#bastardz are writing
kingsandbastardz · 4 months
after a couple days of fdb and dfs finally sharing the upstairs bed, hulijing decides to join them
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the thing is, despite the drooling and farting and midnight strangling, dfs is sleeping better than he has most of his life. it takes him back to the moments of when he and the 3 kings and wuyan were still poor and young, and they would huddle together in abandoned buildings for warmth. they took turns being restless sleepers. there was never a night someone's leg didn't end up in someone else's face.
maybe it's because of that, the weight of someone he, perhaps, trusts pressing him down without ill intent is just the comfort he needs for him to finally let go. dfs slips past his dreams of blood and hunger and drifts away into true rest.
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sethdomain · 4 months
Hi!! I just saw your recent dsmp post and I don’t blame you for hating cdream- that guy has kinda done some shit to people… but on the point about the dsmp ending I feel like I should kinda clear something up? I don’t think ctommy was apologizing to cdream bc he’s the one who did the most damage, I think he was apologizing for the literal nukes he just sent to them lmao- I think with enough time cdream would’ve apologized too (cause he had more to apologize for) but tbh ctommy is kinda right- they both kinda fucked each other up!! I thought the ending was really beautiful and tragic actually but that’s just my opinion. There's more I could say but I don’t wanna annoy you too much lmao, sorry for the word dump- happy to see tumblr folks still talking about dsmp :D
now that i rewatched, u kinda right about the apologizing part. To the missiles. And I guess that make more sense.
For the sentiment that c!tommy fucked c!dream too, erm idk about that. c!Dream moreso just project every single bad thing that has ever happened to himself as c!Tommy fault while its clear he's some sort of ego driven maniac thats obsessive and controlling toward c!tommy life to an unhealthy degree that he literally commissioned c!Sam to built a literal pandora box prison to isolate him.
Also I don't know why most people choose to ignore this, but c!Dream has always wanted to exile c!Tommy in the first place, this is evidence by the fact that he once tried to frame c!Tommy for the destruction of c!bad and c!skeppy house, c!dream has always use the defense that c!Tommy is destructive and dangerous and need to be exiled, but I disagree, its more than that. It has always been about control. If c!Tommy hadn't burnt c!George house down, c!Dream would still want him to be exiled and he will make it happend
And also, yes i acknowledge that c!Dream is mentally unstable. That explain his behavior, but it does not excuse his abusive behavior. Honestly this one a big problem in the reading/writing of dsmp story, i'd even argue bastardzation of mental illness is one of the biggest problem of dsmp but 🤫🤫🤫🤫
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sithdestined · 6 months
🗒 — what is/are your favorite genre(s)/theme(s) to write?
munday asks!
I love a good bastardzation arc which is why I'm writing Anakin. I also love redemption arcs. I love tragedies and bittersweet reunions and what ifs. I love angst but I also enjoy some good fluff, though with Anakin, there is always more going on underneath the surface. I love action threads, and mysteries and supernatural AUs.
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heartbreaktrio · 2 years
someday I’ll write a video essay or make a piece of art talking about how it felt to grow up as a Witch As a religious Minority, how isolating it felt at times and how the only non-Christian stuff I could get on youtube about Spirituality was the Atheists community so now I have a complex about being religious in the first place. That I feel dumb and stupid because these things mean so much to me, because they hold so much power and respect in my heart. How I sometimes feel like I can’t call myself religious because I am and was raised anything BUT Christian. That being religious belongs to the Christians and Catholics, not to a dumb little witch like me.  That I feel haunted by my ancestors who died for this, who’s cultures where erased and had to be hidden in Christianized Stories and our Holidays Stolen and erased with meaning.  That to be a “normal” kid I still celebrated these bastardzations . And even now I still adore them.  How, because of me being white that even talking about this, feels wrong and feels like I’m stepping on people’s toes and how... lonely it feels that I’m not allowed to feel this. I know its dumb or silly but I just... it means a lot to me and I want to be connected to that part of myself without feeling shame. 
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#once i recorded an entire explanation of a subject because it was literally the answer to an exam question
My Top Posts in 2021
ficFan RanT #4
alright, it’s been a while since i’ve done one of these... let’s put this one out there then, shall we?
