#bc theyre the most calm/safe in his presence
itsredpaint · 10 months
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sleeping arrangements
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staryuee · 6 months
may i do a request ? ^^
characs: xiao, lumine, aether and itto (you can add more) separately
charac calming their s/o down bcs theyre afraid of thunderstorms :))
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꒰warnings꒱. N/A
⠀꒲ ` characters . . . lumine, aether, xiao, ei, itto, lynette, neuvillette.
⠀꒲ ` notes . . . awhwahh opened the forbidden inbox bc my brain isn’t working. muah love you guys lots… (。 ́︿ ̀。)
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lumine closes the windows and shuts the curtains diligently before returning to your side. she’s long been desensitised to the crackling sounds of thunder and rain, but seeing you like this has somehow made her become more conscious of the horrific bellowing that can resides in the sky above.
she wraps her arms gently around you, letting your head rest on her shoulder. her words are softly spoken as she whispers affirmations with every press of her lips onto your hair.
although feeling slightly foolish that you allowed a mere strike of thunder coddle you to a sense of loss and panic, lumine was always there to ground you back into reality; “you’re fine, you’re safe, it’ll be alright.” those three little affirmations she repeated like a mantra or choir chorus, helping your breath settle into something so much more serene.
his fingers carefully trace circles on your palm softly - an unconscious form of solace for himself too. aether knows all too well what it’s like to be afraid of thunderstorms. he hums a random tune from his recent journey in fontaine to lull your heartbeat into a neutral melody.
“would you…like me to stay quiet and hold you or to talk about something?” aether asks politely, his free hand reaching up to pat your head in awkward consolation. in his childhood, he’s always been the one being comforted, so while he’s trying to use all the tactics his beloved sister did to bring him solace, it’s hard to relax you in a way a lover would.
regardless, whatever form of solace you choose to endeavour in, aether will gladly oblige.
XIAO — 魈
xiao has no idea how to comfort himself let alone others, but he’s trying his…best. while he did initially have to awkwardly ask zhongli or the traveler whether there were ways to relax someone when their phobia drew them to panic, under the guise of “simple curiosity for mortal dilemmas” the old archon and adventurous traveler were already well versed in the true nature of his questionings.
he’s scared to touch you so freely, his touch so tentative as he wraps a nervous arm around your waist. he lingered before reluctantly, and with an uneasy heartbeat, pulling you into his side. your head fell onto his shoulder, trembling hands clutching onto anything you could; whether it was his clothing or your own, a hand or something like a nearby pillow.
xiao is a usually physically cold person, his temperature nearly always low and nearly icy, you wonder at the irony as it is that his body heat feels oddly comforting, but you don’t dare say anything. you settle instead for burying yourself deeper within him as his hand rests on your waist, slowly rubbing soothing circles with his thumb; your eyes slipping closed in response as you focus on the calming feeling of xiao’s embrace.
upon hearing about your fear of thunderstorms, ei desperately attempted to understand the reason why. when you tried explaining to her your explanation or perhaps lack thereof, it led her to be immediately more confused. humans are once again, too complex for a puppet like raiden; so when you opt to instead affirm her that all you need during those times of anxiety is comfort, it prompts her to be most at ease when the time comes.
now, ei doesn’t always necessarily have control over thunderstorms. nature is omniscient and sometimes even the gods themselves can’t foolishly have control over something so much superior in terms of presence. when the first very familiar zaps of thunder roared through the now purplish skies, her first thoughts were of you.
she rushed to your abode with a determined expression, particles of electro swirling around her as if enraged; leading to many of those in inazuma to tremble and scatter. once inside, she wasted very little time in providing you with a loving embrace, her body cold from being out for so long but bringing you that sense of security regardless.
A. ITTO — 荒泷一斗
itto is fearless. until it comes to seeing you trembling and vulnerable, almost like a sad puppy that’s just been carelessly abandoned by its mother — his direct analysis not mine. he feels genuine pity and empathy more than any sensitive human, whether it’s because you’re his beloved or someone he simply cares about is meaningless. all he knows right now is that he needs to help.
he puffs out his chest and like a proud boyfriend should, immediately pulls you into an embrace. placing your head onto his chest (GIANT manboobs.), his fingers scratch at your scalp calmly. itto’s expression was absolutely serene, completely relaxed and comfortable as his free hand held onto your waist, squeezing it occasionally to remind you of his presence.
until you inevitably fall asleep in his warming embrace, itto will remain unmoving like a rock; akin to his very own geo vision.
lynette’s kitty ears twitch with every hit of thunder against the fluttering ocean or windy ground. she continues feasting on her sweet snacks before she shortly catches a glimpse of your furrowed eyebrows and downturned expression that highlighted everything but joy.
reluctantly, she abandoned her sweets and trotted over to you with a frown, head tilting at your assumed display of nerves. she tapped your shoulder, “everything alright?” you shake your head, to which she nodded as some form of acknowledgment or understanding.
“scared of thunderstorms?” the subtle yet almost shameful nod from you led her to finally reciprocate all those times you’ve held her oh so affectionately, her arms pulling you into a soft but hesitant embrace. her fingers find their place in your head, scratching occasionally at your scalp or simply playing with some stray hairs.
lynette is not very good with words, if honestly she had the choice of never speaking again or becoming one of the opera epiclese’s most infamous stars (well, in one way she already is i suppose), she’d immediately choose the former. however, she’s more than content with letting herself ramble as you cling onto her for safety.
“you know, there are a few ways to get over a phobia.” neuvillette mutters against your hairline, the soothing sound of his voice managing to ground you in some way despite the sudden shift from silence.
“ironically, i believe this specific scenario would be classified as ‘flooding’.” he begins to go on a looongg explanation on the psychology of immediate exposure to a feared stimulus…honestly the entire thing makes you so sleepy you begin self-blocking the roaring sound of thunder outside the window.
you’d usually have half the mind to just quiet him up with a passionate kiss, but this instance certainly required the deep rumbling of his voice against your ear to talk about literally anything, just to offer you a moment of respite.
while neuvillette is able to stop the downpour of rain in fontaine, especially since he finds such comfort holding you tightly within his reach, there’s unfortunately little he can do for the intermittent crackling sound of thunder. therefore, he’s more than happy lulling you into sleep until it passes over, when he doesn’t have to witness you so shaken and frightened — a sight he wishes he could forget permanently.
let’s just hope raiden ei decides her reign of thunder is good for the day because otherwise, neuvillette might be twice as harsh on the inevitable “day of judgement.”
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©STARYUEE do not copy, steal or repost <3
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