#bc i just been feelin weird vibes about it anymore
allofuswantgwinam · 1 year
yalllllllllllll the 43yo customer guy got arrested for a warrant out for him or something and i have investigated but found NOTHING 😭 and it was on his bday rip to him
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dicksize · 5 years
all the odd numbers!
omg anon why ;_; ill skip the ones ive done for post length sake
1:Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now?
confused abt my gender, not sure otherwise
3:If your significant other smoked pot, would you care?
id be surprised and tbh probably i would care.. wouldn't want it to be a regular thing but i know it wouldnt be hjfkd
5:What were you doing at 11PM last night?
sleeping away!
7:What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on?
id feel very.. inadequate and cut it off
19:Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?
my bf, my dogs.., my sister, my niece
21:Is anyone else in the room with you?
naw im in me bed
23:Were you happier four months ago than you are now?
id say less tired n stressed, but the same
25:In the past week, have you cried?
yes :( but lucky i was not alone
27:Do people ever call you by your last name?
as a joke
29:Do you have a best friend?
yes !! and i love her
31:Who was your last call/text message from?
text from my mama
33:Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
uhhhhh wow i gotta think... no probably? all younger than me, weird fact huh.
35:How many more days until your birthday?
104 !
37:Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex?
39:Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone?
doesn't everyone.. but yea
41:Do you think age matters in relationships?
yes kjfekjsdlsdw
43:How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended?
well. its still going so zero ! 
45:Do you believe exes can be friends?
honestly.. its rare... no
47:Honestly, what’s on your mind right now?
my bfs cute face
49:Was your last kiss a mistake?
no very much on purpose
51:Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry?
53:What was the last thing you ate?
55:Where are you going on your next vacation?
probably the US next yr
57:Are most of your friend guys or girls?
59:When was the last time you took a long drive?
cant remember honestly..
61:Have you ever TPd someone’s house?
no kjsnkjdn at first i thot this meant teleported... but i assume its toilet papered
63:What was the last movie you saw?
dear ex !
65:How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011?
1 and we dated for 3 years im crying 
67:Do you curse around your parents?
sometimes but its moderated 
69:Picture of yourself?
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71:Have you ever been dumped?
73:Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with?
75:What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive?
ohhh.. tummy waist n back
77:Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour?
no o.o
79:What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face?
oh.. you know.. stuff.. petnames
81:Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you?
83:Do you miss your last sweetie?
no but also who says this
85:Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met?
87:What is your astrological sign?
scorpio ! sexy vibes
89:Do you cook?
yes i do the cooking yes i do the cleaning yes i
91:If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship?
93:What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest?
brown hair n eyes hrjens but rlly i dont get feelins off appearance.. they can pique interest tho.. 
95:Are you a player?
this sounds bad but not anymore.. i was a dumb young teen
97:Are you a tease?
yes !
99:Have you ever been deeply in love with someone?
hhggh this is still hard bc im nerd n i dunno how to define love but.. hm i. i wanna say yeah but idk  i love my bf but idk wat love mean.. im dummy
101:Hugs or Kisses?
103:The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
105:If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it?
no i have morals
107:Your last kiss?
my boyfriemd
109:Have you kissed anyone in the past month?
^^ see the above :smirk:
111:Do you know who you’ll kiss next?
see the above hfjdks
113:Do you currently have feelings for anyone?
115:Ever made out with just a friend?
oHHHHHM,RNGFDKJNSKJSNJ this was soo m any !!!!!!!!!!! but ty it was fun..
