#based on greg ernst
softgrungeprophet · 2 years
ensuring spider-man is a lethal weapon
(like he wasn't already)
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when he says he is always holding back
i write this all out and i briefly say to myself, is this op? is 135 mph punching op? is being able to punch with over 370 thousand newtons of force OP???
but iirc i'm pretty sure he punched DP's head clean off in SM/DP so I think it's fine actually.
normally he's punching at 1/3rd that at most, obviously, against superpowered or otherwise augmented foes, cause he doesn't want to like... kill anyone. but still heavyweight boxer levels even holding back.
tbh. how did he even figure out he needs to pull his punches in the first place???? ...huh i should think about that one actually... maybe he discovered it one of the many times he accidentally broke a light pole in half XD
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crionic-soc · 3 years
Over the course of the last decade, the far-right’s engagement with “the woman question” has taken an even darker turn. Well-known commentator on the manosphere David Futrelle, elaborates:
"…like many traditionalists, Hitler and his fellow Nazis tempered their misogyny – or at least tried to make it seem more palatable – with praise for the supposed purity and womanly honor of Aryan women who fit themselves neatly into their restricted roles. Today’s neo- Nazis, or at least those who’ve come to Nazism through 4chan and the meme wars of the alt-right, have a much darker view of women, one influenced more by bitter misogyny of ‘Red Pill’ pickup artists and Men Going Their Own Way than by sentimental fantasies of ‘Kinder, Küche, Kirche’."
Going beyond traditional claims about the sanctity of the family and natural gender roles, many contemporary groups influenced by the Alt-Right promote an intensely misogynistic ideology that straight-up hates women. They have largely abandoned the idea that “women have important, dignified roles to play as mothers and homemakers” to promote the message “that women as a group are contemptible, pathetic creatures not worthy of respect”. For instance, men’s rights activist and white nationalist F. Roger Devlin refers to women as the new “white man’s burden”, arguing that traditional visions of marriage and the family “did not oppress women enough” and should be replaced with “a vision of absolute servility”. This is the realm of misogynistic fascism – women are not only inferior, but useless, and they have little to no role to play in the white nationalist movement. Examples of this orientation are terrifyingly ample.
Renown white supremacist website The Daily Stormer has banned women from contributing to site, virulently argues against their inclusion in anything, and has come into conflict with women associated with the older white supremacist website Stormfront. At several rallies in the last year, crowds of white nationalists could be found chanting “white sharia now”. Promoted by some on the far-right, the idea of “white sharia” proposes that in a future white ethnostate “the sexuality, reproduction, daily life, and right to consent of White women should be controlled by White men”. In a video promoting the idea, one proponent asserts: “Under ‘white sharia’ our women will no longer be permitted to live their lives as sluts…And you won’t have any career women invading your workplace either. Nope. Under ‘white sharia’ our women won’t even be able to leave the home without being escorted by a male family member”. Many defenders of the concept also advocate making abortions forbidden for white women, and mandatory for women of colour. Equally vile, members of the militant Atomwaffen Division encourage the rape of white women as a tool to force the birth of more white babies, and promote the rape of non-white women as a tool to terrorise by forcing “them to carry around the spawn of their master and enemy”. Beyond such obvious suspects, this particular orientation to women in far-right politics takes some less expected turns.
Under the umbrella of misogynist fascism, there exists a strain specifically defined by a queer misogyny. This subsection, referred to by Kirchick as “homofascism” is comprised of aggressively sexist and generally hypermasculine gay men who literally have no use for women. As mentioned earlier, the far-right’s position on sexuality is somewhat complicated. On the one hand, LGBTQ rights are seen as a sign of social degeneration, Jewish influence, and an attack on white society. In response, it is not uncommon to see “open calls for the expulsion or violent eradication of LGBT+ people”. On the other hand, when speaking specifically of the “homosexual question” things are much less clear cut. Nazi Germany rounded up and slaughtered homosexuals by the tens of thousands, yet, it is also common knowledge that there were gay Nazis. The most famous being Ernst Röhm, a high-ranking official and head of the Nazi Party’s paramilitary force (the SA). Along with Hitler, Röhm was a “founding father of Nazism” and his particular brand fascism “was identical to the Nazi’s Party’s ideology in almost all respects, save on questions of male-male eroticism”. Under Röhm, homosexuality was highly regarded in the SA where “they promoted an aggressive, hypermasculine form of homosexuality, condemning ‘hysterical women of both sexes’ in reference to feminine gay men”. They celebrated ancient warrior cults and frequently referenced the Greek tradition of sending gay soldiers, who were believed to be the most fierce fighters into battle. In the 1980s, an explicitly gay neo-nazi skinhead movement emerged in the UK. In the late 1990s, the American Resistance Corps (ARC) was founded in North America with the goal of uniting gay and straight skinheads to create “a new era of tolerance and compassion between racist heterosexuals and homosexuals in their war against non-whites”.
Looking to our current period, some on the far-right simply do not care about male sexuality one way or another. For instance, editor-in-chief of the influential Counter Currents Publishing Greg Johnson argues: “White Nationalism is for the interests of whites and against the interests of our racial enemies. Period. Anything else is beside the point”. Similarly, the infamous alt-right figurehead Richard Spencer insists that homosexuality is a non-issue – something that has been part of European societies for millennia and isn’t “something to get worked up about”. Against this backdrop, several openly gay figures and the ideas they promote have gained some traction on the far-right. A featured writer on several alt-right websites and author of a number of books, James J. O’Meara is best known for his book The Homo and The Negro. In the book, O’Meara makes the argument “that gay white men represent the best of what Western culture has to offer because of their ‘intelligence’ and ‘beauty’, and that ‘Negroes’ represent the worst, being incapable of achievement”. He insists that homosexuality is quintessential to Western Civilization and promotes gay participation in fascist movements. O’Meara and others like him, advocate a future in line with the classic Aryan fantasy of the Männerbund. Associated with male warrior tribes and homoeroticism, the concept celebrates the unique bonds between men and speaks to a social order where elite bands of men rule. Male dominance is central and the fundamental building block of society isn’t the church or family, but close-knit groups of organized men.
Arguably the most infamous of this camp, self-described “anarcho-fascist” Jack Donovan promotes a blend of white nationalism, gang masculinity, and androphilia (love or sex between masculine men). He calls for the establishment of a tribal order called “The Brotherhood” – an order that is comprised of men who swear an oath to each other and is based on “the way of the gang” understood as a life centered “on fighting, hierarchy, and drawing the perimeter against outsiders”. Utilizing violence, gangs of white men are to create decentralized “homelands/autonomous zones” marked by racially defined borders and the exclusion of (white)women from public life. Donovan is a prominent member of the neo-fascist cadre organization The Wolves of Vinland. Inspired by the theories of the late Italian philosopher Julius Evola, the group promotes a particularly anti-populist and anti-woman take on fascism. They prioritize physical fitness and fight training, and argue that the solution to western decline is “a return of heroic masculine warrior-kings”. All of these groups and figures advocate a politics defined by extreme hyper-masculinity based in an almost pathological veneration of “manliness” and a distain for femininity. They reject gay culture for its association with decadence and hate effeminate men as much as they hate women.
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greatdrams · 5 years
Scottish Whiskies: Ten unexpected malts you have to try
let’s begin
There are so many amazing Scottish Whiskies out there it is no wonder some may slip through the cracks.
We’ve brought together a list of some incredible Scottish Whiskies out there, from brands and distilleries that you may not have heard so much about in the past.
These are definitely worth an exploration into!
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Deanston 9 Year Old
Bottle cost: £49.96
From the Highland distillery of Deanston, which is currently owned by Burn Stewert Distillers, this brand is probably not very well known, but certyianly makes a champion dram. This expression has been matured in Bordeaux Red Wine casks and bursts with fruit flavours. Summer berries, ripe apples and tangy oranges all come out, smothered with thick honey and oak wood. It has a lovely floral undertone and a little hint of creamy butter.
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Mackinlay’s Shackleton Rare Old Highland Malt
Bottle cost: £104.78
Named after the explorer Sir Ernst Shackleton, who completed a somewhat fraught mission to Antartica in the early 1900s, this malt is an homage to a previous recreation os the malt that Shackleton actually took with him. It has been created by Richard Paterson, Whisky legend and current Dalmore Master Distiller. This malt is full of peat smoke and citrus fruits. Oranges, pears and apples abound, with lots of malted grains and pastry.
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Benrinnes 15 Year Old Flora & Fauna
Bottle cost: £49.95
This Speyside malt has been triple distilled to give it a smooth mouth feel, similar to Irish Whiskies and many Lowland malts. It is packed with malted grains and vanilla, with a lovely floral note from the beginning. Heather, cherry blossom, rose petals and lavender are all present and somewhat subtle. They are accompanied by a gentle peat smoke that wraps everything up.
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Tamdhu 10 Year Old
Bottle cost: £28.25
Tamdhu Distillery, in the town of Knockando, near Aberlour, has recently gone through a rebrand, seeking to bring back a little bit of their past into the future. This 10 Year Old malt has become their flagship and certainly represents a brand going in the right direction. It has been matued in Sherry casks and is packed with oranges, cinnamon and sweet nuts. Marzipan and tart lemon curd come through as well, adding a lovely sweetness offset by the citrus tang. It finishes on a lovely spicy ginger note.28
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Glen Garioch 12 Year Old
Bottle cost: £40.84
Currently owned by Morrison Bowmore and dating back to the 1700s, Glen Garioch is a well-established brand based in the Highlands. This malt was released in 2010 and has won several gold medals at competitions around the world. It has been matured in ex-Bourbon and Sherry casks and is a real exploration in sweetness and spice. Vanilla and cinnamon take the lead, with lots of dried fruits and citrus zest coming in as well. Oak wood is perfect throughout and there is a gentle hint of burnt sugar to really get the taste buds going.
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Tomatin Virtues Water
Bottle cost: £47.95
Based in the Highlands, Tomatin is an old distillery that has recently gone through a revamp. They produce some quality Scottish Whiskies, and their Virtues series celebrates the five things that contribute to Whisky – Metal, Water, Earth, Fire and Wood. Water is a particularly fine expression and has been matured in Sherry butts and ex-Bourbon casks. It is packed with sweet caramels and crisp apples. Honey and oak wood with a hint of malted cereals and sweet nuts are present on the palate and finish with a lovely vanilla warmth.
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Springbank 18 Year Old
Bottle cost: £119.95
One of only three distilleries left in Campbeltown, Springbank is an intriguing distillery. They produce three brands, using different levels of peated and non-peated malt. They also vary how many times they distil their malt, between three, two and a half and two times. Their 18 Year Old is an exceptional dram and has won plenty of awards to prove it. It begins with exotic fruits, caramel and a hint of sea salt. It becomes spicier on the palate, alongside a tang of citrus fruit and sweet note of chocolate.
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Craigellachie 17 Year Old
Bottle cost: £79.08
Part of Bacardi’s Malts portfolio of brands, Craigellachie was launched in market in 2014. They now have a core range that includes a 13 Year Old, 17 Year Old, 19 Year Old and 23 Year Old. The 17 Year Old is an award-winning dram that is brimming with really rich flavours. It starts with tart apples and malted grains. There s a soft note of peat throughout, which goes well with the limes and pineapples that come through.
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Balblair 2005
Bottle cost: £37.46
First opened in 1790, Balblair s one of Scotland’s oldest distilleries. Despite this and making excellent Scottish Whiskies, it is not very well known. They have a core range of vintages, of which the 2005 is one. This Highland malt was distilled in 2005 (as the vintage would suggest) and matured in ex-Bourbon barrels. It is full of chocolate, malted barley and a little hint of smoke. The palate brings in some lovely charcoal notes as well, with a subtle zest of lemon and lime in the background.
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The Deveron 18 Year Old
Bottle cost: £64.95
Hailing from the Macduff Distillery, The Deveron is one of the their brands named after the River Deveron, with the other being Glen Deveron. The Deveron brand itself has only existed since 2015 and features some really stand out malt. The 18 Year Old opens with dried fruits, sweet nuts and vanilla. It is wonderfully sweet, with lots of caramel on the palate and a hint of warm pastry. A slightly bitter dark chocolate and orange flavour also appears.
  What are your thoughts? Leave a comment below and let’s have a chat! 
The post Scottish Whiskies: Ten unexpected malts you have to try appeared first on GreatDrams.
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essentialfsi · 2 years
Why Shadow Administration Continues To Grow In Importance
Institutional investors continue to demand more from their hedge fund managers in every facet of their business, whether that be a better understanding of their investment strategy, a more robust cybersecurity infrastructure or a more comprehensive disaster recovery plan. Fund administration is no different, and shadow administration services continue to grow in importance for investors looking to verify data coming from their hedge fund managers. AlphaWeek’s Greg Winterton caught up with Anthony Mascia, Managing Member of New York-based admin firm EFSI to learn more about the importance of the space.
GREG WINTERTON: Anthony, most start-up hedge fund managers need significant capital to sustain their businesses for a few years as they build a track record. Adding shadow administration services adds yet another layer of cost. Why is it important to do this from the get-go?
ANTHONY MASCIA: Hi Greg. It is important for any individual starting any type of business that they make sure to put their best foot forward. As a fund manager, it is extremely important that they understand the costs involved in owning, managing, and operating a fund. You need to make sure that what you represent is true and transparent; allocators’ reporting expectations are evolving – they want more information, and they want it delivered faster.
Over the last decade, an increasing number of funds have adopted “shadow accounting” — keeping a complete separate set of fund records for the sole purpose of finding and correcting mistakes — in order to enhance the accuracy and integrity of their data. Some fund managers perform shadow accounting in-house which can overload the fund’s financial, IT, and HR departments. As a result of that and because of increasing regulations and investor demand for transparency, hiring a third-party administrator has become industry standard. By outsourcing the shadow accounting responsibility, a fund manager can focus on managing the portfolio and raising assets.
An Ernst & Young 2012 Global Hedge Fund and Investor survey stated that nine in 10 investors believe that shadow accounting is “highly beneficial to accurate valuation and reporting.” As competition has increased for institutional assets, outsourced shadow-accounting capability is becoming a “must have” especially for the start-up/emerging space. The ability to shadow is in fact a necessary capability for firms to attract certain types of capital, manage ongoing operations, and secure growth over time.
GREG WINTERTON: Hedge fund managers looking to add a shadow administration function have the option of full or partial shadow administration. Tell us which option is most applicable to which managers, and why.
ANTHONY MASCIA: I think this really comes down to budget – as I mentioned in the previous question, you are starting a business and need to prioritize your spend. As a start-up manager, your focus should be, first and foremost, your trading strategy and how to prove the returns, but a close second is focusing on how to keep the lights on. Funny enough, in this post-COVID world, working remotely has changed our views on office space and needing the expensive city office. This actually is beneficial to the manager and their investors. The less the manager needs to spend on “keeping the lights on”, the more the manager can focus on building the fund’s track record.
I would suggest that on day one, a fund should always have a full services administrator in place to be the official books and records of the fund, but if they cannot and need to self-administer, then shadow administration is the next best option.
When you say full or partial, then in my opinion, there is not really a big difference in the fact that shadow administration is exactly what it means – it is shadowing the books of another group or individual. Most fund managers nowadays typically hire an administrator to perform a full service, which will include full fund accounting and investor services/treasury functions. Having an administrator on the hedge fund side has been best practice for a long time.
Most hedge fund managers don’t even consider administering inhouse and outsourcing shadow – they just start with a full-service admin shop out of the gate. Sometimes they will have an administrator in place and then pay for shadow services from another provider. This keeps the administrator on their toes because if the shadow admin keeps finding mistakes, guess what happens?
GREG WINTERTON: OK. What are some of the most common mistakes that an outsourced shadow administration function would catch?
ANTHONY MASCIA: I would say the most common mistakes are as follows:
• Incorrect or inconsistent security pricing • Breaks in cash or securities reporting • Differences in the accrual accounting for income and expenses (i.e. – dividend and interest accruals and fund expenses) • Management and performance fees calculated incorrectly • Profits and losses not allocated correctly • Capital activity not processed correctly or processed in an incorrect period • Entries posted to incorrect general ledger accounts This isn’t an exhaustive list, but it is the main ones.
GREG WINTERTON: Back to costs. What’s the impact of shadow accounting from a cost perspective?
ANTHONY MASCIA: As I mentioned in my first two answers, cost is always a factor, but to have an investor’s peace of mind, what is that worth to you? Typically, shadow admin is a fraction of what full-service administration costs. If you start a fund and fear the costs associated with it, then you probably shouldn’t be starting one in the first place.
GREG WINTERTON: To those managers who are still unconvinced about adding a shadow accounting function, what’s your message?
ANTHONY MASCIA: Having a shadow accounting function is best for the fund manager who has a few years under his/her belt. By that, I mean the fund has a somewhat established track record and is ready for ‘prime time’. They are making some traction with investors and have service providers in place and have established a working relationship with them.
