#bc he just has zero respect for red's posturing
hahanoiwont · 2 years
I would like to take a moment to point out that uh. It sure takes a Kind Of Person to put up with Red in the way Blue does. Like Frisk gets a pass for being 12 and also bc Red seemed to make an effort to keep his damage unoticable to them but Blue really is getting the full view. Like....is *Blue* good he seems to be completely ignoring every red flag that is being waved directly in his face
haha yeah ! blue is actually so normal. he's so so so normal and fine and sane. he just helps red out because he's an angel like that :)
...nah, their relationship is a bit more complex than it seems on the outset. Blue's involvement with Red begs the question of what intent has to do with altruism, because his relationship with Red is gratifying to him partially because it reassures him that he's a good person. Blue has the sort of almost cowardice (I feel like that's the wrong word but it's close enough) that all Sanses do. He just cut and ran after his Gaster's disappearance. He's been trying to make up for it ever since. He wants to save someone, he wants someone in need to come to him and trust him and make him feel like he's "good enough" to "save" someone. When he met Frisk, he thought it would be them--they were terrified of him but they wanted to trust him, and he wanted to be the one to help them. When he lost them, it was devastating. He started to wonder if he really just can't save anyone, and people near him are doomed to vanish forever.
Red appeared exactly when Blue needed him. He offered a second chance with Frisk, and he's someone vulnerable who Blue understands implicitly. We can see Blue projecting wildly onto him during their chapter together, to the point of losing his temper with Red when he recognizes his own coping skills (the source of a lot of Blue's self-hate) in him. He's committed to the idea that if Red can be saved, if he can save Red, then Blue must have worth. So, while I wouldn't say that Blue puts up with all of Red's shit, he does have a lot of loyalty and patience for him.
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How about a sequel to the Naida/MC? When Nadia invites MC on a heist with her, the Poppy is worried for MC so they test to see if Nadia really cares about MC by making it look like MC’s will be caught (but it’s one of them as a fake guard) to see if Nadia stays to help MC and she does. When MC realises it’s the Poppy she’s upset bc they didn’t trust her judgement and leaves with Nadia, but Nadia convinces her to talk with them bc while she’s angry about being tested they were looking out for MC
Written by @an-awkward-ghost
Flashpoint’s heists were different than the Poppy’s. Nadia, back when she thought she was infatuated with Vivienne, had spent days studying their methods. They truly had the best combination of abilities and talents someone could ask for, and Nikolai knew how to put everything to good use. Nothing was wasted, any chance of failure would be immediately squashed before it could so much as exist. And if something unexpected did happen during a heist, well, they knew how to improvise. It was annoying, yes, but something that Nadia could respect – they were the best for a reason, after all. Part of that was remaining untouchable.
And while Nadia was aware that safety should be top priority, there was a unique thrill in doing things more freely that she would never give away. Flashpoint preferred to go all in, figurative guns blazing, taking what they wanted while everyone watched, unable to do anything.
She loved committing their expressions to memory, all stunned fear and enraged surprise. It was much better than imagining their reactions to a calling card, in her opinion.
When she had invited MC to work with them on their next heist, she knew the Poppy wouldn’t approve of her methods. They were like one big, stubborn, overprotective family she had to win over – the most disapproving “in-laws” in the world.
Fine, that was fine. Nadia could have Flashpoint play it safe for one heist. She’d never let Karina come to any harm, and hell to anyone who believed otherwise – she’d show the Poppy she can be trusted.
Thing is… she didn’t quite think she’d have to prove it this way. She expected a talk, maybe a heated debate, but nothing this dramatic nor extreme. Weren’t the Poppy supposed to play it safe?
And everything had happened so fast.
Karina had been telling her about her recruitment, high on adrenaline, laughing freely and warmly like the wind in spring. The whole experience had been invigorating, even if the heist wasn’t as crazy as Flashpoint usually preferred.
“I wish it had been me who discovered you,” Nadia had told her, in one of those moments where she didn’t feel the need to be dominating, in control. Karina had softened at the admission, had looked at her as if she were an undiscovered treasure she was itching to commit to memory.
They walked together to the back exit of the mansion Flashpoint had infiltrated in. Nadia wasn’t concerned about the rest of her crew – they were probably already waiting for them, since Karina and her might have gotten a bit… distracted… during the heist.
Just as she was reminiscing, feeling proud delight bubble in her chest and a spark of delicious heat, the Poppy had sprung into action.
Or, well, a “guard” did.
He came out of the literal shadows, unexpected like rain in September.
Nadia had been walking ahead, already out of the mansion. If this had occurred before Nadia had become aware she had feelings for Karina, she might have snorted and continued on to safety, glad to have gotten rid of Vivienne’s little toy.
But that’s not what happens at all.
The first thing Nadia hears is Karina’s surprised yelp. All rational thought leaves her at that moment. Before she can even blink, she’s already turning around, heading inside again like a demon let loose, hand moving towards her knife.
It takes her a moment to understand the scene before her, but the moment she does she sees red. Karina is caught in the guard’s grasp, expression open in honest surprise. Nadia can detect a tinge of panic twisting alongside ever eternal frustration, and understands this situation has happened before, and Karina had been as powerless then as she was now. Everything shifting with volcanic rage in her expression, Karina stomps on the guard’s foot with vigor.
