I am going to apologize for the past as well as the future, because I already hate what I am going to have to say.... errr.... type... 
First apology goes to the past, because I haven't been as active as I wanted to be. 8th grade takes it out of you. Plus I've lost a passion for writing preferences that will never happen. Sure the stories I write that have absolutely nothing to do with One Direction won't happen either, but it's easier for me to imagine them in my head. Lately I haven't even listened or thought of 1D (hard to do when your room is covered in posters, but not impossible) because I have been really confused with my feelings. I'm don't know who are my friends and who aren't. I can't tell if I still like the guy who basically broke my heart last year (mainly it was my stupidity but whatever). Plus I've apparently been acting more sassy, but I'm just trying to be me whoever that is. I don't even know who the real me is anymore. I'm tired of being shy and not doing anything about my problems, but I'm more afraid of losing the things I know. My friends are drifting (making plans in front of me), I have absolutely no social life, and I can guarantee none of the boys at my school like me for me. Sometimes I want to cry, but then I realize I have no right to cry. I've run out of tears and I think I lost my conscience in the process. I no longer feel guilty for anything. Perhaps, I'm just selfish. That's not too surprising. Maybe I need some friends who are willing to include me or the parents that understand. I don't feel comfortable with telling my feelings to anybody which I assume is why I resulted to tumblr. Even this has lost appeal to me. I feel like a hollowed human being.
Apologies for the future include me having far too many things to do over the summer. I really wish I could continue blogging on here, but I don't know how many of you will be able to wait long enough for new things. I don't blame you. I get bored easily too. I joke about being sad and depressed, but when I'm alone like this it actually seems true. I wish someone were here to tell me I don't have to fake a smile anymore. Someone who can hug me and tell me everything's going to be alright when it's not. I need a friend.....
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I don't know what to say to you people anymore.
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I'm really happy guys! Yesterday I turned 14! I'm going to try to get a story up this weekend but I have to practice my saxophone. Can't wait to get back into the writing groove :) ~Kaitlan
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Just wondering....
If I wrote a Narry story would anybody read it? Just curious because I want to write one, but don't want people to go all hater on me. Plus Emma is taking this spotlight away from this blog with her other one. -_- *sigh* I hate myself. Lately life has gone wrong for me and my only excitement today was crushed by some rather personal matters. Oh well.... Life sucks and the faster I get used to that the better.
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Hey! can you do a preference where your having a fight with one of the boys but you kiss and make up in the end?
mmmhmmmmmmm. I might post it on my other blog, but I'll give you the link!!! xxoo
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Omg that story makes me want to burst into tears. You're an amazing writer though :) xx
bby, I did burst into tears, multiple times... but asdfghjkljgfdsavgyhunjinhbgytfcr i swear i'm like.... yay! I'm following you because ilysm
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Larry; loved you enough
A/N: I cried so hard while typing this it isn't even funny. i literally had to stop and bite a pillow to stop from crying out in deep emotional pain. Warning: this may trigger actions I don't want anyone to go though. Remember my ask, and this ask are always open and I swear you wont be judged.
He sat on the cold hard ground in front of the older boy's grave. With shaking, numb, fingers he traced the indent on his boyfriend's grave:  December 24th, 1991- January 3rd, 2012. Louis William Tomlinson, a loving son, brother,boyfriend, and band mate. You'll always be remembered.
Harry wiped away the tears that wouldn't stop flowing from his eyes and took another swig at the bottle of unmarked alcohol. Expecting the beverage to muddle his brain and destroy all memory of the two, Harry cried out in pain when the memories of clubbing late at night and sneaking kisses and touches in front of the media rushed back at him. He cringed and gulped down more of the poison in his hands, loving the burn as it slid down his throat. Then came the memories of lazy days alone, Harry would wear a pair of sweats and Louis ugly purple jumper that he was in love with because it smelled so much like Louis. It was a sweet mix of flowers, beer, and his favorite peppermint bath wash. They would lie on the couch together, Harry often falling asleep while Louis would play with his massive muscular hands. He loved the physical contact with the older boy, it made him feel safe, like no one or their words could hurt his happiness.Hahe thoughtironic how my protector could kill me inside. That practically set harry over the edge, he wanted to kill himself for thinking that. It wasn't Louis' fault. He felt it was his. HE was the one that didn't see the warning signs. HE was the one that ignored his boyfriend's calls for help. HE was at fault. HE was the reason Lou-at only 20- had committed suicide. it was HIS fault. It takes TIME to hang yourself. TIME that Harry could've used to help him. It was all Harry's fault. It's not like he overdosed, or jumped off a bridge, no, you have to PLAN when you hang yourself. Find the right chair, the right rope, the right location... All of this planning and still, Harry didn't see it coming. Good. Now the guilt will kill me before i get the chance to.He laughed bitterly, gulped down more of the burning liquid, and let his mind wander once more.
What if the chair wouldn't move? Then he'd be holding Lou's hand. What if someone had walked in soon enough to stop him? Then he'd be hugging Louis' head to his neck. What if the rope had been longer? Then Harry wouldn't be at his grave, spending his last moments in such agony.
