#base id hong lu is here for his passives and so i can use his base ego since it's multi target
gachabastard · 3 months
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the only reason faust isn't uptie iv is because i did a stupid and said "i need more thread, let me exchange some shards im not using" and then exchanged my faust shards like a big stupid dumb idiot
anyway, will today be the day dongbaek dies? stay chuned.
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effi-sync · 3 days
Welcome to todays episode of Effi's ramblings!
Spoilers below the cut
Yesterday (In my timezone at least) We got this teaser;
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And such I shall be giving my analysis, predictions, and what Id personally like to see from this new identity!
As said in the text this will be a T Corp class 3 employee, so its going to be Time Killing Time related, and as such will be a tremor id as Timekilling time has been a bit of a mini bon-voyage. More tremor ids YIPEEE
So the t-corp collector enemies are charge, tremor, haste, and paralyse.
This might be a bit much for a singluar id, so i believe this will most likely be a tremor and charge Id or a Tremor and Haste Id. Pottentially being able to use borrowed time or something along the lines. Since the two new tremor Ids for this event are based around self tremor as well we can predict this one will also.
What I'd like to see;
((This will be the longest yet least important section haha.))
Two things that have been lacking for a tremor team in my experience are abilitiy to clash and speed*, other than regret faust, the clashing power hasnt been so good without conditions activated and some of these ids dont have any conditions.
A new 3 star id would be useful for clash power as the 11 rolling skill ones only for 2 stars is pretty much gone, and so a clash power focused Identity would be very useful.
Another thing that tremor ids have been lacking is speed, clashing can be difficult with the speed ranges we have on the current ids for a tremor team. So a haste based one would be pretty awesome. and Idea I have specifically would be a haste support identity, something that could boost allies speed, for example Id with most amount of tremor on self gains 2 haste, ((this would esspecially benefit Yurodivy hong lu, which I will explain the advantage of later))
some poise and a bit of negative sanity on this id would also be quite nice ((explaination below))
Potential synergies with said haste support id;
Yurodivy hong lu;
Yurodivy hong lu ussually wants to go first if he has his 3rd skill up, since you can entangle the tremor, and said entangle only lasts for the turn so to maxamise it going first with him is best.
Wishing cairn don quixote;
Wishing cairn don is an alright tremor ego on awakening with +5 tremor potency +4 bleed count and 2 paralyse, and a poise x bleed passive, but! its corrosion is what will help the best;
[On Crit] Trigger Tremor Burst [On Crit] Inflict 8 Bleed [Tails Hit] Trigger Tremor Burst [On Hit] Trigger Tremor Burst; then, reduce target's Tremor Count by 2
So on hit its actively bad with a single tremor burst with -2 count.
on tails hit its mid with 2 tremor bursts with -2 count
And on crit its situationally good with 3 tremor bursts for -2 count
Why is it situationally good? heres why;
In fights where e.g.o resources dont carry over it is alright, since as a TETH it doesnt take much (2 wrath 2 sloth and 1 pride) Pride isnt too hard to get, and sloth is in abundance (although you will most likely want to save those for cavernouse wailing) but in current tremor meta there is a SINGLE wrath skill, which is a skill 3, so it is not likely to come by at all, luckily it isnt too nessecary for a tremor team (binds outis is the only tremor e.g.o with it and its 1 wrath, but binds is situational anyway due to tremor fracture replacing, but is still quite good if you can entangle it post reverb x everlasting) so getting some wrath as a skill one would be quite nice for that.
in fights where e.g.o resources carry over, they will most likely be in abundance, especially if you get an e.g.o gift like oracle (transfers 2 e.g.o resources of the most own affinities into 2 of the least owned affinities) but in a single fight tremor count can be a bit of a problem, but you still want tremor burst uptime to make the most of the tremor youve got (especcially if you procced reverb and then got unlucky with maintaining it) so if we do end up getting a poise cross tremor id for don quixote then wishing cairn would be quite good, since it is the only skill ((to my knowledge at least)) that does 3 bursts but takes less than 3 tremor count away. anyway thanks for reading!