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meepface · 7 years
i’m in a mood and i’m bored please ignore
1: Name 
2: Age
3: 3 Fears
settling for less than i deserve or for something i don’t want just because happiness seems too hard or would hurt someone, the ocean, scorpions
4: 3 things I love
making people laugh, holding hands w my girlfriend and walking past another gay couple or someone in a LGBTQ+ related shirt n smilin at each other, when dogs have the lil tiny stump tails and they wag em so fast, when candles smell like christmas
5: 4 turns on
freckles, ambition/drive/passion for something, humility, uhhh also eye contact during sex can also be super hot
6: 4 turns off
apathy, moodiness, arrogance, people who are extremely loud all the time
7: My best friend
i have two and they’re great!! one leaves for japan in two days though and she’ll be gone for a month so that highkey sucks for me but she’s gonna have a blast. n my other best friend is so good to me she always takes care of me n listens to me and the other day she bought me alcohol so that was nice
8: Sexual orientation
bisexual but maybe just gay? idk i would date a boy but prolly wouldn’t fuck a boy ya know but i’d do both with a girl so who knows
9: My best date
this question originally said “my best first date” but most of em have been goin to movies and so i changed it bc my best date just in general was probably when my gf and i went and ate at our favorite place to eat n then we banged in her car in a department store parking lot and then afterwards she was like “wait nobody’s at my house i’m sneakin u over” bc her mom can be a lil weird about me going to her house so i never really do and i had never seen her room so she snuck me over to her house n we cuddled on her bed n she showed me this shoebox she has in her room with every tiny lil gift i’d ever given her in it and it made me cry a little. another nice date was when it was flooding at our university and so they canceled classes and we went to walgreens and bought shirts bc ours were soaked from the rain and i bought socks bc my socks got Wet bc i stepped in a puddle and we just stayed in my car and ate candy in our comfy clothes waitin for the rain to let up and yeah TMI ahead but basically she ended up eating me out for the first time so that was nice lol
10: How tall am I
11: What do I miss
i dunno i already miss my best friend Kate even tho she doesn’t leave for Japan until Wednesday morning. also i kinda miss how things were before this year bc my life was less chaotic and stressful and sad last year and now i’m in a rut a lil bit
12: What time was I born
uhh 11:30 somethin AM
13: Favorite color
i like cerulean which is sorta like a teal blue and then yellow and then brown and then dark green
14: Do I have a crush
ya i have a gf
15: Favorite quote
“if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely”
16: Favorite place
i like to be in my bedroom a lot but there’s also this roof i go to with friends a lot that’s really nice at night and i have so many memories there. it’s a really happy place for me
17: Favorite food
i like japanese food but not the seafood kind
18: Do I use sarcasm
no never
19: What am I listening to right now
praying // kesha
20: First thing I notice in new person
i guess just their general vibe
22: Eye color
very green but they were blue for a good half of my life which is kinda weird bc they’re so green now lmao
23: Hair color
red lmao
24: Favorite style of clothing
idk i go through a million styles in a week but my fave is just a cute oversized shirt n leggings bc it’s comfy and effortless
25: Ever done a prank call?
oh yeah i used to do a ton, i even used to have a character that i’d prank call people with actually. her name was Sonya and she sold breast enhancement cream
27: Meaning behind my URL
that’s actually a secret lmao
28: Favorite movie
the secret life of walter mitty
29: Favorite song
uhh idk but lately i’ve loved do re mi by blackbear 
30: Favorite band
twenty one pilots (can i make it any more obvious that i hate myself), two door cinema club, of monsters and men, the 1975, the wonder years
31: How I feel right now
generally okay?? today was a nice day but i’ve felt sorta sick all day and i haven’t been sleeping enough so that’s making me a big ol emotional baby so i feel like i could have a breakdown at any given minute but for the most part i am good tonight
32: Someone I love
my girlfriend
33: My current relationship status
34: My relationship with my parents
oh i love em to death but sometimes they’re difficult n the two of em weren’t meant to be together honestly so i think they’d be better off n a lot less stressful to be around if they divorced but it’s okay maybe they will work it out
35: Favorite holiday
christmas eve. it’s so much better than christmas day!!!! 
36:Tattoos and piercing i have
i have a sun and moon tattoo on each wrist and the word “lovely” on my left bicep and i’m gonna get more but that’s all for now. n i have three piercings, one on one ear and two on the other. i was supposed to have two on both ears but one got infected and i didn’t know what to do so i took the piercing out and it fucked it up and it closed up so i gotta go get it repierced someday but that’s annoying so i just haven’t bothered yet
37: Tattoos and piercing i want
don’t want anymore piercings after i get that one redone tbh. but i want a pine tree tattoo i think on my ankle and a equals sign tattoo but idk where yet and lil mountains on my shoulders, also a sunflower maybe ??? i’m still tryna figure our which one i wanna get next and where. i also have been thinkin about maaaaaaybe getting the female symbol on my middle finger but idk if i want a hand tattoo ya know
38: The reason I joined Tumblr
i really liked this youtuber charlieissocoollike and he did a video about tumblr so i was like ok cool and made one but then i didn’t understand it and never used it and then caitlin one day was talking about tumblr with our friends oliver and jennica and i was like dang i wanna be cool like them so i started using it again and i found their blogs and stalked em for a while 
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?
not hate but i’d never speak to him again. doubt he hates me tho
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
yeah from my gf
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
42: When did I last hold hands?
