#basically its Misogyny Babeeeeeeey!!!!!!
forthemetamyguy · 5 years
im processing im sorry it’s messy
i was gonna collect my thoughts into real essays but i cant muster it at the moment. this is 2800 words of me processing misogyny and character assassination my bad! rip good storytelling when you can TELL ME in ur BEHIND THE EP why these characters did shit that makes no sense! fwiw i love all of them, i love jaime, jon, cersei, daenerys, sansa, arya, theon, yara, tyrion, all my dragon babes i love them all!! im just upset! Jon ends up bailing on Daenerys because writers -- obnoxious white dudes who make you watch a white woman fall from power cause they truly couldn't accept woman empowerment and so force a “this is subverting expectations” (also demanded she fall in love with her rapist and sold it. gotcha) -- also give Jaime this whole story and then focus on his honour and redemption and it actually is super compelling but then they pull another gotcha and Jaime actually says “huh...idk” and does???? Nothing? He's... Like a sad fuck you to your woman audience. Idk just like so damn boring for what purpose then. He is given a redemption arc just to have it justified by the act of loving a righteous, honourable woman…so that he can say “ya know what fuck it I aint worthy lol bye” And let us not forget Sansa instantaneously taking a dislike for Daenerys. When I saw that shot of her with Daenerys sitting down at the table talking about motivations and the future, I thought damn replace Tyrion, could be bomb as he says he wouldn't be her Hand in the end. But nah we had to justify offing this dope chick then also trying to make the actual living women who watch this show annoyed into two camps of Daenerys or Sansa like dang imagine being so boring and also hating women so much to pick this absolute boring version of a tale… Offer heroes to women as valued partners/love interests then fuck the women over (Cersei Jaime Brienne Jon Snow Daenerys but make sure to also pit Sansa against each of those women cause she’s the “good” victim that men can trust). Like man... I mean. Why lol. You also kind of want to sell this as a heartbreak for Jon, and then Jaime gets two. I mean betrayal actions (poor Jon having to turn away Daenerys, poor Jaime having to turn away Cersei…both because the woman couldn’t see the right path, that the man knows and is on.. and poor Jaime having to turn away Brienne, he is just not worthy of her so that alone justifies his completely disrespectful treatment of her) and then in the case of like, actually killing the woman side of the relationship, symbolically or adjacently two times each and then I don't know... Like Jon gets to feel hollow and grieve for both Ygritte and Daenerys, but Ygritte was taken from him in a relationship that was doomed for failure considering their circumstances… you then force Jon’s next love to also be doomed for failure because of the circumstances he manages to find himself in (even though it’s not necessary like at all??)..but also make this one on him. He has to betray her himself. Jaime meanwhile gets to feel empowered in his first betrayal, he is just in knowing that he makes the right decision to leave King’s Landing and fight for the living. When he betrays Brienne, it’s because I don’t know. He refuses to grow up and says no I can’t change actually, I’m just here to get my dick wet and that I’ve done it is actually proof of how awful I am bye! As if like, who cares why Cersei is invested in her brother? Who cares if Brienne finds happiness? Who cares if Ygritte had a desire to live outside her system? Who cares if Daenerys wants to find joy outside of her throne? All that matters is that these white men have felt…an emotion. And it has been of sadness…and they are sad… You also make sure to give the Hound a story as a paternal figure to Arya for her survival and her benefit and like I could accept some in a story, of course pain exists as well as consequences, but why with the fuck you to women in every narrative you possibly present? They never really get to be the heroes in their own stories. They never really get to grow outside of a man’s guidance. And they definitely never get to be happy, and they always have to suffer the most. Arya, who learns that her list is a coping mechanism she doesn't need when she is weighing the choice of either revenge for her family or being with her family you know either being with Jon up in Winterfell or running off to Kings landing and killing cersei and instead though we decide actually she DIDNT learn this lesson whenever she decided to go back to her family 100% (she did. She chooses jon.) instead she must actually be literally told the lesson by the Hound who is taking on her role as father like fucking yikes They want to sell this version as feminism. But Arya isn’t just No One. Like. That's also... "not her" .. but she sure says that to the dude you had her just sleep with. Sometimes I just do have to laugh that these dudes have made millions and taken so much of my time, our time as women, and I'm just