shizuki502 · 7 months
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#bkdkbk soulmates week day 1,
You can see it uncensured on my twitter
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la1313wi · 2 years
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Deku (Fem) and Katsuki Bakugo.
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arirovi · 3 years
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First fanart for the OTP here~ 😊
(And will come more)
El primer fanart para la OTP que dejaré aquí
(Y vendran más 😊)
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catarsisdttm · 4 years
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I made a redraw, uhm, I don't speak english so much, so...
Hice un redraw de un dibujo que hice en 2017, las dos primeras imágenes eran dos opciones que me gustaron mucho, y en el redraw decidí no hacer los tatuajes.
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milkacchan · 5 years
Request for anon: can i ask for a bakudekufem!reader in a poly relationship? maybe a fluff scene where they cuddle together in bakugou's bed after a stressful day? bakugou is a little grumpy because he lost a fight with todoroki, and deku and the reader are trying to comfort him and make him feel better! (sorry for the bad english)
You speak english better than I do baby, you're fine. And does the reader have the same powers as the avatar?? Yes. Also, my headcanon for Bakugou is asshole to the world sweetheart to his girl (in this case Midoriya too)
It had been a rough day for the lot of you. The class had been split up for training exercises at an on campus spot and it was pretty rigorous. It wasn't ideal for anyone in the situation, including teachers, to push this hard, but with all the recent attacks and trouble seeming to come from their particular class, it was necessary.
Students were grouped up based on skill and put against another, A hero/villain exercise, in case it came to a villain having the same training.
Deku understood, theres a lot of traditional and standard training that heros go through; there are multiple cases of students coming out of hero academies that simply take the wrong path, so if the case arouse where they had to fight someone with their same basic training, it'd be a challenge. The training exercise would help them prepare. Personally, he was thrilled about it, however, his two partners didn't share the same view. Y/N was tired from homework the night before and her quirk took a lot out of her, it was still developing boundaries and she was still working on control. It'd come a long way since freshman year but it was far from perfect.
Bakugou just didn't want to be there. He was annoyed from the previous period the three wished eachother good luck before parting and going their separate ways.
Y/N was sent off first. She won her fight, it was one of the longest ones that took place, but she collapsed at the end, her body too tired to keep standing. With reassurance from her friends, she was sent off to the infirmary for a check up.
"I'm proud of how far you've come, this is the first check up in months, but you must learn how to control it." Recover girl scolded.
"I know, I know. But I'm not sure how. It's hard."
"Your quirk is still developing, you haven't discovered all of it's limits," she spoke softly, running a wash cloth over her forehead. "You have a very strong quirk dear, one of the strongest we've seen in awhile. It'll be hard but you'll manage."
Y/N smiled softly, "Thank you."
"Now get some rest, you'll be able to leave after the class, but that won't be for a few hours."
Y/N nodded and closed her eyes. Recovery girl replaced the cool towel and left the room.
Hours later, Y/N woke to voices, it took her a minute to recognize, but when she did she smiled softly. All might, Midoriya, and Aizawa.
"You're awake!" All might smiled. She smiled.
"How do you feel?"
"Better. Still a little tired but I'll be okay."
"We need to work on stability, but you impressed me today." Aizawa nodded.
"Thank you, sir." She smiled. With a few more exchanged words, the two teachers left, leaving her and Izuku.
"Where's Kats?" She frowned, clearly bummed that he wasn't there in the room.
"Sulking. He lost a fight to Todoroki. He's probably still ranting to Kirishima." She nodded slightly. "You can walk right?"
"Yes, Izuku, I'm fine."
"You didn't look fucking fine." A voice grumbled to the doorway.
Y/Ns head snapped up and she grinned. "Baby,"
"Hey princess." He brushed Dekus hand as he walked by before stopping in front of ger and kissing her forehead. "How you feeling?"
"M fine, I dunno why you guys are fussing so hard." She stood up and rolled her eyes.
"Well, you did collapse, after fighting. It was concerning to watch." Izuku scratched his cheek as he followed. "Scary, really."
"Dekus right, it was different this time. You just...folded- I don't know how to describe it, but it freaked us out. It freaked everyone out."
The halls outside the door were quiet, as most students had already headed to their dorms.
"Aww, you guys were worried about meeeee." You teased.
"Yes, always." Izuku sighed. "You're a handful."
You hummed in response, rolling your eyes at Bakugous agreement.
It wasnt long before they reached the dorm buildings. She continued to walk with them, miraculously avoiding conversations with concerned classmates. She waved to kirishima in the lounge room and followed her boys up to their room for 'studying'.
No one really knew about them, I mean sure, there were suspicions about the three, but it wasn't confirmed for anyone (aside from Kirishima). Not that anyone would care, as they discussed, things in Japan had cooled down and there was too much to worry about that 3 people was still a concern.
Bakugou fell into bed first, taking his usual spot by the wall, then was Izuku who liked to stay by the edge of the bed. Finally, was Y/N, who crawled over Izuku and claimed heqr rightful spot between the two.
"I'm proud of you, Kats," she hummed, taking his hand.
"For what?" He raised a brow and looked at her, then Izuku.
"For fighting with everything you had today."
He was quiet for a moment, studying her face for any trace of sarcasm or mockery. "I still lost." He grumbled, looking away.
"But you almost won, Babe. You're strategy was amazing! You'd taken Shotou by surprise more than once, which is impressive in itself. But you broke his wall, consecutively too! You had him against a wall. Which means something." Izuku leaned over Y/N, running his thumb over Bakugous arm.
"He's right, you know." Y/n leaned into him, face tilting up to look at him. "All you can do is try and put in effort. She did just that and proved you're beyond a worthy adversary. You're so close to winning baby." She pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek.
"Mm." He hummed. A 'thank you' in his native tongue of 'emotionally stunted.'
"You could still be Number 2 hero." Izuku snickered.
"Shut the fuck up asshole."
"Guys we were having a moment!" She whined.
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la1313wi · 2 years
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Izuku Midoriya mujer♀️ , Shoto Todoroki y Bakugo Katsuki (HALLOWEEN)...
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