It was then that Harry's body was racked with sobs, and he decided that hecouldn't take it anymore.He took out a nail he'd snagged from the junk drawer and slowly etched additional information onto the grave stone. satisfied with his work, he began slowly removing his clothing. Peeling off layers of jackets and his jeans, Harry threw the no-longer-needed clothing aside.I'm numb to everythinghe thought,this is going to be easier than I thought.
The hysterical laughter came when he took the last gulp of the fiery poison and began his goodbyes. "I'm sorry" he whispered " I'm sorry for not cooking you dinner on your birthday, I'm sorry for laughing at you when you fell in the pool, I'm sorry for not getting to know your grandad better. I'm sorry for always stealing your clothes. I'm sorry that I wouldn't eat the spaghetti you made me when I was sick. I'm sorry I drank your soda. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there to compliment you everyday. I'm sorry I couldn't say I loved you enough. I'm sorry..." He ran out of breath. He sat on the cold, hard, ground and fresh tears sprang into his eyes as he thought about how Louis must feel. "Don't worry babe, I'll be there soon."
He broke the bottle across the headstone and drag the edge along his arms, thighs, legs, anywhere really. Thoroughly disgusted with himself, he grabbed the prescription painkillers from the pocket of a forgotten coat and didn't hesitate to through his head back and swallow as many as he could.Great,he thought,I don't even get a heroic ending...
Harry curled up at the base of the headstone and closed his eyes.!'ll be there soon Lou. I can't wait to see you again. Do you miss me? God have I been lonely without you... It'll all be over soon though. I love you so much.
And so another life had been taken. But that heartfelt "I love you" wasn't the last thing to run though Harry's mind, not at all:what if I'd been there for you?He never got to think of the answer. An hour later when the caretaker arrived at the grave cite, he was appalled to find the bloodied, cold, very dead body of a 17 year old boy, curled up at the bottom of his best mate's gave next to a crudely scratched message:now we'll be together forever, just like you promised. I love you Louis, Harry.
A/N feedback, positive or negative is greatly appriciated. thanks loves xx
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okay. I've decided i'm going to write some Larry, so if you don't like it, feel free to hate me on my page, or just don't fucking read it. see you soon my little mammaries... ~Emma
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Oooooooooooo babe you should do a preference for: he saves you from danger. (like being kidnapped or falling off a cliff)
I think we did one like that already. I think it's called He Saves Your Life or something like that. I had a lot of fun with that preference and am thinking about a part 2 since it was requested. I'm just really looking for ideas based off the songs on the new album. Thanks for the suggestion though. We greatly appreciate it. :) ~Kaitlan
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Hey love, Im Elizabeth, but i go by Izzy or Lizzy. Im in love with every kind of food any kind of movie and every kind of animal. Im a shy girl when i meet new people but when ya get to know me i am a loud girl. Im 18. Born on June 6th. Im a senior and im from Minnesota. Could ya ship me maybe? :3 
Wedding dress
How other lads feel or think about you
Matching Tattoos
Matching outfits
Fans fav gif of you two
Fans fav picture of you
Couple Name
First Kiss
Your House
Best Friends
Pregnant photo
Present he gives you before he leaves <3
Thanks love. Message me when you are done <3
What is up with all the pretty people today? Grrr.... I feel ugly and forever alone. Oh well..... Your birthday is my half-birthday by the way. :)
I'd ship you with the love Liam Payne! Whoo!!!
Twins! Cassie and Micheal!
Wedding Dress:
You work at an Animal Shelter!
If We Fall In Love by Yeng Constantino and RJ Jimenez
How other lads feel or think about you:
They love you! They think you're pretty and a lot of fun to be around. They love having you around for movie nights and won't hesitate to call you if they need advice. You're the perfect little sister to them
Matching Tattoos:
Matching Outfits:
Fans Fav Gif of You Two:
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Fans Fav Pic of You:
Couple Name:
First Kiss:
Your House:
Best Girl Friends:
Selena and Taylor!
Best Friend:
Pregnant Photos:
Present He Gives You Before He Leaves:
There ya go, love. :) ~Kaitlan
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hey can i have a long imagine about louis being scared about me being in the army
Sure, love. You're really pretty by the way. I'm jealous -_- Oh well. Haha ;) ~Kaitlan
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I'm Feeling Something
Okay.... I'm going to pretend that didn't sound as creepy as I thought it did and get to the point. I may or may not ;) be writing new preferences for each song of the new album. They'll probably be one shots so message me a specific song for a specific boy and I'll see what I can do. I've been getting a lot of inspiration lately and I just got a bunch of One Direction stuff (including an over 6 foot tall poster of Harry) as an early birthday present. :) So if you have any mind-blowing ideas shoot us a message! Cuz we love you and I feel lonely. (probably my fault on that one but shhh)
~Kaitiebear ;)
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First off, I’d like to say that I’m writing this on my iPod, so that’s why it sounds terrible. (Basically a nice way of saying your app sucks.) However I’m not here to talk about improvements to the official tumblr SITE so much as possibly maybe looking into a “safe house” for bloggers...
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i just want Louis Tomlinson to jump off the stage into my arms so we can run away to Costa Rica together.
It’ll be just like that fanfiction I read.
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sorry not sorry.
"Louis Tomlinson as the Flying Homosexual"
sounds like a superhero name
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