cowboy-kidd · 5 months
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The Batman (2004) CG!Joker Headcannons
w/ Voluntary Regressor // Boyre Vers.
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At first he didn’t really understand how it worked- but he was curious to know more. It was kind of like putting the puzzle pieces together- the more he learned, the more he wanted to be a part of it. 
He was hesitant at first, he didn’t lay a hand on you or the things you touched and played with, afraid he would somehow destroy or ruin everything- that he was a contaminant in your space. 
But there was this one time when you were fully immersed, no big adult thoughts, the stress physically dissipating off your shoulders. He could see it. 
The idea that all this stress he saw on you could just float off in his presence left him starstruck. That you could relax and be so carefree where people were usually iffy and uptight (even when he wasn’t toying with them) made him feel light. A special feeling in his chest that swelled now whenever he saw you, even when you weren’t regressed. 
It scared him- feeling like he was going to burst whenever he laid his eyes on you. So he did what he did best and disappeared. At every turn into or out of an alleyway he was checking both ways to make sure that it wasn’t you he was turning into. He’d hide behind his goons if he found you were looking for him and even scaled walls while trying to hide from you. Gotham was quiet for an entire week and no, the Joker was not in Arkham. 
Eventually you cornered him. Tears welling in your eyes because you saw it as abandonment and you said that as much to his face. 
“You abandoned me!-“ “No- no- I didn’t I was just-“ “You left me!-“ “Let me explain-“ 
He feels miserable. But he tries to explain when you finally give him the chance. It’s the first time he hugs you- in that alleyway. Let’s you beat at his chest and then just completely envelops you in his long sleeves and arms. All of a sudden this feeling isn’t so scary anymore, not when you’re near him at least. 
Calls you: My kid, My prince, (My) Dear, or some rendition of your name shortened- usually a very unique thing that reminds him of you. 
You call him: JJ, Captain (especially during your pirate ship games), or Dada/Papa if you’d like. 
He does, in fact, rob stores for you. But only big corporate places that he knows are already making big money who sell the best, most expensive toys that he’s not paying for. — “Only the best for you, my prince.” He says as he kneels down before your throne and offers up to you the softest looking stuffie on the planet (You name it JJ and he almost dies) 
He still commits crimes, just when you’re not around or taking a nap. (He’s very good at keeping the time.) - “Batsy I’m afraid we’re gonna have to take a rain check. I have other things more important than this!” “Then why do it??” “15 MINUTES!!” 
If you’re being bullied at school and he finds out, you probably won’t see the bully the next day or any days after that. 
He doesn’t necessarily like medication, but if you need it he’ll help you. Making it into a fun game or talking through your stuffies to make it more appealing and not so scary- if they’re able to be dissolved he’ll definitely make that happen. And you get a yummy meal (before or after) with some juice! 
Listens to oldies, anything from love songs to smooth jazz. If you want he’ll dance with you, (you stand on his shoes and he swings you around to the beat. He loves it when you laugh. 
Brings you new sippies everyday- some of them are obviously customs but others are more on the mellow side of things. - you feel very spoiled and when he brings you a sippy that kind of looks like him you cry and he panics. 
Being with you definitely softens him up a little, it’s known news in The Narrows that you’re his soft spot, but due to that you’re often locked up in his hideout until you prove that you can defend yourself and win. 
Contrary to popular opinion, he doesn’t absolutely despise Batman- and since there’s a plethora of bat themed stuff in stores he buys (read: steals) it for you. 
He loves painting with you, the absolute randomness of the colors- finding out what the result will be if you mix two together- relearning everything feels welcomely mundane. 
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And then some HC's I thought were a little OOC for him but still wanted to include?
When he’s sure you’re asleep he’ll snuggle up to you and doze off- he enjoys the warmth and murmurs sweet things into your hair. 
“I’ll never leave you kid..” 
Kisses your forehead and nose while you sleep 
“I’ll make sure no one ever hurts you.” 
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cowboy-kidd · 5 months
:0 caregiver joker? (He is robbing a store to get you all the toys you want,,) - rosie
YES HE IS!!! I'm about to post it rn these ideas have been rolling around in my head for the longest time ever!!!
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cowboy-kidd · 5 months
So I realized I could share my agere headcannons here instead of keeping them to myself. The only worry is that people won't like them- but it's fine they're mostly for me anyways! Since I create them other people might run across them and think "omg this is an agere request account I can ask for headcannons about this specific character!" and to that I say...yes and no!
Yes because if I like the ask a lot I might do it!
No because I'm afraid I will miss-characterize the character!
So, in conclusion, the rate at which I post agere hc's about specific characters depends on the overall reception of the post. Currently- it's not so good- BUT WE'LL SEE!!
#batsyboyre - boyre centered hc
#batsygirlre - girlre center hc
#batsyre - non-binary centered hc
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