finncomet · 1 year
@bashfullygreen replied to your post:
I think if you eat that you'll end up in Hell.
☄️ "Wouldn't be the first time!" 🦋
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hanlengjun · 11 months
“Mobei Jun. Its time for another lesson in manner and fairness. Ahem. Don’t pick people up by their shirts. Cause it invokes fear.”
Fear is a tool, a weapon used to control the weak. Mobei Jun weilds it like a sword with ruthless brutality. He hardly considers ruffling some dandy's shirt something to be afraid of, the notion causes him to roll his eyes.
He then mutters a word under his breath, sounding something along the lines of 'fucking cravens.'
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"This Mobei Jun cannot help when others become cowardly. It was not my intention to.. frighten."
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isolaradiale · 1 year
Hi mods Id like to reapply as my original character Li Mi Zi , aka Mizi if possible. His app is found on the right side of this blog or under /app.
Welcome back to Isola Radiale, Mizi!
You will be housed in HOUSE 113.
You'll retain everything you were given in your previous stay.
Enjoy your return!
– ⋆ solaris
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dutysmith · 1 year
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"Please, try it."
The tea is very green, like acidic green. Its bubbling, its sizzling. Is it suppose to turn black at random intervals? what is in this tea?
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heclingmuzik · 3 years
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“Mizi? Are you in?” She did text Mizi to let him know that she was coming by to talk to him after taking a very long break from Lovelyloaves. She’ll have to also talk to Ms. Okina as well as she had taken a rather long break there as well. 
“Are you in the back?” she calls out once entering the building and closing the door behind her. Was she a little early? Ismael steps behind the counter and makes her way into the backroom. It’s been a minute since she last entered Lovelyloaves. She feels a bit bad, but it was a much needed break. 
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beloved42 · 3 years
@bashfullygreen  It had already been a day since he had mysteriously appeared in the city, he’s had his stress over many, many things.  He was cold, his back hurt, he couldn’t find any form of check-in shelter.  No signs, no ads, so he had to settle for a bench he found somewhere. It wasn’t pleasant.  He could only guess it was around fall, he only had one outfit right now, a bank held onto his winter coat, so he was stuck wearing his little vest, his little bowtie, his shirt and patched up, worn pants.    He was all goosebumps, somehow sleeping on a bench felt more like sleeping on a heavy bag of rocks. But even as clammy, even as chill and sore he felt, that wasn’t even the worst of all.  He was starving.  So far he was lucky enough to find people to give him food, there weren’t any food stations in sight. But small portions weren’t enough to fill the hungering maw of his stomach, he needed the energy to fuel his golden blood and limbs. He couldn’t think right when his stomach was gurgling and clawing at him, he felt physically weak, he couldn’t feel anything else right now but pure hunger, but this was an entire city and there had to be food somewhere... It was when he got a whiff of something heavenly.  Something sweet and gentle to the nose, filled with love and warmth, something that made his stomach cry out in desperation.  There, he had to go there.  He had to follow it, he felt like he didn’t have a choice. Thankfully, when you’re a starving angel, following the smell of food was easy enough, he found his way through the crowds, not at all minding the other people with his awkward, oversized arms, he pushed forward with the only goal in mind being food.  Sure enough, he found himself pushing open the doors to a little bakery.  He looked undead, almost.  The vacant, drained look on his face, the slow movement as he held his stomach with both his front hands, his back ones pushing open the door.  “P...pardon me is there food here?”  his words were followed by an audible stomach.  Even when he was ravenous, he had to remember his manners!
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castilium · 3 years
Lovely Loaves sounded the ideal place to take the lunchtime and mull things over. She’d been fortunate enough to make it before the line outside had grown exponentially, granting her a small table at which she could dine. That had been nearly four hours ago. It wasn’t that time had raced by, but wading through the mess of an autumn had kept her plenty occupied. Regular checks on her phone enlightened her to the shocking passage of time, but each time, it was set again and the beverage or fading state of the meal would take her attention. She was procrastinating the inevitable departure back into the streets.
“Yes, may I have another latte, please?” It was her third, but the waitress didn’t bat an eye and returned toward the counter where she tended to the refill. The manager had also spent his time there, parting on occasion. She’d caught sight of his eyes on her now and then, and stiffened when he’d approached.
