unfilteredmomlife · 1 year
When You Think You're Getting a 20-Minute Shower Break - The Baby vs. Naptime Battle
Welcome back to Motherhood Unfiltered, where we share the raw and real moments of being a mom. Today's story is one that many of us can relate to—a tale of hope, anticipation, and the unexpected chaos that can turn even the simplest plans upside down.
The Elusive Shower Break
Picture this: It's midday, it’s raining (but a pretty rainy day), and the kids are (seemingly) in a peaceful state. Your older child is engaged in their tablet, a moment of silence you've been needing. The baby, after some snuggles and a bottle, finally goes to sleep. It's the perfect time for you to run to the bathroom for a warm, uninterrupted 20-minute shower. Or so you thought…..
Baby Time
Just as you're about to step into the bathroom, you hear it—the baby knocking on the side of their crib. A skeptical glance at the baby monitor confirms your fears: naptime is over before it even began. The baby is awake, and he's not happy about it!!
The Cry that Shatters all your Hopes & Dreams
You wander over to his room, praying that maybe, just maybe, you can trick him back to sleep with another diaper change & a quarter bottle. But the moment you enter the room, you're met with that “nails on a chalkboard” cry.
Battle of Wills
As a seasoned mom, you know this is not just any cry—it's the kind that escalates quickly, to the point where you're not only worried about your baby's distress, but also the possibility of an impending clean-up mission. 🤢 Your little one is determined to make himself throw up if it means getting your attention.
The Multitasking Mom
In an instant, your plans for a relaxing shower are tossed out the window. You become a multitasking mom extraordinaire. With the baby in one arm, you text your partner or your mom for emotional support and advice. Your older child, oblivious to the unfolding drama, continues to be absorbed in their tablet.
Soothing the Storm
You try everything in your mom brain to soothe the baby—rocking, singing, and even some gentle shushing. It feels like a race against time as you navigate the delicate balance of comforting your upset baby and ensuring he doesn't reach that point of no return.
The Endurance Test
As minutes tick by, you realize that motherhood is the ultimate endurance test. The warm, relaxing shower you had envisioned seems like a distant fantasy. Your only comfort is the knowledge that this too shall pass, and someday, you'll look back on this moment as a memory and just laugh at the things we go through as mamas!
So, here's to all the moms who have experienced the "almost" shower break, only to have it derailed by a determined baby. These are the unfiltered moments that define motherhood—unpredictable, messy, and full of love. While that shower may have to wait, the bond you share with your children is worth every moment of chaos and uncertainty.
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