#bc generally to read events they only expect you to go up to the Erste Arc final bits
icharchivist · 1 year
I know that people want WMTSB to be animated as a movie or season of the Anime and I agree. No disrespect to the main story, but I don't think it's as interesting as most of the events, but that's my opinion, BUT
I have a much better idea, actually
I want a sitcom set in the Canaan era, featuring Lucilius being emo on main, Belial desperately trying to win his approval and the both of them sort of trying to plot the rebellion without Lucifer noticing. Which is easy, because Lucifer is the most gullible sweetheart to ever exist
Then we have the Tetrarchs, Sandalphon,HalMal, AzIs, Sariel. Beelzebub drops in and gets angry all the time but especially when Belial hits on him. He is also very obviously crushing on Lucilius and Lucifer and refuses to accept that, so he's very tsundere about it
Lucifer and Sandalphon are in love but don't dare say it. Gabriel is the most lesbian, Michael is a hothead with a gun, Uriel wants to fight all the time, Sariel is baby. Also, Sandalphon is forced to play the straight man to all of these other idiots
I could go on, but I have made my point
It writes itself
This would be really funny yes. There's some dark humor in all of this happening while knowing their ending but it could be a lot of funs.
Maybe this can be a special season of the Granblues anime. That'd fit the tone.
imagining this anime being the first introduction to the wmtsb's cast to the general audience is extremely funny though
thanks for sharing o7
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