That’s the time, in my opinion, to test the work of those service providers. Are you receiving the right service and are they providing you with correct information/reporting? The worst thing is having an established relationship with a service provider and come to find out that they’ve been messing up because it could negatively reflect on you and your fund.
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newstfionline · 2 years
Sunday, April 24, 2022
Canada draws 1 mln travelers in one week for first time since pandemic (Reuters) Canada attracted more than one million travelers in a week for the first time since the pandemic, government data showed on Friday, as easing of COVID-19 border restrictions encouraged visitors back into the country. As Canada heads into its peak summer holiday season, tour operators are betting the revival seen in the first week of April would gather pace. Tourism was among the worst sectors to be hit by the pandemic. Canada had imposed some of the strictest border measures to stop the spread of COVID-19, but after Ottawa dropped the requirement for COVID tests for vaccinated travelers starting April, tour companies began to see an uptick in bookings.
Why many employers have ditched 4-year degree requirements (Yahoo Money) John Williams heard about the apprenticeship through his former high school and decided to give it a shot. At the time, Williams, now 22, was finishing up his associate degree in computer science at Wilbur Wright College in Chicago and working part-time at a restaurant. He was accepted at that apprenticeship, which is run by the global professional services company Accenture, as part of its efforts to ramp up hiring based on skills rather than just higher education. “I was an apprentice for one year starting in July 2019,” Williams told Yahoo Money. “After completing the program, I was hired as a full-time employee, and, last November was promoted to the position of information technology analyst.” In recent years, major employers, including Accenture, AT&T, Dell, Google, Hilton Hotels, Ernst & Young, Oracle, IBM and Intel hired more workers, like Williams, without four-year college degrees. The movement away from the four-year degree prerequisite is growing. With close to two open jobs for each of the 6 million unemployed workers that the Labor Department counted in February, employers struggle to find skilled workers. This reshuffle could have major implications for how employers open opportunities for an additional 1.4 million jobs for workers without college degrees over the next five years, according to the researchers.
Profits and the pandemic (Brookings) “Over the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has presented the country’s leading companies with a historic opportunity to reverse the decades-long trends of widening inequality and shareholder primacy, making change for workers seem possible.” Brookings looked at the top 22 companies that employ frontline workers to see how they did. “Far from curbing inequality, the modest gains to workers were dwarfed by the gains to already wealthy shareholders, including executives and billionaires. The 22 companies’ shareholders grew $1.5 trillion richer, while their 7 million workers (more than half of whom are nonwhite) received $27 billion in additional pay—less than 2% of shareholders’ gains. At seven of these companies, the wealth of 13 billionaire founders and heirs alone would have grown by nearly $160 billion since the start of the pandemic—more than 12 times all extra pay to the 3.4 million U.S. workers those companies employed.”
Border backup (Foreign Policy) Strict inspection requirements that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott imposed on truck shipments entering the United States from Mexico this month backed up traffic for miles at the U.S.-Mexico border and lost Texas’s economy more than $4 billion, according to the economics research body Perryman Group. Abbott imposed the new rules as part of a tough-on-immigration platform ahead of gubernatorial elections in November, but they caused widespread protests in the business community and diplomatic objections from Mexico City. The inspection requirements were finally ended last Friday. Avocados and auto parts are now moving regularly again.
Cyber attack causes chaos in Costa Rica government systems (AP) Nearly a week into a ransomware attack that has crippled Costa Rican government computer systems, the country refused to pay a ransom as it struggled to implement workarounds and braced itself as hackers began publishing stolen information. The Finance Ministry was the first to report problems Monday. A number of its systems have been affected from tax collection to importation and exportation processes through the customs agency. Attacks on the social security agency’s human resources system and on the Labor Ministry, as well as others followed. The initial attack forced the Finance Ministry to shut down for several hours the system responsible for the payment of a good part of the country’s public employees, which also handles government pension payments. It also has had to grant extensions for tax payments. Costa Rican businesses fretted over confidential information provided to the government that could be published and used against them, while average citizens worried that personal financial information could be used to clean out their bank accounts.
E.U. asks people to work remotely, reduce air conditioning to foil Putin (Washington Post) Work from home, lower your speed on highways and take the train instead of a plane if you want to save energy and beat Russian President Vladimir Putin, the European Commission advised citizens, as part of recommendations to reduce reliance on Russian oil. The range of “simple steps” outlined in the Playing My Part plan on Thursday could save a typical household on average almost 500 euros ($540) a year and 220 million barrels of oil a year for all of the European Union, according to the commission and the Paris-based International Energy Agency. The actions are “designed to help Ukraine by cutting the EU’s reliance on Russian fuel, and also to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” the bodies said in a statement.
Russians Seize 42 Towns in Eastern Ukraine as Fighting Intensifies (NYT) Ukrainian officials acknowledged Friday that Russian forces had taken more than three dozen small towns in their initial drive this week to seize eastern Ukraine, offering the first glimpse of what promises to be a grinding brawl by the Kremlin to achieve broader territorial gains in a new phase of the two-month-old war. The fighting in the east—along increasingly fortified lines that stretch across more than 300 miles—intensified as a Russian commander signaled even wider ambitions, warning that the Kremlin’s forces aimed to take “full control” of southern Ukraine all the way to Moldova, Ukraine’s southwest neighbor.
More than 20,000 troops killed or missing, Russian officials appear to admit (Telegraph) More than 20,000 Russian troops are dead or missing in Ukraine, Kremlin officials have reportedly admitted as the "second phase" of the war centres on the country's south and east. The pro-Kremlin website Readovka wrote on VK, a Russian social media network, that 13,400 Russian troops had been killed during the war and a further 7,000 could be missing in action. The report, which was hastily deleted, said the casualties were announced at a closed briefing of the Russian Ministry of Defence. The figures have not been verified but would be a stark increase on the previous troop toll announced by the Russian ministry on March 25, of 1,351 killed and 3,825 wounded. Readovka reported that among the new casualties were 116 sailors who died when missiles hit Moscow's Moskva warship in the Black Sea, with another 100 crew still missing after it sank.
Hackers Claim to Target Russian Institutions in Barrage of Cyberattacks and Leaks (NYT) Hackers claim to have broken into dozens of Russian institutions over the past two months, including the Kremlin’s internet censor and one of its primary intelligence services, leaking emails and internal documents to the public in an apparent hack-and-leak campaign that is remarkable in its scope. The hacking operation comes as the Ukrainian government appears to have begun a parallel effort to punish Russia by publishing the names of supposed Russian soldiers who operated in Bucha, the site of a massacre of civilians, and agents of the F.S.B., a major Russian intelligence agency, along with identifying information like dates of birth and passport numbers. Much of the data released by the hackers and the Ukrainian government is by its nature impossible to verify. As an intelligence agency, the F.S.B. would never confirm a list of its officers. Even the groups distributing the data have warned that the files swiped from Russian institutions could contain malware, manipulated or faked information, and other tripwires. But the hacking effort appears to be part of a campaign by those opposing the Kremlin to help in the war effort by making it extremely difficult for Russian spies to operate abroad and by planting a seed of fear in the minds of soldiers that they could be held to account for human rights abuses.
Death toll in Afghan mosque bombing rises to 33, Taliban say (AP) A Taliban official says a bombing at a mosque and religious school in northern Afghanistan on Friday killed at least 33 people, including students of a religious school. Zabihullah Mujahid, the Taliban’s deputy culture and information minister, said the bombing in the town of Imam Saheb, in Kunduz Province, also wounded another 43 people, many of them students. No one immediately claimed responsibility, but Afghanistan’s Islamic State affiliate on Friday claimed a series of bombings that happened a day earlier, the worst of which was an attack on a Shiite mosque in northern Mazar-e-Sharif that killed at least 12 Shiite Muslim worshippers and wounded scores more.
Israel closes crossing to Gaza workers after rockets (AP) Israel said Saturday that it would close its crossing to thousands of Gaza workers after a series of rockets were fired from the territory ruled by the militant Hamas group in recent days. The rocket fire came amid near-daily clashes at a flashpoint Jerusalem holy site over the past week, with Palestinians hurling stones and fireworks and Israeli police entering the compound and firing rubber-coated bullets and stun grenades. The violence in Jerusalem, and a string of deadly attacks inside Israel and raids across the occupied West Bank, have raised fears of another war between Israel and Hamas like the one that broke out under similar circumstances last year.
South Africa’s Durban still recovering from deadly floods (AP) Grief-stricken South Africans are still searching for family members swept away by last week’s floods in which 435 people died and more than 40,000 were made homeless in the coastal city of Durban and the surrounding KwaZulu-Natal province. The South African army has deployed 10,000 troops to help find those missing, rebuild roads, bridges and utilities, and distribute emergency aid to families made destitute by the deluge. The government has allocated $67 million in relief aid for affected families.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Do The Republicans Have The House
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/do-the-republicans-have-the-house/
Do The Republicans Have The House
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I Do Not Buy That A Social Media Ban Hurts Trumps 2024 Aspirations: Nate Silver
Midterm elections: Do Republicans have a chance of keeping the House?
sarah: Yeah, Democrats might not have their worst Senate map in 2022, but it will by no means be easy, and how they fare will have a lot to do with the national environment. And as we touched on earlier, Bidens overall approval rating will also make a big difference in Democrats midterm chances.
nrakich: Yeah, if the national environment is even a bit Republican-leaning, that could be enough to allow solid Republican recruits to flip even Nevada and New Hampshire. And then it wouldnt even matter if Democrats win Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
One thing is for sure, though whichever party wins the Senate will have only a narrow majority, so I think were stuck in this era of moderates like Sens. Joe Manchin and Lisa Murkowski controlling every bills fate for at least a while longer.;
sarah: Lets talk about big picture strategy, then, and where that leaves us moving forward. Its still early and far too easy to prescribe election narratives that arent grounded in anything, but one gambit the Republican Party seems to be making at this point is that attacking the Democratic Party for being too progressive or woke will help them win.
What do we make of that playbook headed into 2022? Likewise, as the party in charge, what are Democrats planning for?
With that being said, the GOPs strategies could still gin up turnout among its base, in particular, but its hard to separate that from general dissatisfaction with Biden.
Many Republicans Mobilizing Against Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill
The bipartisan group of senators who crafted the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is preparing to take a victory lap as the Senate moves toward passing the bill in the coming days.
But a large number of Republicans are mobilizing against the bill that includes $1.2 trillion of spending and $550 billion in new spending on hard infrastructure projects, such as rail, ports, electric vehicle charging stations, and broadband.
Right after the group of bipartisan senators introduced the bills text on Sunday night, Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee gave a long floor speech in opposition to the legislation, arguing that the Constitution does not give Congress to go out and spend money on anything that we deem appropriate and that the price tag is too high.
Shame on us for making poor and middle-class Americans poorer so that we can bring praise and adulation to ourselves and more money to a small handful of wealthy, well-connected interests in America, Lee said.
Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley said that he would vote against the bill, sharing an article that called it an epic binge of green subsidies and more handouts for states and localities.
Several Republicans in the House are also stating their opposition to the bill.
No one should support something that will serve as a trojan horse for the Democrats reconciliation package, which the White House wants to use to pass massive amnesty, the RSC memo read.
Washington Examiner Videos
Is A Dream A Lie If It Dont Come True
Americas various disproportional representations are the result of winner-takes-all voting and a two-party system where party allegiance and geography have become surprisingly highly correlated. Places where people live close together vote Democratic, places where they live farther apart vote Republican . Under some electoral systems this would not matter very much. Under Americas it has come to matter a lot, in part because of an anti-party constitution.
Americas founders wanted power to be hard to concentrate, and for people who held some powers to be structurally at odds with those who held others. To this end they created a system in which distinct branches and levels of government provided checks and balances on each other. They hoped these arrangements would be sufficient to hobble any factions which sought to co-ordinate their actions across various levels and branches of government. The first two presidents, George Washington and John Adams, both warned that a two-party system, in particular, would be anathema to the model of government they were trying to build.
Take the Senate. To make sure the largest states do not dominate the rest, the constitution provides equal representation for all the states, large and small alike. This builds in an over-representation for people in small or sparsely populated places.
Don’t Miss: How Many Republicans Caucused In Iowa
Key Points From This Article
Single-member districts, natural sorting, and gerrymandering are the origins of bias in the House of Representatives.
One form of bias consistently helps House Republicans, vindicating liberal concerns of a structural imbalance. Another form of bias reliably benefits the party that wins control of the House, disrupting claims of a Democratic disadvantage.
If Democrats keep their current 7.6% lead in the two-party Generic Ballot through November 2020, they will probably hold the House and win more than the proportionate 53.8% of House seats .
Redistricting Is The Next Step On A Path To One
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The redistricting process kicked off this week in Washington. The Census Bureau released initial data from the 2020 census Monday afternoon, , which means that congressional district boundaries will soon be redrawn to account for changes in population.
These changes will probably tend to benefit the Republican Party, as conservative states will get more seats for instance, Texas will gain two seats, while New York, California, and Illinois will all lose one. Republicans are also certain to use the process to try to gerrymander themselves as many additional congressional seats as possible by leveraging their control of a majority of state legislatures. And that is just the opening tactic in a long-term strategy to abolish American democracy and set up one-party rule.
Today in Michigan, gerrymandering means Republicans enjoy a 3.4-point handicap in the state House and a 10.7-point handicap in the state Senate; in Pennsylvania, it’s a 3.1-point handicap in the House and a 5.9-point handicap in the Senate; and in Wisconsin, a 7.1-point handicap in the House and a 10.1-point handicap in the Senate.
It’s impossible to gerrymander the Senate, of course, but luckily for Republicans that chamber is inherently gerrymandered due to the large number of disproportionately white, low-population rural states that lean conservative. The swing seat in the Senate is biased something like 7 points to the right.
Also Check: What Do Democrats Believe Vs Republicans
Are Senators Chosen By Popular Vote
Beginning with the 1914 general election, all U.S. senators have been chosen by direct popular election. The Seventeenth Amendment also provided for the appointment of senators to fill vacancies. There have been many landmark contests, such as the election of Hiram Revels, the first African American senator, in 1870.
Ernst Promises To Make Washington Squeal After Senate Win
In Louisiana, Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu was forced into a December runoff with Republican Bill Cassidy. In Georgia, Republican David Perdue cleared the 50 percent threshold to avoid a runoff.
Republican Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas beat independent Greg Orman, who had refused to say which party he would vote with. For a time, it appeared he alone might determine the Senate majority. It ultimately didnt matter.
Obama, with a new Congress to deal with, invited leaders of both parties and both chambers to the White House on Friday for a post-election meeting, a White House official told NBC News. The presidents approval rating has bounced around the low 40s all year 42 percent in the final reading before Election Day.
Almost across the board, Republicans sought to tie their Democratic opponents to the president throughout the campaign. And the president mostly stayed away from states with close races, knowing his presence could hinder vulnerable Democrats seeking to distance themselves from the leader of their party.
The Republican takeover of the Senate will force Obama to use his veto power more often he has wielded it only twice in six years and could complicate his efforts to make judicial appointments, including to the Supreme Court.
Incumbent republican Tom Corbett of Pennsylvania was ousted by Democrat Tom Wolf. In Texas, Republican Greg Abbott beat Democrat Wendy Davis, who gained national fame last year by filibustering an abortion bill.
Also Check: What Is The Number Of Republicans And Democrats In Congress
Republicans Control Both Houses Of Congress; Democrats The Presidency: So What Does The Future Hold
After the 2008 election, Republicans vowed to do everything to obstruct President Obama and keep anything he supported from passing. When they lost again in 2012, they doubled down on this philosophy. Unfortunately for the country, this strategy, coupled with falsehoods about Democratic programs and the Democrats cowardly showing in 2014, Republicans now control both the House and the Senate.
The question facing Republicans now is what to do with this power. If they continue their obstruction and do nothing, they will not be able to shift the blame to Obama and the Democrats. If they yield to their conservative base, Obama will veto whatever they propose and two more years will pass with nothing being accomplished. If they work with Obama, their conservative base will rebel causing internal turmoil and damage to their brand going into the 2016 election.
On the other hand, the Democrats have to prove to their once loyal base, that they still stand for middle class values, job creation and strong financial reform. Their quietness in 2014 and lack of support for their president was a huge tactical error. As Obama angers the Republicans by passing immigration reform, opening diplomatic relations with Cuba and maybe vetoing the Keystone Pipeline, the Republicans have to prove they have workable ideas that will create jobs, improve the economy for everyone and that they can govern and get things done.
