#balck clover next gen
kalolasfantasyworld · 5 months
The little Silver Eagles 🦅
Another birdies one shot for 4000 hits 🫶
Summary: Nozel takes his sons Heinry and Noureen to the Silver Eagle's base.
Lot's of fluff and Papa Nozel. Also Heinry being an overly energetic klutz and Noureen an adorable mess.
Yes, there is an illustration 🩵
Type: One shot
Word count: 3481 (Because I can't write short stuff anymore, but this is so much fluff ^^)
Author's note:
I mention @vilandel's OC Rossete
Ao3 (because I want to keep the birdies one shots in one place)
Helena was fixing Heinry’s mantle. He needed to tilt his head back, so that she could straighten out the frills of the high neck. A silver Silva pendant was attached right below. It was quite a challange because Heinry was excitedly bouncing up and down. Nozel watched them fondly, before shifting his gaze to Noureen. His other son was sitting on his bed and dangling his legs. The expression on his face was focused and his little nose wrinkled. His red mantle had already been fixed by Helena, so he was just waiting. 
“Now you’re ready,” she announced and stood up, on her way ruffling Heinry’s silver hair. “Are you sure, that you’ll be fine?” Helena turned towards Nozel. “Their nannies could watch over them and I’m sure Rosetta would love to play a little bit with her sobrinos (nephews).”
“Yes, I am sure,” he stated flatly quirking his brow. “Weren’t you supposed to leave ten minutes ago?” 
“I’m certain that Doctor Owen can start the meeting without me,” Helena put her hands on her hips. 
“Without the vice head of the Healer’s tower?” 
“Stop being witty,” she huffed and leaned down towards her two little birdies. “Are you one hundred percent sure, that they won’t interrupt you with your work?”
“They’re future Silver Eagles, they should see how everything is being handled at the base,” Nozel stated. 
“They’re four mi amor,” Helena sighed.
“Four and a half mama,” Heinry corrected her.
“Yes four and a half hijo,” she said and grabbed him by the hand. They both approached Noureen. “Heinry, Noureen will you be good? You can’t distract papa from work, promise? Listen to everything he says.”
“I’m alway good,” Heinry grinned wildly. 
“Sure you are,” Helena did not sound convinced. “Noureen?” 
The brown haired boy nodded. 
“Are you excited as well?” She asked.
Noureen smiled shyly and then once again nodded, this time more energetically. “Okay,” Helena smiled and stood up. “Have fun my Silver Eagles,” she waved at them, grabbed her bag and very quickly left the room, because indeed she was late and Helena preferred to be on time. She would always say this was a matter of respect. 
Her white tailcoat only fluttered behind her before the door closed. 
Nozel crossed his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes. 
One, two, three.
The door opened once again and Helena ran inside. She knelt down in front of Heinry and pulled him in pressing a kiss on his cheek. The silver haired boy giggled excitedly. She then turned to Noureen and tried to peck hims as well, but he pulled away. 
“Bleh!” He screeched. 
“Everyone gets a kiss,” Helena announced. 
“Everyone?” Noureen pouted. “Okay,” he sighed and leaned forward. A small blush spread on his cheek, before Helena pecked him. 
She stood up and approached Nozel. 
“Everyone gets a kiss,” she brightened up and put her hands on his chest, digging her fingers into his feathery mantle. He closed his eyes and felt her grip on harder as she leaned in closer. Her sweet perfume becoming more apparent.
“Blehhh!” Heinry and Noureen both shouted and startled them before Helena managed to kiss him. 
Giving both of his four year olds’ a side eye was probably not one of Nozel’s greatest moments. He straightened up and his expression became flat. Helena just chuckled glancing at them fondly. 
“A short peck then,” she stated and quickly pressed her lips on to his. He did not even get to savour the moment, because she pulled away and was already running towards the door. “Bye muchachos, don’t be a nuisance to papa.” With that she was gone, off to the Healer’s tower.
Nozel turned to both of his boys, now sitting on the bed. Noureen continued on dangling his feet and Heinry tried to lift his even higher. He would let it go this one time, because they were not in official setting, but the princes needed to learn their manners. He could not remember himself at such young age, but probably he was acting proper. 
“Let’s go,” he stated flatly and boys jumped off the bed. Their light blue and red mantles fluttered. Heinry ran ahead reaching the door in few seconds, while Noureen was just behind him. Nozel silently followed. 
As they walked both princes would race each other down the hallways, because Noureen may had been quieter, but he was not the one to loose. They were running around and would stop only at staircases, because they knew they could easily trip. They waited for Nozel to join them and carefully walked down. 
