vriedi · 1 year
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various oc art thats favorites of mine by my boyfriend ech0mo on twitter they dont want to move to tumblr
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clamarcap · 1 year
Di Kramář
František Kramář (alias Franz Krommer; 1759 - 8 gennaio 1831): Quarta Sinfonia in do minore op. 102 (c1819). London Mozart Players. dir. Matthias Bambert. Largo – Allegro vivace Adagio [8:33] Scherzo: Allegretto [15:46] Allegro [22:53]
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Joseph Joachim Raff (1822-1882) - Piano Concerto In C Minor, Opus. 185
Peter Aronsky, Piano -
Radio Symphony Orchestra Basel, Matthias Bambert conductor
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mogai-headcanons · 10 months
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Zambo from Truediland is a humankin psychotic autistic demiautosexual homosexual electrogender sugureux pinkgender milkgender spiralcute cutefreak insanecoric peacockmasc nonbinary transmasculine fag with ADHD, depression, and a depersonalization disorder who uses they/them, he/him, and zilk/zilks pronouns!
They're the host of and married to their symbiont and husband Sydney, an autistic homoromantic greysexual vampiregender bloodcoric bitelexic purplegender prettyboyvamp trans man with ADHD, PTSD, and depression who uses he/him, it/its, and bite/bites pronouns!
Zambo is best friends with Thinbi, an autistic homoromantic sex-repulsed asexual smilegender sillycatgender ferretgender ribbongender squeakydogtoygender sweetcatgender nonbinary patheticboy who uses he/him, they/them, paw/paws, and squeak/squeaks pronouns!
Thinbi is engaged to Bibo, a Gulpinkin queer humorgender cis man who primarily uses he/him pronouns, but will also accept they/them!
Thinbi's fathers are Bambox and Bambug!
Bambos is a homoromantic greysexual feargender redgender trans man with ADHD who uses he/him, they/them, and box/boxs pronouns!
Bambug is an autistic homoromantic sex-repulsed asexual buggender beetlegender bugcatgender lovegoric bluegender trans man with ADHD and type one diabetes who use he/him, it/its, bee/bem, and bug/bugs pronouns!
Bambug's self-assigned nemesis Bambert is a greengender bunnygender patheticboy gay man who prefers his name be used rather than pronouns, aside from possessives, but will accept he/him and they/them!
Bambert's wife and Bambox's rival Bambrute is a butch homoromantic transfemmasc violencegender 4changender polarbeargender explosivegender bluegender agender genderfluid brute with ADHD who uses they/them, she/her, he/him, box/boxs, and brute/brutes pronouns and feminine nouns such as wife and woman!
dni link
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goalhofer · 5 months
2023-24 Manitoba Moose Players With 1st Letter Of Names Reversed
Byrel Tauer
Byatt Wongiovanni
Cyle Kapobianco
Cikita Nhibrikov
Dollin Celia
Farker Pord
Jick Nones
Krtemi Aniazev
Lrad Bambert
Lhaz Cucius
Limon Sundmark
Meff Jalott
Nenri Hikkanen
Oimmy Jligny
Rristian Keichel
Sshton Aautner
Sean Dtewart
S.J. Cuess
Taniel Dorgersson
Teff Jruchon-Viel
Zanny Dhilkin
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airecolorselecto · 7 years
Concierto para piano en do menor, opus 185, por Joachim Raff (1873). Versión de Peter Aronsky en piano, y la Orquesta Sinfónica de la Radio de Basilea, dirigida por el maestro Matthias Bambert.
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dangiovannoni · 2 years
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Written by Dan Giovannoni.
All grown-ups were children once. Although few of them remember it
There was a time, long ago, when Wilbur Whittaker’s mind would wander and wonder, but these days he cares more about sensible things like neck-ties and… fences.
As a boy, Wilbur kept his wonderings in a special shoebox, but as he grew up and followed the path of 'What Was Best' and 'Doesn’t That Sound More Sensible', he forgot all about his wonderings and his plans for one day.
