marisa111dpoint · 5 years
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Perhaps, you are someone who have recently discovered your passion and would like a fresh start. At Dpointgroup, we can certainly help you to make the next big step in your life. As part of our training, we can prepare you with the right training material and resources so that you can navigate your way, opening even bigger possibilities for you in both your near and distant future.
 One major benefit when you feel quite settled in your new role, is the great flexibility in terms of time and scope.
 You can choose to work in one of a variety of services in the Events, Marketing and Advertising areas. You get the opportunity to enhance your skills in website development, marketing campaigns, marketing  online and off line and SEO techniques.
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Other areas that may interest you include: Business Development, Marketing, Sales, Logistics, Web Development, Blogging, Community Management, Events, Audio Visual.
 As intern you can also choose the duration in which to work with the company and decide on the hours you want to work, a minimum of 20 hours/ week with the possibility of earning commission of €50 to €1000 on each sale. Working online at home can also be a possibility.
 Consideration may be extended to continue working with us after your internship through offer of a job position on completion of your internship, or if you so choose, you can partner with us and freelance.
 Take the leap of faith to become truly transformed as you make this life-changing decision. A boost for both your personal and professional development.
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Come train with us in the beautiful city of Barcelona :)
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