#bada lee gifs
woniverse-writes · 9 months
"MOTH TO A FLAME (part 1)"
Bada Lee x Fem!Reader
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part 1 ⟶ part 1.5
series masterlist
summary: y/n l/n is the youngest team member of Jam Republic, competing in the second season of Street Woman Fighter. she’s got the sweetest smile and the most vibrant personality, but she also may or may not be the biggest hothead on the show when it comes to defending her teammates. apparently that’s attractive to Bada Lee.
word count: 9k (holy shit)
warnings: swearing, reader is described as cute and small a lot, Bada is kinda confusing with her feelings, also this isn't proofread so... sorry for any mistakes lol- lemme know if I missed anything!
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“I think Jam Republic is finally coming out-” someone states and the excited conversations start to fill up the studio. Jam Republic walks into the fight zone for their first introduction and they're all just very happy to be there. All the girls are smiling but Audrey and y/n have the biggest smiles on their faces out of anyone. Everyone is commenting on how pretty they are and how their smiles are so precious
“Wow, Audrey is like a doll! So pretty…” Tatter is outwardly in awe of the girls, much like some of her other teammates. But their leader, even though she agreed, was trying to keep the girls’ confidence up.
“True, but we’re prettier” she replied in a motherly tone and patted the blonde girl's head, causing them all to smile and giggle. Minah notices Jam Republic approaching the area they’re seated in, and shares a mischievous look with Lusher, before adding to the conversation-
“Y/n’s like a princess though. No one’s beating that” she states matter-of-factly, anticipating her leader’s response. Bada opens her mouth to say something but right as she’s about to speak, she and y/n make eye contact. Y/n smiles even bigger than she already is, eyes twinkling, and she bows politely greeting team Bebe. Bada is lowkey rendered speechless because she’s pretty sure she just saw an angel.
“Oh- h-hello” she struggles to speak and immediately after y/n turns away, Bada is grimacing and covering her face out of embarrassment, her teammates now laughing at her distress. She tries to laugh it off and put on a smile because of all the cameras around- she just really hopes they didn’t catch that and it won’t be aired.
As Jam Republic continues to stride across the stage, past all the other crews, getting a feel for the room, they finally settle in the middle- waiting for their video to be played. Audrey and Y/n are holding hands and giggling excitedly, while the rest of their team shares similar smiles and affectionate chuckles towards their youngest members.
Then the review video plays…
“I think they all want to be the main character- how are they ever gonna work together?” Y/n can’t help but huff out a laugh of disbelief, but she’s not quite angry yet. She felt a little twinge of annoyance but other than that, she thought it was kind of funny. 
“I’m gonna steal the spotlight from you” Audret whispered sarcastically, bumping her shoulder, causing y/n to laugh. They were smiling and giggling again… until the others started targeting her and Audrey.
“They’re like babies- I don’t think they’ll have any real skill.” All the members are just nodding and keeping their composure, with light smiles, except for y/n. Her smile has dropped into a frown and her brows are furrowed as she tries to understand how these people could so willingly make assumptions about them. And it only kept getting worse-
As their individual dance clips started to play y/n could already feel the tension inside her start to rising. After Kirsten, Ling, Latrice, and Emma’s clips all played- Y/n’s was next. It was a somewhat recent clip of her dancing to “Basics” by TWICE, where she’s got her signature bright smile, and is bouncing around, just enjoying the choreography. She loves that choreo and has always been proud of it because it was fun, so her smile started to come back a little while watching it. She tried ignoring everyone’s words, and for the most part, it worked, but she was still able to hear- 
“Isn’t this too juvenile? She doesn’t seem competitive at all.” 
And if there’s one thing y/n hates- it’s people doubting her passion. She’s always been very dedicated to dance, but she also learned how to have fun and enjoy it, while still working hard to always be improving. But to be honest, it didn’t upset her too much because she never really cared what people’s opinions were on her- as long as she was happy, healthy, and kind y/n couldn’t care less what people thought. Unless it was about someone she cares about, then that’s when problems arise. 
Audrey’s video played right after y/n’s and even though the older girl was keeping it together and even sporting a small smile, the same could not be said for her teammate. Y/n listened to everyone laugh and jeer at her friend, and she felt genuine violence start to bubble inside her. How dare they laugh at her? Who do they think they are? She clenched her jaw and felt any bit of respect she had for these people leave her body. Y/n was already over this shit. 
“I think they’re pretty dancers, but that’s it- they’re just pretty dancers.” The other teams ‘ooh’ at this and letter other noises of enablement. By now Y/n’s face has totally dropped, and there’s no expression besides a deadly look in her eyes. While everyone else is brushing it off with some laughs, especially Audrey, y/n can't help but feel her anger fully ignite into a blazing fire. Their video came to an end and while others applauded respectfully, y/n stood there- arms crossed with her head tilted slightly, a stone-cold expression overtaking her face.
"Oh my god- y/n is the only one not smiling anymore" Akanen pointed out from Tsubakill’s side of the room. To which Rena gasped and replied “Eh?! Oh no! She looks so upset!” and the others all focused solely on her. other teams seem to be thinking similarly.
"Audrey is laughing about it like it's nothing and y/n looks like she's about to kill everyone who picked her as the worst dancer…" Mina Myoung jokes, laughing at the young girl. Some of her members laughed with her, while others just observed with cautious eyes. They didn’t want to accidentally make eye contact with Jam Republic’s seemingly small but mighty dancer.
"From everything I've seen of Y/n, I never thought I'd see her without a smile- more importantly I never thought I'd see her look that angry" Harimu gasps, gripping Redy’s shoulders, pulling herself to hide behind her slightly. Peaking over Redy’s shoulder, she listens to the older girl reply in a tone just as fearful as her own. "I didn't even think she'd be able to make such a scary face" Redy laughs but trembles a little.
"Oh my- wow, she looks so much older with that look on her face…" Funky Y openly expresses how baffled she is to her crew, with wide eyes and mouth slightly dropped open. Yoonji replies quickly in a frantic tone
"Like she's not a baby anymore, suddenly she became a Lion" she animatedly expressed with a growl after to prove her point. And her members can’t help but huff out a few laughs and roll their eyes at her antics. But still- even as they joke around, all are still weary of how y/n will act now.
All of the dancers quickly took notice of y/n’s 180 switch in vibe, and couldn’t help their conversations- some frantic, some laughing and continuing their degrading energy that got her all worked up in the first place, some fearful… and then there was Bebe.
"Woooah… what happened to cutie y/n? She's scary now-" Bada marvels at the small girl standing at the back of her team, with her arms crossed. She really was just as confused as everyone else on how y/n could go from being this darling princess with a dazzling smile and sparkly eyes- to this ice-cold girl who might start calling people out by names soon if she gets pushed any further. 
Bada’s teammates look at her, and some nod, while Tatter holds back a laugh, mumbling her leader’s words to herself, 
“Cutie…” Minah and Lusher hear her and start giggling, causing Tatter to start giggling as well. Bada doesn’t seem to hear them- that or she just pretends not to, cuz she sits there, unbothered, leaning her elbows on her knees, observing the scene before her with a barely-there smirk.
y/n continues to glare at the screen ahead of her and tries to contain her rage. Latrice puts a gentle hand on her shoulder and y/n just nods her head, poking her inner cheek with her tongue, trying her best not to say something that will definitely get her kicked off the show. Audrey sees how furious her bestie is and turns to poke her cheek playfully, of course with a smile still on her face
"heyyyy, don't stress. It's okay!" she puts an arm around the younger girl's shoulders and continues
"Plus this is just another great opportunity to show everyone what we've got!" and of course, Audrey, ever the optimist, successfully calms her down. y/n sighs and leans into the taller girl.
"I know, I just hate how almost all of them think we suck just cuz we're young." 
"well they also think we suck cuz we're pretty" And Basically everyone watching is like- "Aw they're still cuties, even though y/n can be scary". 
Bada can't help but laugh at them, specifically y/n
 "She's pouting now. Cute." She chuckles softly with a small smile on her face, as she sits, elbows resting on her knees, with her hands clasped. Lusher can't help but side-eye her leader and chuckle as well but for a different reason
"Bada, you seem a little too interested in her" She snaps out of whatever daze she was in, sitting straight up and looking over at Lusher for a second, before turning to look back at the front where Jam Republic is now exiting
"I'm interested in a lot of people here." she explains cooly, surveying the room
"Not true-" Tatter leans over from the other side of Bada to look her right in the eyes "We can all tell you haven't found a single person here interesting, until her- or at least her team."
"She looks kind of scary now…" Yoonji whispers to her teammates looking at y/n. Redlic looks in the direction Yoonji is looking at and laughs a little.
"What're you talking about? y/n? She looks like a kitten trying to be a lion." Now the rest of ManneQueen is staring at Jam Republic, specifically y/n l/n. And sure enough, instead of her usual bright and smiling self, her eyes were back to being fiery and to put it bluntly, she looks pissed the fuck off again. Waackxxy was the one to turn to Redlic and go-
“No, she’s definitely got something fierce going on right now… I hope she has a lot of battle cuz I’m kind of interested in her now…” causing the rest of her team to laugh and agree. On the other side, Jam Republic is having their own discussion regarding y/n. 
“I think you should just wait and see- maybe no one will even pick you as a “no respect” dancer!” Ling tried cheering up her younger teammate.
“No I want someone to battle me- I want everyone who voted for me and Audrey to come and try us” y/n fired back with her arms crossed as she leaned back into her chair. She really did look intimidating, especially with her makeup and hair done. Audrey on the other hand was not feeling the same fire-
“Uhm, maybe we don’t need everyone to want to battle us…maybe just a few.” Audrey started to reason, 
”Cuz I don’t know if you remember, but there were a LOT of people that voted for us as the worst dancers…” which caused Kirsten and Ling to sigh, and y/n to roll her eyes and clench her jaw.
“Audrey, my love, I’m very well aware of how many people think we suck-“ 
“You don’t suck-” 
“Thank you Emma, but please give me a second”
“Y/n take a deep breath and check your well-being”
She sighed at their team leader’s advice, knowing it was to help her out and so that she didn’t get too fired up with her teammates. It’s not that y/n doesn’t get along with them- it’s the furthest thing from that, she adores her teammates- but she gets very passionate about everything, and she’s a bit of a hothead. On top of all that, y/n is very protective of those she cares about, some of those people being her dear teammates.
“I’m sorry” she mumbles a bit, but ultimately huffs out the response. To which Kirsten replies with a motherly “thank you”, causing the others to chuckle.
“I just don’t understand how they can all collectively make the assumption that we’re not as good as them- for what? Why? Because we’re foreigners? Because we smile a lot? Because we’re pretty? To me THAT just sounds like jealousy” y/n continues to rant, frantically moving her hands and arms about, expressing her frustration- and her team just listens patiently for her to finish. Once she finally lets out her final huff and relaxes back into her chair with her arms crossed again, and a pout now sporting her face, her teammates can’t help but smile gently at their youngest member- some even trying to hide giggles and chuckles of endearment. 
“Y/n, sweetheart, you’ve gotta remember- not everyone thinks like you- I wish they did, but they just don’t” Kirsten starts to comfort her, and places a hand on her head, trying her best to calm down the passionate young girl. 
Kirsten always felt like asking y/n to join her team was one of the best choices she made in regards to being a leader. She knew the younger girl had experience in kpop dance styles, having performed at multiple k-con stages and doing countless covers from other groups, even choreographing her own routines to kpop songs for fun and still getting the attention of the original artist. Kirsten also saw an unlimited amount of potential in y/n and saw how quickly and easily she absorbed everything around her. The only thing she was worried about was how young she was. it wasn’t a huge concern to her since their whole team was pretty young, but when it came down to it, Kirsten ended up adding Audrey in as well, and the two hit it off right away! To be completely honest- Kirsten felt as if the three youngest members were her babies. Audrey being the sweet angel of a golden child, Emma being the responsible oldest, and y/n being the chaotic troublemaker who’s always trying to pick a fight with someone for hurting her sisters. 
“You just need to remember that we’re here to dance, have fun, and gain a new experience… alright?” Kirsten has successfully reduced her gremlin child to a less angry (but still very pouty) version of herself.
“…alright” y/n mumbled.
“Thank you. Now please stop pouting, you look like a kicked puppy and the others will probably start picking on you soon” Kirsten teased lightly, which caused Audrey to join in and start poking y/n’s cheek, leading to Emma tugging gently on her hair, and Ling poking her other cheek, all while Latrice coos at her and pats her head. This all of course causes her to start whining and complaining playfully at her members teasing.
But the endearment for each other doesn’t end outside of the members' little cluster. the love for Jam Republic, and specifically y/n, has now spread to the entire studio. as everyone originally took notice of the youngest member’s slight temper tantrum, most didn’t really know what she was ranting about, but they could tell she was once again not happy at all. The two teams sitting nearest to Jam Republic happened to be Bebe and 1Million, who originally both had members that intended to battle y/n, but after hearing her rant, some opinions changed. 
