#bby ur my angel 馃槴
bootyyy-shaker9000 3 years
mikey, casey!! number 3 in the siblings part!
3. Do either of you stumble into trouble often? Do you do it together, or does the other often have to pull the other out of it?
Mikey: Tara, legit, we've gotten into so much trouble without the guys finding out that it's actually insane. Arlo's like my lucky charm! The lucky charm that gets you into the trouble first before it,, somehow,, fixes it,,,,,,, wait-
Casey: You're kidding, right? Well tbh, it depends on his mood, and whether he's holding the brain cell in that moment or not. It'll always be the both of us neck-deep in shit when we're together, but sometimes he'll be a grump and pull the "it's been 6 years, why do I still let you drag me into this shit?" when he knows fuLLY WELL IT'S A TEAM EFFORT.
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bootyyy-shaker9000 3 years
for everyone, numbers 2, 5, and 6 in the general section? :0
2. How protective are you of them?
Raph: He's a big boy, he can handle himself. But if somebody other than me or the guys hits him I swear-
Donnie: Considering he's a dumbass and gets himself into shit more times than none, it's hard not to be the slightest bit concerned for his well-being. Slightly.
Mikey: To the point where obviously I'd care if something bad happened. He's family, I don't want him getting hurt or have other people making him feel like crap. He's a good guy, he doesn't deserve that shit.
April: He's pretty capable of holding his own, at least from what I've seen, but then I've also seen how he is when he hangs out with Casey and Mikey so yeah, very protective, very concerned.
Casey: I've already curbed a guy for tripping him over in the corridor at school so... I guess not that protective.
5. Have you noticed any habits or mannerisms that they've picked up or inherited from you? What do you think about it?
Raph: Right well... I have this thing where before I eat ramen or just anything with chopsticks, I have to tap the end of 'em on the table two times (I know it's random I hear it all the time) and Arlo just kinda copied it one day. At first it was like a "weird why do you do that" type of thing but now I've somehow got him doing it all the time.
Donnie: He's caught on to the same habit as I have of sticking his tongue out while he's concentrated. I'm sure it's probably from hanging around me while I work; at least it shows that he does have the capability of paying attention to what I do/say.
Mikey: This one's a little, heh, lame but... I have this thing where when I get scared I just koala the person closest to me... And I dunno I think I did it to Arlo one too many times for him to get into doing that too. It's not like I have a problem with it! Honestly seeing him like that makes me a little less embarrassed about it.
April: I've noticed that when he's been talking to me for a long period he gets stuck in a 'soft voice' relatively close to mine. It's pretty cute I have to admit, but also hilarious when he goes to talk to the guys afterwards and has to do a double-take.
Casey: Pretty much just any slang he's learnt from me since he came to NY. He'll go "YEEE BOI" a lot and tbh I vibe with it.
6. What kind of names (affectionate, derogatory, or otherwise) do you call each other?
Raph: For him? Pretty Boy (Derogatory). He calls me Red sometimes, but he calls April that too so it can get pretty confusing...
Donnie: Does nuisance count? I don't really stray from calling him by his name, unless he's being, well, Arlo. Then it's bitch (affectionate). Aside from the 'dude, bro, man' vocabulary he uses on pretty much everyone, he calls me... Donnie boy and Donton (like the wanton, yes).
Mikey: I've called him Arlo the Dino since we watched that one Disney movie for bros night! (Legit I thought he made that name up...) Sometimes he'll call me a spoon, or was it goon? One of those, probably both.
April: I call him an idiot sometimes, mainly because he can be, but I never mean anything bad by it. Usually I just stick to his name! He calls me Dimples sometimes, and Milkshake (it was one time and it happened a year ago smh) and sometimes Love when he's trying to be genuine.
Casey: I call him Mate but only in his accent specifically (to piss him off lmao). I'm pretty sure we've got more,, He calls me a nutter a lot tho, whatever that means.
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bootyyy-shaker9000 4 years
2012 raph is canonicaly taller then 2012 Mikey and this goes against everything I stand for help.
Yeahhhh but only by an inch so there isn't much of a difference 馃槀
Honestly, I love how they went through a phase of outgrowing each other throughout the show (it's not mentioned but you notice it if you look closely).
Whether it was by mistake or intentional, I really like that bit of detail bc that's a real struggle all siblings deal with 馃檮
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