#bakugou kastsuki fanfiction
tsukikento · 3 years
Empathetic Chapter 15
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Summary: After your mom, the number 1 hero in America, gets offered a teaching position at U.A., you two pack up your things and head to Musutafu, Japan to start a new life. Pressure for you in America was at an all-time high, and now you’re in Japan, where almost no one knows you, or your family’s past.
This tale starts on your first day of class where your new teacher decides the best way for you to fit in is to fight against the strongest person in your class: Bakugou Katsuki.
Warnings/Genre: This piece will feature some angst and reference to an abusive parent, if you are ever worried about other tw’s feel free to send me an ask and I will let you know. There will also be fluff, slight angst, pining, and slowburn.
A/N: I wrote this weeks ago and then it took me way too long to actually post it 😭 Anyways, please let me know what you guys think! I love hearing your thoughts and feelings on the story!
(series masterlist)
Bright and early in the morning, there you were, chatting away with Kirishima as Kaminari and Ashido surrounded your seats. Kirishima was currently recounting the dream he had last night until you all heard the door slide open.
You all looked up to see a black tuft of hair followed by your homeroom teacher.
“Please everyone, sit down,” A tired and groggy Aizawa spoke as he entered the classroom.
Everyone immediately moved to their seats and waited attentively for his next instruction.
“As I am sure a few of you know, especially since some of you have already asked,” Aizawa began, “The sports festival is in about a month.”
Murmurs and whispers erupted in the class as students turned to excitedly talk to each other. You, despite knowing what the sports festival was, remained looking straight.
“It will be in three weeks from this Saturday, giving you ample time to prepare. Most of you already have internships,” Aizawa looked towards you for a moment, “So this will be an opportunity to get your name out there. Prove to your internships that you can do more than they expect and prove to citizens that you are a future hero to look out for.” He paused for a moment to file through some papers. “Who knows, maybe some of you will get a better internship than you already have.”
“I am so excited!” Mina exclaimed in the cafeteria.
Kirishima, who was smiling kindly at his girlfriend nodded his head along.
“Why are you so excited?” Sero asked. “You are already interning with one of the best heroes.”
In response, Mina stuck her tongue out at the boy causing all of you to laugh. “I’m excited to kick your ass once again!” She retorted.
“We didn’t even fight last time,” Sero sighed in response before rubbing his eyes in fake irritation.
“Come to think of it,” You mumbled, grabbing everyone’s attention, “You all made it to the final round last time, right?”
“Of course we did,” Bakugou cockily replied. “And I am planning on winning it again.”
“We’ll see about that Bakugou!” Kirishima enthusiastically replied. “I’ve gotten much better and I can’t wait to fight you!”
“Why don’t you guys spar off now?” You asked Kirishima. “Or after class,” You then suggested, realizing that it wouldn’t be ideal to fight at school.
Kaminari scoffed loudly, making all of you turn your heads to him. “Bakugou never spars with us unless it is in class! He always does training by himself or in the field.”
“Shut up, idiot!” The ashy blond shot bad quickly, a cruel glare that would strike fear in anyone stared at Kaminari and caused him to flinch and hide behind Sero. “Tch,” Bakugou finally looked away, crossing his arms and pouting slightly.
You looked to Bakugou and noticed how clearly he was avoiding eye contact with you. You looked away from him, dropping the topic for now because you could see how uncomfortable he was. You turned back to the group, hoping someone would fill the silence.
“Who knows if we will even fight again?” Sero brought up. “The rounds were random last time, weren’t they?”
“The first two were,” Ashido corrected, “But the last one is always a one versus one tournament.”
Everyone nodded understandably and continued to talk about the sports festival while munching away at their lunches.
When you arrived home, you couldn’t think of anything to fill your time before you had to meet up with Bakugou to make dinner. You only had about an hour too. Sighing, you opened your phone and opted to simply scroll through your phone until it was 3:55.
