#based on my own experiences of having a dog lowkey she's the light of my life and she honestly makes things better (along with my cat)
topsytervy · 4 years
Wisdom Teeth ~ JJ Maybank
Blurb: JJ takes care of you after you get your wisdom teeth out. Not gonna lie, this post is kind of a mess
Word Count: 1,890
Warnings: mentions of blood, swearing, small mention of alcohol/drinking, I think that’s it.
I’m just going to say that this is based off of my wisdom teeth experience. I didn’t get gassed or put under, my moms friend suggested me holding alcohol in my mouth cause she did that when she got hers out and it worked for her (it worked for me enough to let me sleep like the dead, and my mom kept laughing at me.
I aged JJ and the reader to 19 cause why not.
I also lowkey started thinking of JJ taking care of his kids after their wisdom teeth get pulled and thats shows in the ending. 
anyway, small shoutout to @taylathornton who got me thinking about this after she said something about JJ or Rafe taking care of the reader when they get their wisdom teeth out.
You walked out into the waiting room, gauze on either side of your mouth, your boyfriend standing by the counter as someone gave him the same rundown they gave you post-extraction. 
JJ smiled as he saw you, not that you could see with the mask over the bottom half of his face, and pulled you into his side.
"Just remember that if you still feel pain while taking the prescription he gave you today, call back and he'll prescribe you something stronger." the lady said. 
You nodded as you shoved the sheet filled with the instructions, prescriptions, and the extra gauze they gave you into JJ's hands. JJ said a quick thank you to the lady and then directed you to the door, every penny being covered by your insurance.
Thank God.
"How do you feel, princess?" He asked, intertwining your fingers together.
"You didn't tell me the extraction was such a violent process." You told him.
Well, attempted to tell him but the gauze in your mouth wasn't helping. The mask definitely added to muffling your voice.
JJ chuckled. "What?" He asked, unlocking the truck.
"You didn't tell me the extraction was such a violent process." You said slower, louder, and slightly more enunciated. 
JJ helped you into the truck. "Didn't want to scare you, Y/N/N."
"I can do it myself. I wasn’t gassed or anything. Just numbed." You swatted his hand away as he went to buckle you in.
He held up his hands. "Alright. I'm sorry." 
"Besides the lady said that I was surprisingly calm during the process." You informed him as you took off your mask.
"That's good." He closed the door and walked over to the driver’s side, climbing in as he also took off his mask. "Since you were so good during the process, how about you remind me in a week to take you to Dairy Queen and we'll get you some ice cream." He suggested, leaning over the center console and brushing some hair out of your face.
"Can I get chicken tenders too?" You asked, looking at your blonde boyfriend with the best puppy dog eyes you could muster.
JJ let out a laugh as he started the truck and began to pull out of the parking lot. "Yeah. You can get chicken tenders too, princess."
You smiled, reaching into your mouth to readjust the blood-soaked gauze only to have JJ swat your hand away. "Don't."
"But I feel like I’m swallowing the gauze every time I go to swallow my saliva." You whined.
JJ sighed. "That’s because the roof of your mouth is swollen so it makes it difficult to swallow the saliva. Just leave the gauze where it is."
You shot JJ a look before bringing your hand to your mouth again. JJ reached over and grabbed your wrist his eyes never leaving the road.
"Y/N." He warned.
"JJ." You imitated.
"I said don't touch it." 
You took your wrist away from him and crossed your arms, looking out the window. 
"Keep that up and you won’t get dairy queen next week. I'll get myself dairy queen and you can keep eating soup and mashed potatoes." 
"You're so mean to me sometimes, J." You whispered.
"Only cause I love you and care about you, baby." He smiled, his hand going to your thigh and giving it a light squeeze. 
You uncrossed your arms and took his hand in yours. "You're so sweet."
JJ shook his head. "Flip-floppy today, huh. 3 seconds ago I was mean and now I'm sweet."
You shrugged. "You're a flip-floppy guy. You threw me off the dock once when it was chilly outside and then gave me clothes to change into not even three minutes later."
"That's called being a gentleman." He smirked. 
"No. It's called being an asshole with a heart." 
