#bahahaha would you believe the first fic you asked me to write took me only like....an hour
classicdaisycalico · 6 years
Daisy and Luigi 25
fifty ways to kiss someone.   send me a 💏 and i will randomise a number in order for my muse to kiss yours…
AWWW YEAH TIME FOR A BELATED CHRISTMAS FIC. I’ve been looking forward to writing my first Christmas fic for a while now. And now I finally have the chance to do it! I’m so excited!!
BUT FIRST! Some Italian lessons!
Fa freddo = “It’s cold.”Principessa = “Princess”E = “And”Fa neve = “It’s snowing.”Per certo = “Of course”Buon Natale = “Merry Christmas” (I HAD TO INCLUDE THIS ONE.)
Also wow sorry this took literally all day. But I hope you enjoy it! I hope it’s real cute!!!!!
Luigi and Daisy, #25: “As a ‘Yes’.”
It had been a little over a month since Daisy had been flown to the Mushroom Kingdom per her parents’ request. After Tatanga’s invasion of Sarasaland, their daughter needed to be somewhere safe while they dealt with the aftermath and reconstruction themselves.
Even so, it meant that the princess would spend her first Christmas away from home, away from her family. She was deeply saddened by this; it was one of her favorite holidays of the year, which meant she would miss nearly every tradition her family carried ever since before she was born. Most of all, she missed the days leading up to the 25th. On the very first day of December, they would trim the Christmas tree in the center of the castle gardens area that was open to the public, and light it that evening. From there, they would decorate the castle interior and even the exterior, with beautiful wreaths, poinsettias, string lights, and even little candles. Of course, nobody could forget their tree inside, either, littered with ornaments, garlands, and even some seasonal flowers. At the top of the highest bough was a glittering golden star.
Yes, Daisy had missed it all very much, and Peach could sense her sadness, too, even as the two prepared for the holiday festivities in the Mushroom Kingdom together. Only her walks around Toad Town, hearing Christmas carols everywhere and seeing the joyous spirit of others, could keep her mind off her own homesickness for a while.
It was the day before Christmas Eve, and the first flecks of snow fluttered through the air as she was just about to start her walk back to Peach’s castle. It was nearly 4:00, half an hour or so before the local businesses would begin closing up shop. This part of Toad Town was almost about empty, with nearly everyone retiring home from work for the day (the schoolchildren off on break for the next two weeks).
And once again, she felt the feelings of homesickness and loneliness wash over her again, much like a wave upon the sandy beaches of Muda. She hung her head and sighed, wishing it would go away soon.
She immediately snapped her head back up. The voice came from behind her, with an accent she recognized immediately. Before she could even say hello, she felt a scarf drape over her shoulders. From the corner of her eye she caught the familiar hue of hunter green, belonging to none other than Luigi.
“Fa freddo, principessa,” he cautioned, “E fa neve. I won’t have you freeze out here.”
“I was just on my way back to the castle, actually.” She pulled the scarf snugly around her neck, blushing a little. “Thank you for this…I hadn’t counted on it snowing while I was out. I suppose I was out a little longer than I expected. Where are you going?”
“Back home, same as you.” He shyly lifted his arm. “I’ll walk with you, if that’s all right.”
Whether or not it was Luigi’s bashful offer or the bristling cold, the tint of pink in her cheeks deepened. She circled her arm around his. “Thank you,” she answered.
The same thing always happened whenever the two walked back to the castle together: they would never take the pipe shortcut that lead to just outside the gate. Both of them were quite certain it was because they simply just enjoyed each other’s company and that they wanted to savor every second with each other before they parted ways. Today was no different, but with being so close to Christmas, there was an added bonus of walking through the beautiful snowfall, arm in arm.
Daisy had to admit it; if there was one other person besides her family and her friends that could warm her heart this cold holiday season, it was Luigi. Although it had barely been a few weeks since their first encounter, she knew that he felt the same. Perhaps in the coming days, he would let her know? Or maybe the other way around? After all, there was no time like Christmas to do so, with everyone in such high spirits.
