#bc they talk a lot about how the 60s weren't especially character driven but then they act like the only way to do that
galacticlamps · 2 years
Me noticing that Nicholas Briggs is one of the executive producers & script editors for the entire new Second Doctor series Big Finish just started, as well as a director and co-writer on its first boxset: Yeah I mean that’s kinda a lot but I guess it’s to be expected, he’s like the head of the company and apparently Two’s his favorite Doctor?
Me noticing that the other script editor & co-writer, and lead producer is the same guy who wrote That Which Went Away: Oh okay now you have my attention
#second doctor era#big finish#i registered this information by noticing that i had felt my eyes widen#literally reacted before processing it that's almost kinda scary#now i dont wanna get my hopes up#but that very gay short trip is literally all we've seen so far of him writing two and jamie together#since jamie's not in this boxset#(which i've only heard a little of so far)#and let's face it we've seen 6b start before we kinda vaguely knew what to expect from this first beyond the war games set#what was always gonna be more interesting was the one question canon never has addressed - how jamie winds up with him again#they've been plenty happy to put them together but so far nobody's dared write that scene in officially published media#or even as far as i know allude to how it happened#but if this man is writing that in the next one...#god im putting the clown shoes on aren't i?#damnit i usually manage not to get my hopes up like this#i mean it's not even like i'd be hoping for anything specific really#/i/ know they're married and so do the rest of you and that's all that matters#im hardly sitting around waiting for the bbc stamp of approval#but i do sometimes wish 60s characters were given just a titch more space to be emotional in the stuff they have coming out now#bc they talk a lot about how the 60s weren't especially character driven but then they act like the only way to do that#is by making plots revolve tightly around characters#and im not complaining about that either but i do feel it ignores the rather simpler fix of just focusing on their feelings more#and still writing plots that feel of the era#it just seems like a happy medium for the things they talk about wanting to achieve in audio/writing 60s characters in the 2020s#but...hmm..#the author of that which went away is maybe one of the only people that COULD make me think a genuinely emotional reunion is on the table#so clown shoes it is then#talk to me in a year and see where that's gotten me i guess#this is one of those right-at-the-tag-limit posts isn't it?#go figure
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