#back on my bullshit [fucked up about ritsuka]
hopeled · 2 years
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what she says: im fine
what she means: ritsuka has done so much and been through so much and survived so much but also she’s extremely fucked up to the point that she dissociates constantly and also refuses to give up constantly and she’s carrying so much weight on her shoulders that some servants have pointed out how she looks human but looking into her eyes that she’s also something not human and it’s from the sheer amount of crap she’s survived and done in the lostbelts and her heart has endured so much trauma from the first 6 that even if it would be a dud, daybit having it as plan C for ort says so much and casgil saying she’s lost her force of providence which means she’s more susceptible to misfortune and that also being taken every time the black barrel is fired which drains more of her life and she is running out of time but also refuses to rest like did you see her expressions during the ort fight you literally saw the light fade from her eyes but she REFUSED to stop until after it was confirmed to finally be dead they’re constantly pushing their everything past their limits because they have to like yes she’s just an ordinary human but she’s done SO MUCH and she has to go past the limits of a human because it’s all for nothing if she doesn’t and it can’t be and she’s constantly surrounded by so much death and has lost so many people and helped destroy so many lives via the lostbelts and she’s not a hero it’s more the anti-hero role and like she’s accepted that and she won’t stop just yet and i’ve always said how her determination is what makes her the most pain in the ass enemy you’ve ever had and i mean that but also i’m so sad because she had such an ordinary life but so much has gone on that even if the world gets fixed and even if she lives through it that adjusting to being normal again would be almost impossible and i’m so sad man
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gainprincess · 1 year
3, 19 Baobhan Sith
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"This...huuuurrrrpppp...is bullshit! What...the heUURRRRRPPPPPPll?!"
Baobhan Sith is mad. Not mad because she's belching up a storm (that's normal, right?!), or because she's out of breath just waddling around the cabin organizing her clothes (she's just worked a lot today, that's all!), or anything like that.
No, she's mad that she's here to begin with.
A fucking fat camp.
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"Stupid fuckin' Ritsuka, making suggestions to my mother like that!"
In defense of her mother's young new lover, all they said was that Baobhan Sith was 'wider than they expected'. It was Morgan herself that decided that her daughter needed to lose weight, and thus decided to send the girl away to a camp that she had some...old acquaintances at, to put it mildly.
Thus, the fashionable girl, who is a svelte 704 pounds, is stuck here, at fat camp...being fat. She's in denial, of course, because how could she not be? She's pampered like a princess, adored like an idol, and generally, no one says a word to her about her weight!
That's why, despite the fact that her chest is a swollen pair of boobmeat mountains that obscures the view of most of her belly, and what's left of the pale, multi-rolled gut obscures her chunky legs and feet, she doesn't think she's fat.
That's why, while everyone else has been allowed to leave for lunch this afternoon, she's forced to stay in her cabin, since she hasn't 'earned the right to lunch' yet. However...
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"Baobhan? Are you in here?"
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The girl leaps back from the door in an impossible display of strength, staring at it in mute shock as she sorts through the voices she's heard throughout her time at the camp.
It's not a voice laden with lard, and the voice is coming from somewhere near the top of the door...
One of the counselors? Percival, his name was, if she recalled.
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"Yeah, I am."
She liked Percival. He pushed her, but never too much, and was always mindful of her limits and boundaries in a way that didn't feel condescending or rude.
He was also really fucking handsome.
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Built like a brick shithouse on the worst days, and the absolute ideal of positive masculinity on most. The amount of things she wants to do to him...they defy logic, honestly.
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"Ah, great. I brought you some of today's lunch, since I heard you weren't allowed to have any today."
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"I get punishing people, but sometimes they go a bit far..."
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"You...brought me food?"
She considered that for a second.
Then another. Then a few more. There was an odd feeling igniting in her chest the longer she thought about it, about him, and she eventually gave up trying to consider it.
She was hungry as hell.
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"Why the hell not?! Bring it on in, Percy!~"
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"Right away!"
Strangely, the wheezing, belching, and general discomfort she felt faded away when Percival showed up...
But surely coincidence...right?
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Symbols of Hope || Kazuo || MM Trial || Re: Jinpachi
What do you plan to do when you escape from here?
That was a question that made Kazuo raise his eyebrow… Listening to Jinpachi speak on and on about hope and despair was getting a little sickening to him. It reminded him too much of the past… Too much about the beliefs that Shinichi and Izana had held so dear, yet, to a new extreme. Flashbacks of the final trial he had faced in the past came flooding back into his mind, the motivations of the two before… It was strange to say but…
“...I would rather listen to those two again.”
Kazuo spoke, letting out a small sigh as he closed his eyes in thought… He didn’t give a shit about this whole thing involving hope or despair, what mattered in the end was what people did for themselves. While Jinpachi wanted to spread despair, the two before wished for their actions to bring hope, to help people better themselves through the struggles they faced before. It was two sides of the same shitty fucking coin, a coin which Kazuo would gladly want to toss into a ravine and never consider again. Yet he was going to bite for now, turning his gaze back to the villain ahead with a tired expression.
“...You know, Izana and Shinichi went on in the past describing how myself and the other jackasses before could do so much more, for years I didn’t fucking think about it. They described themselves and us as symbols of hope and prosperity, an idea which I thought was fucking stupid… Mind you, I still fucking think they were dumbasses, their methods were just as stupid as your own. So congratulations on being on the same level as them, however…”
A sigh followed as he huffed, giving a look to the group there for a moment… He was pissed off that he was going to utter the following words, they were words that he had heard years ago and refused to acknowledge for the longest time. Thinking back to Shinichi with pure disdain as he crossed his arms.
“When… The going gets tough, people’ll just get tougher… Or, something… --God damnit... They fucking win for a second, at this very moment I think I’ll be a stupid fucking symbol of something like they rambled on about, I guess... Only for a goddamn second though so they don't rise from the fucking dead to laugh in my fucking face.” 
A pause followed as he said those words. It looked like it was truly a struggle on his end to get those words out, and only made him more angry as his gaze fixated on Jinpachi, no hesitation in his following statement as he did so. 
“That being said...Both sides of this hope and despair bullshit doesn’t involve us in the fucking least and getting dragged into it is pissing me off… I’m going to vote for the hope shit because it shuts you the hell up. But I would truthfully vote for neither if given the chance."
