#bakugou and reader are such idiots here bahaha *sighs* young love
myherowritings · 5 years
the jealous type
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— overview: class 1-a has a game night in the common room. bakugou sees you and todoroki getting too close for comfort and can’t stop himself from getting jealous.
— pairing: bakugou katsuki x female!reader
— word count: 3.4k
— warnings: lots of swearing, jealous bakugou (yes that is a warning bc damn boy), sexual tension
— author’s note: this request was so fun to write i was literally on a roller coaster of emotions the whole time. like i couldn’t stop laughing at some parts, then other parts i straight up cried while writing, then i got happy and giggly again...agh. this was something else ;p enjoy!
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“Does Todoroki have to be good at everything he does?” Uraraka whispered from beside you, staring in awe as he easily reached five stars on the game Just Dance.
You giggled in agreement. “And does he have to look so good while doing it?”
Ashido joined in on your little circle, nodding as she admired the way his toned muscles flexed while dancing to “Womanizer.” “The rest of the boys really have nothing on him.”
As the three of you--and most likely every other girl in Class 1-A (plus Midoriya)--admired Shouto’s subtle yet graceful style of dancing, Bakugou fumed from behind the sofa. Why was everyone so obsessed with that bastard?
Katsuki scoffed and, startled, you glanced back.
He stood behind the couch you, Mina, and Ochako were on, the ever-present scowl on his face deeper than normal.
“I don’t get what the big deal is,” he muttered, staring past you to glare at Todoroki who was currently beating Kaminari in “Hot n Cold.” “He’s not even that good.”
“He’s beaten everyone he’s played against so far,” you said in a singsong voice. “Seems quite good to me.”
Mina took a quick break from ogling at Shouto to roll her eyes at Katsuki. “Seems like someone is jealous.”
“Fuck off, Raccoon Eyes,” Bakugou scoffed. “What would I have to be jealous of?”
Just then, the song ended, the screen flashing a crown over Player 1, Shouto.
“Damn!” swore Kaminari, wiping the sweat off his forehead. Eijirou gave him a pat on the shoulder as he sat down.
“Todoroki-chan!” you exclaimed, jumping up from your seat and giving him a high five-turned-hug for his fifth win in a row. “You were amazing, as always.”
Shouto gave you a small smile in return, patting your back gently as you handed him his water bottle.
“Thanks, Y/L/N.”
“Anytime, Icy Hot,” you said with a wink.
Meanwhile, Mina was smirking at a red-faced Katsuki.
His hands were gripping the cushion of the couch, sparks sounding off his forearms. He watched Todoroki whisper something in your ear, causing you to laugh, and he felt his stomach churn uncontrollably.
“Not jealous, huh?” she remarked.
His left eye twitched. He was not jealous of that half-and-half bastard.
But your hand was still on his arm--why the fuck was your hand still on his arm?--and you had a slight flush to your face. What could Icy Hot have possibly said that made you blush? Bakugou would rather read only Machiavelli for the rest of his life than attempt to make conversation with that boring square.
“Look, he won again!” you said, wielding a triumphant expression as you walked back to your seat. “Still think Todoroki’s not good?”
“Anyone can win in that stupid game,” Katsuki muttered under his breath.
“Why don’t you prove it then?” Ashido piped in, a devilish grin on her face. “If you think it’s so easy, why don’t you play against Todoroki and see who wins?”
He scoffed. “And why would I want to prove anything to you?”
“Aw, come on, Bakugou,” you said with a pout. “It’ll be fun!”
Of all the things you had to say…, he thought crossly.
“I don’t think so.”
Tilting your head to the side, a challenging look mingled with your features. “Oh. I see.”
“See what?” he asked, eyes narrowed.
“You’re scared.”
“What the hell would I be scared of?” said Bakugou, voice louder this time.
“You’re scared you’re going to lose to Todoroki, so you’d rather not play!” you proclaimed as if it were the most obvious thing. He felt as if a vein in his forehead was about to pop. “Your scared that maybe King Explosion isn’t the best after all.”
He heard Kaminari and Kirishima ‘ooh’ from the sofa next to you, but Katsuki was too outraged by your comment to spare them a second glance.
“You think I would lose to that bastard?!” he practically scoffed.
“Pretty much, yeah.”
With his ears growing hot in anger, he grabbed the Player 2 Wii Remote from your outstretched hand and did his best to ignore the smirk on your face.
“Fucking bring it, Half-and-Half,” he growled at Todoroki, who was simply standing in front of the television screen with a blank look on his face. “I’ll show all you dumbasses…”
“Hell yeah!” Kirishima cheered, hopping up from his seat on the couch to give Bakugou a pep talk, Kaminari and Sero following behind with equally animated faces. “You can do this in your sleep, Bakubro.”