That is until Wilbur is visited by a collections officer from 'The Bureau' – a recycling agency for long forgotten wonderings. Wilbur surrenders his special shoebox only to discover that without it, he begins to disappear. With time running out before he is un-wondered forever, Wilbur is drawn into an epic adventure that takes him to the furthest reaches of the galaxy.
From the writer/director duo behind HOUSE and Helpmann Award-winning Bambert’s Book of Lost Stories, comes a brand new Australian play about creativity, growing up and living outside of the box. An intergalactic adventure for intergenerational audiences, this 80s inspired electric dream is a heartfelt and irreverent escapade for the whole family.
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dirkpeters · 5 years
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ZMFG 1/2019 Neuerscheinung bei der AMF: Zeitschrift für Mitteldeutsche Familiengeschicht Heft 1/2019 Aus dem Inhalt: Hans-Dietrich Lemmel: Bambert - Chemnitz - Schneeberg.
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years
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Saint Henry King of Germany - Feast Day:  July 13 (Ordinary Time) - July 15 - (Latin Calendar)
Saint Henry with his wife St. Cunigund holding a model of Bamburg Cathedral
Henry II, successively Duke of Bavaria, King of Germany and Emperor, devoted himself to the spread of religion by rebuilding churches and founding monasteries. Until the end of his life he displayed the virtues of a great saint. Together with his wife, St. Cunegunda, he founded the bishopric of Bamberg and, at his death in 1024, was buried in the cathedral there; his holy wife was laid by his side fifteen years later. According to the 1962 Missal of Bl. John XXIII the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, St. Henry’s feast is celebrated on July 15.
Henry, surnamed the Pious, Duke of Bavaria, became successively King of Germany and Emperor of the Romans; but not satisfied with a mere temporal principality, he strove to gain an immortal crown, by paying zealous service to the eternal King. As emperor, he devoted himself earnestly to spreading religion, and rebuilt with great magnificence the churches which had been destroyed by the infidels, endowing them generously both with money and lands. He built monasteries and other pious establishments, and increased the income of others; the bishopric of Bamberg, which he had founded out of his family possessions, he made tributary to St. Peter and the Roman Pontiff. When Benedict VIII, who had crowned him emperor, was obliged to seek safety in flight, Henry received him and restored him to his see.
Once when he was suffering from a severe illness in the monastery of Monte Cassino, St. Benedict cured him by a wonderful miracle. He endowed the Roman Church with a most copious grant, undertook in her defense a war against the Greeks, and gained possession of Apulia, which they had held for some time. It was his custom to undertake nothing without prayer, and at times he saw the angel of the Lord, or the holy martyrs, his patrons, fighting for him at the head of his army. Aided thus by the divine protection, he overcame barbarous nations more by prayer than by arms. Hungary was still pagan; but Henry having given his sister in marriage to its King Stephen, the latter was baptized, and thus the whole nation was brought to the faith of Christ. He set the rare example of preserving virginity in the married state, and at his death restored his wife, St. Cunigund, a virgin to her family.
He arranged everything relating to the glory or advantage of his empire with the greatest prudence, and left scattered throughout Gaul, Italy, and Germany, traces of his munificence towards religion. The sweet odor of his heroic virtue spread far and wide, till he was more celebrated for his holiness than for his imperial dignity. At length his life’s work was accomplished, and he was called by our Lord to the rewards of the heavenly kingdom, in the year of salvation 1024. His body was buried in the church of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul at Bambert. God wished to glorify His servant, and many miracles were worked at his tomb. These being afterwards proved and certified, Eugenius III inscribed his name upon the catalogue of the saints.
