dustedmagazine · 11 months
BCMC — Foreign Smokes (Drag City)
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Photo by the Visualist
Each of the four pieces on BCMC’s Foreign Smokes, a full-length collaboration between the guitarist Bill Mackay and the multi-instrumentalist Cooper Crain, begins somewhere small — a few investigatory notes from Mackay’s guitar, a warm drone from Crain’s keys. Ideas are trotted out, the pace and intensity accelerating when both players latch onto something. There is little in the way of pyrotechnics, though the music never stands still or bogs down. This is improvisation as exploration and exchange; one player cuts a trail in a few directions, giving his counterpart options; gesturing with a question, rather than dictating anything.
At the outset of the third track, “Ripple in High Tide,” Mackay bends a few short notes, while Crain sets twinkling touches around the margins. They go on like this until a prodding two-note bass pattern rises up and marches forward. It is a steadying presence, a clockwork plunk of pebbles producing the titular wavelet. Mackay’s picking remains relatively plain, allowing Crain an opening to send shafts of glimmering synth down over the proceedings. Crain’s part established, Mackay takes another step, playing each note just a bit harder, sending the echo farther out. Halfway through, Mackay locks into step over the bassline, walking his guitar into compact bursts as synths sway and sparkle and the organ drone applies greater and greater pressure. This model for playing off of each other — a sonic wall built one intriguing stone at a time — allows either one of Crain or Mackay to incite the action without overshadowing what they’re creating together.
A pearly organ riff emerges from the opening ease of the last song, “Sunset Saturn.” After a few bars, Mackay joins in, sending picked guitar notes tailing out into the reddening sky. The pair trade the spotlight over a persistent drone until they’re deep in conversation; Mackay’s guitar is vivid and peaceful, strumming over a meandering organ which builds to a pleasant bluster, Crain letting loose like a cosmic prog-rocker. Throughout Foreign Smokes, Crain plays with great vitality and without ostentacion, allowing his parts to grow organically from the scene he and Mackay are forming, with the tangible excitement of ad hoc realization. Like his work in Bitchin Bajas, the space illuminated by his music is liable to shift; the ground you’re standing on is still solid, but look up and your surroundings have swirled and warped. What begins in tranquility can quickly turn sordid and eerie, dropping you somewhere more brambled and complex by the end. Sometimes, however, there’s unease from the start. Track two, “The Swarm,” is underlaid by drawn out minor synth chords, which are soon joined by tense squiggles of guitar. Fuller, ostensibly more charismatic guitar and organ parts strive to break through over the top, but the song’s anxious feel breeds on these shifting keys and billowing textures; the bright and the palpable unsettled by hoots from a threatening forest.
The sound of Foreign Smokes is deceptively straightforward considering the rich ambience and evocative moods the pair achieve. While it rewards multiple listens with novel wrinkles – cymbals that settle into the mist, a flinty synth stab that might’ve been shorn from a Depeche Mode chorus  – and is fleshed out and dramatized with a supporting array of synthesizers, the album’s greatest bounty is gathered from the immediate and simple interplay between Mackay’s lightly affected guitar and Crain’s similarly stripped down organ. The first time through, you hear Foreign Smokes in the familiar voices of those instruments, piped and plucked from around the corner, music filling a room you’re not sure you’ve reached until you’re at the center of it.
Alex Johnson
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sinceileftyoublog · 7 months
BCMC & andplay Live Show Review: 2/20, Constellation, Chicago
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Tuesday night marked the beginning of the Peter Margasak-curated Frequency Festival, an annual event hosted by Constellation that focuses on contemporary classical and experimental music. Though this year's lineup is heavy on microtonal music, specifically string players, the headliner of night one was a guitar-and-synth-wizard supergroup. BCMC is guitarist Bill MacKay and Cave/Bitchin Bajas multi-instrumentalist Cooper Crain. They had been playing live together for a few years before releasing their debut album Foreign Smokes last year via Drag City. Unlike what I imagine was the experience of many folks in the crowd on Tuesday, this was my first time seeing BCMC live. Witnessing their performance after their album was released, meaning I had a number of months to digest it, gave me a greater appreciation for how the duo was able to, live, build off of their compositions.
