arcticheatofficial · 3 years
Well, it’s a known fact it can be extremely hazardous to work under high-temperature conditions. But, with the help of advanced products that have been designed specifically for body cooling, it can now be easy for individuals to get better control over heat stress and focus on their jobs in a better way.
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arcticheatofficial · 3 years
As sportspeople are thinking of strategies to deal with the body heat issues and performing under high pressure, Arctic Heat has designed a revolutionary body cooling vest that has gained tremendous popularity due to the enormous benefits that it offers. They have also gone a long way in helping athletes gain a competitive and recovery advantage.
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arcticheatofficial · 3 years
How do these cooling vests help in reducing heat stress for clinicians?
Researchers found in a study that the body temperatures beneath the PPE suits of healthcare staff can reach up to 38 degrees Celsius (100.4 F) during a shift in which the suit was worn for three hours straight. This caused increasing discomfort, declining concentration, and less productivity among the clinicians and prompted them to try the already proven cooling vests. After all, the credibility of the product is well tried and tested, it has been found to be highly effective in controlling body temperatures, most recently by elite athletes at the Tokyo Summer Olympic Games.
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arcticheatofficial · 3 years
Why should people suffering from MS be concerned with heat and temperature?
Heat and high temperature can become an issue with people having a MS condition as it is observed in the case of Nicole, which is why the summer months can be quite a challenge for them. Heat and sometimes even humidity can worsen MS symptoms. Commonly known as Uhthoff’s phenomenon, it was first observed and explained by Dr. Wilhelm Uhthoff it in 1890.
People suffering from MS often face a temporary worsening of their symptoms in hot weather or when they run a fever. These temporary changes can result from as little as one-quarter to one-half of a degree elevation in core body temperature. An elevated temperature further impairs the ability of demyelinated nerves to conduct electrical impulses.
Heat causes an increase in inflammation in the body of people with MS so much so that they are crippled in their joints and even find it difficult to walk. Of course, the symptoms change from person to person but broadly, they include dizziness, numbness in the extremities, weakness, blurred vision, cognitive problems and tremors.
Stay cool with cooling products like vests from Arctic Heat
Studies have shown that cooling products minimize the negative effects of heat and help people indulge in activities that they generally miss, like walking, gardening, hiking or swimming. While overheating does not cause any permanent damage, it is mainly owing to the discomforts that make people suffering from MS, apprehensive of stepping out of the air-conditioned comforts of their homes, more so, in the summer months.
Cooling therapy and cooling products have been recommended by researchers and doctors, after it was found that MS patients performed better on tests of coordination, balance or ability to sustain any physical activity, after a reduction in their body temperature. One popular cooling device that has been found very effective for MS people is the cooling vest.
Arctic Heat offers advanced cooling vests that have been designed with revolutionary features – lightweight and easy to use. Used and tested by many, these vests help maintain your core body temperature, reduce flare-ups and prevent temperature fluctuations. It is essentially more useful for people who are exposed to higher temperatures for a longer period of time. Studies suggest that these vests also help people to not only improve their physical performance but also keep their mental health upbeat. In other words, with the help of Arctic Heat cooling vest, MS people have shown improved emotional well-being, physical and cognitive performance, and perceived fatigue levels.
Cooling vests have found significant applications in other conditions too like epilepsy and spinal injuries where they have been found useful to regulate core body temperature thus increasing their endurance capacity, reducing thermal strain and improving their performance. Also, in cases where people are prone to have seizures, these cooling vests help significantly in lowering down the temperature of the body and minimizing the risks of heat strokes.
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arcticheatofficial · 3 years
What is scalp cooling and how does it work?
Scalp cooling or scalp hypothermia is a process by which hair follicles are cooled and thus made inactive, also making them less susceptible to the damage during chemotherapy; the result can be reduced hair loss.
In other words, because of the scalp cooling process like ice packs or tight-fitting cooling caps, blood vessels are constricted causing less blood flow to the scalp. This stops the chemo drug from reaching the cells of the hair follicles, and thus the lesser damage.
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arcticheatofficial · 3 years
What is therapeutic hypothermia and how does it protect against cardiac arrest?
Therapeutic hypothermia is also known as targeted temperature management or protective hypothermia is an active treatment that involves keeping the body temperature of a person in check for a specific duration of time. This therapy is generally administered to improve health outcomes during recovery after a period of stopped blood flow to the brain.
Cardiac arrest is a condition when the heart suddenly stops beating and hence the blood flow to different organs of the body including the brain, stops. The lack of blood flow can cause lasting damage to the brain which is the reason why many people don’t regain their consciousness. Lowering the body temperature right away after cardiac arrest can reduce damage to the brain and raises the chances of the person’s recovery.
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