#basil's invasive egg hunt
uncle-dusknoir · 6 months
five minutes left until egg collecting is over! i won't be posting winners on my blog for basic privacy reasons though
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pokeglitchden · 6 months
*Simon is standing next to the Pokemon Center in Icirrus City. A prominent windmill can be seen in the background but otherwise they are surrounded for the most part by forest. A few kids can be seen in the background, all carrying baskets meant to carry off pokemon eggs. At least one taller figure in a large orange jellyfish cap(???) Can be seen also participating in the hunt.
Simon: Hi everyone! Since I'm here in Iccirus City, I figured I'd give you all a short video update from the Egg Hunt.
*In the background of the shot a short, purple haired kid can be seen proudly carrying an egg in both of their arms, dressed in a festive looking dress. They are hugging it to their chest like its their child.
Simon: Since the eggs are invasive, people are being asked to take as many as possible. I'm not going to be participating in the hunt. Mostly helping out with the Shuppet reports and administering paralyze heal to anyone who happens to trip over an angry Breloom. But I wanted to take a moment to get some footage of this otherwise novel pokemon and it's behaviors.
* The camera turns to focus on a small clutch of purple, orange striped eggs. They stick out rather conspicuously against the greens and browns of Iccirus City's forests. As the camera turns an Exhausted looking Basil can be seen rushing to administer paralyze heal to a trainer, lying flat on their back after being spored.
Simon: These are the Eggs that are currently being hunted, and as you can see they differ from a typical Shroomish Egg quite radically. Normally Shroomish eggs are a light brown and speckled with green, but in addition to their novel coloration, you can feel a light pulse of static electricity along the shell.
* Simon places a hand against the shell as if to demonstrate, and a small pulse of electricity can be seen crackling across his finger tips. It's faint, but still enough to be picked up by the camera. In the background Basil can be heard exclaiming, "That's because the little fuckers paralyze everything they touch!"
*Simon stands and as he goes to draw away from the Egg, a very purple looking Breloom can be seen staring directly at the camera. And directly at Simon.
Simon: Oh! And just as I was saying, here IS one of the Breloom that left these eggs behind. As you can see it is a grass/electric type as evidenced by the static emitting from its cap, and it's lightning rod like tail. These Breloom, unlike your standard Hoenni Breloom, prefer to stun their targets rather than poisoning them. This suggests their toxins may be weaker by comparison, but they may make up for this using their electricity to amplify the paralytic effects of their spores. This one doesn't look too happy that I've been filming her eggs.
*Simon goes to take a step back, but the Breloom hops forward again, electricity crackling along its lightning rod like tail.
Simon: Heh... it's a good thing I brought some paralyze heal. Er.. I think that's going to be all the observation I can make for now!
*The camera cuts as Simon turns to flee. Hopefully he got away safely.
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Foods the Romans brought to Britain
by Cindy Tomamichel The Roman Empire spanned a great deal of the known world in ancient times, acting as a conduit for the spread of Roman culture. After the invasion and occupation of AD 43-410, Britain would never be the same. For its people and the environment, the Romans brought new ideas and foods, many of which have become staples of culinary tradition. There are a variety of information sources by which a picture of the foods of Roman Britain may be reconstructed. There is the actual foodstuff itself, where food such as grains, nuts and bones may be preserved by charring or carbonisation such as during a fire. Preservation by waterlogging occurs within peat bogs and estuaries. Fossilised remnants may also be found in latrines and rubbish heaps, where minerals such as calcium have replaced the structure. Food was also buried in containers in the burial sites of wealthier individuals. Shrine offerings are also another source of food evidence. Food containers may also carry the imprint of their contents. Other sources include import and export evidence, such as amphorae for wine, oil or garum. Some written sources exist, even for such things as shopping lists, for instance the Vindolanda tablets "... bruised beans, two modii, twenty chickens, a hundred apples, if you can find nice ones, a hundred or two hundred eggs, if they are for sale there at a fair price. ... 