Finally they reached the main hallway and soon the servants opened the grand doors for them. Nozel lifted his palm, causing a mercury made eagle to shape. The creature lowered its head and leaned down. Boys ran up to it and Heinry tried to climb onto its back, but was failing miserably and continued to slide down from the smooth surface. Nozel lifted him placing his son right behind the Eagle’s neck. Heinry knelt down and grabbed onto the silvery feathers. Then Nozel picked up Noureen, who very elegantly sat beside his brother. Nozel got on too. Some mercury formed around the twins’ legs and held them in place. He could not risk them falling off. 
The eagle flapped its wings and they shot up in the air. 
“Wooohoo!” Heinry shouted and raised his little arms in the air. It was a good idea to strap him on. On Noureens face appeared a wide smile, it was a much rarer view, but it was happening each time that he was flying. The twins truly enjoyed being high in the air. 
The flight did not take them too long and soon they were descending on the yard in the Silver Eagle’s base. Somebody was waiting down there to greet them. 
“Tio Solid!” Heinry ran up to him after jumping off the silver eagle and nearly falling on his face, just nearly because a mercury made tentacle caught him in the air. Dad reflexes were a thing as Nozel realised over the last four years. 
“Hola tio,” Noureen greeted Solid once he got off as well.
“What are you urchins doing here?” Solid grinned and leaned down to greet them. “Good morning Nozel-nii sama,” he looked up at his older brother, while ruffing both of the twins’ hair. 
“We’re Magic Knights,” Noureen stated flatly. 
“Magic Knights?” Solid quirked his brow. “Are you not too short to be a Magic Knight?”
“I’m tall!” Heinry screeched. 
“Hijos,” Nozel narrowed his eyes and they came back to stand by his sides. “They’re spending the day with me,” he announced emotionless placing his hands on their shoulders. 
“Fun,” Solid did not hide the irony in his voice. “Anyway,” he stood up and clasped his hands together. “Do you know anything about when Nebra’s coming back?”
“She’s on a mission with that Black Bull of hers,” Nozel answered. “It’s hard to tell, when they’ll be finished.”
“Cool,” Solid said. “I brought you some mission reports to look through Nozel nii-sama. They’re at your desk.”
“Thank you,” Nozel nodded. “You’re dismissed.”
“Bye urchins,” Solid waved and went off to his duties. 
Nozel needed to get to his office first. He knew that Curtis Warren and Nils Ragus came back from their mission and they would come see him, besides there was a lot of paper work to be filled. On their way they passed some new recruits, who were in the middle of a sparring. A young boy shot a fire projectile at his opponent, while the other lifted an earth made wall from the ground to protect himself. The twins watched them in awe. 
“Will we train like that?” Noureen pulled on Nozel’s cape. 
“Once you’re older and develop your magic better yes,” Nozel stated. 
“I’m already good at my magic,” Heinry grinned and a small mercury made droplet appeared in the air, it melted into a shield resembling shape, which nearly had a Silva emblem on its surface. It was indeed an achievement for a four year old to be this talented and Nozel could not be prouder, that not only his son inherited his attribute, but was already learning some skills. 
“I will be better than you,” Noureen said shyly. 
Despite him having massive storage of mana, his magic was not showing itself greatly. He could form some steel shapes, but they were awkward and did not seem a good fit for him. Nozel wondered how in the future he could guide Noureen, so that he would get better. He was not going to make the same mistake as he did with Noelle. He would not push his son away, instead he would offer him his full support and patience. 
Inside his office Nozel instead of walking right away to his desk, he first approached a bookcase. He pulled out two coloring books and a box filled with colored pencils. He was a disciplined man and was prepared for his sons’ visit. 
As much as Noureen was excited about a chance to draw, Heinry did not seem as appealed, but he took the coloring book with a grateful expression on his face. They climbed onto the couch, which was by the wall and set up their things. 
Nozel just needed to quickly finish this meeting and go through the documents, then he would have more time to spare for his sons. He got to work right away, being very efficient with it. Soon a knock on the door was audible and both boys perked up. 
“Enter,” Nozel spoke up coldly. 
Magic Knights Curtis Warren and Nils Ragus went inside. 
“Captain Nozel,” they bowed. 
“Hola señor Magic Knight!” Heinry waved from the couch and Noureen repeated his move.
“Hi,” Nils was surprised at first, but then smiled softly. 
“Captain we did not know that you were bringing your sons,” Curtis said. “We can come back later.”