His glare grew more intense the more he spoke, as if there was constant disgust toward every aspect of this whole choice.
"I don’t care about your arguments, and I don’t think you’ve said anything worth remembering for years to come. You’re just some brat who thinks he’s tough shit because he’s got a bunch of dumbass followers kissing your ass like it’s the holy fucking grail, and if you even begin to think I’m going to join the despair side of this stupid fucking debate then you can shove that thought so far up your ass you'd taste the bullshit yourself finally.”
A scoff followed as his gaze shifted around the room, placing his hands in his pockets with a bit of a sigh now.
“...Besides, I know Ritsuka’s fine out there, she would beat the shit out of any of you jackasses if you even tried to fuck with her. As for my other friends? They’re also fine as well, and because of that I’ve really got no reason to listen to your manipulative fucking rambling. So do me a favor and shut the fuck up permanently, alright?”
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fateswept · 5 years
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen! **Warning: SOME ANSWERS ARE PROBABLY NOT TO YOUR LIKING. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.** (yes I’m serious)
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1. FIRST NAME: Fayla or Fay! 2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: I am super weird when it comes to DnD, like my characters? I had an average character who straight up survived off of JUMPING a high cliff into an historical ruins, because all she was like: ‘FUCK THIS I AM BULLSHITTING’, as the main DM, and players looked at me. I am co-dm who manages details and helps out. 3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON: Are you taking care of yourself? I like a clean look. Fit, and uh... nice personality that matches my own? 4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: Ramen, spicy noodles, burritos, rice, and chicken~. 5. A FOOD YOU HATE: Bananas. 6. GUILTY PLEASURE: SPICY CHICKEN. NO YOU CAN’T CHANGE MY MIND. Also, my love for many series, which is noticeable due to my intense passion. 7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: Anything I wear, NEXT. 8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: Serious relationships atm, but w/e. 9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: Most likely nothing, I think I made my mistakes, and I already accepted them. If it has to be one thing, I think it’s to be more serious when it comes to job hunting. 10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: Romantic? Private. Only. Otherwise, PUBLIC PLATONIC BITCHES!!!!!!! 11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: Caste in the sky. 12. FAVORITE BOOK: Shit. I don’t remember the title, but it was a book about daughter of shakespeare. 13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: Cats~ 14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS: Male Byleth x Yuri, Jeanne x Amakusa, Archer x Hakunon, Claude x Byleth, and Merlin x Ritsuka. 15. PIE OR CAKE: Cake. 16. FAVORITE SCENT: The sea. 17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: NANI THE FUCK 18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: Japan! 19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: Introvert~. 20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: ONLY if it’s horror on graphics. Written content? You do you. 21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: Android because I am cheap as hell, and I don’t got time to pay for a new iphone. 22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: Fuck yeah. I play plenty of games, but I don’t hoard them, nor buy them often unless it’s on sale. 23. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: Use them for my car, house, and to get a switch + few games. Other than that, saving for when life tanks me. 24. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: IDK who I hate very much? If I had to pick one, the. Clown. Master from fate/extra. We don’t talk about the BAD ending of that one. 25. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: Shit. I used to be apart of a few fandoms that I refuse to name. Sorry, but I don’t feel comfortable enough to share them. Doesn’t matter. If you know said fandoms, keep them to yourself. It’s not open for discussion.
Tagged: snagged from @burdensword​ (hey jazz!) Tagging: @fatefulones​ @lybian-glass​ @noircisaint​ @nobudemon​ @xxyumeno​ @adastraluminis​ u do u.
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FGO Destiny Awakenings: Fuyuki Singularity Section 9 pt.1
"I came back to have a good time with you guys. But honestly, I feel so attacked that you guys are attacked. What the fuck happened here?!"
Caster Cu returning from his boar hunt
Facing the Greater Grail
“Uruz!” A gentle green circular light shone beneath Mash’s legs from Caster’s chant. The wounds and cuts on Mash’s arms and legs from the earlier encounter with shady creatures disappeared.
With a huff of breath, Caster set his staff down and shot to Ritsuka. “Time for the Greater Grail. This will be our last break. Is there anything you’ve left undone?”
From Mash then to his sister who returned with a shook of her head, Ritsuka returned and made a brief shook his head with a slight smile. “No, we’re ready.”
“That’s good to hear. I dislike Masters who can’t make up their minds when push comes to shove,” Caster grinned back. “You two are still a rookie, but you’ve got the most important thing a pioneer can have.
“The divine luck to grasp fate, and the ability to make decisions. Don’t forget how to be reckless. People like that are the ones who’ll get blessed by the stars.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Olga Marie approached to the two men with a scoff escaped from her lips. “Whether we forge ahead or go back, we need to rest first.”
When she swung her head, Olga Marie’s orange orbs narrowed and inquired, “Doctor, are you checking vitals? The two of them looks paler than usual. Especially Fujimaru–!”
Before Olga Marie finished her words, Ritsuka fell forward only to be caught by Ritsuko grabbing hold of him in front. Despite her pale face, Ritsuko tried to ease her brother down onto the ground. “Ritsuka?! Ritsuka?!!”
“I’m fine…” Ritsuka weakly replied. He attempted a feeble grin to his sister. “I didn’t think it would be as bad as you, Ritsuko.”
“That’s bullshit, you know better you’re worse than me. You can’t even stand upright now!” Ritsuko scolded back.
Mash turned to the holographic screen of Romani. “Doctor!”
Romani nodded back as his green orbs scanned the analyzed data. “Yeah, this doesn’t look very good. It’s because of the unexpected Servant contract, the other contract with Caster for Ritsuka-kun.
“It’s putting the stress on their brains. Your brother and you never used your Magic Circuits and now they’re running at full capacity–!” Romani cut his own words as his eyes grew at what he saw. “This is…!”
“Ugh…” Ritsuka covered his mouth with his hand and angled his head aside. “I’m going to hurl…!”
“W-WHAT?!” Ritsuko, Mash, Romani and Olga Marie exclaimed in panic at Ritsuka’s confession.
Though a few moments later, Ritsuka heaved out a deep breath and responded in a weak monotonous voice. “I’m just kidding. Should I be throwing up…?”
“No, please don’t… You’d be in a worse condition than now if you do, Ritsuka-kun,” Romani sweatdropped with an exasperated sigh slipped from his lips.
Mash’s brows furrowed and sighed too. “Senpai, this isn’t such a time to be making a joke about yourself.”