BCMC started off with abstract sounds, gradually becoming more concrete before reverting back to rounded noise. MacKay's bluesy guitar riffs embedded within Crain's synthesizer hum, replete with a sense of motion akin to a chugging train, simultaneously swirling and gentle. At times, the songs turned percussive, via pulsations, as MacKay either meandered or ripped slide guitar licks. Even Crain got an opportunity to solo on the keyboard on "The Swarm". Simultaneously tactile and droney, BCMC were able to lull you into hypnosis and suddenly capture you at the command of their instruments.
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The opening set from NYC-based string duo andPlay, meanwhile, set the tone (no pun intended) for the rest of the festival's ethos. Violinist Maya Bennardo and violist Hannah Levinson performed the two pieces that make up their latest album Translucent Harmonies (Another Timbre), both of which use just intonation. Kristofer Svensson's "Vid stenmuren blir tanken blomma" (“By the Stone Wall, Thoughts Become Flower”) emphasized extremely short strokes of different lengths and volume, using pauses and ultimate silence to create a sense of tension and disintegration. At times, one player would play a note--a mere pluck--and the other would continue their stroke, resembling a sort of synaptic process. Ultimately, the piece was paradoxically meditative, consistent in its lack of consistency. Their second piece, Catherine Lamb's "Prisma Interius VIII", was comparatively deliberate, the players playing in tandem at times and not just off of each other. As a duo, in contrast to larger ensembles who have played on other recorded versions of the piece, Bennardo and Levinson were able to strip "Prisma Interius VIII" down to its essential elements. Though there were many contrasts between andPlay and BCMC--in instrumentation, in groove (or lack thereof), in space--the two acts shared a common desire to hold your patience and deep attention, toy with your expectations, and make you reflect.
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bcmcsolutions · 12 days
Smoke Alarm Compliance: What You Need to Know
Ensuring your property complies with smoke alarm regulations is crucial for safety and legal compliance. Regularly checking and maintaining your smoke alarms can save lives in emergencies. If you're unsure about how to manage your alarms, BCMC Solutions offers detailed smoke alarm manuals to guide you through proper installation and maintenance. Stay updated with the latest requirements to keep your home or rental property protected. Prioritize safety by making sure your smoke alarms are up to code!
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thisworldisablackhole · 2 months
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July 27, 2024
12km / 1660m hike (with a tiny bit of running when the terrain allowed) up the Grouse Grind and onward to Crown Mountain with my brother. We had intended to tag another peak and then take the BCMC trail back to the bottom, but we were short on time so we opted for the gondola. Fine by me, cause my legs were absolutely cooked. So much elevation in such a short distance.
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shaswatshukla99 · 4 months
Understanding BDA and BBMP: Key Players in Bangalore’s Urban Development
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In the dynamic landscape of Bangalore’s real estate, two significant entities play pivotal roles in shaping the city’s urban fabric: the Bangalore Development Authority (BDA) and the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP). Though they have distinct responsibilities, their combined efforts are crucial for Bangalore’s growth and development.
What is BDA? Understanding the Bangalore Development Authority
The Bangalore Development Authority (BDA) is a cornerstone of urban planning and development in Bangalore. Established in 1976, it succeeded the City Improvement Trust Board (CITB), formed in 1945 to manage the city’s developmental activities. The BDA’s primary mandate is to address Bangalore’s growing housing needs and oversee urban development.
Historical Evolution
The BDA was formed by merging the CITB with the Bangalore Urban Arts Commission (BUAC) to create a comprehensive body capable of handling the city’s rapid expansion and increasing demand for housing. This merger marked a significant milestone in Bangalore’s developmental journey, laying the foundation for modern urban planning in the city.
Core Objectives and Responsibilities
The BDA is responsible for planning, coordinating, and overseeing Bangalore’s urban infrastructure and amenities. Its tasks include land allocation for residential, commercial, and institutional use, formulating layout plans, and executing large-scale infrastructure projects. The BDA also regulates land use, ensuring compliance with zoning regulations to promote orderly development.
