#bc iris spent more time training under lance. whereas hau trained more under diantha
cheemken · 1 year
Some more villain au stuff
Imagine the Unova kids noticing there really is smth off w Iris too tho, cause like, at first they thought that hey she was still mourning over Drayden, and they're happy the other Champions are there for her too. Then suddenly she starts wearing the Indigo Champion's cape, suddenly she's soaring around Unova to stop crime, she said, to make sure Unova is safe, to make sure that their region wouldn't have to deal w another Team Plasma again. Then suddenly she's cold, suddenly she's distant, suddenly her temper became short.
Suddenly they see her almost killing someone.
They're hurting that poor pokemon, her grip on her pokeball tight, and they don't want me to help?
She doesn't understand the Unovan people. She's soaring around the region to patrol for anyone trying to ruin it, they get mad bc she's supposed to be at the League being a champion. she does her job, they still get mad bc she's always up at the League, not helping the people. Just what do they want me to do?
It's always been she's too young. Always been she doesn't deserve that. And now they think I'm too brutal to criminals, even though I'm doing the right thing? I'm the Champion, I just want this region to be safe!
Then Hilbert is there, in her chamber at the league, "this time, I'm sure I'll win!" He had always been so cheery, it reminds her of Hau.
He lost. He almost won. But Iris wasn't weak, ofc she wasn't, she's not champion for nothing, she's been champion this long, and the others had trained her well, why would she ever disappoint them.
Hilbert looked at her with a somber look, he never looked at her like that ever, even after every battle trying to take her title. "They're worried about you." She raised a brow at that, "Hilda, N, Cheren, even though they wouldn't admit it. Bianca.." her hands twitched at the name, "we're all worried about you. You just seem more.. distant." She sighed, said she's just stressed over her champion duties, she told him she's just keeping herself busy to forget the void her grandfather left after he died, and Hilbert understood. He approached her, pulling her close to a hug, "we're here for you, Iris. You're our friend. You don't have to deal with all this alone." And she just stood there, unsure what to do, unsure what to feel. Then he pulled away, a sad smile on his face, "maybe next time, we could all get to hang out again! Hopefully you're not busy soon." He laughed and bid his farewell, promising that next time he's really gonna win.
She watched him leave, and she's alone once again in her chambers, a million thoughts running in her mind. But she shakes them off, there's no point to those thoughts, she's doing her duties as Champion, she's protecting the weak, protecting her friends, doesn't matter if blood gets shed.
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