#bc of how critical i am picking apart the mechanics of my own writing i cant turn off the writer part of my brain salfjdksfd
lepidopteragirl · 2 years
hi Hello fave movie + song + media format 🎤
- tgm
HI TGM HELLO!! i dont think ive talked to you in so long hope u r doing well :D
favorite movie is probably the princess bride or mean girls lol
okay rn favorite song is moderation by florence and the machine HUGE cq song fr OH and also first love/late spring by mitski suchhh a good song oh my god
okay for media format i would probably say books (<- read a lot in elementary school and still says that when asked hobbies by default) but also i dont read as much as i'd like to partly cause of school and also bc i have had terrible luck finding fun books to read that are also good fdsjklasafd
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mego42 · 4 years
12 39 41
ooooohhhhh these are fun questions, thank you
12. Does positive feedback ever make you angry?
(okay well this one is less fun but the other two) it doesn’t so much make me angry but a lot of times (most of times) gives me a bit of a complex? I have weird robot feelings and don’t really know how to deal with people saying nice things about my writing. But then people will go and leave lovely comments and I’m like gaahhh!!! how do I respond to this in a way that conveys the depth of my appreciation??? how do I not know words????? so mostly I just like, stress about it a lot and then blurt out something woefully inadequate.
39. What is something that you’ve learnt or figured out about writing from reading?
literally everything, tbh. I’ve talked about this before but I’m constantly picking apart the books and stories I love and trying to understand what specifically I like about them. it can be anything from a high level ‘how did the story build to this moment that feels like a sucker punch to the gut?’ to ‘how is this single sentence so incredibly evocative? how did the specific words come together in this way? WHAT MAKES YOU TICK TELL ME YOUR SECRETS????’ 
What’s weird is while I am all about examining the underlying structure and mechanics of other people’s work, the second I try to apply that to my own I start falling apart, overthinking and freezing up, so another thing I’ve learned is to read, absorb, outline, then go with my gut and think about it/edit later.
41. What is something that you’ve learnt or figured out about writing from watching TV/films?
*jazz hands* serialized storytelling!!! I feel like tv especially has done more to help me understand pacing and long-running arcs than anything else. idk why tv so much bc obviously books and movies also pace and build a story with arcs and acts, maybe it’s because I’ve spent so much energy criticizing shows that screw up their pacing (not just plot but emotional and character arcs and how they all work together)? and it’s not even like I actually understand it as much as I’ve absorbed enough that I feel like I can tell when something feels wrong or right.  
what sensible writing asks!!!
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