Explaining The Seat Bonus Bias
Republicans maintain control of the House and the Senate
To explain the seat bonus, we need to know what dynamics boost a partys share of House seats relative to its share of the national popular vote. Such explanations revolve around overperformance in swing seats. This is because small improvements in close races could push a party over the top to win these districts while barely registering in the national popular vote. Imagine that Democrats got a 3% boost in their 10 closest losses of 2018. They would have won each of those districts, increasing their House representation by 2% while boosting their national popular vote total less than 0.1% : a seat bonus of 2.9%. So, what could cause this kind of overperformance in swing seats?
One lies in the sheer number of swing seats, defined here as those won by either party by less than 10%. This range from +10% Democratic to +10% Republican covers a scope of 20%. There were 88 such districts in 2018. Election margins on the whole can range from 100% Democratic to 100% Republican, a scope of 200%. Our definition of swing seats accounts for 10% of all possible results. The 88 swing seats of 2018, though, make up 20% of all 435 House seats. This overrepresentation of competitive districts means that a small increase of a partys national popular vote could flip a disproportionate number of close races.
Each of these factors the incumbency advantage, the overrepresentation of swing seats and elasticity and more contribute to the Seat Bonus Bias.
Recommended Reading: How Many Republicans In Congress Support Trump
Four Flips For Democrats One For Republicans
Going into the election, the Democrats held 47 seats in the U.S. Senate while the Republicans held 53.
The Democrats have succeeded in flipping four seats: in Colorado, where former Governor John Hickenlooper easily ousted incumbent Cory Gardner, in Arizona, where former astronaut Mark Kelly defeated incumbent Martha McSally, and in Georgia, where Raphael Warnock defeated incumbent Kelly Loeffler and Jon Ossoff defeated incumbent David Perdue.
The Republicans have wrested back one previously Democratic seat in Alabama, where one-term incumbent Doug Jones was emphatically denied a second term by Tommy Tuberville, a former college head football coach, most recently at the University of Cincinnati.
Outgoing freshman Sens. Jones and Gardner were both considered vulnerable, as each was elected with less than 50% of the vote in 2018.
Republican Thom Tilliss victory over Cal Cunningham in North Carolinaby less than 2 percentage points according to the North Carolina Secretary of States latest tallyis one of several close Senate races that were not called until after election night. In addition to the seats from Georgia, close races also include the victories of incumbent senators Gary Peters and Susan Collins , which were not called until Nov. 4.
Republicans Win Fewer Votes But More Seats Than Democrats
Republicans controlled the post2010 redistricting process in the four states, and drew new lines that helped the GOP win the bulk of the House delegation in each. Republicans captured 13 of 18 seats in Pennsylvania, 12 of 16 in Ohio, nine of 14 in Michigan, and five of eight in Wisconsin. Added together, that was 39 seats for the Republicans and 17 seats for the Democrats in the four proObama states.
The key to GOP congressional success was to cluster the Democratic vote into a handful of districts, while spreading out the Republican vote elsewhere. In Pennsylvania, for example, Republicans won nine of their 13 House seats with less than 60% of the vote, while Democrats carried three of their five with more than 75%.
One of the latter was the Philadelphiabased 2nd District, where 356,386 votes for Congress were tallied. Not only was it the highest number of ballots cast in any district in the state, but Democratic Rep. Chaka Fattah won 318,176 of the votes. It was the largest number received by any House candidate in the country in 2012, Democrat or Republican. If some of these Democratic votes had been unclustered and distributed to other districts nearby, the party might have won a couple more seats in the Philadelphia area alone.
The Closest House Races of 2012
Recommended Reading: How Many States Are Controlled By Republicans
Democrats Got Millions More Votes So How Did Republicans Win The Senate
Senate electoral process means although Democrats received more overall votes for the Senate than Republicans, that does not translate to more seats
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The 2018 midterm elections brought significant gains for Democrats, who retook the House of Representatives and snatched several governorships from the grip of Republicans.
But some were left questioning why Democrats suffered a series of setbacks that prevented the party from picking up even more seats and, perhaps most consequentially, left the US Senate in Republican hands.
Among the most eye-catching was a statistic showing Democrats led Republicans by more than 12 million votes in Senate races, and yet still suffered losses on the night and failed to win a majority of seats in the chamber.
Constitutional experts said the discrepancy between votes cast and seats won was the result of misplaced ire that ignored the Senate electoral process.
Because each state gets two senators, irrespective of population, states such as Wyoming have as many seats as California, despite the latter having more than 60 times the population. The smaller states also tend to be the more rural, and rural areas traditionally favor Republicans.
This year, because Democrats were defending more seats, including California, they received more overall votes for the Senate than Republicans, but that does not translate to more seats.
The rise of minority rule in America is now unmistakable
The Fossil Fuel Industrys Funding Of Denial
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CAPs analysis of data from the Center for Responsive Politics shows that these 139 climate science deniers have accepted more than $61 million in lifetime direct contributions from the oil, gas, and coal industries, which comes out to an average of $442,293 per elected official of Congress that denies climate change. This figure includes all contributions above the Federal Election Commissions mandated reporting threshold of $200 from management, employees, and political action committees in the fossil fuel industries. Not included in this data are the many other avenues available to fossil fuel interests to influence campaigns and elected officials. For example, oil, gas, and coal companies spent heavily during the 2020 election cycle to keep the Senate under the control of former Majority Leader Mitch McConnell a known climate denierwith major oil companies like Valero, Chevron, and ConocoPhillips contributing more than $1 million each to the conservative Senate Leadership Fund.
This analysis only shows direct, publicly disclosed contributions to federal candidates. The fossil fuel industry regularly spends millions of dollars of dark money advertising to the public; shaping corporate decisions; lobbying members of Congress; and otherwise funding the infrastructure that makes climate denial politically feasible and even profitable.
Read Also: How Many Republicans Voted To Impeach Trump In The House
Also Check: How Many Republicans Are Against Trump
What The Midterms Mean For President Obama And 2016
Only one in three voters in exit polls said the country was on the right track, and one in five said the government in Washington could never be trusted to do whats right. Two-thirds said the economic system is unfair.
The Republican swing fit a historical pattern: The last three two-term presidents Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush all served their last two years with the opposing party controlling both houses of Congress.
And the party controlling the White House has lost seats in the House in the midterm election every time but twice since World War II.
In the Senate, Democrat Mark Pryor of Arkansas was ousted by Rep. Tom Cotton, and Mark Udall of Colorado was bounced by Rep. Cory Gardner. Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan lost her seat to Thom Tillis.
Democrat Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire held off a furious challenge by ex-Sen. Scott Brown.
Republicans Joni Ernst in Iowa, Steve Daines in Montana, Mike Rounds in South Dakota and Shelley Moore Capito in West Virginia all captured seats held by retiring Democrats.
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thehuskerrumble · 3 years
Huskers win third straight by pummeling Lexington
(Written by W.K.)
Lexington 1   Higginsville 11
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You can call it a rivalry, a Highway 13 showdown, or the Battle for which town is truly the County Seat; but whatever you call it, Higginsville versus Lexington is sure to get the competitive juices flowing no matter which sport it is. This matchup left no doubt where the hub of Lafayette County is as the Huskers needed only five innings (plus three innings of JV) to dispatch the Minuteman bus northbound with an 11-1 drubbing.
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Rumsey’s got his groove back
Lexington’s leadoff batter was gifted first base with an error, stole 2nd , and the Minutemen were immediately threatening. A ground ball out moved him to 3rd , and what turned out to be the only hit for Lexington (and it could be up for debate on hit/error) scored him to give them a 1-0 lead. Husker starting pitcher Mason Rumsey did his part in the bottom half of the inning by landing a yard dart behind 2nd base for a hit. Rumsey scored on a throwing error to tie it 1-1. Camden Russell followed with a single and scored when Nick Herrera came through with an RBI single to make it 2-1. Cade Limback reached on a fielder’s choice, stole 2nd , and eventually scored on a bad pickoff attempt to give the Blue and Gold a 3-1 lead after one inning.
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Get em on, get em over, get em in, baseball 101
Lexington drew a walk to start the 2nd , but Rumsey buckled down after that and would record outs with the next 9 batters in a row. Higginsville continued the pressure in the home half of the 2 nd with a hit by Garrett Pemberton and a hit by pitch to Micah Graham (he was smiling after this one; not so much two nights later in Wellington). Rumsey drove them both in with a double over the left fielder’s head for a 5-1 lead and would later score on a sacrifice fly by Herrera for a 6-1 lead. Coach Figg’s squad would tack on one more in the 3rd with a little small ball; Kelan Ernst worked a walk, Jackson Kouril sacrifice bunted him over, and Pemberton delivered another hit to score Ernst to take a 7-1 lead into the 4th.
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Wait for it...wait for it...and go!
Rumsey was pitching on cruise control at this point, but didn’t want the outfielders to get too bored in the 4th inning as Russell made a great diving catch for the first out and Jackson Kouril decided not to dive but made a nice running catch to end the top half of the inning. There was no mercy shown by the Huskers as six in a row would reach with an error (Herrera) and 4 singles in a row (Cade Limback, Ernst, Kouril-RBI, and Pemberton-2RBI) and a walk to Graham. Jace Kerley had a sac fly RBI to make it 11-1 heading to the 5th. 
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Guess who’s back, back again, Golden’s back, tell a friend
Rumsey was done pitching due to conserving pitch count and Josiah Golden made his return to action in the bottom of the 5th (at the mound) and proceeded to get a 1-2-3 clean inning with 2 of them strikeouts. Technically this game only went 4 ½ innings due to the 10-run rule, which is less innings than most (age) 10u baseball games go (see Stranger Things below). The Huskers have won 3 straight conference games and seem to be building confidence. Next up is a non-conference matchup with Wellington.
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Kelan’s weird slide was also a key to victory
Keys to victory: Bat on ball! The Huskers kept strikeouts to a minimum (3) and put the ball in play with a combination of hard hits, sacrifices, and putting pressure on the defense to make a play. Oh, and pitching! Mason Rumsey was dealing nasty and allowed only 1 hit while fanning five batters during his 4 innings of work, including sitting down the last seven in a row that he faced. Josiah Golden looked like the 2015 version of Greg Holland closing out the game in the 5th.
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You know I didn’t get a pic of the diving catch, so this will have to do
Web Gem:
In the top of the 4th , Camden Russell added his name to the list of historically studly Husker outfielders by tracking down a liner with a diving catch to deflate any chance of momentum for the Visitors.
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Pemberton pounds out 3 hits
Sheriff’s Report:
An APB (All Pitchers Beware) has been issued for Garrett Pemberton after he ruthlessly unleashed 3 line-drive hits at innocent kids wearing blue shirts in the park. He showed no remorse and should be considered armed and dangerous. He was last seen wearing a yellow shirt with a #12 on the back.
Stranger Things:
During the middle of the 3rd … a white, round leather cannon ball was fired by a Minuteman soldier (infielder) and connected with the back of the head of the field umpire in the vicinity of first base. He could be heard muttering something like “Sweet Jesus, this is High School Baseball. Throw the ball and catch it. It’s not 10u”. I was personally taught to never turn your back on those little white cannon balls, but I digress…
Rumblin’, Stumblin’ Crash Report:
Nothing to really report here; unless you count the warm-up throw from Lexington crashing into the ump’s head. He saw some stars but was fine (and didn’t blow any calls). Trainer Brian Henry and Coroner David Pulliam were on hand… just in case.
JV Game
Lexington 0   Higginsville 1
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Blake “the Rake” Mauzey sends the Huskers home happy
The JV team shutout the Minutemen 1-0 behind stellar pitching from Garrett Pemberton and Quinn Frank. The details were fuzzy, Blake Mauzey said he hit a walk-off which scored Jackson Kouril. That’s a first person account so we’re going to print it. (Certified: Mauzey brings home the bacon with a walk-off single into centerfield).
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leanpick · 4 years
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Fracking Firms Fail, Rewarding Executives and Raising Climate Fears Based on the new estimates, MDC, the company that paid its C.E.O. the $8.5 million in consulting fees, could require more than $40 million to clean up its 140 wells if they are permanently closed, according to an analysis by Greg Rogers, a co-author of the report and a former adviser to BP and its auditors, Ernst & Young.
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techmaqofficial · 4 years
Fracking Firms Fail, Rewarding Executives and Raising Climate Fears
Fracking Firms Fail, Rewarding Executives and Raising Climate Fears
Based on the new estimates, MDC, the company that paid its C.E.O. the $8.5 million in consulting fees, could require more than $40 million to clean up its 140 wells if they are permanently closed, according to an analysis by Greg Rogers, a co-author of the report and a former adviser to BP and its auditors, Ernst & Young.
Extraction Oil & Gas’s cleanup costs for its 1,000 wells could…
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sinrau · 4 years
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President Trump delivers an “Address to Young Americans” at the Dream City Church in Phoenix on Tuesday. (Carlos Barria/Reuters)
Opinion by Eugene Robinson
June 25, 2020 at 5:19 PM EDT
Let me summarize the Republican platform for the coming election:
We are the party of white racial grievance. We believe those marching in Black Lives Matter protests are “thugs.” We see the term “systemic racism” as an unfair attack on white people. We support keeping Confederate monuments on their pedestals, and we have no idea why anyone would consider Confederate flags a problem. We are equal-opportunity racists. We see Latino immigrants as “bad hombres.” And we believe that using the racist term “kung flu” to describe covid-19 is hilarious, not least because we are convinced the covid-19 pandemic is basically over, anyway. Who cares what pointy-headed “experts” might say — we know in our hearts that patriotic Americans don’t wear masks.
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Those are some of the views Republicans endorse by uncritically embracing and supporting President Trump. He is leading his party down a sewer of unabashed racism and willful ignorance, and all who follow him — and I mean all — deserve to feel the mighty wrath of voters in November.
I’m talking to you, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine. And you, Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado. And you, Sens. Thom Tillis of North Carolina, Martha McSally of Arizona, Joni Ernst of Iowa, Steve Daines of Montana, Kelly Loeffler of Georgia and John Cornyn of Texas. And while those of you in deep-red states whose reelection ordinarily would be seen as a mere formality may not see the giant millstones you’ve hung around your necks as a real risk, think again. Sen. Lindsey O. Graham of South Carolina and even Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, you should look at the numbers and realize you are putting your Senate seats — and the slim GOP majority — in dire jeopardy.
You can run and hide from reporters asking you about Trump’s latest statements or tweets. You can pretend not to hear shouted questions as you hurry down Capitol hallways. You can take out your cellphones and feign being engrossed in a terribly important call. Ultimately, you’re going to have to answer to voters — and in the meantime you have decided to let Trump speak for you. Best of luck with that.
It is not really surprising that Trump, with his poll numbers falling and his reelection in serious jeopardy, would decide to use race and public health as wedge issues to inflame his loyal base. That’s all he knows how to do.
Most politicians would see plunging poll numbers as a warning to try a different approach; Trump takes them as a sign to do more of the same — more race-baiting, more authoritarian “law and order” posturing, more see-no-evil denial of a raging pandemic that has cost more than 120,000 American lives.
Racism is a feature of the Trump shtick, not a bug. He sees the nationwide protests sparked by the killing of George Floyd as an opportunity not for healing and reform, but to stir anger and resentment among his overwhelmingly white voting base. Trump wants no part of the reckoning with history the country seems to crave.
This week, city officials in Charleston, S.C. — the place where the Civil War began — took down a statue of John C. Calhoun, a leading 19th-century politician and fierce defender of slavery, from its 115-foot column in Marion Square and hauled it away to a warehouse. Also this week, Trump reportedly demanded that the District’s monument to Confederate Gen. Albert Pike, toppled last week by protesters, be cleaned up and reinstalled exactly as it was.
What changes do you hope will come out of protests and debates about police and race? Write to The Post .
Trump went to Arizona not just to falsely claim great progress on building his promised border wall, intended to keep out the “hombres,” but also to delight fervent young supporters by referring to covid-19 as “kung flu.” Weeks ago, Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway said that racist term was clearly offensive and unacceptable. But since Trump has made it into a red-meat applause line, Conway now apparently thinks it’s a perfectly legitimate way to identify the virus’s country of origin.
All the other Republicans who fail to speak up while Trump runs the most nakedly racist presidential campaign since George Wallace in 1968 shouldn’t kid themselves. Their silence amounts to agreement. Perhaps there’s enough white bitterness out there to carry the Republican Party to another narrow win. But that’s not what the polls say.
Trump’s antics are self-defeating. He’ll put on a racist show for a shrinking audience, but he won’t wear the masks that could allow the economic reopening he desperately wants. He may be able to avoid reality, but the Republican governors — including Greg Abbott of Texas and Ron DeSantis of Florida — scrambling desperately to contain new outbreaks cannot.
It’s almost as though Trump is determined to destroy the Republican Party. Let’s give him his wish.
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dragoni · 7 years
CEO’s in Trump’s Councils Must Take a Moral Stand and Resign
Trump’s statements today have shown:
Trump has further emboldened the same White Supremacists he denounced just yesterday. 
