#baked alaska ot4
freezing-kaiju · 7 years
Stardate: 2689
Chapter 5: Sugar, Spice, Chocolate, and Ice
a fire emblem heroes fic by me and @pupmon1
Semi-NSFW: Nudity and implied sex near the end.
Captain’s log: XX/XX/2689. Lyndis. Our ship has docked at a refueling station in neutral territory, specifically the planet Materna. Apparently their sovereign government, convinced by our Nohrian and Hoshidian delegates, is sending two emissaries, a delegate from the government named Rinkah, and a mercenary hired to protect her. I have never personally met this mercenary, but Camilla assured me that she had called on her services and she was serviceable, if...”difficult”. At present time, I have allowed the crew some leave on the station, though a few of us still have duties to perform.
“Hey, I heard we were getting some new crew today,” Flora mentioned as she, Peri, and Setsuna were inspecting the station.
“Did they say who?” Peri asked. “Hopefully nobody mean...Camilla said I couldn’t thwack anybody anymore...”
Flora shrugged. “Some bounty hunter with an axe. I didn’t recognize her. Oh, and a delegate from the Maternan government, the daughter of the chief.”
As they rounded a corner, Flora spotted her. She was tall, looked very strong, wore an oddly skimpy white suit of battle armor, long blond hair contrasting her dark skin, and a white bow. She was actively carrying her axe.
“CHARLOTTE!” Peri exclaimed.
The woman whirled around, a look of astonishment on her face. “...PERI???”
Peri immediately tackle-hugged Charlotte. “It’s been so long! What’re you doing here?”
Charlotte stumbled and fell backward, laughing with Peri on top of her. “Hey there Peri, I’m here to...serve a little time.”
“Huh? What for?” Peri asked.
“Oh ya know...smuggling and the like. The Union bastards caught me and have sticked me on one of their ships. Something called the...Kinshi?”
“That would be our ship,” Flora said. “Hello, I’m Flora. Peri’s...uh...friend...yeah let’s go with that...”
Charlotte looked up, a little confused. “Friend? Is something going on here, Peri-berry?”
Setsuna chuckled. “Peri-berry? Aww. Cute.”
Peri shrugged. “Friend, amateur therapist, nearly murder victim. She’s a lot of things.”
“Mostly I’m a janitor,” Flora said sourly.
“A janitor?” Charlotte paused for a moment. “Huh...you usually don’t get along with those.”
“Yeah, she mentioned usually killing the red shirts,” Flora said. “I....uh...stopped her from killing me, at least, that’s something.”
“Aww, you’ve helped more than that,” Peri said.
“She’s right,” Setsuna added. “Don’t think she’s killed anyone this whole mission...”
“Wait really?” Charlotte raised an eyebrow. “Like...nobody? How long has this mission been going on?”
“...two months?” Setsuna said, looking to Flora for confirmation. Flora nodded. “Yes, two months, about.”
“...I’m impressed.”
Setsuna looked away and darted off, mumbling “be right back...need some snuggles...”
Flora nodded sympathetically.
Peri grinned at Charlotte. “So, ya want me to take you around the ship? We have all sorts of cool weapons...ooo, and the holodeck makes enemies that bleed!”
“Sounds fun,” Charlotte said with that characteristic grin of hers.
Flora sighed. Wonderful...seems like Charlotte was going to be just as difficult as Peri. Still...she couldn’t deny a certain...attraction to Peri...perhaps she could warm up to this new woman as well.
As Peri led Charlotte across the ship, a small red comm in Charlotte’s belt went off. “...oh great...I gotta go to the cargo bay, where is that?”
“We’ll lead you there,” Peri responded. “C’mon!”
When they got to the cargo bay, all three captains were waiting, along with a tall, muscular woman with white hair, traditional Flame Tribe garb, and markings on her arms that flickered lightly, like a moderate fire. “Charlotte!” the woman exclaimed with a loud laugh. “There you are. We’ve been waiting.”
Charlotte eyed the captains and suddenly took on a more serious, submissive expression, snapping to attention. “Yes, Rinkah. My apologies.” She turned to the captains. “I’m ready to be part of your crew, I was just...visiting an old friend. Hope that’s okay.”