“It’s alright,” Nozel nodded. “Tell me about your mission.”
The knights went into details explaining the course of their latest days. The results were acceptable and Nozel found no fault in their actions. He listened to them intently focusing his whole attention on his subordinates. 
“Papa,” Heinry pulled on his cape and then placed the side of his head on Nozel’s lap. “I’m bored.”
Nozel looked away from the knights. 
“You don’t like the colorings I got for you?” He asked.
“I finished,” he stated. “I can show you!”
Curtis cleared his throat. 
“We’ll get going captain.”
“Yes, you’re dismissed,” Nozel turned to them. They were mostly finished and he would  find out the rest from their mission raport. 
Magic knights bowed and as they were about to leave the room Heinry ran up to them. 
“You can see too!” He showed them the coloring book and Nozel could notice Nils struggling not to frown. 
“Good job Heinry-sama,” he said plastering on a smile. “You managed to cross through most of the lines.”
Happy Heinry jumped up to Nozel and opened the book in front of him. Heinry did not inherit Helena’s talent for art, this was pretty obvious. The line art depicted the first Wizard King Lumiere and indeed Heinry somehow got out of all the lines. Lumiere had a very green face and purple hair. He seemed more like some magical creature than a human. 
“Hmm,” Nozel did not want to comment. “Noureen what about your drawing?”
He shyly picked up his book and approached the desk. Making sure that Heinry could not see, he opened the coloring book. Noureen on the other hand could color really well. He stayed in the lines and even tried adding some shading to the anti magic bird’s feathers. It still looked like a drawing made by a child, but he had potential. Nozel had to make sure they would find him a good art tutor, possibly even ask Rill Boismortier for some lessons. 
“Good job hijos,” he stated flatly.
“Can we be magic knights now?” Heinry jumped up, because he was earlier pushed away by Noureen.
“You need to be fifteen to be a magic knights,” Nozel said. 
“But I want to be one now,” he crossed his arms over his chest. 
“Papa please,” Noureen pouted. “Can we be Silver Eagles?”
And what was Nozel going to do about that? He furrowed his brows and looked at both of his sons’ eyes. They were lilac just like his and shone brightly with pure, childish hope. He did not want to dim that light. 
Nozel sighed and stood up from his chair. He approached one of the chests and pulled out his spare Silver Eagle’s mantle. It had the long feathery wings attached to them. He gave it to Heinry, who nearly fell over, because he did not expect the fabric to be this heavy. Then Nozel pulled his own mantle over his head and passed it to Noureen. 
“Put these on and you will be Silver Eagles,” he said.
“Help papa,” Heinry asked and pushed the mantle back to his hands. 
Nozel knelt down and helped him put it on. In the same moment Noureen struggled with his own and got stuck halfway. Nozel smiled fondly and after he quickly finished with Heinry, he pulled down Noureen’s mantle. 
Boys looked at themselves amazed. Heinry was beaming with joy as he spun around and then placed his hands on his hips. Noureen just stood frozen and slightly embarrassed, but Nozel could tell that he was happy. He gazed at them proudly. Future Silver Eagles, his sons. 
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“What now papa?” Noureen asked. 
Nozel glanced at the pile of paper work still stacked on his desk. It was smaller than when he had arrived, but still apparent. However none of the matters were greatly pressing and his sons were clearly not satisfied with just colorings. He wished to be a good dad. Even though Helena kept saying that he was, a part of him did not believe her and this day was supposed to be a way to prove himself, but he had no idea what could he offer them. He sighed resigned looking around the room. Suddenly a memory flashed in front of his eyes. A warm feeling appeared in his chest and Nozel knew what he could show them. He took off his blue cape, because without a mantle it looked ridiculous and straightened up gazing at the twins. 
“If you’re Magic Knights then I’m your captain,” he stated. 
“Captain papa!” Heinry jumped up. 
“Come on Silver Eagles,” he said before turning towards the door. 
They passed quite a few hallways and both boys at some point grabbed onto Nozel’s tunic to not get lost. Then Heinry nearly fell down the stairs, because he tried to jump two at the time, while Noureen got too distracted with few Magic Knights that passed them and tripped. Nozel’s subordinates were throwing them curious glances and smiling softly. It was a greatly unusual to see their always cold and serious captain tenderly leading two four year olds in way too big feathery mantles. 
Finally they reached the ground floor entrance to the tower on the eastern side of the base. The grand doors which were ahead of them opened and an older looking knight, wearing the Silver Eagle’s mantle came out. Rob Vitesse had a stern expression on his face, but it shifted upon seeing Nozel’s twins.