Donald J Trump is an enabler of racism and therefore a RACIST
The 45th president is a White Supremacist and Nazi sympathizer. #DomesticTerrorists
Trump can not be trusted. His actions and words have no credibility unless you’re a member of a White Hate Group.
Trump is not the president of America but to the 38% who are his supporters.
As CEO’s of public companies, your reputations are based on trust and credibility. They are your currency and non negotiable. Trust can never be regained. Without trust, your companies can not succeed.
So on this day, Aug. 15, 2017, you must demonstrate where you and your companies allegiance lies. Resign and stand with Patriotic Americans and the Constitution. The natural consequence of staying with Trump is pretty clear. The world will see you as being complicit with Trump and his racists. Americans will boycott your company. Not good business!
Who's still in Trump’s Manufacturing Council
Andrew Liveris, Dow Chemical Company
Bill Brown, Harris Corporation
Michael Dell, Dell Technologies
John Ferriola, Nucor Corporation
Jeff Fettig, Whirlpool Corporation
Alex Gorsky, Johnson & Johnson
Greg Hayes, United Technologies
Marilyn Hewson, Lockheed Martin Corporation
Jim Kamsickas, Dana Inc.
Rich Kyle, The Timken Company
Thea Lee, AFL-CIO
Denise Morrison, Campbell Soup Company
Dennis Muilenberg, Boeing
Michael Polk, Newell Brands
Mark Sutton, International Paper
Inge Thulin, 3M
Richard Trumka, AFL-CIO
Wendell Weeks, Corning
Jeff Immelt, GE
Who’s still in Trump’s Strategic and Policy Forum
Paul Atkins, Patomak Global Partners
Mary Barra, General Motors
Toby Cosgrove, Cleveland Clinic
Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase
Larry Fink, BlackRock
Rich Lesser, Boston Consulting Group
Doug McMillon, Wal-Mart
Jim McNerney, formerly Boeing
Indra Nooyi, PepsiCo
Adebayo "Bayo" Ogunlesi, Global Infrastructure Partners
Ginni Rometty, IBM
Stephen A. Schwarzman, Blackstone
Kevin Warsh, former board member at the Federal Reserve, Hoover Institute
Mark Weinberger, Ernst & Young
Jack Welch, formerly General Electric
Daniel Yergin, IHS Markit
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tellusepisode · 4 years
State of Play (2009)
Crime, Drama, Mystery |
State of Play is a political thriller film directed by Kevin Macdonald. It is based on the 2003 British television serial of the same name.
The film tells of a journalist’s probe into the suspicious death of a congressman’s mistress. The supporting cast includes Rachel McAdams, Helen Mirren, Jason Bateman, Robin Wright and Jeff Daniels. Macdonald said that State of Play is influenced by the films of the 1970s and explores the subject of privatization of American Homeland Security and to a minor extent journalistic independence, along with the relationship between politicians and the press. It was released in North America on April 17, 2009. The film received generally positive reviews.
One night, a thief fleeing through Georgetown in Washington, D.C., is shot by a man carrying a briefcase. A deliveryman who witnesses the incident is also shot by the killer and is left in a coma. The following morning, a young woman is killed by a Washington Metro train in what seems to be suicide. Congressman Stephen Collins is distraught to hear that the woman was Sonia Baker, a researcher on his staff. Collins, who has military experience, is leading an investigation into PointCorp, a private defense contractor with controversial operations involving mercenaries. Collins tells his college roommate and old friend Cal McAffrey, an investigative reporter, that he had been having an affair with Sonia and that she had sent him a cheerful video message on the morning of her death, which he says is inconsistent and unusual behavior for someone about to commit suicide.
Director: Kevin Macdonald
Writers: Matthew Michael Carnahan (screenplay), Tony Gilroy (screenplay), Billy Ray (screenplay), Paul Abbott (television series)
Stars: Russell Crowe, Rachel McAdams, Ben Affleck, Helen Mirren, Robin Wright, Jason Bateman, Jeff Daniels
Russell Crowe…Cal McAffreyBen Affleck…Stephen CollinsRachel McAdams…Della FryeHelen Mirren…Cameron LynneRobin Wright…Anne Collins (as Robin Wright Penn)Jason Bateman…Dominic FoyJeff Daniels…George FergusMichael Berresse…Robert BinghamHarry Lennix…Detective BellJosh Mostel…PeteMichael Weston…HankBarry Shabaka Henley…Gene StavitzViola Davis…Dr. Judith FranklinDavid Harbour…PointCorp InsiderSarah Lord…MandiTuck Milligan…PointCorp ExecutiveSteve Park…Chris Kawai (as Stephen Park)Brennan Brown…Andrew PellMaria Thayer…Sonia BakerWendy Makkena…Greer ThorntonZoe Lister-Jones…JessyMichael Jace…Officer BrownRob Benedict…MiltLaDell Preston…Deshaun StaggDan Brown…Vernon SandoKaty Mixon…Rhonda SilverShane Edelman…D.A. PurcellMaurice Burnice Harcum…Ben’s CashierCornell Womack…Junior Detective #1Nat Benchley…Junior Detective #2Gregg Binkley…FerrisTrula M. Marcus…Carol (as Trula Marcus)Carolyn Barrett…Policewoman Escorting DellaWil Love…Iowan CongressmanDavid E. Goodman…Graves (as David Copeland Goodman)John Badila…Mr. JamesBrigid Cleary…Mrs. JamesJoy Spears…Waitress / Dancer #1Brandi Oglesby…Waitress / Dancer #2Stacey Walker…Waitress / Dancer #3R.B. Brenner…Globe Production ManagerLucía Navarro…Telemundo ReporterChris Matthews…MSNBC ReporterLou Dobbs…CNN ReporterJames Vance III…ReporterSharon Dugan…Business WomanNoel Werking…Business ManRose Coleman…JackieLee von Ernst…ICU NurseRichard Ruyle…Karaoke SingerStuart Brazell…Karaoke Bar HostessHerbert Gordon…News Reporter #1Keith Anthony Garvin…News Reporter #2Julie Carey…News Reporter #3Eun Yang…News Reporter #4Denae D’Arcy…News Reporter #5Natasha Chughtai…News Reporter #6Greg Graham…The WolfEric Hatch…PeterJosh Rhodes…The HunterDon Abernathy…Hospital EmployeeMichael Alban…Man in Market PlaceTex Allen…Investigative ReporterParisa Amira…PedestrianWoody Andrews…WitnessKevin Bangos…Foreign Press WriterScott Barry…ShopperNora Bauer…ReporterAshley Bell…Voice (voice)Christie Beran…PedestrianRobert Bizik…PhysicianBill Blair…Newspaper EmployeeMichael Blumenstock…Camera ManLaura Bryce…ShopperKyle Burgess…Congressional AideMargaret Carlson…ExtraJuan Eloy Carrera…Washington LobbyistLarry Carter…SenatorRobert Randolph Caton…Washington AttorneySteve Clemons…ExtraThomas Joe Craig…Manchester K-9 PolicemanBruce Allen Dawson…DetectivePaul Dietz…WaiterE.J. Dionne Jr.…ExtraPatricia DiZebba…Senate StaffJohn Doty…CommuterMatt J. Doyle…PoliticianRichard El Khazen…PatronFrancesca Ellana…Student on MetroLourdes Faberes…ReporterPaul Fahrenkopf…Hearing AttendeeLiam Ferguson…Newspaper ReporterDavid Foster…TV CameramanAlexis Fowlkes…GirlMariano Gowland…News ReporterEileen Grubba…PeggyMarcus Nel-Jamal Hamm…Capitol Police OfficerFrank Herzog…Congressman JohnsonKen Holliday…PointCorp ExecutiveCarol Ilku…Reporter
Sources: imdb & wikipedia
The post State of Play (2009) first appeared on TellUsEpisode.net.
from WordPress https://www.tellusepisode.net/state-of-play-2009.html
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dailykhaleej · 4 years
Microsoft unveils cloud tools tailored for health-care systems
Microsoft Cloud for health-care contains tools that enable for digital triage, telemedicine and coordination of care utilizing internet-based companies, chat and conferencing apps. Picture Credit score: DailyKhaleej
Microsoft Corp. unveiled a package deal of cloud software program designed for health-care systems, beginning with a free trial to assist the {industry} climate a viral pandemic that’s each growing the necessity for know-how options and placing hospitals in monetary peril.
Microsoft Cloud for health-care contains tools that enable for digital triage, telemedicine and coordination of care utilizing internet-based companies, chat and conferencing apps. The product, unveiled Tuesday as a part of a digital model of the corporate’s annual Construct convention for software program builders, is Microsoft’s first industry-specific cloud-computing providing. It is accessible now by way of a preview and free trial for the subsequent six months.
The package deal combines Microsoft’s Azure cloud service “- which helps organizations run programs and store and analyze data “- with the Groups communication app and developer tools for creating purposes. Microsoft, the second-biggest cloud infrastructure supplier behind Amazon.com Inc., has made the health-care {industry} a spotlight because it tries to realize prospects. Among the tools Microsoft has been engaged on for a number of years, together with synthetic intelligence and automated chat-bot software program for speaking with sufferers, have gained traction because the Covid-19 outbreak has health-care {industry} prospects trying for methods to trace the unfold of the virus, predict gear wants and join sufferers and docs on-line.
“At this particular time there’s the increased demand to go virtual and have connectivity, while needing to pay attention to the bottom line so they can continue to serve,” stated Greg Moore, company vice chairman of Microsoft Well being. “This is a time for Microsoft to come in and help what are already our deep partners in health care.” Hospitals have been hit particularly laborious, with prices rising as they care for Covid-19 sufferers whereas income plunges as a result of different procedures have been delayed.
Windfall St. Joseph Well being, a series with hospitals in seven Western states, has used a model of Microsoft’s health-care chat bot to display sufferers for Covid-19 and funnel those that want care to a supplier or a telemedicine session, Moore stated. In whole greater than 1,600 Covid-19 care bots are in use that depend on Microsoft’s software program, largely as a instrument to cut back pressure on emergency hotlines. They’re deployed in 23 nations in cities from Copenhagen to Tel Aviv, together with a Covid evaluation bot from the U.S. Facilities for Illness Management and Prevention.
In the meantime, St. Luke’s College Well being Community and components of the UK’s Nationwide Well being Service have used Groups chat software program for telemedicine appointments. Thirty-four million health-care conferences, together with appointments, have been held in Groups within the 4 weeks ended April 25, Microsoft stated.
In November, the corporate introduced a brand new Bookings app in Groups to let medical suppliers schedule, conduct and transcribe safe digital appointments by way of Microsoft’s chat and video-conferencing program. The plan was to attempt it out as Microsoft normally does for early-stage software program “- with a pair dozen key prospects supervised by the software program maker. Then the virus hit and demand accelerated for this sort of product, so Microsoft let some 483 hospitals and suppliers attempt the app.
“When Covid happened we weren’t quite ready to make it generally available yet but we knew there was such an imminent need,” stated Kristina Behr, a basic supervisor at Microsoft. “We felt a sense of urgency to help.”
Now the app will probably be launched publicly, letting particular person docs’ workplaces or smaller practices use it. Subsequent, the corporate will roll out the reserving software to different industries. Already financial-services corporations try it for appointments with advisers, and authorities companies are additionally “- think about an internet appointment to deal with a parking ticket. Sooner or later, Microsoft could mix the app with digital-signature capabilities for such duties as on-line mortgage-signing appointments, Behr stated.
On the convention, Microsoft additionally deliberate to announce different tools for software program builders and new merchandise, together with:
* A set of three tool-kits for making synthetic intelligence fashions extra explainable, truthful and personal. The tools will probably be a part of Azure’s machine studying service and are additionally accessible on GitHub for anybody to make use of. One package, known as InterpretML, helps information scientists decide why a machine studying mannequin is drawing sure conclusions and which parameters are driving the prediction. That is key for figuring out whether or not an AI algorithm is making choices based mostly on unfair or discriminatory data. A second tool-kit, known as Fairlearn, helps builders perceive whether or not the AI mannequin is counting on information in a biased means. Ernst & Younger used it to seek out that their automated-lending algorithm gave a 15% benefit to males. And WhiteNoise is a brand new characteristic for making information extra personal inside AI fashions.
* Microsoft stated it constructed a strong AI supercomputer utilizing Azure in collaboration with and for the unique use of OpenAI, the analysis group engaged on synthetic basic intelligence that Microsoft invested $1 billion in final 12 months. The supercomputer will probably be used to coach large AI fashions.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
When Is The Last Time Republicans Controlled Congress
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When Is The Last Time Republicans Controlled Congress
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Who Controlled The House And Senate In 2001
107th United States Congress 100 senators 435 members of the House 5 non-voting delegates Senate Majority Democratic Republican Democratic House Majority
Bush. It was composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The apportionment of seats in the House was based on the 2000 U.S. Census. The Democratic Party controlled a majority in both chambers for the first time since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995.
Also Know, who controlled the Senate in 2000? 2000 United States Senate elections
Leader 54
Keeping this in consideration, who controlled the House and Senate from 2000 to 2008?
The apportionment of seats in the House was based on the 2000 U.S. Census. In the November 2008 elections, the Democratic Party increased its majorities in both chambers, giving President Obama a Democratic majority in the legislature for the first two years of his presidency.
Who controlled the Senate in 2003?
108th United States Congress 1st: January 7, 2003 December 8, 2003 2nd: January 20, 2004 December 9, 2004
Democrat Jon Ossoff Claims Victory Over David Perdue In Georgia Runoff
Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York is expected to replace GOP Sen. Mitch McConnell as majority leader and will determine which bills come to the floor for votes.
The ambitious proposals addressing climate change and health care and other domestic priorities touted by Biden and Harris will be difficult, if impossible, to advance with more moderate Democrats especially those facing competitive 2022 midterm reelection campaigns reluctant to sign onto partisan proposals. The much House Democratic majority compounds the challenge for the party.
Instead, Biden will need to consider which domestic priorities can get bipartisan support since Senate rules now require anything to get 60 votes to advance. The president-elect has already indicated that additional coronavirus relief will be his first priority, but he has also said he plans to unveil an infrastructure plan that could get support from Republicans.
In a statement Wednesday, Biden said that “Georgia’s voters delivered a resounding message yesterday: they want action on the crises we face and they want it right now. On COVID-19, on economic relief, on climate, on racial justice, on voting rights and so much more. They want us to move, but move together.”
The president-elect also spoke to Democrats’ potential total control of Washington.
Democrats Managed To Hold Onto Nevada But Only Picked Up One Seat From Republicans
Nevada, a Democratic open-seat contest where Rep. Joe Heck ran against former state Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto was called in Cortez Mastos . Prior to the release of the where Trump bragged about sexual assault, Heck had led Cortez Masto in the polls, but after Heck renounced his support for Trump , Cortez Masto was able to earn enough votes to allow Democrats to hang onto Nevada.
Illinois, where Kirk lost the seat to Duckworth, tipped to Democrats. Throughout the Illinois race, Duckworth led Kirk in the polls, but only in recent weeks did her lead break double digits. Duckworths victory gave Democrats one of five seats they needed to pick up to regain control in the Senate.
Republicans Rule House And Senate For First Time In 8 Years
Republicans captured total control of Congress on Tuesday, riding a wave of voter discontent to take the Senate for the first time in eight years and expand its majority in the House, according to NBC News projections.
The vote will recalibrate the balance of power for President Barack Obamas final two years in office as attention begins to turn to who will succeed him.
NBC News projections showed Republicans picking up Senate seats held by Democrats in Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Montana, North Carolina, South Dakota and West Virginia one more than the six they needed to take the chamber.
In the House, Republicans were projected to finish the night with an advantage of 246-189, plus or minus six seats, well ahead of their current edge of 233-199.
Mitch McConnell of Kentucky survived a challenge from Alison Lundergan Grimes and appeared poised to achieve his dream of becoming majority leader.
Party Divisions Of United States Congresses
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Party divisions of United States Congresses have played a central role in the organization and operations of both chambers of the United States Congressthe and the House of Representativessince its establishment as the legislature of the Federal government of the United States in 1789. Political parties had not been anticipated when the U.S. Constitution was drafted in 1787, nor did they exist at the time the first Senate elections and House elections occurred in 1788 and 1789. Organized political parties developed in the U.S. in the 1790s, but political factionsfrom which organized parties evolvedbegan to appear almost immediately after the 1st Congress convened. Those who supported the Washington administration were referred to as “pro-administration” and would eventually form the Federalist Party, while those in opposition joined the emerging Democratic-Republican Party.
There Were 26 Additional Seats Up For Election But None Of These Seats Changed Parties Louisiana Could Still Switch But We Wont Know Until December And It Wont Make A Difference To Democrats
The rest of the Senate races didnt switch parties this year. This includes 16 seats held by Republicans and nine held by Democrats. We still dont know the outcome of the Senate race in Louisiana as it has moved to a run-off that will be decided in December.
