bangchanshehe · 7 years
Are you mine? (part 3/?)
Summary: When you moved to Korea to chase your dreams you ended up doing things you could only ever dream of doing. When you get wrapped up in Idol’s lives your luck seems to take a turn for the worse. Your friends will betray you and your enemies will be closer than you think.
Genre: Angst, smut 
word count: ~4k
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The next morning you woke up and got dressed ready to do some shopping. You still needed a few things for your room and needed to gather some teaching supplies for the upcoming school semester. You left the house with a very happy roommate in tow ready to leave a hole of doom in your bank account. You went store after store shopping for the perfect belongings for your room and finally settled down when you finally he spent all of you energy carrying around your bags that added up going from store to store. When you looked down to check the time you saw that it was almost five o’clock. You quickly hailed a taxi and made your way back home.
Once you reached the house you decided that it would be a perfect to enjoy a ice cold beer while you decorated your room before you had to deal with the very anticipated visitor that you were expecting later. Usually you would never be under the influence willingly before teaching a lesson, but the circumstances at hand were far from normal. You decided that now would be a good time to go out to the convenience store that you noticed was just down a few blocks from your house. As soon as you made your way outside you took your time to walk slowly down the streets to remember all of the small businesses and buildings that were around your neighborhood. When you reached the front door of the store you made your way inside slowly. Instead of rushing straight to the beer you decided it would be wise for you to go up and down the isles to see what all was inside. You drooled looking at all of the drinks and snacks there were, making a mental bucket list of snacks to try for the future when you noticed you phone consistently vibrating. Expecting it to be a phone call your mouth dropped at the number of incoming messages that you were receiving. You tried to ignore the messages buy ultimately your curiosity got the better of you.
           Hot Byuns: Can’t wait for our date tonight!
           Hot Byuns: it feels like it’s been so long since I’ve seen your beautiful face.
           Hot Byuns: hope you’re as excited to see me as I am to see you.
           Hot Byuns: by the way I hope you didn’t invite anyone over to chaperone
Tonight. Especially that guy from the other night.
Hot Byuns: I want you all to myself.
 You could practically hear his flirtatious tone in his voice as you read his messages. You rolled your eyes at your phone and typed out your text.
           You: tonight is not a date. Tonight is about me teaching you as your favor.
           And there will be people there, I have a roommate and Cole happens to be a
           Friend of ours.
You made your way over to the refrigerated section and got your beer. As soon as you made your way to check out you felt your phone buzz again once more and you opened the message.
           Hot Byuns: his name is Cole! Now I finally have a name to put to that ugly
           Hot Byuns: I mean I seriously don’t know what his problem is but he needs
           To control his frustrations. He shouldn’t be punishing random people (me)
           For his inability to get out of the friend zone.
           Hot Byuns: maybe I should introduce you to some better friends!
 You completely ignored his messages and purposely chose not to reply. You made your way home and immediately decided to start decorating now that you had something cold to complete your afternoon.
About thirty minutes later after unpacking everything you bought you put it in its new homes and sighed contently as your once emptier room started to now feel more like a space of your own. Somewhere in between the time that you had gotten home and unpacked the boys came over and were in the living room watching TV mindlessly while Lydia was in the kitchen cooking. You joined them and sat on the floor in between their legs and scrolled through your Tumblr as you waited for dinner to be ready.
As soon as everyone had finished with their plates you gathered up the dishes and began to do the cleaning in the kitchen. Part of the new system that you had with Lydia was that whoever cooked left the other the dishes to clean which you were more than happy to do since you weren’t much of a cook yourself. Half way through the dishes your beer was empty and you cracked another one open and simultaneously the doorbell rang. You didn’t even have to think twice before questioning who it was. Jonathan quickly got up to answer the door and looked through the peep hole.
“Uh, is anyone expecting any guests?” he looked back at everyone with a shocked expression.
“I am. You can let him in”
Jonathan opened the door and stepped aside with a quick bow and hello. You continued to work on the dished when you froze noticing Baekhyun’s attire. He was practically in all black with a hat, glasses and a flu mask on. He looked completely opposite of how he looked the other night. He looked more like a human being rather than a perfect idol. As soon as he took his mask and hat off Lydia and Jonathan gasped.