Planning and Development Initiatives
One of the BDA’s key functions is spearheading urban planning initiatives to accommodate the city’s growing population while preserving its environmental and cultural heritage. This involves preparing master plans, development plans, and zoning regulations to guide the city’s orderly growth. The BDA also undertakes infrastructure projects like road networks, water supply systems, sewage treatment plants, and parks to enhance residents’ quality of life.
Land Allocation and Allotment
The BDA allocates land for various purposes through public auctions, tenders, or allotment schemes. It identifies suitable sites for development, prepares layout plans, and allocates plots to individuals, developers, or institutions. This process involves rigorous scrutiny to ensure transparency, fairness, and compliance with regulatory requirements.
Regulatory Framework
Operating within a regulatory framework defined by laws such as the Karnataka Town and Country Planning Act, the Karnataka Municipal Corporation Act, and the Karnataka Land Revenue Act, the BDA governs land use, construction activities, and environmental protection. It also follows its own set of rules, bylaws, and guidelines.
Challenges and Future Directions
Despite its contributions, the BDA faces challenges like addressing housing needs for marginalized communities, managing urban sprawl, and promoting sustainable transportation systems. Adapting and innovating to meet the evolving needs of Bangalore’s residents remains a priority for the BDA as the city continues to grow and transform.
What is BBMP? Unveiling the Role of Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike
The Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) is the local governing body responsible for Bangalore’s urban landscape. Established in 2007, the BBMP resulted from the merger of the Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BMP) with seven city municipal councils and one town municipal council. Its primary role is to ensure efficient administration, provision of basic amenities, and sustainable development across Bangalore’s core areas.
Historical Evolution
The BBMP’s roots can be traced to the establishment of the Bangalore City Municipal Corporation (BCMC) in 1949, which evolved into the Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BMP). With the city’s rapid expansion, a unified and cohesive administrative structure became necessary, leading to the formation of the BBMP in 2007 to govern Greater Bangalore.
Core Objectives and Responsibilities
As the apex municipal body, the BBMP is responsible for providing essential civic services, maintaining public infrastructure, and promoting the overall well-being of Bangalore’s residents. Its functions include waste management, water supply, sanitation, road maintenance, public health, urban planning, and property tax collection. The BBMP operates under the principle of ensuring equitable access to services and amenities for all citizens.
Urban Governance and Civic Services
The BBMP oversees the day-to-day governance of Bangalore’s core areas, which include diverse neighborhoods, commercial hubs, and institutional zones. This involves formulating and implementing policies, regulations, and bylaws to address urban challenges and ensure smooth municipal services. The BBMP collaborates with other government agencies, non-profit organizations, and community stakeholders to achieve its objectives.
Waste Management and Sanitation
The BBMP manages the collection, transportation, and disposal of solid waste within its jurisdiction. It operates garbage collection vehicles, segregation and processing facilities, and landfill sites. Additionally, the BBMP promotes composting, recycling, and waste-to-energy projects to minimize the environmental impact of solid waste disposal.
Water Supply and Infrastructure
Ensuring a reliable water supply is a key priority for the BBMP. It maintains and expands water distribution networks, reservoirs, and treatment plants to meet the demands of Bangalore’s residents and businesses. The BBMP addresses issues such as water scarcity, pollution, and conservation through strategic planning and investment in water management infrastructure.
Property Tax Collection and Revenue Generation
Property tax collection is a significant revenue source for the BBMP, funding essential municipal services and infrastructure projects. The BBMP assesses property values, levies taxes, and collects dues from property owners within its jurisdiction. This revenue is vital for maintaining public amenities and implementing development initiatives.
Challenges and Future Directions
The BBMP faces challenges such as rapid urbanization, inadequate infrastructure, environmental degradation, and governance issues. Addressing these challenges requires policy reforms, investment in infrastructure, community engagement, and capacity building. As Bangalore continues to evolve, the BBMP is committed to ensuring a sustainable, inclusive, and vibrant urban environment.
