#basically it would change our constitution to require that aboriginal and torres strait islanders always have a voice in parliament
totallyseiso · 1 year
Got a booklet in the mail that's all about the upcoming referendum, and one of the points for voting no is that voting yes could lead to a "dysfunctional government"
Bitch, this is Australia. We don't even have a functional government to begin with. The batshit-auspoll blog pretty much proves that
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stargirlsims · 4 years
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Australian Protest Gear
I couldn’t find any Australian BLM merch for my Simmies, so I dipped my toes in making recolours and tried my hardest! There are shirts and hoodies for all ages with 10 recolours each (60 pieces of CC all up). I don’t have good preview photos (I’ll try and add some later - if you take any and would like me to use them, HMU honestly) but the art includes:
- Black Lives Matter (art created by my lovely wife and adapted from her own BLM protest sign) as seen above
- Sovereignty never ceded
- The Chats/I hope Scott Morrison’s house burns down
- Always was, always will be
- Song lines not coal mines
- Stop Adani
- Silence is compliance
- Free the flag
- Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance logo
Download links and info are at the bottom of the post but I would appreciate it if you stayed around to read the whole post.
Please note: I am a white Australian who does not identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. I have spoken to First Nations peoples about creating these shirts, and they were happy for them to be created by me. However, please feel free to contact me if you do not feel the same.
Some recent history to contextualise this gear:
- Black Lives Matter refers to the same issue here as in America. Police brutality against Indigenous people’s is rampant, and as in the US, our blak population over represented in criminal statistics. Since the Royal Commission I to Aboriginal Deaths in Custody in 1991, there have been over 430 (432 at the time of the first Australian BLM protests, however that number has gone up in response and an exact figure is difficult to nail down) Aboriginal deaths in police custody. No charges have been laid against any officers involved.
- Australia remains the only Commonwealth country to not have a treaty with its Indigenous population, despite promises to the contrary. A treaty was promised BY 1990 - thirty years later, and they are still waiting. In fact, our constitution still allows state to disqualify people from voting in elections on account of their race.
- Bushfires at the end of 2019/beginning of 2020, mostly in rural and remote areas, threatened the lives and livelihood of our citizens and native flora and fauna. Our Prime Minister cut funding to rural fire services (who exclusively service our rural and remote communities) and fucked off to Hawaii for a holiday while firefighters died in action. Hence, I Hope Scott’s House Burns Down (please click the link, it’s an amazing song, honestly)
- This country always was and always will be Aboriginal land. For over 200 years, the rightful owners of this land have been fighting back against the invasion and theft of their land. Every year, we have a “national holiday” to commemorate colonial invasion.
- Aboriginal peoples have been actively fighting destruction of their land to make way for coal mines for years. Earlier this year, Rio Tinto blew up Juukan Gorge for this purpose, despite archaeological digs finding out that the sight was twice as old as previously thought (46000 years old!!!!), and was full of incredible, significant objects. Included in this was evidence of human occupation during the last ice age!!!!, and a plait of human hair that was 4000 years old, made from the hair of multiple people, which DNA testing proved belonged to the DIRECT ancestors of the Indigenous peoples still living there today. The legislation intended to protect the traditional owners of the land failed them - and Juukan Gorge was blown up along with another sacred site. Now, another company wants to do the same in New South Wales. Shenhua want to destroy land sacred to the Gomeroi people. Destruction of this site will disturb the physical bodies (as well as the spirits) of Indigenous ancestors, displace already native wildlife - most notably koalas, whose population was severely impacted by bushfires just six months ago - and will threaten and very likely contaminate the water supply to towns and farmland nearby. To add insult to injury, Australian tax payers have paid for this twofold - our government invested $226,000,000 while Shenhua (and many other mining companies) investments and stock are owned and traded by the companies who hold our superannuation (retirement) funds. When speaking about the issue, Environment Minister Sussan Ley said the economic benefits outweighed the “loss of heritage value”.
- Adani is another mining company that Indigenous peoples had been fighting for nine years until last year, when Adani received their final approvals to destroy even more sacred land (this time in North Queensland) with, yet again, a whole host of environmental impacts that threaten the livelihoods of the people, flora and fauna - including the Great Barrier Reef, which is both an incredible natural treasure with immense biodiversity already threatens by climate change AND generates tourism for North Queensland, without which the area will suffer massive economic troubles. We lost this fight, despite our efforts.
- The Aborginal flag is copyrighted by a white-owned business, who actively profits off the usage and reproduction of a national emblem. They serve cease and desist notices to Aboriginal-owned brands for using their own flag, while the Australian national flag can be used for commercial purposes with no formal permission. Worse yet, our government could buy the copyright licensing for the flag in order to even the playing field - and they just choose not to.
- Warriors of Aboriginal Resistance are a political organisation fighting all over Australia for the rights and dignities of the Indigenous peoples. They are the group responsible for the Australian BLM protests and many, many more, Australia-wide.
This is just scratching the surface - we could be here all night, honestly, but thank you for sticking with it. If you would like to help in any way:
- Sign this petition to stop the Shenhua Watermark mine
- Sign this petition to free the flag
- Read this article, which links you to many fundraisers you can donate to, all with the goal of closing the gap and ending police brutality (please be aware that this article does contain the name and/or images of deceased Indigenous people)
- Contact Warriors of Aboriginal Resistance directly to find out how you can donate to the cause
Download info:
- requires meshes:
- Liliili’s simple top long sleeves (male shirt) and EA female basic top 3 (female shirt)
- Casteru’s copyright hoodie (make and female)
- Children & toddler shirts and hoodies are base game
- Hosted on Mediafire (no ad*fly/link shortened)
- All correctly colour tagged, disallowed for random and occult
- Please let me know if you have any issues!
Male T-E shirt
Male T-E hoodie
Female T-E shirt
Female T-E hoodie
Children shirt
Children hoodie
Toddler shirt
Toddler hoodie
@maxismatchccworld @mmfinds @mmoutfitters
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