By the time you were downstairs, Bakugou was grabbing ingredients out of the fridge. Surprisingly, the whole downstairs was empty. Is Bakugou’s wrath so bad that no one hangs out down here while he cooks? You wondered as you approached the temperamental hero-in-training.
“Here and ready to serve, chef,” You jokingly said once Bakugou noticed you. You saluted and stood up as straight as you could.
In response, Bakugou chuckled. It was a genuine laugh that you rarely heard, but it was the equivalent to honey in your opinion. Rich, deep flavor, and something you craved to taste. Or in Bakugou’s case, craved to hear.
“Don’t fool around in the kitchen,” Bakugou finally said. His voice was soft, something you didn’t get to hear often, but you were grateful for. You wondered if anyone else got to hear Bakugou speak this way or if you were special.
The blond quickly began walking you through your instructions. He told you to wash your hands, then had you start with soaking the kombu that would go into the miso soup and cooking the large portion of rice people would share.
Luckily, everything ran smoothly. Bakugou, surprisingly, was a great instructor. He was able to lay everything out in front of you with simple, vocal commands.
“You’re really good at leading,” You commented at one point. It was before Sero joined in on cooking and right after Bakugou instructed you to sauté some onions, garlic, and ginger.
You looked at Bakugou, who was stirring the large pot of soup. It was clear a small red blush had found its way onto his cheeks. On top of that, his stirring slowed down, showing that your comment threw him off. “O-of course I am,” Bakugou replied, stuttering slightly but still speaking louder than a normal person would.
You simply smiled in response and noted how he reacted to compliments from you. For someone who seemed so confident almost to the point of being conceited, he took a compliment from you differently than he did from others. You felt your heartbeat quicken at the idea but pushed it away.
If something happens, it will be natural, you told yourself. Or at least better timed.
Right now, with the sports festival rearing its head, you were in no position to enter a relationship. Above all, being a hero and finishing school was most important to you. You had a long way to go as well, especially considering everyone else was already interning.
At dinner, you sat with your regular group of friends. It made you nervous to call them that, but you couldn’t think of another term that would suit them any better.
Your seating arrangement was similar to how you ate at lunch with Bakugou at the head of the table, Kirishima and Ashido next to each other, and the rest of you seated somewhere in between. You were, once again, positioned next to Bakugou, something you had grown used to. To your left was Ashido and across from you was Sero.
Everyone talked cheerily and complimented you three on your hard work tonight. You bashfully replied with “thank you” while Bakugou yelled about how it had to be good if he made it.
“I was thinking recently,” Kirishima began after a brief pause in the conversation. He leaned over to look at you. Ashido kindly leaned back to make it easier. “Y/N-san, you don’t have your hero provisional license yet, do you?”
You stared at Kirishima, not quite sure what that was. However, you were able to guess. “Is that what allows me to use my quirk as a student?” You asked.
“Basically” Kirishima replied.
“Then no,” You quickly responded. “I had one in America, but it doesn’t work here.”
Kirishima hummed in understanding. “You should talk to Aizawa about that since you need it for an internship.”
You nodded in understanding and looked down at your food. “Thanks for the heads up,” You replied, debating when to do so.
“Of course,” Kirishima simply replied for taking a bite of rice.
“I’m sure you’ll ace it,” Ashido added, nudging you slightly. “You kick ass in class and we all passed it on the first try.”
“Not all of us!” Kaminari replied in a mocking tone.
The group looked to Bakugou and you followed right after. He had a look of fury in his eyes directed at Kaminari.
Sero immediately got out of his seat while laughing. “I need to stop sitting in between you two if you plan to be a little shit, Kaminari. Bakugou will take my head off just to get to you.”
Kaminari, who now feared for his life, jumped out of his seat and ran to the restrooms.
“Ugh,” Bakugou groaned while leaning back into his chair, “It isn’t worth it.”
Kirishima chuckled at his friends' comments.  
Sero added, “I’m sure just seeing you that angry made him shit his pants.”
Everyone laughed at that.