“It’s humor, Mash… Everyone loves and need to make fun of themselves at some point,” Ritsuka muttered.
Ritsuko sat beside her brother and smacked his arm lightly. “At least your snarky mouth is still energetic alright.”
The Doctor shifted to the worried Mash and instructed. “Mash, set up a camp. It’s time to make warm tea with plenty of honey.”
“Got it, Doctor. I think tea time is a good idea,” Mash nodded and headed to the side to prepare.
While Mash retrieved the ingredients brought out from her shield, Caster turned around back to them. “Oh, feeding yourselves before the final battle? Then maybe I’ll go hunting for some wild boars.”
As Caster headed to the exit, Olga Marie called out to him. “I’m sure there aren’t around here. Besides, forget about meat, if you must get something, make it fruit.”
“Here you go, Senpais.” Mash handed a pair of warm honey tea to the two.
Ritsuka nodded and grabbed hold of his cup. “Thank you, Mash.”
As Ritsuko took hold of hers and sipped carefully down, Mash stared at the two for a minute before asking. “Are the both of you feeling a little better?”
The orange-haired Master showed a small beam and nodded. “Yes. Sorry to make you worry, Mash-chan.”
“No, I’m just glad you’re better that’s all,” Mash smiled back. As she turned her head skywards, her violet orbs stared towards the sky earning interest from the siblings.
“Is there something wrong?” Ritsuka asked, his head swung towards the burning red sky too.
“No, Ritsuka-senpai. It’s just…” Mash’s violet orbs remained fixated on the sky and went on. “As high as we are above the ground back in Chaldea, we can’t see one bit of blue sky.”
“Blue sky, huh?” Ritsuka muttered as he recalled the grey blizzard clouds before entering Chaldea. And, the sky they noticed now was blood-red with dark clouds.
Ritsuko had turned her head to stare at the sky and nodded. “If you spend two years up here, I guess you wouldn’t see it, huh?”
A second later, Mash wondered aloud. “Was there a blue sky here, too?”
“Definitely, I’m sure there was in this city,” Ritsuka answered as his sister nodded in agreement.
“Now I think about it,” Mash turned her head to them a second again and tilted her head. “Senpais, both of you are siblings, right? Is there a reason both of you don’t resemble each other?”
“Hm?” As they glimpsed each other, Ritsuka chuckled while Ritsuko grinned at her. “That’s because we’re step-siblings, Mash-chan.”
“Step-siblings?” Mash wondered.
Ritsuka nodded and explained. “Yeah. We both are children of previous marriages. My dad married her mom when I was 11.”
“His dad divorced with his wife while my dad disappeared on us when I was still a baby,” A brief sad smile emerged on Ritsuko for a moment. As Ritsuka ruffled her head, she continued. “But, it was when I was 10 my mom fell in love with his dad at their workplace and we became step-siblings.”
“I understand, it tells why both of you are close to each other,” Mash smiled.
Ritsuka scoffed with a relieved grin. “Well, she’s my responsibility since we’re stuck here. And, she owes me for dragging me here.”
“Hey, it’s better than being under the hot sun in that crazy summer,” Ritsuko laughed while rolling her eyes.
At their antics, Mash let out a soft chuckled and beamed. “As I thought, Senpais are human after all.”
“Is that so?” The Fujimaru siblings stared at her and showed a curious expression.
“Kyrielight! Could you come over and help me? I need you to bring these fruits to them,” Olga Marie’s voice called out from the other end.
“Understood!” Mash replied. She then turned to the siblings and bowed to leave. “Please stay and wait, Senpais.”
A moment later, at the small circle of 4 individuals had done eating varied dried fruits from the brought makeshift leaves plate. Ritsuko let out a contented sigh from the filled stomach while Ritsuka gulped finished his second cup of honey tea.
Mash also let out a satisfied sigh and nodded. “I’m stuffed. I can’t believe you had dried fruits with you, Director. Again, your level of preparation astonishes me.”
“I just happened to have them,” Olga Marie shrugged. Though it was further the fact she requested Romani to bring more dried fruits to supply for 4 people. “Citrus is effective against headaches. But that aside–!”
As she swung to the siblings, Ritsuko shot a curious expression while Ritsuka ate the remaining dried fruits he took. While chewing, he shifted to see Olga Marie staring at him and offered a few dried citruses. “Would you like seconds, Director?”
From his blunt yet ignorant tone, Olga Marie twitched in annoyance. “No, I’m full! But from now on, remember that I like coffee more than tea!”
Despite her words, Olga Marie snatched the dried fruits from Ritsuka and stuffed herself to them. Realized what she did, she set aside the dried fruits. “N-No, that’s not it. That’s not what I wanted to… Oh, forget it!”
With crimson red blush glowed on her cheeks, the Director turned back to the siblings with a huff. “Th-The work you’ve done so far has been passable. As the Director of Chaldea, I have to give you two credits.”
Puzzled expression shared with the siblings as they faced each other. They later spun to the Director with a lit-up bright grin and bowed in unison. “Thank you very much, Director!”
Olga Marie turned away with blush remained and sneered. “Hmph. What’s that look for? I’m sure it’s a fluke, but right now you two are all we’ve got.”
As harsh as she sounded, Olga Marie twitched in irritation at their disbelief expression shot at her. “What I’m saying is, keep it up and you might hear praise from me yet. I know a third-rater can do first-rate work.”
Much to Olga Marie’s further anger, Romani’s holographic image appeared beside Ritsuka and grinned.
“Well, well, admitting that Ritsuka-kun and Ritsuko-chan did a solid job. Have you eaten something sweet?”
The Director glared at Romani and rebutted, “Romani. If you’ve got time to be flapping your gums, use it to send these two a supply or two instead. I would feel bad if someone failed because they were ill-equipped. Especially, when they have been doing their best.”
“What’s this? ‘Feel bad?’,” Romani gasped before revealing a bright smile to her. “How kind of you. Director, does this mean you’re finally opening your heart?”
“Idio…” Realized what she nearly said, Olga Marie, turned bright red and amended. “I-I mean pitiful! Pathetic! You couldn’t even tell that?”
As he joined Fujimaru’s siblings chuckling, Romani answered. “Well, I never grow tired of watching a young man and women interact. Although, for young women, Director, you’re not really…”
“Is that right?” Mash stared at the Director for a moment before responding with a small beam. “The Director is older, but I feel we have similar tastes. I feel affection for her.”