43:How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
if i’m trying to look nice 45 mins-1 hour and if i’m not trying to look nice like 20-30 mins
44:Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?
no but i need to lmao they a lil prickly
45: Where am I right now?
my bed and i am so happy to be here 
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
my gf would be there 100%, if not her then i’d say my friend Stein but she’d prolly be more fucked up honestly. my friend Kate would be there too
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
louuuuuud unless i’m in a weird sad mood then i like it real soft
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
yeah but hopefully i’ll get my fucking act together and move out within a year but i’m still kinda figuring everything out for the time being
49: Am I excited for anything?
idk honestly i have nothing to look forward to coming up anytime soon so that sucks a lot. probably my best friend’s 21st which i think is in a few weeks?? and this music fest a good friend and i are going to at the end of this month
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
yeah my good pal Joe and also my brother and my friend Brendon too but him and i haven’t talked in a while so :/
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?
this is emo as shit
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?
today i hugged like four people!!!
53:What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
i’d be so upset and i’d break up with her and be miserable for a long while after that
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
yeah there’s one
55: What is something I disliked about today?
uhh probably that i was feelin sick and on edge just generally all day. bc it was really puttin a damper on my mood
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
i’d really love to meet Ellen Degeneres
57: What do I think about most?
prolly about how i am a useless dum dum and not to sound edgggyy but i question like....... my purpose too often lately 
58: What’s my strangest talent?
talent? i don’t know her
59: Do I have any strange phobias?
i’m terrified of being vomited on. not vomit in general necessarily but it getting on me is one of the most disgusting things to me lol
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
lil bit of both but i’m better at the behind the camera stuff
61: What was the last lie I told?
told my grandma i was single bc i don’t wanna tell her i am gay n have a girlfriend even though she’d forget in like two minutes lol
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
video chatting but i’m not a big fan of either
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
yes and yes!!!!!!!!!
64: Do I believe in magic?
65: Do I believe in luck?
66: What’s the weather like right now?
2 hot
67: What was the last book I’ve read?
milk and honey by rupi kaur
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?
tbh i love it
69: Do I have any nicknames?
elly, gaylord, dad, that one ginger
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
probably the one time i fell off my razor scooter while goin speedy down a hill and tryna show off and got scars all over my body
71: Do I spend money or save it?
been tryna save but put me in an h&m or a forever 21 or a thrift shop and it’s all gone. i love clothes that are inexpensive 
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?
yeah i have an empty victoria’s secret bag on my desk
74: Favorite animal?
i like bunnies and grizzly bears
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
talking to my gf and crying probably lol it was a rough night
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
oooooo i could make a petty joke here but i won’t
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
greek tragedy // the wombats
78: How can you win my heart?
make time for me and show me i’m important to you
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
“u know she dead”
80: What is my favorite word?
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
i’d probably just start crying and everyone would stop listening
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?
yeah one of my cousins murdered someone lol i am pretty sure he’s in jail but i don’t know anything about him or if he’s even still alive honestly
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
idk i’m pretty open
86: What is my current desktop picture?
some mountains lol it’s one of the Apple preset ones
87: Had sex?
88: Bought condoms?
89: Gotten pregnant?
90: Failed a class?
nearly but no
91:Kissed a boy?
nah i’ve never wanted to really 
92: Kissed a girl?
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
94: Had job?
yep i work at a froyo shop
95: Left the house without my wallet?
96: Bullied someone on the internet?
probably at some point when i was young but not anytime recently
97: Had sex in public?
yeah lol
98: Played on a sports team?
i was on a soccer team for a while as a kid and i hated it
99: Smoked weed?
not yet but i’d like to try it at least one time someday
100: Did drugs?
no and i am not interested in trying any other drugs besides weed
101: Smoked cigarettes?
102: Drank alcohol?
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
104: Been overweight?
105:Been underweight?
for most of my life i have been lol and i finally got to a healthy weight and now i’m back to being underweight
106: Been to a wedding?
yeah a few
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
yeah but not any time recently bc i don’t have the motivation/attention span to sit through a movie or TV show anymore
109: Been outside my home country?
no but i’d really like to 
110: Gotten my heart broken?