8 sextarii of fish-sauce ... a modius of olives ... To ... slave of Verecundus." There is some evidence of Roman foods being imported to Britain well before the invasion. However, the invasion created multiple avenues of demand for Roman foods, which expanded the importation significantly. The Roman army was a major consumer, but also the desire to be seen as Roman saw a rise in demand for exotic imports. What in the late Iron Age was a trickle, soon turned to a flood of new foods available during the occupation. Romans also brought food related ideas. Firstly there was a need to produce food in Britain on the scale required to supply the army. This need, coupled with the Roman habits of building roads and towns soon changed the face of agriculture. From small holdings growing mostly for personal consumption, it changed to larger farms specialising in growing enough of a product for market. The spread of new foods worked a gradual path out from the towns to the surrounding countryside. In this way many new foods became established. New fruits and nuts included apple, cherry, plum, walnut, mulberries, medlars, and chestnuts. New vegetables were grown such as carrots, beets, garlic, onions, shallots, leeks, cabbages, peas, celery, turnips, radishes, and asparagus. Herbs were both medicinal and for cooking and teas, including poppy, black mustard, rosemary, thyme, garlic, bay, basil, borage and savoury mint. All these established and stayed popular even after the Romans left. Other foods were popular only during the occupation, or just didn't establish well, such as grapes, figs, pine nuts and olives. Another way in which plants may arrive is by stealth. The weed seeds are harvested and are within a bag of seed grain, or they are planted and the environment suits them too well and they escape and naturalise. Plants like this include ground elder, white mustard, alexanders, stinging nettles, greater celandine, and fennel. Grains play a major part in diet and also part of the stability of society. A poor harvest would mean cultural unrest, particularly if the invaders were seen to be consuming large amounts. Grains already in Britain were various types of wheat, barley and oats. With the Romans came both an increased demand and new technology for ploughing and agricultural tools. They also introduced rye, millet and spelt. With the development of a closed field system, cattle could be alternated with crops such as grains, pulses and vegetables, increasing productivity.
Baking ovens are a common feature of Roman fortifications. This is a loaf of bread from a bakery in Pompeii. (source: http://www.pompeii.org.uk/m.php/museo-pistrinum-di-soterico-pompei-it-117-m.htm)
Part of many affluent Roman households was a garden, and perhaps this was the start of the English love of gardens which has spread with them all over the world. A typical house layout had a central courtyard garden, and here decorative plants such as box, foxgloves, mulberries, lilies, violets, pansies and roses would have been grown.
Part of a household might have included animal husbandry areas. For those longing for a taste of home, a snail farm or "cochlea", would have been established, where imported Roman snails were raised and fattened. They were fed on milk and oats or spelt to purge and fatten them, then cooked in wine, with garum or garlic. Roman snails are still to be found in the UK. Hare gardens with semi domesticated rabbits also existed for fur, hides and supplies of meat. They also built enclosures to keep deer, as well as pigeon enclosures and kept chickens and guinea fowl.
Edible Snail - photo credit Fred Dawson via Visual Hunt /CC-BY-ND
Britain was already exporting beef before the invasion, and goats, sheep, chickens, pigs and deer were also being eaten. Pigeons, quail, geese, pheasant and guinea fowl were likely imported with the Romans. Ham in brine and bacon with their good keeping qualities were important for soldiers on the march.
Amongst the many cultural changes the Romans brought was the change in eating habits. While in the more remote rural areas people probably continued eating stews, roast meat and porridges, in the towns more people adopted Roman dining habits. These are familiar to us today as the three meal arrangement, with breakfast being quite small, a moderate lunch and a larger dinner as evening was for entertaining. Fast food was also a Roman invention, with many small bakeries and food places available for those who could not cook at home, serving things like kebabs and burgers. Bath houses were also popular social hubs were snacks could be purchased.
However diet varied with social status, location and job. Many remote Britons would have continued eating their normal food, perhaps adding some new vegetables, herbs or grains to the mix. The elite would be the major consumers of the imported foods such as wines from Gaul (France), dried dates and olives.
The soldiers had to buy their own food, and had a routine for doing so. They often had their own bread ovens, herds of cows, pigs and managed their own purchase of grains and vegetables. A soldier's diet was also often supplemented by food sent from home, or by hunting local animals such as boar and deer.
Imported food consisted of things that would not grow or was not available in sufficient quantities. This included dates, almonds, olives and olive oil, wine, pine cones and kernels, fermented fish sauce (liquamen or garum), pepper, ginger and cinnamon.
After the Romans left Britain in AD 410, many aspects of their culture vanished. However, the hardier or more popular of the introduced plants and animals survived, becoming an integral part of the landscape.
