#based off that adventure time / infinity train crossover post i just reblogged
3wisellamas · 3 years
OK KO Cast on the Infinity Train:
KO doesn't think he has any issues, that he's a happy, well-adjusted kid -- but then he gets on the train with a number in the high 400s and he's just like "What." He might be able to repress his negative emotions and hide them from himself, but there's no hiding them from the train!
Enid's number is pretty damn high with her identity and trust problems, though at least she gets through those pretty early. She might actually be the one who, if she meets up with any of her friends, would actually put in the work to get her exit first, but refuse to take it until the others got theirs as well.
Rad would literally just start out at, like, 35 or something, since like Jesse his main problems are his shitty friends and his need to be A Man. But, he'd take FOREVER to bring it down even to 34! Less because he's not willing to better himself and acknowledge his sensitive side, and more he just gets distracted by a car full of cats. ;v;
Dendy just wouldn't be on the train, period. MAYBE she'd get on with, like, a 12 from going a little too far with her experiments or insecurity about her heroic-ness next to KO, but that's about it. Which is a shame, I feel like she'd really get a kick out of learning how it all worked!
Now we're getting into the good stuff: Mr Gar. His number would be QUITE high (still triple-digits though, maybe 700s?) and the instant he understood what that meant he would immediately hide it, and go into denial that he has any issues at all, causing it to slowly increase until an entire army of denizens finally smack some sense into him. Like in the actual OK KO episode that dealt with him going into an artificial game world to reduce his numeric fear level, he'd probably need a lot of help from others to be able to face his past, and deal with it in a healthy way instead of just shoving it under the rug.
Carol...I get the feeling she'd actually be pretty high too, though not as high as Gar, at least as long as we're talking about season 1-2 Carol. Like Amelia, she's got a dead boyfriend to deal with, but with the added baggage of getting pregnant with and raising his son after his death! And of course, depending on the timing, we could be talking four or five digits for season 3 post-Big Reveal Carol, or even more during the finale.
Lord Boxman would be...about average number-wise, honestly. Like 200 or so. All the train really wants is for him to say "Yeah, my whole deal with friendship and being a control freak is because I really need to move on from my friend who betrayed me all those years ago." But...he won't say that, this is Boxman we're talking about. On a mechanical, robot-controlled train. One-One better watch his back, because he's coming for him!!
The Boxbots, if they're even eligible for numbers, are for the most part gonna be very high three-digits to start out with, since being mass-produced as plaza-destroying weapons and slave labor for an abusive dad who constantly invalidates their emotions and forces them to compete for his affection makes for a pretty crappy life overall. (Specifically, I'm thinking low 900s for Ernesto, 990s or an even 1000 for Darrell, 800s for Shannon and Raymond, and maybe high 300s for both Mikayla and Jethro) But, ironically, I think they might set new records for getting their numbers down quickly? Just give these kids some patient denizens willing to show them love and teach them how to stand up for themselves and they'll be alright. ;v;
Professor Venomous will start out with numbers all the way up his arm. I have exactly zero doubt he'd be the Simon in this scenario, since the man can't face a single one of his thousands of problems to save his life. Plus...I'd think the Chrome Car would be particularly rough for him if he happened to pass through it, which we know he totally will. Getting off the train, if he even ever does, will NOT be easy.
Fink probably gets a decently high number, from all of her boss' secrets she's had to keep, like around 250 I'd guess, but she just doesn't care. This is a train where literally anything can happen, and she is GOING to cause problems on purpose! :3
Foxtail's number is HIGH. Though she'd likely figure things out and seek to bring it down soon enough, there's gonna be a lot of cars she just straight-up suplexes out of frustration along the way. And I'm not talking every denizen in the car, I'm talking literally disconnecting and suplexing the actual train car. Also, she'd be the one to try escaping via the Wasteland, though at least she shouldn't have too many Ghom problems (rather, they'll have problems with her!)
Elodie would REALLY depend on where you pull her from. Pre-POINT Prep arc, you're looking at a SERIOUSLY high number, that'd likely only go higher -- though I do get the feeling that, EVENTUALLY, she'd figure out that she's fucking up and try to atone, like Grace, but not before she's a train-wide celebrity just basking in it all. Post-POINT Prep-but-pre-Dark Plaza Elodie might be a little better, more willing to acknowledge she needs to work on her friendships and how she interacts with people, but she still might be a bit of a disaster at first. Season 3 Elodie would be the most willing to listen and deal with her flaws -- still a high number though, I really get the feeling she ended the show still very much a work in progress, with a lot of issues we didn't quite get to see.
Crinkly Wrinkly ends up on the train with a number of -100. He gets off by murdering someone and bringing it up to zero. One-One just shrugs and sends him on his way.
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