111: Been to a professional sports game?
no and i was invited to one recently but i had work :(
112: Broken a bone?
113: Cut myself?
114: Been to prom?
115: Been in airplane?
116: Fly by helicopter?
no but i’d really like to
117: What concerts have I been to?
soooo many. i’ll try and name em. trans siberian orchestra, panic! at the disco, imagine dragons, twenty one pilots, two door cinema club, the weeknd, melanie martinez, catfish and the bottlemen, halsey, of monsters and men, walk the moon, eric clapton, paul mccartney, glass animals, a$ap rocky, drake, the chainsmokers, foo fighters, vance joy, the strumbellas, the front bottoms, kendrick lamar, the wombats, AWOLNATION, ben rector, we the kings, the ready set, the summer set ??? i think there’s some i’m forgetting but that’s most of em. i go to so many. i am also seeing saint motel, cage the elephant, weezer, passion pit, mac miller and MGMT this summer!!
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?
yaaaaa most of my crushes have been n i’m datin a girl so
119: Learned another language?
i took four years of spanish and i’m taking another spanish class in the fall!! i was always real good at it
120: Wore make up?
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?
no i lost it when i was 19
122: Had oral sex?
123: Dyed my hair?
nah it’s naturally red and pretty and i don’t really wanna ever dye it. i’m probably gonna dye my eyebrows tho they’re too light and i’m tired of always fillin them in
124: Voted in a presidential election?
yes this last one which was exciting until hilary lost
125: Rode in a police car?
126: Had a surgery?
127: Met someone famous?
128: Stalked someone on a social network?
not like legitimately but yeah i’ve gone through someone’s page out of curiosity before
129: Peed outside?
130: Been fishing?
yeah it’s sorta boring imo though
131: Helped with charity?
yeah i helped my mom with this organization she was a part of where homeless people could come and paint and make art and i helped her at a few of their shows. it is one of my favorite organizations and i met some really beautiful people there
132: Been rejected by a crush?
yeah he liked me too but he was figuring things out and later that year came out to me as gay and then like two years later i realized i’m kinda super gay too so it all worked out in the end
133: Broken a mirror?
134: What do I want for birthday?
to be with people i love
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survivormuxloe · 5 years
Episode #10: "This is why people hate the gays” - Michael
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Oh my fucking god did y’all see that tribal I was like butch it’s me I’m going like bye bye omg but NO it was simply a vote reveal and the idol WILL be mine
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So a few things to go over...
One, the plan to get rid of Felix was successful and bought me and Michael another day...HOWEVER, it would appear that I was not the first person to make it to the end of the bridge, which is a shame cuz I REALLY needed this idol, but it's okay.
Because Michael is still gonna be considered a bigger threat than me, and the most likely to go home if we both don't win immunity. That being said, I'm REALLY hoping I can pull this immunity off cuz it'd just be nice to not have to worry about it being me at tribal.
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i'm on highkey alert starting now.... this round (and honestly for the rest of the game) is prime time for blindsides and the waters are ripe for it... i really wouldn't be shocked if i'm targeted and have to play my idol hmph. i really really really just want to be able to use it successfully and i will feel content af with my game no matter what happens...
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my plan to take out jones is slowly unfolding, i worked on ryan earlier, and got him to see jones as a ringleader.. and he wants her out soon.. which is perfect for me hehe.. i just dropped some hints here and there that she has a lot of connections.. and now he's paranoid that she's gonna bring together a group of michael/david/mo/ahrre... which is perfect for me since i can use him to take her out... funny enough im not sure when i should take out ryan, he's definitely a threat going forward... but if i play my cards right i can take both of them out because i'm also painting ryan as a big target to some of the others hehe.. im trying not to overplay rn bc my ass is not on the line for votes currently, one misstep and I'm gone
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im so mad.. rn LMAOAOAOAO like. jones is overplaying as hell n i want michael gone SOOOOOO BAD but i gotta be fake af.. almsldndg
me n ryan r the best duo tho like.. i think ive convinced everyone thet we arent as together as they think umu
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So Felix went home. Which I knew about despite voting for Michael. I thought it was gonna be like 5-5 and tobi was considering to flip to avoid rocks. I didnt want Felix gone personally so I sent in a vote for Michael knowing it wouldnt change the outcome.
