#bc that is something I do unfortunately relate to 🤪🤪
tracybirds · 1 year
not to project too hard onto a fictional character but at what point did it just become so standard for John to get high grades in academics that his family stopped acknowledging it because that was the norm
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astropookie · 1 year
hello dear, how are you? may always be happy💗💞🌷 I have request your opinion about aspect :
- venus in 11° square ascendant
- asteroid aphrodite 20° square ascendant and conjunct mc
Thankyou so much for taking the time to answer and sorry bother you🥺💖
Ty bb!!💖 you don’t have to apologize, I’m making this bc I want to okay? Sending love 🫶🏼🫶🏼💌
NOW Let’s call out placements 😈 I’m jking🧍🤪🤭
Venus in Aquarius degree (11° or 23°) Square Ascendant
I’m going to start explaining how the “square” aspect functions: “conflict and tension between two planets”, it also indicates action. This aspect is towards the Ascendant, so is going to be related to the “type of energy you came in this world and the one you grow into”, “how we respond towards our environment, how we presente ourselves to the world, physical appearance and mannerisms”. Babe you are conflicted when it comes of what Venus represents, with self-image, how you manage relationships, what you’re attracted to, money and much more; this is directed towards the energy in your life.
This aspect is going to make quite the opposite of what Venus represents -or well your relationship with Venus-. You’re going to struggle in how others see you, how you approach to them. In some point, you could have supported yourself in superficial stuff or thinking that you don’t need anyone because of your beautiful nature. The 11° (aquarius degree) makes even more sense: aquarius, they could drown themselves into thinking that they’re way too special for “normal” people 😨, that not everyone have the pleasure of being in their lives, interact with them -I’m being too exaggerated-. Aquarius is a misunderstood sign, you could haven’t wanted to give that impression or didn’t felt that way but with this aspect it seemed like it. I’m sure that you’re liked by everyone or have a good fame towards others because of your authentic charm. You could seem cold and distant but happy and quirky. How you express yourself could be constantly misinterpreted by others, mostly with this aquarius degree that NEEDS to express themselves, bring their ideas to the table, change the world. This could be seen as annoying or people could not copy what you’re trying to communicate. Your popularity grows as the rumors about you. They’re just jealous, you have that power 👀🤭😚. You’re controversial. It makes you LAZY, make an interaction towards your crush. SHOW INITIATIVE. Make yourself know. I’m referring in all the types of relationships: make an effort for your loved ones, make them feel loved, show affection. You want to be seen as cool, as if nothing affects you, as if you don’t have a big spot for someone special and that you’re willing to do everything for them. They’re gonna get tired if you don’t do something (but it’s another case if you have a huge aspect/placement that changes this). Not everyone reacts like you or how you want them to. And if you’re so conflicted showing love, let them know how you feel about it; you’re the sign (Aquarius) that constantly affirms revolutionary ideas that would lead to change, start with yourself and communicate towards it or even do something.
Stop, you’re beautiful the way you’re, I’m referring to the inside -don’t start laughing I didn’t said you’re ugly in a physical way, let me explain-. Around all your life you kept and keep questioning yourself and basing your self-worth by your self-image. The beauty starts with your inner self, your soul, not the physical appearance -that’s what I think-. You could have grow thinking that beauty is only connected to appearance or someone/your environment sent you to that conclusion. You could have struggle or keep struggling with yourself image, A LOT. I want to give you a hug 🫂🫂 and It’s a fucking NO for me. Think of this: beauty (physically) is superficial, how you are physically doesn’t define your worth and if people can’t understand, they’re all fucking DELAYED -unfortunately, that’s mostly people- (I want to say more but 😤). People are not prepared. Question yourself. Who the fuck is that people that decided what makes you pretty and what not? Are you gonna give them the power? It’s so boring, don’t you think? Don’t let others decide for you, don’t let yourself being carried away by what others affirm, by the standards of society. Basing yourself only on your appearance. There’s no depth in that -I know your struggle is much more depth than what I’m saying, my purpose is not minimize or misinterpreted what you experience. Everyone passes distinct experiences and even If I experience the same situation I’m not going to live it like you, have the same perspective as you, bc I’m not you!!❤️-. How you express yourself, your emotions, everything, your body show it but it doesn’t origines there (only in your physical appearance). There’s a light waiting to shine, to take all over yourself, to make yourself free, to embrace you. I think the important question is: Are you pretty? But don’t think about your self-image. If you said no, there’s something to work, let’s start there :) I think starting with yourself, doing some introspection -I’m not saying it’s going to be easy and quick-, takes time, A LOT of time, even a whole life to pause and take a look of how you were/are, deciding to change, taking action and blablabla, to finally love yourself. To transform yourself to the inside to the outside…When I question someone How are they? They always end up responding abut their physical appearance, I didn’t question that -yes, I fucking did, it was a general question but that’s not the point 🙄-, I asked how the other is? how they treated you? How they expressed? How’s their personality? What you leave behind is how you are -in other’s perspective-, no how you seem. At least there you have my improvised mini philosophical point of view/tesis🤪. Be kind with yourself. Who is going to treat you well if you don’t treat yourself well? MORE THAN WELL. BABE YOU DESERVE MORE AND MORE AND FUCKING MORE. I believe in you. You can do this.🧍
Aphrodite at scorpio degree (8° or 20°)
YOU’RE POWERFUL, YOU’RE THE DEFINITION OF MAGNETISM. Your beauty drown others to know you more. You’re such a mystery in other’s eyes. You are empowered and your sexual energy is HIGH. You could be really horny but you don’t want to admit it bc it doesn’t work like that: you’re a mystery. You don’t revel more than what you need to say about yourself or about things that could distort the self-image others have of you. You are empowered by loving yourself; being turned on by your image in the mirror or the reaction of others when they see you -those eyes, looking at you..they’re drooling-. They know that what they suppose you’re thinking it’s not what you think and they love it, that you’re undecipherable, that they can’t control you, catch you and lock you in a cage unless you want it, unless you give them permission; and I don’t think you’re gonna let them that easy👀 You’re one in a million, you have to know your worth, bc you’re that special. You have power over them, want it or not. They want to be submitted by you, they like it when you give orders or obligate them. Or if they see you as a challenge they want you to be submitted by them. Rather way they’re drown to it. -I’m not referring only in a sexual way-. You make others crazy. You have some problems with control but you can hide it somehow -unless someone analytical enters-.
Square Ascendant
You could feel awkward about your sexuality or beauty. Let yourself be carried by what you feel/suppose others think about it or what others tell you or gossip. You make them jealous, for sure. Or maybe you drown yourself into your insecurities and crave the beauty of others, being jealous of them. One of the two options. Because of this you don’t like your appearance or what makes you beautiful.
Conjunct MC
This has a complete different effect in comparison as the “square” aspect. Aphrodite conjunct Midheaven makes others, specifically coworkers or from a career perspective/profile appreciate or be delighted by you. They love how you look and present yourself in work/career/in what you put effort and dedication. It could be that you seem so effortlessly hot, mysterious. The vibe you give off. When they think of you. You could be admired by that, so powerful and know it all without looking for it, reserved, having everything in control. How you are devoted in your work. Your work/career -or literally in what project you work- could be associated with what Aphrodite represents (beauty, pleasure, art, love, etc). So you could work in fashion, as a model…but it’s not necessarily like that: you could be an engineer and work in a empress that promotes fashion or that to be your frustrated dream 🤪 I’m kidding🧜‍♀️ But yeah is not that obvious…
•This is based on my personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
•English is not my first language.
•I’m not a profesional astrologer, I just love astrology and I’m willing to learn.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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