Conclusion: BDA and BBMP — Pillars of Bangalore’s Growth
In the intricate tapestry of urban development, the BDA and BBMP serve as pillars of Bangalore’s growth and governance. While the BDA focuses on planned development and infrastructure, the BBMP ensures efficient governance and provision of basic amenities. Recognizing their complementary roles is crucial for Bangalore’s holistic development and sustainable future.
Are BDA and BBMP the same entities? No, BDA focuses on planning and development, while BBMP handles local governance.
What types of properties does BDA approve? BDA approves layout plans, housing constructions, and commercial projects.
Which areas fall under BMRDA’s jurisdiction? Properties in Bangalore’s outer ring are governed by BMRDA.
What are the key responsibilities of BBMP? BBMP manages civic affairs, including waste management, water supply, and property tax collection.
How do BDA and BBMP contribute to Bangalore’s development? BDA focuses on planned development, while BBMP ensures efficient governance and amenities provision.
What is the difference between BDA and BBMP? BDA oversees planned development in Bangalore’s inner ring, while BBMP manages day-to-day urban services in the city’s core areas.
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bixpicks · 10 months
Bix Picks 2023
10. H. Hawkline - Milk For Flowers (Heavenly)
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Track: Milk For Flowers
Charmingly askew Singer-songwriter with a 70's pop bent
9. James Ellis Ford - The Hum (Warp)
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Track: I Never Wanted Anything
Heavy Eno vibes On producers' producer's Debut solo set
8. André 3000 - New Blue Sun (Epic)
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Track: I Swear, I Really Wanted to Make a "Rap Album" But This Is Literally the Way the Wind Blew Me This Time
If you loved Outkast And miss hearing André rap This is not for you
7. A. Savage - Several Songs About Fire (Rough Trade)
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Track: Thanksgiving Prayer
Chiller than Parquet And at times even better Easy vibe to ride
6. Kofi Flexxx - Flowers in the Dark (Native Rebel)
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Track: It Was a All a Dream
Mystery man (but Clearly Shabaka Hutchings) Jazzy, rappy, soul
5. The Clientele - I Am Not That There Anymore (Merge)
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Track: Fables of the Silverlink
Sonic departure From their signature sound yet Still retains their charm
4. Arooj Aftab / Vijay Iyer / Shahzad Ismaily - Love in Exile (Verve)
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Track: To Remain/To Return
A healing ear balm Hypnotic voice entwines with Jazzy ambience
3. Jaimie Branch - Fly or Die Fly or Die Fly or Die ((world war)) (International Anthem )
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Track: Borealis Dancing Bright, bursting with life And wildly inventive R.I.P. Jaimie
2. Billy Woods x Kenny Segal - Maps (Backwoodz Studioz)
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Track: FaceTime Clearly in the midst Of his imperial phase This might be his best
1. Blur - The Ballad of Darren (Parlophone)
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Track: The Narcissist
A somber affair Yet brimming with love and hope Midlife is rubbish
HONORABLE MENTION (in alphabetical order)
-Animal Collective - Isn’t It Now? (Domino) -BCMC - Foreign Smokes (Drag City) -Cornelius - Dream in Dream (Warner Music Japan) -Blake Mills - Jelly Road (New Deal/Verve) -Natural Information Society - Since Time is Gravity (Eremite) -The Necks - Travel (Northern Spy) -Slowdive - everything is alive (Dead Oceans) -Sufjan Stevens - Javelin (Asthmatic Kitty) -Wilco - Cousins (dBpm) -Yo La Tengo - This Stupid World (Matador)
Bix Picks 2023 Spotify Playlist
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sistemacert · 1 year
Step by step read the given article and read about the Top 8-Advantages Of ISO 22301 Certification (BCMC).Link - https://bit.ly/46znRMM . . ISO 22301 Certification . . ISO Certification in Oman . . #ISOCertification #ISOCertificationinOman #ISO22301inOman #Oman #ISO22301
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motorsportverso · 1 year
GT4 Eurropean Series Hockheimring Corrida 1
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Top 5
1-30-Still\Kronberg-Porsche Cayman GT4 CS RS-W& S Motorsport-27 Laps,PA