“I like her style! She’s very passionate” Harimu laughed as she explained her newfound interest in Jam Republic’s youngest. 
“That’s what I was thinking- I don’t even wanna battle her anymore, especially after how scary she looked before- I just wanna watch her tear up the stage with all her energy” Redy chimed in.
“Do you think we should go up to her during break and try to become friends?” They begin to laugh and joke around about their shared interest in y/n. But their team’s older members aren’t quite on the same level of endearment.
“Ya- you two should be trying to take her down before befriending her, don’t you think?” Lia warns the two girls, who just look at each other and start giggling.
“I don’t know if I’d necessarily wanna go up against someone with her temper” Redy starts off jokingly, but Harimu is already coming back in a teasing mood-
“Yeah cuz you’d probably cry.” Which has Redy letting a gasp-  her jaw dropped to the floor, eyes wide with shock and (false) betrayal.
The other team seated next to Jam Republic isn’t as chipper as 1 Million though, as their leader is trying to convince her team to stick with their guts.
“You wanted to battle her at first for a reason- why would that reason change if you still haven’t seen her dance?” Bada asks Kyma, Sowoen, and Minah. They all voted y/n as the worst dancer because her style was too “pretty” and they thought she relied on having cute expressions. Bada didn’t entirely agree with her teammates, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. She even originally stated how she thought y/n’s style was refreshing and youthful, but she was worried about how she’d be with darker concepts.
“Well- I mean- she seems kinda crazy…” Cheche halfheartedly joked, but in reality, she was being completely serious.
“Why? Because she’s angry? She should be angry. Being voted as the worst dancer isn’t something to be happy about…” Bada replies calmly. No one really says anything, as they all are just trying to process whether or not their leader is provoking them, or if she’s defending their opponent because she thinks she’s cute. 
Bada sighs and stands up to stretch. She wants her team to not only be amazing dancers, but critical thinkers too. Of course, Bada wants a win, but she also wants her team to be strong- and if going up against someone with untouchable morale and endless energy will force her teammates to be stronger, then that’s what they need to do.
She also may or may not be personally interested in seeing what y/n is made of. After all, she caught her attention originally with her bright smile and explosive personality- then again shortly after with how serious and intimidating she gets when people question her abilities. Bada thought her bold expressions and reactions to things were an endearing contrast from her cute or refreshing facials used when dancing. So now having seen y/n in stark opposition, she’s even more interested.  
They all finish up introductions and meet the judges, then are sent off to get changed and prepare for the battles that are about to ensue. Jam Republic’s hideout is full of conversation from the second they enter the room.
“Well besides y/n almost setting the place on fire, I think that went well!” Ling chirps, smiling in faux satisfaction at her teammates, who let out variations of laughs.
“I can’t believe they think so lowly of us” Audrey finally expresses her disappointment, sharing a kicked puppy look with y/n, who longer feels angry, just tired. The younger of the two just leans her head on her friend's shoulder and stays quiet.
“I know, but that’s exactly why we’re gonna go out there and show every single one of them how wrong they were, right?” Kirsten encourages with her once again motherly tone and warm smile.
Bebe’s hideout conversations on the other hand are going quite a bit differently than Jam Republic’s…
“So moral of the story: I’m scared of a five-foot-nothing, angel-faced, baby who may or may not have the ability to shoot lasers out of her eyes.” 
“Minah, what the fuck are you even saying right now-” Tatter sits and stares at her teammate with a concerned look. Minah and Kyma have been going back and forth since they got back about how they regret picking y/n as their no-respect dancer already, because of how quickly and drastically her personality changed when she got upset.
“I’m just saying- I feel like if I looked her in the eyes at that moment, I would've died.” Minah replies dramatically, and Kyma nods her head enthusiastically in agreeance. Bada huffs out a laugh and rolls her eyes at the two members’ antics.
“You do realize she’s still just a kid, right? You have nothing to worry about. Even if she does look scary, she’s probably all bark and no bite” Bada smirks slightly and leans back comfortably on the couch in their space.
“Weren’t you just saying how cute she was?” Lusher side-eyes her as she questions.
“Yes, and? That’s exactly my point. She’s too cute, so there’s no way she’d actually be able to go through with whatever she looked like she could've done.” Bada reasons, shrugging. Everyone just sighs and new conversations arise. 
After all the teams have finished preparing, they all head back down to the main studio and take their seats again. The judges are all prepared and after a slight re-introduction by Daniel, the host, the battles are set to begin. 
Bada being part of the first battle of the season was definitely necessary, and her win practically secured her spot as the best dancer involved in the program. 
Everyone was hyped especially the members of Jam Republic, who were all just very happy to be there- even y/n, who had managed to calm down from her original state of rage, and now she’s back to her excited, vibrant self, of course wearing a giant smile. The girls all cheered and at some point (she doesn’t know when) y/n ended up clinging to Emma with wide eyes and jaw dropped. After Bada finished everyone obviously went crazy with an uproar of applause, but y/n could only let out a few claps, as she was still shell-shocked. Ling glanced at her teammate and started laughing
“Did you enjoy that y/n?” Y/n, still in a daze, puts the back of her hand on her cheek, then her forehead
“My face feels so hot right now”
“Oh my god y/n! You’re like- actually a tomato!!” Kirsten noticed her youngest dancer’s flustered state and couldn’t help but bring attention to it. With all her teammates' eyes on her now, they giggle as she starts whining and covering her face, collapsing into a ball on the floor. She looks up at Ling, who gently pats her head, and goes
“I don’t think I’m gonna survive this” sending all of her members into a fit of laughter over their youngest dancer’s uncontrollable admiration.
“The way she got up in Redy’s face- UGH I WOULD’VE DIED” she continues fangirling, catching the attention of a few of the other dancers- specifically from Bebe. Lusher is the first to glance sideways at y/n with wide eyes and a hidden smile- she’ll have to tell Bada about it afterward. 
When it’s revealed that Bada won, y/n just about flew twelve feet in the air, that’s how high she jumped. Bada acted coolly and honestly pretty cold toward Redy, but the second she made eye contact with y/n, she smiled charmingly causing the already flustered girl to smile even brighter. She sits back down with her crew and Lusher leans over to whisper in her ear,
“I think y/n really likes you” she teases, causing Bada to roll her eyes and glare. 
“Enough…” the older girl warns playfully, in tow causing Lusher to raise her hands in defense.
“Alright, fine- but just know she really enjoyed your performance.” and the conversation ended there.
During Kirsten’s battle with Waackxxy, the members of Jam Republic are once again hyped up, but this time- it’s tenfold. 
Y/n is standing on top of the front row of their team’s bleachers, jumping up and down so much that at one point she nearly slips. Emma and Audrey are of course both there to keep her out of trouble (like always) and they all make eye contact before bursting out laughing
From across the room- Bada is pretty much just as invested as they are. Except she’s a little more focused on one of the members who ISN’T currently dancing. She of course paid attention to Kirsten’s battle and was genuinely blown away by her style- But Bada couldn’t help but get distracted by the small girl a little bit behind her, screaming and jumping like her life depended on it. She tried not to smile or laugh at y/n’s antics but she couldn’t help it when she almost fell off the bleachers. At first- when she watched her slip, Bada felt herself tense up, almost as if her instant reaction was to reach out and try to catch her from across the room. But once she realized y/n was alright (and that she’d have been fine had she fallen from the short height) she shook her head laughed, but more at herself for feeling so protective of this girl she hadn’t even spoken to yet.
Shortly after Kirsten’s first battle, Audrey has hers- Which means, y/n is about to be at her peak of hype woman realness. When Audrey's name is called, y/n shoots straight up and gets right to hyping her best friend up. She’s smiling and rubbing her shoulders and shaking her around a bit to show her excitement, and finally, the two do their signature handshake that they’ve done before every performance together since they became friends
Bada again watched from the opposite side, and she couldn’t help but feel extra critical while watching Audrey. There was nothing wrong with Audrey’s dancing! In fact- Bada was thoroughly impressed, (but she wishes she wasn’t). Instead of catching y/n’s reactions, this time she was totally focused on the dancers- Bada was curious as to what made y/n so defensive of Audrey, and now she understands a little better. That doesn’t ease her feelings of discomfort though, especially as the battle comes to an end and she watches y/n pounce on Audrey the second the timer runs out. What frustrated her even more was how quickly she became self-aware in that moment. Wait- why do I care so much? She was asking herself as her eyes darted to the floor.
And when she was announced the winner, Bada applauded and cheered, but again felt bitter seeing Jam’s Republic’s two youngest members be cute together. Now all Bada can focus on is why she herself is so bothered by y/n clinging to her teammate, and smiling like Audrey just won the Olympics.
“She seems like a really clingy person” Bebe members all look at Bada and then follow her line of sight to Audrey and y/n- or rather y/n sticking to Audrey and congratulating her. Lusher is the first to speak up again,
“Audrey?” she questions, peaking over at Bada in confusion, whose eyes are fixed back on y/n.
“No, y/n”
“Oh, of course”
Lusher’s response is sarcastic and causes the others to laugh lightly at the sub-leader’s attitude towards their oldest member. Bada once again has no reaction as she’s too focused on y/n smiling angelically, celebrating Jam Republic’s win.
“Omg please don’t tell me you’re already jealous” Sewoen teased and Tatter laughed hysterically. Bada raised her eyebrows and finally turned to look at the girls.
“Me? What would I be jealous of?” she pouts slightly when she talks. Even though she seems all tough, and tall, and cold- only one of those things is true. Bada is really a big softie- a baby angel trapped in a 5’9 body. Her teammates know this all too well as they halt their teasing for a moment to admire their cute leader. But that obviously doesn’t last forever.
“Bada-” Lusher tilts her head, exasperated. She stares at the older girl for a few seconds in disbelief, before letting out a huff of a laugh again. Bada’s eyes just widen as she looks around at her team- she really is confused, because while yes- she is starting to realize she may have a genuine crush on y/n, Bada thought she was doing a pretty good job at hiding it!
“What?? I’m serious- I'm not jealous of anyone” She tries to laugh it off and move on but the only reaction she gets is a few side-eyes from the other members. So she lets out a sigh and hangs her head in embarrassment.
“Let’s just leave it please” She smiles timidly, and THIS causes the other girls to laugh.
Many more battles occur before it’s finally Y/n’s chance to dance. When she’s called up to pick her no-respect dancer, y/n smiles brightly and walks to the center.
"So I actually have a lot of respect for this dancer, and I kind of selfishly chose her for the opportunity to share the stage with her and feed off her energy…" she starts, making sure to survey the whole room before eyes finally land on Bebe
"No way she's gonna pick Bada", "is y/n really about to pick Bada???", "Ya, she must be insane" excited murmurs fill the studio as everyone anticipates her pick.
Bada tries to keep her expression neutral, but she can't help how her eyes widen when she makes eye contact with the young dancer standing in front of her crew. Bada thinks y/n looks cute holding the mic with both hands, poking her tongue out and smiling nervously.
Y/n takes a deep breath and walks slowly toward the team she's been eyeing up
"For my no respect dancer, I'd like to battle Bebe's…" It feels like everyone is holding their breath. Y/n holds eye contact with Bada but breaks it with a nod
Everyone goes crazy, even Lusher herself- She stands up and bows, smiling brightly, and as she starts to descend the bleachers they're sat in, she turns to Bada with wide eyes and whispers-
"I for sure thought she was gonna be calling your name…" she started seriously
"Hm… guess not yet" she teases her leader and Bada shoves her away
"Ya, go dance or something" she mumbles, already exhausted from dealing with the teasing of her members. Lusher meets Y/n halfway and actually reaches out to shake her hand, to which a nervous Y/n excitedly and politely bows and shakes her hand
"Good luck" Lusher smiles gently and y/n's eyes twinkle a little more at the kindness
"Thank you so much, you too!" and then they're separating and heading back to their sides to start the battle. Bada can't help but roll her eyes at her younger teammate, because while she's appreciative of the good sportsmanship, she knows it's really just to tease her more. Once Lusher heads back to Bebe’s side, Bada is behind her with a hand on her shoulder, talking calmly and softly.