“Captain,” he bowed. “Little lords.”
“How are they?” Nozel asked. 
“In great form as always Captain.”
Nozel nodded and led his sons inside. 
The room was massive. It filled up most of the tower and was at least few stories high. There were grand windows on the sides letting in the sunlight. The ceiling which was meters above them was dome shaped. It even allowed for a massive tree to grow inside. Higher there were arches crossed with metallic mesh. Wind blew right through them and a fresh breeze reached the three Silvas. It blew lifting all of their long bangs.
“Woah,” Noureen was the first one to speak up, because Heinry seemed to stop breathing for a while. Loud screeches were sounding in the whole room. Big birds were flying from one branch to another. Nozel approached a shelf which stood by the stone wall. He pulled out a leather made glove and put it on. It reached high up above his elbow and was very sturdy. 
He glanced at his twins and with a nod instructed them to follow him. They walked over to a wooden fence like construction and halted. Nozel looked up, reaching out his arm to the side and with his gaze followed one of the birds. He whistled and a loud screech responded. An eagle dove down, only to spread its wings wide and flap them right over Nozel’s head. It slowed down and heavily landed, digging its claws into the thick glove. The bird tilted its head and focused its black eye on Nozel. It recognised its master, softly screeching. Even though Nozel was not great with animals and they tended to stray away from him, these royal birds were an exception. 
“That’s one of our eagles. They mostly act as messenger birds, but sometimes we take them on missions,” he explained. 
“A birdie!” Heinry could not contain his excitement and reached out his hands towards it. The eagle did not seem to like being called a birdie by another birdie, so it pulled away. 
“You have to be calm,” Nozel narrowed his eyes and stated flatly. 
He leaned down with his arm still outreached. The bird focused on Noureen, who watched it with eyes wide open. Lilac orbs were mesmerised. He slowly lifted his palm and showed it to the eagle. Little fingers were spread wide. The eagle shook its head. 
“You can pet it. Just slowly,” Nozel instructed him. 
Noureen swallowed and touched the bird. Eagle did not protest, it kept calmly looking at the little boy. 
“What’s his name?” Noureen asked shyly. 
“It doesn’t have a name,” Nozel stated. “We call them by numbers.”
“Can I give him one?” The lilac eyes were hopeful and Nozel smiled tenderly. 
“Sure hijo.”
“Your name will be…” Noureen furrowed his brows and scratched his chin. “Eagle.”
“Eagle?” Nozel quirked his brow. The bird was obviously an eagle. 
“That’s his name,” the boy was determined. 
Nozel nodded. 
“Eagle it is,” he said and let the bird jump from his glove to the wooden rack. 
Noureen approached it and looked up. 
“Can Eagle be my bird?”
“Once you get older, now it would be hard for you to take care of him. If Eagle spreads his wings he’s bigger than you are.”
Noureen nodded excitedly and how Nozel loved seeing emotions on his son’s face. He remembered how when he was little Acier took him to see the eagles herself. He was as amazed as his boys were and also asked for his own eagle. However as he got older he focused on other things and then his mother… passed away so he gave up on raising a bird by himself. Maybe Noureen could do it instead. 
Nozel did not know whether those were reflexes or his heightened sense, but he turned around and in a second his mercury made its way towards Heinry shielding him from an angry bird. 
“Don’t try pulling on their tails!” Nozel’s voice cut like a whip as he approached his son. “They might peck you then. Are you alright hijo?” He leaned down and lifted Heinry’s chin. Few tears were streaming down his cheek, but he seemed unharmed. Nozel breathed out. 
“Yes,” Heinry sobbed and without any warning flung his arms over Nozel’s neck. Surprised Nozel needed a second to embrace him back. 
He glanced to the side and noticed Noureen watching. 
“Do you want to come too?” He asked. 
Noureen nodded shyly and walked over. Heinry slightly moved to the side and let Nozel take his other arm off to place it over Noureen. 
“You’re the best papa,” Noureen whispered. 
“Best of the best,” Heinry added, because he had already stopped crying. 
Nozel noticed his breath hitch and no he did not tear up, but felt like he was close to it. Hearing his boys say something so simple, yet so complex moved him. To them somehow he was indeed the best. This praise meant to him more than all the achievements he had collected as a captain and prince combined. Being a father was a harder task, more compelling and Nozel felt like he was pushing through it blindfolded. He did not have a good role model growing up, so he needed to figure it out as it went. Making mistakes and then fixing them. It was a process which required a lot of work and he was going to put it in. All for his sons, the little birdies. 
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