Other Facts and Information about Saint Henry
Henry, Duke of Bavaria, saw in a vision his guardian, St. Wolfgang, pointing to the words "after six." This moved him to prepare for death, and for six years he continued to watch and pray, when, at the end of the sixth year, he found the warning verified in his election as emperor. Thus trained in the fear of God, he ascended the throne with but one thought - to reign for His greater glory. The pagan Slavs were then despoiling the empire. Henry attacked them with a small force; but angels and Saints were seen leading his troops, and the heathen fled in despair. Poland and Bohemia, Moravia and Burgundy, were in turn annexed to his kingdom, Pannonia and Hungary won for the Church. With the Faith secured in Germany, Henry passed into Italy, drove out the Antipope Gregory, brought Benedict VIII, back to Rome, and was crowned in St. Peter’s by that Pontiff, in 1014. It was Henry’s custom, on arriving in any town, to spend his first night in watching in some church dedicated to our Blessed Lady. As he was thus praying in St. Mary Major’s, the first night of his arrival in Rome, he "saw the Sovereign and Eternal Priest Christ Jesus" enter to say Mass. SS. Laurence and Vincent assisted as deacon and sub-deacon. Saints innumerable filled the church, and angels sang in the choir. After the Gospel, an angel was sent by Our Lady to give Henry the book to kiss. Touching him lightly on the thigh, as the angel did to Jacob, he said, "Accept this sign of God’s love for your chastity and justice;" and from that time the emperor always was lame. Like holy David, Henry employed the fruits of his conquests in the service of the temple. The forests and mines of the empire, the best that his treasury could produce, were consecrated to the sanctuary. Stately cathedrals, noble monasteries, churches innumerable, enlightened and sanctified the once heathen lands. In 1022 Henry lay on his bed of death. He gave back to her parents his wife, St. Cunegunda, "a virgin still, as a virgin he had received her from Christ," and surrendered his own pure soul to God.
Patron: Basel, Switzerland; Benedictine Oblates; childless people; disabled people; dukes; handicapped people; kings; people rejected by religious orders; physically challenged people; sterility.
Symbols: Sword and church; lily; crown; dove on an orb; model of Bamburg cathedral.
St. Henry was a Christian emperor who acted justly. It is all too obvious today what a danger it is to have leaders who do not value the God-given dignity and rights of each human person. Offer a Mass, make a holy hour or say a rosary for your elected officials.
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vriedi · 2 months
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various charts of the guys
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Sion Inter: il risultato dell'amichevole in diretta LIVE. Le formazioni ufficiali
Sion Inter: il risultato dell’amichevole in diretta LIVE. Le formazioni ufficiali
Sion (4-5-1): Maissonial; Maceiras, Raphael Rossi, Neitzke, Abdellaoui; Carlitos, Adryan, Grcic, Mveng, Kasami; Moussa. A disposizione: 1 Berchtold, 2 Lenjani, 5 Bambert, 8 Baltazar, 9 Daoudou, 17 Philippe, 20 Pinga, 24 Toma, 26 Epitaux, 27 Ndoye, 28 Uldrikis. Allenatore: Maurizio Jacobacci
Inter (4-2-3-1): Padelli; Dalbert, De Vrij, Skriniar, Asamoah; Gagliardini,…
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Franz Krommer / František Vincenc Kramář (November 27, 1759 in Kamenice u Jihlavy -- January 8, 1831 in Vienna)
Work: Franz Krommer - Symphony No.4 in C-minor, Op.102 (c.1819) scored for strings, 2 flutes, oboes, clarinets, bassoons, 4 horns, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones and timpani. Mov.I: Largo - Allegro vivace
00:00 Mov.II: Adagio 08:33 Mov.III: Scherzo: Allegretto 15:46 Mov.IV: Allegro 22:53
Orchestra: London Mozart Players Conductor: Matthias Bambert
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mogai-headcanons · 11 months
Zambo from Truediland on Toyhouse is a demiautosexual humankin homosexual psychotic electrogender sugureux pinkgender (use teehee flag from miraheze pls) milkgender spiralcute cutefreak insanecoric peacockmasc nonbinary transmasc fag, who has ADHD, autism, depression, and a depersonalization disorder, who uses they/them, he/him, and zilk/zilks pronouns!
They're the host of, and married to, Sidney, their symbiont and husband, a homoromantic vampiregender bloodcoric bitelexic purplegender grayasexual  prettyboyvamp trans man, with ADHD, autism, PTSD, and depression who uses he/him, it/its, and bite/bites pronouns!
Zambo is best friends with Thinbi, who is a homoromantic asexual (sex repulsed) smilegender sillycatgender ferretgender ribbongender squeakydogtoygender sweetcatgender nonbinary patheticboy with autism, who uses he/him, they/them, paw/paws, and squeak/squeaks pronouns!