"You know this is a cutthroat competition right? You're not supposed to be nice to your opponent- especially since she chose you as her "no respect" dancer-" Bada begins firmly
"Bada, did you listen to a word she said before? Or did you block it all out after you realized she wasn't talking about you?" Tatter laughed, once again taking the opportunity to tease the group leader
On the other side, Jam Republic is also teasing their group member
"I for sure thought you were gonna pick Bada" Latrice stated, massaging y/n's shoulders, shaking her around a bit to keep her energy up. She didn't say anything, just laughed and rolled her eyes. Noticing the lack of reaction, Ling reaches over and pinches her cheek-
"Are you kidding, y/n would probably forget how to breathe if she had to go up against Bada" causing them all to burst out laughing, including the youngest. She moves out of they're teasing reach and steps onto the dance floor. Daniel introduces the two again and allows them to do their little speeches before the battle actually starts. Y/n goes first and she has that same nervous smile back on her face, but her eyes still twinkle with excitement
"As much as I do respect you, I apologize because I'm still going to compete and perform like I don't"  she finishes, trying to seem cool, but she ends up giggling a little. Everyone obviously loses their shit and starts screaming, and even Lusher is clapping and nodding with approval
"Y/n-ya" Everyone's eyes widen, especially Y/n's, as they anticipate Lusher's comeback
"I appreciate your admiration, but there won't be any sharing of the stage, cuz it's all mine" and cue the 'oohs' and 'aahs' from the other dancers, and y/n just smiles and nods. They turn over their mics and prepare for the music to start
"First up- Bebe! LUSHEEEEER" Daniel shouts out and the music comes in as everyone cheers. She starts with some smooth groves and then hits all the accents once the beat drops. Y/n just felt happy to be there, face scrunched up showing how impressed she is with her opponent's moves. Bada tried to solely focus on Lusher, but she couldn’t help but eye up the opposing dancer. and if anyone happened to notice and ask her about it, Bada would just tell them that she was inspecting the competition for the sake of her team…
As Lusher's time runs out, she finishes off strong by getting in y/n's face and ruffling the shorter girl's hair while smirking, causing her to giggle and poke the inside of her cheek with her tongue. She nodded as Daniel announced the switch, and she anticipated everyone's reactions
CL's "Tie a Cherry" starts playing from the pre-chorus and everyone gets even more hyped- some were jumping around and screaming, some grabbed onto their hair, some just had wide eyes and jaw dropped. Lusher stood similar to the last group- eyes wide and jaw dropped to the floor, but she still smiled and laughed in astonishment. Y/n smiled coolly and nodded her head to the beat before bouncing to get into the feel. She does a quick spin around and her vibe has completely changed again- 
Everyone notices the different look in her eyes and they all start fangirling amongst themselves again, expressing how excited they are to see her dance. Lusher stands back and watches, amused and somewhat proud, like she's just got herself a new friend- a friend that challenges her by picking a song that she already danced to with the artist.
Bada on the other hand is trying to control her emotions and reactions again- standing behind with the rest of her team, hand covering her mouth, brows furrowed. She's stressing rn, but not because she's scared that Lusher will lose (frankly, she could care less about that) but rather because she doesn't know how she's gonna last a whole season of watching y/n dance without reacting in the most obvious ways possible- especially since she has a reputation to uphold. Now- Bada has never really cared about that type of stuff, she's chill and doesn't really care whether or not people think she's cool. But this- this feeling she gets while watching y/n dance- is a whole new level of uncool. To be completely honest- Bada feels pathetic.
y/n's been hitting every beat, leaving it all out on the floor- her movements are explosive and captivating. So much so, that certain viewers are mesmerized even by the smallest aspects of her performance that she doesn't even have control over.
"Woooow… how does her hair just perfectly fall into place…" Bada's mesmerized voice doesn't fit in with the chaotic energy and screams, so it catches the attention of Tatter, who looks over to see a dazed leader with a slight blush painted on her cheeks, and she bursts out laughing.
"Bada… you need to pull yourself together" she laughs. but right as she finishes her sentence and looks back to watch the rest of the dance, the iconic "razzi shots" line occurs and y/n handles it perfectly.
Right as the "razzi shots" line is played through the speaker, y/n's whole body reacts as if electrified- her articulation is so on point that the final hit of her movement mixed with her unmatched expression sends everyone spiraling into a frenzy. And it only got worse as her next movements were smooth, yet articulated combinations of body rolls and hip swivels, leaving everyone with jaws dropped. No one expected the cute, sometimes fiery, girl to have such an alluring, sexy side to her. Especially Bada, who is now fumbling between covering her eyes and her mouth cuz she's so flustered she doesn't know what to do. And the fact that she doesn't understand why she's feeling this way is making her even more flustered.
Y/n's time is about to run out as she slides onto the ground, and with a flip of her hair, she hits a sexy pose that's all tied together with a seductive smile. The applause are the loudest they’ve been so far, everyone is beyond baffled after watching her perform. She stays in her pose for a second, basking in the attention, and to make it even better she daintily bites her finger and puts on a cute-clueless kind of sexy facade. As if she didn’t just completely destroy everyone’s expectations of her. 
After a couple of seconds of holding her pose, she laughs at herself and stands up, first bowing to Lusher, then turning to the audience on her side and bowing- which causes another uproar. Y/n’s brilliant smile is back and she can’t help but clap her hands and cheer with everyone else. The sweet girl who loves to perform was back and she was once again just happy to be there.
The time comes for the judges to decide the winner and in a clean sweep, 3-0, y/n takes the win. Everyone cheers, and y/n comes running up to Lusher to shake her hand again, but Lusher pulls her into a hug instead before pulling back and holding onto the smaller girl's shoulders.
"You're literally so amazing- I was totally joking before, let's share the stage all the time" Lusher jokes around, a genuine smile on her face, but still a teasing lilt in her voice.
"Oh so now you wanna share cuz I won?" y/n teases back, causing Lusher to laugh and shove her shoulder gently, the two girls smiling and giggling together.
"You wish that was you, huh?" Tatter whispers to Bada as they watch from their seats. Bada just turns to look at her with the most fed-up look, causing the blonde to let out a snort of a laugh. As Lusher strides back over to Bebe’s side, she’s smiling still as she looks at her team and shrugs her shoulders. They all hurry to pat her on the back and tell her how well she did, no matter the outcome. 
“Y/n is no joke, you guys should be scared to challenge her for sure now.” She looks specifically at the three who had picked her as their no-respect dancer. Causing them all to sigh and chuckle a little in defeat. 
“It’s okay- we’re stronger. We have to be.” They all turn to look at their leader in disbelief. They've all noticed how she’s been acting toward y/n, and find it hard to believe Bada actually thinks they could beat her- shit they would even agree that Bada doesn’t think anyone could beat her. 
“Whatever you say, captain…” Tatter replies and they all turn their attention back to the front. 
As everyone finishes up their individual dance battles, and the battle of the aces finishes off- the teams are released to go prepare for the group battle. Everyone begins heading to their respective rooms, but one dancer stalls behind her crew by a few steps. y/n keeps peaking over her shoulder every so often, to glance back at Bebe. She simply wanted to ask Lusher for her phone number, but the girl didn’t seem to be with her team. She eventually stopped walking altogether and when y/n looked forward again, she realized the rest of her team was so far ahead she’d have to jog to catch up. 
“Were you looking for someone?” y/n whips back around and is met with the rest of Bebe, more specifically their leader, who is a lot closer than she expected her to be. Her eyes turn into saucers and she seems to struggle a little to find words.
“Oh- actually- well yeah actually I was…” y/n nervously smiled and looked up at Bada, hoping that her face wasn’t turning red already. Bada gave a gentle smile in return. She looked relaxed, cool, but in her head she was trying to keep calm and not squeeze the cute girl in front of her.
“I was wondering where Lusher went, actually.” the Jam Republic dancer spoke up a little more confidently this time- still very shy, but definitely was able to speak without stuttering, which is progress!
“Mmm” Bada hummed and nodded, seemingly understanding. She held eye contact with the younger girl, before asking, 
“Why?” to anyone on the outside looking in, this situation probably looks like a gang of scary tall women harassing some poor girl- which is exactly what Audrey is thinking when she turns to ask y/n a question and looks back to see her many meters away, conversing with Bebe’s leader, while the rest of the crew stands behind her.
“Oh my god- we lost y/n” she starts to panic, causing all the older members to whip around and look at Audrey like she’s crazy, then look at the spot next to her where the youngest member usually stood. Kirsten takes a deep breath before releasing it and shaking her head, Emma and Ling are genuinely in shock, and Latrice just looks at each of the members before laughing and starting to head back towards the direction they came from, to retrieve their baby.
Meanwhile, said baby is still struggling through a conversation with “the love of her life”, as she described to her team after watching Bada battle Redlic.
“Uhm- well I was looking for Lusher hoping I could get her number, or give her mine, cuz… because I really enjoyed dancing with her!” y/n finishes off strong and Bada just tilts her head in an amused, yet condescending way. Y/n finally took the opportunity to actually look at her, and wow, does she wish she didn’t, because if her face wasn’t on fire before, it sure is now. Bada was standing confidently with her feet planted shoulder-width apart and her hands casually in her pockets. Y/n was usually good at acknowledging an attractive woman leaving it at that- but this shit was just too overwhelming for the poor girl. 
“She went to go refill her water, but she should be back soon. We were obviously heading to our room so if you wanna come back with us and wait for her, you’re more than welcome to.” Tatter speaks up in a chipper voice from beside Bada. She could see how red the girl’s face had gotten and wanted to help her out a little by putting her focus on something other than Bada. although her comment only seemed to make it worse-
“Oh! Oh no, that’s okay! I don’t want to intrude, and I- I should probably get back to my group anyways to prepare for the battle-” y/n frantically starts to ramble, her face somehow even brighter red than before. Bada couldn’t help the amused smirk that spread across her face.
“How about you just give me your number and I’ll give it to her?” Bada cuts her off, and not only do y/n’s eyes grow four times in size but so do Bada’s teammates’. They all try to discreetly glance at each other without freaking out, cuz since when was their leader this bold???
“Yeah… yeah of course.” Bada smiles and y/n is about to give her number, right when-
“We seriously need to put you on a leash, girl” Latrice laughs and puts her hand on y/n’s shoulder, leaving her to jump in surprise a little, not expecting her crew to have showed up behind her. The young girl let out a relieved sigh and then a tired laugh. She glanced back at Bada and the rest of Bebe then bowed slightly.
“Thank you so much for your help, but I'll just keep an eye out and try to catch her later” she speaks softly and smiles politely before moving to finally head back to her waiting room with her members. As she’s about to round the corner, y/n looks over her shoulder and shouts a sweet “good luck!” then waves cutely. 
Bebe is still standing in the same spot they were in when y/n left when Lusher finally made her way back to them.
“Why are we just standing in the hall… I thought you guys would be back in our room already.” She eyes up her crew suspiciously, looking at every one of them before landing on Bada.
“Well, we would’ve been if Bada hadn’t decided to harass y/n” Kyma pipes up, and Lusher sends a look that can only be explained as concern and disbelief toward Bada.
“Excuse me, I did not HARASS her???” Bada looks over at the girl with an incredulous look.
“Right, you just tortured the poor girl and acted so cold she probably thought you were gonna eat her-” “EAT HER???? WHAT AM I NOW? A WOLF???”
“Well-” Tatter chimes in this time, “you did kind of give off that vibe when she was talking to you just now.”
“Okay- we can get back to unpacking that later. Why was she even over here?” Lusher interrupted the flow of conversation. Bada sighed and hesitated before sharing
“She actually was looking for you…” she started calmly. Noticing Lusher’s confused expression, she continued
“y/n was asking for your number… said it was because she really enjoyed dancing with you.” Bada smiled a little as she shared this information with her teammate, who in turn also smiled. Lusher’s wide eyes and light grin, made Bada realize how she actually had the opportunity to get y/n’s number and failed miserably. 
“But she said she’d come find you later, so be on the lookout.” the group leader stoically expressed. Lusher hums and nods, mentally pocketing the information. They finally head back to their room and begin to prepare for the battle.
As ALL of Jam Republic enters their room, the first they do after shutting the door is all turn to face y/n. All of the members stare in anticipation, waiting for her to burst.
“So are you gonna tell us what the hell you were doing talking to Bada Lee?” Latrice urges with a teasing grin. Everyone continued to wait for y/n to start excitedly ranting, but it never came.
“I feel…” the youngest starts and they all lean in slightly, waiting for her to express everything vividly,
“I feel really confused.” She finishes her statement in a daze and honestly, the members are now convinced she’s totally out of it.
“Oh my god… what did she say to you?” “Are you okay?” “Do we need to fight her?” Emma and Audrey go back and forth with their questions, hurrying to bring y/n to sit in between them on the couch.
“She just… she’s… I just really love women, and I think I specifically am going to fall in love with that woman, and I think I'm gonna die” she rants outwardly, still in a daze. All of her members lean back slightly, flabbergasted by the youngest’s statement. Kirsten tries to keep her jaw off the floor but she puts up a hand and tries to dismiss the situation for the time being
“Well… uh… alright should we prepare for the battle, and revisit this later?” “yes please” “alright awesome, thank you for sharing y/n” “yeah, no problem”
All teams have gathered again in the main competition area for the group battle, all fired up again and ready to rumble. The energy is high as all groups compete, the mission’s final ranking is announced and Jam Republic celebrates their decent rank of fourth place. With Bebe placing right above them in third, y/n turns to the groups and claps for them, making eye contact with Lusher and giving her a thumbs up, which is returned. 
They wrap up and begin to head back to their rooms again. Y/n approaches Bebe with a bright smile and hopes that Lusher will come right forward and save the other girl from embarrassing herself again in front of the group’s leader. But it turns out Lusher has other plans. She skips down the bleachers and smiles at y/n before walking right past her.
