#bc after a while i got tired of it and moved onto zukka but minor characters
i'm very pro divorced zukka bc i read a LOT of firelord/ambassador back at the beginning of the pandemic and while i still love some of them (firebender's guide my beloved) after a while i started to wonder, like, would sokka really be happy living in the fire nation? like wouldn't it fucking suck to date the leader of the nation that oppressed your people, even if he was your best friend and doing his best to fix things? you'd want to spend time with him but to do that you'd have to go to a place that hates you. and wouldn't it be miserable to be a leader of a formerly imperialist nation and the guy you have a crush on is your best friend from a culture yours tried to destroy? you'd want him close but know that he probably feels weird and out of place and experiences tons of racism whenever he visits.
all the best firelord/ambassador fics i read dealt with this to some degree (again, firebender's guide my beloved) but it still makes you think that maybe they wouldn't stay together, that maybe they wouldn't be able to make it work enough to make this difficult situation worth it
so y'know. divorce
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