“I suppose age doesn’t matter, regardless! The Director is still a woman, Doctor,” Ritsuko nodded with a grin too.
Seeing the Doctor nodded in understanding at their words, Olga Marie jaw dropped and twitched. “What are you going on about? I told you before that you’re all just tools to me!”
“Zur, zur!”
Olga Marie nodded at the inhuman growl and included. “There, see? Even this shadowy-like monster-thing agrees with me!”
Oblivious to her, the four paled at the sight of the skeleton monster crouching beside her at ease. Mash gulped as she nervously pointed out, “Um, Director…”
“A-About that shadowy-like monster…” Romani gulped and lifted his trembling finger to the monster beside her.
“Huh?” Curious and puzzled expressed on her faces at the four reactions.
Olga Marie turned to where Romani pointed and gawked at the skeleton monster cheerfully waving its bony hand at her.
Face turned pale in that instant, the Director’s lip quivered in fright. With a shaky sigh, she shrieked at the top of lungs that echoed through the cave. “Eeeeek! Mash, hurry up and get rid of it! It’s gonna eat me! It’s gonna eat me!”
“What gives? I thought you two supposed to be resting,” Caster raised one of his eyebrows at the sight in his view.
Olga Marie crouching and shivering behind a large tree, her mouth muttering ‘please don’t let them eat me’ over and over.
Romani’s face buried onto the desk with dark clouds hovering over him. His shoulders sagged tiredly refusing to budge an inch for a while after that chaotic turmoil.
Mash and Ritsuko lied their bodies over the large uneven tree roots.
Their faces showed a dull and exhausted expression after getting rid of the unforeseen assault from the said skeleton and its army.
Last, Ritsuka lay down on the ground with face planted in the dirt. After breaking every single bone and executing each of them, the energy he gained back from resting used up in that instant.
Ritsuko let out a dull groan and replied, “The craziest party you’re missing out just happened.”
“Yeah,” Ritsuka replied but his voice was being muffled by the ground. “The greatest party of all time. Uninvited skeleton army and all-out brawling match those damn things.”
With Caster having his fill from his hunger, the group continued walking and entered the cave beneath the giant tree. Once inside, it comprised a series of seals carved around above 50 feet of barren rock.
“What is that…?!” Ritsuko stared at the interior with confusion and horror.
The eerie purple light shining behind the barren rock made Olga Marie gulped as her eyes widened.
“This is the Greater Grail… It’s an ultra-superior Magical Reactor… What’s it doing on this island nation in the Far East?”
“According to our data, it was built by an eminent family of alchemists called the Einzberns,” Romani’s voice explained from Olga Marie’s wristwatch.
“Though, they didn’t belong to the Mage’s Association, and were solely made of homunculi.”
As Olga Marie’s mouth opened to speak, Caster interrupted and turned his head to gesture above them. “Sorry, that’s it for the chitchat. The lady has noticed us.”
Followed Caster’s gaze, a young woman with platinum-blonde haired tied in a bun, pale slender physique and impassive golden orbs stared down at them. A black sword rested in front of her with both hands settling on the hilt.
The chilling gaze from her silence made both siblings and Olga Marie gulped in fear. Mash gulped at the sight and murmured, “Unbelievable magical output… Is that really King Arthur?”
“No question,” Romani’s holographic image appeared beside Mash and nodded to affirm.
“She seems to have changed somehow, but she’s the King of Britain, Arthur, wielder of the Sacred Sword.
“Her gender’s different from the legend, but she had her reasons for dressing like a man in Camelot. I mean, you can’t assume the throne unless you’re a man, right? She must’ve had to pretend to be a guy for family reasons.”
With an annoyed sigh, Romani’s eyebrows furrowed and continued, “I have an idea who’s behind that.
“It’s mentioned in the legends, but Merlin really has a terrible taste.”
“Huh? Ah, you’re right.” Mash’s violet orb widened after understanding what Romani had said and stared back at her. “I thought that person was a man, but it’s a woman.”
“Eh? Then, the King Arthur right now before us is a woman?!” Ritsuko’s orbs widened in shock and leaned her head to examine closer to affirm Romani’s words.
“Wait, Merlin?” Ritsuka’s blue orbs widened after viewing closer, but he swung to Romani and asked. “You mean that Merlin who’s the trusted advisor, mentor and parental figure to King Arthur? That same Merlin who is the most powerful warlock in Arthurian legend?!”
“Yeah, the one and only,” Romani nodded and sighed.
Caster swung his staff forward and reminded with a steely voice. “Don’t be fooled by her appearance. She’s a monster. Her power is not of muscle, but a ridiculous amount of magical energy.
“Every single strike is massive. If you’re not paying attention, the top half of your body will go flying.”
“Basically, just think of her like a human rocket,” Mash nodded and whirled her shield forward. “Understood, I’ll fight back with everything I’ve got.”
“Good.” Caster nodded with a smirk. “If you defeat her, the anomaly in this town will disappear. Listen, that includes both me and her. After that, it’s your job. I don’t know what will happen but do the best you can.”
Nodded again, Mash gazed back at the black Saber above them. Teeth gritted and saliva gulped down their throats as they prepared whatever attacks she fired at them.
Instead, a small amused smile curled on Saber’s lips and she hummed. “I see. You’ve got an interesting Servant with you.”
“What! You could talk? You were just maintaining your silence all this time?” Caster shouted with complete bewilderment at the words she uttered.
Saber beamed wider and replied. “Yes, and you were being watched the whole time you were chatting. I merely acted as a scarecrow.”
With a stride forward, she grasped the black sword with her. Saber leaped off from her spot and landed on the ground with black armor remained intact from the jump.
She strode a few steps forward with apathy at their alert expression. “But—it’s interesting. I’m curious about that Noble Phantasm.”
Within reach, golden orbs stared intently at the dark-colored shield, Saber prodded. “A shield, is it? Be ready, strange girl. This sword shall test the truth of your shield.”
The black sword swung forward pointing at both Servants, Caster shouted with a determined glare. “Get ready, Masters, young lady!”
“Here she comes—Masters!” Mash shouted.
Blue and orange orbs glanced at each other, a fixed answer made between the siblings. Ritsuka nodded and commanded, “Yeah, let’s fight together!”
“No way are we gonna lose this! Mash-chan, Caster!” Ritsuko shouted too.