“Bada, can you get y/n’s number for me, I have to use the restroom- thanks!” she shouts as she retreats, causing all of her teammates to laugh in shock, except her leader. Bada, unprepared for the confrontation, is a little flustered and doesn’t know if she’ll be able to put up the same act as before. 
Bada stands from her seat and calmly and coolly strides towards y/n. She pulls out her phone and opens the contact app, handing it to the small girl with a relaxed, almost bored, expression. When y/n doesn’t do anything at first, she looks up at Bada with wide puppy eyes, and Bada swears she stopped breathing for a second.
“You can just put your information in my phone and I'll send it to Lusher” the team leader explains, hoping y/n can’t tell how worked up and tense she is right now. 
“Oh- yeah. duh” Y/n awkwardly laughs and enters her information before looking back up again with bright eyes to ask-
“Can I give myself a contact picture?” She doesn’t seem awkward or nervous at all when she asks for permission, and Bada finds it adorable. She couldn't help the endeared laugh that escaped her, and she was honestly okay with it because afterward the vibe totally changed.
“Of course you can give yourself a picture” Bada responds with a gentle, amused smile and y/n feels her nerves start to dissipate, as Bada’s genuine smile makes her feel warm and fuzzy, and she never wants to stop seeing such a beautiful thing.
Y/n poses for her contact photo by simply doing a peace sign and sticking out her tongue. Bada again giggles at her cuteness and thanks her when she hands her phone back. She’s about to speak when the Jam dancer beats her to it-
“Even though I technically gave you my number for Lusher, you should definitely still text me too, so I have your number as well!” y/n confidently speaks, but the blush painting her cheeks betrays her nerves. Bada’s eyes widen, genuinely shocked at her bold request.
“Of course- I’ll text you right now.” and so she does. Y/n giggles as she watches Bada take a similar selfie to her, which she receives moments later.
“That’s for my contact picture by the way-” the older girl jokes, which causes y/n to burst out laughing. She was surprised that this Bada was the same person as the one who almost had her fainting in the hallways earlier. The two talked and laughed some more- they really couldn’t get enough of each other.
“You know, I was freaking out during your battle with Redy- when you got in her face and started like- making fun of her height or whatever you'd call that- oh my god it was amazing! My face got so hot watching that” y/n excitedly expressed her admiration, but realized a few seconds too late how she possibly exposed herself. And she felt her face heat up immediately when Bada tilted her head and smirked teasingly.
“Oh? Why was your face all hot? Huh?” Bada teases, standing firmly with her arms crossed over her chest. She steps up to y/n, similarly to how she did with Redy. except when she’s directly in front of her and able to look over her head entirely, Bada glances down at y/n who’d already staring up at her with those wide puppy eyes that have been trapping her all day, her mouth slightly hung open. 
Y/n is holding her breath- the way Bada is looking at her right now is making her want to cry. She’s so close, and the tone she uses while teasing y/n makes the younger girl weak in the knees, ready to fold at any second. She tries to stay aware, but y/n can feel her eyelids start to droop, as do Bada’s. The way she’s looking at her- with half-lidded, seductive eyes- y/n doesn’t understand how she got here, but the last thing she wanted for was it to end.
Bada had to remind herself there were many other people and cameras currently around, so she looked y/n up and down, smirked slightly (yet effectively), and backed away. She cleared her throat, but the smirk remained on her face, in fact- it was even bigger than before.
“I’ll text you later, okay?” She’s still close enough to where she can speak softly, and it makes her heart rate pick up when she realizes how flushed and dazed the younger dancer is in front of her. Bada raises her eyebrows slightly when she doesn’t get a response, to which y/n reacts quickly with a firm nod. Bada giggles at her and continues to tease.
“Ya- you should really learn how to use your words, puppy” Bada smiles condescendingly and y/n’s eyes widen once again. She lets out a small gasp when the older girl ruffles her hair before walking away.”
“I’ll text you, y/n!” Bada shouts over her shoulder and y/n just stands there, astonished. She eventually makes her way back to her crew, who watched the entire thing go down.
“What the FUCK was that-”
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notes: thank you so much for reading!! sorry that this is so long and there wasn't any "real" romance written in yet. this is definitely a slower burn series, but it's because I like to build up every detail of a story haha. hoping to have the next part ready by the middle of this week, please look forward to it!!
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yayayxs · 6 months
Summary: Bada exposes your guy’s relationship on live “accidentally”
Bada Lee x Fem!Reader
A/N: I’ve already made a fic like this but another one wouldn’t hurt and I’ve been dyinggg to write about this for so longgg.
Just a small little fic for y’all :3
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“I’m sooo boreddd” Bada whined as she cuddled up next to you, smelling your signature scent (enter smell of your choice) on your clothes. Her hair soft against your neck.
You giggled and kept scrolling on your phone, liking edits of your girlfriend and other pictures of Bada. You smiled at how gorgeous she looked all the time.
Bada shuffled a bit on the couch noticing how she wasn’t getting your attention and how stuck you were on your phone, smiling at something, she furrowed her eyebrows.
“What are you looking at that’s making you giggle and kick your feet?” She asked sitting up, you looked at her as she had a cute bothered face on, you flipped your phone as Bada was met with a picture of her.
“You duh, who else have you seen make me giggle and kick my feet?” You asked
Bada stayed silent.
You let out a hum.
“Okay but I’m right here? You don’t have to look at your phone so see my beautiful face” She whined, frowning as she cuddled against you once more, comforted by the fact no other woman was making you act that way, that wasn’t her.
“Yeah but these people have crazy talent editing you like that.” You said as another Bada edit popped up on your feed, music blearing from your speaker as you liked the edit.
Bada rolled her eyes sarcastically.
You pecked her cheek and smiled.
God, she was in love with you.
If she would have gotten the engagement ring she customized just for you a week ago, she swear she would propose to you right now.
Suddenly two voices could be heard from your phone and then music. It was a edit of both of you, with #(your couples name). You automatically licked it with no hesitation. Bada looked towards your phone as she stopped playing with your hair.
“Ooh I like that one” she said.
“Me too, it’s my favorite one so far” you said, then you opened the comments.
Let’s just say it was a mix.
“She’s pretty but not pretty enough for Bada 😕”
“Yeah I don’t think Bada would date someone like her…”
“There’s no way they could be together, they don’t even have chemistry”
Let’s just say hate comments were slowly over flowing the positive comments.
Badas eyes widened as these random people were commenting on your guy’s private relationship. Quickly she snatched your phone from your grasp before you could keep reading them.
“Stupid people, don’t even know what they’re talking about…” Bada mumbled angrily.
You hugged Bada, and smiled.
“You’re cute when youre mad” you said and pinched her cheek jokingly. She only stared at you with a serious expression on her face and read “are you serious?”
“What? Those little hate comments don’t affect me they don’t know nothing about-“ your voice was cut off when Bada scrolled to your instagram account.
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion at her actions.
“Babe what are you doing?”
She quickly clicked the camera icon and then pressed “Start Live”
Before you could even react she immediately kissed you in-front of the camera, with the instagram live started as she held the camera up to your guy’s faces.
You started to really get into it before you realized what exactly you were doing.
You were live making out with Bada, who you two haven’t even confirmed your relationship, in front of thousands of people.
You quickly snapped out of it reaching for your phone back from Badas grasp and ended the live. You breathed heavily, trying to catch your breath.
“Why did you-“
Again, Bada leaned in kissing you before you could finish what you were saying.
“My hand slipped, sorry.”
This is short asf and rushed but hope y’all liked itttt lmk if y’all want more Bada fics and send me requests pls!!
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throughthebluesea · 7 months
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The Duplicate.
pairing: bada lee x 1million member!reader
word count: 1.6k
genre: just... idk. humor-ish, then fluff? sulky jealous bada, reader is utterly whipped since she sees her girl bada on kingbada so much. this is too cute. moment with 1million crew
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The second season of Street Woman Fighter 2 has been the talk of the town since its premiere, alongside the show's fame is its parody counterpart, which is Street Gagwoman Fighter 2, where a group of Korea's highly respected comediennes come together and do parodies of the actual show's highlights by enjoycouple on Youtube.
As a surprise to the comediennes, Lala, one of the channel's owners, and the one who played as 1MILLION leader Lia Kim's counterpart decides to invite the whole group. Lala and Lia agreed to prank them by switching up during the 'Leader Gagwoman Class'.
You are a huge fan of the said content creators (you watched the first season of the gag show, after all), and you're especially hyped with the cameo you will take part on. The crew instructed not to spoil everything yet until the upload of the said episode. While they were on their way, your phone pings, and as you opened it, it was a message from your girlfriend, Bada.
bada: are you gonna tell me where you guys are off to?
y/n: i wish i could, cutie. :( but it's a surprise!! lia unnie will scold me!
bada: i can convince her to not scold you tho. unnie and i are close.
y/n: ey, don't do that! i'll tell you after it aired. you're gonna love it, i promise. hehe.
Redy then snatches your phone and then sends a picture of the two of you sitting together, posing for fun.
y/n: [image attachment]
y/n: okay love bird, trust y/n-ie. we'll return her to you after - pretty soobin
bada: >:(
"Don't tease her, Binnie! You know how sulky she is when she gets jealous."
Redy then laughs at the older female's remark, then decided to tease you more, "Omo, look at how protective Y/N unnie is to her pretty girlfriend~"
You just huffed in response and then snatched your phone back.
After being escorted inside, they were instructed to wait at one of the rooms with a monitor on where they can watch all the cameras pointing at the comediennes. Their crew were amazed how they all look almost similar to their competitors.
Harimu was laughing over her counterpart, Haribo, as she got almost all of her features, especially the mole on her nose. Amy and Dohee were gushing over your gagwoman counterpart, which is way taller than you and how she had captured your cutesy antics in a funny way.
But your focus is on her girlfriend's gagwoman counterpart, KingBADA, and was shocked by how Bada's counterpart studied her gestures, even the facial expressions and the clothing and hair style that she had during the show.
"Y/N-ah. You need to take a picture with KingBADA after the shoot. She looks exactly like Bada!" Debby said as she clung onto you.
Before even Debby told you that, you already planned on taking a selfie with her as you've become KingBADA's fan instantly.
The comediennes joked and did the mission dances as per usual, and finally, the time came. It was the Leader's Class Mission.
Lala did the signal for her and Lia Kim to switch when she was about to dance, explaining that something happened to her leg braces and need to check for a few minutes. The rest of the 1MILLION crew followed behind their leader after that and stopped just by the backstage so they could wait for their leader's signal to come in.
The switch happened, Smoke plays in the background. Just by hearing the screams of the gagwomen, they already knew that the prank worked, and they all are living for it. They had a huge respect on those who danced to Smoke, because they got the point dances well even though they interpreted it in their own funny way.
They were laughing when the other gagwomen cornered KingBADA after they surround their leader.
"Is it Bada or Mijin?!"
The shoot continued, KingBADA was chosen just like how Bada was chosed as the main dancer for the Leaders' Class. Lia has to act that she's not agreeing with the judge's decision.
"I'll call you out." Lia said after that, it was their cue to enter the scene, surprising the comediennes more. They received cheers as they entered, and their gagwoman counterparts screamed more as they finally saw the real ones.
The rest of 1MILLION settled in the middle of their 'fight zone', and as Smoke plays, all six of you started to dance. You already knew you have to dance well since this is Bada's choreography, and you knew the process of how the routine is made, the details Bada added to the steps, and the overall vibe of the dance.
After the crew dance, they were surrounded by them and hugged them all. 1MILLION also played with their counterparts during the shoot. Harimu posing with Haribo, Redy with AlreadyColLedy, and of course you with your own counterpart. Of course, Lia Kim and NuilLiLia Kim had their own moment, as well.
They gave them gifts, and right after the shoot, they hang out with their counterparts before the finally leave the scene. The members went back to take pictures with them, praising them. You even get to take pictures with KingBADA as well, your crew members tease you more.
"Y/N and KingBADA is the new thang~~"
"Couple of the month???"
You began laughing at your members' feedback, although this doesn't stop her from shifting her attention towards the comedienne, praising her for the almost accurate appearance. Mijin, her real name, thanked your praises and even asked you to send her apologies towards Bada herself. This made you laugh, as well.
When the episode aired, you and Bada decided to watch it together. She was confused as to why you decided to drag her into watching the show. She thought that this is so random, but since it was their free time after SWF2 shoot and activities, she went on with it.
Plus, she can’t resist you. She may be older than you, but she knew you got her wrapped around your finger.
You were both snuggling against each other, and laughed at each scene appearing on the screen. Bada is in awe of how her counterpart got most of her gestures right. “See? Even in Street Gagwoman Fighter 2, I am the main character.” She said with a smug grin.
You squinted your eyes at her playfully but just snuggled up against her while she waited for the switch thing.
The older one had the same reaction when it was revealed that Lia Kim is the one in the middle. She was pretty reactive, and you can’t help but laugh at her. “So this is what Lia unnie said in the Leader’s groupchat…”
Her reactions grew bigger when the rest of 1MILLION entered and danced to Smoke. “HEY, THAT’S MY BABY! SO SEXY!”