Jones is really overplaying wanting this next vote to be a split vote. Like no its 3-3-3 that way. THATS NOT SAFE. ITS ASKING for someone to flip. NO. Jones is going home this round or next round. Thats the T.
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extra shit.. me tobi rhys ryan are all mad susp of miss jones and i think im tryna convince all of them to stick wth her plans until f7 and us 4 can cut her ass out of the equation :) yayayaya im excited. girl deserves it after her overplaying last week as much as i love her
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Wiggling my way out of danger was a huge success, now i'm just hoping to lay low and not cause much drama and basically let the larger players; David, Rhys, Jones take one another out which will allow me to hopefully slip through the cracks and make it far.
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nvm idk how to feel ab my position anymore ignore all previous confessionals that i praise myself LMAOAOAOAOA
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It’s critical that I try my best to win immunities since my name and David’s is on the line and I’d rather he’d go than me. My best plan is to use Jones to my advantage she has a lot of sway with the other side and by playing off her need to be the leader and to have power to keep me in this game. Everybody wants power and everyone wants control and if Jones thinks that she has control over both sides of the tribe then she’s not gonna get suspicious and take me out.
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So I’m a little disheartened by the touchy subjects results. I won “the biggest goat” and “who doesn’t deserve to be here” and it sucks because these people are my friends and I guess most of them think this. But water off a ducks back, I’m going to smile and keep moving forward. I wanna win.
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Another day another update. So from were we left off Felix did end up going home good shit he didn't have an idol. He did play the vote reveal thing but I doubt that changed anything in the slightlest lel. That attempt from Scott to save face by also voting Felix is cute tho hehe.
Anyhow so after that we went to touchy subjects which tbh I was waiting because that would be an opening in my game. So Ryan and Rhys think I'm a goat which it's not suprising considering they're the ones I talk to the least. However most importantly Mo was picked as the goat by the most people.
Now this is a tough game and everyone is putting a lot of effort into it so imo it's not easy to point out a goat and Mo is understandably feeling down because he's as much into this game as everyone else. So I knew this was my opportunity to make a move because Mo will be wanting to prove himself to others so if I'm gonna try something this is my best oportunity to get his vote.
Now I grab Michael and David as well who are in a desperate spot and BAM we have the underground boys. So now the plan is simple. Tobi told me they want to split the votes between Mo and Michael in case Michael has an idol, so we get them to split then Mo and me flip and hopefully get someone.
That someone should be Ryan IMO because he's def a duo with rhys and even a stronger duo with Scott. So birds one stone. Plus he called me a goat so hey thre's that :)
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lmfao i'm getting dead silence from half the tribe and totally awkward conversation from Jones... definitely getting the vibe that i'm the target. I know Scott got tea from Tobi that Jones has concocted some scheme to split the vote on me and/or rhys or something to that extent? idek i need the full picture tomorrow but lol. should be a fun show no matter what happens
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Ok so Michael, David, Fabricio and I formed an alliance because were kind of on the outs. I know this is weird because I had rough pasts with all of them but I really like this alliance. Now, do I trust Michael? Absolutely fucking not, he already lowkey threw me under the bus after the alliance was made. By telling Jones I told him. So I want him gone soon.
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bih.. i aint in the mood today at all..
first of all last night touchy subjects. david wins lol x. i get most trusted n least trusted bc thats a thing ig. werk mama.
then to make matters worse... miss jones wants to split on either me or ryan incase michael idols ...
