#bc damn it is hard to have a bunch of (unreliable) narrator at work sidhahd give me some facts aijsadsd bye)
Okay erm... episode 1x05 is certainly very visceral and also very complex and I’ve already seen a lot of interesting thoughts about.. 
I just wanna concentrate on a very small thing and how I read it, and it’s Daniel slapping Louis. Because to me it was very very clear that that slap was a desperate (and very obvious to everyone in the room) attempt of Daniel trying to pretend he has any kind of control over the situation. Because he very clearly has not. Louis could literally tear him apart without lifting as much as his little finger and he kinda knew all along but that scene is when he really *got* it like rationalized it and he was freaking the fuck out about that. 
And Louis and Rashid also understood that for what it was and therefore let it slide in a “yeah let’s all go with the pretense the human can defend himself in any way, shape or form here” when he very very clearly can’t? Like let’s all take a deep breath and pretend it’s fine / nothing of that happened.
Which says nothing about Daniel being an asshole but... man was frightened to death there tbh
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