His forehead throbbed at the insufferable nickname, but before he could say anything Mina dove towards the Wii console with a DVD in hand.
“Can I pick the song?” she cried, changing out the game version to Just Dance 4. “I have the perfect dance in mind!”
And that’s how, ten minutes and tons of arguing later, Katsuki found himself with Shouto’s arms around his waist as they danced to “(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life” in front of his dumb crush and all their dumb classmates.
How he got suckered into being the female dancer, he wasn’t sure.
Mina said he should be the girl because he was shorter-- To which he replied by promising to dye her hair puke green while she was asleep. But the moment you looked up at him with those stupid, pleading eyes and dimpled smile on your face as you told him it’d be so much better with him as the girl, he found himself giving in.
He was a complete fucking fool when it came to you. And the day you ever figured it out would be the end of him.
“Don’t kiss my fucking hand,” Bakugou hissed, ripping it out from Shouto’s grasp as the song went into full action.
Todoroki barely spared him a glance as he posed for the signature move and continued swinging his arms. “It’s part of the dance.”
“Do you think the dumb game can actually tell if you touch me or not?” he retorted, sending him a flying kiss with the remote control.
“Maybe that mentality is why you’re losing.”
Katsuki gaped.
Shouto smiled.
With an annoyed grunt, he began to take the game much more seriously. He’d show that half-and-half bastard…
“Damn, get it, Bakugou!” cheered Kaminari as he scored his third perfect ‘YEAH!’ on the golden poses.
“I hate to say this, but I can’t tell if Bakugou or Todoroki looks hotter doing this dance,” Mina loudly whispered to you and Ochako.
When heard you agree with a fit of giggles, he felt a smug grin spread across his face. In fact, the sound of your laughter was so captivating, he didn’t even mind Todoroki’s clammy hands on his waist as he twirled around.
As the song drew closer to the end, they both easily surpassed the 5 Stars mark, with his score bar merely a centimeter higher than Shouto’s. But he was winning that son of a bitch and that was all that mattered.
“Grand finale time!” Kirishima yelled as Bakugou and Todoroki clasped hands for the final time, tiptoeing away from each other.
“What?” he asked.
“The infamous lift!” you said with a clap of your hands. “Just like in Dirty Dancing. You have to finish the dance off with the lift!”
Katsuki grunted in annoyance but turned to face Todoroki in time with the figures on screen. Shouto raised a brow in amusement and Bakugou wanted to wipe that all-knowing look off his face.
“Do it for Y/L/N, right?”
“Fuck you.”
With a deep scowl, he ran towards the bastard and leapt off the ground with his hands on Todoroki’s shoulders.
“You drop me, you die,” he warned in a menacing tone.
Todoroki let out an indignant puff of air as he caught him. Adjusting to the weight in his hands, Shouto’s arms briefly trembled before he easily steadied them.
“Hmm. For someone so short, you’re actually quite heavy.”
Bakugou’s mouth dropped open. “Who the fuck are you calling short?!”
“Yaoyorozu is taller than you.”
“By one fucking centimeter!”
“You’re still short.”
“Why, you little--!”
This time, Bakugou didn’t hold back. He swiftly swung his leg, aiming for Todoroki’s stomach, but right as he was about to make contact, Todoroki jumped out of the way, his grip loosening as Bakugou came tumbling down.
With a strangled yell, Katsuki felt his stomach drop at the 176 centimeter fall (bastard wasn’t even that much taller than him) as he landed with an ungraceful thud.
His eye twitched as he glared up at Shouto’s eerily calm face. “You fucking dropped me!”
“You tried to kick me.”
“That doesn’t mean you can drop me!”
Bakugou was so caught up in arguing, he hardly noticed his well-deserved win. That was, until Kaminari and Sero came up to him and Todoroki wandered off to talk to you.
They were raving about how cool his dancing looked, but all he could focus on was the smile on your face as you gave Half-and-Half a high five. When you wiped a bead of sweat off his temple with a teasing crinkle of your nose, Katsuki just couldn’t stand it anymore.
He played this damn game--put on this stupid fucking show--all for you. And while he knew you didn’t owe him anything, it was frustrating to see how easily you blew it off the minute you got a simple glance from Mr. Perfect.
Clenching his jaw, Bakugou stormed out of the common room without a word, shoving his way past any of his classmates that tried to see what was wrong as he headed up the stairs to his room.