like “yeah okay you can justify this ending by demanding a series of 'you didn't see this coming's' by first presenting the rest of the story as it exists” but why would this version ever be superior and worth all this lol. Ladies could have done it better we all know it... None of us won lol CLOWN CITY then there's even the setting up of Jon's story to be the nk then having it be Arya - which I have been okay with and enjoyed (as someone who didn't read sure but that makes me confident in my opinion of show material) - which they “subverted” which in some terrible way makes her victory seem cheap... unsavoury in a way, because you wanted the audience to demand it be Jon instead while framing it as cool so perhaps you could again have us fighting about the actions of the girl... Let's remember Jon hanging a boy, Robert beating and raping Cersei, Jaime raping Cersei and Jaime becoming Brienne's first sexual experience and then abandoning her, Ned beheading a man as his establishing shot, Tyrion killing "the woman he loves" and his father all honourable casually mentioning a desire to see the city get fucked, Khal Drogo rapes Daenerys and it is told/sold as a love story (her story is its own mess...). Basically, [dude] action is horrible, justified against women wishes… the equation is consistent and constant throughout the series. Dudes get to do things good and bad and be treated well regardless, women do good things and they’re instead questioned for doing them as if a man would’ve done better, if not they’re disallowed the action altogether or they perform it and are punished for it. Regardless of the moral intention behind it Dany gets power, is on par with Jon, Jon has the privilege of denying and eschewing his power in the absence of love, because he's killed it quite literally, while Dany is not given the opportunity to give hers up for love...because why do that when it's most subversive for her to demand it with no room for anything else? And using the Viserys reaction shot as justification for her “mad” behaviour, you are saying it is not okay to be all right with your abuser dying, but it is good to fall in love with him considering that's how her story with drogo is framed. Wow cool what a fuckin not hot take damn If Sansa is given to Ramsay instead of Loras Tyrell, two things happen 1 she needs to be taught a "lesson" through abuse instead of growing as a person by mutual care and respect 2 she has to also suffer at the hands of some old creep to get there... Meanwhile Jon's love story in adolescence says to him you will hurt if you love... Bad sentiment but "love is pain" is not the same as "your body needs to be violated for you to grow" ...and he gets to have a loving/tender experience of love..bye... So ultimately in the end all the women characters meet their ends by a death of their femininity, at the hands of masculinity. Catelyn, dies AFTER her son (who is shown to be just a mother’s boy in the end, asking for his mom in his dying breath) in violence; Ros and all over “whore” characters, killed by men they had the audacity to “charm” into sleeping with them and for taking sexual agency in their lives; Brienne, gives into femininity for once and is symbolically dead because of it; Cersei, dies after the loss of her children sends her into a cumulative fit of rage and violent actions (after being violated by the man she loves, the man she didn’t love but tried to love, and being demoralised and degraded by her father); the regrettable Sand Snakes are propped up in death with their bodies on display, one of them killed with a kiss to torment her mother, whose death is the ultimate goal and the ultimate death, by outliving all of her daughters; Lysa is mad over her unrequited love for Petyr which manifests as a deeply strange and taken-too-far relationship with her young son, killed by Baelish of course; Arya loses her semblance of identity and personality as she fully commits to being this assassin, this woman without which femininity has any point to; Sansa dies many times over, violated by Joffrey, Ramsay, Baelish, coddled by Ned, Hound…Baelish, her femininity is dead the second Lady is killed; Daenerys is violated by husbands, a brother, knights in her service, trusted allies, she is in the end a caricature of her evil father..but only once her children are taken from her..and ofc we know Jon is gonna kill her, her lover and partner; Olenna Tyrell dies after, surprise surprise, outliving her children like all the other mothers; Melisandre uses her body to sway men to her side and ultimately loses her moral high ground when she decides to burn a little, innocent girl (they also make a point to show her as decrepit, old, and haggard)…she is threatened for her horrible act with the sword of a man Now Margaery Tyrell is one woman, the embodiment of femininity on the show, who is killed with her femininity in tact and at the hands of a woman. This is however also with said woman’s male power, and is more importantly a result of one of her biggest tactical blunders (letting in the high