Once everyone’s laughter died down, your group was left in silence. You could hear others chatting while that ate, but you personally felt a tugging at your brain.
“How did you fail?” You finally asked, your voice just a bit more than a whisper and overly timid.
Bakugou groaned again and sat back in his chair. He ran his hand over his face and through his hair. “Because of the stupid examiners,” He mumbled. “They wouldn’t listen to me and my anger got to me.”
“So, do you have your license now?” You asked.
“Yeah,” The blond sighed, “I got it through some extra classes we could take afterward.”
You nodded, the conversation dying down slightly. You had a lot to think about when I came to your future at this school, especially because of how much farther everyone else was at this point. Another thing on your mind was how long you would be staying here. Technically, your mom was only scheduled to stay here for about ten weeks as a teacher.
I’ll need to have a conversation with her about the school here, you thought as everyone began clearing off the table. You quickly finished off your food and joined everyone in moving the dishes into the kitchen.
You, Sero, and Bakugou stayed behind to clean up the dishes. However, Kaminari perched himself on a counter and held a conversation with Sero so you and Bakugou were not talking much.
Your night ended quite early because you washed up after dinner and simply worked on your schoolwork till late enough in the night.
The next day, you left for class early, hoping to catch Aizawa in his office. It would definitely be easier to reach him after class, but you wanted his opinion earlier than later.
Luckily, the teacher was in his small office, wrapped up in his yellow sleeping bag, and snoozing off.
“Excuse me,” You spoke after knocking on his door. “Aizawa-sensei?”
He shifted slightly and his eyes opened just a little bit. “Hmm?” He hummed.
“I wanted to come to talk to you about, well,” You stumbled slightly over your words. “I know I might get an internship through the sports festival, but I also don’t have my hero provisional license…”
Aizawa unzipped himself from his sleeping back and sat up. His tired eyes looked at you and debated what to do. “Yes,” He sighed, “And you might not be here for the rest of your education.”
You nodded thoughtfully, debating what to do.
Before you could speak up, Aizawa began speaking once again. “If you are curious, the next hero provisional license exam is in June, a little after the sports festival. If you are wanting to intern, you will need to pass the exam before you can go out onto the field. You can, however, still practice off the field.” He paused for a moment. “If you decide not to, in case you think you will be going back to America, you can intern under me.”
You stared at Aizawa, not quite sure what to say. Aizawa was a blunt and understanding teacher, something you were admiring at this moment. This admiration doubled after such an offer.
He once again continued before you could say anything, “You should get practice with heroes besides your family so I encourage you to do something. I am also teaching another student here and I think you could both work well together.”
You looked down and nodded. “Thank you,” You mumbled.
“Don’t worry about it,” Aizawa spoke. “I am a teacher, it is what I am supposed to do.” Aizawa grabbed a small piece of paper and scribbled something down onto it before handing it to you. “This is where and when I meet with my student. Stop by to see if it is something you would like to do.”
You looked down at the paper and saw that Aizawa met with his student every Tuesday and Friday. Today, he would be meeting with his student an hour after school ends at the weight lifting gym.
“Thank you,” You said again, feeling better about your stance within the school. “I appreciate it.”
Aizawa motioned for you to walk with him towards your class. “My pleasure. You should know though that I am working on basics with this student. He wasn’t trained since childhood like you and wasn’t placed in a hero course.”
You nodded. “I’m sure I will learn from it,” You replied, “You are much different than my family.”
Once in the classroom, you moved towards your seat while Aizawa went to the front.
Kirishima sent you a bright smile knowingly and you gave him a thumbs up to let him know it went well. You sat down in your seat, looking forward to the training session with Aizawa-sensei.
At lunchtime, you went to find your mom. You had texted her once the lunch started and asked to meet with her for lunch. She quickly replied to your text, telling you she could share food with you and eat at one of the picnic tables outside the west entrance.
She showed up with two plates of food, telling you that her lunch was catered to today so she took enough for each of us.
“It’s good to see you!” She exclaimed, smiling brightly as she grabbed her chopsticks and began eating.