“Shush, baby. You’re too loud!”
“Can I not hype my girlfriend? It’s my first time watching you dance to my choreography!”
You looked over at her, seeing her puppy eyes and plump lips formed to a pout. You let out a sigh and just let her do it. You’re just messing with her, anyway. Of course, you’re enjoying when your girlfriend hypes you up. You just hate admitting to it because Bada will never stop teasing you until you begged her to stop.
The special section of the video started when her phone pinged, and you paused the video first since it might be an important message that Bada has received.
It was only a photo tag from Debby, though she checked it because it might be important. There, she saw the pics you guys took during the SGF2 . She swiped at the photo sets and stopped when it’s your picture with KingBADA making a heart sign.
You nervously watched the older look at the picture. Bada then double tapped the post and scoots towards the screen to play the video.
Nervousness kicked inside you since, at first, she was so reactive. But now? Dead silent, especially since there are some scenes in the special video in the end, were yours and KingBADA with the other younger members.
The video ended, and both of you didn't say a thing. You called for her name, but she just turned around, back facing you.
It's back again, her sulk mode. You already knew it when she turned her back at you and no words came out of her after. You let out a sigh and wrapped your arms around her slim waist. Your chin rests just a shy away from her cheek and gazed at her. She was pouting already.
"Baby... Talk to me~"
"Nope. Go talk to that KingBADA of yours..." It came out of her softly. You whined in response and showered her cheeks with light kisses.
"Why would I talk to her when I havethe OG? Hm?" You cooed softly while poking her cheek. "Plus... The OG has my heart, don't you agree? I am hers and hers alone."
She stopped with her whining, and glances at you, her lips still pouting. "You mean that?" She asks softly.
Your gaze softens at your girlfriend, and then nodded firmly before she continued. "Also, the OG can get lots of snuggles and kisses that she deserves. I wonder who that OG was, baby?"
You know that she likes hearing those things from you. Bada may look strong on the outside, but in your presence, she's just a baby. Your baby.
"Me... I'm the OG..." She mumbles softly, and finally turned around to face you and buried her face on your chest. You finally sighed in relief and hugged her body tight. "Good girl."
Bada pulls away slightly to look at you. "I'm sorry if I got jealous..."
"Hey, it's okay. I enjoyed it, though. You looked cute when you get all sulky and jealous."
"Don't tell Lusher and the girls, though. The last time you snitched me on them when I got sulky over your collab choreo with one of the JustJerk members, they didn't stop teasing me for weeks."
You grinned at her playfully, and then you shrugged your shoulders. "I can't promise that, baby. I enjoyed that you're being teased."
- fin.
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den's notes: got this idea from a post of @acebarbziee! i hoped i did justice to the ideaaaaa. also, this is my first time writing a one-shot au in a while, my grammar skills are rusty and this is not proofread. ♡ comments are highly appreciated! ♡ read the special chapter here!
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scarletaqua · 9 months
Trophy (18+)
G!P Bada Lee x (Jam Republic) Reader
I’m so obsessed with her😭
Some of the scenarios here doesn’t follow the first episode of SWF2. For example, I put Jam republic seats across BEBE.
Bada won the trophy…
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Y/n���s POV:
“I’m so nervous. Everyone is so intimidating”
Being in the same group with ‘THE Kirsten’ is probably the best thing that happened to me. She taught me everything there is to know about dancing. I started dancing five years ago, hence the nervousness.
“Girl, you got this. Why do you think I picked you to join this competition?”
Kirsten’s reassurance calms me down a bit. But I still can’t help to overthink scenarios in my mind. Especially when I’m trying not to fangirl over Bada Lee. She’s the reason I pursue this career, it’s feels like a dream knowing that your idol is sitting across you. And staring at you.
The Mc’s voice rang through out the place meaning the break’s over and we’re now starting with a freestyle battle. Audrey asked me what’s happening and why are the other contenders suddenly looks serious, i told her that they’re starting the show with a battle. Knowing how to speak Korean is a blessing to me and my teammates. I thank duolingo.
“So why does everyone look like they have beef with each other?” Audrey whispered.
“For drama”, I whispered back to her.
“Guys, listen.” Kirsten pulls all of us out of the conversation to listen to the host. I didn’t even noticed that Latrice and the others were listening.
“Nod your head y’all, like you understand what he’s saying”
“Great thinking, Latrice” , Emma responded.
As the battle of ‘No Respect’ comes up, a girl from 1million, Redy, challenges Bada to a battle. Which of course Bada won, they must have some sort of past relation when Bada answered Redy’s ‘No Respect’ challenge with ‘Subin-ah, you’re still an eight grader to me’.
After Kirsten’s battle against a girl from Mannequeen, everyone took a break.
“Hey, someone’s looking at you” Ling suddenly pointed out to me. And the girls of course turned their heads to where Ling is looking. Bada went back to her position talking to her members before I even see her looking at me.
“She’s probably a fan of Kirsten, Ling” I told her, but then she just smiled at me as if she knows something. “What? I’m just saying”
“Stop it. I’m gonna go to the washroom”
I stood up from my seat and skim my way through the crowd of staffs. I finally found the washroom and went inside to fix my make up. I can’t believe I saw Bada. She’s so tall and charismatic. And her dance against Redy is something that would probably stick in my mind even after this show. As i was re-applying my lipstick the bathroom door opened revealing Bada. I tried not to look at her when she washes her hands beside me. More likely I can’t, I’m like frozen in spot.
Oh my god, she’s talking to me. Okay be cool, be cool.
“Hello” I responded in Korean, as I bowed to greet her.
“Oh you can speak Korean, that’s great” I look up at her to see her smiling down at me. It’s a great sight to see. Like God’s blessing. “So, you’re from Jam Republic right?”
“I’m Bada by the way. Bada Lee, from BEBE” she holds out her hand for me to shake.
“I’m Y/n L/n. And I know who you are, I’m a fan”
I gently shook her hand and she seems pleased with my respond. Stop looking at me with that smile, I’m gonna melt. I was going to let go of the handshake when she pulls me a bit closer to her.
“Can I take you out to dinner?”
“I’d like to take you out on a date, if it’s okay with you”
My Lord, Save me.
Actually don’t, but pray for me. This woman is too much. I can’t believe she asked me out. I must be dreaming. No, I need to calm down. I have to think this through. Girl! What’s there to think about this is Bada Lee!
“In one condition, if you win another battle. I’ll go on a date with you” Why did i say that! I should’ve said yes!
“You can’t back out now. Pick you up at 8.” She slowly let go of my hand and gave me a smile before walking out the door.
I can’t breathe
I went out after 10 minutes to calm myself down. I then sat down with my teammates, Ling once again looked at me with a teasing smile.
“Your admirer went out looking for you, did you guys meet?”
~Timeskip after the battle~
“So, I’ll be seeing you at 8 then”
Of course she won, I should’ve said yes earlier, now my teammates can’t stop looking at me.
“Yes, actually you can take her now”
“Ling! Oh my god, don’t mind her please” Bada laughs at them and then looked at me waiting for my answer. “I’ll text you my address” , I gave her my phone to type her number in.
“I’ll be waiting for your text”
Bada went with her teammates to their dressing room, skipping happily like a kid. I watched her vanish from my view as my team and I made our way to our room.
“Did not meet, my ass”
“Shut up, Ling”, I tried to walk faster so I can think about what just happened.
“You should invite her to your apartment here, I mean her dinner is there”
“Please stop.”
“Kirsten please make her stop”
“Nuh-uh, I’m enjoying this”
Kill me now
I texted Bada my location as soon as I got home. I bought an apartment here in Korea when I attended a dance class for half a year. I immediately took a shower and pick out my outfit. I ended up with a red satin fitted dress and matched my make up with it.
I’m now sitting in my couch waiting for Bada to arrive. She haven’t texted me back but she read my message so it’s okay. As I was skimming through Netflix on what to watch while waiting for her, my doorbell rang. She’s pretty early, it’s only 7:30pm. I opened my door revealing a drenched Bada.
“Oh my god! What happened to you? Come in!”
I immediately took a towel from my cupboard and gave it to her.
“It’s okay its only my jacket that is wet. It’s raining so hard outside, we might have to re schedule our date.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know. It must have been a hassle getting here.” How did I not notice the weather outside, now I feel bad for making her come here.
“It’s alright. I brought some wine, and these are for you”, she handed me the flowers and set down the wine on the coffee table. She looks so good drying her hair.
“You didn’t have to you know, but thank you. I appreciate it”, I stood up and put the flowers on a vase. I was gonna put it on the dining table when I bumped into Bada.
“Careful now”
“Sorry, I didn’t see you behind me”
“Let me take those, you want it in your dining table right?”
She took the vase from my hand and put them on the table. I did not notice what she was wearing when she came in earlier, but now that I have time to check her out, she look so handsome in a button up shirt and black slacks. I did not notice her calling my name, as I was busy thanking the lord.
“Y/n, you alright?”
“Huh? Oh yes. I was just thinking, we don’t have to reschedule our date.” Bada looked at me waiting for me to continue.
“We can just order food and have our date here”
‘…her dinner is there…’ out of my head, Ling.
“Uh, sure. We can do that. What do you want?”
We decided on Chinese food and sat down ourselves in the living room. Bada standing in front of the tv looking for a movie to watch while I look at my messages. I ignored the one from my teammates, they’re probably wondering what’s happening.
“Hey, the food place is running late on schedule. They said it might take a while because of the rain.” Bada informed me, as she typed in her phone.
“That’s okay, we can watch a movie while waiting for the food”
I poured the wine on our glasses and handed hers. I took a sip of my glass and looked at the tv. I can’t believe how she can look so charismatic while looking for a movie. Oh Lord. I’m down bad. This is bad. I took another sip of my wine, it’s honestly sweet, I leaned forward to looked at the brand of the wine when I heard Bada asked me about a movie.
“Y/n, what about this one. It’s abou-“
I looked up at Bada waiting for her to continue what she’s saying, only to see her looking down past my face. Or rather my chest. I quickly leaned back fixing my dress a bit.
“I’m sorry. I- I didn’t mean to stare at your chest”
Bada is now blushing furiously, it’s unusual to see her like this. All flustered and stuttering her words. Interesting.
“It’s alright, sit beside me. Let’s watch your pick” I said as I pat the space beside me on the couch.
Bada sat beside me, with at least two feet between us. I laughed at her and told her to sit closer. She did sat closer but her face is still red from the event earlier. The movie starts playing it’s a horror film with Jenna Ortega in it. I think it’s called ‘X’. The thunder and rain outside fits perfectly with the movie. I looked at the person beside me, watching the movie so intensely. I can see her side profile perfectly, her sharp jaw, her tall nose. Everything about is so attractive. I saw her clenched her jaw, while watching the movie.
“Ohh~ baby. Just like that~”
I immediately turned my head towards the tv and saw what’s happening. They’re having sex. That’s why she was clenching her jaw. Oh my god.
Third Person POV:
Y/n can’t help but noticed Bada’s response to the movie. She saw Bada quietly took a pillow and put it on her lap. She thought it was probably to help her be more comfortable. What she didn’t know is Bada was trying not to react to the movie. Bada’s grip on the pillow harden, turning her knuckles white. And this time Y/n ask if she’s feeling okay.
“Y-yes. Just feeling a bit hot”, Bada answered trying to not look at the gorgeous girl beside her.
“I can turn on the air conditioner if you want”
Y/n stood up trying to find the remote for the AC, and she found the remote beside Bada.
Y/n leaned forward to reach the remote but failed. She then gave up when Bada told her not to turn the AC on. Bada then poured more wine to her glass and downed it in one go. The movie continues now with the horror scenes. Y/n is a scaredy cat. Bada learned that tonight, when she felt Y/n screamed and hug her. Bada gave in and hugged Y/n closer to her. Her perfume intoxicating her, leaning herself towards the smaller girl. Y/n not noticing the effect she had on Bada, she climbed on her lap replacing the pillow on Bada’s lap. Y/n heard Bada groans thinking she hurt the girl.
“I’m sorry, did I hit you?” Y/n pulled away and asked worriedly.
The taller girl did not answer and just looked at her in the eye. Y/n was surprised at the close proximity between them. She was going to get up from Bada’s lap when she was pulled back in the old position.
“Stay, Y/n”
Bada leaned her head on Y/n’s shoulder pulling the smaller girl closer to her. This gave her more opportunity to smell that intoxicating perfume once again. Turning her head towards Y/n’s neck, she places a small kiss and pulled away. Y/n now understanding what’s happening, blushes and covers her face. She can feel it underneath her. Bada just got more attractive in her eyes.
“Don’t hide your pretty face from me”
Y/n slowly remove her hands away from her face. Her breathing became heavy, she looks down at Bada’s lips then back at her eyes. The way she looks right now is the one thing that Bada will never let anyone see. Her arms around her neck, hands on her waist, it’s perfect.
