#back when i took public transport to work i'd write a lot on my commute
2hoothoots · 9 months
"Dion! Dioooon!" Mirtala’s voice rang out across the campsite; clear like a bell, pleading like a kitten’s mew, and shrill in the way only the cries of a five-and-a-half-year-old girl could be. Dion winced. Nona had always said, ever since the day Mirtala had been born, that she had ‘a good pair of lungs’. Dion thought that was a nice way of saying that she was loud. She’d been a loud baby, and now she was a loud little girl, who didn’t seem to have realised that she didn’t need to yell all the time. Especially when the person she was trying to talk to was only a few feet away through an open window. He sighed, fixing his own grim expression resolutely in the mirror. “What is it?” Mirtala’s bells jingled, and in his peripheral vision he could see her stretch up to put her little hands on the edge of the dressing-room windowsill. "I have a question," she announced. "Can it wait?" "No! It's important!" "I'm kinda busy here, Tala–" "But it's the importantest!" This was not a battle he was going to win. Dion put down the pot of pomade, and turned to where Mirtala's huge blue eyes were peering up at him through the open window. "Fine," he said. "What do you want?" Mirtala, with some ceremony, tucked her hands behind her back and tipped her head. "Are crabs fishes?"
i've been off work this week, so finished up this long-neglected wip! a couple years before the events of the games, Dion takes Mirtala and Raz to an aquarium.
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life-of-cae · 8 months
Hello again, Tumblr!
It's been a while since I wrote here. I remember years ago, I'd pour all my heart out to tumblr. Back then I was still interested in writing and poetry. Those were the days, indeed. Now I feel like I'm back to square one, trying to figure out how to write down my thoughts. For now, I'll just go with the flow.
A lot happened these past few years. Suddenly, I felt like Tumblr is someone I haven't been in touch with and somehow I needed to caught tumblr up. This feels nostalgic. As far as I could remember, the last time I used tumblr was back in college. I tried to retrieve my previous blog, but I failed to do so. I want this to be a routine again, like I always did before. I haven't been writing in journals. Everything is just jam-packed inside my head, I never had an outlet.
Where do I start? Backlogs? Lmao. Everything after graduation. It took me months before I got a job as a Data Analyst. I can remember buying corporate attires and a lunch box (I was so eager to save up as early as I can). My first day was January 2. I asked my friend - who works in Makati - how do they commute going to work. They suggested that I take a Van in Coastal, but me being me, I was too afraid to explore. I've always been a scaredy cat. My parents/grandparents have always been protective of me going out. I view the outside world as a very dangerous and confusing place to be in. I'd rather stay at home, where everything feels familiar to me. Going back, I planned to take the bus that time. Everything did not pan out accordingly. I woke up early so I won't be late, but it was a Holiday, I failed to account that there were few public transport available. This part was a bit blurry, since I can't remember if I ended up taking a van or did I drive to work. But either way, I really felt my independence that day. I met my workmates, they were all smart and awesome by the way! My first day was an 8/10. I still feel nervous and just trying to fake it until I make it. My second day, was really memorable, I woke up really early and tried to take the bus again, and then reality hits me. Commute sucks in the Philippines. We were like sardines in the bus, I was holding back my tears. But yeah, I made it to work alive. I asked my ex-boyfriend to pick me up at work, because my energy just can't. I remember us waiting at the bus stop, but suddenly decided to have a bite in a Tropical Hut nearby. I really like that food chain. Just by entering the Hut, I felt a huge wave of nostalgia. It looks like time ceases inside the Hut. It did gave a vintage vibe, it exactly looks like the fast-food chains where my parents used to bring me when I was child. The food wasn't that great, but the ambiance is what makes me want to go back there every time. I'm not sure if it's still there in Makati.
My first job wasn't that easy. I had to go through a lot. It's like life just slapped me in the face with reality. This is the time that I realized that I have depression. I consider this the darkest moment in my life. Given that my life is perfectly fine in almost all aspects. I end up crying as I walk through the elevated walkway all the way to the station. I never knew the reason why. It came to a point that I had to resign and go to Qatar for a reset.
So that's that. My first post here in tumblr. There are as lot of in-betweens , but I'd rather post them separately. If that makes sense. Hehehe.
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writingbeary · 3 years
Day Out
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It was a slow day at the dorm and ATEEZ has finally have a full weekend off for themselves. They just wrapped up their promotions with WAVE and Minyoung doesn’t have to shoot for her drama until the week after.
Most of the members were still sleeping in with the exemption of Hongjoong and Mingi who were probably at the studio, and Yeosang and Wooyoung who left an hour ago going who knows where. Minyoung thought of doing a random VLIVE but they just did that last night after their last stage to thank the fans for their support throughout the promotions.