“It’s good to see you too,” You replied. Although she was always so close to you, this is the longest you had gone without seeing her.
Ever since you were born, she never took a mission that would have her leaving home for more than a day. Being with family and training you and your siblings became much more essential than keeping her status. However, she was able to keep the status and be with her family.
You smiled, a bittersweet feeling rushing through you. Despite missing her, you also appreciated the time you have without her now. You thought back to Aizawa’s comment about how you should learn outside of your family’s teachings.
“So, what did you want to talk about?” Your mom asked.
You were brought out of your thoughts and looked to your mother. “I wanted to talk to you about how long we will be here.”
Your mom nodded in understanding and finished chewing her food. She took a sip from her drink before clearing her throat. “Well,” She began, “As you know, I was brought here for ten weeks. When I get six weeks in, the faculty intends to interview my students and see if I should stay longer.”
You nodded as she paused to debate her next words.
“If you want to stay here, even if I go back to America, you are welcome to,” She finally said, surprising you.
“Really?” You interjected.
Your mom, although understanding, was coddling.
She taught your siblings even while they attended the Western Institution for Training Heroes, often called WITH. In fact, they were prodigies due to her extra teachings. To this day, your family visits your mother at least once a month and you know they have plans to see her soon.
You were coddled more than any of your other siblings. It was clear from an early age that you were different from them. Once your quirk came in, your life flipped. You reflected on how you were treated without thinking too much about it. However, once your father was out of the picture by the time you were six, your mother still refused to put you into school.
She hired multiple teachers to give you a good, general education as well as train you in heroics from day one. It was a difficult process considering how little she understood of your quirk.
When you were thirteen, you finally begged your mother and got your four siblings on your side to let you go to an actual school. However, when you arrived at WITH, you were shunned by multiple students despite your good grades and skill.
This only made your mom coddle your more. In fact, she only took this job because she wanted to get you away from America. She wanted to protect you from a world that knew your past and practically hated you for it.
“Of course,” She replied.
You looked at her in confusion, trying to understand why she would suddenly be treating you so differently. “But why?” You asked, genuinely confused.
“Because you like it here,” She responded simply. She took a sip of water before continuing.
Always one for dramatics, you thought.
“It’s been clear from day one that you are having fun here. You would have told me if you weren’t. On top of that, I know your curricular at this school and think it suits you well.”
“But how do you know for sure that I like it here?” You further questioned.
“I had my suspicions at first, but you bringing friends to the house was a dead giveaway,” She explained, reminding you of something you had completely forgotten about. “However, what really sold me was when you saw me while I was teaching the class. You very easily could have messaged me to ask a question like that, but you came to see me instead.”
You looked at your mom with a bewildered face, wondering what she was exactly getting at.
“Oh, don’t look at me like that!” She exclaimed while laughing. She was always into dramatics and proceeded to take a small bite of her food after her laughter died down.
You sighed, rolled your eyes, and waited for her to explain.
“Is it really not obvious?” She questioned. You shook your head and motioned for her to elaborate. “You came to see me when you didn’t need to and then proceeded to stare at the blond kid almost the entire time,” She insisted before once again laughing loudly because of your reaction.
“I did not!” You denied. You could tell your face was heating up and you tried to hide your embarrassment by shoving food into your mouth and pouting while you chewed.
“Yes, you did,” She spat back. “Did you really think that I, your mom, wouldn’t notice?”
“Whatever,” You grumbled under your breath and turned away.
Your mom scoffed at your childish antics, knowing full well that you didn’t mean any harm. After having four other children, she was used to these behaviors and didn’t feel the need to snap back.
“Anyways,” Your mom spoke once more, interrupting the moment of silence. “As I was saying before, you are welcome to do whatever you want. If you wanted to go back to America right now, I would let you. Or come back when I go back. Or stay,” She shrugged, “Literally whatever.”
You looked down at your food as your mom finished up your statement. You weren’t quite sure how to respond. “Thank you,” You mumbled.