“We can stop, if you want-”
Y/n captured her lips before Bada even finishes what she’s saying. Bada responded with the same passion. They both kissed liked they’ve been starved for years. Y/n grinds herself to Bada earning a groan from the other girl. Bada’s grip on Y/n’ waist tightened as she helps her grind on her crotch. Bada’s hands pushed Y/ns dress up and caress her thigh. Y/n’s hands began unbuttoning Bada’s shirt, throwing it on the couch once she got it off of her.
Bada trails her kisses down to the other girl’s jaw and neck. Earning a moan as she sucks on the skin. With gentle hands she pulled the strap of the dress down Y/n’s shoulder as she kisses her way down. Y/n elicited a moan when Bada sucked on her nipple. Covering her mouth in response, Bada saw this and grabbed her hand and pulled it away from her mouth.
“I want to hear everything tonight”
Bada continued to ravaged her body not missing any skin untouched. Y/n on the other hand work her way through the taller girls belt. Unbuckling it was the easy part, reaching down to unzip it is not. Bada pulled away and let the girl do what she wants. Y/n got down to her knees and unzip Bada’s pants. She then pulled it down along with the boxers. Bada’s hardness slaps against her stomach startling the kneeling girl. Y/n wraps her hands around the length and looked at Bada. She then starts to move her hands up and down and leaned herself forward kissing Bada.
Bada threw her head back when she felt Y/n sucking her off. She felt incredible, her hands find their ways on Y/n’s hair pushing her down her lenght.
“Almost there baby”
Y/n bobs her hear faster as the grip on her hair tightened. Bada came and watched the girl swallows her cum as she praised her.
“Atta girl”
Y/n removed all the clothing from her body, she looked at Bada’s crotch seeing that it’s hard once again. Bada couldn’t take it anymore, she pulled Y/n down and lay her down on the couch. Bada’s hands found their way between Y/n’s legs.
“No, I want you. Inside”
Y/n looked at Bada as she lined Bada’s cock to her entrance. Bada pushed her tip in feeling the way Y/n arch her back. Bada was gonna let Y/n adjust to her size, but right now all she wanna do is fuck Y/n hard.
“I’m sorry”
And she did, Bada slams all her length inside Y/n. She was going on a rough pace and Y/n was loving it. She leaned forward to sucked on Y/n breast as she fucks her roughly. She kissed Y/n passionately whispering praises to her. Bada then leaned back to admire Y/n. Y/n’s glossy eyes looking back at her, her boobs following the rhythm of her hips, and her moans. This stirs up something in her, seeing Y/n getting fucked senselessly by her. This made her thrust her hips faster, causing Y/n to let out a chocked moan. Y/n pulled her down to hold on to her. Y/n’s moans are now by her ears, making her groan.
“So-so big. Harder”
Y/n pleaded and Bada complied positioning herself deeper and hitting the spongy part inside Y/n. Y/n’s moaning is getting louder as Bada kept hitting that part.
Y/n pushed Bada and try to make her stop thrusting her hips.
“I-I think it’s the-the food..fuckk”
“Then open it” Bada suggested
Bada pulled out and let Y/n answer the door. She saw her hiding behind the door trying to cover her naked state. Bada quietly walk towards Y/n as she closes the door and locking it. And before Y/n can turn around, Bada pinned her to the door, pushing herself inside her once again.
“W-wait Bada. He-He’s still out- fuck..”
Bada returned to her previous pace, holding Y/n hips and pulling her back a bit. This new position is hitting Y/n in all the right places. Bada’s hips thrust faster and harder wanting to hear Y/n break and moan loudly.
“Let me hear you, baby”
Bada’s almost at her limit and she knows Y/n is too by the way she clenched around her. She didn’t want this to end but seeing Y/n struggling to stand, she knew she had to. Y/n leaned her head back to Bada’s shoulder, and arching her back allows Bada to fuck her faster.
“Cum for me, Y/n”
Bada whispered to her, and like a switch her body complied. Moaning loudly as she felt Bada finished inside her as well. Y/n’s body collapsed as Bada carried her to her room. Y/n felt Bada slip in beside her spooning her as they drifted to sleep.
They found their drinks outside the apartment the next morning…
This is my first story and I can’t believe I made this. It’s prolly trash
Bada got me on a leash.
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harumi-web · 3 months
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꒰ ㅤ✦ㅤ⠀ׅ⠀໋⠀🐚᭄ㅤ﹫ nᧉ𑜎 p𖦹st ش ㅤ ⊹ ㅤ◌ ꒱
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pepmiw · 3 months
Bada Lee × Reader
• smut
•Girl Penis
•second person POV
•Inspired by Bada Lee thrusting on the floor.
Do you wanna be my floor today? (I might make you slippery wet)
While you were jealous of the floor Bada mime-thrusts in her dance video, she was forever imagining you under her, taking all her thrusts like a good girl.
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Bada Lee was thrusting on the damn floor as if she was practicing how to pay her fucking rent by it alone. Her face was concentrated into a scowl, teeth grazing her bottom lip here and then.
You looked away, gulping, to make sure that no one sees you drooling over your dance instructor. While Bada was very open to her crew, one thing she maintains is the privacy to her personal life. Sure Tatter, Lusher, Siweon everyone in her crew knew where Bada lived, but what they didn't know was that Bada is in a relationship with you. You, who become a stuttering mess in front of Bada. You, who is currently glaring holes in the wall in hopes of distracting yourself from the thoughts of Bada holding you down in a chock hold and slowly licking your pussy-
You look back again, only now, Bada is looking tired yet satisfied. Her eyes drift towards yours and even masked, you can tell that she's giddy in happiness for making that teasing joke on you.
"Okay everyone, let's go through the routine again. 1, 2, 3, 4. Cha- cha- cha- and then swing, swing, hold your stance gently, drop"-
You tune the rest of it out, memorising the whole dance by the practice she made you had yesterday. You were always her go to plush doll slash dancer that she practiced with (or on, in this particular case) before teaching a class. The whole dance class took almost 3 hours, and before you focused otherwise, the class ended with Bada bowing to everyone and promising them with a new dance.
" See you on Sunday, Siweon" you uttered, extremely tired, to your best friend. Though you didn't have a long age gap with Siweon, her gentle nature had forced you to be her best friend.
Siweon waved you off, running off to her idol Bada, who was surrounded by her whole crew yapping to her loudly about making a video themselves to post on social media. Bada seems to be amused, gently taking her mask and cap off to smile indulgently to her babies. (sometimes, the crew came before you. You approved of it, the girls did have Bada's back oftentimes when needed)
A ding on your phone sounded while you were getting out of the room, definitely a text from Bada before you go off to your first job, a simple café worker in the "Happy Sunshine" cafe of Gangnam district, namely, your daytime job. Your second job was a library worker in the most famous library of Seoul, but it was an evening shift.
Bada: Baby, you did a good job today. Though I saw you glaring at the walls to distract yourself from my dance ㅋㅋㅋ
Y/N: I'm going to ignore you
for the next 4 hours -_- then see if you find it amusing.
Bada: Y/N-ah, Sweetheart, don't be  jealous :3 If you want, I will perform what I did today only to you to make you happy
Or should I say on you to make you satisfied 😈
Y/N: Fuck you
See you at home later 💓
Bada: I will do the fucking tonight and for every other night, but yeah, see you later baby 💓
⇆ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚ℬ •『 ♡ 』• ℒ❚ㅤ ▷ㅤ↻
Inserting the keys to your apartment, you jiggle the key only to find the door shut from inside. That means Bada is home early tonight. You sigh quietly, ringing the door bell twice. Today was a brutal day for you, first the dance class, then your job at the café, then a heavy shot of orders at the library. You whole body aches to lie down and take a moment of peace, you definitely needed the tranquility to calm your mind and give your body some rest.
"Hi baby, you're late tonight" Bada says when she sees you after opening the door. Taking the bag from your shoulder, she kisses you on the cheek sweetly.
"You look so tired, I tell you everyday to take it easy." Bada trails off carefully, it always tended to become heated when she brings your jobs and her making enough money to feed a whole generation up in a debate.
You just nod, taking off your sweater and sagging on the leather couch, not wishing to start a fight, now having the energy for one.
'My body feels like jelly, fuck Bada needs to carry me today', you muse quietly, closing your eyes.
"Not even noticing anything, that tired huh? Should I postpone my promise to you, darling? Hmm?" Bada puts her left knee between both of yours and hovers above you, hands settled over your shoulder to carry her weight, she was always gloating about her strength (it came in handy when she could thrust in you hard and fast while checking to see if she's doing it hard enough)
Fuck I want her-
Opening your eyes to check over anything different, you become shocked to find her wearing her fuck-pants, as you call them, which she wears rarely to seduce the fuck out of you (It always works like a charm, to your dismay). The living room has been dimly lit, setting the mood further. Bada seems prepared, her gaze stuck at yours, gauging your reaction. She seems to come to a decision, smirking at you suddenly and leaning down to rest her nose against yours, her breath a whisper away from your skin.
"Shall I fulfill my promise to you, baby? Can I have you tonight? Will you let me hold you down and make you take my cock? Hmm?" Your insides get squirmy, pussy clenching because of her words, the way she stares at your eyes and lips as if she wants to devour you wholly.
Bada snickers when your leg jerks close, an instinctive reaction to her words, trapping her knee on your pussy. Adjusting slightly so that her thigh rests against your sweats, the cloth a flimsy material to protect you from her power over you, Bada drags her thigh against your covered pussy.
"Uhnn-" you moan aloud, scrunching her sleeves around her shoulder in your hands. One of Bada's hand circles around your waist and pulls you to herself, a move that works in her favor, making your body bend in an arch to ease her thigh onto your pussy. She mercilessly drags her thigh against your core, rattling your insides and making your moans louder by the seconds.
"F-fuck please...a-AH-" You scrunch your eyes shut, trying to move Bada's body away from yours, writhing in pleasure. Bada licks over your throat, gliding her tongue across your neck, moving to your collarbones to suck her marks into your unmarked neck. While Bada is very caring to you every time of the day, her ruthless self during sex makes you grow wetter and wetter.
"Yeah? You about to cum from this only, baby? Are you going to cum for Bada? Paint my thigh with your juice?" Bada whispers while increasing the speed of her thrusting, humping at this point, harder and harder. Her dick is hard by your thigh, a wet patch over the trouser she's wearing, no doubt, the only pant she's wearing.
Your legs start shaking, body wriggling and back arching due to feeling too much pleasure. Throwing your head back, you let out a guttural moan, broken into whimpers by the seconds she keeps on grinding against you, now her dick resting over your clothed pussy. The hardness makes a line separating your pussy lips, clit not having mercy from her torture. Kicking your legs wildly, no wonder a reaction to the pleasure she's giving you, you open your mouth to warn her that you're cumming.
All of a sudden, the pressure against your core disappears, Bada's body is as if snatched away from yours. Due to the sudden orgasm denial, you start sobbing loudly, your cries tampering into whimpers, hands twisting in your own clothes in search of comfort and pleasure. Bada watches you lose your mind for an orgasm she didn't even think beforehand to let you have, and smirks while tilting her head. Rubbing her hand over her leaking dick to reduce the pinprick pain of hardness, she watches your thighs shake.
"Shall we move to the bedroom now, darling?"
⇆ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚ℬ •『 ♡ 』• ℒ❚ㅤ ▷ㅤ↻
Loud moans and slurping sound echoes in your bedroom. Bada's face is covered by your thighs, your legs thrown above her shoulder, making space for her to indulge in your sweet sugary pussy. Licking a fat stripe from your hole to your clit, she circles the clit over and over again to hear you scream while scrunching the bedsheets in your small hands, pulling it loose almost. Humming softly, Bada plunges her tongue into your hole mercilessly, your screams turning inaudible from pleasure.
While you lost count over which number of edging it was, your mind befuddled by the need to cum, Bada gradually works you higher and higher, planning to make you thoroughly spent and satisfied tonight.
Your back arches, head thrown backwards because if you didn't cum this time, you will surely die. Being sure of it, your vocals get louder and stronger.
Close, close, so close, p-please, please, please, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEA-
Bada holds you down by your torso, her face glistening in your wetness, looking at your sobbing face while calmly licking her lips. Your legs shake wildly, now that the orgasm is being denied again, your mind is getting more hazy by the seconds. Getting up from her position down the bed, she hauls you upwards and crawls over your naked body, kissing over your stomach, torso, nipples and collarbones, lastly your mouth. Digging her tongue in, she absolutely dominates your mouth, inhaling your breaths and absorbing your little jerks. Tongue twisting over yours, Bada moans into your mouth and licks over the warmness inside, tasting you wholeheartedly.  Pulling your bottom lip by her teeth, she kisses you once, twice, then a third time as a lucky charm.
Reaching a hand above, she massages your tied wrists, no wonder sore by now and takes off the rope gently. Calmly massaging blood back into your arms, Bada kisses your nose gently, and gets up on her knees, pulls your body along to position her as her wish. Your legs fall open to accommodate on either side of her hips, her knees being a barrier to stop you from closing your legs and keeping them wide open instead to reveal your red, leaking pussy to her hungry eyes.
