blanket or even sneak you into the restroom and take you right there. The Māori shivered when your teeth grazed him slightly and glared playfully at you when you lifted the covers slightly to show that you did it on purpose.
"What would you do if I bit you?"
"Y/N, this is not the time to play with me." He warned and you giggled and continued to suck him off.
You decided to speed up the process and began to suck harder and take him down deeper, making sure to keep a firm grip on what wouldn't fit. You could tell that he was close when he began to slightly arch his back and had his hips lift up to push himself deeper. Just as Calum was reaching his high, the flight attendant came by and he held a tight grip onto your shoulder as an indication to stop. It took everything in your power to not burst into a fit of laughter as Calum casually conversed with the flight attendant as if his cock wasn't in your mouth.
"Can we get some pickles as well with- uh..." Calum lost his train of thought when you began to suckle his tip."Uh...shit,you know what? That'll be all, thank you."
Laughing as he thumped you, you stacked both hands onto him and began to twist them in the opposite direction. Sucking on the head, you knew Calum would cum within minutes. The twist and suck combo was his favorite move since hit got him to cum every time.
"Fuck, fuck,fuck, fuck." He chanted lowly as his warm load shot into your mouth and you swallowed every single bit, loving the salty sweet taste of him.
After kitten licking his cock to clean him up, you tucked him back into his sweats and sat up with a satisfied smile, licking your lips teasingly.
"I love you." He chuckled as he pulled you in for a kiss.
"I know you do."
"We've only been in this hotel for a few hours and you've already gotten two noise complaints." Amy, the band's co-manager sighed as she stepped into the room."You guys seriously have got to keep it down."
"Sorry, Amy." Ashton apologized on behalf of the boys.
"And if you're going out tonight don't stay out too late. You've got an interview at twelve sharp and I would prefer for you to not be hungover."
"We promise." The boys said in unison and Amy bid everyone goodnight.
It was around twelve at night when they all had finally gotten tired of playing rounds and rounds on their PlayStation and yelling at each other. They had decided that they were going to go out and explore London tonight as well as party since they left after their interview tomorrow. 
"Cal, we're going to a club. You coming?"
Calum looked over at your body sprawled out across the bed, too into your phone to recognize that Ashton had walked into the room, shaking his head no.
"Nah, I'm going to stay with, Y/N."
"Huh?” you looked up at the mention of your name."What happened?"
"Calum wants to stay here with you while we go out." Ashton smirked and you rolled your eyes playfully at his facial expression.
"It's fine, Calum, go with the idiots."
"I don't want to leave you alone."
"Calum, I live alone." You laughed and he gave you his famous bitch face.
"You know what I mean. I'm not going."
"Bye, Ashton." Claim waved and the older blonde shrugged his shoulders, leaving the two of you in the suite."You're stubborn as hell.”
You scoffed at remark, sitting up straight and saying,"I know damn well you of all people ain't calling me stubborn."
"I am." He said smugly and you narrowed your eyes at him."What you-"
Calum was interrupted by a pillow smacking him across the face and you gave him an impish grin. Your loud laughter bounced off of the walls when he suddenly tackled you onto the bed, making sure not to be too rough so that he wouldn't hurt nugget. Tears sprung to your eyes as he tickled you, his cheeks hurting from grinning so hard at the sight of you laughing because of him. You got a hold of another pillow and smacked him again, catching him off guard and being able flip him over and throw playful punches at him. Calum screamed and pretended to die over dramatically, causing you to laugh even harder at his theatrics.
"Ah, shit I killed him." You played along."I gotta call Connor and Felix."
"A kiss will bring me back to life." Calum whispered and you snorted.
"Welp, looks like you're going to stay dead." You joked, laughing once again at the glare he sent you before pretending to be dead again.
Rolling your eyes playfully, you turned his head and pressed your lips to his softly. When you pulled back and noticed Calum leaning in once more you decided to lick his lips and then all over his face as he laughed.
"Oh my God, Y/N, you're not a dog!"
