maifazcomics · 6 months
Whims of Fate
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the-starry-lycan · 3 months
I really really need to make a pairing tag / ship name for Erlina/Elysan x Brugaves/Barma.
These two are a couple of my favourite characters in the game.. and yes, I absolutely ship them. They were best friends as kids, and they basically grew up vowing to protect each other and liberate their world (alas, in all the wrong ways..) so they could be together. I feel like these two are the kind who grew into love as they got older and realized how they feel as adults.
The pairing tag will eventually be useful.. should I ever finish the pile of Erlina/Brugaves fics I have in my WIPs..
I have a few, being:
Snake Eyes (after that ending? absolutely..)
Starcrossed Lovers (haha, celestial event joke)
Tangled Antlers (they've both got horns of some kind!)
I've been trying to think of one related to goats since they both seem to be half ungulate of some kind.. though Elysan'Darëlle seems more like a horse than Barma'thazël, who looks like a ram.
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kyuohki · 2 months
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Didn't have enough room for Erlina or Brugaves on the last one (12 people limit), so here's their heights and the Messenger headcanons!
(Here's a link if y'all wanna play with it)!
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shadelyn · 6 months
Shout out to Brugaves/Barma'thazël for making me so damn sad with his life's story.
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gametimes-game · 5 years
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The Messenger: Picnic Panic DLC – Launch Trailer – Nintendo Switch The Messenger's epic story continues on in a summer vacation DLC full of tropical action! On Voodkin Island, the demon Barma'thazël captured helpless little ... This video was originally published by Nintendo
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x-fi-blog1 · 5 years
Ya disponible el DLC de The Messenger Picnic Panic
¡La épica historia de The Messenger continúa en un DLC vacacional lleno de acción tropical! Bajo estas palabras se presenta Picnic Panic, un contenido para el videojuego de Devolver Digital que invita a los usuarios a liberar unas criaturas indefensas capturadas por el demonio Barma'thazël para realizar rituales oscuros en la Isla de los Vuduitos. from 3DJuegos.com https://ift.tt/2S9iqPu via IFTTT
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maifazcomics · 4 months
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Barma'thazël under the moonlight
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maifazcomics · 5 months
After a little discussion i had about if the ARG is important to understand and appreciate Sea of Stars and the Saboverse as a whole, i have some thoughs
Mainly that: no, you don't need to read the ARG
It was always planned as something only for the most hardcore of fans, the ones actively searching for more stuff
There are only three informations that are at the moment ARG exclusive:
- the Demon King in The Messenger (AKA Dweller of Strife + the Acolytes) is a pale copy, and the real one's remnants are inside Clockwork Castle
- Resh'an and Aephorul were lovers, and created the Elixir of Life to escape until society accepted them
- the Shopkeeper is a woman, and she descended from The Watchmaker
The rest is just community fluff and Resh'an being incredibly emo, nothing essential
I feel like these informations are important, but they just weren't able to be explored yet.
Continued ramblings below:
About the DK, with Picnic Panic being part of a planned three-act DLC (Barma'thazël's Revenge) that they stopped working to prioritize Sea of Stars, and the final one presumably having you reach Clockwork Castle, this could have been explored there. Or maybe in another game. We still have 3 more books to go, in the end
Shoppy descending from the Watchmaker... with the DLC being called "Throes of the Watchmaker", this has the potencial to be explored there. Or not. They are characters so far apart, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF YEARS APART, knowing this information would change your whole perception about the games? This only happens because of the curse of knowing stuff lol, and as someone that knows I would like to see this being explored. But my point is that this isn't fundamental.