Guiding her dick into your hole, Bada inserts it slowly, watching your reaction for any discomfort. At this rate, you are loose enough that it gets in easily and tight enough that your insides wrap her dick tight and snuggly. Shuddering into a tearful moan, you paw off Bada's hand to yourself and clench onto her dick unintentionally. Bada throws her head back and sighs, no wonder feeling as much pleasure as you, after ignoring her hard on in favor of getting you desperate for her dick.
Making slow small thrusts, Bada leans over you to hover above your neck, getting ready in her favorite position to ram into you when needed. She always gave you minutes to adjust before making you speechless by her cock.
"You like that? Fuck your pussy is clinging tight to my cock, baby. You feel so good. Aren't you my good baby? Huh?" She whispers sensually, making drawn out thrusts that make your legs jerk everytime and leaves your mouth open.
"P-please. . I-I'm. . .Bada plea-se-" your voice tapers shut when she quickens her pace, headboard slamming into the wall now, leaving a slick sound and your inaudible moans in the room. Sighing in pleasure, Bada let's out a drawn moan, thrusts getting stronger and stronger. Suddenly, your insides spasm wildly, juices slicking past her dick. Looking down at you, Bada sees your head thrown backwards, hands twisting the sheets, body freezing in an arch because of the sudden orgasm. Cumming after almost 4 orgasm denial leaves you breathless and panting, unable to properly catch your breathe. You paw over Bada's chest to stop her from thrusting further, thighs shaking violently, pussy clenching in sensitivity.
Bada rips your hands off her body, pinning two by her left hand only, uses the right as a support aside your head and thrusts into you wildly. You scream in sensitivity, Bada laughs and grabs the rope to tie your hands again, leaving you helpless to her torture.
"You'll give me two more. You can do that, yeah? Baby, gimme two more. You can, you will." The assured voice of her doing nothing to keep you from twisting your body to get away from her, no matter too sensitive to tolerate her merciless advances.
"I-I can't-" your voice breaks, but that doesn't stop Bada from snapping her hips onto yours. Her dick glides along your tight pussy, the stretch still too much. Nearing your second orgasm, your breath becomes stuck in your chest when Bada reaches down and twists her fingers in your clit. Her long thumb rubs and rolls your clit, twisting and twiddling it, rubbing the small nub thoroughly. You scream at the sudden onslaught of pleasure, clenching down on her hard, getting forced into a second orgasm so quick to the first one. Body shaking violently, you feel Bada's cum slipping in your hole, no doubt cumming due to your tightness. She lets out a long drawn moan, and hisses when the tightness becomes unbearable, kissing and sucking your throat, leaving purple bruises on their wake, making art on a beautiful canvas. Taking her softening dick off your insides she crawls lower to become face level above your pussy.
"Last one baby, you need to give me the last one" Bada leans down to run her tongue on your pussy, slurping on your hole and sucking your clit harshly in her mouth. By now, your body is too tired but trying it's hardest to crawl away from her, mind muddled beyond thoughts. Bada holds you down by one hand and inserts the finger of the other one in your hole, twisting it around in search of your g-spot.
Not letting you come down from your second orgasm, Bada mercilessly works her hardest to bring you to your third one within seconds. Your eyes roll back, orgasm more of a dry one, pussy vigorously clenching and becoming dark red color due to sensitivity. Hardly able to breathe, your chest heaves up and down, hands trying to tear the rope to stop Bada from touching you anymore, the over  sensitivity making every touch unbearable.
After what feels like hours but is seconds, Bada cups your pussy and gets up to watch your fucked out unfocused eyes trying to close themselves in search of sleep. When you settle in, she walks away to get wipers and rips off the extra bed sheets gently, takes off the rope tying your hands and massages them slowly with lotion. Settling you in bed firmly, Bada covers your naked body with a thick hoodie and adjusts blanket over your sleeping form.  Finally, getting up beside you, she cuddles you, hand encircling your waist to pull you closer and closes her eyes satisfactorily.
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belovedjeju · 5 months
Show Me How (To Love) |Mafia!Bada x POC!Reader Masterlist
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Synopsis: General unease, a lack of confidence, and emotional unavailability are the perfect conditions to enter into an arranged marriage, and looks like you and Bada Lee are fulfilling each and every one. After your sister takes off, leaving behind her engagement to Bada Lee, infamous boss of the mafia gang Bebe, you are chosen to take her place to spare your parents’, and your own, lives. Thrown into an unexpected situation that neither of you enjoy, will this arrange marriage lead to the discovery of yourselves and the one you’ll spend the rest of your lives with?
Tw: Warnings: Cursing, abuse, unconfident/insecure reader. Unrealistic depictions of sleepwalking.
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Chapter 1: Show Me How (To Love)
Chapter 2: The Deal (I Can’t Go Inside)
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Tag list:
@avocifera, @lil-elliesgf, @becauseimswagman1, @starrynini05, @wifey-badalee, @badasoneandonly, @lillovax
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steodraws · 5 months
Snowfall(ing in love) 🎄
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bada x fem reader
disclaimers: short fluff fic just for christmas! please keep in mind that im not a native english speaker, thank you. enjoy! ❤️
Summary: "Sorry, love, i won't be able to spend Christmas with you" are the words you read on your phone from Bada. Your girlfriend mentioned she won't be able to spend Christmas with you, leaving you quite disappointed. After all, it isn't just Christmas; it's your 3-year anniversary together. Frustrating, right? Unless...
WC: 1.2k
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"What?!" A high-pitched gasp echoes through the diner.
"Lusher, chill," i utter, covering my ears in response to the shout while attempting to ease my own frustration.
"What do you mean... she won't be here for Christmas night? I mean... She didn't even spend the day with you today" Minah inquires, assertive. It's like everyone got hit by the message i just read.
Bada and i have been together as a couple for 3 years, and through her, i got to know Lusher, Minah, and Sowoen; they've become my close friends since then.
We decided to come to a small diner before diving into the preparations for the upcoming festivities; the year flew by, and today is already December 25th. It feels like time zoomed in a flash.
I was looking forward to this Christmas, as today is the anniversary of my relationship with Bada as well. The issue is that she just messaged saying she can't make it.
Ugh, I'm really frustrated. I mean, i get it—I'm trying to be understanding, especially with her crazy & packed schedule over the past few months. But, come on, it's such a special date and she hasn't even seen me today...
I attempt to shake off the disappointment, taking a deep breath as i glance around at the faces of my friends, each wearing a mix of concern and sympathy.
"Maybe there's a reason she can't make it," Sowoen suggests, trying to ease the tension in the air.
I nod, appreciating the attempt to find a silver lining. "Yeah, she's been swamped with work lately."
Minah raises an eyebrow, "But Christmas, of all days?"
I sigh, realizing the weight of the situation. "I know, it's just... it's our anniversary too."
Lusher, who has been visibly on edge, finally speaks up, "Look, we're here for you. Maybe she's just really busy after all."
I force a small smile, touched by their support. "Yeah, maybe..."
Finishing my drink, i glance at the clock; it's nearly 8 in the evening. Christmas is almost over.
"Well, i must go now; thanks for the company, ladies!" I flash a smile as i stand to hug everyone.
"Already? Hang out a bit more. You can join us for the rest of Christmas if you want!" Sowoen suggests in her sweet and eloquent voice.
"No need! Enjoy it, and tell me what you got as presents later!" I warmly reply.
"If you need anything, hit us up," Lusher affirms while giving me a tight hug.
I give a final wave and leave the establishment; grabbing my keys from the bag, i open the car to head home.
With the snow starting to fall, the road becomes increasingly tricky to navigate. However, it's not a big deal, as i manage to reach my home safely.
Still disappointed about spending this important date alone, i enter the building's elevator, heading to the floor of my apartment. Upon arriving in front of the door, i spot a note.
"Knock on the door 3 times and close your eyes! :)"
"What the...?" I mutter to myself. Had my friends prepared something? Nonetheless, i decided to follow the instructions.
"Knock, knock, knock"
Three knocks on the door, and i keep my eyes shut, waiting for what will happen next.
I can feel the door opening accompanied by a faint, familiar laughter.
"Open your eyes~"
Upon finally opening my eyes, the first sight before me is Bada, with a mischievous smile and an expression of "I fooled you good" emanating from her face. She's grinning, her medium-length hair adorned with pink highlights and small braids. My girlfriend hadn't forgotten our anniversary, after all.
"Bada...? But..." i stammer, slightly perplexed, directing my gaze towards the decoration.
It's as if i stepped into a massive Christmas-themed store; a huge tree, meticulously decorated and lit up, stands out in the corner of the room. Lights and twinkling decorations everywhere, thoughtfully arranged. Paper hearts and garlands adorn the walls, accompanied by lovely post-its stuck with the message "Our 3-year anniversary." The dining table, beautifully set, occupies the center.
A carefully selectedd playlist fills the room with a variety of songs, from "Understand - Keshi" to "double take - dhruv."
Honestly, i'm mesmerized by everything, unsure whether to admire the decoration or Bada. I am on the verge of tears; i truly didn't expect all of this.
"Merry Christmas and happy anniversary to us, my love." Bada wraps me in her long arms while planting small kisses on my cheeks and nose.
We linger in the embrace for a few seconds; her hug is so comforting, i wish i could stay in it forever.
"Did you like the surprise, sweetheart?" she asks casually, holding my hand while pointing to the post-its and other messages.
"Of course! But hey, you didn't have to fool me like that... I was hurt!" I playfully punch her shoulder, and she just laughs, as it probably didn't make much impact; after all, I'm not one of the strongest.
"But it was worth it, wasn't it? Lusher, Minah, and Sowoen helped me organize everything."
"They're in on this? Oh, I'll end those girls the next time i see them," i say, jokingly, surprised by the revelation. I really thought they weren't part of this.
"Hey, they made all of this possible ~ without them, it would have been dull," she says, still laughing at the situation. "Let's eat; i prepared everything especially for you."
She gives a swift kiss upon my lips before arranging the table. Bada had meticulously prepared various dishes, and from a distance, i could spot a cake that seemed to be green tea-flavored.
"It looks delicious!" I exclaim, my mouth watering.
"Before we eat, i wanted to give you this," she gazes at me intently and pulls a medium-sized box from her pocket. "You can open it."
"What is it?" I inquire, fixing my eyes at the present, opening it.
Inside, i find a beautiful necklace with a small diamond pendant, accompanied by a polaroid photo of us from our last Christmas/New Year's trip.
I love you, truly. You mean everything to me, love. I am the happiest person in the world when you're right next to me. Christmas after Christmas, year after year, we'll be together. The youngest days of my life are when I'm with you," she confesses genuinely, and i truly feel that every word she utters is sincere.
Once again, tears stream down my cheeks. I am at a loss for words. My veins feel like they might burst from sheer happiness. I feel so grateful to have someone so kind by my side.
"Bada... I don't know what to say... I really love you so much," i articulate, my voice choked and trembling, admiring everything she has done for me not just today, but throughout these three years we've been together.
"Hey, don't cry," she rises up and rushes to hug me once again, that warm sensation returning. She caresses my neck with one hand while gently wiping away my tears with the other.
Outside, snow is falling; i can hear some neighbors enthusiastically wishing Merry Christmas as the day seems to end, and fireworks are lighting up the whole sky.
"Season after season, i shall be here for you. Merry Christmas, my lovely princess," Bada whispers in my ear, and our lips meet gently—a tender and soft kiss filled with affection on that festive Christmas night.
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[🎄] thank you so much for reading! i hope you liked this christmas special. merry x-mas and stay safe everyone <3 kisses from ste~
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princhii · 6 months
↳ Ciclos
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bada lee x fem!reader
not proofread per usual, this is vry short just a little smtg!
↳ cw!: angst, toxic, cheating, very slightly suggestive, light(?) manipulation. just sad lol
a/n: literally copy n pasted from my notes..! i’m coping rn srry…if i gotta feel it so do all of u..! also i do not condone anything mentioned below the cut. lowkey just venting i’ve had quite the week 🌷
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“i trusted you.”
“i know.”
you sat uncomfortably on the plush sofa, hunching over and covering your face with your now wet hands. your eyes nonstop letting tears roll down.
the only sound audible being sobs you choked out. complete silence on the other end.
you huffed out an exaggerated sigh and sat up, frantically wiping your tears away— trying to, at least. the older girl who sat on the other side of the couch shifted slightly, her eyes glaring over at you. stoic expression. you really couldn’t read her. she extended her arm out, attempting to put her hand on your thigh. quickly, you smacked her hand away and jolted up from the sofa. her expression once again, unreadable. she didn’t even react.
“do you even really care?”
“bada, answer me. please.”
bada looked up at you before standing up herself. she calmly walked towards you, but still leaving enough distance between the both of you. opening her mouth slightly to say something, she quickly shut it once she realized she truly didn’t know what to say. what does one even say when they get caught cheating? again?