*My tremor id are all at uptie four, but yurodivy hong lu, ryoshu and lccb ishmael are not at level 35+ yet
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hayateyagami · 11 months
mirror dungeon (hard) tips
in case youre struggling, i get you. its hard. its meant to be hard. but ive at least picked up a few things that may help you on your trip to no mans land
first off, the starter buffs are all incredibly useful for hard. the game recommends you to get them all and you should, but if you dont have them all like i do im pretty sure you can still get through it. it just is a bit harder. be sure to absolutely grab this starter buff
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this gives you the opportunity to start with THREE 000 units which is invaluable for early on regardless of who you pick
this mode does prioritize 00s, ego gifts, and egos themselves. you can at least control 2/3 of these
as is the playstyle for limbus, passives also help a LOT and even if you do not take the character into battle, grabbing a few when you can is absolutely recommended, especially if its a free cost (0 or 00 unit). notable units for their passives include:
tingtang hong lu
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seven associate outis
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blade lineage outis
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mariachi sinclair
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base rodion
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liu hong lu if you want to go full burn
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n corp meursault
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chef ryoshu
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and finally shi heathcliff if you’re okay with the risk
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now as for units themselves, i will recommend them below. i do not have every sinner in the game unfortunately, so ones i do not have but i can guess are good will be marked with a (?) and if you want to confirm or deny them being good feel free. if a sinners id is only good/is the best in a team composition themed around a buff or debuff (ie poise or burn) they will have the mentioned attribute added, otherwise no mention means they are good on their own regardless
YI SANG: spicebush, unfortunately his other ids suffer in comparison. section seven can be used since its free but base and blade lineage aren’t worth it
FAUST: one who grips, lobcorp remnant. bring a faust especially if you have the fluid sac
DON QUIXOTE: warp (making a note here to say how bullshit good she is if you have her - she can feed egos and deal immense dps if you use her carefully), shi section
RYOSHU: chef, section seven
MEURSAULT: rhino (charge, bleed), rosespanner (tremor), liu (burn), n corp gets a mention here for being absurdly tanky. if you have pursuance, take any meursault you can get
HONG LU: i think literally any hong lu can work. i think maybe the hong lu dev is real. prioritize base hong lu, kurokumo, and ting tang. liu and k corp hong lu both work in their respective debuff builds (burn and rupture)
HEATHCLIFF: breedcliff rabbit heathcliff, sunshower (sinking, or if you want to try something new), n corp heathcliff (?) (have not tested yet, but provides coin dropping power that may help early on)
ISHMAEL: liu (burn), shi section, lccb assistant (tremor, rupture)
RODION: rosespanner, base, kurokumo (poise or bleed)
SINCLAIR: one who shall grip, base, talisman (?)
OUTIS: section seven, base, g corp (?) (I have not thoroughly tested g corp outis but her skills involve coin power dropping so she may be useful for that, especially early on)
GREGOR: g corp (?), liu (burn), rosespanner (tremor, rupture, charge)
out of these, i think aside from status effect teams, warp donq, base and seven section outis, any hong lu, r heathcliff, and a meursault are ones i most recommend to start out with if you have them. faust and yi sang are good if you have good ids for them, sinclair who grips COULD be good but his sanity ramps up as the stages go on which makes him less effective
EGO GIFTS feel like something that would be obvious to most people on which is the best and which is the worst, but i feel like i should add a section in here listing them. i don’t currently have all of them so those i cannot confirm i’ve tested all of them. sorry!
above even healing is ego resource generation - grand welcome > blue zippo lighter > disk fragment/child within a flask > coffee and cranes/perversion. if you can grab any of them make sure to do so as ego is REALLY needed later in the dungeon so you can win clashes and spam egos like fluid sack, sunshower, pursuance, ect
rusty coin - this one requires no explanation. next
lunar memory - also requires no explanation. next
healing egos seem to have gotten a bit of a nerf but they’re still incredibly good considering the endurance run that is mirror dungeon hard. blood pack > homeward > painkillers > lithograph > first aid kit > prejudice. i don’t know where to mark the signpost but if you get it early then it helps
status egos should be straightforward in judging what is good or not but i guess it wouldn’t hurt to help note some of them. i want to give a shout out to the nebulizer and broken revolver though, the former for making poise good actually and the latter for just being a big boon with debuffs on top of causing rupture
bleed - red stained gossypium (what a glow up!) > little and to be naughty plushie > rusted cutting knife/smoke and wires > wound clerid > rusty nail. do not use white gossypium unless you like trying kaizo mode for whatever reason
rupture - they REALLY want people to try rupture it seems. once again, evidence for hong lu dev (add in support that is REALLY good right as k corp hong lu who thrives on rupture releases).  broken revolver > thrill/standard duty battery > crown of roses/talisman bundle > barbed snare > thunderbranch
burn - honestly there’s not really a -bad- burn option. i haven’t played with burn in this mode. dust to dust, charred disk, and hellterfly’s dream seem silly
sinking - melted spring/skeletal crumbs > artistic sense > thorny path/midwinter nightmare > red order > headless portrait
tremor - green spirit (is it still bugged? i think it is, if not its probably lower) > melty eyeball >  nixie divergence > downpour (double edged sword - gives a lot of tremor but bursts it in the end of the same turn so building it up may be harder) > bracelet EDIT: I UNDERESTIMATED DOWNPOUR. IF YOU CAN GET IT DO SO THIS SHIT IS SO FUNNY WHEN IN LONGER BATTLES. bracelet is still the worst
charge - employee card > charge type gloves > lightning rod > wrist guards (combo’d with lightning rod/charge gloves is a free offensive boost turn one) > curriculum vitae >  portable battery > nightvision goggles
poise - nebulizer > four leaf clover > calm water >  endorphin hit > cigarette holder > stone tomb > pendant of nostalgia
i did not list egos that just give a general damage bonus because i feel like that’s obviously good. i WOULD like to mention illusory hunt and blood, sweat, and tears being especially good, especially the former for free buffs against most of the bosses in md hard
with that, that’s about all i have aside from just things i’ve noticed during my 3 playthrus:
- the first two levels tend to be harder than later ones
- if you’re about to die, give up and you’ll reset. known, but always good to keep in mind
- there’s no shame in retreating if it’s too hard
- ego gifts are incredibly rng, but if they show up always try to get an ego generator like child in a flask or grand welcome, especially the latter
- enemies have beefed up coin power. do not be surprised to lose clashes you’d normally win
- checks to get ego gifts also tend to be harder to succeed in, but can be accomplished. bring someone with a decent amount of coins
if any tips come by, i’ll add them. if you wanna add me on limbus, here
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dlamp-dictator · 8 months
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Okay, so I told myself I would try and get Railway done by the last last week of Season 2 since I was still mostly dicking around with my teambuilding and not making anything meta out of stubbornness, and that day is quickly approaching. Originally I was going to be lazy and just use W Corp because Charge is busted, I have Don Telepole, and I will play Meta if it means getting through a bad/annoying series of fights over with faster.