The open seat of Sen. David Vitter could now end up Democrat, but it still wont matter for Democrats when it comes to control of the Senate. The two candidates on the Louisiana ballot to fill Vitters open seat are Louisiana state Treasurer John Kennedy and Foster Campbell .
But this wasnt always the case: Up until a few weeks ago, Senate seats in Florida, Arizona, and Ohio were seen as pretty competitive races. The races only began to open up in recent days.
In Florida, Sen. Marco Rubio had a 3.7-point lead over challenger Patrick Murphy heading into Election Day. And in the other two states, incumbent Republicans John McCain and Rob Portman both enjoyed double-digit leads over their opponents, securing easy Republican victories.
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Republicans Can Win The Next Elections Through Gerrymandering Alone
Even if voting patterns remain the same, Republicans could still win more seats in Congress through redistricting
In Washington, the real insiders know that the true outrages are whats perfectly legal and that its simply a gaffe when someone accidentally blurts out something honest.
And so it barely made a ripple last week when a Texas congressman said aloud whats supposed to be kept to a backroom whisper: Republicans intend to retake the US House of Representatives in 2022 through gerrymandering.
We have redistricting coming up and the Republicans control most of that process in most of the states around the country, Representative Ronny Jackson told a conference of religious conservatives. That alone should get us the majority back.
Hes right. Republicans wont have to win more votes next year to claim the US House.
In fact, everyone could vote the exact same way for Congress next year as they did in 2020 when Democratic candidates nationwide won more than 4.7m votes than Republicans and narrowly held the chamber but under the new maps that will be in place, the Republican party would take control.
If Republicans aggressively maximize every advantage and crash through any of the usual guardrails and they have given every indication that they will theres little Democrats can do. And after a 2019 US supreme court decision declared partisan gerrymandering a non-justiciable political issue, the federal courts will be powerless as well.
Ernst Promises To Make Washington Squeal After Senate Win
In Louisiana, Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu was forced into a December runoff with Republican Bill Cassidy. In Georgia, Republican David Perdue cleared the 50 percent threshold to avoid a runoff.
Republican Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas beat independent Greg Orman, who had refused to say which party he would vote with. For a time, it appeared he alone might determine the Senate majority. It ultimately didnt matter.
Obama, with a new Congress to deal with, invited leaders of both parties and both chambers to the White House on Friday for a post-election meeting, a White House official told NBC News. The presidents approval rating has bounced around the low 40s all year 42 percent in the final reading before Election Day.
Almost across the board, Republicans sought to tie their Democratic opponents to the president throughout the campaign. And the president mostly stayed away from states with close races, knowing his presence could hinder vulnerable Democrats seeking to distance themselves from the leader of their party.
The Republican takeover of the Senate will force Obama to use his veto power more often he has wielded it only twice in six years and could complicate his efforts to make judicial appointments, including to the Supreme Court.
Incumbent republican Tom Corbett of Pennsylvania was ousted by Democrat Tom Wolf. In Texas, Republican Greg Abbott beat Democrat Wendy Davis, who gained national fame last year by filibustering an abortion bill.
New Members Of Congress
See also: New members elected in 2018 congressional elections
In the 2018 Senate and House elections, nine new members were elected to the Senate and 93 new members were elected to the House. These new members of Congress defeated incumbents or competed for open seats as a result of appointments to state and executive offices, resignations, and retirements. Here are some facts about the new members of Congress.
Five incumbent senatorsfour Democrats and one Republicanwere defeated in general elections. Senators who defeated incumbents were Mike Braun , Kevin Cramer , Josh Hawley , Jacky Rosen, and Rick Scott .
Three senators, all Republican, did not seek re-election in 2018. They were replaced by two Republicans and a Democrat. Sen. Thad Cochran also retired early, leaving his seat vacant. Cindy Hyde-Smith was elected to complete his term.
Fifty-two members of the U.S. House did not seek re-election in 2018. The 34 outgoing Republicans were replaced by 24 Republicans and 10 Democrats. The 18 outgoing Democrats were replaced by 15 Democrats and three Republicans.
Four members of the U.S. Housetwo Democrats and two Republicanswere defeated in primary elections in 2018. They were replaced by three Democrats and one Republican.
Thirty members of the U.S. House, all Republicans, were defeated in the general election by Democrats.
Changes To House Rules
After took control of the House in the 116th Congress, they voted to change some rules from the previous session of Congress when were in control. Some of the changes appear below.
PAYGO: Democrats approved PAYGO, a provision that requires legislation that would increase the deficit to be offset by spending cuts or revenue increases.
Ethics: Democrats made changes to House ethics rules that required all House members to take ethics training, not just new members. The rules also required members to reimburse taxpayers for settlements that that result from a members discrimination of someone based on race, religion, sex, national origin, or disability, among other things. Lawmakers were also prohibited from sitting on corporate boards.
Climate change committee: Democrats created a new climate change committee to address the issue. The committee was not given subpoena power or the ability to bring bills to the floor.
A full explanation of the rules changes can be viewed .
Incoming Biden Administration And Democratic House Wont Have To Deal With A Republican
Democrats Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff wave to supporters during a joint rally on Nov. 15 in Marietta, Ga.
Democratic challengers Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock have defeated Georgias two incumbent Republican U.S. senators in the states runoff elections, the Associated Press said Wednesday, in a development that gives their party effective control of the Senate.
Ossoff and Warnock were projected the winners over Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler by the AP following campaigns that drew massive spending and worldwide attention because the runoffs were set to determine the balance of power in Washington. The AP , at about 2 a.m. Eastern, then followed with the call for Ossoff over Perdue on Wednesday afternoon.
President-elect Joe Bidens incoming administration and the Democratic-run House of Representatives now wont face the same checks on their policy priorities that they would have faced with a Republican-controlled Senate, though analysts have said the slim Democratic majority in the chamber could mean more power for moderate senators from either party.
See:With sweep expected in Georgia Senate races, Democrats have high hopes for what Biden can do
It is looking like the Democratic campaign machine was more effective at driving turnout than the Republican one, said Eurasia Group analyst Jon Lieber in a note late Tuesday.
Warnock then made just before 8 a.m. Eastern time on Wednesday.
How Long Has The Senate Been Controlled By Republicans
Senators elected to regular terms in 2008 were in the last two years of those terms during this Congress. The Senate had a Democratic majority, while the House had a Republican majority. As of 2019, this is the last Congress in which Democrats controlled the Senate.
Secondly, which party controlled the Senate before elections? Republicans, having won a majority of seats in the Senate in 2014, held the Senate majority with 54 seats before this election. Although Democrats made a net gain of two seats and did not lose any of their seats, Republicans retained control of the Senate for the 115th United States Congress.
Then, which party controls the Senate 2019?
116th United States Congress 1st: January 3, 2019 January 3, 2020 2nd: January 3, 2020 present
Which party has had control of Congress the most?
However, after the Democratic Party again won back control in the elections of 1954, it was the majority party in both houses of Congress for most of the next forty years.
Partisan Control Of Congress
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This table shows the number of Congresses in which a party controlled either the House, the Senate, or the presidency.
U.S. Senate: Party Divisions
The Anti-Administration Party was not a formal political party but rather a faction opposed to the policies of Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. The faction eventually coalesced into the Democratic-Republican Party.
The Pro-Administration Party was not a formal political party but rather a faction supportive of the policies of Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. The faction eventually coalesced into the Federalist Party.
^ Though Washington never formally joined a party, he was broadly sympathetic to the coalition which later became the Federalist Party.
Washington disapproved of formal political parties and refused to join either party, though he became a symbol of the Federalist Party.
^ The Democratic-Republican Party broke up into two competing parties during the 1820s, but there is no official date of dissolution for the Democratic-Republicans. During the presidency of John Quincy Adams, Congress became divided between a group that favored Adams and a group that favored Andrew Jackson. After Adams left office, Congress was divided into a group that supported the Jackson administration and a group that opposed it. During Jackson’s presidency, the pro-Jackson group coalesced into the Democratic Party, while the anti-Jackson group joined with the Anti-Masonic Party and other groups to form the Whig Party.
Gop Senator Says Republicans Didn’t Control Senate When They Held Majority
Michael Burke
Sen.Ron Johnson said Sunday that Republicans didn’t control Congress during the first two years of President Trump
Johnson said that while the GOP had a majority in the Senate during Trump’s first two years in office, they didn’t control the chamber since Democrats had a large minority.
You said we controlled both chambers. We didnt,” Johnson told NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd, who questioned why Republicans didn’t approve funding for Trump’s proposed border wall while they had those majorities.
“We had a majority in the Senate.So you dont control it. We needed Democrats to support us and theyve been unified in trying to thwart this presidents No. 1 issue in the campaign, which was to secure the borders,” Johnson said.
“So no, we didnt have control,” he continued. “We needed Democrats, we never had any cooperation from Democrats, which is regrettable.
Republicans were in the majority in both the House and the Senate during the first two years of the Trump presidency, but they only held a slight advantage in the Senate.
They began Trump’s presidency with a 52-48 margin, but that shrunk to 51-49 at the end of 2017 with Democrat Doug Jones’s shocking win in a special Senate election in Alabama.
Republicans expanded their edge in the Senate to 53-47 inNovember but lost control of the House to Democrats.
Th United States Congress
January 3, 2015 January 3, 2017 Members 1st: January 6, 2015 December 18, 20152nd: January 4, 2016 January 3, 2017
The 114th United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States of America federal government, composed of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. It met in Washington, D.C. from January 3, 2015, to January 3, 2017, during the final two years of Barack Obama’s presidency. The seats in the House were based on the 2010 United States Census.
The 2014 elections gave the Republicans control of the Senate and the House for the first time since the 109th Congress. With 248 seats in the House of Representatives and 54 seats in the , this Congress began with the largest majority since the 71st Congress of 19291931. As of 2021, this is the most recent session of Congress in which Republicans and Democrats held any seats in New Hampshire and , respectively, and the last in which Republicans held a Senate seat in .
Mcconnell Not Backing Down From Obama In Victory Speech
I dont expect the president to wake up tomorrow and view the world any differently than he did when he woke up this morning. He knows I wont either, McConnell said. But I do think we have an obligation to work together on issues where we can agree. I think we have a duty to. Just because we have a two-party system doesnt mean we have to be in perpetual conflict.
Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democrat who will lose his job as majority leader, said in a statement: The message from voters is clear: they want us to work together. I look forward to working with Senator McConnell to get things done for the middle class.
Pre-election polls showed a record low level of interest in the election, and those who did show up were not happy. Exit polls showed that 54 percent of voters disapprove of Obamas performance, and 79 percent gave the thumbs down to Congress.
In 18 Months Republicans Are Very Likely To Control Congress Being In Denial Makes It Worse
To prevent such disastrous results, Democrats would need to replicate what happened the last time the presidents party didnt lose House or Senate seats in a midterm election.
Since the Civil War, midterm elections have enabled the presidents party to gain ground in the House of Representatives only three times, and those were in single digits. The last few midterms have been typical: In 2006, with Republican George W. Bush in the White House, his party lost 31 House seats. Under Democrat Barack Obama, his party lost 63 seats in 2010 and then 13 seats in 2014. Under Donald Trump, in 2018, Republicans lost 41 seats. Overall, since World War II, losses haveaveraged 27 seats in the House.
Next year, if Republicans gain just five House seats, Rep. Kevin McCarthy or some other right-wing ideologue will become the House speaker, giving the GOP control over all committees and legislation. In the Senate, where the historic midterm pattern has been similar, a Republican gain of just one seat will reinstall Mitch McConnell as Senate majority leader.
Its not just history that foreshadows a return to Capitol power for the likes of McCarthy and McConnell. All year, Republican officeholders have been methodically doing all they can to asphyxiate democracy. And they can do a lot more.
Current Leadership Of Key Offices
One year of a Democratic trifectaTwelve years of Republican trifectasScroll left and right on the table below to view more years.
Who Runs the States Report Background Main Page Part One: State Partisanship Partisanship Results Infographic Part Two: State Quality of Life Index Part Three: Overlaying Results Part 1 Executive Summary State Partisanship Analysis Partisan Control of Governorships Partisan Control of State Legislatures Partisan Control of State Senates Partisan Control of State Houses State Government Trifectas Overall Partisan Control: Bright, Medium and Soft States Changes of Partisan Domination over 22 years Year-to-Year Changes in State Partisan Control Trifectas and Presidential Election Patterns Appendix A Appendix B Part 2 Executive Summary State Quality of Life Index About the Index Overall Rankings Dramatic Changes from 1st Half to 2nd Half Individual Indicators Part 3 Comparing Partisanship and the State Quality of Life Index Rankings Description of the data Trends and correlations Key Values for Fifty-State Regressions State Reports
Green Light For Biden’s Nominees
While the filibuster will be a continued thorn in Democratic sides when it comes to legislation, it no longer applies to presidential nominations. That means Biden’s selection for his administration, from the Cabinet on down, can be confirmed solely with Democratic votes . That’s good news for nominees who might have been controversial, like Neera Tanden, Biden’s budget office pick.
Since several centrist Republicans have already said they will usually defer to the new president’s appointments, it should be smooth sailing for most of his nominees.
The same goes for Biden’s judicial appointments, including any Supreme Court vacancies that open up in the near future. Donald Trump in his four years placed 234 judges on the federal bench, including three to the Supreme Court. That has given him a political legacy that will long outlast his one term in office. Biden, thanks to Georgia, should have the opportunity to start rolling back some of those gains.
Partisan Composition Of State Legislatures
Partisan composition of state legislatures Legislatures New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota West Virginia See also
The partisan composition of state legislatures refers to which political party holds the majority of seats in the State Senate and State House. Altogether, there are 1,972 state senators and 5,411 state representatives.The breakdown of chamber control after the November 2020 election is as follows:
37 chambers
One chamber with power sharing between the parties
The breakdown of chamber control prior to the November 2020 election was as follows:
39 chambers
See also: Partisan composition of state houses and Partisan composition of state senates
Sixty-one state legislative chambers around the country have an even number of members, raising the possibility of a tie between the two major parties. In some instances, a bipartisan coalition of legislators is formed to act as leadership. This tactic has not been the universal approach, however; some legislative bodies have used a coin toss, gubernatorial choice, shared time, choosing co-leaders, or dividing chairperson positions between the parties.
state government trifecta
As of August 15, 2021, there are 23 Republican trifectas, 15 Democratic trifectas, and 12 divided governments where neither party holds trifecta control.
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Compte-rendu de la 2ème conférence Paneuropa (Kyiv, octobre 2018)
La deuxième conférence Paneuropa s’est tenue à Kyiv, capitale de l’Ukraine, le lundi 15 octobre 2018 dans le cadre de la semaine paneuropéenne, au club Reconquista, sous l’égide du réseau européen Reconquista.
Des participants venus d’Italie, d’Allemagne, de Norvège, ainsi que des représentants des forces nationalistes ukrainiennes y ont pris part, rejoints par des invités de marque venus de Suède (Marcus Follin, « The Golden One ») et des Etats-Unis (Greg Johnson).
En outre, le Centre Russe de Kyiv et les Grecs de ProPatria ont exprimé leur soutien aux initiatives et aux projets des nationalistes ukrainiens.
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L’arrière-plan conceptuel de l’événement
Aujourd’hui, dans le contexte mondial d’un tournant populiste de droite, il est devenu courant de déclarer « L’Italie (La Pologne, La Hongrie…) d’abord ! ».
Toutefois, lorsque le président de la première  puissance mondiale admet qu’il est nationaliste, sans qu’il soit tenu compte de son véritable degré d’adhésion à cette notion classique, et proclame «  Make America Great Again », cela traduit un phénomène bien différent de celui du retour aux états nations en Europe.
Il n’est pas suffisant pour les états européens pris individuellement, et même pour tous pris dans leur ensemble, de s’émanciper de l’Union Européenne et de fermer les frontières pour résoudre le problème de l’absence de l’Europe sur la carte du monde en tant que sujet géopolitique et surtout, comme un bloc civilisationnel et culturel spécifique.
Les superpuissances (Etats-Unis, Russie, Chine…) continueront à influer sur les tendances politiques et économiques mondiales en continuant à diviser l’Europe en zones d’influence.
Dans la mesure où l’Europe a de plus grandes ambitions que de demeurer le satellite de maîtres changeants, il est grand temps de s’unir et de proclamer comme nos principes « L’Europe d’abord ! » et « Rendre à nouveau sa grandeur à l’Europe ».
Par conséquent, l’objectif de cette de cette conférence internationale annuelle, est de nous réapproprier l’Europe en commençant avec le terme de Paneurope qui a été discrédité depuis des décennies par les multiculturalistes « paneuropéens » dans le sillage du comte Coudenhove-Kalergi.
