#bani suheila cemetery
eretzyisrael · 5 months
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7amaspayrollmanager · 2 months
From the bottom of my heart I fucking hate the people still making posts about how israeli soldiers are victims too because they're conscripted. This is the FandomTM site so they talk about israeli soldiers like a morally flawed character instead of an active member of a military invading and leveling gaza. This is not the time to talk about iof "victim hood. We're all victims of the system" and attempt to equivocation between what's happening in Gaza and a draft. Gazan men and boys are being taken to prisoner camps and getting amputations from handcuffs being intentionally too tight. No one would believe it if a Palestinian announced it until an israeli doctor confirmed it. An American doctor wrote an article where she witnessed palestinian children from ages 5 to 8 with sniper injuries To The Head. Again palestinians telling the news this with their dead child would not be believed so an American doctor had to confirm it. Israeli soldiers blew up a cemetery a piece of ground that is so significant to a nation's memory and cultural memory. Wiping it off means these people virtually do not exist unless the people who visited the cemetery is alive to remember. This would not be confirmed if CNN literally did not film them doing so.
We are allowed to hate this "army" these butcherers of Gaza. We don't have to sit and ponder which one is "conscious" of their crimes when it materially changes nothing about what they're doing. I thought "following orders" was viewed as a disdained excuse but as always Israeli exceptionalism excuses the IOF
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girlactionfigure · 5 months
*ISRAEL REALTIME* - "Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime"
▪️UNWRA - According to the Wall Street Journal, one in ten UNRA employees is linked to terrorist organizations. 12 were directly involved in the massacre.   1,200 of the 12,000 UNRWA employees have close ties to Hamas and Islamic Jihad operatives (eg. first degree family ties).  Of the 12 UNRWA employees who took an active part in the terrorist attacks, 7 were teachers.
▪️FIRE ORDERS - IDF spokesperson:  Further to the claims regarding the instructions to open fire at the Gaza border, the IDF clarifies that there is no change in the instructions to open fire, and the IDF forces are acting according to the instructions not to allow any party to reach the border fence.
▪️TUNNEL - in Khan Yunis: a tunnel under a cemetery.  IDF aided an underground tunnel complex located under the Bani Suheila cemetery in the heart of Khan Yunis. While investigating the tunnel, the forces came across explosives, sliding doors and blast-proof doors, and eliminated terrorists who were inside. The forces located an office from which a Khan Yunis Brigade battalion commander managed the attack on October 7th, an operations room, a command and control center and the living quarters of senior officials of Hamas - about a kilometer long and 20 meters deep. 
▪️HOSTAGE DEAL - (( it is IMPOSSIBLE to know the truth of the leaks about a deal - could be completely false, somewhat false, or real )) Sky News: Israel agreed to the deal proposed yesterday. The draft will soon be submitted to Hamas.  The deal includes the release of hostages in batches including ceasefires, the release of terrorists with blood on their hands, and increases in humanitarian aid.
Details: 45 days of ceasefire or 35 hostages in stage 1, 100-250 terrorists with blood on their hands including mass murderers per hostage.  “Significant” humanitarian aid.
Prime Ministers Office: Reports about the deal are incorrect and include conditions unacceptable to Israel.
Qatar: “When we talk about progress towards a deal, we mean that Hamas no longer demands the end of the war as a precondition to conducting negotiations.”
🔻PEACE ROCKETS OF NEIGHBORLY LOVE (per the world) LAUNCHED AT TEL AVIV.. 15 rockets launched from northern Gaza at Tel Aviv and various areas in central Israel.  
▪️DEFENSE MINISTER… Half of Hamas terrorists have been killed or wounded.
▪️HAIFA ATTACK DETAILS… Kann News: A terrorist with an axe car rammed then slashed a twenty-year old soldier outside of the navy base in Haifa, and seriously wounded him, the terrorist was neutralized.  The terrorist - an Israeli Arab resident of Tamara.
▪️SHIITE MILITIAS OF IRAQ… today we attacked a military target in the "Occupied Palestinian Territory" using a suicide drone.  (Where?)
▪️SYRIA - AIRSTRIKE NEAR DAMASCUS.. the attack was against a structure in the area of the agricultural farms in Sayeda Zeinab, controlled by the IRGC (Iran).  The Iranian news agency Tasnim confirms:  The attack in southern Damascus was on a "center of Iranian advisers".
▪️UNRWA - SPAIN SAYS NO.. The Spanish Foreign Minister: We will not freeze funding for UNRWA!
▪️ORDER 9 IMPACT.. Gaza Crossings Authority:  Yesterday, aid trucks did not enter through the Kerem Shalom crossing (( due to Order 9 protestors blocking)).  90 trucks entered through the Rafah crossing: 84 trucks of aid, 4 cooking gas tanks, 2 diesel tankers.
▪️ATTEMPTED STABBING ATTACK - JUDEA-SAMARIA.. The IDF says troops shot dead a Palestinian who attempted to stab soldiers at an army post near the West Bank town of Tuqu'.
▪️SHIP HIJACK ATTEMPT… 3 armed speedboats approached a merchant ship 44 miles off the coast of Yemen.
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