Character a is in love with character b, but character b is dating character c whom they are very much in love with. Then something happens (usually cheating) so b dumps c and is miserable for a while, probably somewhere getting drunk. That is until a goes looking for b, they kiss because one of them is intoxicated therefore a takes the opportunity to confess to which b says they've loved them all this time...
so you know, just aother fanfic cliché
LIKE WHAT THE HECK! i get it, i do, the whole trying to move on thing, but seriously, if someone were to do this in real life it would just be wasting time that none of the parties could get back (WHEN THEY COULD’VE BEEN WITH SOMEONE WHOM THEY TRULY LOVE AND SEE A FUTURE WITH, mind you)
it just... it annoys me, it really does
and I’m not saying that the writing is the problem or something, it’s just that it doesn’t make sense (don’t even try to tell me otherwise)
if someone would do this to me for real (mind you that my vendetta against this is too big for me to actually engage in this sort of thing myself) i would be hella pissed, not even kidding, probably would slap the person in question, hard
but y’all know what the worst part is? I know a guy (he’s one of my closest friends’ bf) that has *sorta* been through this. before he started dating my friend, he was in a relationship where his so didn’t see a future with him and was just dating “because”, honestly, if you’re going to do this better not even try to waste anybody’s time. i freaking swear that when my friend told me this i felt really bad for him, he’s such a nice guy, but i can see that this relationship is going to last and i couldn’t be happier for the both of them ^-^ 
*i genuinelly hope I find someone with whom i’ll have a relationship like that, they’re not only boyfriend and girlfriend, they’re actual best friends♥*
0 notes • Posted 2021-08-15 15:45:08 GMT
I changed my profile picture and header for the first time in two and a half years 🙃
0 notes • Posted 2021-07-12 20:51:34 GMT
Oh my Diavolo...
I did not expect this (but I'm not complaining) 😏
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108 notes • Posted 2021-08-17 14:15:03 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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kingsandbastardz · 3 months
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more of the wips list
shark-dick - a tale of narratives and severe misunderstandings
Ok this one will likely eventually be some flavor of dihua.
But it's basically continuing on the theme of narratives != reality, where I ask, "What if Jinyuan Alliance, and Di Feisheng in particular?"
Which, we know DFS isn't nearly as evil as the name Demon would suggest. But what else?
It starts with the idea of Jinyuan Alliance being the hive of scum and villiany and sexual deviance. Where it's the place where perverts go to roam free and wave their freak flag in a way polite society doesn't allow. Like, their poor prisoners! You'd be better off dead! Etc.
"So... you haven't? At all? Even when you're this old?" Fang Duobing asks with far more confusion than was warranted. Di Feisheng's eyes are closed as he cycles his energy through his meridians, his eyelashes arcing softly across his cheeks and his hair lifting and fluttering about as if buffeted from an invisible, spiraling wind. He doesn't respond beyond a faint but clearly disdainful snort. Offended, Fang Duobing points at him and demands, "So if shaoye grabs your- your jade rod, you're telling me you can just make the feeling go away?" A sharp brow twitching faintly, Di Feisheng immediately replies, "Yes." "I refuse to believe you." Really, Xiaobao? In Li Lianhua's opinion, if there was anyone who would take a largely ignored path to harness his youth's yang energy and efficiently turn himself into a high density cauldron of power, it would be Di Feisheng. The concept of taking sexual energy and transmuting it into something else was not a new one (there were entire schools of thought and exotic styles based around it), but this was an area largely ignored by earthly men and women for a reason -- only Di Feisheng could accidentally master systemic chastity out of annoyance that his adolescence was disrupting his focus. Li Lianhua carefully pours himself a cup a tea with perfectly steady hands and a blank mind. He can feel as Di Feisheng winds down his daily meditation - his energy slows and pulls inward and back, like the ocean's waves tugging lightly at bare toes as it withdraws at low tide. Li Lianhua should be impressed. He really should be. It was a great skill mastered at a very, very young age - a skill mastered without a teacher and without any understanding of what it could mean for Di Feisheng's future self. But instead, unexpectedly perverse words like "virgin" and "untouched" echo resonantly in the cavernous space between Li Lianhua's ears. Meanwhile, Di Feisheng has unexpectedly embarked on a wordy tale