“I do, however, want to warn you that you should at least graduate from school before thinking about relationships. I want you to have friends and excel in training. If I think that someone is going to get in the way of that, then you shouldn’t get too close to them.”
Of course.
She took the talk a step too far, making you feel like a fool.
You gulped down your nerves and didn’t bother to reply, worried it would worsen the conversation. At least I can stay here rather than go back to that god-awful school, you thought while stuffing your face to distract yourself.
You two sat in silence for a little while before your mom began asking you questions about your training, which you replied to thoroughly, knowing she would only egg you on until she got the answers she wanted.
“A new hero costume?” She questioned after you mentioned Iwasaki Kou. Her eyes were wide with worry.
Sheepishly, you replied with, “Yes, but I promise it still fits well with the family… it just also goes well with what I need as a hero.”
Your mom grumbled for some time before making you promise to show her your costume later that day by sending her a photo.
After that, you refused to tell her about your training will Bakugou, the very blond she was worried about. “I’ve been training with some classmates which is nice,” You simply explained which led her to start talking about various techniques.
After school, you forced yourself to go home, eat a snack, hydrate, and change into some training gear. Despite how nervous you were, especially because you would be imposing on another student, you forced yourself to go.
Aizawa-sensei wants me to go anyways, you told yourself, he wouldn’t have offered if he didn’t.
When you arrived at the weightlifting gym, it was empty except for the student currently running on the treadmill.
You looked at him for a moment, taking in his appearance, despite only seeing his backside. He was in casual workout gear as well. His arms were exposed, albeit much smaller than the hero students in your class. His hair was purple and was rather wavy despite also standing up straight rather than falling toward his shoulders. However, what was most notable was the scarf wrapped around his neck. It looked identical to Aizawa’s and you already felt hot just thinking about running in such a heavy and thick material.
“Excuse me?” You eventually asked, coming up close to the purple-haired boy.
Awkwardly, he turned his body to look at you and proceeded to trip horribly. His back was headed to hit the moving treadmill belt, but at the last second, he used the scarf to hold him up to one of the hanging lights and prevent him from falling.
“God-fucking-dammit,” He mumbled as he slowly placed his feet on the ground and turned off the machine. He rubbed his arm, which has hit one of the handles and looked at you in anger.
His eyes, which were also purple, had dark bags underneath them and he didn’t seem to open them all the way. He looked so much like a purple version of Aizawa that you almost thought he was related to him.
“Can I help you?” The boy finally asked, staring at you with malice.
“Oh, uh, sorry,” You stumbled over your words in shock. “Aizawa-sensei told me to come here.” He looked at you for a moment without responding so you continued, “I am in Class 1-A, but I am kind of new. My name is Y/L/N Y/N and I don’t have an internship so he told me to come today. Are you his student?”
“Yes,” He grumbled without giving you his name.
“Ah, well, Aizawa-sensei told me he thought we could work well together.” You forced a smile to be as polite as you could to the obviously upset boy.
He looked at you, debating your words and wondering if they were true. “Whatever.” He turned away from you to face the treadmill again. “Aizawa-sensei has me run a few miles before he gets here. You can join or do whatever I guess.”
You nodded and waited for him to get started back on the treadmill before you stretched a bit and joined him. You moved to the one next to him despite fearing he might snap at you again.
By the time Aizawa entered the gym, you had run a mile and saw that the purple-haired guy had run four in total. Wow, he has really good stamina, you thought while following his lead and stopping the treadmill.
“I’m happy you joined us, Y/L/N-san,” Aizawa greeted as you both moved to face him. “Normally, I would have you two spar each other so you can get introduced to the others’ quirk, but that would be rather anti-climactic,” Aizawa paused to chuckled at his own joke.
Neither of you understood why.
“Anyways,” He clears his thought to speak again. “Instead I want you two to focus on sparring without quirks. Y/L/N-san, the style of fighting I have been teaching Shinsou-san is very different than what your mother does.”
Oh, so that is his name! you thought.