The main reference for Roman food is the cookbook of Apicius, a Roman epicure of around AD 100. The book is full of recipes for main meals, and often has several variations on a dish or ingredient. While many of the ingredients are probably not to today's tastes, many of the casserole and vegetable dishes sound interesting. Unfortunately none of the bread recipes he probably had are included.
Milk Fed Snails (Cochleas lacte pastas)–Apicius
After being purged and cleaned, the snails can be fried in oil and served with a wine sauce. Or they could be fried, then made into a soup with broth, adding pepper and cumin.
Vegetable and Brain Pudding (Patina frisilis)- Apicius
Take cooked and mashed vegetables and brains and mash to a fine paste. Add eggs, broth, and wine and place in an oiled baking dish. Bake and sprinkle with pepper when done. 
Libum - Serves 2 (A type of cheesecake) 
10 oz ricotta cheese. 1 egg. 21/2 oz plain flour. Runny honey.
Beat the cheese with the egg and add the sieved flour very slowly and gently. Flour your hands and pat mixture into a ball and place it on a bay leaf on a baking tray. Place in moderate oven (180C/400ºF) until set and slightly risen. Place cake on serving plate and score the top with a cross. Pour plenty of warmed runny honey over the cross and serve immediately. This is similar to a Greek cheesecake, which uses cottage cheese instead of ricotta. (Source: Sally Grainger The Classical Cookbook, published by British Museum Press.)
(Note: a variety of academic and website reference sources were used for this article, please contact the author if details are required.)
Cindy Tomamichel is a writer of action adventure romance novels, spanning time travel, sci fi, fantasy, paranormal, and sword and sorcery genres. They all have something in common – swordfights! The heroines don't wait to be rescued, and the heroes earn that title the hard way. 
Her first book, Druid's Portal: The First Journey will be out with Soul Mate Publishing in 2017. On Amazon May 17th. An action adventure time travel with a touch of romance set in Roman Britain around Hadrian's Wall.
A portal closed for 2,000 years.
An ancient religion twisted by modern greed.
A love that crosses the centuries.
Contact Cindy on Website: www.cindytomamichel.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CindyTomamichelAuthor/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/CindyTomamichel Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16194822.Cindy_Tomamichel Google+: https://plus.google.com/+CindyTomamichel
Hat Tip To: English Historical Fiction Authors
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uncle-dusknoir · 6 months
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the "get the fuck these shroomish out of my goddamn woods" offical egg day egg hunt has began. the shuppet are watching out for any paralyzed Trainers. if you're in the egg hunt then PLEASE signal to a Shuppet if you get Paralyzed or something. shout at them or something
if you see a weird looking Runerigus wandering around and possibly trying to threaten you please just kick her ass and let her run off. she's been waiting for me to pass out from sleep deprivation it's not gonna happen again
i'll be wandering around between my house the entrance and the pokecenter if i'm needed for any reason. so will toothy he can take you to me
ignore thyme if you see him
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uncle-dusknoir · 6 months
one more hour until i can unleash the 14 year olds into the forest
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uncle-dusknoir · 6 months
oh i can’t join the weird breloom egg hunt because i literally just got to school but could i get one of the eggs if there are extras? i’m very much intrigued by weird shroomish
iiif you contact the: icirrus city pokemon center you can arrange for them to send you a shroomish egg after the event wraps up tomorrow their phone number should be somewhere on the town's webbed site
man when i was a kid we didnt have any fancy ass underwater schools full of teenagers with varying levels of trauma. i went to undella bay elementary and i liked it
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uncle-dusknoir · 6 months
the breloom was befriended.... she's gone....... I'm free....
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uncle-dusknoir · 6 months
two types of kids here:
found one (1) egg and is perfectly content with it
scouring the entire forest for every possible shroomish egg
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uncle-dusknoir · 6 months
if you see the breloom DO NOT ENGAGE. wait for it to leave. keep a safe distance. it will try and stun spore you. unless you're confident you have a pokemon that can beat it
if you see my runerigus its perfectly fine to kick her ass though
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uncle-dusknoir · 6 months
[@apollo-injusticeq asked:]
GAH 💥 💥 💥 💥 the omelets specifically
i will take some of the Weird Eggs though. they seem interesting
oh fuck i forgot about that. uh.
if you contact the icirrus city pokemon center they're the ones handling egg distribution after the event (thank the fucking spirits i did not want to deal with that)
give me a minute i'm getting a lot of shuppet reports rn
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