"You taste like chicken." You commented, licking him again and smacking your lips."Yep, definitely chicken."
"You usually taste sweet...like...peaches, wait no...a pear is more accurate." Calum smirked at you, his fingertips massaging your waist softly.
It took a few seconds before you realized what he was talking about, a large grin making its way onto your face as you smacked his chest as he laughed full heartedly with the skin crinkling around his eyes.
"Do I really?"
"Taste like pears?" He asked and you nodded your head,"I mean...fish is-"
"Ain't nothin' about me fishy, bastard." You smacked him again and he winced, but laughed nonetheless.
"I'm just kidding, but yeah, you do."he confirmed.
"How do I taste like pears but never eat them?" You scrunched your nose up in disgust. "I don't even like pears."
"I love ‘em." He grinned and you giggled."A lot."
"What am I going to do with you, Calum?"
"Take me back and love me unconditionally?"
Calum looked at you with hopeful eyes and you could feel the seriousness seep  into the conversation. You were suddenly quiet as you drew shapes onto Calum's bare chest, thinking about the sentence that just left his lips.
"I know I've been saying and doing a lot of dumb shit lately, but I don't really mean it. I love you, Y/N, and-"
"How about...we wait it out a little longer? Huh?" You offered."I had time to think about what you said and I agree that I wouldn't want you to get attached or hurt either. You kind of...you're indecisive, and I don't want you to get back with me only to leave again."
"I get it." He nibbled at his lip while trying to draw his focus onto the material of your shorts.
"I just really need something consistent okay?" You tried to explain, not knowing that you were just digging the knife deeper into his heart."When you decide that you'll be there for me and nugget even if it isn't yours, that you love me enough to do that, then we can maybe be together."
"I don't understand why, though." He mumbled and you groaned.
You took a few seconds to throw your other leg over Calum so that you could stand and pace around as you talked, feeling guilty for turning him down. You had been waiting for weeks on end for him to ask if you could be together once again, but during that time you've come to realize that it was best if you waited.
"Because if you decide to be here now and then the baby pops out and it's not yours so you leave, that's gonna fuckin' destroy me. Even if you leave again when I'm seven or eight months pregnant I'll feel like shit. This baby is apart of my life now, so we’re a package deal."
"I get that, babe, but-"
"No you clearly don't!" You yelled, waving your hands around in the air." If you did you'd know that even if it's not yours and we stay together Luke still has the right to take care of his child and you'd be a stepparent. You wouldn't be able to live with that and you know it." You ranted and Calum ran his fingers through his curls, knowing that everything you were saying was true.
"You don't have to yell." He spoke quietly as if he was a child being scolded.
"I'm just making sure you understand, Calum. I'm not gonna let you run in and out of my life, especially once this baby gets here. You're either here to stay or you leave me the hell alone."
"I get it, Y/N." he snapped and you rolled your eyes.
"You ain't gotta catch a attitude, I'm just letting you know." You sighed, knowing the night was ruined for the both of you. "I think I'm finna just go to my room with Amy and call it a-"
"No!" Calum shouted in panic, sitting up further and standing to pull you back towards his bed." You can stay here with me and Mike. I don’t want you to be mad at me."
"Please, no funny business. Just cuddles and sleep, I swear." He promised and you hesitated before nodding your head.
Calum went to flick off the light and climbed into the bed beside you with a grin on his face. You allowed him to tug you into his chest and laughed when he tried to figure out where to place his hands. It was too awkward to sit on your waist, then again it wasn’t enough room to put them anywhere else. Placing your smaller hand on top of his, you maneuvered his hand and laid it on your baby bump, causing him to tense up. You then realized Calum hadn't touched the bump until now. The only time he paid any attention to it was when you were arguing about the unborn child.
"Relax." You whispered and it took a few minutes but eventually he relaxed against you.
"This is slightly weird, but I kind of like it."
"Shut up,Calum." You chuckled and soon the two of you fell into a deep sleep.
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