“Yes! Mash Kyrielight, here I come!”
When violet and red orbs gazed back at Saber’s golden, the latter gripped hold of her sword and lunged forward towards them. Caster raised and swiped his hand in the air with a yell, “Ansuz!”
Fireballs fired out from the rows of runic words, all homing towards Saber. But, Saber effortlessly dodged with ease, turning and slashing each that came towards her. An irritated grunt escaped Caster’s lips, he spun and tapped his staff onto the ground.
Multiples of magic circle appeared on the ground as one occurred before Saber.
The minute she entered, the magic circle glowed and erupted into a huge fire pillar. Relieved and amazed faces expressed on Ritsuko and Ritsuka.
But, a black energy wave sliced off the pillar revealing an unharmed Saber. She soon charged forward further and another magic circle erupted a fire pillar. But, it too got extinguished with a stroke of her sword that cut it down.
With the last of the fire pillar erupted, Saber emerged out unscathed and tried to strike at Caster. But, Mash stepped in between them while Caster jumped backward. Her shield gripped before her against the striking sword.
The black sword against the metal plate of the shield, sparks formed from the clashing. As they drew back, Mash raised her shield up again to stop the incoming strike. The blue-haired Servant waved his staff and summoned tree vines from the ground.
Raised her weapon, Saber maintained her ground despite being pushed by the tree vines. When the tree vines slammed her against the rock wall, Saber jumped out from the dust cloud and sprinted towards them.
When the black sword clashed with Mash’s shield again, rocks burst out shooting from the ground by the immense pressure. While the siblings shield the rocks coming to them, Olga Marie stepped forward as her arm twitched with a piece of rocks fall to her hand.
She then flung it onto the ground and it exploded into a bright light. A second later, a luminous yellow magic circle formed before the three deflecting away from the incoming rock.
Saber leaped back when a flamethrower blasted at her by Caster. As she charged to strike, Mash once again deflected the attack with her shield. The black knight swung her sword against the violet-haired Servant that sought to stand her ground.
Each repeated swinging of the black sword, Mash hold her shield firmly against the beating. While swinging, Saber asked with a challenging tone. “What’s wrong? Won’t you come forward?”
From the next powerful swing, Mash held her shield against it. Yet, the great pressure made her flinched. “Ugh!”
“Mash-chan!” Ritsuko gasped with both her hands raised to her mouth.
Ritsuka muttered with his fists clenched. “Damn it…”
The equally furrowed eyebrows and narrowed orbs expressed worried and fear on the siblings’ faces. Despite noticing it, Olga Marie shot a swift glance before shifting her view to the front. At the front, a magic circle formed beneath Caster while Mash shielded another of Saber’s strike.
When Saber pulled back her sword, instead of striking above, she swung it against the ground. The powerful and quick swung of her black sword knocked Mash back flying with her shield thrown away.
At another collected gasps, Caster growled and whirled his staff. “Tch! Ansuz!”
Kindled his staff into flames, Caster charged ahead and stroked his staff against the black sword. While it clashed, Ritsuko and Ritsuka looked at each other with a small nod.
Before they could dash over, Olga Marie drew her hand out to them. “If you two intend to go help her, you’ll only be in the way.”
She then took a deep breath and continued, “No, worse than that.”
Ritsuko turned to Olga Marie and demanded, “But Mash-chan is…!”
“Prepare your resolve,” The Director’s comments cut her, her orange orbs suggesting them to shift back in front.
“Mash…” Ritsuka mumbled, shifting to where she was. On the ground, Mash slowly lifted her head to watch Caster fending off Saber. The torn coat and the bleeding cut on his face didn’t deter Caster from the injury.
Mash’s violet orb gazed resolutely at their fight with a steadfast expression. Her hand propped on the ground to push herself up with her enduring strength.
Despite the impassive expression on her face, Olga Marie’s calmer voice assured to them. “I understand how you two feel. Painfully so…”
Ritsuka shot to her with a frustrated and restless expression. “Then, are we going to just–!”
Olga Marie cut them off with her sharp tone, “Both of you are that girl’s Masters. That girl is your Servant.”
Her shield reached into her hand, Mash grabbed and dragged it close to her. With her shield set on the ground, she gradually got herself stood on the ground. But as she stood up, Caster swung his staff at Saber.
Saber moved her body to the side to dodge and whirled her sword against the ground. The swinging movement created shock waves from the ground and sent both Caster and Mash flying back.
“Guah!” Caster landed and skidded against the ground with a heavy thud. The blue coat ripped and his torso covered in both abrasion and dust.
“Ugh!” Mash got knocked further back and crashed into the rock wall.
The awful sight before them had their eyes swelled in horror. Ritsuko’s mouth trembled to cry out her violet-haired Servant’s name. But, the fear consumed her as she turned her eyes away shut from whatever may take place next.
“Fou…?” A concerned squeak escaped from Fou as he stared at the orange-haired Master with a concerned expression.
“Do not look away!”
Olga Marie’s sharp and harsh voice made Ritsuko snapped her eyes opened. She faced at the Director whose gaze remained fixated at the two Servants. Olga Marie continued reminding her. “Face straight ahead! Hold your head high! What should you really be doing as a Master?”
Pulling himself up with the staff, one of Caster’s red orbs glanced over to where the commotion he heard. Towards Ritsuko, a startled expression shown on her face. She realized how cowardly she had done.
As though she made up in her mind, Ritsuko nodded with understanding and faced back to the front. Ritsuka had peered at his sister and turned back to the front after watching her determined face.
As once more, Mash reached for her shield and stood back up. Despite the ragged breath leaving her lips, her gaze remained rigid at Saber who stared down at them. The black knight heaved a deep sigh and gripped her sword.
A sudden eruption of purple aura shrouded around Saber. Ritsuka’s wristwatch beeped with Romani’s warning voice exclaimed, “It’s coming!”
“I shall answer those eyes,” Black soil and sands from the ground circled around Saber like a whirlwind. With her cold golden orbs, Saber decided with a yell, “And to the heart, that means to protect its Master!”
Another outbreak of energy burst from Saber, and the purple aura soon twisted into a dark-colored light transmitted to the sword. The channeled energy created a broad sword-shape around the black blade.
Before the three could react, Mash stepped right before Saber in a distance. Her shield stood rigid while she gritted her teeth at the incoming attack. Ritsuka’s blue orbs widened and called out, “Mash!”