Flora raised her eyebrow, and Peri gave her a concerned expression, muttering something that sounded like “oh, Charlotte...different mask, same principle...”
The Nohrian captain laughed and smiled. “It’s fine dear, it’s fine. You’re here, and that’s what’s important.”
“If you say so.” Charlotte remained at attention, then looked down at herself. “...apologies for my outfit, if you have a uniform in my size I’ll change immediately.”
The Nohrian captain let out a long sigh and held up a hand. “We will deal with that when you get settled in. For now, at ease. There’s no need to be so formal with us, right girls?”
The two others just nodded and smiled.
“...whatever you say, Captain...Camilla, right?”
“Correct. And this is Captian Lyndis, and Captian Lucina. Get used to taking orders from all three of us, as I’m sure you’re not used to a ship with three captians.”
“...you’re baiting me.”
“I-...I’m sorry?” Camilla frowned and looked down at Charlotte. “What are you talking about?”
“Experience with past employers.” Charlotte winced. “...sorry, captain...captains...
“You have got to relax,” Camilla said simply. “If you’re going to be on the ship, ya gotta relax.”
Peri elbowed Charlotte. “It’s okay, they’re alright. Masks off, Char.”
Charlotte looked at her strangely...then smiled and relaxed her stance. “Alright, if you say so. If Peri says you’re okay, you’re okay...probably...Can you explain the three captains thing, though?”
Camilla chuckled and crossed her arms. “Long story short: Union be weird.” Camilla said simply.
“Oh, yeah.” Charlotte grimaced and muttered “no scholarship system my ass...”
“She’s a little angry at them,” Peri explained. “I got shipped off to the academy and we couldn’t see each other anymore.”
“Who isn’t at this point,” Lucina muttered with a shrug. “Anyway, you and Rinkah are able to go on the ship and get comfortable.”
“I don't suppose you have any single-person rooms?” Rinkah asked.
“Can I room with Peri?” Charlotte asked.
“Sorry, no. Peri’s room is full. You two will be bunking together along with…” Lyndis stopped and looked down at her pad. “Flora and her sister.”
Charlotte groaned, but Peri smiled. “It’s alright, I spend a lot of time in there! Having uh...special time with Flora. Her sister usually hangs out with one of the fighters...what was her name again?”
“Scarlet,” Flora said.
Charlotte looked surprised when Peri mentioned “special time”, but not quite angry, more... intrigued.
Rinkah nodded. “As long as none of you disturb me on purpose, I’ll be fine.”
Lyn nodded. “Charlotte, you will be taking on the duties of a regular crew member. Rinkah, you may choose to do tasks based on your whims.”
Charlotte and Rinkah nodded and entered the ship.
A few hours later, the ship detached from the station and continued on its way, and Flora and Felicia began giving the new crewmembers a tour. Flora followed behind them speaking quickly. “I can guide you to our room, and to the quartermaster’s desk to order things.”
“All I think I need is a uniform,” Charlotte said. “The rest is in my bags...though I hope they make it in my size.”
“They make it in Camilla’s size, I assure you they’ll make it in yours.”
“Good point.”
Rinkah shook her head. “I’m not wearing a uniform. These clothes are important...and shirts are uncomfortable.
“That’s the one thing you have to do,” Flora pointed out. “It’s not really optional. You at least need the shirt while on duty.”
Rinkah grumbled. “If I must...”
“Yes you have to. But you can edit it how ever you like. You just have to wear it on duty.”
“Ah.” Rinkah shrugged. “I suppose I could ‘edit’ it to fit my liking...”
“Good, now, here’s our quarters, make yourself at home.”
Rinkah sat down on one of the beds and immediately began unpacking her things, taking out her large brass club and setting it to the side. Charlotte flopped down on a bed, grinning. “Heh...more comfortable than the one in your house...”
“Too soft.” Rinkah frowned. “My bed was better for my back...gonna pull a muscle or something with this.”
“You’ll be fine. They probably have a sparring range, we’ll both stay in top shape.” Charlotte responded. She pulled up a tablet and pen and started writing. “Gotta write this down...” After she was done, she paused. “Hey...quick question.”
