#bc she doesn't really come up in my portrayal due to divergences but !!
spynorth · 2 years
I find it hilarious that when maya shows up at lucas’ door and basically says ‘tell me the truth or you’ll never seen me again’ he agrees and then this shit happens:
“why did let me believe you were dead?” “alright. I went to prison for 8 years. is that good enough?” “prison. why? did you kill someone?” “no.” “did you hurt someone then?” “no.” “i suppose you’re innocent.” “no.”
he is purposely evading the actual answer to her question by subsituting truths which is lying. you know. the thing he said he wouldn’t do. but he’s got the upper hand. she doesn’t know whats truth and frankly, the prison thing does easily slide in to his initial excuse when he first finds her again of having to get away because of something he did and not wanting to bring it home to her. He did go to prison for 8 years but that is not why he didn’t return to her. He had already been living as lucas north for 7 years at that point if you’re operating within the fact/idea that series 7-9 is all the same year (which is a ridiculous timeline considering he was supposed to have been section chief before going to the russian prison and when he stole lucas’ identity he had only undergone the beginning tests but you know what. he sleeps with a gun under his pillow. we have bigger fucking idiot things than that).
but anyways, maya and he both have already acknowledged that he vanished for 15 years. I can only assume he offered prison as a vague answer hoping she would perhaps believe something happened during prison that led him to stay away the remaining 7 years after. She seems to buy the answer well enough and her next two questions are also easy for him to answer, this time with not quite such an obvious lie. Did he go to prison for killing or hurting someone? no. but he’s also presenting truths as responses to a truth he gave in false context so i would still personally consider that lying. this is a thing that allows him to both alleviate any possible guilt he may have in regards to not fully telling her the truth and also a great example of the fact he is still very much assuming he’s got everything figured out and settled. he’s still confident in the hold he has on things. why wouldn’t he be? it’s been 15 years and he’s successfully pulled the wool over mi5′s eyes. and i know there’s a million excuses we can make. would i be honest in that situation? probably not. but i also hope i wouldn’t be dumb enough or selfish enough to drag a former flame back into my life given the circumstances but hey. who knows.
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