“Young lady!” Caster shouted.
Olga Marie gasped with a complete worried expression displayed on her face, “Please endure it, Mash!”
Without hesitation, Ritsuko narrowed her orbs and hurried towards where Mash stood. Ritsuka noticed and tried to follow. But, Olga Marie caught his hand as he was about to go. “Wait!”
“Director, you asked what we should do as her Master right?”
At the sudden question from Ritsuka, Olga Marie stared at him in bewilderment. Ritsuka continued without glancing back. “Even if we’re just going to be a burden… More than anything, we want to be there by her side, together and fight.”
“That’s a Servant you’re going against! There’s no way you two will stand a chance against Saber. Mash is your Servant that’s why–!”
“Then, go to hell with the Servant and Master you guys decided for us!” Ritsuka’s sharp yelling made her flinch in shock. He shifted behind to confront her with frustration, anger and yet, determined expressions.
The raven-haired Master continued with his strong blue orbs staring back into her orange. “Before a Master and that crap… That’s our friend struggling with her life risking for us to get out of here. And as her Master you keep asserting, we’ll fight together right by her side!”
His hand moved to hers that gripped his arm, Ritsuka pulled it off from her and hustled off to follow his sister. Olga Marie snapped out from her stupor and shrieked at him, “F-Fujimaru!”
But, the two siblings ignored her screams and continued heading to the violet-haired Servant. As Mash stood there, she gulped at the immense pressure growing from Saber. Her grip on the shield’s handle tightened and braced the coming blow.
“Iron Hammer of the Hollow King.
“Overturn the aurora.
“Swallow the light!” Raising her weapon high, the energy around the blade turned bigger. The whirlwind around Saber whirled stronger and faster.
With another sharp breath, she suddenly yelled with a resolute tone, “Excalibur Morgan!”
End of Section 9 pt.1
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rem-is-best-almond · 7 years
[Review] Dance with Devils Urie Sogami/ Urieganof Fuser’s route
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The token Flirt of the group (or in his case , the fuck boy) who’s the vice president of the Student council. He’s childhood friends with Rem but his route seems to trample all over their relationship.  At first, I thought Urie was charming in a way but boy did his route slapped me in the face cause of how full of shit he was. Honestly, I sort of had expectations for Urie to NOT be as bad as what some reviews say but turns out he is and I honestly didn’t think his character development was anything great because he never owns up to the things he did wrong even at the end of it.
[Spoilers under the cut , this is a summary of his whole route, including some CGs] 
Left Door routes:      Rem   Lindo   Roen
Right Door Routes:  Mage  Shiki
<< Previous (Mage)    Next (Shiki)>>    Final thoughts >I
After finding out the truth about Ritsuka, Urie wants to use her to his own advantage to make Rem jelly of him so he requests Rem to assign him to watch over Ritsuka . He invades her dreams and acts all sweet taking her around his in-dream Carnival until onii-chan cockblocks him. Despite this, Ritsuka wants to confront Urie and finds him in the school’s Greenhouse with his thirsty fangirls clinging onto him. Things get heated up when Urie claims that Ritsuka is his special Butterfly ,so his 蝶々s start chasing her and shoving her around. He pulls her into hiding but instead of defending Ritsuka , he just goes “Oh, but they aren’t bad girls” like they didn’t just tried to claw her eyes out over him =.=
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Unfortunately, Ritsuka does trusts Urie so when he pulls the victim card that she was doubting their trust, she takes off her protective pendant and this gives him the chance to turn her into his own blow up doll that only knows how to say “UwU Urie” 24/7 == Also, he blames it on her for being stupid and because she was something important to Rem (being the Grimoire that is) . He goes to show her off to Rem but Rem doesn’t want to deal with his bullshit and leaves. Urie acts all sad because Rem-senpai won’t notice him but continues to treat Ritsuka as his blowup doll anyway. His UwU sessions with her are so gross and cringey even Mage and Shiki are sick of his behaviour. Rem gets reprimanded by his father for letting Urie have the Grimoire first so Urie thinks it feels great to surpass him but somehow thinks it’s boring too and I’m just 凸ಠ益ಠ)凸
Due to the effects of Urie’s magic, Ritsuka gradually turns into a zombie and doesn’t even remember who she is. Rem asks if Urie had found a way to get the grimoire out of Ritsuka and tells Urie that he shouldn’t treat her as his blowup doll anymore or he’ll turn her into a real doll but Urie’s like “pfft, relax she won’t die, you’re just jealous.” (;¬_¬)  Ritsuka eventually starts calling out for her mother and brother despite her trance so Urie shits bricks and tries to gain control over her by forcefully kissing her and groping her but she manages to free herself from his spell and tells him to fuck off (You tell’em gurl) .
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Unfortunately, Ritsuka goes back to being his prisoner in exchange for him helping an injured Lindo. Even so, she doesn’t let him treat her as his play doll so he gets butthurt and fucks his harem of girls instead. Ritsuka wants to know why he’s being such a jerk so she asks Rem about Urie. He tells her that Urie has an unquenchable desire to make everything around him his and would do anything to get what he wants.As a result, he was never satisfied with anything.So when it came to Rem, Urie wouldn’t stop comparing himself to him because he sees him as a perfect existence and wants to surpass him in hopes to gain some sort of satisfaction within himself. Ritsuka wants to know why Urie’s like this but Rem says that she should ask Urie himself if she wanted to get to know him better. So Ritsuka confronts Urie and he tells her about his family.
Urie’s father is no ordinary fuckboy cause with the amount of women he fucked , he ended up having 36 children and Urie’s the oldest. Because of this, his mother criticises his father’s womanising ways by fucking other men as well and is never home. She hates Urie because he was also following his father’s fuckboy ways. So Urie continues to fuck multiple women and eat their souls because he doesn’t believe in genuine love anymore. He also thinks that by surpassing Rem, he could somehow fill the void in his heart  ಠ_ರೃ
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Ritsuka wishes for the best for him but he’s like “ You’ve lighted a fire under my ass by saying that so will you be my bride instead?” and at first, she agrees out of pity but he ends up kissing her in her dreams and abacadabra she’s madly in love with him now ! (´∀`) They go around the school during the school festival and at some point were chased by Urie’s 蝶々s but manage to escape from them. Urie takes her to the dance yet Rem and Ritsuka end up being the king and queen so Urie gets jelly and pulls Ritsuka out of the ballroom because he realises that he can’t hand her over to Rem. They danced and he ends up confessing to her and she says that she loves him too. Jek crashes their party but Rem and Co come to the rescue. Jek is defeated but before he dies, he exclaims the method to obtain the Grimoire like he’s high on drugs and vanishes into ash.  