“Yeah?” Rinkah asked.
“Are you okay with...uh...polyamory? Or does the Flame Tribe have a rule against that, like the betrothal-by-combat thing?”
Rinkah chuckled. “Yeah, on a personal level I’m okay with it.”
“Oh, good.”
“...it’s Peri, isn’t it?”
Charlotte smiled, but the smile had a tinge of sadness to it. “It’s been so long since we talked...I worry about her. I hope I can keep an eye on her...”
Rinkah smiled, leaned over, kissed her on the cheek and lightly punched her in the shoulder. “Don’t worry, it’ll be fine.”
“I feel claustrophobic,” Rinkah grumbled, tugging at her new yellow shirt. “My arms are not meant to be concealed...”
“And we’re wearing each others’ colors,” Charlotte said, tugging at her new red shirt which was...uncomfortably tight in several places.
“What did ya expect, the height of fashion?” Severa said, a bit too smugly. She always enjoyed giving orders, to...well, anyone. “It’s form over function. Now, you, mercenary will be joining security as patrol.”
“Alright.” Charlotte responded. “Acknowledged...uh...ensign...Selena?”
“Officer Severa.”
“Right, got it, officer. So sorry,” Charlotte said innocently, then flashed Rinkah a grin when Severa’s back was turned.
Severa turned her back to the two and grumbled something about Selena being a stupid name, then she stopped. There was a strange sound in the corridor...something being dragged along the ground.
“Well...this had to happen eventually. The unofficial member of our crew.”
Beruka rounded the corner, wearing a fresh Starfleet uniform with an extra-long left sleeve. Her cybernetics were mostly cleaned up. She noticed the two and waved her right arm.
She shambled forward and looked over at Severa. “Good day, Security Officer Severa.”
“Well, someone sounds more personable,” Severa said with a laugh.
“This unit have been...practicing social skills with Weapons Officer Sestuna. She told us it’s proper to greet people when you see them.”
Behind Severa, Rinkah was backing up and Charlotte looked utterly confused.
“I’ve....” Charlotte was nearly at a loss for words. “...I’ve...seen...one of those before...but never one that didn’t want to murder people...”
Beruka peered around Severa, her red eye examining the two new crewmen. “...the two new organics Commander mentioned?”
“Yes...and please stop referring to crewmen as ‘organics’.”
“But that’s what you are.”
“...she’s not wrong,” Rinkah said.
“Don’t enable her…” Severa grumbled. “Anyway, this is Beruka, she came with the ship and is unofficially part of the engineering crew.”
“...interesting...uh...” Charlotte leaned down. “...hi?”
Beruka leaned away as Charlotte got close, but didn’t respond to her greeting.
“...guess you’re not much for conversation,” Charlotte said, with an awkward forced-politeness to her voice.
“She’s really not...especially if she doesn’t know someo-”
“Charlotte, human Nohrian mercenary. Will do anything for a quick buck, as Commander puts it,” Beruka said plainly. “Organic morals need not apply.”
“Hey, she has morals!” Rinkah said angrily. “And she’s sure as hell refused a lot of bribes to have me knocked off...”
Beruka blinked as Rinkah got...uncomfortably close. “Move away, organic.”
“Have I made my point?”
“Move away,” Beruka repeated, her left arm trembling a little.
Severa put a hand on Rinkah’s shoulder and tried to pull her back. “Rinkah...she doesn’t like people to be that close to her, move back...give her space.”
Rinkah grumbled and pulled back. “...right, probably shouldn’t piss her off...”
Beruka relaxed as she was given space, and she nodded. “...thank you…” she muttered softly. “You...were too close...this unit should go.”
“...look, I’m sorry,” Rinkah muttered gruffly.
“......error…” Beruka twitched, her human eye closing and her red eye glowing. “Data unavailable...can’t calculate behavior...this unit doesn’t understand.”
Severa sighed and crossed her arms. “Translation: she can’t find anything about you in the database...so she doesn’t know what to make of you.”
“Oh yeah. Our planet is pretty cut off, tech-wise. We have a proud history of mostly isolationism.”
Beruka paused and grunted. “Surprised we haven’t assimlated your kind…” she muttered. “Isolation is prime prey.”