En outre, puisque l’idée même des Etats-Unis d’Europe relève juste d’une analogie, la conférence Paneuropa vise à définir un voie équilibrée entre une fédéralisation excessive, qui au regard des dernières décennies est devenue synonyme de centralisation, et le petit étatisme.
La question connexe concernant le fait d’aller au-delà des réflexes chauvinistes est également régulièrement abordée lors des événements organisés par le mouvement Reconquista et il a été question cette fois-ci des tensions transfrontalières entre la Hongrie et l’Ukraine.
Un autre impératif de la pensée paneuropéenne tourne autour de la question des minorités nationales, du régionalisme et du droit des plus petites ethnies à l’autodétermination et se voit régulièrement abordé lors des conférences Paneuropa.
Un des exemples les plus éclairants de cette dernière, qui a récemment agité l’Europe, parmi d’autres, a été abordé au cours du premier forum Jungeuropa à Dresde et concerne la question catalane.
Le mouvement de la Reconquista européenne basé en Ukraine entretient des connexions  avec les nationalistes espagnols qui ont attiré l’attention sur le fait que dans cette affaire l’identité catalane est mise en avant par les gauchistes désireux « d’enrichir » cette identité avec les soi-disant réfugiés non-européens.
En d’autres mots, il est impossible  de parler d’identitarisme et de régionalisme avant que l’Europe ne se rétablisse en tant que sujet géopolitique. Les intrusions conjointes des forces mondialistes occidentales et russes pour établir un parallèle entre les velléités indépendantiste catalanes et la situation dans le Donbass ukrainien le prouvent fort bien.
Cela nous amène à un autre point d’une importance clé pour les nationalistes ukrainiens : l’impératif d’une troisième voie géopolitique entre un « protectorat » de la Fédération de Russie et une alternative similaire de la part du mondialisme occidental.
Cet impératif a été explicitement mis en avant par les représentants de toutes les forces nationalistes ukrainiennes ayant pris part à la conférence (Le Corps National, Svoboda, La Sitch Carpatique) et a été abordé en détail par la coordinatrice du Mouvement Reconquista, la secrétaire internationale du Corps National, Olena Semenyaka.
En opposition à l’idéologue du néo-eurasisme, Alexandre Douguine, nous réfutons l’idée que le monde moderne soit « unipolaire », ce qui constitue une prémisse à sa conclusion inutile soulignant la nécessité de succomber à la « contre-hégémonie » du Kremlin.
Si les Etats-Unis demeurent la puissance la plus influente, il est devenu évident pour les nationalistes ukrainiens, et pas seulement pour eux, qu’à la lumières des dernières années écoulées, l’Occident et la Fédération de Russie continuent à fragmenter l’Europe en zones sous leur contrôle comme l’Allemagne d’après-guerre. Et il n’est pas nécessaire d’expliquer qu’une Europe éclatée constitue l’exacte antithèse  de l’idéal paneuropéen, quel que soit la nature des relations ou des frictions russo-ukrainiennes. L’Europe orientale ne cèdera jamais aux sirènes de Moscou.
D’ailleurs, le dilemme catalan est révélateur de ce qui se passe à l’échelon européen : il est impossible de parler d’Eurosibérie, ou d’un quelconque projet supra-européen, qu’il soit euro-atlantique ou eurasien, avant  de restaurer  la souveraineté politique de l’Europe et sa subjectivité géopolitique.  Le choix fallacieux entre Occident et Russie est démontré par le simple fait qu’ils continuent tous deux à coopérer économiquement et à décider du sort de l’Ukraine, en dépit des sanctions économiques et des campagnes médiatiques menées respectivement contre les impérialismes « américain » et « russe ».
Un autre fait démontrant que l’Occident et la Fédération sont davantage des congénères rivaux et concurrents plutôt que des adversaires idéologiques renvoie à l’histoire qui est arrivée aux nationalistes russes de Kaliningrad, l’ancienne Königsberg.
Cette dernière fut, entre autres occasions, abordée lors du premier forum Jungeuropa, dans le contexte de la nécessité pour l’Europe de se libérer des bases militaires étrangères.
Au cours de la conférence inaugurale du Groupe de Soutien à l’Intermarium, qui s’est déroulée à Kyiv en juillet 2016, les représentants de l’organisation nationaliste russe BARS ont suggéré que Kaliningrad pourrait être réintégrée dans l’espace géopolitique de l’Intermarium, animé d’intentions amicales vis-à-vis de l’Allemagne. Bien qu’ayant exprimé leurs idées à titre privé au cours d’un événement organisé par une organisation non gouvernementale, ces nationalistes russes ont été emprisonnés à leur retour à Kaliningrad sous l’accusation de séparatisme et sont toujours sous les barreaux.
Actuellement, Kaliningrad est considérée comme une plateforme stratégique cruciale pour prendre le contrôle des états baltes dans laquelle la Russie a accru sa présence militaire depuis 2014 qui inclut le stationnement de missiles balistiques Iskander-M au rayon d’action supérieur à 400 km.
Apparemment, l’Occident préfère les bases militaires russes et les armes nucléaires à Kaliningrad au réarmement de l’Allemagne, comme pour l’Ukraine, avec leurs perspectives nationalistes réprimées depuis des lustres, parce que les élites de l’Ouest seront toujours capables de trouver un arrangement avec leur homologue russe néolibérale et multiethnique aux tendances conservatrices inoffensives et à la plus vaste communauté musulmane historique d’Europe.
Il est grand temps pour les forces nationalistes européennes qui considèrent sérieusement leur engagement pour les peuples de notre continent d’élaborer une stratégie pour restaurer la souveraineté de l’Europe en commençant par les capacités de défense, au lieu d’applaudir à une autre « victoire » de Poutine sur l’Occident.
D’autre part, la dévalorisation du mouvement nationaliste de masse ukrainien comme un « pion » présumé sur l’échiquier mondial dans le jeu de l’Occident inspiré par Zbignew Brzezinski est tout simplement impardonnable, non seulement en tant que signe de sénilité sous le travestissement d’un fatalisme géopolitique, mais comme un triste abaissement des ambitions politiques européennes. Elle est regrettable en tant qu’obstacle pour saisir l’unique, probablement la dernière chance pour l’Europe de se préserver elle-même dans une nouvelle forge de guerre. Comme nous l’enseigne l’histoire récente, toutes les tentatives honorables de restaurer la puissance continentale de l’Europe ont été menées dans un contexte de détresse révolutionnaire de de guerres « fratricides », que cela ait été l’âge d’or géopolitique de la période post-napoléonienne ou la course aux armements ayant précédé, puis succédé au premier conflit mondial.
Les tensions croissantes entre les superpuissances occidentales et de l’Est rendent nécessaire l’unification des forces nationalistes autour de la troisième voie géopolitique, en lieu et place d’un échappatoire, d’un scepticisme et d’un déterminisme mal informé affirmant que tous les efforts sont futiles.
Aussi, le mouvement Reconquista qui vise à édifier une confédération paneuropéenne de nations européennes souveraines, la Paneurope pour le dire simplement, s’appuie sur les positions classiques de la Troisième voie (autrement désignée troisième théorie politique) dans la veine de Julius Evola, Ernst Jünger, Pierre Drieu la Rochelle, Oswald Mosley et Dominique Venner, qui ont été discutées lors de la première conférence inaugurale Paneuropa s’étant tenue à Kyiv le 28 avril 2017.
Résumé des conférences
La seconde conférence Paneuropa peut être divisée en 5 sections principales :
L’introduction par les coordinateurs de Paneuropa, les conférences des représentants des organisations d’Europe occidentale (Italie, Norvège, Allemagne), les allocutions des invités de marque à l’événement (venus de Suède et des Etats-Unis), les propos des représentants des partis ukrainiens (Corps National, Svoboda , Sitch Carpatique), les présentations et argumentaires (Projet Kraftquell et Centre Russe de Kyiv).
Olena Semenyaka a souligné les fondements du Mouvement Reconquista et pourquoi celui-ci est  justement né dans la Kyiv révolutionnaire.
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Tout d’abord, elle a mis en évidence le fait que le régime déchu de l’ex- président Yanoukovytch n’était que partiellement pro-russe. Il serait plus indiqué de le définir comme dépourvu de de toute subjectivité géopolitique sur le mode typique d’un régime post-soviétique qui sert ceux qui paient le plus, et à cet égard, sa différence avec le régime actuel n’est qu’une question de degrés. Par exemple, on peut rappeler que l’accord d’association avec l’Union européenne fut initié par Yanoukovytch au même titre que la première Gay Pride ukrainienne, qui se déroula sous la protection des Berkout, forces spéciales de la police qui réprimeront la révolution du Maïdan quelques mois plus tard.
Dans un deuxième temps, Olena Semenyaka a souligné que, malgré l’annexion de la Crimée et l’invasion du Donbass par la Fédération de Russie, qui a profité du moment pendant lequel l’état ukrainien était paralysé, pour prévenir un Maïdan russe, les mouvements nationalistes ukrainiens n’auraient jamais atteint un tel stade de développement sans le déclenchement des hostilités avec la Russie. Pour la première fois depuis la Seconde guerre mondiale, les formations nationalistes ont réussi à créer leurs propres branches  militaires, l’exemple le plus éclatant étant le régiment à destination spéciale Azov, intégré dans la Garde nationale ukrainienne. C’est pourquoi, elle a aussi fait un parallèle entre la situation dans l’Ukraine post-révolutionnaire et le dilemme des corps francs allemands des années 20 qui ont dû combattre la menace bolchevique en Allemagne et dans le Baltikum pendant que le gouvernement libéral étendait son pouvoir de nuisance à l’intérieur de l’Allemagne.
Cependant, dans un troisième temps, précisément en raison de la nécessité d’assurer la garde des frontières de l’Ukraine, et de ce fait de l’ensemble de l’Europe orientale, face à la guerre hybride déclenchée et menée par la Russie, le mouvement nationaliste ukrainien a obtenu la chance non seulement de défier les autorités libérales et de concourir pour le pouvoir en Ukraine, mais aussi d’initier le développement de l’Intermarium, l’union militaire et géopolitique des pays d’Europe centrale et orientale, en tant qu’alternative à l’Union Européenne et extension moderne de la classique troisième voie géopolitique continentale.
Les participants à la deuxième conférence Paneuropa qui ont également assisté le 13 octobre à Kyiv à la troisième édition de celle du Groupe de Soutien à L’Intermarium, fondé par Andriy Biletskyi, entre autres député du Parlement , leader du Corps National et premier commandant du régiment Azov, ont pu estimer l’état actuel de la coopération entre les pays de la région.
A ce moment précis, Olena Semenyaka a poursuivi sur la géostratégie de la Reconquista européenne : l’Intermarium conçu comme une plateforme ou un tremplin en vue d’une intégration européenne alternative.
Au regard des crises en cours dans l’Union Européenne (terrorisme islamique radical, invasion migratoire, Brexit…), une telle opportunité est désormais prise en compte pas seulement par les participants à des événements comme Paneuropa, mais aussi par des représentants officiels de gouvernements d’Europe centrale et orientale.
La nécessité objective d’une coopération dans le domaine de la défense entre les pays de la région après le déclenchement de la guerre hybride par la Russie a rendu l’intégration par l’Intermarium tout à fait réaliste. D’ailleurs, la conjoncture géopolitique actuelle en Europe et dans le monde est plutôt favorable : le groupe des quatre de Visegrad (V4) et l’Initiative des trois Mers (3S), soutenue par le président américain Trump, pourraient, en tant qu’initiatives autonomes au sein de l’Union Européenne, constituer une base de départ pour le futur bloc souverain de l’Intermarium dans ses dimensions géopolitiques et militaires. A son tour, il pourrait devenir l’axe d’une intégration européenne alternative (une plateforme pour la Paneurope).
De plus, Olena Semenyaka est revenue sur la situation idéologique et politique au sein de la fédération de Russie. Ayant admis l’existence d’un socle de valeurs conservatrices naturellement partagées par le peuple russe, qui, parmi d’autres choses, est hostile à la propagande LGBT, elle a expliqué qu’il est plus facile de les préserver dans les pays d’Europe orientale qui possèdent pour chacun d’entre eux leur propre « nation titulaire ». A l’opposée, la fédération de Russie est un état multiethnique et multireligieux avec une minorité musulmane historique considérable et une immigration de masse dans la partie russe du pays, venue des républiques non européennes  de la Fédération et des pays voisins d’Asie centrale. Il n’est pas surprenant de constater l’existence en Russie  d’une législation « anti-extrémiste » très stricte et chaque cas particulier « d’incitation à la haine interethnique, interraciale ou interreligieuse » est systématique jugé en faveur des protagonistes non-européens des incidents. Par voie de conséquence, il n’y a plus de mouvements ou de partis nationalistes dignes de ce nom en Russie. Après le commencement de la guerre contre l’Ukraine, qualifiée de contrée « néo-nazie » par les médias russes, le jour de la Victoire et la mythologie de la Grande guerre patriotique sont devenus plus que jamais les fondements de la narration publique et de l’identité collective en Russie. En conséquence, toutes les activités nationalistes peuvent facilement tomber dans la catégorie du « révisionnisme historique, du révisionnisme sur les conclusions de la Seconde guerre mondiale et de la glorification des collaborateurs des nazis », qui les rendent illégales. Il n’est pas surprenant de constater que la majorité des activistes nationalistes russes, en premier lieu ceux qui se sont déclarés contre l’invasion de l’Ukraine, se sont exilés dans ce dernier pays. En d’autres termes, seules des organisations nationalistes ignorantes ou corrompues, peuvent encore en Europe considérer la Russie de Poutine comme un allié stratégique.
A la fin de l’événement, cette conclusion a été reprise par Denis Vikhorev, coordinateur du Centre Russe (en exil), un de ces nationalistes qui a fui en Ukraine après le début de la répression contre lui et ses camarades qui s’étaient dressés contre la guerre avec  Ukraine. Il a attiré l’attention de l’auditoire sur des faits parfaitement éloquents : les financements d’état constants versés au Parti Communiste de la Fédération de Russie (dissous en Ukraine après la Révolution), de la part du gouvernement russe le 14 octobre 2017 (le jour des défenseurs de la patrie en Ukraine) lors de la 19ème édition du Festival Mondial de la jeunesse et des étudiants communistes à Sotchi (comme il se doit dans une Russie quasi soviétique, après une rencontre avec les représentants d’une des plus grandes banques du pays, la Sberbank), ou le renvoi immédiat en 2011 du porte-parole du service fédéral des migrations, Konstantin Poltoranine, après que ce dernier ait fait une remarque sur son intérêt pour le futur de la race blanche, ses critiques de la politique migratoire de l’Union européenne et son souhait exprimé de faire venir des migrants d’origine slave plutôt que des ressortissants asiatiques…
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En fait, Denis Vikhorev  a fait directement écho à un des principaux messages d’Olena Semenyaka qui a argué que les eurosceptiques pro-Kremlin (le « Con-Intern », « l’Internationale conservatrice ») n’ont aucun avenir et a appelé les forces nationalistes européennes à se rallier à la géostratégie de la Reconquista, unie autour de l’union de l’Intermarium comme une alternative à l’UE. Son principal mot d’ordre était décliné comme suit : pendant que l’Occident et la Russie continuent de considérer l’Ukraine comme une aire de jeu pour leurs ambitions, les forces nationalistes européennes devraient unir leurs efforts avec le potentiel représenté par le mouvement nationaliste ukrainien et contribuer à transformer la « zone tampon » entre les  superpuissances en une confédération souveraine de la Paneurope.
Le message d’Olena Semenyaka a été confirmé par Mykola Kravtchenko, bras droit du leader du Corps National, Andriy Biletskyi qui a pris part à la conférence pour rappeler notamment à l’auditoire qu’une force politique sérieuse et à l’œuvre derrière le projet de la Paneurope.
Il a souligné que le conflit entre l’Ukraine et la Russie n’est pas tant une tragédie qu’une opportunité, une fenêtre de tir, pour l’Ukraine et l’ensemble de l’Europe, et que cette chance historique unique ne doit pas être gaspillée. Actuellement, le Mouvement Reconquista se compose de ramifications  variées et réalise son objectif au moyen d’activités de réseau coordonnées pour aboutir au final à une confédération paneuropéenne de nations libres. Mykola Kravtchenko a terminé son allocution de bienvenue en déclarant  que « le soleil de l’Europe se lève à l’Est ».
Olena Semenyaka a ensuite invité Alberto Palladino alias « Zippo » à prendre la parole , qui est, entre autres, le correspondant pour l’étranger de CasaPound italia (CPI),un militant de longue date au sein de ce qui est probablement le premier mouvement nationaliste moderne à avoir développé un agenda paneuropéen et des projets comme Zentropa.
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Le Corps National a une longue histoire de coopération avec CPI, et, comme de nombreux mouvements nationalistes européens, a puisé son inspiration dans les initiatives des camarades italiens, en mettant en place en particulier  son centre pour la jeunesse dénommé Maison Cosaque.