2-22-Hartivig\Schaap-Porsche Cayman GT4 CS RS-Allied Racing,Silver Cup
3-110-Cauhaupe\Tirma-Alpine A110 GT4-Autoesport GP,Silver Cup
4-4-Farre\Gogallak-Mercedes-AMG GT4-BCMC Motorsport,Silver Cup
5-5-Day\Del Sarte-Astom Martin Vantage AMR GT4-Mirage Racing, Silver Cup
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remotejobslisting · 1 year
Sr. Systems Engineer at BCMC, LLC
The USAF Advanced Battle Management System contract delivers services, software, documentation, and data that establish data feeds in the CBC2 Cloud One (C1) IL-4 environment (“Phase1”) with an option for the CBC2 C1 IL-6 (“Phase2”) environment. This will be accomplished through the CBC2 agile, modern, iterative approach to software delivery through PlatformONE. The immediate result will be FAA…
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View On WordPress
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arenitacreations · 3 years
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BCMC Trail -North Vancouver, BC Photography- Tote Bag RedBubble Merchandise Designed and sold by Arenita - 2019 Beautiful photography from inside the BCMC trail in North Vancouver Canada. I love nature and one of my hobbies is photography. I hope you like the design as much as I do. Arenita Creations #arenitacreationsdesign #arenita #arenitacreations #arenitacreationshop #redbubble #redbubbleartist #redbubblealloverprinttotebag #redbubbletotebag #redbubbletotebags #totebag #nature #woods #northvancouver #britishcolumbia #canada🇨🇦 #bcmctrail #BCMC (at Surrey, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNqTPBcjQQJ/?igshid=fadu12k6so2t
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dustedmagazine · 4 months
Bill MacKay — Locust Land (Drag City)
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Photo by Yvette Dostatni
It can be hard to keep up with all of Chicago guitarist Bill MacKay’s musical comings and goings. It’s important to note, though, that he’s been involved in a couple of my most beloved records of recent years: Ryley Walker’s Course In Fable (2021), which featured MacKay on electric guitar, and BCMC’s Foreign Smokes (2023), his atmospheric instrumental duo with Cooper Crain. Needless to say, the release of new MacKay music is worth heeding to those in the know.
Locust Land is an understated, intermittently lovely series of musical miniatures that sets modest parameters and then pushes playfully against them. The opening two songs offer an overview of the landscape at play. “Phantasmic Fairy” is an eerie instrumental tiptoe through the wardrobe of the imagination, tracing out icy figures on organ and electric guitar that hang suspended precariously. The chill immediately thaws on “Keeping In Time,” a glowing folk tune with both acoustic guitar and the background growl of an overdriven electric, introducing MacKay’s voice for the first time on the record (it crops up a couple more times on “Half of You” and “When I Was Here”). His vocal timbre is at times reminiscent of the yearning purity of James Taylor, but also the rough-hewn, off-the-cuff feel of labelmate Jim O’Rourke.
“Glow Drift” is the kind of upbeat instrumental you can imagine soundtracking a TV series about off-road driving, the guitar lines smartly harking back to the preceding song’s vocal melody. “Half of You” and “Oh Pearl” comprise the most loosely defined stretch on the album, and for a nine-song, half-hour record, this loss of focus is noticeable. “Half of You” has a hazy, Sunday-afternoon charm, but the on-the-nose lyrics feel like they could have used another pass, and while “Oh Pearl” introduces a couple of nice chord changes, it meanders a little and peters out towards the end.
“Radiator” is grounded by the pulse of Sam Wagster’s bass, against which two electric guitar lines and organ weave a glowing lattice, harking back to “Glow Drift”’s radiant palette. Then it feels like the album reaches its apex with “When I Was Here,” all of the record’s musical ideas coalescing into a single anthemic moment. “Neil’s Field” is a short, atmospheric vignette woven from female vocals and organ, before the closing title track’s theme resounds on piano, organ and multiple guitars.
Having listened to Locust Land a dozen times, I still don’t have a clear sense of what Locust Land is. But I do know it’s a beautiful place to visit, and I’m willing to trust MacKay as my tour guide for whatever musical ramble he has planned next.