“What the hell is Byun Baekhyun doing in our apartment Emily?” Lydia asked you while never tearing her eyes and sweet smile away from Baekhyun.
“He came over to learn a little bit of English.” You stated back.
“I understand that but I mean you’ve been in Korea less than 48 hours and you already know someone as famous as him?!”
“Actually he’s the guy who we left at the bar in Gangnam the other night” at that she quickly snapped her head back to me smirking.
“And you let him go? Emily, have you seen this boy? He’s so pretty and so much more handsome in person? I would have let him do whatever he wanted to me!” she stated.
Cole cleared his throat and you took that as your que to leave the awkward situation and guide Baekhyun down the hall to my bedroom. Once we were inside Baekhyun immediately took a space at the desk and pulled out a notebook and pencil. You waited for any sort of unwelcome flirtation to be thrown your way but it never came. Baekhyun raised an eyebrow at you in anticipation and you cleared your throat.
“So Baekhyun how much English do you already know” you asked looking anywhere but at him to avoid any type of awkwardness. He chuckled and looked down at his own hands then.
“It’s probably best if we just started out with the very basics.” He omitted with a slight blush on his cheeks.
“Alright” you stated and immediately stood next to him pulling out papers and English study books for him to read from and reference.
You’re not sure when exactly Cole entered your room but shortly after you actually began to start with the vocal practices of your studying he came in and took a place on your bed unnoticed. When you turned around to finally give up on standing and retried a chair from the kitchen you nearly had a heart attack at the sight of him sitting at the foot of your bed glaring at the two of you at the desk.
When you jumped back at the sight of him Baekhyun turned his head to see what startled you and smiled at the man sitting on your bed.
“It’s nice to see you again Clause, it looks like you’re happy to see me too.” Baekhyun commented with sarcasm dripping from his voice. Cole maintained his composure and just nodded his head with a lopsided smirk on his face. You silently watched the two while they shot daggers at each other and excused yourself from the room to get your chair.
When you came back into the room Cole was still staring at Baekhyun’s head while Baekhyun was turned around focused on what he had written down.  You were actually surprised at the amount of focus that Baekhyun had put into studying. You thought that tonight was going to be a painful few hours of dodging his advances until he figured out that you weren’t interested and left for good. You were silently starting to gain a small amount of respect back for him, if not as a person as a student. You sat down next to him and continued your routine of reading writing and speaking with one another until it was 11 o’clock and you felt like you couldn’t keep your eyes open anymore. You felt your head dip to the side and immediately woke yourself up to the feeling of strong hands holding your head up.
“Woah, you okay?” Baekhyun asked and you nodded clearing your throat, trying to sit up to focus your last bit of energy on the task at hand.
“I guess it’s time for me to go, you seem like you’re exhausted.” He said with a chuckle.
You stretched and looked around the room and noticed that it was just the two of you. Baekhyun noticed your searching gaze for Cole and sighed.
“He left about an hour ago. I guess he realized that I was serious and wasn’t trying to do anything funny and went home.” You nodded your head and turned your attention back to the boy at your desk.
“Look I know that this may seem like a bit much to ask but I’ve seriously enjoyed my time studying tonight. I really learned a lot and I haven’t really been able to ever really focus on studying English with any other people, but you make it easy. Would you by chance be willing to help me a little more?” he looked down at his notebook while he spoke but the minute that he lifted his gaze to your eyes you saw nothing but seriousness in his face. Nothing about him seemed like it was a joke or a way to hang around. You pondered your options for a minute and then shook your head giving him a small smile.
“Really?” he asked with a huge grin.
“It’s fine as long as you take it seriously. The minute that you start messing around or wasting my time is when we end this.”
“I won’t waste your time I promise!” he looked absolutely triumphant as he smiled at you. “Thank you so much for giving me a chance!”
“Yeah, yeah. How about on Wednesday nights you come here at eight and we’ll continue lessons.” You offered.
“Would Wednesdays and Mondays work for you? I really want to learn as fast as possible, we have a tour coming up in the US and I want to be able to speak to fans.”