n now ive told tobi abou  t my idol n idk why im just feelin quirky n cool lol
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I have to laugh... this game gets wilder by the minute... my position right now is really fragile but its good if i play it right... right now i have a lot of influence over what happens hehe... like i swear to god i feel cocky but lets review some things. 1. Jones is wrapped around my finger... i've been playing this whole super supportive ally and she even gave us the name "kermit and miss piggy" for our duo (me being miss piggy obv) and i've been working hard on her.. i got her to realize michael was actually super manipulating and was using her for a lot of things.. which is funny because that's exactly what im doing to her... she even showed me some stuff he wrote to her and i was consistently telling her that im trying to protect her from being manipulated by him... i swear to god im evil HAHA and like i love her and all but she's a huge social threat and if i see a clear shot im gonna take her out 2. scott scott scott... we were sharing idol guesses a few days ago and he went ghost on me on the guesses... i had suspicions that he was close to getting/had the idol... AND HE LITERALLY TOLD ME HE HAD IT I WAS LIKE OMGGG like this made me SO relieved because that means that i don't have to worry about the merge idol popping up without me knowing, but after i leaked his idol in Saint Vincent i have NO idea why he told me again... like this obv makes me wanna take him out and do stuff but im not gonna leak it again... i think. But like im not here to play fiddle to him... im here to win and if i have to take him out later i will... but the thing is that i don't know when a good time to take him out is, if im in f6 with a bunch of goats, the target is gonna be on me... so i have to think more about what im gonna do about him 3. ryan... i haven't been working hard on him, but he did come up to me with a plan to get me, him, rhys, and scott to the f4 like omg thats pretty iconic but going to f4 with a challenge beast like ryan? i have to laugh... im not stupid... challenge beasts have been the bane of my org career and im not about to let it happen again here... i have a lot on my plate right now, and im playing hard, but what's lovely is that i dont think im a threat to anyone? at least in comparison to the scott/ryan/jones clusterfuck that im gonna try to orchestrate, im lowkey... i swear to god if i actually pull this shit off.... my mind... but then again i might just flop again like usual so who knows hehe
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now that ik my name has been thrown out im so nerv ALMFNHFg like i dnt wanna be blindsided 5-4 o.o but uhm i hope for the best n hopefully im smart enuff to play idol ?
i just want jones gone is that so much to ask
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idk How to make confessionals apparently Bc I KEEP FORGETTING AHHH Michael comes to me right after the Felix vote and says “hey David crossed the bridge the idol’s gone” and I’m like MOTHERFUCKER. I WAS THIS FUCKING CLOSE. And it obviously scared me because either of them could be lying and one of them could have the idol. And I OF COURSE PANICKED. The next day I went to try and cross the bridge (Bc I was on 90) and I ACTUALLY DID IT!!! but guess what,,,,, THERE WAS NOTHING!!!!! HORRAY!! Idk what I’d do with myself if I got an idol tbh,, that shits scary. But yeah knowing that the idol is gone AND THAT I heard it from Michael first is hella scary and that could mean 3 things - A) theyre felling the truth and it’s gone, B) Michael’s a liar and Has it, or C) David lied to Michael and David has the idol. So right now this information is fucking with my head. And it’s deeeefinitely going to in the next vote.
So David wins immunity and I’m not THAT bothered by it? Of course it just makes things harder for everyone else Bc the original plan was to split between Michael and David, BUT NOW WE CANT. Either way Michael has to go home. He has a really terrible way of getting into everyone’s head and it’s not good for anyone. Plus if he makes it to the end he has such a good chance at winning with an underdog story it’s not even funny ajddjkf. BUT Theres still the possibility that one of those two has an idol, and we really have to think wisely on who would go in case that happens. Tobi thinks Mo is the safer move, but I really don’t think there’s a point in getting rid of someone that everyone thinks of as a sheep. Plus I’d like to sit with him in the end soooooo yeah. My personal preference on who the “blindside target” would be is Ryan. I love him to DEATH and Sweyn to the end, but he’s a challenge threat, and we have to pick off Sweyn eventually if the Muppet alliance wants to be victorious. Michael and david are already on board with getting him out anyway Bc they think he and Rhys are “tight” lol. But right now the vote split should be 7-2 on Michael as far as I know, there’s a solid chance that Mo will get a vote and if he does I’ll actually DIE. Also /according to Michael/, he said that Mo came to him and told him was voting for Michael. AND LIKE THATS THE THING MICHAEL IS PLANTING SEEDS IN MY HEAD THAT MO ISnt some I can trust and that /scares me/ which is why he has to go. If the tribal goes right, Michael goes, if Michael plays an idol, Ryan goes. If it’s a tie between Ryan and Mo, Ryan goes.,,, hopefully.
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So, Touchy Subjects, Im almost irrelevant, atleast im honest.
Anyway, The vote plan is Michael. However Jones is scared of an idol. I dont really want to split a vote but Jones is persistant on it. Ive been talking with people and apprently the split vote is on Mo.
However I talk to Ahrre and he knows this information too? Im on the bottom of whatever this is. Like I NEVER hear stuff first. I NEVER feel like I acctually know whats going on.
