#barbara has the closest birthday to me but the :( made me chuckle more
ddarker-dreams · 1 year
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i was tagged by @luxxid !! as for who i'll tag... hm... @dear-yandere, @khaenruin, @bye-bye-sunbird, @anantaru, @j0succ, @abbacchiosbelt aaand @galair !!
here is the template:
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Truth in Blood
Summary: On the night of her 17th birthday Annabella finds out two people closest to her have been keeping a very important secret. Now she must figure out just how much this secret will effect her.
Tagging: @lizartgurl @melyaliz @coffee-randomness @gobydana @keanureevesislesbian @speedypan
A/N Faith, Jen, and Gigi belong to @melyaliz
Part 1
Hearing her alarm go off Annabella groaned feeling around the nightstand before finally silencing it. Stretching she grabbed her phone and scrolled through the messages everyone had sent, most of them wishing her happy birthday. Megan and Kaldur both reminded her that she didn’t have to come on any missions today. Yawning she stretched one last time before getting ready for the day.
Walking down the steps she could smell the breakfast Alfred was cooking and walked faster. Stepping into the kitchen she smiled as she saw everyone gathered around the large table.
“Happy birthday!” Her family cheered.
Bruce was at the head of the table, Dick was to his left followed by Tim. Stephanie was next to him pilling waffled with Cassandra looking at her amused. Barbara was on the other side of the table along with Jen and Faith, Annabella's cousins. Annabella smiled as she walked around the table saying good morning to everyone before grabbing her plate and stacking it with all her favorite food.
“So what are you going to do today?” Bruce asked as he sipped his coffee.
“I gotta go to work real quick to make sure everything's going good, besides I already know the team is throwing a surprise party for me at the watchtower, ” Annabella said as she sipped her own cup of coffee.
“Aw man.” Faith pouted. “I was supposed to keep you distracted today so you wouldn’t find out.”
“It’s okay Fe we can still hang out.” Annabella laughed.
“Well, you should at least open presents before you go to work.” Said, Dick, as he handed her a disc.
“What’s this?” She asked staring at it curiously.
“It’s a slideshow I made it with the help of Alfred.”
“Aw.” Annabella looked up at the butler who had finally taken a seat. “Thanks you guys.”
“Our turn.” Said Jen as she handed Annabella a small blue box.
Annabella gasped as she opened it. “Is it?”
“Yeah.” Jen smiled softly.
Annabella pulled out a thin silver chain that held a thick silver heart with one side covered with tiny diamonds.
“Dad bought that when mom was pregnant with Faith. Told her how she was his whole world. I remember you admiring it a lot growing up. I found it when I was clearing up boxes the other day.
“Are you sure you don’t want to keep this?”
“Mom would have wanted you to have it. And we have more than enough to remind us of mom and dad.” Said Faith.
Annabella smiled as she put the necklace on. The rest crowded around her in hopes that their present would beat out Jens. Annabella received an alpaca themed stationery set from Stephanie that she was definitely going to take to work. A customized laptop from Barbara to help with the nightlife. A customized smartwatch from Tim. And a beautiful intricate knife from Cass.
“Thanks, guys these are all amazing.”
“You still got one left.” Said, Bruce, as he handed her a small box.
Annabella opened the box only to stare at it confused.
“Car keys? But I already have a car.”
“You mean that tiny Volkswagen that I swear is going to break down on you soon.”
“I hey I love that buggy.” Annabella pouted causing Bruce to chuckle.
“Well, this car is actually a double gift Vic wanted to give it to you before he passed away. But he said it needed fixing. So I’ve been working on it in my free time.”
Annabella stared at the keys in shock it was Vic's car. The one she had spent hours admiring almost as much as the batmobile. Taking out the keys she ran out to the garage and smiled at the sight. There it was parked with a giant blue bow on the hood.
“Get in loser,” Annabella said to Faith as she got into her car. “I’ll see you guys at the party.
“Whoo.” Faith cheered as she got onto the car.
“Do you really have to go into work?” Faith asked as she saw the giant dome building.
“Yeah, Olivia just needs to make sure I’m caught up with what’s going on. It’ll take an hour. You can play with the kittens in the meantime.”
“Fine but this is cutting into our indoor trampoline time.” Faith huffed.
“You know your job was to distract me for the party not tiring me out.”
“What’s the difference?”
Annabella simply shook her head as she parked the car and got out.
“Happy birthday,” Olivia said as soon as the meeting was over hugging Annabella tightly.
“Thank you.” Annabella smiled as she hugged her back.
“I got you something.” Said, Olivia, as she dug into her bag.
“Liv no you didn’t have to get me anything.” Annabella smiled as she saw the square shaped gift. Opening the gift she gasped.
“I remember this day.” Annabella smiled at the framed picture of her with Olivia and Olivia's mother. “Your mother planned an animal education weekend.”
“And you wanted to free all the monkeys from the zoo.” Olivia laughed.
“In my defense, they were very believable.” Annabella smiled at the picture. “I miss her.”
“Me too. She would have been proud of you.”
“I wouldn’t have been able to do this without you.”
“Thank you.” Annabella pulled Olivia into another hug.
“Miss Wayne?” They heard through the intercom.
“Yes, Brenda?”
“There is a Miss Kane here to see you.”
“Oh, I’ll be right there. Can you tell my cousin to get to the front desk please.”
“Of course Miss Wayne.”
“I gotta go my cousin has a day of fun planned.”
“Good luck.” Olivia laughed as she gathered her things.
“Aunty Kate.” Annabella squealed as she ran up to her aunt and tackled her into a hug.”