I also want to at least try and be original and do something a little out of pocket, to beat this challenge my way using strategies and units I personally like using or want to use. To that end, before I ultimately cave and just Uptie 4 Warp Don for the mother of all Charge Teams I wanted to give Railway an earnest go the way I'd prefer to. And my inner Hod is acting up this week so I'm going to try and built a (Non-N Corp) bleed team.
Keep in mind I'll be bring all these units to Level 35 over the week and possibly going to Uptie 4 a few of them, namely Ryoshu and maybe Meursault. I wanted to hear the fandom's opinion before I dive into this.
That said, here's the quick summary of this team.
Yi Sang is here for Crows Eye View to buff Don and Meur's clash/coin power with that much needed haste boost.
Don is here for her good clashing numbers and declaring duels.
Heathcliff is actually more on support than a mainstay since I don't feel like dealing with his ammo.
The Zwei IDs are there to tank and Faust fuels her own Fluid Sac.
Outis is an emergency tank/rupture gal.
Ish is here to support Yi Sang's sinking if need be.
Okay, onto the breakdown.
Yi Sang: Yi Sang is going to be the on the active team is probably the most important member of the team. Along with his good clashing and Sinking application for chip damage, Crow Eye View practically required for this team so I can boost Don and Meursault's speed and let them access their extra bits as they hit +7 speed. Sunshower being a good AoE ego also helps.
The Bleed Team: With the understanding that I'm going to be pushing hard with the bleed team characters like Kurokumo Ryoshu, Rhino Meursault, and Hook Hong Lu are a must. I was debating between Tingtang and Hook, but since I have little in terms of bleed potency already I went with Hook Hong Lu. I'm hoping that Hong Lu can put in the work for bleed potency, but I can't be sure sense I only use him in mirror dungeons at the moment. I know Steam Machine's gonna' be a pain with their Bleed-Cap, but that's what Seven Outis, Molar Ish, and Yi Sang are for in case the first round with it feels too tedious. I'm tempted to put Heathcliff on the bleed team, but I'll be saving him for when I really need his Quick Supression since I can not afford to lose an expensive unit like him early on. and I can actually do stuff with his support passive with this team.
The Tanks: From what I've gleamed Zwei Faust and Zwei Gregor sync well with each other, and I'm gonna' need some damage sponges and Aggro because I can NOT afford for ANYTHING of the DPS units to die in this run. Everyone is too vital to go missing save for maybe, ironically, Rabbit Heathcliff. Faust is especially useful since she fuels her own Fluid Sac and the only thing we're really hard pressed on is Envy, but overall have units with good clashing so it shouldn't be too bad.
The Extras: Rabbit Heathcliff is here to get 45 Sanity on the first boss, then spam the shit out of Quick Supression to delete Steam Machine ASAP. Ironically, he'll be the one I'm saving until maybe the third or fourth cycle. I need at least one DPS unit I can switch out at any given time and Heathcliff is too valuable to risk losing early on. This is the same mentality I have for putting one Seven Outis and Molar Ish. Seven Outis is mostly here as an emergency unit with good clashing just in case I either lose a tank near the end or when I feel like I'll really need that spammable base EGO rupture chip damage. Molar Ish is there to help support sinking with Yi Sang along with also having good clashing power. Mostly emergency units at the end of the day.
The Supports: I have no good Rodion or Sinclair IDs, at least for Railway, so I'm gonna' be using base Rodion's passive and if I have the thread to spare I'll Uptie Zwei Sinclair for his surprisingly decent support passive. Heathcliff is ironically on the support team too since he can boost quite a few of my units with this time with his pierce boost, namely Yi Sang and Ryoshu, but Hook Hong Lu might get some usefulness out of this too if I play my cards right (or wrong).
And... that's the team. Any thoughts so far? Anyone I should Uptie 4 first before I dive in? Is this actually going to be possible or am I'm just screwed and should Uptie 4 Warp Don for MAXIMUM CHARGE TEAM to get through this?
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