#bc idk it's a big coat he's tall it might only be able to be big and comforting on Edvard and Lilith cuz they tiny
a-casual-egg · 2 years
I've been a bit too busy to draw today but I need to talk abt Barnaby and Lilith being siblings.
- Lilith doing that little wave dance in the play and Barnaby, watching the play, sees that and is almost immediately like "Well, I know which one is Lilith now." and goes to talk to her and tell her he saw the little wave dance to tease her and Lilith is embarrassed about it. That's sibling energy your honor.
- In their duo heist the valet wants to take her coat so she doesn't have to wear it during the party and Lilith is trying to talk her way out of not giving him her coat as to not reveal she has snake hair and Barnaby realizes this and steps in. He tells the valet "I believe it will be getting quite cold on deck and we anticipate spending a lot of time outside so I think we'll keep our coats with us." and they say how it's part of the ensemble. Then Barnaby doesn't ask her about it and respects the fact she doesn't want to take off her coat.
- She's probably influenced him (in a good way) with all her talk of unions. For example, he calls it what's on trend but he's like "we have this modern progressive thing where we allow the servants to accompany us (to the parlor)" and yes this was so Zillah and Barnaby could stay together but I'm counting it as Lilith has infodumped about unions and workers' rights to Barnaby who remembers it. Hopefully soon he will be influenced enough to be very pro-workers' rights and give workers better pay and benefits.
- Lilith and Barnaby can talk about spirit stuff together and she can help Barnaby figure stuff out about the djinn fox that he accidentally drank and is now in his head. I wanna know more about that fox.
- They're both very good at social stealth could probably do a lot of heists together because of that.
- I do have a headcanon about Lilith's hood flying off and her snakes showing but before anyone can actually get a look at them Barnaby pulls off his coat and puts it over Lilith's head.
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