“I suggest you pay attention to his movements,” Aizawa continued. “And no quirks.”
You looked to Shinsou only to see he was already looking at you.
“What’s your quirk?” He asked you.
“What’s yours?” You shot back curiously.
Shinsou rolled his eyes in response and simply moved to the small fighting mat in the gym. You followed him and listened as Aizawa explained that he just wanted us to show each other our styles and not to hurt the other too much.
You two faced each other within the small circle and waited for Aizawa’s call. When the fight began, Shinsou was quick to move, adjusting himself defensively to make it harder for you to reach and attack him.
The fighting style you were trained in growing up was very offensively faced. Be stronger than the person you are up against and you will have no problems. However, your quirk required you to stay defensive. As a result, you tended to watch your opponent and wait for them to go for you first.
Tentatively, you circled the perimeter and watched as Shinsou mimicked your movements. Knowing Aizawa, you were sure his student would love to hide in the shadows like he preferred. However, because he was out in the open like this, he had to simply stay defensive until an opening arose.
However, you were worried about far-range attacks.
“Can we use support items?” You asked.
“Yes,” Aizawa replied simply.
“What? Worried about the scarf?” Shinsou shot back, his confidence rising.
“No,” You lied before stomping your boots to release the multiple spikes and dagger on each toe.
Shinsou looked at your shoes in shock, allowing you to move quickly and attack. You swung each foot, one after the other in an intricate fashion to keep him distracted.
Shinsou moved quickly and worked to dodge your attacks. However, his fear of your feet made him practically defenseless against your fists. You swung your fist at him and hit him square on the cheek. It wasn’t nearly forceful enough to hurt too bad but did knock him back a few steps.
Shinsou recovered quickly and went in for his own attack. He swooped to the right to distract you while moving his scarf in the opposite direction. Either he would hit you, or his scarves would trap you.
Quickly, you moved to block his fist and punched him in the gut to keep him occupied. He must control the scarf with his mind, so I need to distract him. The scarf kept moving though, approaching you much quicker than you anticipated.
You maneuvered rather awkwardly, trying to get a hold of the scarf. Specifically, you wanted to trap the end of the scarf under your shoe, but not rip I with the spikes and daggers. However, because the scarf moved much differently than a human would, you ended up trapped in the cloth. It wrapped around your right leg quickly and caused you to trip.
“Fuck!” You exclaimed as your nose hit the mat. Despite the pain you were currently feeling, you forced yourself to turn onto your back. Shinsou was still rather far from you and you were sure he was trying to wrap you up all the way with his scarf.
You looked down at the gray fabric as you climbed up your body. You didn’t have much time to think and looked at Shinsou. You grabbed a dagger you kept attached to the bottom of your calf and explained, “I’ll rip this scarf apart.”
You could hear Aizawa sigh from across the room, “No more support items. Those scarves are hard to replace.”
Smirking, you watched as the scarf went limp and Shinsou began wrapping it up. You put your dagger back onto your shoe and retracted the dagger and spikes. Once ready, you stood back up onto your feet and waited for Shinsou.
He was smart, but not very agile and clearly afraid to attack first. However, you still had much to observe before you felt comfortable against him. For one, he seemed to do a lot more weightlifting than you. If you got too close without a surprising strategy, he may be able to do more damage simply because he can hit you harder.
You moved quickly in hopes of surprising him. Once he seemed up and ready, you pushed forward, getting low and attempting to tackle him. You pushed Shinsou off his balance and he fell hard. However, thinking quickly, the purple-haired hero in training grabbed onto your arm and flipped his position with you. He pulled you faster and made you hit the ground first, his body then using yours as a cushion.
You groaned twice, once when your body hit the floor and again when Shinsou’s body hit yours. You pushed him off quickly and rolled to your side. “I need water,” You mumbled before slowly getting up and moving to your bag by the door.
It had been a long time since you sparred with no quirk use, and you were clearly rusty on your skills.