Thinbi is engaged to Bibo, a queer humorgender cis man who is Gulpin (Pokemon) kin who uses primarily he/him pronouns, but will accept they/them as well!
Thinbi's fathers are Bambox, a homoromantic gray-asexual feargender redgender trans man with ADHD, who uses he/him, they/them, and box/boxs pronouns, and Bambug, a homoromantic asexual (sex-repulsed) buggender beetlegender bugcatgender lovegoric bluegender trans man with ADHD, autism, and type one diabetes who uses he/him, it/its, bee/bem, and bug/bugs pronouns!
Bambug's self assigned Nemesis is Bambert, a gay man who is greengender bunnygender and a patheticboy, who prefers his name to be used rather than pronouns, besides possessives, but will accept he/him and they/them!
Bambert's wife and Bambox's rival, Bambrute, is a butch gay transfemmasc violencegender (in a boxing way) 4changender polarbeargender explosivegender bluegender agender genderfluid brute with ADHD, who uses they/them, she/her, he/him, box/boxs, and brute/brutes pronouns, in addition to feminine nouns like wife and woman!
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vriedi · 1 year
hello dave and bambi-ians of twitter now tumblr here are my (and harvey ech0mo’s) main ocs also non dnb followers here are the guys i sometimes tag about under the cut to be nice to your dashboards
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zambo - born in a wet cardboard box all alone. humanaboo magician with schizophrenia and several other disorders. lacks hands entirely. learned magic in response to being bullied, and to help with their disability. in the process changed their biology so much to the point where they formed an entirely new subspecies of bamboids, in addition to changing their blood and other bodily fluids color to match their magic. they/he pronouns
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sidney - zambos malewife. neckromancer, blood magic manipulator. also a vampire. likes to bite. talks somewhat verbosely. whore. goes around murdering people with zambo, its fun. can turn his cape into wings. taught that by zambo. he/it pronouns
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thinbi - zambos best friend. funny silly guy. can be a cartoon in real life and make squeaky noises. its cute. engaged to bibo. british. can clone himself but the clones dont really do much at all. zambo possesses him to kill people but he doesnt know that. impervious to physical harm due to being a minor deity born to mortals. taught others about origin forms. overall just a guy. he/they pronouns
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bibo - comedian. thinbi’s husband. literally just a normal guy. however he likes to make horrible concoctions of food like jello salad. that kind of horrible. gulpinkin (pokemon) kin. can change his face to whatever as long as it looks doodley and funny. thinbi calls him bobo and he calls thinbi bibi. does commissions. he/they pronouns (despite being a cis man)
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bambert - pathetic little man. announcer/referee combobob. happily married to bambrute. masochist, mostly for pain by them and others he finds attractive. serial cheater, flirts with Anyone he thinks can maim him. wife literally incapable of jealousy, doesnt matter. bunny. dot eyes under his glasses. allergic to many many things. kinda a pissbaby. he/they pronouns, but prefers being referred to by name
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bambrute - the only woman ever (kinda, theyre agender and genderfluid both). bamboxs rival, champion of BDBA. kinda a bully. no actually fully a bully. not a good sportsman (sportswoman), plays rather dirty. likes feminine nouns like wife but has a masculine identity (gay man). worlds first cishet gay couple with bambert. bear. cannot grasp the concept of jealousy whatsoever. she/they/he pronouns (first two preferred)
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bambox - himbo boxer. bambrutes rival. always runner up never champion. likes to grill burgers and eat sloppy joes. kinda a dad. doesnt get memes, but posts minion memes. afraid of five nights at freddys and baldis basics. also afraid of flying. one of thinbis dads. he/they pronouns
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bambug - stag beetle. bamboxs lover. bamberts nemesis (bambert is not aware of this.) literally sexist (is disgusted by and despises sex. hates people who have sex). blue blood. acts like sakura katana chan kinda. thinbis other papa. hates zambo and sidney too, thinks theyre terrible to thinbi. yandere. internet discourser. he/it pronouns that is all of the main guys lawl
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vriedi · 2 months
oc lore wiki so far 💪(all are there except the kids)
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vriedi · 2 months
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