So to be honest. I dont feel like im going to win. Atleast not on this path. So I need to take a peck at the leader. Jones. Mo and Ahrre are said to be in her pocket. This is bad for 2 reasons. Jones has more power, and they arent doing much thus will be dragged to the end. So removing power, and increasing my odds of getting to the end will be great.
So the split vote is set to be 5-2-2. However, I can safely tell Michael that its 2 on Mo. So Michael & David both vote Mo. This is 5-4. We just need 1 flip to make this happen. So that could either be me, changing my vote to Mo. Perhaps someone else could flip beside me. Fingers crossed.
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So it seems like once again I am getting voted and with the amount of idols and such out there it’s getting more and more scary being this bitch who’s constantly getting voted because at any point I’m either getting the majority or I’m getting idolled out. I’m just hoping and praying that everything goes well and I need to start winning immunity
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i like don't know what's happening fahsdfhas. i kinda snapped and messaged michael for some reason, i think to see if he was gonna vote me.. and i kinda told him/he asked and i confirmed that there's a split plan in motion and he told me him/david are voting Mo and i was like well if you don't want me out i don't want you out... and Scott tells me he heard throuoght the grapevine (from tobi who heard from ahrre who was told by michael fjasld) that Michael said it was RHYS that let him know??? i'm. so idk faksdjf but i'm floundering a bit tbh. there's like less than 3 hrs until tribal so i hope i figure out concretely whats gonna happen
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Alright so let's go through a couple of things.
I WON IMMUNITYYYY. Omg, it felt so good to get redemption after losing this same challenge in my first org. (I got the tiebreaker there too and was WAY off, LOL fuck me) And anyways, it feels good to not have to worry about it being me tonight and to have a spot in the final 8. Hopefully this shows people that I've BEEN here to friggin play.
So now as it stands for tribal tonight...myself, Michael, Mo and Ahrre are gonna vote Ryan out. The other side are planning to split their votes 3 for Michael and 2 for Mo cuz they think Ahrre and Mo are voting for Michael. If all goes well and no idols get played, then we're in for the biggest power shift this season has seen and I cannot wait to be a part of that shift, cuz it's FUCKING GO TIME BABY
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ugh the idol paranoia i'm having rn........ i can't if i go home w the idol im gonna hate myself n if i misplay the idol im gonna hate myself jlskhfd like this vote is so uncertain to me.. i could be overthinking but i just dk... so like i almost want to just be messy and get the other 5's votes on me and idol myself…
ok so messy ryan jumped out and acted on his idolinpocket paranoia flaksdhf. i talked to both mo and michael and threw jones under the bus pretty bluntly.. mo seemed to already knoow that jones created the split plan w him as the vote, and is just acting like he thinks he's going home so idk if thats genuine or not. michael on the other hand, seems genuinely thinking it was between him or mo and now wants to get ahrre and me to vote mo with him and david and rhys who already voted mo. fladfjas so i've realized i was highkey overthinking but. this is interesting
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Right so idek where I left off but I think it was right after the underground boys were formed. Anyhow so Jones was weary of ryan so she thought about voting him, thing is he only wanted him as a backup plan in case Michael played an idol because everyone and their mums want him dead at the end of the day I guess.
So I'm like ok let's get michael and david to vote ryan with us and then while one of us still votes michael to make it a 4-3-2, (without letting her know Mo was with us and that I would vote ryan anyways lel) but then she freaked out and so did everyone really and they suddenly didn't want to split anymore and everyone was voting Michael.
However I managed to convince Tobi (and by proxy the rest of sweyn cause let's face it tobi is on top of this game that's another guy I've got to get rid of) to split the vote anyways, so as it stands Tobi and Rhys are voting Mo and Ryan Scott and Jones are voting Michael. But the thing is that they think Mo and me are also voting Michael but in reality we're gonna vote Ryan so it SHOULD be 4 votes Ryan 3 Michael and 2 Mo.
Now my worry is that if Ryan plays an idol it all goes to shit but I'm trying my hardest to make sure he doesn't know. Anyhow let's see how this plays out.
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It doesn’t feel good to be facing elimination especially now that jones is voting me. Any slight deviation from the plan for anyone could lead to my elimination but I hope that now ryan is voting mo that I might just scrape by once again and with jones’ Transparent game she shouldn’t be Long behind Ryan.