“i know i gain nothing by apologizing. what you saw was real. what you heard was real. it all happened and,” bada groaned lightly, sitting back down on the sofa. “i don’t think anything i say even matters.”
this time you stayed silent. completely.
the two of you in the living room which was now filled with very awkward silence and an uncomfortable tension.
and in the heat of the moment, you couldn’t keep it together any longer. you snapped.
“bada lee, you are so fucking unbelievable! are you even listening to yourself right now?” you shouted.
the older girl just blinked. once again, saying nothing.
“countless times i’ve asked you about her. you knew how those rumors made me feel. you told me not to worry for christ’s sake!” you wept out, your tears once again getting the best of you.
this time, bada reacted. her hands balling into fists.
you scoffed at her weak attempt of an apology. this personally annoyed the older girl. it was made known once you saw her get up and grab her keys.
“why do you always do this? any time we try discussing something, you get pissed and you leave. you go out with your friends, jesus, and now i know you go to her.” your chest heaved with every word. could she really not grasp the seriousness of the situation?
looking over her shoulder, bada looked right at you. only this time, you could see how glossy her eyes became. was it guilt?
as much as you wanted to run over to her and beg her to stay, you couldn’t. you froze. how did you know it wasn’t guilt? because it wasn’t the first time, unfortunately. empty promises of her changing, she never changed. bada stayed the same.
“i’ll be back tomorrow. have a good night, y/n.”
tomorrow had in fact, never came.
you hurriedly typed away, attempting to finish an essay you had been pushing back up until last minute. your hair in a messy bun, glasses slightly smudged, and very tired eyes. the bright screen of your laptop slowly creeping up on your eyes and stinging some.
you felt your phone vibrating from underneath the covers. you put your laptop to the side and looked for your phone, lifting it up to see what it was and who could possibly be calling you at such late hours.
unknown caller id
it could either be one, a scammer, or two, maybe one of your friends or relatives got a new number.
and handing the caller the benefit of the doubt, you went with the second option and picked it up. immediately regretting your decision as soon as you heard the voice on the other line.
“ah, hello. is this y/n?”
your heart sank, your stomach churning uncomfortably, and your chest suddenly aching. unknown caller was bada. letting out a breathy sigh, you decided to respond instead of hanging up. was it a good idea? no. why would it ever be?
“what do you want?”
“can i come over?”
“you’re insane, leave me alone.” right as you were about to hang up, her voice got louder. growing curious, you pressed your phone against your ear.
“y/n wait, please. i just need to talk to you— in person.”
“it’s two in the morning.”
“it’s been so long, please let me see you. let me talk.”
“a year and eight months but who’s counting?”
you hung up.
“i missed you. so much. so damn much.”
the older girl peppering kisses across your jawline. her large hands roaming all over your body, leaving goosebumps along the skin she caressed.
to say you fucked up was an understatement.
both of your naked bodies intertwined and sprawled out on your bed. truth is after you hung up on her earlier, she kept calling and messaging you. quite literally blowing up your phone, it started heating up. you gave in after a while. but only to talk. just talk.
that was not the situation at hand. far from it.
“and you said all you wanted was to talk…”
“and you weren’t complaining when i had my fingers deep insi—“
you cut her off by smacking her away, embarrassed by the truth behind her words. bada laughed softly and pulled you closer towards her, resting her chin atop your head. you felt her fingers lightly stroke your hair, causing you to yawn and grow aware of how tired she had made you. leaning into her touch, your eyes grew heavier. you were sleepy.
“will you be here in the morning?” you muttered.
“of course, my love. i won’t let you go. i love you, y/n.”
your heart fluttered.
“i love you too.”
“are you happy?”
you let out a long sigh, feeling like an idiot for even bothering to ask such a stupid question. the older girl scooted closer to you, arms brushing slightly against each other. the two of you sitting on the park bench, looking up mindlessly into the starry night sky.
“can i hold your hand?” bada whispered, fidgeting with her fingers.
“your girlfriend wouldn’t like that. no.”
a long pause of silence was exchanged. although shortly after, the both of you met halfway and interlocked pinkies. you knew you shouldn’t have, but there was no possible way for your heart to slow down. you knew this was a mistake.
bada hummed softly, leaning against the bench and tilting her to the side, giving you a smile. and, god, was she so attractive underneath the pale moonlight. her eyes sparkling perfectly with the way the natural lighting of the moon shun upon her face. her lips curled into that sweet smile she’d always give you. tightening your grip on her pinky, you looked down into your lap. you refused to look at her like this.
“why did this happen to us?” you chuckled dryly, letting go of her pinky to cover your face with both hands.
“i forgave you so many times. you’re doing the same thing to her, except it’s with me now. why couldn’t you just change, bada. why did we have to go through all of this?”
bada kept quiet before answering.
“i still love you.” she huffed.
“we can’t keep doing this. we’re going in circles. it’s a never ending cycle, bada.” you retorted, sneering at the older girl next to you. bada frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. the two of you stayed like this for another good ten minutes. not a single word exchanged between you two. just the sound of the wind breezing lightly and leaves rustling.
you had no intentions in meeting up with her tonight, especially as somewhere as public and open as the park. but here you were, again.
although it wasn’t on your list of plans for the night, you had made a decision, mentally. tonight you were cutting her off for good. you had to.
to say it hurt you was an understatement. it absolutely destroyed you. this person was someone you genuinely saw a future with— someone you did plan your future with. deep down, you’d always hope and pray for the day bada would keep her word and change. she always proved you wrong, though. every. single. time. after the breakup, quite some time had passed and here you guys were. back to square one. bada finds her way to crawl back, and you let her. she’ll shower you with empty promises of her changing, of how much she loves you. oh, and she swears it. only this time it was worse. she was in a relationship, and it wasn’t with you.
it took you by surprise considering the fact that she was dating the girl she had constantly told you not to worry about. and here she is, being unfaithful once again. you couldn’t help but burst out into a hysterical laughter. clutching onto your sides from the pain growing caused by your fit of giggles. the girl next to you gave you a concerned look, but still not bothering to say anything. she’s always like this.
after recollecting yourself, you took a deep breath and stood up from the bench. grabbing the older girl’s hand, you helped her up. bada’s face flushed a very light and subtle pink. you both stood in front of the other. looking up at bada, you couldn’t stop yourself from giving her a smile. she smiled back and pulled you into what you swore was the tightest hug you’ve ever experienced.
“will i ever see you again?” bada finally broke down.
she was crying.
you pulled yourself apart from the taller girl, gently pushing her away from the shared hug. you felt tears pooling in your eyes again.
a huge part of you just wanted to say ‘fuck it’ and try it all over again. give bada just one more chance.
but you knew how the story ends. every time.
“take care of yourself, bada.”
you walked away.
and guess what?
so did she.
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woniverse-writes · 9 months
"MOTH TO A FLAME" masterlist
Bada Lee x Fem! Reader
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summary: y/n l/n is the youngest team member of Jam Republic, competing in the second season of Street Woman Fighter. she’s got the sweetest smile and the most vibrant personality, but she also may or may not be the biggest hothead on the show when it comes to defending her teammates. apparently that’s attractive to Bada Lee.
status: ongoing
warnings: swearing, suggestive at times (I'll always put more detailed warnings according to each update), reader is described as cute and small a lot, Bada is kinda confusing with her feelings, reader is also said to be quite a bit younger than Bada, I never proofread anything so... sorry for any mistakes lol- lemme know if I missed anything!
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part 1 --- moodboard
part 1.5
part 2 --- moodboard
part 3 --- moodboard
part 4 --- moodboard
part 5 --- moodboard
part 6 --- moodboard
part 7 --- moodboard
part 8 --- moodboard
part 9 --- moodboard
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taglist (closed): @tinybada @angel-hyuckie @violetinferno @jesuschrist2006 @1luvkarina @uwulyn @justandloyal2961 @deadgirlwalking3 @squidvoldyvoid @vivzyo @ouhaika @jksjx @ocyeanicc @marianamartinsthings @jxrdxnh @luvjanexx @lorenztired @khjssss @heavenlycloud @loisje123 @starchasermyloves @zhivaxo @grinnwolph @notyourd0lly @stinkbvgs @nermandiiiii-blog @arujee @idontknownemore @thatgayinsomniac @fruitr0llup @cgriffin9797-blog @woooooya @kaaylvst @ssc7514 @astoreea @linda-botello @kpopgirl-97 @erikook @misszoldyc @sammisregrets @jysai @moonsvrse @froufrousnowman @amararosesblog @tikitsune @aestrelle19 @laaaasanielzz @randomhoex @tswisal1 @unpretty-reader @charlesswife @stella222
taglist (cont.)
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istjun · 7 months
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🏕️ BADA LEE Season B S04E06
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ambivartence · 6 months
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🌊 x 🐹 SMOKE challenge
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moonniu · 7 months
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crew rings shopping 🩵
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badaleesbish · 6 months
𝙶𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝚒𝚝! 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚢 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔 𝚒𝚗 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚜.
𝙸 𝚊𝚖 𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚟 𝚔𝚙𝚘𝚙 𝚒𝚍𝚘𝚕𝚜, 𝚔-𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚏𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚂𝚆𝙵𝟸 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚜.
𝙸 𝚊𝚖 𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚁𝙴𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙲𝚃𝙵𝚄𝙻 𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚜𝚖. 𝙸𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚛𝚞𝚍𝚎, 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚐𝚘 𝚊𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏 𝚘𝚏𝚏 𝚖𝚢 𝚙𝚊𝚐𝚎. 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞! <𝟹
𝙿𝙻𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙴 𝙳𝙾 𝙽𝙾𝚃 𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚕, 𝚌𝚘𝚙𝚢 𝚘𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚊𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚘𝚠𝚗!
𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙵𝙸𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽. 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙸 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚓𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚞𝚙 𝚒𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗. 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝙵𝙰𝙽𝙵𝙸𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽.
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♡ 𝐁𝐚𝐝𝐚 𝐋𝐞𝐞...
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| Full Works...♡
◌ 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐲.
↳ wlw, angst, love triangle, bada lee x reader x kirsten dodgen
◌ 𝐓𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜. (𝐀𝐖𝐁𝐖)
↳ NSFW, wlw, toxic relationship, g!p bada x blk!reader
◌ 𝐓𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜 ° 𝟐. (𝐀𝐖𝐁𝐖)
↳ wlw, fluffy-ish, angst, toxic relationship, g!p bada x blk!reader
◌ .......𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞? (𝐀𝐖𝐁𝐖).
↳ NSFW, wlw, switch!bada x sub!tatter x switch!reader, blk!reader
◌ 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐒𝐨 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 (𝐀𝐖𝐁𝐖).
↳ NSFW, wlw, bada lee x plus size!reader, blk!reader
◌ 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 (𝐀𝐖𝐁𝐖).
↳ fluff, wlw, friends to lovers, innocent, naive, studious!reader x bad girl!bada, blk!reader
◌ 𝐀𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐫.
↳ NSFW, BDSM, wlw, praise, worship, whiny pussy drunk bada, dominatrix reader, sub!bada x dom!reader
◌ 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞. (𝐀𝐖𝐁𝐖)
↳ angst, fluff, wlw, stepmother!bada x first-time mother!reader, blk!reader, reader feels helpless and bada reassures her that everything is fine.
◌ 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐈𝐭.
↳ NSFW, MDNI, wlw, scissoring, masturbation, howl is a bit of a peeping tom, bada lee x reader x howl
◌ 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞. (𝐀𝐖𝐁𝐖)
↳ angst, fluff, wlw, insecurity, description of body image, mention of body dysmorphia and self-harm, bada lee x plus size!reader, blk!reader
◌ 𝐋𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤... 𝐈 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩.
↳ NSFW, MDNI, wlw, dry humping, bada and reader are horn dogs, g!p bada x reader
◌ 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞.
↳ NSFW, MDNI, fluff, wlw, swearing, dorky!bada, pussy whipped bada, oral (b. x r.), teasing, etc..., switch!bada, switch!reader, g!p bada x reader
◌ 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐲.
↳ NSFW, MDNI, wlw, swearing, bullying, slight violence, manipulation, oral (r. receives), fingering, overstimulation/edging, bully!bada x reader
◌ 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐀 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞.
↳ fluff, angst, wlw, toxic company, toxic fan base (b. & r.), g!p bada x idol!reader
◌ 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐁𝐚𝐝𝐚 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐨𝐧 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲.
◌ 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐚𝐝𝐚 𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝?
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♡ 𝐓𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫...
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◌ .......𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞? (𝐀𝐖𝐁𝐖)
↳ NSFW, wlw, switch!bada x sub!tatter x switch!reader, blk!reader
◌ 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬.
↳ angst, wlw lovers to exes, cheating, mention of sexual themes, exes with benefits? (if that's even a thing.)
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♡ Street Women Fighter...
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♡ KPOP...
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133 notes · View notes
badasgirlfriend · 7 months
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HELP MEE?)2$2&2&2
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sunwoniie · 8 months
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I need her to touch my neck like that !!!!!!!!!!!
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