#basically i love bby fx
princessofxianle · 5 months
so much you have added to fx backstory au in your head you say… please feel free to take this excuse to share to your heart’s content… 💐
alex from the future here: this started as a note i was gonna let rot in my drafts and turned into A WHOLE ASS SCENE WITH DIALOGUE AND E'RYTHIN so i decided to copy and paste it here... anyway i have THOUGHTS about feng xin's family and especially his SPITFIRE of an older sister, shen liang...
I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS and omg thank you for sending an ask im overflowing with thoughts of them... see #fx backstory au for more
sometimes i like to think about young Shen Liang before her brother was born...
yknow that excited phase some girls have about babies when theyre like 13?
my girl was READY to be a big sister
ready doesnt even being to describe it...
"Xin-er!" she'd talk to Shen Wangxi's belly relentlessly as if he'd already been born... if he even was a "he"
she'd be happy with a didi or a meimei she did not care
she read every bit of prep material from the royal library at least 3 times over
she talked with her mom about how she'd be the best jiejie ever...
she was SO EXCITED
So much so that Shen Wangxi knew Shen Liang could take care of her brother.
That is, until Feng Xin was born...
The event essentially trades her mothers life for her brothers... Shen Liang has the capability to care for her didi, but she isn't too interested in the parasite that stole her mom from her...
But this "parasite" continues to grow more fond of her regardless of how horribly she treats him.
"Jiejie is family. I love my family. And Baba tells me all the time i need to protect the things I love. I'll protect you jiejie!" A tiny Feng Xin puffs out his chest and makes a face that he thinks will make him look tough.
"Like how you protected mama?" Shen Liang mutters to herself, standing up from the dirt she'd been kicked down into by that goodfornothing bully and uselessly patting dust off her robes before knocking past him.
"Enough, A-Liang. He's three, he doesn't understand."
No. You don't understand. "Get lost, old man." Shen Liang quips toward her father.
Feng Yang lets her leave. Teenagers. At least she was safe now. This harassment was getting out of hand. He'd hate to take it directly to the king.
"But..." a tiny voice pokes out from behind the contemplating Xianle general.
Feng Yang bends down to pick up his son and rest him on his hip.
Tiny hands grab the fabric of his robes as Feng Xin rubs his head against his fathers chest to comfort himself and he mumbles, "Jiejie... I'll protect you, jiejie, I promise."
Feng Yang's heart aches from his son's words. It swells in his chest until it almost pops and then...
"Yes, Xin-er?" Feng Yang answers softly with a smile.
Feng Xin chews on the age-old words of the Feng family code, and then speaks. "Well... what does a man do... when he can't protect what he loves." His voice attempts to mimic the commanding tone of his fathers own.
Well... "He tries to get stronger."
Feng Xin's eyes brighten.
Feng Yang is blessed to have this child as his son.
"When will I be strong enough to protect jiejie?"
"I don't know." I wish I did. "Sometimes protecting someone is not about how strong you are." I wish I could protect her too. "Sometimes you can't be strong enough to protect someone who doesn't want to be protected."
"Even if you love them?"
"Even if you love them."
Feng Xin's tiny brows furrow in contemplation until his young mind hits a logical dead end. It doesn't make sense to him.
Feng Xin does what he always does when he doesn't know what else to do. "Baba is silly. Of course jiejie wants me to protect her." He hopes.
He prays. Wishes. Believes. Much like the name his mother gave him implies, Feng Xin has faith.
He was born with it. And like any child with a gift from his mother, he'll never let it be taken from him.
Feng Yang tests him. "And how do you know she wants that?"
"She lets me peel her oranges!" Feng Xin looks down and excitedly acts out the motion with his hands.
Yeah, and then she doesn't feed you. It had been beyond difficult for Feng Yang to feel safe leaving Feng Xin in Shen Liang's care. Just the thought of him thinking this way about his daughter made his stomach churn. But recently, even Shen Liang's 'starvation as a form of discipline' was now the least of his concerns.
Oddly, Feng Xin never complained and the treatment went unnnoticed. It took a visit from the royal physician to tell Feng Yang his son was malnourished. Feng Xin never denied that his jiejie sometimes "forgot" to feed him, but he didn't stand for the accusations the physician made about her either. He adamantly refused to cooperate until Feng Yang had asked the man to conclude his visit with the reassurance he'd address his son's care. Stubborn. Just like his mother... Just like his sister too. Feng Xin made his baba promise to never make him see another doctor who talked bad about his jiejie. Feng Yang couldn't deny him.
The feeding was less of an issue now, given the new one (bruises popping up on his skin) but it was best not to bring up Shen Liang's new actions to the little one right now.
So Feng Yang simply says, "But she doesn't share her slices with you."
"I don't need them. I'm strong." He puffs out his chest again and then has the idea to flex his arms like he was heroically nocking an arrow on his toy bow. "Maybe if jiejie eats them, then she can be strong on her own and I don't have to protect her!"
"Maybe. But why do you keep peeling them for her?"
Feng Xin's voice mellows, as sincere as a 3 year old can, but he responds without missing a beat. "I really like peeling oranges for jiejie."
Shen Wangxi I don't deserve our son, Feng Yang thinks.
...more to come 🤭
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doinurmommy · 5 years
People I’d like to get to know better
Tagged by @brokenfannibal 💕
1. Birthday: March 31st
2. Astrological sign: Aries bby
3. Height: 5’ 6” (~168 cm)
4. Last song I listened to: No Plan by Hozier
5. Hobbies: writing, drawing, theater, fx art
6. Favorite color: it depends on what for I wear pretty much all black but I like blue items and red and yellow decor
7. Last movie I saw: IT ch 2 for the third time in theater. I took one of the ladies I work with to see it so I got paid to watch it again basically.
8. Favorite book: Wishful Drinking by carrie fisher got me through some shit and I have a tattoo dedicated to it but The Magicians by Levi Grossman is my most reread book esp as a kid so it hold a special place in my heart.
9. Dream job: ok listen I know that this sounds stupid as fuck and I feel stupid as fuck every time I say it but I would love to be an actor or at least work in the theater / film industry.
10. Meaning behind URL: it’s just my aesthetic I wear black and grey and dress practically.
Tagging: @beniciodelblog @selma318697 I have more people I want to tag but I have really bad memory issues and can’t remember an urls rn ...
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