And Shoppy's gender... people misgendering her after playing The Messenger bothers me, but it isn't the devs fault IMO. They never use pronouns with her in the game for a reason (iirc Thierry said he didn't want anyone to assuming stuff about the Shopkeep, and that's one of the main reasons behind him writing first in English and having ENG as the only canon language), and people using he/him are taking that out of their asses. Just a one minute Google Search and you find that information, you don't need to read all the ARG logs
There are other stuff like Primals or Shoppy being the first Messenger, the Artificer giving the scroll to Monk that Bowman got because she got transformed into the Queen of Quills and then gave to Ninja, or the entirety of Void Logic being explained and still making us confused to this day, and this is all fluff. Like for real, all that was needed to be in The Messenger for the BIG LORE is already there, and for Sea of Stars too
And for the big elephant in the room, Resh'an and Aephorul being really gay for each other. This is something not even the ARG explored further! Resh'an said that at February 2019, when we didn't even knew who a Fleshmancer/Aephorul was, then when he got to tell the community about him Resh'an explicitely said that he didn't want to elaborate further on his personal past with Aephorul. And with Sea of Stars, we got a taste of that, but it was only their introduction to the world!!!
More like anything else, this feels like something to be explored on the next books (just explaining this better, Thierry Boulanger, aka Creative Director and Writer and some other stuff, has come and said that his dream is to tell this grand story in 5 arcs/books (books because Sabotage works directly with Resh'an, translating the books he writes into videogames) book 1 being TM and book 2 being SOS). This narrative, at least for me, feels like it is about them. About these "gods", the harm they created to this world, and how Resh'an wants to redeem Aephorul. It feels... like a slow burn. And that's why i think they didn't want to tell this right now
Like, Time Shards. We didn't have much lore about them in TM, then SOS comes and BOOM, Time Shards indicate the presence of a timeloop. And maybe Resh'an created them too?? This recontextualizes the nature of the Messenger narrative. And them being More Than Friends can be that too, both for the general public and the Lore Nerds. We still don't know about their society back then, or if the flashback cutscene was pre or post elixir, or why specifically Aephorul became evil, etc. This all feels intentional, ya know
The rest of the ARG is just a bunch of fun interactions the characters and the community had, and a buuuunch of foreshadowing to what we get to see in Sea of Stars. Either Clockwork Concierge (AI Core) hinting about his past with Caël and the Kids, Arty saying he was a robot, or Resh'an literally infodumping about the Guardian Gods, Dwellers and World Eaters. We see all of this in Sea of Stars, and that's amazing!!!! It's so cool to see all of that being real, and that makes me confident that all of this unresolved stuff is something thar Sabotage wants to make real too
/rant over
But would i recommend reading the ARG? oh sure i do. It's very fun. The narrative framing of the games being books written by The Archivist and SaboTeam working for him is so interesting. And also, we get tons of insight into Resh'an's mind and how he's just extremely depressed, how he misses Aephorul and yearns for being loved but doesn't know how to deal with that when people love him back
Also Clocko's adorable
EDIT: After chatting with someone, they pointed something about Shoppy's gender that is really relevant to bring out. Yeah yeah, Sabotage wrote the game with English in mind and in ENG they didn't pronoun her at all. But two things
First: in many languages got translated into, including Quebecóis which is a script Thierry himself wrote, since you need to gender stuff, the Shopkeeper got treated as male because of defaulting. So if you played the game on those languages, and didn't follow any stuff related to it, you just assumed Shoppy was a man and moved on with your life.
Which, by the way, is something I MYSELF made. I stopped following the ARG in 2019, so I didn't see the conclusion about her gender for years until some months before SOS came out. And as something I still haven't told, I come from the forbidden land of Brazil, and the PTBR translation of TM is one that suffers from that, so I defaulted her as a dude for years and years
And second: even if you played the game directly on english, if you speak a language that also does the male-defaulting, you probably did that too, and that is not your fault
In the end, this isn't anyone's fault. I may have been too mad at seeing native english speaking redditors calling her a dude? Yeah maybe. But yeahhhhh we live in a society in the end, and them being explicit on the text about her gender on the future would help that at lot
Thankfully on the easter egg she's referred as a woman on SOS in PTBR, which is GREAT
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