JJ snorted as he pulled into the pharmacy parking lot, pulling into a parking space before throwing the truck in park and grabbed his wallet along with your prescriptions.
"Stay here. I’ll be back." He kissed your temple before putting his mask back on, adjusting it so it was over his nose.
You shot him a thumbs-up as you pulled out your phone, taking the time to reply to Kie and Sarah who wanted to check in on you. They both offered to come over and take care of you but you told them you were fine cause you had JJ with you.
Kie immediately replied with a 'that's why we're offering.'
You let out a small giggle before sending them an 'I'm sure JJ can handle it' before locking your phone and pulling down the sun visor to look in the mirror. 
You opened your mouth and made a face as you looked at the inside of your mouth and saw the dried blood on your lips.
JJ opened the door and slid back into the driver’s seat, placing the bag with the two pill bottles in your lap. "You know, technically you’re supposed to keep pressure on the gauze for an hour so it clot and shit."
"You didn't tell me the inside of my mouth looks like it’s having its own little period. I smiled at you with my mouth looking like I took a baseball or something to the teeth." You scolded.
"Princess, and I mean this with all the love in my heart, you look like a hockey player who took a puck to the teeth." JJ laughed as he put the car in drive and made his way to the grocery store.
"JJ," you whined, not finding his comparison cute in the slightest.
"What? It's more accurate than the baseball comparison you said." 
"Stop laughing at me, J. It's not funny." 
"I'm sorry. You're just so whiney right now and it's adorable to me. Makes me want to bundle you up and hold you in my arms and protect you from all the evil in the world." JJ glanced at you. You crossed your arms over your chest and looked out the window. “Y/N, don’t be like this now.”
“You’re being mean to me.” 
“I am not.”
“Yes, you are. I’m over here bleeding, preparing for the numbness to wear off and the pain to set in and you’re laughing at me.”
JJ grabbed your hand and pressed it to his lips. “I’m sorry, baby. Can you accept me buying you soup as my way of asking for your forgiveness?”
He stopped at a stop sign and looked over at you, giving you his best puppy dog eyes.
You sighed. "I suppose."
He grinned as he squeezed your hand lightly. “See, you can’t stay mad at me forever, Y/N/N.”
You rolled your eyes before leaning your head against the headrest. “It’s because I need you to take care of me while I’m healing.”
“Mhm. As much as I love Kie and Sarah, I don’t think their cuddles can compare to yours.”
JJ nodded. “Fair enough. That’s all you need me for? Cuddles?” 
You shrugged. “We’ll see.”
Within two hours, you were tearing up as the numbness wore off, the pain coming in at full force. You laid on the couch in the living room of the apartment you and JJ shared, a blanket thrown over your body.
JJ walked over with a glass of water and the pills you were prescribed. “Alright, here’s your amoxicillin, and here’s your ibuprofen.” He handed you the pills as you sat up.
You popped the two pills into your mouth, taking the glass of water from your boyfriend’s hand before taking a sip and swallowing the pills. JJ took the glass from you and set it on the end table as you sniffed.
“You know what might help?” JJ asked, walking over to one of the cabinets and opening it. 
“I know you’re not a big drinker, Y/N, but I remember Mr. Heyward telling me when I got my wisdom teeth out that, if you take vodka, whiskey, tequila, whatever, and kind of hold it in your mouth, tilting your head left and right, it’ll help with the pain. It almost renumbs it and because it’s alcohol, it also helps fight infections.” JJ explained, grabbing the bottle of vodka he had stashed away.
He grabbed a shot glass and filled it up before bringing it over to you. 
“JJ, baby, I don’t think I should be having alcohol after taking a 600 mg ibuprofen and a 500 mg amoxicillin. Besides, I’m pretty sure that’s what the amoxicillin is for anyway.” 
JJ sighed. “I know, princess, but I’m trying to help you out here. It hurts me to see you hurting.”
“And just two hours ago you were saying it was cute when I’m all whiney.” You joked.
“You are cute when you’re whiney and not in pain. Now you’re just in pain and I don’t like it.” 
You looked at JJ with a frown. “How about we just cuddle for the rest of the day? Maybe take a nap because I’m all tuckered out.” 