Fuck them all, he thought. He was angry at Icy Hot for getting close to you in a way he never could. He was angry at Raccoon Eyes for planting the stupid idea of jealousy in his head. And he was angry at you for making him feel this type of way.
A churning stomach, a heated face, clenched fists-- Those are all things he loved to feel during a fight. But not here. Not now. Not because of you.
Irritated, he pulled out the key card from his pocket. But just as he was about to unlock the door, he heard someone panting as they ran down the hall.
“Wait!” you cried through deep breaths, trying to catch up to him. “Bakugou!” You paused when you finally reached him, leaning against the wall to steady yourself. “Why’d you leave like that?”
His hand was still on the handle but he turned his head to look your way.
“What do you mean?” he managed to get out steadily.
“I mean, I thought we were all having a fun time, but then you ran off with a pissed expression on your face!” You frowned, taking a step closer to him. “Is something bothering you?”
Yeah. How close you and that half-and-half bastard were.
He scoffed. “No, of course not.”
You bit the inside of your cheek.
“I’m surprised you even noticed with how inseparable you and your boyfriend were,” Bakugou grumbled before he could stop himself.
Dumbass, dumbass, dumbass.
He folded his arms across his chest, avoiding your gaze.
Staring up at him, you blinked. “Are you talking about Todoroki?”
“He’s not my boyfriend!” you said with amusement, rolling your eyes. “I don’t even like him in like that.”
“Funny. Doesn’t seem that way.”
You grew defensive. “Why do you care, anyways?”
“That’s a dumb question.”
“And that was a dumb answer.”
As he continued to dodge the conversation, you grew more and more annoyed.
You sighed. “Could you just answer the question?”
“What question?”
“Why did you leave?!” you asked with an exasperated shout.
“Why do you care?!” Katsuki bit back.
You glared at him and he matched your intensity head on. “Because, for some pathetic reason, I care about you, asshole!”
“It didn’t seem that way when you kept cozying up to Todoroki!”
“Why the fuck do you keep mentioning Todoroki?!” you cried, frustrated.
“Because he’s the only damned person you seemed to notice all fucking night, baka!” Red in the face, he couldn’t contain his emotions any longer. “Todoroki this, Todoroki that-- ‘Wow, Shouto, you were so amazing!’” he mocked in a harsh tone. “If you’re so fucking obsessed with him, why aren’t you there right now?”
“I don’t know!” Your voice came out in a strangled shout and when Bakugou looked at you he noticed the glassy sheen in your eyes and the hurt expression in your face.
Your cheeks were puffed slightly and your lower lip jutted out in a tremble so slight he only noticed because of the close attention he was paying. He instinctively reached forward to wipe a stray tear away, but you pulled back, stung.
Katsuki felt like shit.
Of all the things that could’ve happened, making you cry was the last thing he wanted to do.
With a sniffle, you folded your arms across your chest and lifted your chin up. “You’re right, I could be downstairs with Todoroki and the rest of our friends, dancing and having a fun time, but instead I’m in a hallway with a jerk who obviously doesn’t want me here!”
He sighed, his voice coming out rougher than usual. “I never said I didn’t want you here.”
“No, but you’re acting like it.”
Katsuki bristled. “Fine, just go and run to Todoroki then! No one’s forcing you to stay!”
“Good, because I don’t want to stay!”
You both glared at each other, heat unwavering as you refused to break eye contact.
“You know what? You’re such an asshole, Bakugou!” you cried in frustration, fingers digging into your palms as you balled your fists. You shook your head, angry tears threatening to fall down your face. “To think I actually like someone like you.”
He blinked at your words, taken aback. “What?”
You glowered. “Are you really going to make repeat that?”
“No, baka, I just--” Katsuki blew a quick breath of air through his teeth. “Don’t you like Icy Hot?”
“Yeah, as a friend!”
“Then why do you two always look so goddamn cozy anytime you’re in the same room? It’s like he’s the only person you see when you’re around him,” he grumbled, uncertain of his admission. “It’s not to make me jealous, is it?”
“Oh, get over yourself, big head!” You eyes narrowed as you scowled, but at least you were no longer sad. Bakugou would much rather have you annoyed with him for the rest of his days than make you cry again. “Todoroki and I are good friends and I’m just comfortable enough around him to act like that. It’s not because I like him-- And it’s certainly not because I was trying to make you jealous!”
At your menacing frown, Bakugou held his hands up.
“Okay, fine,” he snapped defensively. “My mistake, then. It was my own idiocy that made me jealous.”
“Exactly!” you retorted. Then, more quietly, “Wait-- What?”
“What now?!”
You bit your lower lip, suddenly averting your gaze. “You were jealous?”