Après avoir écouté le discours d’Alberto Palladino au Forum Jungeuropa de Dresde, Olena Semenyaka lui a demandé de revenir sur les principaux points abordés dans le cadre de la conférence Paneuropa à Kyiv, de la situation post-électorale en Italie aux projets actuels de la CPI, thèmes extrêmement intéressants pour tous les nationalistes d’Europe. Aussi, son allocution était-elle intitulée, « Elections et mouvement nationaliste-révolutionnaire : le point de vue de la CasaPound ».
Le succès des forces populistes de droite en Italie, regroupées au sein de la Lega était plutôt inattendu, ayant porté au pouvoir Matteo Salvini aux postes de vice-premier ministre et ministre de l’Intérieur. Au premier abord, le résultat électoral de la CPI pourrait paraître modeste comparé à celui de la Lega, n’ayant pu franchir le score nécessaire pour être présent au Parlement. Mais Alberto Palladino a précisé clairement que les principaux slogans qui ont suscité l’adhésion populaire pour la Lega, ont été volés à la CPI, comme celui déclarant « L’Italie d’abord ! ». En effet, pour les sympathisants nationalistes, il est aisé de se rappeler que son slogan couplé avec la campagne pour un retrait de l’Italie de l’Union Européenne et l’exigence de fermer les frontières, a été lancé par la CPI. D’ailleurs, il est bien connu que dans plusieurs provinces, la CPI a obtenu entre 6 et 10% des suffrages.
A cet égard, la situation est très similaire à celle des résultats électoraux post-révolutionnaires du Praviy Sektor (« Secteur Droit »), qui a plafonné à moins de 2% des votes alors que certaines forces patriotiques nouvelles (on ne pense pas au vieil oligarque Petro Porochenko), ont accédé au pouvoir.
Actuellement, la défense de la langue et de la culture ukrainiennes, la glorification des « collaborateurs du IIIème Reich » de l’OUN-UPA ou la décommunisation  ont été menées par les autorités officielles du pays, tandis qu’avant la révolution, la salutation « Gloire à l’Ukraine »  ne pouvait être entendue que dans des cercles nationalistes marginaux. Aussi, il est naturel que la CasaPound soit sur le point de préparer les changements stratégiques, bien que ces forces populistes de droite, qu’elles soient italiennes ou ukrainiennes, puissent être considérées comme des brise-glace pour laisser à terme libre cours  à une « artillerie lourde » originale. Dans un tel contexte , Alberto Palladino a mis l’accent sur le fait que le succès électoral n’a rien à voir avec le fait d’apparaître « modéré ». Pour lui, la clé pour comprendre la CasaPound dans toutes ses dimensions, mais aussi l’identité italienne en général, réside dans le fascisme. En contraste avec les autres mouvements nationalistes européens qui rejettent clairement ces qualifications médiatiques comme dénigrantes et diabolisantes, les membres de la CasaPound  se qualifient eux-mêmes de fascistes, avec fierté et sincérité. La popularisation du fascisme et de la figure de Mussolini grâce, entre autres, aux activités de la CPI est un fait rapporté par de nombreux médias mainstream comme le Guardian britannique.
Pour conclure son propos, Alberto Palladino a admis qu’à un certain moment, la direction de la CPI avait banni toutes « discussions géopolitiques » autour du conflit russo-ukrainien qui divisaient le mouvement et contribuaient à paralyser l’activisme quotidien des membres.
Cependant, il a affirmé clairement qu’un développement confiant de la troisième voie géopolitique en Ukraine pourrait  rendre inutile tout débat à venir, et que même, des activistes de droite, nouveaux venus sur cette question, pourraient rejoindre ses propos en soutien à une Ukraine libre sans Poutine et l’Union Européenne.
Olena Semenyaka a ensuite donné la parole aux représentants du parti allemand Der Dritte Weg (« La Troisième Voie »), qui connaît une croissance dynamique dans son pays et a toujours été un allié du Corps National. A la suite de cette semaine paneuropéenne à Kyiv, Der Dritte Weg a enregistré un entretien radiodiffusé avec Olena Semenyaka sur les raisons du développement rapide du Mouvement Azov et son programme géopolitique.
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L’année dernière, 30 militants du mouvement ont pris part à la marche annuelle  de la Nation le 14 octobre, qui est le jour férié des défenseurs de l’Ukraine et du guerrier cosaque traditionnel, puis se sont recueillis dans un cimetière militaire allemand près de Kyiv. Cette année, 14 d’entre eux étaient présents sous les bannières vertes caractéristiques de la Dritte Weg aux côtés des organisations nationalistes ukrainiennes.
Le contexte du discours prononcé par le représentant de la Dritte Weg renvoyait aux événements de Chemnitz et la délégitimisation des politiques migratoires de la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel du point de vue des citoyens. C’est pourquoi son allocution était intitulée : « Allemagne : la révolution ou l’effondrement ». Dès maintenant, nous savons que Merkel a annoncé que pour la première fois  dans l’histoire de la CDU, un changement  de direction du parti était envisageable.
Le 1er mai 2018, les rangs disciplinés de la Dritte Weg ont donc battu le pavé de la ville de Chemnitz avec des slogans en faveur de la justice nationale et sociale. Plusieurs mois plus tard, ils sont revenus se mettre à la tête de la protestation populaire contre les crimes des migrants sponsorisés par l’état et les mensonges médiatiques. Cette fois-ci, le terrain qui avait toujours été prédisposé aux idées nationalistes, était encore plus sensible à la présence de la Dritte Weg.
Après avoir parlé des activités du parti, de la croissance de ses cellules et de son réseau, de ses projets sociaux et électoraux, le porte-parole de l’organisation a souligné qu’elle constitue, avant tout, un mouvement nationaliste-révolutionnaire capable de répondre au défi de la « guerre civile » en Allemagne. Pour conclure son allocution, il a fait remarquer qu’il ne voyait aucun obstacle pour développer une coopération internationale : non seulement avec le Corps National et la CasaPound Italia, mais aussi avec l’Aube Dorée et le Mouvement de Résistance Nordique (NRM).
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La parole a ensuite été donnée à une autre force nationaliste allemande, les jeunes nationalistes des JN-NPD (Jeunes Nationalistes-Parti National Démocrate d’Allemagne). Maik Schmidt et Remo Matz ont présenté les activités de l’organisation de jeunesse du NPD qui est devenue une force reconnue volant de ses propres ailes. Après s’être présentés et avoir décrit leurs itinéraires respectifs au sein du mouvement nationaliste, Maik et Remo ont parlé des codes distinctifs de leur organisation introduits par ses membres pour en finir avec les stéréotypes concernant les représentants de la droite radicale allemande. Ils ont évoqué en particulier un style particulier et un dress code avec des polos et des t-shirts estampillés JN, car il est, aujourd’hui, interdit en Allemagne pour une organisation de jeunesse de porter un uniforme.
Plus tard, Maik et Remo ont mis l’accent sur diverses activités des JN, des marches de protestation anti-gouvernementales aux projets sociaux. Par exemple, ils ont, d’une manière créative, attiré l’attention de la société allemande sur le fait que le 9 mai ne constitue pas un « jour de victoire » pour les Allemands. Ils ont finalement achevé leur survol des activités des JN avec la projection d��un reportage vidéo sur leur dernier événement paneuropéen, le congrès international REGeneration Europa qui s’est tenu les 11 et 12 mai 2018, auquel ont participé entre autres, Olena Semenyaka et Viktoria Polounina en tant que représentantes ukrainiennes du Corps National.
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Remo Matz et Maik Schmidt ont également participé à la Marche de la Nation du 14 octobre, sans tenir compte des divergences, au sein du NPD, au sujet du conflit russo-ukrainien, se posant ainsi comme une authentique avant-garde paneuropéenne de leur mouvement, non seulement au sens d’une ouverture à la coopération avec toutes les forces nationalistes européennes, mais aussi à celui d’une compréhension claire de l’origine du conflit et d’une alliance à long terme avec l’un des plus puissants mouvements nationalistes de la planète.
La « section allemande » fut close par Thomas Rackow, ex-membre du NPD qui joue actuellement un rôle extrêmement important et véritablement « paneuropéen » en tant que coordinateur de la coopération entre militants nationalistes norvégiens, allemands et ukrainiens. Après avoir entendu le discours d’Olena Semenyaka au congrès REGeneration Europa, il a invité cette dernière à venir s’exprimer de la sorte devant des nationalistes norvégiens dans la partie orientale du pays de Knut Hamsun. Aussi, à son initiative, un projet caritatif ukraino-germano-norvégien est né sous le nom de « Kraftquell » (« la source de la puissance »), qui organisera des vacances en Allemagne et en Norvège pour des familles de vétérans ukrainiens du front du Donbass. Thomas  Rackow a décrit en détail son projet et a invité les participants à y prendre part ou à partager les infos le concernant.
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Après la pause déjeuner, nos fameux invités d’honneur, Marcus Follin, plus connu en tant que « Golden One » et Greg Johnson ont pris la parole. Dans le cadre de la semaine paneuropéenne, ils ont tous deux également participé à des entretiens filmés et fait de nouvelles interventions les jours suivants cet événement.
D’ailleurs, il est intéressant de préciser qu’une délégation suédoise  était aussi présente à Kyiv au cours de ces journées. On peut nommer Jonas Nilsson, coordinateur du Projet Boer, pratiquant et entraîneur de MMA, ancien instructeur du régiment Azov, auteur du livre « Anarcho-Facism : Nature Reborn » (« Anarcho-fascisme : la renaissance de la nature ») et Anton Stigermark, politologue, auteur d’un premier livre publié récemment, intitulé « Memetisk Krigforing » (« La guerre mémétique », prochainement  traduit en anglais), et venu essentiellement combattre au club de MMA « Reconquista » où se tenait cette deuxième conférence Paneuropa.
L’allocution de Marcus Follin, faisant  écho à plusieurs aspects de la crise européenne, a porté sur une grande variété de sujets : un retour sur les dernières élections en Suède, l’essence du nationalisme paneuropéen, l’importance d’un développement harmonieux physique et intellectuel et le programme d’entraînement du « Golden one ».
S’exprimant au sujet de la situation politique suédoise, Marcus Follin a mis l’accent sur le fait que bien que le parti le plus sympathique, «Alternativ for Sverige» (« Alternative pour la Suède »), n’ait pas atteint le seuil requis pour entrer au Parlement avec 0,31 % des votes lors des dernières élections, son influence ne peut que croître à l’avenir. Il a ajouté, que bien que le mouvement nationaliste ukrainien soit incomparablement plus développé, les citoyens suédois, étant donné le stade critique qu’ont atteint les tendances destructrices dans leur pays, sont de loin beaucoup plus politisés et conscients des problématiques globales du monde occidental.
Pourtant, depuis les signes les plus prometteurs d’un renouveau national dont nous avons été témoins en Europe orientale, commentant l’importance du paneuropéanisme et de la coopération internationale entre les forces nationalistes de l’Europe, Marcus Follin a souligné l’importance de la réconciliation polono-ukrainienne. En Europe occidentale, a-t-il dit, les tensions interethniques et le chauvinisme entre Européens sont un luxe que nous avons surmonté depuis longtemps. Il a aussi exprimé son soutien total au programme géopolitique de l’Intermarium.
Par ailleurs, Marcus Follin a parlé de métapolitique et de l’élan formidable donné à sa formation personnelle après son passage sous les drapeaux. Il a expliqué à l’auditoire qu’un Suédois moderne ordinaire, en tant que produit de programmes d’éducation gouvernementaux et des médias libéraux, est une personne qui ne peut concevoir que l’identité suédoise soit menacée, étant donné qu’il ne possède lui-même aucune identité en tant que Suédois et représentant d’un héritage européen particulier qui a été oblitéré. Ainsi, l’objectif de l’action métapolitique en Suède est, avant tout, de revitaliser cette connexion par le biais d’une éducation alternative pro-européenne dans la veine de Julius Evola et de Dominique Venner, des études mythologiques qui en appellent aux archétypes et à un exemple personnel positif.
Au final, en abordant la question du propre programme d’entraînement du « Golden One », Marcus Follin a continué sur les effets positifs de son expérience militaire  dans le contexte d’une préparation à renoncer à un style de vie hédoniste typiquement occidental, à acquérir un sens de la hiérarchie et de la dévotion à une cause supérieure et donner le meilleur de soi-même dans des activités sportives choisies. La perfection physique, une fois de plus, devrait marcher main dans la main avec une formation métapolitique constante et la diffusion de ces idéaux au sein de la société.
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Quelques jours plus tard, Marcus Follin a été interviewé au club littéraire Plomin par Olena Semenyaka, dans une conversation didactique  qui est revenue aussi bien sur les sujets abordés précédemment que sur d’autres thématiques importantes comme les perspectives du Scandinavisme et du renouveau de l’identité nordique, la future coopération entre le bloc de défense scandinave et l’Intermarium, la contribution suédoise à la lutte de l’Ukraine contre les forces soutenues par le Kremlin dans le Donbass et la possible remilitarisation de la société suédoise, la création du centre social et métapolitique suédois Det Fria Sverige (La maison des Suédois) et bien d’autres encore.
Pour finir, Marcus follin a aussi fait une intervention intitulée « Le croisé métapolitique », le 20 octobre à Atek, la base du Corps National pour les militants du Corps des Sports et de la Droujina Nationale qui ont profité de sa présence à Kyiv pour cette nouvelle occasion.
La conférence était consacrée à la nécessaire harmonie qui doit unir deux cheminements : la Voie du Livre et la Voie de l’Epée. Une attention particulière était portée aux aptitudes spéciales que les nationalistes ukrainiens devraient être en mesure de développer dans ces moments si décisifs pour leur pays et le reste de l’Europe, avec une capacité à expliquer à un public ukrainien et international, l’enracinement organique de la culture ukrainienne dans l’héritage européen, les origines de l’identité nationale ukrainienne et le processus d’édification de l’Etat, de préférence en Anglais.
Cependant, un très grand nombre d’autres sujets ont également abordés. Marcus Follin a abordé la question religieuse, le déni de l’implication russe dans le conflit en Ukraine au sein de la mouvance nationaliste suédoise, la scène politique suédoise et l’électorat populiste de droite, la suppression du service militaire obligatoire après la chute de l’URSS et ses effets négatifs sur les jeunes Suédois, son expérience personnelle de la MMA, sa compréhension de la défense par les Ukrainiens de leur identité nationale dans sa confrontation avec la Russie et son soutien à l’Intermarium en tant que troisième voie entre l’Union Européenne et la Russie et le fait de savoir s’il doit être considéré (toute proportions gardées, NDT !) comme le « Evola scandinave ». A noter qu’étaient présents dans l’assistance deux volontaires et instructeurs suédois bien connus au sein du régiment Azov, Mikael Skillt et Jonas Nilsson.
Le deuxième invité de marque était Greg Johnson, le moteur intellectuel derrière l’Alt-Right américaine, le théoricien du nationalisme blanc, le rédacteur en chef du remarquable site Counter-Currents et de la maison d’édition du même nom, un auteur très productif dont les livres seront traduits en ukrainien. Il est venu en Ukraine avec des exemplaires de son nouveau livre, The White Nationalist Manifesto (« Le Manifeste nationaliste blanc »). Et le sujet de son intervention était directement relié aux idées et suggestions exprimées dans le manifeste, étant donné qu’elles étaient  tombées dans le collimateur du cerveau de l’utopie libérale, Francis Fukuyama en personne, inquiet du développement de l’ethno-nationalisme et de l’identitarisme  blanc aux Etats-Unis. Le titre de sa conférence renvoyait à celui du dernier livre de Fukuyama : « Fukuyama sur les politiques de l’identité ».
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La participation de Greg Johnson à la deuxième conférence Paneuropa était extrêmement attendue et symbolique dans la mesure où l’Alt-Right a été longtemps été associée aux positions pro-Kremlin d’un de ses représentants les plus connus, Richard Spencer. Le soutien de Greg Johnson au programme géopolitique du Corps National, à savoir l’Intermarium Adriatique-Baltique-Mer Noire comme tremplin d’une intégration européenne alternative, aussi bien que la haute estime manifestée à l’égard de la troisième conférence du Groupe de Soutien à l’Intermarium, ouvre de nouveaux horizons pour une réelle coopération « euro-atlantique » telle que nous la concevons.
Une telle opportunité est extrêmement importante dans le contexte d’une montée des populismes de droite sur l’ensemble de la planète, à l’image de la récente élection de Jair Bolsonaro au Brésil. Une autre manifestation de ce phénomène s’est traduite par le soutien apporté par Donald Trump à l’Initiative des Trois Mers promue par les chefs d’Etat de la Pologne et de la Croatie, respectivement Andrzej Duda et Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, également considérés comme des « populistes de droite ».