septon) which is immediately punished with the death of this woman’s son. And Margaery’s femininity exists really just to mock Cersei…Margaery can succeed in the Game without resorting to masculine power like Cersei does…but I guess that’s why one kills the other. And why Cersei pays for it just the same (Lyanna Mormont is a prop…these men were like ooh look a little girl with DICTION! Gotta find a way to brutally kill her cause she’s a child; Meera is a plot device…..she’s there to move Bran around and dangle heteronormative expectations at you..Yara is there to tempt Theon then to be A Lesbian…but has no agency in her story for no discernible reason; Myrcella is a plot device…she’s there to give Jaime a five second glimpse into acceptance and fatherhood, just to have it be stripped away for his sorrow and pain along with Cersei’s – which is driving her mad but of course not him..) Im just like. Really. REALLY. Then you’ve got missandei, the only woman of colour, who dies to get a reaction from the white saviour, and the one black man on the show who’s also her partner… like tone deaf cannot begin to explain this series. It’s just the same tired ass white guy fantasy we always get, that ends in pain and misery for anyone BUT a white man but justifies not giving happiness to anyone else on the grounds of “realism” or some shit, as if we all engage in media to be shit on yet again…like YALL the ones who got easy ass lives day in day out yall ALSO the ones got a story for anything under the sun…yall the heroes the villains the antiheroes antivillains the sidekicks the love interests the advisors the rogues the messiahs the omens the fuckin every single character you could possibly think of… so like how about we first check all our bases here too for the rest of us before you decide we need to tell stories that end miserably for all of us on the basis of “subverting expectations” when you know damn well our media aint there yet. Man fuck off and in the Meta context they forced us to have these characters’ decisions and motivations justified and explained in their stupid ass behind the episodes as if these are remotely like... Cool and not actually boring as fuck directions you could ever possibly come up with for a story. Like... Dang. It just.... Ain’t it, chief These actual fucking paid clowns say we need to listen to them tell us why the characters did it and then when they do 1 forget their own supposed expert opinion on the world state (they literally get the world factually wrong, and just pass over glaring inconsistencies with shit like “she kind of forgot…”……) and 2 have the indecency to say "cause I ultimately thought this stupid ass story was the cool one and the reason I think this is because... You didn't think I would (they equate this somehow to think this means they could or I think it is ultimately a good and fun and interesting way to engage with my media. Just isn't). You could tell this story if you wanted to sure man yeah but I don't need to accept it lol you shared this product for money, as if you've never engaged with media yourself. Bleh. We do what we want with the characters given to us so bite me In the end, they're saying I, a man, get so Noble and then I have sex with you then I decide your fate and say my chances and my life is more interesting and worthy of existence itself but also in the real world of like, media as a thing both written and visual, cause why tell any other stories.. then with their little inside the fuck boy this week for excuses for the fuckery yet again because for some reason they think they have the best insight? Like... Breaking Bad... Lol... Like A or A+ like... Laughing my actual face off for a couple minutes straight. Nah. BrBa had women in the writer’s rooms and the director’s chairs. bye And at this point their story is just dead to me. I guarantee you whatever your predictions were after 8.03 for what would happen next, without question, probably make a better story. Shame the wrong one is now "The One" and annoying dudes will demand it's The One True and Only for ever forth like...okay that's fine lol. I demand women in all steps of a piece of "entertainment" ever . A lot of us work hard our whole lives whether we're cognizant of it or not to be powerful in our own lives in some way and you give women a glimpse of it and then it's mocked and derided So when people are like "fanfiction sucks dude" no it's also about how stories are written. Especially when you monetise and sell your products, which once you wrote as your own fantasy, but damn how dare any other single person, after you've let those characters become a part of their lives? For your monetary gain, no less. I mean... Cool? Then George extra points gets himself three extra shows or something as if I'd ever really care about his version of another story ever again is like damn. Bamboozled the level of character assassination is Too Damn High and i will not suffer more uncritial misogyny!!! (if you made it here...... justice for oberyn)
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