Normally you wouldn’t have given into him having started off with each other the way that you did, but he seemed like he wasn’t trying to play around and he earned points tonight for how well he worked with you. You sighed and pretended to think about it for a while, watching the anticipation grow on his face.
“Fine” you said chuckling at his dramatic sigh and smile that lit up his whole face.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
You didn’t expect his sudden skin ship when he pulled you in for a hug and hugged him back after a few moments of hesitation. You didn’t see any harm in hugging him since he wasn’t actually a student per say. He quickly packed up his bag and headed towards the front door. You saw him out and he waved before turning and making his way to the elevator with his happy grin still plastered on his face. You went back inside and locked up making your way to your bedroom to wash up and settle in for the night. As soon as you made your way over to your bed you received at a text from Baekhyun.
           Hot Byuns: thank you for giving me a chance! I’ll show you how dedicated I
           Am to learn. Goodnight Emily!
You smiled at his message and put your phone on silent and closed your eyes to sleep off your tiresome day.
The rest of the week flew by and you were amazed at how fast Monday had approached. Nothing new had happened in your life other than finding and trying new restaurants and exploring new buildings all over Seoul. You busied yourself with all sorts of small tasks that you gave yourself like finding interesting museums and parks to visit to familiarize yourself with your new country and even visited the school that you would be teaching at soon. The closer to the school year that it got the more excited you were to get started with the school year. You were finally starting to feel like this was reality and not a dream. Everything was starting to come together and you felt like you had made all the right choices to lead you to these moments in your life.
As eight rolled around you didn’t dread Baekhyun coming over in fact you were kind of excited. If you could help someone like him you felt like you could really teach to these kids at your school. You began to tidy up your room and get things prepared for the lesson where you left off. You didn’t bother to invite the boys over because you didn’t really feel the need for them to watch since Baekhyun had behaved himself so well the last time, even though Cole still offered. When the doorbell rang you opened the door and stopped in your tracks when you saw two men standing outside. One was obviously Baekhyun but the other was completely new to you. Once both men entered they took off their hats and face masks and you immediately knew who the other man was.
“It’s nice to meet you again Miss Emily” manager Park said with a small smile.
“Ah yes, it’s nice to see you too!” you said back in the now awkward silence. Baekhyun coughed after a moment longer of silence.
“He came with me today so that he knew what I was up too.” The two men exchanged looks at each other and you saw the silent communication between the two. You decided that whatever it was you didn’t care enough to ask more about it.
“That’s fine, the more the merrier.” You turned to grab a chair and head down the hall to your room when a strong set of hands took the chair from you.
“Will you grab another chair?” Baekhyun said to his manager and you continued to walk forward.
Once inside your room Baekhyun immediately took his seat at the desk and you sat next to him while his manager sat across from you two and silently watched you to work until he became bored and decided that there were more interesting things on his phone.
The two of you worked and worked until you felt like you just couldn’t sit in the same spot anymore. At ten you took a break to get a drink from the kitchen and when you came back the two men where in the middle of a conversation bickering back and forth like school children.  Had you not known of the age gap between the two it would have sounded like brothers were arguing over a shared toy. You chuckled at the two when you took your seat and the two promptly stopped talking at sat straighter than before.
“Miss Emily Baekhyun and I will have to depart here shortly due to his schedules but first I would like to say thank you for giving him a chance and teaching him.” He stood and bowed to you.
“It’s really no problem, he’s been perfectly fine and well behaved. I’m actually quite surprised with him since he seems like a totally different person than the person I met at first.” You spoke up and gestured for him to sit back down since he was still standing awkwardly as stiff as a board. When he sat down he coughed and looked up at you.
“We actually have something that we would like to discuss with you.” He turned to his backpack and pulled out an envelope with presumably documents inside of it.
“You have done exceptionally well with Baekhyun these past two meetings and he speaks very highly of you” you turned to look at Baekhyun and you saw him nod his head proudly with a small blush on his cheeks “on behalf of SM Entertainment, I would like to invite you to work full time with the company.” You swear you felt your soul leave your body and your eyes probably looked like they were the size of saucers.
You took a deep shaky breath and then looked down at your hands to process manger Park’s request. When you looked back up at him he continued.