The guard curses and yelps and flinches and Nadia instantly sees her opening. She pounces, eyes zeroing in on the spot that would guarantee a kill. It was second nature at this point.
True, she had promised to change for Karina. To hold back. To search for other methods, for other solutions. Nadia had grumbled and accepted it, but the instinct was never gone, not really. It’s the first thing that came to mind when something went wrong.
It’s the first thing that she was doing now, falling back into old habits.
The guard blocks her, still holding to Karina. She moves with him, a harsh tug that sets his balance off. That’s everything Nadia needs. Her knife is light and sure in her grasp, hungry for vengeance. She won’t miss.
“Nadia, wait!”
Against her better judgement, her body freezes mid strike, automatically responding to Karina’s yell- no, to her order. Unable to do anything else, she fixes the guard with a fulminating glare, daring him to do anything.
Karina continues. “I know that voice. Leon?”
The guard remains tense, though now thoroughly non-threatening.
“Leon?” Nadia repeats, with a huff. She can see it now, in his wide shoulders and tall frame. The knife would have been ineffective against someone like him, a mere bee’s sting. She huffs, relaxing her posture, still somewhat wary. “Explain. You didn’t betray them, did you?”
“Us,” Karina corrects, eyes narrowing. “And he’d never…”
She trails off at the same time Leon lets go of her, moving to take off the mask covering his mouth. His expression is filled with silent, thunderous determination.
“You guys planned this, didn’t you?” Karina asks, quietly. “You wanted to see what Nadia would do if I was in danger.”
Leon doesn’t shy away from her, which Nadia has to give him credit for. Karina could be scary when she wanted to, eyes dark like the deep end of the sea, where you couldn’t do anything else but drown.
The Poppy was hellbent on believing she was only deceiving Karina, weren’t they? After all this time? All of this?
Indignation burns away all other feelings. She distracts herself playing with her knife, frowning.
“Do you really trust me so little?” Karina explodes. “Do you- do you think that I don’t have a brain to make decisions or something? I know Nadia is dangerous. I’m not blind. I’m not a poor judge of character. I just- what were you guys thinking? Doing this- this… this test! What the hell were you trying to do? Provoke the inevitable? Nadia wouldn’t have abandoned me!”
Karina turns around, hand grabbing Nadia’s and dragging her off without another word. Leon remains where he is, resignation clouding his face, but even from here his relief is evident.
“I can’t believe their nerve! God! What if you hadn’t stopped and ended up stabbing him?”
“We are talking about Leon here. He can tank a knife.”
“I mean, yeah, but this could have been worse! It could have drawn in real guards, and then what?”
Nadia shrugs, knowing silence is the only option. Karina needs to vent.
“And I can’t believe they don’t trust me. I’ve told them about our dates, you know, you’d think they’d see-” She cuts herself off, quickly switching topics without really ending them. “I just know Remy and Jett must have driven all the other guards away. If we run into them, I’ll- oh my god, the maid we saw on the third floor! That’s it, I’m yelling at Vivienne too. I’m yelling at all of them.”
Nadia squints, vaguely remembering the maid Karina is referring to. The Poppy had clearly taken measures to ensure Karina wouldn’t be in any real danger whatsoever. This little test of theirs…
She sighs.
“And don’t get me started on Zoe, she probably-”
“-was watching the whole time! The moment I see another camera, I am-”
“-so flipping her off!”
“Angel. Darling.”
That seems to make the trick. Karina whips around to glare at her.
“Don’t use darling. Please.”
Nadia nods. “Yes. I apologize. You weren’t listening.”
“Listening? Oh! I’m sorry, Nadia, I didn’t consider how this would make you feel… they are just acting like complete assholes, I know you would never-”
“No, no. It’s fine.” It’s not. Nadia is a woman of her word. She had told the Poppy that as soon as Karina and her had started dating, and to have her word so quickly brushed off…? It irked her. A lot. But she sucks it up and faces her girlfriend with the most neutral expression she can manage. “They are your family, Karina. I understand why they are worried.”
“They shouldn’t be.”
“But they are. As much as I dislike being tested like this, I’d say it helped win their favor. We should have no further problems from them.”
“But to go this far… they really crossed the line this time. I won’t forgive them.”
Gently, Nadia tugs Karina’s hand so she’ll stop walking. “If only humans weren’t this emotional... but the fact is they have a right to feel worried, just like you have a right to be angry.”
“We. Just like we.”
A small smile curls up her lips. “Just to be clear, I’d have done the same.”
“If you were dating Vivienne. I would have tested her, too.”
Karina’s eyes go wide. “Hold on. That day, on the rooftop. You came to test me.”
Nadia swallows the fact that she had originally intended to kill her and just nods. The memory of her past self’s plans still made her skin crawl, even after all this time. She can’t fathom why she’d ever want to harm this woman, this angel. At least those thoughts are long gone, now.
Her girlfriend huffs and shakes her head.
“Am I the only one that would just choose to have a talk?”
“A shovel talk, you mean.”
“Hah. Maybe. So, your point was… I should forgive them? Really? Are you sure?”
“Oh, no, you can still bring them hell. Actually, please do. I was just trying to make you see things their way.”
Karina’s smile is downright predatory. “Oh, I’ll give them hell all right.”
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