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lmao so they (michael, david, ahrre, mo) tried to pull off a rly good move flipping their votes onto me. and if only rhys hadn't had to sleep early and didnt vote Mo, I'd be sitting pretty but they did that.... unfortunately for them, apparently Jones fucked up heavily and immediately voted Michael in the revote? did i hear that correctly? KLFSJLDFHS WIG. i kinda feel bad bc... i really should be leaving here but.... wig. I had done some campaigning to Mo before I found this out and think i was making some good groundwork to get him to keep me and he was at least oon the fence, so i might have had a shot even if jones were gonna vote me. but wig.. if she really did that, then that means me and scott have made the final 8 and we still have 2 idols in our pockets WHEW. big moves is coming ladies
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This is why people hate the gays smh. Please be ryan please be ryan please be ryan go home Ry ry
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ugh can't believe my best friend michael is leaving tonight ): LMSHNBG am i fuck..
legit im sooooo happy ryan is staying altho a little peeved as well tbh.. i coulda had 2 idols :flushed: but i wont complain.............
anyway. i still think jones is crazy n her idea of trying to get me to flip on ryan is absolutely absurd ALMJFNFG like bitch.. i know im on the bottom if i flip im not dumb why do u think i didnt vote mo like u told me to lAMNFHBFG IJS!!
i just gotta win immunity next week n im confirmed at least f5? hopefully? LAMNHFBFG like. i dont wanna. be tied on. and i wanna keep this idol for the l0ong haul. which is why i told ryan and tobi. oooop. LAMNJHBFG.
PROB NOT A GOOD IDEA TELLING TOBI but i rly do trust him this time around... he gives me legit all the tea n i do the same back :flushed:
lolll i lvoe having the worst jury management :))) love sticking to sides :)))) like i aint gunna clear that perception up by voting ryan suck my dick he trusts me and thats all i care about..
like. im gunna be hounded on for not flipping to a side who wants me out n thats so annoying!! i rly cant win aLMFHFG. these cunts can fuck off idc ill argue with every single one of them
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michael... he's a cockroach... he wont just DIE like there have been so many times where there was something stopping him from leaving... last round jones wanted felix so we obliged and now its this stupid tie revote kjflkjdf like this is exactly why i wanted him out earlier... getting numbers against him is gonna be hard and i really hope his ass leaves in the revote... he should anyway hehe.. i have a few options going forward and i feel like i could possibly do a lot but the question is do i want to be doing a lot??? if people start thinking that im a threat then shit LMAO but the thing is there are so many goats and pawns (mo, ahrre, david) that if you do anything significant, your threat level is obvious and like i want to take out some of the threats but im worried if i take out too many,,, the goats will become sentient and take my ass out... i just need to take this one vote at a time while planning for the future its simple :^)
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ITS BEEN A MESSY 24 HOURS AND HERES THE FUCKING TEA so the vote ended up being a tie. NOT THE ONE I PREDICTED. It ended up being a Michael/Ryan tie. AND IMMEDIATELY AFTER AJ EXPLAINS THE RULES MICHAEL BLOWS UP MY WHOLE FUCKING GAME (almost.) he says “Jones you orchestrated this vote follow through with it” AND IM???? LITERALLY??? Ryan was never a target of mine,,, never the main target I mean BUT NEVER A TARGET. David Mo and Michael all told me that Ryan was gunning for me though,, but that was AFTEr I revoted for Michael sooooooooo that’s the tea. But like,, Michael is,, kind of being an asshole. Very much so. I feel like he’s taking advantage of my emotions to try and manipulate me into Saving him, but I really wouldn’t mind if either him or Ryan went?? Preferably Michael obviously lol. He was never someone I wanted to take to the end anyway, so it’s better to get rid of him while we can lol. Also!!? That dumbass shit that Michael said on hangouts??? Rhys and Ryan made a whole ass 180 in our relationship Bc THEY THOUGHT I VOTED FOR RYAN BC OF WHAT MICHAEL SAID AKDJKDFNJF. Thank god I was actually able to work it out with them, but like,,, fuck that scared me. This is why Michael needs to go Bc he’s a loose cannon and will DESTROY MY GAME. OFF WITH HIS FUCKING HEAD
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i finally understand why no one respects Mo as a player lol, he really has no back bone of his own at all..
The vote ties 4-4-1, and Michael is sent home 4-3 after a revote.
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