#bc they're all really close like there is no resentment between parents and children in their family
lungfuls · 1 year
since my mom moved out I've thought from time to time about why exactly I was so hurt by her when I can't even remember most of the actual things she said/did to me when she was angry (just that they happened and I hated her for it). I ask myself if it's useful to continue to care about it or if it's possible to totally divorce myself from it and be someone who doesn't feel wounded. on the ride home from NY M's mom and I were talking about my concerns about being like my mom/my son turning out like I did and the similarities between her daughter who is kind of estranged from the family and my mom. she said that it hurts her daughter's kids to see her fucked up, which she doesn't hide from them, and that they feel like there's no point behaving well because their mom will find something to lose her shit about anyway. that was enlightening for me bc that's exactly how my mom was... it was nice to hear someone say that that sort of behavior is hurtful
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somer-writes · 9 months
Ayo random question cuz I’m so interested: what exactly do you head-cannon is Warrior’s past? (If you don’t then just ignore me :D)
so full warning here i have never played the hyrule warriors games bc they're not my thing (i have played fe warriors bc robin my beloved <3). i dont know any of the canon so this is pure headcanon fuckery:
-> warriors is highly based on midshipmen who were young officers in training aboard navel vessels usually from upper class families. except he's army so i call him a middleman instead bc i dont have a better alternative XD
-> he (like all/most of the links) is orphaned. he was old enough that he vaguely remembers his parents but young enough that he couldnt tell you anything about them.
-> from the orphanage, he was adopted by a noble family (which i havent come up with a name for yet). he has four adopted siblings who are all the biological children of this lord and lady
-> despite being adopted young it was always made clear that he was specifically adopted out of charity to make the family look good. warriors spent most of his childhood being paraded around as the poor orphan commoner who is learning how to be a proper gentleman and never as an actual son/brother
-> he is not close to any of his family and in fact resents his adopted father. his adopted mother never really had much to do with him and neither did his siblings so he just has a vague distaste for them. he does not speak to them of his own accord but the child in him still wants to please his adopted father so he is still involved with them
-> he grew up receiving an education and was held to much stricter standards than his siblings. he received very little praise for his efforts and was spared very little affection so he always worked himself to the bone for any scrap of it he could get. as a result hes extremely well read and quite good at math
-> at 14 he was sent into the army as a middleman. his father claimed it was because he was the only one of the children who would do well there. he excelled there if only bc he was finally somewhere he could receive the recognition he so desperately wanted/needed.
-> he did not have an easy time making friends bc he was a bit of a kiss ass and did not/does not know how to form and maintain valuable close relationships
-> warriors doesn't really know the difference between genuine affection and being praised for his usefulness. it's not difficult to take advantage of him by inflating his ego
-> he sets impossible standards for himself (some of which were forced upon him) and practices a lot of self-loathing when he feels as though he's failed
-> he refers to his adopted father as his "benefactor" but will call him father in passing
-> he doesn't write home
-> warriors saw his first battle at 16. he killed his first enemy at 17. he still has nightmares about both
-> we're getting a little fucky with ranks here but he *is* an officer. specifically a captain which is company grade. he likely commands small units on the battlefield but mostly up until the war of ages worked as a liaison. i think during the war he was given much more responsibility but his rank stayed the same bc chaos. he regrets every person who ever died under his command :(
(continued in part 2!)
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solasan · 2 years
👪🐺📚 for olenna?
[ 👪 ] what is your muse’s relationship with their parents like? was it always this way?
oof. complicated. she remembers her father fondly, but theirs was an odd dynamic; with three sons, willem didn't really know how to talk to a daughter, let alone what to do with her, for all that he loved her dearly. they had little overlapping interests before he died, though she took up his bookishness out of grief once he'd been buried and has since begun to feel closer to him when she reads.
her relationship with her mother is... complex. she trusts danelle; she trusts that she has olenna's best interests in mind, that she loves her, that she protects her. but danelle's parenting became pretty isolating and controlling after willem, rymund, and theomar died, so things are definitely unhealthy and a little codependent between them. during the war they kind of only had each other to talk to, so they're extremely close, but definitely not in a way that should be envied.
danelle also holds olenna to a very high standard; she expects her daughter to be perfect in every way (spiritually, physically, emotionally) and her disappointment whenever this proves untrue is very difficult for olenna to handle. it's in a bid to seek out her mother's approval that she becomes queen in the first place, even though it isn't what she wants at all, and for all that she and aegon luckily end up being very well-matched, she'll always harbour a small, secret resentment for danelle for basically forcing her down a life path she wouldn't have chosen for herself.
[ 🐺 ] does your muse like solitude? do they prefer it to being around others? how easily does your muse get lonely?
she thinks she likes solitude dsshdsjk. really, she's just been alone for so long that it's what she's used to? the oakhearts spent most of the dance of the dragons holed up in old oak, being regarded suspiciously by their neighbours and mourning their loved ones. she spent a lot of hours alone. and honestly she doesn't like being around a lot of people after that kind of isolation, bc it scares her, but some limited company (coughaegoncough) is nice. she'd prefer to be alone than surrounded by people at a tourney, definitely, because she'll never like crowds, but she'd also prefer to sit and read with aegon than do it on her lonesome. she finds it difficult to make friends at court (bc she can't stand politicking and everyone who talks to her seems to want something from her) and she's lonely then, but once baela and rhaena extend a hand of friendship to her, she wants for nothing.
[ 📚 ] what books does your muse have on their bookshelf? what books would they like to have? if your muse isn’t an avid reader, is there anything they collect or might like to collect?
oh god so many. olenna's a huge bookworm; she's read the entire library at old oak many times and once she becomes queen, it doesn't take her long to start making her way through the one in the red keep. some of them are silly fairytales, but a lot of them are actually tomes on history and theology; she owns an extremely ornate copy of the seven pointed star that, for the first twenty years of her reign, she reads every night before bed. (it... probably gets thrown in her fireplace when she abandons the faith, but whatever.) she also has several compilations of reacher stories (like ones about garth greenhand, for example), which she reads from whenever she puts the children to bed. i imagine she'd be really interested in acquiring a history of john the oak, the founder of her house.
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