“Waah. That looks delicious. Oh this place looks so beautiful.” Minyoung exclaimed as she scrolled through her phone looking at random instagram posts. 
“What are you looking at?” Yunho asked as he passed by grabbing himself a glass of water.
“I don’t know where this cafe is but their food looks great.” Minyoung followed him into the kitchen holding her phone up showing the photos.
Yunho looked at the photo and immediately recognized the shop “Isn’t that the shop near the station on the way to the company?”
“It’s near?” Minyoung gasped and immediately searched for the cafe, pursing her lips in concentration
Yunho chuckled watching her expression turn into that of joy. “Do you want me to go with you?”
Nodding her head repeatedly “Will you? I want to go!”
“Alright. Let me just get ready and tell manager-hyung and we can go there.” Yunho could only laugh when Minyoung cheered and rushed to her room with Mingi.
“Why? What happened to Minyoung? I could hear her from here.” San asked from the bed as Yunho changed his clothes making sure he looks decent enough in case people recognize them.
“Remember that cafe near the station? It seems Minyoung hasn’t been there so I offered to go with her.” Yunho answered and San mumbled a sleepy response, probably already drifting off to sleep again.
“Oppa let’s go go go.” Minyoung was bouncing on her heels as she waited for Yunho to finish. It was times like this that Yunho gets reminded that Minyoung is still young, not that he was much older than her but it's like watching a kid get excited over promise of sweets.
After obtaining permission from their manager, both of them headed towards the cafe using public transport. They do get recognized by some passengers but thankfully no one approached them due to the busy morning.
"Say Minyoung-ah, how long have you been in Korea again?" Yunho asked the girl who was busy looking around the streets
Minyoung faced Yunho, counting off her fingers "Hmm..if we count from when I started training then I've been in Korea since 2012, so around seven years? Waah. I didn't realize it's been that long. Although, I haven't really been in many places other than the school and the company."
"You haven't gone out on a trip in all those years?" surprised, Yunho stopped walking his mouth hanging down at the information
"I didn't have the leisure to when I flew up here as a kid and lived together with my grandparents. The condition for letting me go was that I'll work hard in school and finish my studies. After school, I had to run to training then immediately after that I had to go home and work on leftover schoolwork. During days when I had no school and training, I was attending Korean classes." Minyoung shrugged with a smile on her face
"Do you regret it?"
"Nope! I'd be lying if I say I don't miss my family or that I sometimes envy everyone's stories of going out and experiencing lots of things but I am glad I decided to pursue my dream." Minyoung smiled brightly, tugging on Yunho's arm towards the direction of the café. "Besides, I met great people! Everyone in ATEEZ, Atiny, people from my trainee days, manager-oppa, the stylist unnies, the people in the drama, and many more!"
Yunho smiled letting the younger lead the way, making mental note to share this information with the others and maybe plan something for Minyoung.
The café was fairly free of people considering the time so they were able to order quickly and get good seats. Yunho ordered for the both of them as Minyoung was too busy admiring the decor of the place.
"This reminds me of when we commute to school together oppa. To be honest, I would probably follow you unsuspectingly even if you decided to skipped class for fear that I'll get lost" Minyoung giggles looking up
Yunho laughs, shaking his head "Oh so that's why you were always trailing behind me."
"I had to! I may be able to hold a conversation then but I was pretty sure I can't get directions right. So if someday I get left behind someplace, I'm taking a taxi to go back where I'm familiar with." Minyoung pouted
Yunho reached out his hand ruffling her hair a bit, grinning "I doubt we'll ever forget to bring you with us and should that happen, you don't really need to do anything since we're probably already rushing back to get you and whoever is with you."
Minyoung giggled, nodding in agreement "That's true. I'm probably holding unto one of you anyway."
Minyoung has already taken photos of the place after asking for permission from the staff while they were waiting. As soon as their orders were served, she immediately took photos of their food hoping to share it with the other members and maybe to Atiny in a later date. Looking up from she noticed Yunho taking photos of her pouting a bit. "You should tell me so I look good in them."
Yunho scoffs a bit before chuckling "Since when did you look bad in photos? Even when you make those meme faces, you still look good in them. Atiny even posts a lot of them, you know?"
"Still! Here take one with me ready" Minyoung smiled looking a bit at the camera with her arm propping up her chin.
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ATEEZ Minyoung Masterlist
Disclaimer: This is just a work of fiction. Any portrayal of real people is a combination based on what we could see on cameras and imagination of the author. This is purely fan fiction written for fun. Thank you for understanding.
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Writing Beary Corner:
Yunho spotlight! I realized I’ve been putting San and Wooyoung a lot in my posts so I wanted to do one with another member “focus” lol still a fail but I tried lol
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