He snorted, trying not to let his embarrassment show. “Isn’t that what I just fucking said?”
“Well, yes… But why were you jealous, exactly?”
“Do I need to spell it out for you, baka?” Katsuki asked disbelievingly. “As if it couldn’t be anymore obvious.”
Ashido knew. Uraraka knew. Even Todoroki, the most oblivious asshole in all of Japan, somehow figured it out. How the fuck haven’t you?
“Your obvious and my obvious seem to be different,” you said in an accusing tone, taking a step closer with each word as you prodded your finger into his chest.
“What?” you cried in disbelief. Even Bakugou didn’t know what he meant by that. Your body was just so fucking close to his he couldn’t even think straight anymore. Damn you. “This conversation is going nowhere! Just answer the stupid question!”
“Yes, I was jealous! Okay?” he said brusquely, moving away until he shoulder hit the corner of his doorway. “I was jealous of you and that damn half-and-half bastard. Whenever he’s around, it’s like he’s all you see. He looks at you, smiles at you, touches you in a way that I never can.”
You shifted even closer to him, almost closing the distance between the two of you, and Katsuki saw the nervous tremble in your step despite the confident look on your face.
“And why would you be jealous of that?” you asked slowly, almost tantalizing.
His felt his face heat up, flustered. Were you really going to make him say it?
You raised a brow and he growled, “Because I like you!”
“And I already told you I like you, too--” You broke off with a disdainful shake of your head. “God knows why.”
Although you told him those exact words earlier, his stomach still churned with the same intensity. “Then why aren’t you like that with me?”
And there it was. The million dollar question. The source of all his frustration.
Why was it so easy for you to be with Todoroki--to laugh with him and flirt with him--when you could barely look Bakugou in the eye unless it was to glare?
“Because you’re you,” you said, shuffling your weight between your feet. “You make me nervous when you’re around. It’s easy to talk to Todoroki because I don’t like him and he doesn’t like me. But with you-- You make my stomach feel weird and my heart acts funny and it’s like I suddenly forget how to speak.” You paused like you were out of breath. “I...I don’t know how to make it stop.”
As you talked, he found it hard to swallow. His breathing came out in sharp huffs and he found his warm hand resting on your hip, drawing you nearer.
There was a lapse of silence after your admission, and you wanted to withdraw in embarrassment, staring down at the floor and wriggling out of his grasp. But before you could move, Bakugou lifted your chin with a gentle finger until you faced him.
You looked into his eyes for what felt like forever until he spoke up.
“That makes two of us,” he said with a bark of laughter. Bakugou shut his eyes, almost in pain by what he was about to say next. “I’m a complete idiot when you’re around. It’s like I can’t help but make a fool of myself.”
“You did look pretty foolish earlier tonight,” you said teasingly, a shy smile on your face despite the way you ran your hand up his torso and rest your palm on his chest.
“Tch. Is that so?” He hoped you couldn’t feel how heart his beating through the thin material of his shirt. “You looked pretty impressed during the dance.”
“Yeah, at Shouto.”
He knew you were joking, but he couldn’t help but stiffen, almost drawing his hands away from you until you laughed.
“Sorry, was that too soon?” you said through giggles, placing Bakugou’s hands back on your hips as you leaned towards him. His back was pressed against the wall as you stood between his legs.
Katsuki huffed at your response, but his annoyance was easily forgotten when you peered up at him with wide eyes and a pouty lower lip he wanted to take between his own.
“You never have to worry about Todoroki, or Kirishima, or Shinsou-- Or anyone else. Because it’s you I like. And although you make my head hurt and annoy me to no end, I wouldn’t want it to be anyone else.”
“I wouldn’t want it to be anyone else, either,” he admitted roughly. “I’m glad it’s you.”
“Good.” Your features lit up with a grin and Bakugou felt like he was attacked by the Sun itself.
He felt himself smiling back foolishly until his cheeks hurt. “Good.”
As you tilted your head upwards, Katsuki’s leaned down and met you halfway. Your lips were soft with a taste of cherry lingering on the surface and your body was inviting as you brushed your hips against his. It was slow and it was deep, passionate yet sensual.
And it was the best damn kiss he had ever had.
- - - - -
author’s note: *SCREAMS FOR 5 HOURS STRAIGHT* the end! tt.tt *goes from crack fic to agonizing jealousy so fast i got whiplash*
i WHEEZED while write the shouto and katsuki dance duet someone PLEASE draw them doing the iconic dirty dancing lift with some of class 1-a + reader reacting like “what the fuck but also damn...respect” PLEASE I’M ON MY KNEES BEGGING YOU JSAHFK
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