“They attacked our outer stations, but never came to our home planet,” Rinkah said softly, glancing away. “...we still lost many...as others have. Just...no planets.”
Charlotte put a hand on her shoulder. “...I’m pretty sure that someday someone will find out how to stop them. Don’t worry too much about it.”
“WORRY? There’s one RIGHT THERE!” Rinkah exclaimed, pointing.
“There is no way to stop the borg,” Beruka said simply. “All will be assimilated...all will be made perfect. Resistance is futile.”
“...be more of a ray of sunshine why don’t ya…” Severa grumbled, rolling her eyes.
“...I think we’ll be...going...now...” Charlotte said, glancing at Rinkah’s arms. The fiery marks on them were...well, not firey. That meant very bad things...crying, sometimes. Complete emotional shutdown sometimes.
Beruka tilted her head for a moment, then suddenly turned around and walked away without another word. Severa sighed and closed her eyes. “...I apologize for her...she doesn’t understand…”
“Hey Severa...is there a bar here?”
Severa looked up and nodded. “Yeah...it’s by the cafeteria.”
“Alright. Come on, Rinkah.”
Charlotte and Rinkah sat down at the bar, Rinkah still shuddering a bit.
“Oi. Bartender.” Charlotte said to the bartender, who had long blue hair and an outfit that made her look like a betta fish. “A shot of bourbon, and some sake if you have it.”
The woman looked up and nodded. “Of course dear,” she said with a smile before placing a small glass of bourbon, and a cup of sake, along with a small ceramic container, on the counter. “A tall lager pint for you?”
“Uh...yeah. How’d you know?”
The woman simply smiled. “You just...look like a lager kinda gal,” she said as she poured a glass of lager.
Rinkah grabbed the bourbon and sake and downed it all.
“Don’t think that’s how you do that...” Charlotte said concernedly. “...or how you usually drink...”
“Oh she’ll be fine,” the bartender said with a smile before turning to mix a drink.
“Gah!” Rinkah shouted. “I...I feel kinda better...” The fire on her arms and in her eyes was flickering back to life. “...gods...”
The bartender set out four drinks...something Rinkah recognizes from her home...it’s a special drink to be shared among...well...lovers. The bartender simply smiled and whisked away to other patrons before they could flag her down.
“Where the hell did she get this?” Rinkah asked. “...I mean we export our liquor n’ stuff but not this kind...”
Charlotte shrugged. “...why are there four? And...should we drink it?”
Before Rinkah could answer, Peri and Flora, or more so Peri dragging Flora, came up to sit beside Charlotte.
“Hey Charlotte!” Peri said happily. “Order too many drinks? Can we have the extra?”
Rinkah hesitated but Charlotte said, “Heya, Peri! Sure.”
Peri grabbed one and started drinking. “Tastes...kinda weird...like white chocolate and dried chili peppers and that weird blue flavoring they put on shaved ice...”
Flora made a few ice cubes and sipped hers. “Hmm...I taste the peppers and the chocolate but I’m not getting the blue flavor but I can kinda taste...sugar...It’s really sweet, but not quite unpleasant?”
Charlotte stopped and looked over and Rinkah. “...can it be more than two…?”
Rinkah simply shrugged. “Why not…?” She tasted hers. There was that familiar white chocolate flavor...but also a lot of sugar, and what Rinkah assumed was the weird blue flavor. Certainly tastes blue..and sour...
“Blueberries…” she muttered softly. “...that’s what this is...maybe…? But it’s tart... and sugar, and white chocolate.”
“Blue raspberry,” Peri corrected her. “Really it’s nothing that exists on Earth or any Earthlike planets, but they had to name it something...it just tastes blue.”
Charlotte shrugged and downed her drink. “...no white chocolate here...but everything else is there…”
Peri shrugged and giggled. “That was weird...those flavors aren’t supposed to fit but...they did? It was cool!”
Flora squirmed and put the glass on the counter. “...what was that anyway?”
“Fire Heart,” Rinkah replied, not meeting anyone’s gaze.
“Never heard of it.” Flora said. “Do your people make it?”