Il n’est pas nécessaire de s’étonner que Francis Fukuyama, comme l’a souligné Greg Johnson, ait essayé d’assouplir les politiques d’immigration et d’atténuer le mécontentement croissant de la société qu’elles suscitent, en faisant des concessions. A la grande surprise de Johnson, c’était ce qu’il avait vraiment trouvé de mieux. Ni Fukuyama, ni les auteurs de livres aux titres éloquents tournant autour de l’idée du « populisme contre la démocratie », le summum étant représenté par le livre de Yascha Mounk, « The People vs. Democracy. Why our Freedom is in Danger and how to save it » (« Le peuple contre la démocratie. Pourquoi notre liberté est menacée et comment la sauver »), ne sont en mesure de trouver une faille dans le raisonnement des nationalistes blancs et des identitaires.
De plus, Fukuyama, selon Greg Johnson, est en fait d’accord avec les arguments et prémisses de ces rivaux intellectuels, tout d’abord sur le besoin de chaque être humain de s’identifier à quelque chose de plus grand qui le dépasse. Sa principale contre argumentation, en plus d’être particulièrement faible, réside, selon lui, dans le fait qu’il y a ou qu’il devrait y avoir quelque chose de plus fort que toutes ces identités qui divisent, à savoir une culture libérale mythifiée. Pour Greg Johnson, Fukuyama a échoué à la définir alors qu’il est un des esprits les plus sophistiqués du camp d’en face.
Il est amusant de constater que le livre le plus populaire dans la section de sciences politiques d’Amazon est le « White Nationalist Manifesto » de Greg Johnson alors que le plus vendu est celui de Fukuyama, « On Identity » !
Au cours d’une conversation filmée d’une heure avec Olena Semenyaka et une intervention au club littéraire Plomin, intitulée « Du nouveau sur le front de l’Ouest »,  qui s’ensuivit à la Maison Cosaque le 16 octobre, Greg Johnson partagea ses impressions sur les activités du mouvement nationaliste ukrainien et fit quelques révélations sur le contexte particulier du renouveau des politiques de l’identité blanche, plus précisément au sujet de l’ascension et de la chute de l’Alt-Right américaine.
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Les débuts de l’Alt-Right furent en fait prometteurs et impressionnants : Greg Johnson a rappelé sans équivoque que l’Alt-Right a joué un rôle déterminant dans la venue au pouvoir de Donald Trump, en particulier dans la dernière phase des élections. A ce moment selon Johnson, l’Alt-Right a montré son meilleur aspect, celui mouvement basé sur un réseau décentralisé, donc actif et créatif, qui a dévoilé les mensonges du gouvernement américain et a été apprécié de la société américaine pour son courage et son éthique. Le déclin commença avec la mise en place d’un leadership sur ce qui n’était qu’un réseau souple et décentralisé et le mouvement fit une tentative de concurrencer le système dans ses pires aspects : structures de pouvoir, fonctionnaires bureaucrates et ressources financières inépuisables. Greg Johnson n’a pas hésité à affirmer que ces changements, initiés par le leader autoproclamé de l’Alt-Right, Richard Spencer, ont finalement mené le mouvement au bord de l’effondrement. Cela s’est produit à la suite de la marche « Unite the Right » à Charlottesville en Virginie, les 11 et 12 août 2017 quand la police a ouvertement fait cause commune avec les antifas de service et à cause de la faiblesse de l’Alt-Right « réformée », devenue trop évidente pour attirer les sympathisants. Les signes du déclin s’étaient en fait manifestés beaucoup plus tôt. Greg Johnson a exprimé ses regrets d’avoir laissé passer l’occasion de transformer l’Alt-right en un mouvement de masse en raison de la crainte de certains militants d’en altérer le noyau idéologique. Selon lui, tout mouvement qui lutte pour changer le cours de l’histoire ne doit pas craindre la « mainstreamisation » et doit au contraire être confiant dans sa capacité à éduquer ou à mener les masses. La fameuse envolée de Spencer « Hail Trump, Hail Victory ! » fut le premier écart limite qui contribua à éloigner l’Alt-Right de toute perspective de soutien et d’engagement populaire. La dénonciation des personnalités publiques  qui osaient s’associer au mouvement fut aussi un nouveau test pour l’Alt-Right qui se révéla incapable de les protéger. Néanmoins, Greg Johnson pense que les aspects les plus solides de l’Alt-Right restent encore pertinents et qu’Internet continue, à cet égard, à jouer son rôle contre des mondialistes qui ne peuvent tout simplement pas le supprimer.
Bien d’autres sujets furent abordés avec Greg Johnson au cours de cet entretien filmé et de cette allocution : La peur de l’Occident et l’attirance secrète pour les « barbares de l’Est » comme les participants de la grande marche militarisée de la Nation à Kyiv, son prochain livre sur la justification philosophique des politiques de l’identité blanche, l’incompréhension  autour du concept de nationalisme blanc, le cas de la dichotomie « ethno nationalisme  contre « melting pot blanc » en particulier, les prémisses communes au nationalisme blanc et à la pensée écologique, le point sur les formes d’exutoire politique à droite et bien d’autres encore.
L’intervenant suivant, Bjorn Christian Rodal, représentant du jeune, mais hautement efficace, parti Alliansen –Alternativ for Norge, a prononcé une allocution intitulée « Fraternité en Europe ».
En tant que participant à la conférence Intermarium qui avait précédé cet événement deux jours avant, Bjorn Christian Rodal a réaffirmé son soutien total à cette alternative géopolitique, à la fois pour l’Ukraine et la Scandinavie, plus précisément entre l’Intermarium Adriatique-Baltique-Mer Noire et le bloc de défense scandinave. Selon lui, la Norvège qui n’est pas membre de l’Union Européenne, a toujours été méfiante à l’égard de cette union multinationale.
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Bjorn Christian Rodal a mis l’accent sur le fait que lui et ses compatriotes comprennent très bien en général la nature de la confrontation qui oppose l’Ukraine à la Russie, ayant subi 400 ans de domination danoise, avant que la Suède ne prenne le relais pour un siècle. A cet égard, il conçoit parfaitement que les deux nations ukrainienne et norvégienne puissent être considérées comme « jeunes », ce qui signifie que même si le processus d’éveil de leur conscience nationale a été retardé, elles possèdent des qualités qui les placent au centre d’un renouveau à l’échelon régional. De la même manière, après une période consciente d’identification nationale négative par une opposition à leurs anciens dominateurs, il apparaît que la réconciliation ne devrait pas être difficile. « Au tout début du 20ème siècle, nous étions prêts à partir en guerre contre la Suède en plus de notre indépendance. Mais une fois que vous avez mis en place de robustes fondations, vous pouvez vous acheminer vers une relative apaisée et amicale avec votre nation sœur » a-t-il déclaré.
Le plus grand ennemi des nations européennes, a conclu Bjorn Christian Rodal, est la forme-capital libérale mondialisée qui ruine les fondements de leur identification avec l’héritage et les traditions européennes. Dans ce contexte, il a accueilli favorablement la naissance d’une nouvelle génération de patriotes en Norvège et ailleurs en Europe, alors que précédemment, il était surtout question d’un patriotisme libéral façonné dans son pays, tout d’abord par les sociaux-démocrates, puis les sociaux-libéraux. Les ennemis communs nécessitent une réponse commune, a-t-il souligné, pour « qu’une fois qu’une nation ait pu s’extirper de l’architecture mondialiste, elle puisse affaiblir la mainmise que les parasites ont établi sur nous tous ».
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Ce fut après le tour du représentant du parti panukrainien Svoboda, Iouriy Noievyi, de prendre la parole. Son propos éloquemment intitulé « L’unité géopolitique comme base de l’unité des nationalistes en Europe », était dédiée à la nécessité de mettre en place une formation commune en politique étrangère à laquelle pourrait adhérer toutes les forces nationalistes européennes. De fait, il a proposé d’organiser un congrès des nationalistes européens, au printemps prochain, durant lequel un manifeste pour une Europe unie pourrait être adopté. La troisième voie géopolitique pourrait, par voie de conséquence, constituer une feuille de route obligatoire de ce document programmatique et le soutien qui lui serait apporté serait, de l’avis de Iouriy Noievyi, le critère principal pour juger qui a le droit de se qualifier de véritable nationaliste européen ou pas.
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Cette journée fructueuse a été conclue par l’intervention d’Anton Badyda et David Sidak, représentants de la Karpatska Sitch (la « Sitch Carpatique »), une organisation nationaliste-révolutionnaire ayant son siège à Oujhorod, dans la région de Transcarpatie. Dans leur allocution énergique intitulée « La question hongroise aux yeux de la Sitch Carpatique », ils ont expliqué la nécessité de coopérer avec les forces nationalistes hongroises de bonne volonté, pour faire un pied de nez aux tentatives mondialistes de diviser les nations ukrainienne et hongroise en utilisant la question des droits de la minorité hongroise en Transcarpatie comme prétexte.
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Anton Badyda et David Sidak ont précisé au public qu’ils faisaient de leur mieux pour expulser de la région les représentants des forces chauvinistes hongroises comme les députés tristement connus du parti Jobbik, qui n’ont cependant jamais représenté la menace principale, constituée par les mondialistes qui ont décidé d’empêcher toute unité des forces nationalistes dans la région afin de prévenir toute attaque coordonnée contre les institutions et l’agenda multiculturalistes.
Après le discours de Denis Vikhorev, coordinateur du Centre Russe, les participants ont exprimé leur désir de continuer leur coopération dans le cadre du projet Reconquista, en commençant par prendre part aux autres moments de cette semaine paneuropéenne à Kyiv.
In fine, nous sommes honorés de conclure le compte rendu de cette seconde conférence Paneuropa avec ces mots de soutien envoyés par l’organisation grecque bien connue Propatria :
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« Athènes, le 12 octobre 2018.
Nous saluons la tenue de la deuxième conférence Paneuropa qui se tiendra à Kyiv. Avec cette lettre, nous voudrions manifester notre soutien total à cette conférence au nom de la communauté militante Propatria. Malheureusement, nous n’avons pu nous retrouver parmi vous, estimés camarades européens, mais nous sommes avec vous en esprit à Kyiv. Nous croyons vraiment que de telles conférences sont nécessaires pour créer des liens forts entre toutes les communautés nationalistes européennes. Les nationalistes sont sur la ligne de front contre la suprématie de l’Union Européenne  et des oligarques de Poutine. Ce sont eux qui se lèvent, défenseurs contre les forces de l’Est et de l’Ouest. Les nationalistes à travers l’Europe luttent pour l’indépendance et l’intégration nationale contre les nations divisées.
La Grèce et l’Ukraine sont deux pays qui ont tous deux une partie de leur sol national assujetti. En tant que nationalistes, nous nous battons pour l’indépendance nationale et la capacité pour chaque nation, avec la liberté de décider elles-mêmes de ce que sont leurs intérêts, de former leurs alliances et de ne pas succomber aux centres de contrôle opaques et aux grandes forces géopolitiques. En tant que nationalistes européens, nous devons créer des liens forts pour une bataille commune de toutes les nations européennes.  Une bataille pour réveiller tous les Européens qui ont été égarés du fait de la télévision, des drogues et du capitalisme. Notre bataille est une bataille en dehors du système.
En 2014, ici à Kyiv, les nationalistes ukrainiens ont montré la manière de combattre pour la cause et cela reste un exemple pour nous tous. Notre bataille doit être politique, mais par-dessus tout culturelle. Pour venir à bout du mal qui a été ancré dans l’âme du peuple. Pour extraire le poison qui s’appelle marxisme culturel. Un de nos objectifs doit être d’opérer un retour de nos racines à la tradition européenne, le retour à nos valeurs comme jadis celles de l’épée, de la plume, du guerrier et du philosophe. Dans chaque pays doivent être créées des structures qui feront la promotion du nationalisme comme mouvement à part entière, et pas seulement sur la scène électorale. La bataille pour la reconquista européenne a commencé et nous attend pour le combat.
Propatria »
Olena Semenyaka
Traduction et adaptation : Pascal Lassalle
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alamante · 6 years
ALEXANDRIA, Va. (Reuters) – Prosecutors on Thursday aggressively pressed their bank and tax fraud case against Paul Manafort, presenting testimony and documents to try to prove U.S. President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman deceived his lead bookkeeper and a bank about his finances.
On the trial’s third day, the prosecution pivoted away from describing Manafort’s lavish lifestyle, focusing instead on the nitty-gritty details of actions they believe underpin the charges against him of bank fraud, tax fraud and failing to report foreign bank accounts.
Prosecutors have attempted to portray Manafort as a tax cheat and a liar who hid much of the $60 million he earned from political work for pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine by stashing it in undisclosed overseas accounts.
Manafort, 69, is facing 18 charges in the first trial stemming from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russia’s role in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Manafort has pleaded not guilty to all the charges in federal court in Alexandria, Virginia, outside Washington.
Manafort’s lead bookkeeper Heather Washkuhn, who managed the books of his personal and business finances, testified that she thought she had complete knowledge of his financial affairs but that she was unaware of his holdings outside of the United States.
Washkuhn, managing director of the accounting firm Nigro Karlin Segal Feldstein & Bolno, said Manafort was “very detail-oriented” and “approved every penny” the firm paid from his personal account.
Prosecutors presented evidence that Manafort emailed a doctored profit-and-loss statement to a Chicago bank from which he was seeking a loan.
They showed jurors an email from Washkuhn to the bank showing that, through Nov. 20, 2016, his business had a net loss of $1,116,497. They then displayed another email they said Manafort sent to an executive at the bank with a profit-and-loss statement for September 2016 attached.
The document stated that Manafort’s consulting firm had a net income of $3,011,952. Washkuhn said she did not produce that document.
The email from Manafort could potentially undercut his defense strategy. Since the trial started on Tuesday, his lawyers have sought to lay the blame for any financial irregularities on his business partner Rick Gates and went so far as to accuse him of embezzling money from Manafort’s firm.
Defense attorney Thomas Zehnle avoided asking about the questionable document when his turn came to cross-examine Washkuhn.
Taking long pauses to check his notes in between questions, he pressed Washkuhn on whether Gates was the primary go-to guy for Manafort’s financial affairs.
“Mr. Gates would deal with DMP items,” she replied, referring to Manafort’s consulting firm. “But Mr. Manafort was the approval source.”
Washkuhn also testified that she was in the dark about a laundry list of corporate entities that the government says Manafort used when he wired funds to pay expenses.
Vendors who provided goods to the Manafort family testified Wednesday and Thursday that they often received overseas wire transfer payments from companies such as Peranova Holdings Limited, Global Highway Limited and Lucicle Consultants Limited.
Washkuhn said she had no idea any of those entities were owned or controlled by Manafort.
Mueller has pursued a 14-month investigation of Russia’s role in the election and potential coordination between the Trump campaign and Moscow, though none of the charges against Manafort involve that issue.
FILE PHOTO: Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort arrives for arraignment on a third superseding indictment against him by Special Counsel Robert Mueller on charges of witness tampering, at U.S. District Court in Washington, U.S. June 15, 2018. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst/File Photo
Greg Andres, a member of Mueller’s team, confirmed on Thursday that the prosecution will call Manafort’s former business partner Gates as a witness, a day after prosecutors suggested they might not.
“We have every intention of calling him as a witness,” Andres said.
Gates pleaded guilty to making false statements after being indicted by Mueller, and is cooperating with Mueller’s probe.
As part of his guilty plea, Gates acknowledged routinely dealing with accountants in the preparation of Manafort’s tax returns and misleading them with false information, although he said he did so with Manafort’s knowledge.
Manafort routed millions of dollars to the United States by putting it in real estate, and spending it on expensive suits, cars and home renovations, according to prosecution witnesses. Prosecutors said Manafort evaded taxes through this scheme. Five of the 18 counts he faces relate to filing false tax returns.
On Thursday, the jury heard from Joel Maxwell of a Florida-based company that installs lighting, audio visual equipment and automation systems for homes that did work for Manafort. Maxwell testified that some of the Manafort invoices shown to him from prosecutors appeared to be have been forged.
Michael Regolizio, of a landscaping firm in the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island, also testified that a Manafort invoice was phony, listing an incorrect address and an altered version of his company’s name. Regolizio said he was paid about $450,000 between 2010 and 2014 for work for Manafort, and that the money was paid via a money transfer from Cyprus.
It was unclear who created the invoices or how they were used.
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Mueller has indicted or secured guilty pleas from 32 people and three companies. Trump has called Mueller’s investigation a witch hunt and on Tuesday called on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to end it.
Reporting by Nathan Layne and Sarah N. Lynch in Alexandria, Virginia; Additional reporting by Susan Heavey and Karen Freifeld; Writing by Warren Strobel; Editing by Will Dunham and Grant McCool
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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