saltbabypidge · 4 years
BKDK Birthday part 2!
This is the second part of my Bakudeku Birthday fic for CB Part 2 Izuku knew that Katsuki  was aware of the little camera he had in his bedroom. His lover...enemy...lover, stripped in front of it far too often not to be fully aware of it.Izuku loved the teasing, it made him all the more excited for their next encounter, even though it meant Katsuki could control what he saw.  As he settled himself in front of the feed, he shook slightly with nervousness and glee. His love letter would reach Katsuki today and he wanted so badly to see his reaction, that he had written on the envelope that Katsuki should open it in the bedroom. With luck, the ash blond would assume it was something dirty and do just that. Sure enough, he saw the door open and his god came through the door, throwing his bag on the bed. Izuku leaned forward eyes intent-where was it? Where...yes. His childhood friend was clutching the envelope tightly in his hand. A soft smirk spread over the villians' freckled face as his sexy lover sprawled on the bed and tore into the envelope with an irritated look. Izukus breath grew shorter as he watched crimson eyes flicker over the paper, brow wrinkling in that adorable look Kacchan got when he was puzzled...and then his face went pale. Izukus hand came to his lips, biting softly on his own finger as the large man dug frantically for his cellphone and called a saved number.... then again....then another. "They're not going to answer" The singsong voice said to the video screen as if he could be heard even though he knew he couldn't. He was waiting for it when his own phone rang. The burner he used specifically for Kacchan.  Waiting for it to ring once more he picked up with a cheerful greeting. " Hello Kaccha~" But was interrupted with a string of profanity. " Don't fucking hello. Where are they Izuku? Where the FUCK are they? If you hurt them I swear I will kill you and they will never find the body. " Izuku hadn't expected that level of vehemence from his rival, there was an edge to it that had him wondering if he had miscalculated, losing Katsuki was never an option. He shook his head, the mess of his hair bouncing, no, as long as Kacchan followed the rules, it would be fine. " Kacchan~ You know me. I'm just having them over for tea, " He smirked at the phone, twirling the key to his captives cells over his fingers."I wanted to get to know my future in laws..." " I thought I knew you, you fucking piece of shit, I thought you knew better not to touch them. MY PARENTS ARE OFF LIMITS FUCKER. Return them now and you get to keep your head."Izuku licked suddenly dry lips, simultaniously scared and turned on. The edge to Katsukis voice, and the lack of any insulting nick-names, said that he was truly mad-maybe he had messed up? He had to see this through though, once he had started he never backed down, Katsuki knew that. " Make me a scarf Kacchan..." He crooned " Make me a scarf and give it to me for my birthday  and they'll be returned to you safe and sound."  He ignored a deep breath his lover took, the beginning of some new threats and tapped the button the end the call. There was absolutely no reason for him to remain on the line...Katsuki would have to do what he asked or...Izuku would be forced to do something very regrettable. He actually liked Kacchans parents. They had been nice to him when he was younger, and he knew to kill them would be something he would punish himself for for years to come, but at that point...wasn't it Kacchans fault? The villian was aware that he wasn't all there, there was something that other people had that he didn't, but he saw it as an asset. He sighed aloud, hands running through curly green hair , it was just about time to bring his guests dinner. He wanted to treat them well, after all, if he didn't have to kill them they would be his in-laws. That made them special. The fact that Katsuki was one of few to know who he was without a mask made it easy enough for the wide eyed twenty year old to pick up food from a local restaurant. Thanks to his childhood with them, and subsequent stalking of their son, he knew their favorites and picked up something he knew they would enjoy. Slightly more cheerful at the thought of spending dinner with Kacchans parents, the greenette hummed to himself as he slipped into his hideaway, headed for the cell he had prepared just for them. He paused outside of the room and knocked politely-they may be prisoners but it took nothing from him to be polite after all. This would be the first time they saw him without the mask and he wanted to make a good impression. The green-haired villain unlocked the door and walked in,telekinesis quirk holding back the couple. Mitsuki reminded him so much of Katsuki when she was angry, and that resemblance was all over her face right now. He tilted his head and smiled at her, watching anger turn into confusion and then, denial as she recognised him as the little boy that had tagged along behind Katsuki all those years ago. " Hello Masaru-san, Mitsuki-san, It's been a while. I hope I remembered your favorites, right." Izuku spoke casually as he set out the meal on a small table in the corner of the room and took the third seat casually. " You can join me, the food is safe. I'm not planning on killing you. It's just part of a game between me and Kacchan." He smiled again and this time his face was full of childlike innocence. " Kacchan would never kiss me again if I really hurt you." He had realized that when he had heard his rivals' voice over the phone. It was something he would have to think about if Kacchan didn't...but he would. He loved his parents and he loved Izuku. He wasn't entirely lying. he wasn't planning on killing them, and if he had to he would be sure to make it painless. When they didn't move immediately, he frowned in confusion then blushed boyishly. "Oh, right. I'm so sorry." He had forgotten that he was using his quirk to keep them in place, he had trained it into an unconsious ability. "Now you can come join me." he said softly, releasing the two.  The couple exchanged looks until, Mitsuki huffed and crossed her arms, crimson eyes narrowing calculatingly. "Izuku. Your moms been worried about you. You should let us go and let her know you're alive."   Izuku sighed as he visibly popped the seal on a bottle of wine. " Mom will be better off without me for now...one less mouth to feed. " His voice was melancholy as much as he tried to keep his feelings out of it. " Please. come, eat. You must be hungry." The blonde woman snorted, " You're insane if you think we're just going to sit here and eat with you. You kidnapped us. Is this revenge?" Izuku sighed as if put upon, " Revenge? That's ridiculous. I told you, it's nothing serious, just a game. Once Kacchan gets his part done you can go home. You should eat. You need your strength."  He placed a nice rare  piece of steak into his mouth from the third plate he had bought and chewed. " Eat. It's delicious."   The two stared at him increduously. Masaru was the first to move, which surprised Izuku, Mitsuki was normally the forward one. Neither had eaten since he had taken them and he had made a small error with the sleeping gas, they had been out longer than anticipated. The vilian watched Katsukis father move to the table and sit, taking a sip of the wine, Izuku saw a flash of fear in Mitsukis eyes before she hid it. Katsukis parents indeed. " I'm going to trust you for now. You could have killed us whil we were asleep." The quiet man looked at him through narrowed eyes, and Izuku suddenly wondered if some of his father was in Katsuki after all. " But if you harm a hair on my wifes head..." " Relax. Kacchan's working on my present. we'll all be together on my birthday. " He watched Mitsuki settle herself down to eat, never taking her crimson eyes off of him as she started to interrogate him on this "game". That set the tone for the evening. He tried to keep it...homey but he knew neither forgot that they were being held captive. Nor did they truly believe he wouldn't harm them... He had always known that the Bakugous were smart. But the dangerously intense way Mitsuki was looking at him was concerning.As was her constant criticism of his courting methods, once she realized exactly what he was doing.   ____
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