of something he personally witnessed. "I know a man who was prideful in his high energy and the size of his manhood. One day, we traveled together for a short time and was on a ship heading to [____] when he started arguing with a deckhand. The sailor insisted his reputation was too overblown. In a rage, my aquantance ripped open his pants and whipped out his cock --", Di Feisheng pauses and looks down at his arm, thoughtfully tracing a finger in the vicinity of his elbow, or maybe his armpit. Di Feisheng blandly continues, "--his cock comes out and he slaps it over the side of the ship's railing." (And the word cock coming out of his mouth makes both Fang Duobing and Li Lianhua twitch for different reasons.) Di Feisheng pauses again and looks sideways at nothing as he reaches his limit for words and struggles for more, "--Heaven was watching and was unhappy with him? There was a shark." "A-a shark?" "Big fish. Lots of teeth. It jumped out the water in a big arc the moment the meat came out and--- when it went back into the water, it took this aquaintence's cock with it." Fan Duobing's mouth had fallen open and remained open for the entirety of this telling. He shuts it with a snap. "It was a freak accident. But truly," Di Feisheng's brows arch questioningly. When there is no response, he says slyly, with great logic, "Why would I want anything to do with that?" Why indeed? Fang Duobing sits down. Li Lianhua has no response either, but not because he is struggling to decide whether this tale has any truth. It's because he realizes, with a sudden flood of fondness that he hides behind his tea, Lao Di may be inexperienced but he isn't innocent.
basically dfs is gonna fuck with fdb's brain about his 'innocence' for the foreseeable future. fdb is a 3-star intelligence against dfs' 5 stars. someone help him.
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kingsandbastardz · 9 months
fic prompt: hair combing in the wedding chamber
01 li lianhua
the existence of a torture chamber beside the wedding bedroom and its contents shouldn’t be a surprise at this point. and yet… it’s the redundancy you find offensive. she has a multi-chamber dungeon. she has a water chamber in her own quarters. why must it extend here as well? you despise the sight of unmarked bottles sitting ominously on a small table beside a decorative chair. they’re placed in front of an x-shaped rack fitted with iron ankle and wrist cuffs. there are hooks freshly installed in the ceiling.
you hear rattling and di feisheng is beside you, his expression neither upset nor surprised. just blankly contemplative. he kicks lightly at a thick gauge iron chain on the floor comb in hand and his hair thrown over one shoulder. he looks around the room, eyes unfocused -- you’re not sure he’s actually seeing anything -- the snapping sounds as he rips the comb through a knot in his hair grates against your nerves.
you don’t want to be here anymore than you want him here – so you hold your hand out in front of his face and say, “give me that. i can’t stand watching you – do you want to go bald?”
it is a moment too long before he finally looks at you and the comb is deposited silently in your hand. you lead him to the table in the bedroom. on the way, you spot his hair ornament on a shelf and grab it.
at least while sitting, he’s tall enough that combing his hair is an intimacy that is easy on the arms. you’ve done this for a handful of others. your shiniang, your past lovers. your once-brother. now it is di feisheng’s still-damp hair you run your fingers and a comb through. silkier than zhan yunfei’s, more voluminous than qiao wanmian’s. its weight sits in your hand and tangles your fingers with the same tenacity of a spider’s web.
the knots cling, every bit as stubborn as their owner. was he born like this? or was this a learned trait? has he ever regretted a decision?
this man has followed you across the world – with or without his memories, every bit as dogged and loyal as fang duobing. ever single-minded in purpose. the affection he makes you feel has always been uncontrollable. you want to resent him as much as you feel fondness, but in the end, the fondness always wins out.
you tie his hair back and lock the familiar silver ornament in place, sliding the pin through the knot. (you bought this for him. with your own money, even, and not xiaobao’s.)
he twists around to look up at you – eyes open and clear in a way no one with his personal history should be able to. you’ve never once felt this unburdened. years ago, you and lao di were both in the middle of puberty, youths, barely old enough or tall enough to count as adults.  he looked up at you back then, in the same way, as you looked down from the trees. he never had to say or do anything to capture your attention. he just gazed straight into you, soft, open, and entirely receptive to anything you wanted to throw at him.
what else could you do?
you hit him with your very best.
