#based on his nandemonaiya cover ofc
0v0theo · 1 year
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happy birthday renjun ~ ☆ [3/23/23]
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lightshxro-blog · 5 years
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NAME:      Evami! Not my real name ofc but it’s an alias. STAR SIGN:     Gemini. HEIGHT:       uhhh.... 5′ 3″ I think. WHAT’S YOUR MIDDLE NAME?       Marie - though technically I have two, the second being my mom’s maiden name. PUT YOUR SPOTIFY PLAYLIST ON SHUFFLE. WHAT ARE THE FIRST 6 SONGS THAT POPPED UP?
Beauty’s Wicked Wiles - FFXIV
Nandemonaiya - Kimi no na Wa (English cover by Akane Sasu Sora and BriCie)
Last Night, Good Night - Hastune Miku (English cover by Lollia)
Scream - Sergey Lazarev
If I Never Knew You - Disney’s Pocahontas (piano cover by Sam Yung)
Devil Trigger - Devil May Cry
EVER HAD A POEM OR SONG WRITTEN ABOUT YOU?       Actually, yes. I completely forgot about this until I saw the question because it’s been a few years but yeah! It was back in high school, and one day one of my best friends in the Super Religious online academy I attended at that time told me that a friend of hers had a major crush on me and wrote a sappy (but honestly very pretty) song about me. It was kinda weird though? Especially looking back on it now, because he and I didn’t even know each other at that point, never even spoken before in fact. Basically he got a crush on me based on my profile page and pictures on the school’s private social media. I never returned his feelings and tbh I’m glad about it, because later on down the line he acted kinda manipulative and borderline toxic. After that instance, we haven’t spoken and we’ve just. gone our separate ways. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU PLAYED AIR GUITAR?      .... when i was about 12 :’3 WHO IS YOUR CELEBRITY CRUSH?       Sorry, celebrity crushes aren’t my cup of tea - I definitely had those when I was younger but not now. WHAT’S A SOUND YOU HATE; SOUND YOU LOVE?     I haaaate loud screech beeping in general, it’s just really painful to my ears. One I absolutely love though? Running water, especially a river or the ocean. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS?      You bet. HOW ABOUT ALIENS?       Absolutely. I’m like that one History Channel meme. DO YOU DRIVE?        Nope - don’t even have my learner’s permit yet. IF SO, HAVE YOU EVER CRASHED?       100% crash free bc I don’t drive. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ?       My art history textbook. DO YOU LIKE THE SMELL OF GASOLINE?       No. Definitely not, no. Depending on the strength of the smell, it can make me feel queasy. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU SAW?        Hunchback of Notre Dame WHAT’S THE WORST INJURY YOU’VE EVER HAD?      Ohhhh boy. Um. I’ve had quite a few because I was a very accident-prone child. The two that were Really Bad both happened when I was really little. First time, I slipped on the floor and smashed my cheekbone into the leg of a metal stepstool. Still have the scar - it’s faint but it’s there. The second was when I broke part of my upper jaw against the handlebar of my trainee scooter during a bad fall. The runners-up for Worst Injury are a bit more recent: the time I sprained a finger on my right hand while shooting hoops with a neighbor several years ago and, even more recently, last year when I fractured my pinkie toe. DO YOU HAVE ANY OBSESSIONS RIGHT NOW?      Unfurls a scroll a la Crowley, do you want that list alphabetically or highest to lowest? Lol I jest - currently it’s FFXIV that’s the biggest obsession. DO YOU TEND TO HOLD GRUDGES AGAINST PEOPLE WHO HAVE DONE YOU WRONG?   Not really? I’m chill and pretty forgiving so I give people chances to learn from their mistakes. But it depends on what they’ve done, honestly? If it was really bad, like, to the point of making me anxious and deeply hurt for a long time, or they’ve done something truly horrible in general then I’m a bit less lenient.    IN A RELATIONSHIP?     Nope. Single as a pringle.
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