JJ smiled lightly, downing the shot of vodka before heading over to you and picking you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist as your arms snaked around his neck, him holding you up by your thighs. He carried you into your bedroom, taking one of his hands and pulling back the blankets before gently setting you down and tucking you in. 
He climbed in on his side, gently pulling you into his side, putting a pillow on top of his upper arm so you weren’t resting on his arm, knowing that it wouldn’t help the pain at all.
“Comfortable, princess?” He asked.
You hummed in response, your arm draping across his stomach. 
He kissed the top of your head, brushing your hair away from your face. 
“I’m sorry in advance if I drool on you. I’m even more sorry if it’s bloody drool.” You muttered.
“It’s alright. You can drool on me whenever you want, bloody or not.”
You smiled. “And Kie and Sarah were worried about you taking care of me.”
JJ scoffed. “I always take care of you so Kie and Sarah can shove a sock in it.”
You giggled. “It’s okay, baby. I defended you and your ability to take care of me.”
“I would hope so. After all, I’m buying you Dairy Queen next week. I don’t buy Dairy Queen for anybody, you know.”
“I know.” You sighed.
It was quiet for a few minutes and you were almost asleep before JJ spoke again.
“You gotta eat your soup and mashed potatoes though or else you don’t get chicken tenders next week.”
You let out a laugh. “Oh my god, JJ. You sound like my dad when I had to go get shots.”
“That just means I’m prepared for when we have kids. The whole bribery part of parenting, in the bag.” JJ stated with a nod.
You nodded. “Alright, baby. I can’t wait to tell our kids how you knew you were ready to be a father because you told me a week after my wisdom teeth were removed, you were going to buy me chicken tenders and ice cream.”
JJ smiled. “And I can’t wait to be saying the same thing to them when they get their wisdom teeth out.”
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areallyyellowmango · 6 years
Ey yoooo! You're art is amazeballs! I'm in AWE of your mad skillz, &hello my fellow TWDG!DuckLives AU fan?!? I'm not the only one who wishes that?!? Also, wild concept but, what do you think an AU where Both Duck & Sarah survive to continue traveling with Clem &AJ would be like? Sarah in S3? S4? How would things change or stay the same d'ya think?
Hey there, anon! Thank you so much! ♥ I’m glad you like my AU!
That’s a really good question actually. I hadn’t thought into it very much, but now that you’ve mentioned it, Sarah would be a very interesting character to see develop and grow, especially with both Duck and Clem around.
Here’s some headcanons for you! ♥(I got kinda carried away with this so there’s quite a lot, I hope you don’t mind fuhishfufhs)
By the end of season 2, Clementine’s relationship with both Sarah and Duck would change drastically based on whether she shoot Kenny or let him kill Jane, and so would their character developments from them on.
They’re both appalled if you choose to shoot Kenny. Since Sarah had developed a good bond with him, and Jane always regarded her as a liability, she would be taken aback by Clementine choosing to save Jane out of the two, especially after what she’d done to AJ. The scene would also bring her back the traumatic memory of what happened to her father, giving her an anxiety attack, as Duck mourns over his father’s dead body and confronts Clem about what she’d done. In this scenario, Duck and Clem’s relationship is greatly damaged for the time being, but can be restored later as Duck gets older and understands why Clementine made that call.
If you chose to let Kenny kill Jane, Duck is relieved, albeit shocked by what his father had done. Sarah is frightened of Kenny’s ruthlessness, and is distrustful of him from then on. You aren’t given the opportunity to leave Kenny behind, but you can still go into Wellington without him later.
A while later, into season 3, Clementine cuts some of Sarah’s hair for safety, like Lee taught her to. 
Sarah lost her glasses while fleeing from a pack of walkers, so her vision isn’t as good as it used to be and she’s struck with dizziness constantly, another factor to keep her away from fights most of the time.
If Clem and the others stayed with Kenny instead of going into Wellington, he not only teaches Clementine how to drive, but also teaches Duck how to properly handle a rifle, which he picks up surprisingly fast. Before dying, he also teaches him how to hunt.
As age comes to him, Duck quickly abandons his loud, childish ways, and becomes a strong survivor and a cunning marksman. Kenny jokes that his little duckling is now flying off the water. 