xiaobao understands you like no one else. but this one – this one never cared about any of the things the world wanted from you. he didn’t see the future. he didn’t see potential. he didn’t see the power you wielded for the benefit of everyone. he saw only the you that stood in front of him. nothing more, nothing less.
and now? you know what he wants because you want it too. even now, there are moments you can hear the clang of sword, smell the burn of sparked sword oil, feel the heady rush of bloodlust. you crave the razor-sharp clarity that overtakes you as you take flight and know the man following you will be able to keep pace no matter where you go and what you do. you can let go. you don’t have to hold back anymore.
he sees you the way no one else does and you want him to see you that way again. you want to see him on the other side of your crossed blades and to find your steps again in the sky unburdened by lies or death. you want the life you could have had together.
there was a time, you could have dreamed of fighting together. eating together. watching as his hair turned white to match yours.
but you can’t. you only have memories left of that old you and the bitter flavor of passed time.
if only you had met again 10 years ago. or even 5 years ago, once your rage had burnt its way out of your heart and bones.
you can’t afford to want what di feisheng wants. (but you do. you want it. it burns worse than poison.)
tonight, under the influence of good wine and the warmth of shared smiles, you will pretend you have the luxury of health and time.
tonight, you will pretend you are living the life you should have – a life free of shan gudao's shadow and without regrets.
02 di feisheng
you are tortured your whole life and for a moment, you actually die; but you are alive now and stronger than ever. you drink wine with a loved one and he smiles in shared understanding (finally, after all these years. you’ve waited for him.)
the suffering was worth it if that is what brings you both to this moment.
under the moon’s blessing, you smile back and for the first time in your life, you hope for the future.
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kingsandbastardz · 1 month
for the wip title tag game - "everything looks small - we gave up on those happy endings"?
more of the wips list
This one is a mystery with a twist so I'm going to try talking around it - but it's a story where FDB learns far more about LLH and DFS' relationships with each other and all of jianghu at that time in history through the eyes of someone who followed and supported DFS everywhere (Wuyan). And as he learns more, FDB, who was already well on his way toward falling in love with LLH and starting to fall in love with DFS - he begins to figure out how own priorities fall in this jigsaw puzzle of relationships.
Essentially: Wuyan as a bridge to both the past and the future, and Fang Duobing deciding what he wants. But at its core, this is also very much a dihua story about the past and hoped for future.
"Do you not remember me at all? Does the name Di Feisheng mean anything to you?" Li Lianhua smiles as he gathers his winnings. "Of course I remember you. You're my kind and rich friend." But that can't be right, Fang Duobing thinks as Li Lianhua tells him about his recently made acquaintance over dinner, his sightless eyes shining and his words drawled playfully with a familiar brightness - just for a moment. That can't be right, because Di Feisheng hasn't responded to a single letter since last winter. That Lao Di, as a friend or as Di-Mengzhu, would ignore him for so long, and then reappear without a single hello was infuriating. The next few days, Fang Duobing woke early, determined to find Di Feisheng and vent his anger. How dare he disappear for so long? How dare he show up and completely ignore him in favor of... what exactly? Lurking and playing chess with Li Lianhua? Why would he not show himself openly? But he did not come that day. Nor did he come the next. The third day, he missed him by half a day. And the fourth, he was apparently there at the same time, but was out of sight on the other side of the small seaside house he and Li Lianhua currently resided. He had left a short while before Fang Duobing returned from installing a new front door. This frustration, as if he were chasing a ghost, was not a feeling Fang Duobing expected to make a reunion with - especially not with Di Feisheng.
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kingsandbastardz · 9 months
ah, i'm told i should post that previously posted short fic to ao3.
so i finally set my account up.
here it is:
On tumblr
On AO3 - the moon is a bright today as it was before
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kingsandbastardz · 1 year
Additional stuff I post about:
Di Feisheng
Jinyuan alliance
My journey to you
Shui Long Yin - mainly Shen Langhun updates
Fighting/battle related shit
Found family
Bros being bros
dudes being dudes except there's no heterosexual reason for this
Any other kdrama and cdrama that catch my attention
Original content and meta tags:
my royal ramblings (my meta)
singing yaoyao (xiao shunyao music and performances)
bastardz are writing (prose/ fanfic)
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