Devil route:
The King of Vampires, Nesta (I’ll call him Nestle from now on :)) ) invades the school with his hoard of Vampires. He’s after the Grimoire and because he’s too OP, Rem tells Urie to take Ritsuka and run. They run to Urie’s eden and find Lindo already awake. They explain the situation to him and Urie assures Lindo that he would protect Ritsuka. Lindo tells them to go to a cave where he used to do his exorcist training to kill time until the Grimoire vanishes. While in the cave, they found Professor Tachibana’s diary and find out that Ritsuka is actually a half devil. The diary also recorded down the method to make the Grimoire vanish from Ritsuka’s body, that is to turn her from a half devil into a full fledged one. Urie offers to do just that but since he’s an incubus, it can only be achieved if he fucks her ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) So they bang in the cave but they don’t bang happily ever after because this ends up turning Ritsuka into his love doll \|  ̄ヘ ̄|/
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Urie brings Ritsuka back to school to tell Rem what had happened and although he’s bummed that the Grimoire’s gone, he decides to go settle the score with the vampires and bring Maria back. He tells Urie that he has until midnight to figure out how to break Ritsuka from her love doll state as they had to go back now that the grimoire’s gone. Urie tries taking Ritsuka to the places they had spent time together but it’s all for naught as she doesn’t recall a single thing.
Devil end 1 (Good end):
Rem manages to rescue Marie  and Urie offers to take her back home along with Ritsuka. He leaves her at the front door and although Ritsuka saw both Lindo and Maria, she still didn’t break from her doll like state. In a last resolve, Urie decides to take her to the school’s garden for a dance, he kisses her and this magically returns her back to herself. In the epilogue, Urie brings Ritsuka back to his home in the demon realm as she’s one of them now and they ichaicha all the way in their love shack ( ̄ω ̄)
Devil end 2 (Bad end):
Urie ends up bringing Ritsuka to see Lindo but she doesn't recognize him. So he brings her back to school as they patiently wait for Rem to bring Maria back, Hoping that seeing her would jog Ritsuka's memory.  Nesta comes to them instead and reveals that Rem and Co are dead. He then kills Ritsuka and heavily injures Urie. She returns back to herself right before she dies as Urie cries in anguish. In the epilogue, Urie kills Nesta in a fit of rage and eventually dies too. 
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 Human route:
After the incident with Jek, Urie decides to follow Rem’s orders. He takes Ritsuka on a date and reveals to her the truth about his intentions.He also purposefully leaves the door to his eden open in hopes that she would escape. The next morning, he comes in to find Ritsuka waiting for him. She isn’t escaping cause she loves Urie to trust that he wouldn’t harm her. So Urie decides to strangle her to prove a point. Ritsuka refuses to believe that Urie had intended to harm her, saying that she wants to be happy with him. Urie finally gives in because he can’t bear to kill her so he’s going to ditch Rem instead. Rem’s of course not pleased that Urie’s betraying the Arlond family so he chases them all around the school and out into the streets. Ritsuka manages to fend off Rem and Co with her pendant and she and Urie both escape.
Human end 1 (Good end):
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Urie decides to escape with Ritsuka to his dream carnival to kill time until the Grimoire vanishes.Rem and Co manage to catch up with them and he and Rem both have a duel to settle their differences. Seeing his friend’s determination to protect the girl he loves, Rem decides to give up on the grimoire just as the clock strikes midnight, saying that there’s no use to pursue it anymore.  Turns out, it was  a fake clock chime that Rem had anticipated because he just wants an excuse to give up on the grimoire lol. The real time passes and the grimoire finally vanishes. In the epilogue, Urie is playing Shogi with Rem ,who decided to stay with his friend in the human world, but he’s losing so he asks Ritsuka to try instead. She eventually loses to Rem but Rem praises her potential if she practiced. Rem then leaves the room as he had duties to attend to. Urie states that as long as he has Ritsuka, he doesn’t mind losing to Rem.
Human end 2 (Bad end):
Urie decides to put Ritsuka into a deep sleep in the dream world he conjured up until the Grimoire vanishes. He then goes to confront Rem. They both have a duel and Urie loses in the end. As Rem was planning to land a final blow, Urie exclaims that he’ll die where he wants to die and vanishes back into his dream world where Ritsuka was still sleeping. He ends up dying beside her. In the epilogue, Lindo laments about Ritsuka’s comatose state, having found her in Urie’s Eden when he woke up. He blames Urie for all of this but Azuna says that it’s possible that Ritsuka chose to stay this way and that Urie’s not all to be blamed.
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Concluding Thoughts:
This route just made me want to flip a million tables and fling my Vita out of the fucking window multiple times (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻  The fact that Rem gets all the blame for Urie’s shit is just wtf and I don’t know how the writer even had the nerve to do that. Things literally went from ‘I’m doing this because I want to surpass Rem for my own selfish reasons’ to ‘I was just doing what Rem told me to’ and the plot fucking follows through with it. Urie never tried to genuinely fix the mess he made and everything falls back onto Rem’s shoulders ლ(ಠ益ಠლ . 
I know Urie’s scum at first so that makes him ‘realistic’ but honestly , this route cut his development short by completely changing his original intentions, that is he wanted Ritsuka for himself and wasn’t locking her up for Rem yet after he kissed her, every bad thing he did before was because he was following Rem’s orders like WTF (Ironically, Rem told him to stop TWICE) . At least in the devil route, he did feel sorry for treating Rem the way he did being envious of him and all but he never really felt sorry for what he did to Ritsuka and she just easily forgives him after he kisses her so I felt that part was kind of Bullshit.  
Also, I’m both surprised and Salty that Azuna and Lindo weren’t out searching for Ritsuka like crazy since I’m pretty sure Urie kept her with him 24/7 and it was for quite some time and not just a few days. Meanwhile, they’re everywhere in Rem’s route =.= 
Overall, I really disliked this route and the character development here wasn’t all that great imho. 