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“Sorry, were you in need of the table? I can leave if occupying it for so long is any trouble”.
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errantkatana · 3 years
send 🗣 for my muse to blurt out the first thing they think of when they see your muse.
"Stop staring at me like that I know I look like a walking corpse I just WANT FUCKING BREAD."
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principautee · 3 years
*pkmn the series starters.
@bashfullygreen asked: “If anybody’s out there, you can come out. And if you’re a monster or a ghost, you can stay where you are.”
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Oops. Busted. Aziraphale shyly poked his head out from his hiding place, looking all innocent-like. There was no way he could explain his snooping around logically. “Oh yes, please pardon me I’m actually an angel and trying to find someone to talk to so I can get my miracle-ing powers back!” A shy smile is in full view as he fully steps into the light. An angelic glow could be felt if this person was well-versed in the ethereal. 
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❝Oh, uhm, hello! I’m sorry, did I startle you?❞ That’s kind of an understatement...   ❝I’m neither a ghost nor monster, though, so there’s no need to be afraid!❞ He’s really doing the “be-not-afraid” thing that Biblically-accurate angels are known for. Except he’s not a swirling mass of eyes and multiple heads. 
That hopefully is working in his favor.
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rxsurgcnt · 3 years
It’s another one of those days. She has her large canvas with her and she has an assortment of different colors of paints laying right beside her neatly and in orderly fashion. The sky particularly looks very clear. Something about it giving her the feeling that her family is watching her. Perhaps that’s why she decided to paint them in the sky.  As long as she can keep them alive in her mind, there’s no way she’d forget what they look like. Their voices, their faces, and their smell...Just everything about them being stuck with her as if they’re all just sitting right next to her. And perhaps that’s what makes things so much more painful. 
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She knows someone is around, but if she stops now and covers her canvas, the paint will smudge. 
At least she knows they’re friend and not an enemy. 
“Good morning, Mizi.” She does place her paintbrush down to give Mizi a soft smile through the eyes, “It’s been awhile.”
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flynni · 3 years
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➳ ❪ @bashfullygreen​ ❫ ... random askbox “Eugene! I missed you so much dude!!”
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“ay, if it isn’t mizi!! what’s up, still doing the cake thing?? nice stuff, nice stuff. it’s good to see you around here still.”
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amaikus · 3 years
@bashfullygreen​ // starter call. 
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Ramuda looks up at the menu and leans forward, his hands on the counter as he pushes himself onto his tip toes. “Hmm...! Okay! You know about that’s good because this is your café, so you tell me what I should have, ‘kay~? Something super sweet, please!!”
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hanlengjun · 11 months
Mizi reaches up and brushes Mobei Jun’s hair behind his ear. “You look really nice today.”
Do not stroke the already inflated ego. It will do no one good except spoil Mobei Jun rotten.
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"Hh. You like my face." He snorts, "Good."
0 notes
isolaradiale · 3 years
If its alright I'd like to reapply as my OC Li Mi Zi! His application is found on the right side of this blog.
Welcome back to the magical Isola Radiale, Mizi!
You’ll be staying in CONDO 430!
You’ll retain everything you had in your previous stay.
Happy Soiree!
– ⋆ solaris.
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anglerfishnabe · 4 years
He enters the shop nose first, out of curiosity. The cafe held by an elderly pair he frequents is nearby and thats how he ends up making his way in through these doors as well. 
He walks to the counter leaning close towards the samples, nose still sniffing intently. Only once someone walks out from the back does Ogata straighten up.
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“ .... “ 
And yet says nothing. 
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mamadayo · 4 years
     Madara stood on the street, passing out pamphlets to a show that he’d be holding sometime later today, also on the street. The same street, in fact, but he needs people to attend or to look forward to him! 
     He has no sort of equipment, so he’s picked a quieter street, so that his voice (which is loud, even) can be heard over the bustle of the city life. He hands a pamphlet to someone, then turns to his right, handing out another one with a bright laugh. 
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     “Hahaha! Will you come to seeee me today? I’ll be sure to sing to your heart’s content♪” 
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