Tim Clarke
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bcmch · 3 years
The Oncology field has emerged in the healthcare sector with its novel technologies and plethora of research taking place. Interventional Oncology was a breakthrough in cancer diagnosis and therapy in the 21st century.Interventional Oncology is a breakthrough of the 21st century in cancer diagnosis and therapy. Cancer remains one of the leading causes of mortality in the world.Currently, Oncology is one of the most rapidly growing fields in healthcare due to its new technologies and a plethora of research being conducted. Interventional Oncology was one of the great breakthroughs of the 21st century in cancer diagnosis and treatment.
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daughtersofbeer · 6 years
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We have summited #cheers from Grouse with a pair of tasty @lagunitasbeer IPAs as a post-BCMA hike treat #beerhike #ipa #beersunday #beerme #beer #beerpics #craftbeer #hoplove #hopheads #beerbuddies #beautifulbc #grouse #bcmc (at Grouse Mountain-The Peak of Vancouver)
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bcmcsolutions · 4 months
Smoke Alarm Compliance
BCMC Solutions specializes in smoke alarm compliance, ensuring your property meets all regulatory standards. Their expert team provides comprehensive services, including installation, maintenance, and inspections of smoke alarms. BCMC Solutions stays updated with the latest compliance requirements, offering peace of mind and enhanced safety for homeowners and property managers. With a focus on quality and reliability, they use top-of-the-line equipment and provide thorough documentation for compliance records. Trust BCMC Solutions to handle all aspects of smoke alarm compliance, ensuring your property is safe and up to code. Their commitment to safety and excellence makes them a leader in the field.
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cryptoido · 3 years
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✅ Whitelist for BCMC token IDO is now LIVE on Polkastarter (bsc), ChainBoost (eth), and MoonEdge (polygon). 🟢 How to participate To participate in the $BCMC token sale on any platform, you need to complete ALL the steps mentioned below: 🔸️Follow Blockchain Monster Hunt on Twitter 🔸️Join The Blockchain Monster Hunt telegram group 🔸️Join The Blockchain Monster Hunt telegram ANN channel 🔸️Join The Blockchain Monster Hunt Discord 🔸️Subscribe to The Blockchain Monster Hunt Blog 🔸️Subscribe to The Blockchain Monster Hunt Youtube channel 🔸️Like and follow The Blockchain Monster Hunt Facebook page 🔸️Retweet this post on your Twitter and add a few sentences about the Blockchain Monster Hunt game 🖍Register by filling in the form ❗Make sure you followed all the steps and entered all the required information in the registration form. Qualified users will be randomized draw from one of the IDO platforms. 🥇Once the whitelisting process ends, whitelist lottery winners will be contacted from an @bcmhunt.com email. ℹ BlockChain Monster Coin (BCMC) is the ultimate treasure that all Blockchain Monster Hunters seek. Players will be able to use BCMC to gain advantage in the hunt, save lives, earn status and participate in governance. The top echelon of BCMC HODLers will also be able to challenge monsters forthe most lucrative rewards. Thank you for your participation! --- Crypto IDO 😎 More projects on our telegram channel
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mindylouambrose · 6 years
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[ SPONTANEITY IS LIFE ] Sometimes you just have to do cool shit whether you feel prepared or not for the sake of celebrating spontaneity don't you think? 😁👌 in many cases I am the ultimate planner and have a hawk eye for details but I worship my freedom to be spontaneous more times than not. Where do you fall? Yesterday we made it through the @grousemountain gate TWO minutes before it was closed, after a spontaneous decision to hike the #BCMC trail. It started snowing juuuust as we finished. It was a perfect evening. . I looked like an unprepared spaz, wearing mismatched gloves and basic mesh running shoes in the snow lol. (We just moved and I can't find ny outdoor gear). But, at least I managed to borrow spikes on short notice. It worked out. 😎 . PSA: YES BCMC is open but the #grousegrind is still closed obviously. If you have never hiked #BCMC DO IT 😁 . (at Grouse Mountain)
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