“Yes...but we don’t export it...even on my planet it’s kind of rare.”
“It’s a ceremonial thing,” Charlotte said. “Me and Rinkah have had it before...but...last time we both only tasted one flavor...”
“What’s the ceremony?” Flora wondered, peering over Peri.
“...uh...” Rinkah and Charlotte fidgeted uncomfortably, Rinkah’s fire burning actively now.
“It’s...supposed to be...well...used for…” Rinkah grasped for words. “It’s...a ceremony in private before people…” Rinkah trailed off and looked at Charlotte.
“...I’m not saying it in front of Peri, no way,” Charlotte hissed.
“It’s usually drunken before sex,” the bartender said simply as she moved past to grab a bottle and whisking away again, leaving Rinkah’s face bright red and fire burning hot, and Charlotte just...burying her face in her hands.
Flora literally froze, her hands were stuck to the table. “It’s...I must have misheard that. It’s what???”
“You didn’t miss hear…” Charlotte muttered between her fingers. “It’s a ‘we’re gonna have sex for the first time’ drink at it’s heart.”
“It’s...not that simple,” Rinkah managed. “But...yeah...I think it’s akin to...a honeymoon tradition back on Earth?”
Peri was blushing so red she looked like a tomato. “And...and I just...walked up and drank it...”
“What were you thinking??” Flora asked, not blushing so much as turning light blue.
“...it’s supposed to taste like your partner…” Rinkah muttered. “I-...I don't know why there were three…”
“The bartender just gave it to us…” Charlotte groaned and put her head on the counter, hiding her face in her arm.
Peri paused...and then burst out laughing.
“What is it?” Charlotte moaned from the counter.
“I was...hee-hee! I was...I walked up here to...hehehe, to ask you two out!” she said between spurts of giggling.
“Well...looks like the fucking drink accepted for us…” Charlotte grumbled.
“...fucking bartender…” Rinkah grumbled.
Charlotte noticed the looks on Flora and Peri’s faces and she sighed. “...it doesn't taste right if people aren't supposed to be together…” She groaned and settled down a little. “...blasted little thing can nullify a week's worth of other compatibility rituals...it works the other way ‘round too… Rinkah is legally in a relationship with all three of us now…”
Flora nearly fainted. “...we...wait what?”
“You can skip to the honeymoon if you get your hands on Fire Heart…” Rinkah muttered, twitching a little. “Straight there...and everything else is legally approved...so...yeah...and now it’s kicking in…”
“Do we need to go?” Charlotte asked softly.
“...no…not...not yet…”
Peri sorta started...leaning her soft shoulder on Charlotte and Rinkah. “...feels like ‘ere’s a fire in my belly…” she muttered softly.
Flora’s ice started melting. “I...I think I’m going to need a moment or two to...to process this...”
Peri shifted positions and nudged Flora with a dopey smile. “Come on Flora...it won’t be so bad...Charlotte’s nice...and so is Rinkah…”
“...hmmm...” Flora looked over to them. “Well...they are...certainly attractive...don’t think I’ve gotten to know them enough, though...”
Rinkah twitched and shivered. “Yeah well...it deems us...ah...compatible…”
“Rinkah? Are you okay?”
Peri leaned over her, grinning. “D’we need to find a room?”
Peri hefted herself up and took Rinkah, Charlotte, and Flora’s hands in her own. “Then let’s,” she said, uncharacteristically charmingly.
Flora pulled away and shivered. “I-...Peri! What are you suggesting?” she fumbled over her words and looked at the others. “This...this is...inappropriate.”
“No, it’s totally according to rules and stuff. Right?” she said, looking at Rinkah.
“Ah...it is...according to the rules...w-we...are to...ah…” Rinkah put a hand on her head, her fingers twitching. “...it’s...getting hard to think…”
“Then we have to hurry,” Charlotte said with a soft grin. “I r’member last time...heh...say we got ‘bout...five minutes left?”
“It’s...starting to effect...you two too...isn’t it?” Rinkah mumbled.
Peri giggled and smiled. “I...I don’t know what you mean. But I feel...really warm…”
Flora snapped her fingers...and made a burst of slushy water. “...can’t make ice...I’m getting warm too...”