Shinsou simply followed you and grabbed his own water. A pattern soon formed where Aizawa would come to give you both instructions for an activity as well as pointers based on what he has seen from you too. Eventually, you would pause to drink some water or take a break.
Eventually, Aizawa dismissed you both a little before 8:00 PM.
“I hope to see you again on Thursday,” He told you before leaving the room and leaving you both alone.
“Are you heading out?” You asked Shinsou, turning to the boy.
“I’m gonna do some warm down stretches,” He mumbled before getting started.
Decidedly, you followed along with the stretches as you felt your heart rate calm down for the night. When you both finished, you each grabbed your respective items and began walking.
“Where is your dorm room?” You asked him as you exited into the cool nighttime air.
“It isn’t too far from yours,” He explained, “Just a few buildings down.”
You nodded. Although you were off to quite a rocky start with the boy, you seemed to be getting along much better with him. Hopefully, it could continue to get better. Especially if you planned to go to every session. “So, what is your quirk?” You inevitably asked him.
“Do you want me to show you or tell you?” He asked.
“I could say the same thing,” You cheekily replied. You smiled at Shinsou to show him you were joking.
“Go ahead then, show me first,” Shinsou answered.
Silently, you took out the earbuds and were quickly flushed with multiple thoughts of those around you. You focused quickly on Shinsou because of how close he was to you.
Has she had those in the whole time? What do they have to do with her quirk?
“They stop thoughts from going into my brain so I can focus more,” You replied, “And yes, I did have them in the whole time.”
Shinsou’s eyes widened in surprise.
You smirked and moved to grab his arm. “I can also feel your feelings,” You explained as you allowed his surprise to rush through you. “Or I can change your emotions.” You laughed and caused Shinsou to also start laughing.
After a moment, you let go of his arm and put your earbuds back in.
“Cool,” Shinsou said once he was no longer laughing over nothing. “I can see why Aizawa-sensei thought we would work well together.”
You were planning on asking Shinsou to show you his quirk, but you only got one word out before your body and mind when stiff. You couldn’t move.
“Touch your head with your right hand,” Shinsou lackadaisically spoke.
You felt your arm move up and the texture of your hair against your right hand. However, you never intended to do that.
He can control people? You thought. Suddenly, you felt a release on your body. You caught yourself before your knees could give out and breathed heavily. “Holy shit,” You sighed, looking up at Shinsou. “We would be one hell of a duo,” You mumbled.
Shinsou chuckled at your response and handed you his water. When you looked up at him with a questioning face, he simply replied, “I know you ran out of water and people tend to get thirsty when I use my quirk on them.”
You graciously took his water and drank a few gulps before giving it back. “Your quirk is really cool and powerful,” You explained as you both began walking again.
A conversation flowed easily between you both, each of your talking about your own and each other’s quirks. It seemed Shinsou had become more comfortable with you after realizing your quirk. Although not exactly the same, your quirk was fairly similar to his.
Eventually, you wished each other a good night as Shinsou separated from you to walk to his own dorm. You found yourself smiling widely at the prospect of a new friend. It seems like you now had plans for every Tuesday and Thursday now.
You made a beeline for the kitchen once you got home where Midoriya, Aoyama, and Koda were currently washing dishes from dinner.
“Hello, Y/L/N-san!” Midoriya greeted you.
You smiled back at the three boys as they all greeted you.
“Do you need dinner?” Midoriya asked.
“Ah, yes,” You replied, “I was out training. Sorry I missed dinner.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Aoyama replied while grabbing out multiple Tupperware containers from the fridge.
Inside was a classic American dish that made your stomach grumble. You made quick work of moving around the three boys in order to heat up some food and full up your water. You thanked them for their hard work, put away the leftovers, and made your way upstairs.
Despite feeling sweaty and gross, you were way too hungry to shower first. The rest of your night was rather mundane. After eating, you went downstairs to clean your plate before heading into the shower and getting ready for bed. You spent the next hour or so working on your homework assignments until you were tired enough to finally go to bed.
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