Before long, they had reached the castle gate. “I suppose I’ll see you tomorrow evening, then, too?” he asked.
The princess tilted her head to the side in confusion. In all of their conversation regarding the upcoming holiday, she had not mentioned meeting up with him at any point the next day. “What do you mean?” she asked quizzically.
His eyes widened. “Peach never told you?”
“Told me what?”
“The festival tomorrow. There’s always a festival on Christmas Eve every year. It’s been a tradition ever since Peach’s parents began their rule together.”
She sheepishly averted her eyes from his inquisitive gaze. Who would have known such a pair of sweet brown eyes could make her blush so intensely? Finally, her focus landed on the garland adorning the portico above the castle door that sheltered them from the snowfall. “She must have been so busy with everything else that it slipped her mind,” she suggested. “It wouldn’t be like her to suddenly spring something on me at the last minute.”
“But you will be there, yes?”
She looked back at Luigi, shocked at the haste and the subtle but uncharacteristic urgency in his question. Her eyes momentarily flickered back to the garland. “Well, since I’m already at the castle with Peach, then I suppose I will be there…”
One specific part of the garland caught her eye: a small leaf drifting to the ground, away from its brethren as part of the decoration. Following suit were two little white beads dropping to the ground. Her eyes widened as she realized what the plant in question was. It couldn’t have been real…but there was only one way to find out. She began removing some of her gloves. “Will you go tomorrow?”
“Per certo!” the man in green exclaimed. “Mario and I haven’t been since…six years ago now. We can’t wait to go again.”
“I’m sure you’re very excited,” she answered, her green eyes glued to the plant on the garland, palms open underneath where the berries fell. After a brief moment, she heard the crackling of branches and the unfurling of leaves. The pesky little plant was actually growing!
“What’s that noise?”
Daisy froze. It was growing too loudly! She fiddled with her gloves as she furiously wrestled them back onto her hands. “It must have been the wind,” she half-lied as she untied his scarf and placed it back around his neck, ushering him out from under the portico. “You should probably be heading home. I hear this evening’s going to be a bit blustery on your way back, and I don’t think that snow will be calming down any time soon. Good night!”
She took a few steps towards the door when she felt his hand on her shoulder. “Princess?”
She stopped and turned around slowly to look at him, almost expectantly. “Yes?”
He gulped nervously, his eyes darting back and forth until he finally spoke up again. “There’s a ball the day after…”
Daisy nodded along. “Yes…”
“And…I was wondering…”
He noticed suddenly that his hand was still resting on her shoulder. He drew it back quickly, almost sharply, his face immediately growing red. “Mario and I were invited this year. And…if you wished to go…then maybe…I was thinking…”
She couldn’t help but smile at such a sweet gesture. “Are you asking me to attend the ball with you?”
“I…” His eyes ducked down from hers as he twiddled his thumbs. “…You will go, yes? With me?”
Right then and there, Daisy decided that a simple “yes” wouldn’t do. She needed to cement the idea in Luigi’s head that she would be more than happy to accompany him to the ball.
That hanging plant above their heads provided the perfect basis for that answer.
Standing on the tips of her toes, the princess let her lips press against his cheek. She felt him tense, drawing in a sharp gasp of air in great surprise, but she let the kiss linger for a split second before she broke away. “Does that answer your question?” she asked.
He was at a loss for words. “What? I mean…I don’t…”
She pointed above their heads and winked. “Buon Natale, Luigi.”
With that, Daisy blew one last kiss in his direction and exited through the castle doors. Once Luigi registered everything that just happened, he let his eyes wander upward to where she pointed. He was met with a bough of leaves and white berries.
He laughed to himself. Daisy, that beautiful and witty princess, had ensnared him in a little trap she had grown all by herself from Peach’s garlands! And she had bid him adieu with a kiss the same way he did the evening right after he first met her.
Lucky thing it had helped him earned him his first official date, and on Christmas Day, no less.
Buon Natale, indeed.
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