Left Door routes:      Rem   Lindo   Roen
Right Door Routes:  Mage  Shiki
<< Previous (Mage)    Next (Shiki)>>    Final thoughts >I
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rem-is-best-almond · 7 years
[Review] Dance with Devils PS Vita
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Ritsuka Tachibana is a second year at Shikou Academy who lives with her mother and older brother in Shikou Town. She seemingly lives an ordinary life until the day she was summoned by her school’s mysterious student council for going against school rules and comes back home to find her mother kidnapped by strange men who are searching for the forbidden grimoire. Help comes in the form of the school’s student council, who all turn out to be devils who are searching for the Grimoire themselves. Following her brother’s return from England, Ritsuka soon discovers that she’s the forbidden grimoire that could grant anyone the power to take over the world and now Devils, Vampires and Exorcists are after her.
Honestly, I bought this a year ago and was only able to Complete it now WTF me.
P/S: This Post only contains my final thoughts on the game. The summaries and reviews for the individual routes are in the links provided. It also contains some spoilers and Screenshots from the game. 
Left Door routes:     Rem   Lindo  Roen
Right Door Routes:  Mage  Urie   Shiki 
Final thoughts :
This game has a grudge against blondes with Green eyes (You know which two I’m talking about).
Heroine: I really loved Ritsuka. It’s true that she doesn’t entirely break away from the “Sweet Girl” stereotype we see in most reverse harem heroines but this girl legit has guts of steel which is why I have to admit I was pretty disappointed in some of the endings where they gave her an inactive role.  She also doesn’t let the boys push her around with their bullshit so it was really great to see that. She definitely had the best development in Roen’s route as her backstory was more fleshed out in there. Would really love to see a family reunion with Maksis, Maria, Roen and her if there’s going to be a fandisc ;w;
Plot: As much as I loved the series, I have to admit that the plot needed improvement as it wasn’t as consistent as I had hoped for. Granted that the story is rather character specific so that’s probably why some things don’t really add up well with the other. I was hoping to see more worldbuilding in the game since I felt like the anime needed more of that but sadly, it didn’t really do much on that aspect either. I wished they hadn’t split the common routes into two cause that was probably the cause of the inconsistencies I find in the plot :/ Overall, I think the plot was decent but had potential to be great if they had only put the effort into keeping the rules of their universe consistent and expanding upon it in more detail.
Characters: The villains weren’t the most unique in particular but still decent enough to be antagonists of the story. The development for all the bachelors was a 50/50 for me as I felt like half of the cast had a great development while the other half the writer sort of flunked it in their route *stares at Rem, Lindo and Urie’s route*. I don’t know if Shiki’s route was a flunk or a good one cause to me his human route made up for his shitty devil route (at least for those who hate gore) lolololol.  Also, Azuna deserves a route of her own and I kinda wished she was also an option for a heroine TBH.  
Art and Sprites: Since Brain’s Base was in charge of the CGs, the art is pretty much the same as the anime. Some characters had better CGs overall while some had more average ones. I’m still really salty about Rem’s wedding CG given how they didn’t even bother to let him wear a tux so I was pretty meh with the wedding end :/  The fact that background characters had sprites while two of our main sub characters, Maksis and Glax didn’t kinda bugged me a lot as it made some of the fight scenes, particularly in Mage and Rem’s devil route, rather anti-climatic. I wished the producers had thought of making the game a little more unique with a little bit of animation given how they hired an animation studio to draw the art for the game but they probably did that because they had a tight budget and couldn’t afford a proper illustrator. And from some of the CGs, you could probably figure out that they didn’t have enough time to finish them much less animate some of the action scenes. Though CGs and Sprites aside, the background art for the scenarios are aesthetically pleasing and that’s enough for me lolol.  
Just look at them askjbkauhkll:
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System/ Game Play: I have mixed feelings with the Devil vs Human system tbh, though I’m well aware they exist as a treat for your ears as it’s dummy head mic ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Some of the scenarios translated well into a current situation while others came out of nowhere so lolol. The Jump option helped me a lot and I don’t know how I’m going get use to not having such an option in games like Amnesia on my PC ;w; ( Does TaiAli / C:R have one? I’m not sure) . The card system is a piece of shit but I’m not really eager for platinum so eh.
Music / OST : As expected of Element Garden,  the background music was something that I enjoyed in the game , especially that one track that was often played in the devil ends,if only I could record it :”) . The music was definitely one of the stronger points of the game.
Overall, I’m really glad I got to play DwD in it’s original language as doing so has helped me improved My Japanese immensely considering how I was so eager to translate some of my favourite scenes XDD  If any of you would like to play an Otoge but are worried that you won’t be able to understand it because it’s in Japanese, I say just do it. Read Reviews to get a gist of it if you have to . I bought DwD BEFORE I even knew how to read Katakana and Hiragana (The two basic scriptures of Japanese)  and because of that, it also became sort of like My Japanese Textbook XD  So if you hate boring textbooks, this is more of an entertaining way to get exposed to the language. Granted, I have a headstart when it comes to learning Japanese because of my proficiency in Chinese (it’s my second language) but I promise you that once you’ve mastered your Hiragana and Katakana , learning Kanji would be a lot easier . Also, DO NOT ever think that you could Learn every Kanji character to ever exist in the Japanese dictionary, Kanji is something you’ll pick up as you learn the language and there is NO limit to how many Kanji you’ll have to learn because it’s an endless list. Try learning the more basic ones first before moving on to something more advanced. Ok , this ended up being a Japanese 101 LOLOL
Back on track, in Rejet terms , DwD is more on the fluffy spectrum but also has its equal share of dark moments so if you’re sensitive to abuse, mild gore and violence then this game isn’t really for you. Or at least, it’s best to avoid Lindo’s bad ends/ Devil route and Shiki’s devil route completely unless you want blood to be splattered all over your screen along with some HD sound effects :))))))))) 
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Picture for reference
I would’ve said Rem’s bad end too cause that shit’s fucked up but it doesn’t have a gory CG so . But if you don’t mind all that blood and insanity than proceed on full speed ahead cause there’s fluff in the midst of despair lmao. Keep Roen’s route for last (at least, in the left door common route) as it contains spoilers.  My play order : Rem > Lindo > Roen > Mage > Urie > Shiki . Recommended play order: Urie > Lindo > Shiki > Mage > Rem > Roen .
Left Door routes:     Rem  Lindo  Roen
Right Door Routes:  Mage  Urie   Shiki
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