#bassen loves all his siblings
sadlynotthevoid · 1 year
Has anyone read "Becoming popular through the "All Villains" variety show" (link to english ttl here)? Because it's fcking hilarious.
Anyways, I love the concept of a show were all the participants are hated infamous people who got invitations to said show based only on how much they're disliked. I also love how the audience gets so inverted on them, despite how they were watching just to laugh at them at first.
And that made thought, what about a modern fantasy lcf au where ogCale gets selected to go to a show like that one without his knowledge?
The world would be more like lcf/pre-war tboah world, but with more technology and entertaiment culture on it. Like, magic just dance, arcades for all kind of races, various magical music related devices (not, it's not me wanting ogCale to dance, shut up), economic versions of record tools, etc.
And the audience of that program would be not only ordinary people, but higher beings too. I was thinking of gods, but you can put constellations if you want too (i know little to nothing about orv, so, it's up to you). I was thinking that the interaction with the audience would work kinda like that, floating messages and stuff.
The selection of the participants would be:
Half of them are chosen by voting of that world's habitants. That's how ogCale got selected. Some people (dirty nobles) thought it would be funny to watch him make a fool of himself, the rest (normal people) jumped on board because curiosity or for fun and giggles.
The other half are voted by higher beings and habitants from other worlds that have access to the show and system for whatever reason. Adin is one of them. In part because they want him to suffer, in part because they want people from there to TAKE A DAMN HINT.
Idk about the others participants, maybe some ocs, maybe other characters. Some of them actual bad guys, some of them not (that) bad.
Some shenanigans we could have
•The show requires their participants to live there until the end of the season. So, Cale draggs Hans to stay with him because he needs a babysitter for his cats. Cue, Hans, On, and Hong mocking Cale everytime they appear.
•At the presentation of the participants, Cale, face in blank, stares at the camera with the most dead gaze, and says "I was brought here against my will", takes a sip of a bottle, "basically abducted" completely calm. He's drinking tea, btw. He doesn't drink irresponsiblely infront of his kids.
•The host of the show trying to convince Cale to try whatever challenge they have to do. He goes from reasoning to pleading to bribing him, because Cale won't try it unless he thinks it's fun or he can get something out of it.
•In this AU, Bassen was already named official heir of the count title and Cale had taken care of his corrupted relatives some time before the start of the show. So, he doesn't need to act like trash anymore. He didn't say anything tho. He's just doing whatever he wants, but he's kind of a loner by habit. It's difficult for him to low his guard around people (besides the kids and maybe his siblings). However, as a result, whenever something is happening, he's just commenting the wildest or sassiest things from the side. Or the front. Doesn't matter what's happening, he states facts as makes observations as if he wasn't involved whe he pretty much is.
•*Wild poisonous lizard monster appears from nowhere*
The other participants: *panic, fight, fly response*
Cale: oh, look, it's prince Adin's cousin.
The host, from the safety: ooh, you seem to have quiet a problem there.
Cale: yeah, they have two poisonous reptiles now.
•Cale's bs detector went off from the very first moment he saw Adin. He doesn't know what's up with that guy but he doesn't like it. He tries to avoid him at all cost and pulls the petiest shit towards him at the same time.
•Adin: Nice to meet you. I'm—
Cale: —going back to the other side? Yes, please do that.
•Everyone noted that the trashy young master dislikes Prince Adin, but no one knows why. So they start making up theories and trying to reunite hints from their interactions. The most popular ones are A) the childhood friends-to enemies one, B) the one about them being love rivals for Prince Valetino's hand, and C) the one about them being rivals for Prince Alberu's love.
•When the host asked about the matter, Cale response was—
Cale: hm? Oh, he just buzzes my bs detector.
Host: I— what?
Cale: My bullshit detector. Have you ever met someone and just, immediately realized that everything that comes from their mouth is *beeep*? That you must not trust on them, no matter what? That's it.
Host:...I see. Out of curiosity, how precise is your, uhm, "bs detector"?
Cale: it has never been wrong. There was this time—
•The Soo's are part of the "habitants from other world" group. Choi Jung Soo is the most active one out of the three.
•Cjs outted himself as Choi Han's nephew by accident. Cale's instant remark— "Choi Han, come pick up your kid". He knew cjs was an adult.
•Venion ended up as one of the program's contestants due to some anonymous people spamming votes to mess with him. Just kidding. The culprits are the Henituse siblings + Hans. Bassen was mad at him, so Cale suggested it. Lily joined because "it's not fair that they have fun without her". Hans recorded everything for later.
•Alberu likes to watch the show to distress.
That's all what I have for now. Feel free to add more or write it.
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