#bc viewers were comparing the hords of zombies with immigrants and he wanted to exploit that
zoethebitch · 1 year
Alex has been rewatching the walking dead over the past couple weeks and I was initially not enthusiastic about it at all but there's a pretty massive shift in like the last 2 seasons of the show that I'm not entirely sure how to explain like this show spent about a decade being one of the most reactionary properties on television and somehow ended its run on a message of how the culture of America before the apocalypse, its individualism, and the inequalities of capitalism cannot be allowed to persist in this world anymore, and the only way forward is to end the accumulation of wealth and exploitation of the workers??
idk enough about the comics to know if they like kinda had to do this bc of the source material or what but it was kinda baffling like I noticed the show was starting to get like surprisingly watchable around season 9 and but the choice to make capitalism the final season antagonist caught me by surprise
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