“Hey, little batty.” Kate smiled as she hugged her back. “Sorry I didn’t make it to breakfast I was busy.”
“I can tell.” Annabella wrinkled her nose. “You had Maggie over, you seeing her again?”
“Okay I didn’t come to get interrogated I came to drop off your present.”
Kate grabbed the box from the front desk and held it so Annabella could open it.
“Oh wow.” Annabella’s jaw dropped as she took out a black spaghetti strapped v-neck sequin dress. “It’s beautiful.”
“I’m glad you like it. I’ll see you tonight okay.” Kate kissed her cheek as she left.
“Oh man.” Faith frowned as she saw Annabella put the dress back in the box. “Gigi was going to take you shopping for a birthday outfit.”
“Don’t worry we can still go. I’m sure Gigi will still find an excuse to buy something.” Annabella smiled. “So what's first on your list.”
“Well, we can't go to the trampoline place. But we’re right on time to go bungee jumping off the Gotham Bridge.” Faith smiled brightly.
Annabella rubbed her neck as they made their way to the mall. Faith's last activity had left her a bit sore, she just hoped she could survive till the party.
“Happy birthday!” Gigi squealed as she tackled Annabella. “Faith showed me the dress but you still need accessories and makeup.”
Annabella barely had a chance to speak before she was dragged away. Two hours later they were back at the manor with Gigi putting the final touches on her makeup. Annabella had her dress on along with a leather jacket they had found to go with it and a new pair of black ankle boots Annabella heard her phone buzz from its place on the vanity and carefully reached for it.
Kaldur: Can you please report to the watchtower?
Annabella: I will be there in 5 minutes.
The three of them made their way to the batcave and used the zetatube there to get to the watchtower. However no one was there suddenly she felt Gigi wrap her hands around her eyes, quite literally.
“Is this really necessary?” Annabella asked as Faith took her hand and led her.
“At least try to act surprised.” Said Faith.
Annabella hardly needed to act however as the sight that greeted her made her let out a small gasp. The trees from the wooded area were covered in soft twinkling lights. Tables were spread out with her favorite flowers arranged delicately in the center. There was a dance stage set up that flashed soft blue lights.
“Surprise!” Everyone shouted causing Annabella to smile as the music began playing and people started to make her way up to her.
“I hope you are enjoying the party.” Someone spoke behind her.
“Kaldur!” She squealed as she quickly turned around and hugged him making her cousin Jen smile knowingly. “I heard the news congrats on getting into the Justice League.”
“Thank you.” Kaldur softly blushed. “I am honestly having trouble coming to terms with it. I do not feel I am worthy to be on the League.”
“Kaldur if anyone deserves to be on the League it's you. Especially after everything you have done.”
Kaldur bowed his head a smile spreading on his lips.
“So I feel like I should be thanking you for this party.”
“I really shouldn't take all of the credit. Gigi was the one who pushed me to plan it.” Annabella laughed at the mention of the redhead.
“That does not surprise me. Though next time maybe don't use my cousin to distract me, any longer and I think I might have been celebrating my birthday from the hospital.”
“My apologies I hope you did not suffer too much.” Kaldur softly winced.
“Oh know it was fun we just went bungee jumping, roller derby, silk dancing. You know the usual.” Annabella smiled as Kaldur laughed, it had been a long time since she's heard him laugh.
“I will make sure to recruit your other cousin next time.”
“Thank you. Listen I need to say hi to a few more people but save me a dance?”
“Of course.” Kaldur smiled as he nodded.
Annabella turned to leave, from the other side of the dance floor Gigi frowned.
“I don't understand they should be dancing by now.” She said to Faith who simply shrugged in response.
Carefully Gigi made her way to the DJ set and scrolled through the playlist. When Annabella's favorite song began to play Gigi saw her squeal and make her way back to Kaldur. Nodding at her handy work Gigi made her way back to her friends and watched from afar.
“I’m going to cash in my dance now,” Annabella said as she took Kaldurs hand.
“I am unfamiliar with this type of dance,” Kaldur said as they got into position, Stand by Me by Prince Royce was playing and Annabella beamed at him.
“It’s simple just follow my lead.” Annabella smiled as she began instructing him.
“You know I think this is the first time we’ve ever dance together,” Annabella said when the song changed and they were still dancing.
Kaldur thought back to their time at the cave. He remembered the small dance parties they use to have back at the cave but couldn’t recall if he ever danced with her alone.
“I think your right.”
Annabella couldn’t help herself as she smiled at him and rested her head on his chest. She was pretty sure she heard someone squeal but chose to ignore it.
“How about we save bringing up the presents for later ” Annabella suggested as she saw the massive pile in the batcave.
“Good call,” Tim said as he tried to stifle a yawn.
“Goodnight everyone.” Annabella waved as she made her way upstairs to her room.
Sighing she slipped out of her ankle boots and shrugged off her jacket. Tossing her phone on the bed she stretched and turned to make her way to her bathroom. However, she spotted something glowing out of the corner of her eye. Slowly walking to her dresser she stared curiously at an old wooden box with a symbol carved into it.
“When the time is right my little dragonfly this will give you the answers you seek.” Her grandmother, Teresa, said as she pushed the small box into Annabella's hands.
She’s had this box for four years and nothing had ever happened at least not until now. The symbol on the box kept blinking but when Annabella went to touch it she hissed at the sting she felt and saw a bit of blood at the tip of her finger. Quickly sticking it into her mouth to ease the pain a sudden flash of light consumed her and suddenly she was falling and her whole world went dark.
Special Thanks to @gobydana @melyaliz for helping me figure out birthday presents
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