“I know this seems a little rushed and short notice since you would start teaching in less than a few weeks but we are prepared to buy out your contract with the school in order to allow you to work for us.” He opened up the envelope and took out a contract. Opening it up to several different pages and explaining all of the benefits of working for the company.
“You would have access to all health and living benefits such as private housing compliments of the company, you would work around the clock whenever a member would need lessons or a translator. Since there are so many groups with SM you would work solely for EXO. Your housing would be in the same building that the boys dorms are at for convenience and you would travel with them when they go on tour to English speaking countries. You salary would be roughly 100 Million Won per year contracted and any travel expenses would be covered.” He turned to you and gauged your response so far. You sat with a blank expression and your mouth hanging wide open.
Just then you got a cold chill that ran all the way down your spine and you snapped out of your zombie trance. There was literally nothing to think about of course you would work for SM Entertainment, you would be completely stupid not to. You would get paid way more than you would teaching, the housing would be nicer since you could live by yourself and you would still get to travel where you wanted to go with the group. You instantly felt your heart beating through every limb, muscle and fiber of your being. Your heart beat was so loud in your head that you felt like it was going to explode. You knew that this was what you wanted to do without a doubt but you felt so much guilt for leaving your other job at the school. You would have to move out of your place that you just settled in and you wouldn’t see the boys and Lydia anymore.
“if you need some time to consider the offer you are more than welcome to take as much time as ne-“
“no.” you cut him off before he could finish
“No?” he questioned back
“I don’t need any time to consider the offer.” You pulled out a desk drawer and the men both looked at you with wide eyes at your cryptic answer. You pulled out a black pen and turned to manager Park.
“Where do I sign?” you looked at him in the eyes as serious as could be. You hated that you had to leave behind what you had now but you would always regret turning down this once in a lifetime offer.
He turned to the signature lines in the contract and you gladly signed all of them. When you were done you sat back and smiled to yourself.
“Oh my god this is really happening!” you chuckled and Baekhyun and manager Park both laughed with you.
For the rest of the night Baekhyun had nothing to say he just listened to the conversation between you and manager Park with a grin on his face that he tried so hard to keep as small as possible.
“So tomorrow come by the building and we’ll have a walk through and we’ll help you get moved into your new place as soon as possible. I have some time around noon so it would be best for you to come then.”
“Alright that sounds perfect to me!” you walked both men out and waived goodnight as you parted ways. Once the door was shut you immediately jumped up and down and screamed. The excitement was literally too much to handle and you were sure that if you didn’t let it out you would explode. To the sounds of your screaming Lydia came out of her room with a startled look on her face.
“What the hell is going on?” she asked
“The craziest thing in my entire life just happened!” you said in between pants from the screaming and jumping. Instead of asking any more questions Lydia just looked at you with raised eyebrows.
“I’m moving!” you laughed and yelled simultaneously. And Lydia looked at you with complete shock.
“WHAT?” she yelled. I sat her down on the couch and told her all about the last 30 minutes.
“That’s fucking insane!” she yelled. “How in the hell are you so lucky?”
“I don’t know. I just saw the opportunity and took it!” and then it dawned on me that I would have to move again and I wouldn’t have friends so conveniently close. That is what sucked the most.
“I’m starting tomorrow and moving in the afternoon. I’m going to SM around noon” you spoke and Lydia started to look less excited and more and more sad.
“We’re still gonna hang out though right?” she said in a small voice still looking at her hands.
“Of course, I know that we’ve only had about a week with each other but, I’m really gonna miss you and the guys. Y’all are my Korea family! I don’t want this job change to mean the end of our friendships.” You smiled down at her sunken frame and she looked back up at you with a bit of a perkier smile.
“Oh my god! OH MY GOD!” she began yelling again and you laughed at her extreme mood swing to excitement again. “You have to invite me over all the time so we can talk about of the members and other artists at SM! Also you should totally slip my number to Chanyeol!” she gave you an evil smirk and wiggled her eyebrows.
You leaned back on the couch and sighed rethinking how much of a dramatic change your life made in the last hour. Once the excitement settled down you decided that the last thing that you needed to do was message your mom to share the good news. After typing out what felt like a novel the exhaustion hit you like a ton of bricks and you fought through the exhaustion as you stayed up to pack your belongings.
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