Charlotte chuckled and leaned against Rinkah gently. “We...gotta hurry...right? Before ya...comp’ete’y loose it?”
“...that would...be preferred…” she responded.
“Then c’mon!” Peri said, helping the other three up and heading to the door.
“But...but...” Flora was blushing.
Rinkah growled and shivered. “Just...just admit you want to fuck us before I take you on the counter,” she said firmly.
“.......okay yeah maybe I do...” Flora whispered.
“Then let’s go…” Rinkah hissed.
“Alright...” Flora shakily got up and followed them, refusing to make eye contact with anyone in the room.
Peri smiled and led them to an empty room...the door locking behind them.
Flora woke up in a dogpile. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She found Peri laying to her right, Charlotte to her left...and Rinkah laying across all three. She groaned and put a hand on her head.
“...my head hurts...what...what happened…?”
“...we all got fuckin hangovers...” Charlotte moaned.
“...you sure that was a...ritual?”
“Course it was…” Rinkah groaned. “...you agreed to come in here…and...hooo boy...for someone who thought this was inappropriate...you were really good.”
“...I...what...” Flora sputtered. “...we...I...how...I...”
Rinkah pulled herself up and crawled over, the other two groaning as the heating pad left their laps. She settled down into Flora’s lap and leaned down, lightly placing her hands on Flora’s bare chest.
“We had sex, darling,” she cooed with a grin. “And...for a little ice queen...you were very hot~”
“...okay, several questions...and I’m surprised I did well...” Flora got up.
“You were very good with your tongue~” Rinkah teased, leaning back to let Flora get up.
Flora’s face turned dark blue, but she didn’t let Rinkah have the pleasure of her faltering. “...where’s my uniform?”
Rinkah nodded over to a pile of clothes on the floor. “Under there...Peri insisted we make you comfortable first, so you were the first one to...have fun, should I say.”
“...okay...” Flora put a hand on her head. “...now I remember...yeah...it was...fun....”
“It was enjoyable...to watch you turn blue with my fingers in you~” Rinkah said with a grin.
Peri giggled. “...that rhymed...”
Flora blushed even more. “....y-yeah...” She quickly dressed herself. “...hey, if we’re going with this...can we have like, a regular date? Or...lots...”
Rinkah frowned as Flora go dressed, taking her place between Charlotte and Peri. “Of course. Whatever you want...I can’t speak for these two, but I have no intention of forcing anyone to do something they don’t want to do.”
“Same,” the other two girls groaned.
“...I can’t really full well say ‘I love you’ yet...” Flora began
“You don’t have to say anything…” Charlotte mumbled. “Sex is sex...love is love...they aren’t solely inclusive of each other.
“...but...I like all three of you…” she continued, ignoring Charlotte’s comment, “and I’ve been lying to myself for a while, so...maybe this could work out.”
Peri smiled and nuzzled closer to Rinkah. “Good...maybe you can’t say it...but I can. I love you three...you were...so good and gentle…”
Charlotte smiled and leaned up. “Would you mind coming back and laying down with us? It’s...it’s kinda...too hot without you…”
“...sure,” Flora said, smiling. She walked back over and laid directly down on Peri.
Peri squirmed and inched away, until Flora was off her soft torso. “Don’t be a doodle…” Peri grumbled, playfully glaring at Flora.
Rinkah lifted Flora and gently turning her to lay across all three, Charlotte sighing in comfort as Peri started absently petting Flora’s head as it rested on her chubby belly.
“That’s better…” Charlotte mumbled.
Rinkah sighed happily. “Nice and cool…”
Flora smiled again. “...I could get used to this...”
Charlotte sighed and nuzzled closer. “Well...this is what most of Fire Tribe relationships are...snuggles when not running around like a chicken with your head cut off.”
“Down time is more important than anything...we don’t get much of it…” Rinkah chuckled absently. “That drink is so we actually...do it...instead of just laying there snuggling….”
“Sounds fun...” Flora said.
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rwby-mulitshipper · 5 years
Oreo Baked Alaska Headcanon 01
Neo taught her girlfriends how to use ASL after Yang accidentally signed something extremely sexual that she learned from Neptune.
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