andijaq · 7 years
BAMBI this is just a reminder that i miss you and i hope everything is going okay!! you’re amazing and i love you!
HUNNY! I LUV YOU TOO. I’m so bad at being good with talking to people right now, and i’m sorry i dropped off the face of the earth
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andijaq · 7 years
hey, have you noticed that your stark instagram graphic has two brandons? you forgot to change one into rickon
I... did not. Thank you so much for pointing that out!
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andijaq · 7 years
bambi i miss u where u at girl
I’ve been trying to adult ;_; 
it’s not going well
apparently i’m bad at multi-tasking 
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andijaq · 7 years
what fonts do you use for this edit? if you don't mind me asking! /post/159403865139/youre-quite-an-unusual-case-peter-parker
Montserrat and Jane Austen - (sorry this took so long, i’m terrible.) 
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andijaq · 7 years
Can you make a tutorial for how to make instagram au edits please?
so, I've never really done a tutorial before, but I’ll try my best to do this clearly. Firstly, the original PSD for the layout isn’t mine, and can be downloaded here! and if that’s all you need to know, just don’t press the read more...
First things first, open up the psd - which should vaguely look like this: (mine has been changed a little due to having used and tweaked it a few times.)
Tumblr media
there’s a few options here on how to add the images you want. (one of which i don’t recommend, which are pasting the images directly into the base PSD.)
Secondly: open up a new PSD which is 485px by 485px, and save it as something easy to keep track of - 
Tumblr media
and then make 7 of these...
Tumblr media
6 for each image and then one for the icon. In each of these is where you place and edit your images and filters for the images you’ll include as seen below:
Tumblr media
save this anew as a PS file (not a JPEG or a PNG, having this be editable is key!)
Go back to the Instagram PSD, and click on file then down to ‘Place Linked’:
Tumblr media
and then open one of your re-made files:
Tumblr media
this places it into the instagram template, though it will need sizing and clipping into the spaces provided:
Tumblr media
(to clip an image into a shape, you need to place the image above in the layer order and press alt+ctrl+g or by opening to drop down menu for the layers tab.)
your file should now look like this:
Tumblr media
and if you repeat that step with all the images and separate files (1 through to 6) and edit the text you should be left with this: 
Tumblr media
colour and image balance is all up to you, and the filters you use - and if you want to change the images, just double click on the image in the layer tab which will open the image file - then change the image and save, and it’ll automatically update in the Instagram file.
hopefully this is useful, and if you need some clarity on anything, then just shoot me a message and I’ll update all this to include it
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andijaq · 7 years
Heyo, I totally get it, Dany is not perfect, I think that makes her an interesting character. But I think saying she's just as bad as the Freys in this particular case is extreme. I think there's a difference between murdering unarmed men at a wedding and killing armed men on a battlefield. Both are ambushes, of course, but I really think there's a difference here.
That’s true, and there’s some previews for the next episode I could argue about but they haven’t aired yet and context is important. Still, there’s a certain horror in the idea of being burnt alive, especially in a society like Westeros, where honor is important. Of having a chance to fight and to die by a sword in fair combat. Throw a dragon in the mix is somewhat like dropping a bomb. I don’t dislike Dany, I just don’t like to see her actions as so cut and dry. There’s a madness to her, a darkness, that the fact she entertains the idea of burning down cities - only stopped by others - means she’s no hero in this story.
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andijaq · 7 years
thanks so much for being a voice of reason about dany!! holy heck I do not like her character and I CANT with people blindly cheering her on when like ???? problematic af
And its perfectly acceptable not liking Dany as a character. There’s a lot of her personality which doesn’t sit well with me, a prime example being how she pointed out to Jon in their first meeting all she’d been through. Which, while admittedly horrible, doesn’t give her anymore reason to rule. Especially when Jon literally died, and still he stopped Davos from announcing his story to her in retaliation.
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andijaq · 7 years
Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, you have to send this to ten of your favorite followers. 🌈🌈
y’all this is cutest ♥
my eyes; they’re this mix of green n’ gold and they’re pretty much the only part of my appearance I like.
i have the balance to sprint in heels, I’m very proud.
i’m... pretty... good.... at... photoshop???
also i’ve been told i’m pretty easy to talk to, so hey, that’s neat.
i kick ass at video games
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andijaq · 7 years
your blog and edits are stunning :3
naw, thank you
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andijaq · 7 years
You don't like Dany. We get it. Way to judge before its over. Also, goodbye forever.
I never once said “oh yeah... and i hate dany.” 
Because I don’t hate her, not as a character. But that doesn’t mean I have to enjoy the way she’s being portrayed in the writing of the show. As someone who adores the sandsnakes, as an example, the amount of OOC bullshit they’ve been put through has pissed me off to no end. I’m just saying that it’s perfectly okay to have her be seen in a gray area of morality than the ultimate hero of the show. Cus news flash, people are flawed af.
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andijaq · 7 years
Hi, have you read 'if you try to break me, you will bleed' by Dialux? It's a Jonsa time travel/fix it fanfic and it's seriously amazing. Lots of Sansa being the epic queen she was born to be.
I HAVE! And I love it, I’ve actually been meaning to read it again recently given all the game of thrones drama flying around
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andijaq · 7 years
"i'm a slut for pork dumplings" uwu
... I refused to be shamed for my love of dumplings, okay! 
If you had to suggest a Tattoo for me based on what you know of me from my blog, what would it be?
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andijaq · 7 years
Ugh you are so cool I wanna be your friend
Dude, by sending this message, you’re now my friend - congrats 🎉🎉🎉
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andijaq · 7 years
omfg I can't believe you just followed me I'm so inspired by your graphics all the time ;o;
I’ve been going through all your edits and I adore them, especially those for the Fallout Series - honestly, they’re giving me inspiration
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andijaq · 7 years
What's up! I personally have a really hard time finding photography to use in my aesthetic edits. For the most part I use Pinterest and google images. Do you have any special method?
nothing particularly special. finding images is all to do with the search terms you use. when searching on pinterest, it works best to end a search with ‘aesthetic’ or if you’re searching on google images to end searches with ‘photography’ to filter out any more unflattering images.
if you’re curious, here’s a link to my pinterest!
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andijaq · 7 years
forever wishing I had as much talent as you do x
≧◡≦  shucks, all I can say is that with practise makes perfect. the more I make, the better understanding I have of what to and what looks good
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