Kenny also teaches all of them how to properly handle a baby and all the care needed to keep AJ healthy and happy. Even though it takes a while for her to pick up on everything - and to be able to even carry AJ without getting a bit panicky -, Sarah loves looking out for him once she gets the hang of it. It takes her mind off of everything else going on around her, and they can all agree she looks like a complete different person when she allows herself to relax, picks AJ up in her arms and gives him cute baby talks.
Being older than Clem, Sarah is the first one she could possibly confide to when she ‘starts bleeding’. Sarah is a little (and by a little I mean utterly) embarrassed to talk about that, since she wasn’t ever given a proper explanation on why that happened to her either, but she tries her best to convince Clem that it’s not a big deal - it’s just a bit gross and painful.
When they tried to scavenge the New Frontier’s medicine for AJ, Sarah didn’t take part in it. Despite how much she loved AJ, the thought of going against their rules was beyond her. Of course, she wouldn’t tell on them, but she wouldn’t go along with their plans either.
Sarah was reluctant to leave The New Frontier after Clementine and Duck were kicked out for stealing their medicine. She didn’t want to live out in the woods anymore; without food, or water, or safety, and wanted a place to call home - and to stay with AJ in his final moments. She tried to convince them to take them back, but of course they wouldn’t listen.
Sarah attempts to escape with AJ once she realizes he’s alive and well, and that the illness is gone. The New Frontier catches her in act, and questions her for her treachery. They’re both left at the McCaroll Ranch, not long after.
When Clementine and Duck meet the Garcias, Duck gets to experience what it feels like to be jealous for the first time in his life, as he can’t get over Clem and Gabe’s strangely close bond and tries to step in the middle of it at every given opportunity. He blames it on protective sibling instinct, since he didn’t see Clem under a romantic light.
Come season 4, Clem and Duck have reunited with both AJ and Sarah at the ranch. Duck’s hunting has managed to keep them alive for a good while, even though they need to raction their food very strictly in order to stay alive.
Sarah is nearing young adulthood, and is now more secure of herself and can manage her emotions better, even if anxiety still strikes her more often than not. She can now kill walkers with more ease when necessary, and has a small knife as a weapon of choice; sharp enough to kill, but compact enough to not feel like a killer’s weapon.
She has developed good cooking and nursing skills, and even though they rarely have any medicine, she can improvise stitches and patches with very little material, one of the very few things she got out of The New Frontier, as she sometimes watched Dr. Lingard work when he was not drugged. 
Sarah and Duck become polar opposite influences on AJ. Duck would be in favor of teaching him to preserve his own life at all costs, never hesitate, and justify his actions. Sarah, on the other hand, has never been supportive of violence and would stand by thinking before acting, and only resorting to killing when absolutely necessary. This polar dynamic would affect either of them after AJ pulled the trigger on Marlon at the school’s yard, depending on Clementine’s choice to teach AJ to justify or regret his actions.
At Ericson, Sarah wouldn’t talk much to the rest of the kids, and would rather stay on her own as she usually did. She would be very interested in bonding with Ruby, as she also shared the passion for nursing, but would be very intimidated by her attitude at first. Clementine would help her befriend Ruby, who she soon realizes to be really nice and sweet.
Duck wouldn’t get along with anyone at first, mostly because he’s very cold and shut to anyone else except Sarah, Clem and AJ. Clem could also help him make friends, even though it wouldn’t work out well at first. He’d be very dismissive of others’ attempts to befriend him, for the most part.
Duck would absolutely hate Louis at first glance. From the moment he started serenating Clementine, he knew he’d hate that guy’s guts.
Louis does his best to earn Duck’s respect. They’re eventually sent on a hunting party together, and Louis compliments his skills with the rifle, dissing Aasim’s “old fashioned grandma bow” and telling him to grade up. Duck chuckles and compliments him in return on the traps he’d built around the forest, but trying to keep it very lowkey. They eventually become good friends, after a short while.
He’d be very fond of Mitch and Willy. Willy reminded him of himself when he was young. and Mitch’s knife skills catched his eyes almost instantly.
Duck would love Rosie. He had a dog a little before the apocalypse started, which he loved beyond belief. Seeing a friendly dog again after so long made him instantly love her.
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